zxcvzxcv ago

Sticky this.

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Vindicator ago

I needed a good laugh.

ihatejunkiemail ago

seig heil

ihatejunkiemail ago

said the illiterate person spellin honor. go back to your own diverse europe. were full. ' murica

Lauraingalls ago

"Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church in Poland

Public execution of Polish priests and civilians in Bydgoszcz's Old Market Square on 9 September 1939.

The Catholic Church in Poland was brutally suppressed by the Nazis during the German Occupation of Poland (1939-1945). Repression of the Church was at its most severe in Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany, where churches were systematically closed and most priests were either killed, imprisoned, or deported. From across Poland, thousands of priests died in prisons and concentration camps; thousands of churches and monasteries were confiscated, closed or destroyed; and priceless works of religious art and sacred objects were lost forever. Church leaders were targeted as part of an overall effort to destroy Polish culture. At least 1811 Polish clergy died in Nazi concentration camps. An estimated 3000 clergy were killed in all. Hitler's plans for the Germanization of the East saw no place for the Christian Churches.[1]

The massive crimes inflicted against Polish Catholicism took place in the wider context of the Nazi crimes against Poles under Generalplan Ost, as the German regime implanted a general policy of eventually eliminating Poland's existence. Adolf Hitler himself remarked in August 1939 that he wanted his Death's Head forces "to kill without pity or mercy all men, women, and children of Polish descent or language."

srayzie ago

I’m not denying it existed. I’ve said that several times.

Lauraingalls ago

Srayzie I'm not talking to YOU.

SandHog ago

Holy shit, this broad is still going on about this?

srayzie ago

Apparently. Even tho I respected her wishes to leave her alone about it.

Lauraingalls ago

I get NONSTOP COMMENTS SENT to me. I'm only responding.

Lauraingalls ago

People keep contacting ME, for your info.

srayzie ago

Ok thank you

Lauraingalls ago

YW. Please don't jump to conclusions.

SandHog ago

She is just as bad as the neo-nazis are in trying to convert and convince people that their version is 100% absolute fact. Ironically, they have been a lot nicer than she has throughout this thread. I find that pretty amusing.

srayzie ago

I thought you didn’t want to talk about it

Lauraingalls ago


Dragon40 ago

I just love watching WWII scholar wannabes shrug off hundreds of thousands of pages of FACT without supporting evidence of falsity. Says it all.

solo7 ago

hey, the deprogramming course worked..........you've turned away from documented history and now believe the lie. Hope you didn't pay much for it. Oh.....it was for free! How nice. You do know people who give away stuff for free usually have an agenda right?

Lauraingalls ago

Great answer.

srayzie ago

Main stream media is free too you blind little close minded sheep.

solo7 ago

Ahhhh, another antisemitic projection I see. Yes the Holocaust happened, but yes you've been lied to by the Holocaust deniers who hate Jews, are antisemitic and ProPalestine. You project your comments with concern and you use the word controversial a lot in trying to establish your agenda of discussion. You should read the history from the Holocaust museums, read and listen to the German people and soldiers who were witnesses to the camps.

Lauraingalls ago

YOU ARE GREAT Solo7. I felt almost alone in this BATTLE against insanity.

xenoPsychologist ago

gee, i wonder why anyone would hate jews? other than being a cartoon villain, of course. a caricature that isnt even a person to you. there certainly couldnt be any valid reasons, right? i mean, its not like every degeneracy and social evil imaginable can be traced back to them just by following the money or anything. man, its a good thing we have very smart people like you around here to parrot things that, for some odd reason, cant be proven in any way.

Lauraingalls ago

You are EVIL and SICK. xenoPsychologist

xenoPsychologist ago

am i? or have you sided with the villains? you may want to take that into consideration.

Lauraingalls ago

Is there something wrong with you?

xenoPsychologist ago

there most certainly is not. its a shame the bad guys won world war 2.

Invicta ago

“It is not for nothing that over there [in Europe] the Jews rule all over the stock-exchanges; it is not for nothing that they control capital, that they are masters of credit, and not for nothing—I repeat—that they are the masters of international politics, and what is going to happen in the future is known to the Jews themselves: their reign, their complete reign is approaching! ~ Dostoevsky, Diary of a Writer (1877)

MuckeyDuck ago

Bidens Slogan should be either:

1). I Feelup your pain

2). I smell your pain

QDPie ago

Read the whole thing in one sitting (excluding some of the links and videos) Thank you. Will go back and re-read with some of the context added here - 6 hours. Stunning and very compelling information that has not been widely shared, though a lot of it really is there if you look. Warning - don't read that whole document in one sitting at night, especially if you don't have enough wine!

So... Random thoughts and observations.

1) This does not completely exonerate the prison camps nor the 3rd Reich. It simply says things weren't all that we were told.
2) The article answers some nagging questions I've had for decades. Where would they put all those bodies? That's a lot of ammunition to waste on prisoners in a war when the ammo is needed on the front lines. How big were those "ovens?" How long does it take to cremate that many people... because we had my dad cremated and it took hours.
3) The article has a level of propaganda to it as well. It generally ignores the uncomfortable truth of Man's Inhumanity to Man. That seems to be encoded in the human brain. Numerous studies done over the years have shown that humans will inflict pain and suffering - if it is a community norm; if it is generally accepted by their crowd; if they think they can get away with it. Witness our current situation in DC and Hollywood. If there is ever proof of that idea, it's in the blithe acceptance of child torture and rape, satanic sacrifice, the whole FBI/C_A spying on Trump, and the media bullshit surrounding it. Humans can be real POS and I'm sure there were those kinds in every army, in every prison, in every camp. Indeed, one of the most haunting photos of WW2 is this one https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/last-jew-vinnitsa-1941/

4) Re my comment in #3, while I realize the Stanford Prison Experiment had a lot of holes in it, there still were lessons to be learned about people pushing the limits. Just as in this study The Milgram experiment, where they shocked people more if told it was ok - https://explorable.com/stanley-milgram-experiment (Funny, when you read that article, you can see how the myths of the concentration camps were carried on as tangential examples to another story. This is how the media is running the "children in cages!!!!) mythology right now. Man, humans are a trip, aren't we?

5) My point here is that Joseph Mengele is not a myth and his horrific experiments are carried on now with little children. Our CIA did learn some things from Goebbels and the Dems and the Media are using those propaganda lessons to this day. But what we are reminded from the article that @srayzie shared is how evil the Brits and (as much as I hate to say it) the Americans were. Tromping on testicles and beating confessions out of people isn't ok no matter what. That's why I've always had a problem with the waterboarding thing, and why Abu Ghraib was so disturbing. Again - humans can be pure evil no matter what team they are playing for.

6) I know there are some who have heard first hand experiences from Corrie Ten Boom and Elie Wiesel. Who have taken the Anne Frank books to heart, and who have a hard time reconciling them. My takeaway from all of this is that both can be right. We can both believe and understand that these were prison camps and not extermination camps, AND hold the same view that there were some who suffered greatly at the hands of the Germans, and the Russians, and the Brits, and the US, and for good measure, the Japanese and Chinese.

7) Methinks we have people with legitimate horror stories in the camps, and people who were living a Hogans Heroes life there. (Kind of interesting to revisit that show now, yes?) Just as we have really good guys in the Border Patrol, some bad ones have been caught. Just as we have seen some very good treatment of those little kids at the border by some, I'm sure there have been cruel and horrible things that have happened to some. Schindler's list was very one sided. This deprogramming course is a little one sided. Yeah, they had swimming pools. YOU WERE STILL IN PRISON AND COULDN'T LEAVE. The Typhus explanation for the emaciated people makes a lot more sense than some other stories.

8) No matter how compelling this article is, there is still the fact that mass hysteria against one population was encouraged, aided, and abetted by a government and the media. That's a statement we can make throughout history. Humans are so screwed up that we see things today like the Ferguson Riots. We see completely unhinged Liberals with TDS going after MAGA hat wearers. There are pictures and a story below that Vinnitsa photo that pretty much say that. So people WERE executed. People were dragged from their homes. People WERE imprisoned. Mass hysteria was ginned up and fearful people made a lot of bad shit happen. All of those are truthful statements. It's sad that we have not come much further than cavemen in this respect. And it's demonic that certain parts of our society today and utilizing these fear tactics, lying in the media, and making good people fight each other over bullshit reasons.

These are just random thoughts that occurred as I was reading the article. I'm not surprised at the British especially. As we excoriate the Jewish population on this site, let's not let the Brits off the hook. Take a look at their history, read carefully how they tortured the Germans to get confessions. Ask some people in India and other former British colonies. The Crown is behind much of the child trafficking, they were behind the spying on Trump, they are not even English, and they certainly are't Jewish! Their cruelty and complete disconnect from "commoners" around the world allows them to steal from their people, create policies that harm millions, and indeed, they are the very architects of The Fabian Society. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Fabian-Society This is the society behind the gradual takeover of the world ... The Brits never got over losing the moniker, "The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire." We can bitch about the Russians and Germans and japanese and the media and the propaganda till the sun goes down. But bottom line, the true evil is sitting in that throne in Buckingham Palace and has been for a very long time.


srayzie ago

Thank you. @LauraIngalls this is an open minded person that is researching. Please read this.

Lauraingalls ago

I'm going to say this for the LAST TIME so PAY ATTENTION. I know all about Holocaust Deniers, and I've read much on this subject. Pay attention please. I'M NOT INTERESTED in your garbage. DO YOU UNDERSTAND??? I'm done with this BULLSHIT. I don't have a CLOSED MIND because I have studied this subject and made up my own mind. SORRY.

bopper ago

Laura, what about this..forget about the holocaust and read what American heroes Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford opined about the Jews. Surely you will consider their opinions.


Lauraingalls ago

I never realized that people on VOAT try to push their BULLSHIT and won't stop.. PLEASE STOP.

bopper ago

No problem, I will leave you be about it.

Lauraingalls ago

Thanks. It's not like I haven't studied this subject. I don't believe anything the "Holocaust Deniers" push. Their words, NOT MINE. It is truly scary how people revise history in order to push their agenda. Look up Holocaust Deniers and you will see plenty of evidence. Also, someone sent me a message yesterday that the "HOLOCAUST DENIERS are real and have been on Voat for years, and this person ADMITTED they were one of them, and had no shame in letting me know. Tried to CONVERT ME.

bopper ago

Totally get it, no problem.

Lauraingalls ago

Glad you understand.

srayzie ago

Poor Bopper 😂

Lauraingalls ago

I know. Poor thing LOST in pushing the BULLSHIT.

srayzie ago

I’m playing with @Bopper. We both said ok and would stop “pushing” you. Stop YOUR BULLSHIT. Chill the fuck out!

bopper ago

@srayzie what now?

srayzie ago

Fuck her.

bopper ago


Fun Fact: My son majored in history at a prestigious university, the subject was the holocaust.

srayzie ago

Really? I didn’t know that.

bopper ago

Yes, weird, he was in Canada at the time. Says it was a total waste of time, didn't learn anything that would help him get a job lol.

srayzie ago

Alllll of your kids turned out successful so whatever. 🙄

bopper ago

I'm thankful for that.

srayzie ago

Well you must have did something right

Revodude1 ago

Hitler needed two things: a boogie man to blame all Germany's problems on and a source for hard money. The Jews provided both. They get the biggest share of the history books because they were the boogie man. But a lot (probably more) of Christians suffered the same fate. If you owned anything that the state wanted and you were not a Nazi sycophant, you had it taken from you and you, along with your family, were thrown into camps, etc. Hitler built is army with the wealth he took from those people and became the world's biggest bank robber. His number one target in the countries he attacked was their central bank and the gold reserves it held.

DanaNordic ago

His number one target in the countries he attacked was their central bank and the gold reserves it held

We were taught in school this was the reason governments switched to fiat currency - to stop countries from attacking each other to steal their gold/silver reserves.

e-traiu ago

Baaahahahah! Its all coming down. I look forward to the moabs. Yes. Plural.

But i most look forward to the new world and a awakened population

GoyimNose ago

The QTARDS are awakening...

pckpat ago

Perhaps not, but they were taught and usually do, read and comprehend material they are responding too.

Are_we_sure ago


Antiracist10 ago

I was up late reading this last night, and I am convinced now that we were absolutely lied to.

One night's research. Absolute certainty.

There's that famed nazi intellect!

AnotherNewAccount2 ago

The REAL Great Awakening!

user17 ago

I had never seen those pictures of Auschwitz.. I did not know that they made rubber tires there..

hildberht ago

This is the stuff that gets sites closed down. Intersting as I had to change servers today. Been using a US based one, no response so had to switch to Asia. Got back on.

I don't have the time to read all this stuff, and I will be honest I am so indcoctrinated/brainwashed that I can't even go there. But if its true they will shut you down, if its not, they will shut you down. One thing I do know is that anything seen as anti sematic is shut down very, very quickly.

auchtung ago

welcome, just wait till you learn more about NatSoc.

zxcvzxcv ago


Look at all those jews in Poland. No wonder the Danzig massacres happened!

NosebergShekelman ago

This is how you get people to like you and support you.

srayzie ago

Look at your username 😂

I have a lot of friends and support here. From several subs.

DuHast ago

Yes. You were MASSIVELY lied to. “Holocaust” is a gigantic hoax. Use as a political bludgeon.

CanadianAndProud ago

Of course we were, why would you have to ask, all of it is fake and a lie created by the Jews

SongDog ago

Thank you for the Truth. We are not haters, we are not killers. We want to stop being manipulated and enslaved by debt, immorality, fake racism, enter -train -ment and the control of our most precious legacy - our kids. Leave us the fuck alone. Stop preying on us; we are not your host species. Where we go one, we go all. God bless America.

antiracist ago

Yeah man, other war estimates are like, "Between 100,000 and 10 million." Let them have their number. Why does this statistic have to be so heavily scrutinized? It reminds me of the anti NASA people looking over all footage for anything tgey take to be an anomaly, and then add that to their list of evidences against NASA. Man, weird shit happens under scientific conditions and we don't always know why for everything. Computers do weird shit all the time. And those are environments designed to be heavily controlled. You think every kike in WW2 swallowed a GPS for all historians to know perfectly where every kike was during World War 2?! No! Of course some kikes got lost, or miscounted, or counted twice. Tally me kike. So just pick a number out of a hat and give them their goddamn number, just like every other poorly recorded historical event ever.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

"Between 100,000 and 10 million." Let them have their number. Why does this statistic have to be so heavily scrutinized?

if it doesn't matter why argue, why not accept the Red Cross' number and stop teachers from lying to children in our schools

antiracist3 ago

You are the liar. Repeating tired, refuted arguments no matter how many times they're refuted.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they're not though, you're wrong

PacaGoat ago

Syarze, what the heck!? Whats wrong with you?!

Lauraingalls ago

NEO NAZI, Holocaust DENIER, that's what's wrong with her Paca Goat.

srayzie ago

Nothing. I didn’t say nobody died. I don’t worship Hitler. These people had their own currency, an orchestra, a soccer team, etc... They don’t show all that. Look at the pictures

PacaGoat ago

Ok so let me gather up. I was born just after the Korean conflict. My mothwrs family had friends in their lical community who were survivors of the holocost. My mother was German and Scotish. These people were friends from "the old country."

I remember the first time I saw a survivor. He had a tatoo on his forarm. I asked what is that? He told me that the Germans put that mark (numbers) there to identify the camp he belonged to. He told me his story. He lost his wife and 3 kids to the camps. Many died from disease and or starvation. He worked in a factory making bombs. Forced labor. He also told me of the liberation. He thought it was a dream, "I thought I was dreaming." The Soldjers had left a couple of days before after shooting as many as they could. They had made us dig ditches, then began shooting by lines.

I watched as he relived that and watched his hands shake as he gave into the grief. Yeah, millions died. Really did.

Read about Corey ten Boom. Read her story. And be careful who you follow. A lot on 8 chan are shills dividing. There is a global effort to attack the Jews because satan knows his time is soon at hand.

the_art_collector ago

It honestly doesn't matter how many stories people have. The numbers don't add up, and even if they did, they pale in comparison to the numbers we are given about the communists (which could also be fabricated). Based on the official story and numbers, we should be teaching kids and making films about the evils of communism, not nazism.

Lauraingalls ago


srayzie ago

But do you believe it was 6 million? Many had typhus. Yes people were killed too. They even had a brothel and a swimming pool. I’m just saying that they don’t tell us the whole story.

PacaGoat ago

Ghe body count isnt from just gas chambers. That is concocted. No one said that in my day. The TOTAL people killed was six million. Do you realize this started in the 1930's? The ghettos in Germany were where the Jews were put first, they were forced to wear a yellow badge star of David. Their homes, businessess and possessions were stolen by the German government. They were crammed onto train cars like cattle and taken to the death camps throughout Germany, Poland and other states. Swisserland or Swizer-land became the home for the repository of all the gold, silver and art captured from the Jews. Think Rothschilds...Roth-Schild, red shield. These people were murdered for even the gold in their teeth. Many ways people died. Typhus, diptheria, diarehia, starvation, etc. The reason this happened and is going to happen again is because satan knows his time is short. The zhills who are invading here are the same ones on QRV and the chan's. The websites are pre prepared for this onslaught. And the next reason is remember this hon, Donald Trumps daughter Ivanka is married to a Jew. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Israel sees him as a king Cyrus. And he is putting forward a oeace plan after the 9th of this month, which is Israels election. Unlike obama he doesnt want to interfere wjth the election. Also lets remember Trump is a real estate tycoon. Now what would be the most epic of all real estate ventures and challenges,(which he relishes?)

The temple. And now you know why all this garbage is flying around.


Lauraingalls ago

I thank GOD for your testimony Paca Goat. Sane thinking amongst totally craziness.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

how did germany killed 6 million jews, when there were only 5 million in all of europe prior to the war?

did jews flock to germany to try and save their jew brethren from the death camps, and were then captured and also killed?

you're a fucking joke. "the holocaust is real cuz my mom's friend said so"

Lauraingalls ago


dontdoxxmefaggots ago

I NOTICE you can't ANSWER the questions and INSTEAD resort to USELESS ad hominem ATTACKS

does this not MAKE you think that MAYBE you have been LIED to your ENTIRE life?

Lauraingalls ago

I don't bother with idiot sick people.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

stick your head in the sand more

Lauraingalls ago

"Nazi persecution of the Catholic Church in Po Public execution of Polish priests and civilians in Bydgoszcz's Old Market Square on 9 September 1939. The Catholic Church in Poland was brutally suppressed by the Nazis during the German Occupation of Poland (1939-1945). Repression of the Church was at its most severe in Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany, where churches were systematically closed and most priests were either killed, imprisoned, or deported. From across Poland, thousands of priests died in prisons and concentration camps; thousands of churches and monasteries were confiscated, closed or destroyed; and priceless works of religious art and sacred objects were lost forever. Church leaders were targeted as part of an overall effort to destroy Polish culture. At least 1811 Polish clergy died in Nazi concentration camps. An estimated 3000 clergy were killed in all. Hitler's plans for the Germanization of the East saw no place for the Christian Churches.[1]

The massive crimes inflicted against Polish Catholicism took place in the wider context of the Nazi crimes against Poles under Generalplan Ost, as the German regime implanted a general policy of eventually eliminating Poland's existence. Adolf Hitler himself remarked in August 1939 that he wanted his Death's Head forces "to kill without pity or mercy all men, women, and children of Polish descent or language."

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

i can post a bunch of made up bullshit without evidence too, doesn't make it true

Lauraingalls ago


dontdoxxmefaggots ago

i see YOU'VE gone back to THE random capitalization of WORD in your COMMENTS

my version of TRUTH is backed by mathematics, PHYSICS, and physical EVIDENCE

your version of TRUTH is backed by EYE-WITNESS testimony

Lauraingalls ago


dontdoxxmefaggots ago

excellent, refuse to believe you've been lied to your whole life while on a board that says you've been lied to your whole life

i mean...

excellent, REFUSE to believe you've BEEN lied to your whole LIFE while ON a board THAT says you've been LIED to your whole life

Lauraingalls ago

You are TOO FUNNY. You assume WAY too much.

PacaGoat ago

I KNEW THE PEOPLE!! Personally!

PacaGoat ago

P.S. that video is propagand. Dont buy it for a microsecond

Shekelstein6M ago

Lol. It's actual testimony from holocaust survivors. But they don't say what you want them to say so it must be propaganda.

Fuck off shill, you've revealed your true colors.

PacaGoat ago

Bogus kid. And so are you

Shekelstein6M ago

Typical, no argument.

PacaGoat ago

Your user name is a dead give away. Just so ya know

Lauraingalls ago

You are dealing with SICK AND EVIL people Paca Goat. They REFUSE to BELIEVE.

magavoices ago

It's not about whether the Holocaust was a lie. It's about whether it has anything to do with Q or whether it is still, to this day, affecting the judgement of our leaders in a way that applies to Q.

Whether the Holocaust was 6 million, 600k, 60k or 6k has no bearing on Q whatsoever.

This was propaganda told to us by our own government over 70 years ago. It is the most pervasive and successful propaganda stunt in history. Hitler is the most vilified figure in history. As such, a very high percentage of the population believe Hitler is evil, the Nazis are evil and they won't be changing their mind anytime soon.

So let's say you're against Q. Q is a red pill that people are gobbling up everywhere, all over the country and the growth of it is phenomenal. It is your job (because you're going to jail otherwise) to fight against Q, delay and limit the growth of the movement.

What do you do? This is what you do -- combine the redpill of Q with the nearly unswallowable redpill of the Holocaust being a hoax. This absolutely limits the reach of Q. The Q movement is millions, yet GA can't break 13k subscribers? Why? The answer is simple.

People don't identify as being a Nazi. The thought is abhorrent to them. Then when supposed Q supporters also ramble off lines like "Gas the Jews" and "put them all on a boat and ship them somewhere", holding all Jews as guilty for shit that was done 70+ years ago ... making the Q red pill synonymous with slapping a Nazi armband on ... people are turned off and they leave, considering Q to be synonymous with Naziism.

Q is accurately targeting the cabal. Q is accurately targeting Jews of the cabal (not the entire Jewish race, but the Israel government + Mossad). You would think that this would make so-called Nazis who disparage the Jewish ethnicity happy, right? Instead they're here calling us "boomers", "qtards", "qultists" and have no problem also disparaging Trump.

Every time you combine redpills unnecessarily, it adds friction that limits the scope of what is being presented. That's why Jordan Sather does Q along with aliens (so you associate believing Q with believing aliens). That's why Praying Medic combines believing Q with "dreams" where he's being prophesied to.

The shilling tactics have it at: "Oh, you don't believe that Hitler was right + God prophesying in dreams + aliens? Well you probably won't believe Q also right? I mean -- they're bundled together. If you believe Q, you have to believe aliens and prophesies and Naziism. You ever notice how they also try to make it about flat eartherism?

It should just be about Q. The red pill is about Q. Not about shit that happened 70+ years ago. The Holocaust has no bearing on Q.

the_art_collector ago

It has bearing if the people who pushed the propaganda are running the planet.

the_art_collector ago

Right, and those people funded the holocaust propaganda for a reason, so I'd say it's relevant.

Regarding the all Jews portion, I don't, but this is increasingly difficult with the shit I see on social media everyday. Am I supposed to believe they are all cabal plants? No, they're just terrible people. And covering for them with dishonesty just makes it worse for the Jews that aren't involved.

magavoices ago

Holocaust happened 70+ years ago. All the people you're angry at for the Holocaust are dead. You're angry at who? Jews in Israel who get our tax dollars on the basis that it is reparations for the Holocaust?

1. We give money to every country. We give twice as much money to Afghanistan. Have you ever complained about Afghanistan receiving money?

2. We give way more money to Iraq. Both Iraq and Afghanistan are Muslim countries. Have you ever complained about Muslim countries receiving our tax dollars?

3. US presidents signed off on the aid. Bush #1, Clinton, Bush #2 and Obama all signed off on that shit. How does ranting about Jews get you further than ranting about the above presidents would? How about senators and house reps who propose it? How does absolving them of guilt while yelling at Jews get you any closer to your imagined goal of stopping the funding?

4. What makes "Jews" horrible people? There are 4+ million American Jews. How can you possibly judge them without knowing who they are or heard of charges they should be guilty of? Its this raw type of ethnic hatred that just makes you a legitimate target for MSM, giving them real ammunition. Which makes me wonder if that wasn't your original purpose.

the_art_collector ago

White genocide is not acceptable. No amount of word twisting like this post can change that. Example after example has been posted of Jews advocating white genocide on Twitter and in various articles. Every day. That, and a larger Jewish community that ignores or defends it, is what makes them terrible people. This is not ethnic hatred, this is self defense. You are sick, but every post like this just digs a deeper grave for those who would take part in that sickness. Good luck is all I can say.

magavoices ago

Define white genocide.

Are you talking about a white person deciding to marry a colored person?

How many kids do you have by the way? If it isn't at least three, or planning to have at least three, then fuck off.

The1stLantern ago

@strayzie Welcome to the real clown world

LionElTrump ago

remember: voat is not shill free, brock and the powers above him just decided their shilling against the site doesnt get thrown a lot of money, but they exist

ie: QOOMERS LMAO CAN YOU BELIEVE Q LOL QTARDS HAHHA; protip doubters are on the fence and are hoping time will tell for the final Q

grandmacaesar ago

I used to believe what we were all taught about the holocaust, but a person barely has to scratch the surface to see that three main claims of the holocaust---(1) six million jews were killed, (2) many in gas chambers, (3) genocided by order of Hitler---are not based in fact.

PacaGoat ago

As a kid, I knew many survivors of the holocost. They wore the tatoos from the camps. They told me their stories. History records the German people forced to march through the camps and look at what they allowed. They werd then forced to bury the bodies of those the German soldjers massacared before rhey fled and left theor bodies to rot in the open. Posts questioning history are fake and promoted by evil. Satans greatest lie was to convience peoe he didnt exist. The same narrative applies to this subject. The holocost happened, these people were used as slave labor. And the agenda to kill the Jewish people was a construct of the grand mufti of Jerusalem who also had a contengent of troops in the German army. Perhaps a reading of a history book would be better than reading some bull crap website with an hateful purpose.

Lauraingalls ago

OMG. I thank you for being brave enough to face these people and their craziness.

PacaGoat ago

There come a time when we have to go on offense. If you look at that post and the user names, many are sock puppets. They want the world to think this is who we are. And they hate Israel and claim oh they killed the Lord. (Like they care) fight we must. And thank you for standing tall.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/AskVoat comment by @CatsControlTheEU.

Posted automatically (#41490) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

PacaGoat ago

Idiot extrodinaire

the_art_collector ago

I don't get it. It's ok to hate Germany because Jewish genocide but not ok to hate Israel because of the Palestinian genocide?

That's not empathy. That's favoritism.

PacaGoat ago

Who hates Germany? I.....am German!

Lauraingalls ago

Lots of people here think they know you and they don't Paca Goat. I was called a Jew for believing the HOLOCAUST happened. You are dealing with narrow minded people that just throw insults at you for no reason.

PacaGoat ago

Lara, I use provacation to remove the masks. I dont worry about the vitriol. I am exposing what is in their hearts. Thx for being understanding.

Oh, I do hope you and Strazy find peace. I really do. You are both my friends. God bless Ate...(Bisya for sister.)

Lauraingalls ago

I appreciate you, and you certainly do remove the masks and expose hearts. I learned so much seeing the people like they really are.

Lauraingalls ago

THANK YOU. I found out today just how many people are evil on here. SAD.

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Winred ago

I commend you for your honesty and courage. You are not the only person with hard questions but you are the one who asked. Now we all will learn more. Truth, no matter how hard tohear, is important. Thank you. WWG1WGA! Glad to call you Patriot Fren.

srayzie ago

Thanks! WWG1WGA!

RetiredRogue ago

My father was stationed Erlangen Germany after basic training in early 1945. As a 6th Class sergeant was put in charge of classifications and started sending troops home. While he and others where stationed there they went to the Nuernberg trials. When he and other walked in they were given a 6 page brochure on the 21 defendences on trial. I have that brochure and have made copies and given them to friends. What I think that's interesting is (I live just outside of KC) the Truman Library in Independence Mo. has talked to me me about wanting it for the Truman Library, because they don't HAVE one. Trials were I believe Nov 19th 1945. Reason I believe my father got one was because most troops were going home he didn't and was there at the end of the war. I believe the Holocaust is real because of two things. This story and I've been to Dachua 15 miles outside of Munich Germany by train back in 1995 the 50th anniversary of liberation of the death camp.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Shekelstein6M ago

Dachau was inspected by US troops and found to not be a death camp. In fact, every single camp inspected by US troops was found to not be a death camp. The only camps found to be "death camps" were in Soviet occupied territory and they refused entrance to US investigators.


Lauraingalls ago

It's SAD so many people on VOAT are Holocaust Deniers. It's actually frightening they can deny that HORROR and attack you because YOU know the TRUTH, RetiredRogue.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Welcome to /pol.

You can never leave.

Rawrination ago

What has been seen can not be unseen. Honk Honk.

scoripowarrior ago

How do you explain the numerous people that lived through those concentration camps and pictures showing nearly starved human beings?

Lauraingalls ago

Don't even try to reason with Neo Nazis Scoripowarrior. I found out you waste your time.

CivNat88 ago

Disgusting liars. The Jew is an insidious creature that will rot society from within unless it’s dealt with harshly. HH

Lauraingalls ago


CivNat88 ago

We have more in common than you might think Laura.

Lauraingalls ago

You are STILL A NUT.

CivNat88 ago

Nothing nutty about fighting the synagogue of satan Laura. I do it for the future of my girls. We’re here to spread the word and wake people up.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Do you know how many German civilians starved to death at the end of the war? Did you know the allied forces cut off all supply lines to Germany? Zyclon has was used to kill lice that carry typhus. Most died at the end of the war from starvation and disease, not unlike your average German civilian. Ask yourself, who took those pictures?

sinclair ago

I don't question that it happened, I question to what level. The story is so old, that in many ways, tall tales probably exist as a result. The reality? Yah, they probably killed a lot of Jews during 3rd Reich, just for being Jews, and no other crime. Nuremberg rules were in place. It was a culling, no question.

There's really no good reason for ANY kind of genocide. Armenians, Christians, Jews or whatever.

It makes perfect sense that a group was scapegoated to propel an ideal and many were summarily executed as a result. How? Differing stories.

You have to decide for yourself. It's part of history, what makes the most sense to you? Some people are angry enough for a repeat. How serious are they? What will their culling be like?

howdoyoumakeahormone ago

They needed Jews for Israel which wasn't a country till right after the war. They sorted the desirables and sent the rest to camps

lazylance ago


The numbers just don't add up

foltaisaprovenshill ago

The fire rises, brothers.

JhonP54 ago

Ironically, I visited Auschwitz-Birkenau last Summer while in Poland. Auschwitz reminded me of a military installation, kind of like barracks on a military base. Birkenau was different and one would ask themselves why would they go through all this trouble to build all these structures to house people if they were planning on exterminating them in the first place? Rows upon rows of buildings perfectly aligned to resemble a camp! It makes you wonder!

Phantom42 ago

Auschwitz was a Polish barracks I believe. I remember reading that "forbidden knowledge" somewhere.

JhonP54 ago

yes, most of these concentration camps were originally military camps concerted to work/concentration camps. but the buildings in Birkenau were constructed using slave labour and even bricks were taken from nearby houses to augment the supplies.

Lauraingalls ago

I have to say some of you people here are the most frigthening and EVIL people on this planet, denying what Hitler did. PURE EVIL.

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IdoubtIt2 ago

Jew detected

JastheMace ago

You supporting a lie that creates white guilt is pure evil.

Lauraingalls ago

Donald J. Trump ‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

On Holocaust Remembrance Day we mourn and grieve the murder of 6 million innocent Jewish men, women and children, and the millions of others who perished in the evil Nazi Genocide. We pledge with all of our might and resolve: Never Again! http://45.wh.gov

CivNat88 ago

Yes Trump puts on a good front. My family and I eagerly await the day that DJT and Q will force them to report to the country side for liquidation. HH HDJT!

86753090100 ago

We've been lied to about EVERYTHING.

Why would this topic not be included?

antiracist ago

Idk man... math, logic, and philosophy seem pretty tight to me. Independently verifiable and whatnot. Rational grounds doohicky.

Physics and chemistry seem pretty tight too. Like, let's say the kikes are lying to us about chemistry. Then go make your superior Aryan chemistry! And I bet it'll come out to an identical but uglier version of what the kikes gave us.

Say what you will about history or politics. Leave me out of those domains, where political power obscures empirical fact.

JastheMace ago

Because shut up Goy (oy Vey, we're in trouble)

JastheMace ago

lol, I had to swing by when I heard you boomers are finally waking up. How was the nap? My mother was a German teacher and used to do Holocaust week every year. She would yank me out of school to help her all week, I've meet sooo many survivors and seen their sticks so many times I can do them myself. I was told the truth when I was like 12 back in the 80's. They won't say it during official speaking time because they would lose their gig. They told me the single most truthful statement about it,"The questions you ask are very good but you will never find the answers in public school because sometimes politics means more than truth, and this is politics" They explained they were work camps, which is still pretty terrible, and that there were no gas chambers, just delousing for clothes. Also, most of the dead came during the final months of the war due to the barbaric allied bombing campaign. Everyone in the whole country was starving. You can even find video of our greatest generation pilots shooting those old school rockets at clearly marked red cross trucks and the vegetables explode out. Also, almost all of the early Hitler photos are paste ups as well as a bunch of the atrocity photos. Hitler was an army intelligence asset, he was assigned to the DAP that he renamed the NSDAP. Pretty much all the German Workers parties were run by Army intelligence or the sons of wealthy industrialists. It's not just the Jews lying though, they are just the banker servants and front group of the true elites, the British Peerage and the Black Nobility. They are people ranchers, wars are just culling the herd while making obscene amounts of money. Good luck on your red pill journey.

Lauraingalls ago

You do NOT know anyone's age. Stop pretending.

JastheMace ago

Most Qtards are boomers so it's a good guess

Lauraingalls ago

Maybe once you graduate from KINGERGARTEN you will think differently.

CivNat88 ago

JIDF SHILL ALERT. The only thing jews deserve in our society is timely liquidation. HH and HDJT! JQ

e-traiu ago

This will break some programming for shure

GoodGodKirk ago

And with this realization, we come closer to the end of times. All because those dirty ashkenazi Jews pretend to be real Jews when they’re really practice a mix of Babylonian religions mixed with the Talmud and paganism.

recon_johnny ago

Look at the rookie.

In all seriousness the Q stuff will hold you back. You need to question everything.

srayzie ago

No, Q encourages research

JastheMace ago

Alex Jones does to, but both are stepping stones, not the end.

kneo24 ago

@Nosebergshekelman, I bet this freaks you out. Now you'll have a harder time peddling stories about lamp shades and soap being made out of skin.

NosebergShekelman ago

Its all goy lies!! The holocaust was real(in my mind). After being jerked to death on the masturbation machine 3 times some wolves helped me escape and I lived in their cave. Now I am jew wolf.

kneo24 ago

Coming soon to a theater near you: (((Teen Wolf)))

NosebergShekelman ago

Teen Wolf: Howling in a cave near Auschwitz

srayzie ago

Why a harder time? It makes more sense to me

kneo24 ago

Noseberg is a parody account here. The bit about soap and lamp shades were claims that used to be made until it was clearly debunked, so it got memory holed. I'm using that combined with the level of awareness you are spreading to have a little joke with noseberg.

srayzie ago

Ohh ok

Phantom42 ago

I'm actually surprised you never heard that one at this point. The soap and lampshades thing was among the first I was taught about.

That and rape dogs.

srayzie ago

Oh I’ve heard about all that. Not the rape dogs.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Ok, rape dogs? I have not heard that one. Holy shit. They just cannot hide their degeneracy. It seeps into everything.

Phantom42 ago

Yeah, rape dogs. I remember by HS history teacher telling us about it. He's an alright guy, simple man. Not really one to question much.

Anyhow... Yeah. Rape dogs.

IdoubtIt2 ago

😑 🤡 clown world

thedayismine ago

I'm at the point where I definitely believe we have been lied to, but I don't know what is true. There's propaganda on both sides of it, I definitely think they exaggerated the numbers that died greatly. I don't know what is true or what to believe but I definitely think a lot of what was written was written fictionally and we may never know the truth. The fact that they make it illegal to question it in so many counties is what really got me wondering at first.

JastheMace ago

The truth doesn't need laws to protect it, only a lie does.

antiracist ago

Uh... okay... How about this one:

In a plot to send all got to Satan, the Jews used their media powers to spread falsehoods about Jesus, such that the noise overpowered the truth... So righteous laws prohibiting kikes from preaching or selling scripture were created to protect the truth...

And the roundearth, so convincing of a lie to all the world's intellectuals who think they know it's round, that you're ridiculed if you're a flatearther. So there dont need to be laws protecting questioning roundearth, because social ridicule is already enough punishment.

So... kikes, being of ultimate evil as they are, make me think about the possibility of truth needing protection under law and lies not needing such protection.

Almost like we can craft laws without referencing the joo at all, and just refer to a caricature of evil as our adversary!

JastheMace ago

You obviously don't look into things much. The round earth thing is from the Catholic church, not the Jews.

KEVDOG77 ago


BumbleTummy ago

With modern forced-gas-jet crematoria equipment, it takes about 3.5 hrs to render a body to ash, but the thick bone/teeth remain and must then be pulverized into dust using a tumbler and ball-bearings. This is what happens when anyone is cremated.

So, a few brick ovens somehow accomplished miracle, Leaving no bones or ash to be disposed. And Germany had no issue at all using tons of fuel to accomplish this, especially late in the war, when they couldn't fuel tanks.

Now, assuming that the ovens could do a body in 3.5 hrs. Let's say Auschwitz processed 1 million bodies:

That would be 1,000,000 X 3.5 = 3,500,000 / 24 = 145,833 / 365 = 399.54 Years

Let's say 8 ovens were used: 49.9 Years

The mass exterminations did not begin until '42

War was over in' 45

Lets just say it was a full three years that they processed the 1 million : 913 people would need to be cremated daily

261 ovens would need to run non-stop, 24/7

Sound plausible?

RockmanRaiden ago

I think this is a good measure of progress in the red pill diet. An occasional blackpill isn't too bad either.

Patriotic_Legend ago

Not a boomer, but I don't think the younger generation is any more intelligent. I am an X. Proof that the younger generation is the opposite of smarter, Dems want the voting age changed to 16. Wonder why? Because younger generations are way more brainwashed and don't have the life experiences to know when to be skeptical.

Phantom42 ago

19, am NatSoc.

We're more of "fuck both parties" than you think, friend.

Patriotic_Legend ago

I hear you on the parties, they really are just one party anyway. I dom't understand how nat soc differs from soc. Not sayimg this to be a douche, I just don't know.

I don't relate well to Socialists like Bernie. O guess I need to research nat soc platform more. I am a conservative. But we never get what we want.

Phantom42 ago

With that said, I can point you to a few things to get you started, as it sounds like you're kinda new to the whole "Holy shit I'm talking to literal Nazis" thing.

Here's some links:









These are all good jumping points.

I know you mentioned the socialism part specifically in National Socialism, but to really get Nazism (NOTE: Not skinhead faggot Nazism) you have to look at everything as a whole. It's such a different and "separated" ideology from common left/right/Authoritarian/Libertarian divides, it needs a lot of reading to be done.


Patriotic_Legend ago

thanks for the links. I have been on tgis board since August. I have had a few discussions with nat soc guys, some turned into shouting matches others not so bad. Dont know if I will get there, but will do some reading.

Get some rest. thx

Phantom42 ago

Well, man I've been up for 30 hours and feel the crash coming... I'd be more than happy to tell you. Really, I suggest reading through my comments and comments I've replied to. Particularly from this submission. Scroll through and you're bound to find where I've been talking.

Sorry man, like I said I would fucking enjoy the opportunity to explain why and how National "Socialism" is different to the modern perception of socialism, but I've said it enough times today, plus others adding on, and I'm tired as fuck...

Yeah. I'm gonna take a break on anything too involved. Read through the comments and you'll be fine. :P

Have a good one.

HillBoulder ago

Owen Benjamin said it was a billion.

divine_human ago

although i started waking up decades ago, for a long time, i was totally cognitive dissonant with the holohoax.

as a german citizen, i grew up with the burden of the 'holocaust guilt' which kept me from loving my folks and my country.

last year, i eventually deeply dove into it, through a collection of facts, similar to what this article say, that i couldnt deny.

it was the numbers that first brought up serious doubt and kept me digging.

if there were ~ 15 million jews world-wide - 5 mio in europe, 500k of them in germany - before ww2, and there were ~ 15 mio jews world-wide after the war, where are those alleged 6 million killed jews come from?

well, it takes a bit of courage to dive into the material. admitting that we be-lie-ved an atroscious lie that hold us hostage til today is a hard pill. a heavy red pill.

RockmanRaiden ago

Thank you for sharing. The German perspective is very interesting. Can you share your thoughts on history from just before WWI to WW2 and the few years after?

divine_human ago

in short: transition struggles. from empire to republic.

as a nation, we are still depressed. ashamed. guilty. patriotism is an alien word. nationalism is a cuss word.

the soccer world championship 2006 in germany was the first time since ww2 that germans allowed themselves to show our flag on windows and cars, to celebrate national pride. it was also the first time that i felt good about being born as a german.

the more i learn about german history - which started to interest me only a few years ago -, the better i understand why my nation has been kept on low profile after ww1, and why people followed hitler to get them out of it (who btw, was no german but austrian^^).

the anglo-saxon world has its roots with the germans. the british royals are german. the anglos and the saxons were warriors from wild central and northern germany which never got conquered by the romans - they got stuck shortly beyond the rhine river, our dense forests and cold climate killed them - who hired themselves out as mercenaries for the british crown. english is a germanic language. half of america has german ancestors.

while the germans left their footprints almost everywhere in the western world, we are still in the process of becoming one people, one folks. our nation consists of many tribes/kingdoms and it was only during the 19th century that we started forming something like 'germany' which then became an empire until the end of ww1.

we are still in the process of finding our national identity. these historic lies dont make it easier, sigh.

RockmanRaiden ago

What are the Spaniards ties to that lineage? I embrace my European ancestry and I'm hoping my blood is that of warriors.

divine_human ago

I embrace my European ancestry and I'm hoping my blood is that of warriors.

if you have the heart of a warrior, the DNA doesnt matter so much ;)

What are the Spaniards ties to that lineage?

different lineage, they have their ties all over south america.

the spanish were romanized early on while my folks in the north were still pagan for long. there are no germanic temples because the forest was our temple.

while the spanish flowered under a pretty moderate islam a thousand years ago - which brought medicine, math, and arts to europe -, the germanic folks fought luciferianism. the north kinda never turned christian, lol; the folks up here took on protestantism at some point of time (seems like they had to) but nowadays, are basically atheist (more than 35%).

truth told, the monarchy all over europe has germanic ties. house of welf, habsburg and hesse sent their children everywhere so they have become domestic royal lineage. i can even see it in their faces, lol...

Rawrination ago

If nothing else the Spanish just didn't quit fighting against Islamic invasion.

RockmanRaiden ago

Never stop fighting!

IdoubtIt2 ago

This. It breaks my heart what they’ve done and continue to do to the German people. Absolutely criminal.

Omnicopy ago

Smoke from tortured burned people can get you high-adrenochrome. Those Germans were getting high I bet

Omnicopy ago

Goat forum!!!!

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Invicta ago

Decalogue of Inconvenient Facts about the Holocaust (so-called): http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/decalog.htm

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Curious amount of samefagging going on in this thread. Do you retards coordinate this on discord or something?

CivNat88 ago


HonestBrah ago

See also Debunking "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told" - https://imgur.com/gallery/nUtifYK

Example: CLAIM 10: "Auschwitz had a whole bunch of amenities like a swimming pool, brothel, orchestra etc., which means it couldn't possibly have been a death camp!"

Most of these facilities were located in the comparatively tiny Stammlager, rather than over at Birkenau where most of the Jews were, and some of these weren't even located in Auschwitz, or even Birkenau, but a mile or so away in a small sub-camp where only a few dozen people worked, see my debunkings...

If you think one documentary with out of context, cherry-picked facts is enough to red-pill people about the Holocaust then you're equally naive.

srayzie ago

Thank you. Another great one is Everythjng is a rich man’s trick

thebearfromstartrack ago

Given what I know about news organizations today (post internet creation), I would say the numbers (all around) may be suspect. Seems like news outlets just want us to THINK they have the answers at all times. So HOW did they collect all of this info (numbers killed). That is a LOT of counting. Estimates instead??? I mean how did they OFFICIALLY count them ALL up?

JastheMace ago

They had the 6 million prior to the war, it has religious significance to the Jews. When 6 million Jews die, the Messiah will come....

thebearfromstartrack ago

But not if it's a lie. So what would be the point? Besides anti Christ comes FIRST (6th trump/vial/seal 666) Yeeshewa (jesus) is (6th Trump)

yellowoodneepuks ago

The Holocaust a LIE?-No!, No Way, Not possible- The German people are not liars. Been to Germany numerous times, took the time to visit several sites. The one that absolutely humbled me to my very core was the memorial at Eagles Nest of their local Holocaust victims. In spite of its exceptional documentation and facility of this horrifying history I could not finish the museum as I could not further stomach the human devastation represented there. I could not take the mass organized murdering of the women, children and elderly that was represented there. All for the glory of Nazism. I applaud what the Germans had accomplish in this display as they reviewed the absolute gory hell within their own back yard. This human atrocity was hidden as much as it could be from the German people, their reality was awakened when the locals were forced to clean up their local prison camps at war's end, primarily removing dead. If you think otherwise WTFU!

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Civil_Warrior ago

I take it you know what JewJew cum tastes like. Gas yourself jew save us the trouble.

yellowoodneepuks ago

Ohh- butthurt a little bit?-.Not Jewish fek head go back to your gulag and placate yourself......

Lauraingalls ago

yellowoodneepuks, thanks for the Truth. I did not have a clue how many SICK people are on Voat. I see they downvoated you.

Lauraingalls ago

These people are NUTS.

houdhGIUGSD ago

you are losing

Lauraingalls ago

YOU ARE SICK!!!!!!!!!

houdhGIUGSD ago

You are old and out of touch!!!

Lauraingalls ago

YOU have NO IDEA how "OLD" I am. JERK.

Crensch ago

yellowoodneepuks ago

Yeah well your missing the truth:

You do not have a micro gram of evidence nor credibility to back up what you're saying. I was there, at Eagles Nest.. Saw it for myself The scope and scale of the Murder that took place there was over whelming. Idiot? Paid shil? or just evil- what are you?

Crensch ago

Cool story, bro.

Now can you support your position with anything beyond retarded ramblings about "micro gram"?

yellowoodneepuks ago

Being you don't have the intellectual strength to understand it means you're of little mind & of little grey matter. If you ask again I can't spell it out any clearer than that.

Crensch ago

I understood your words. You apparently do not understand mine.

Your inability to comprehend my words is not my problem.

yellowoodneepuks ago

Never rmind then- you're completely wasting your time-obviously, and I'm wasting mine typing this to a feeble minded shil.

Crensch ago

You can't even provide a shred of evidence for anything. You just looked up a word and thought you'd be smart using it over and over again.

What's hilarious is that you think I didn't understand that word.

Crensch ago

Notice how you are defending Your Side with nothing but words?

yellowoodneepuks ago

Really-? You missing the truth? You do not have a micro gram of evidence nor credibility to back up what you're saying. I was there, at Eagles Nest.. Saw it for myself The scope and scale of the Murder that took place there was over whelming. Idiot? Paid shil? or just evil- what are you?

Crensch ago

I was there, at Eagles Nest.. Saw it for myself

No, you weren't. No, you didn't.

See how easy it is to dismiss claims like that?

yellowoodneepuks ago

Spent a half a year in Bavaria- Fuk You!

Crensch ago

Did you learn how to be a complete retard there?

yellowoodneepuks ago

Indictments are evidence based- your screwed......

Crensch ago

I think it's cute how you think you are smart enough to keep up with me.

You're not even smart enough to provide any support for your position.

yellowoodneepuks ago

Listen shit for brains you obviously don't have a clue what the truth is, and it doesn't matter: you're screwed any way you look at it. 80,000+ indictments will roast you and your cronies asses permanently.

Crensch ago

Remember when you lost an argument on the internet so badly that you started threatening the other person with 80000 indictments?

yellowoodneepuks ago

Now DOJ documented 86,000+ evidence based indictments enough evidence for you? Threatening you with 80,000+ indictments WTF-are you talking about?- are you insane? Those indictments have been building up 5,000+ month for over year they already exist-what rock have you been under?- You have absolutely no clue what you're even talking about, go on the DOJ Gov't website and look them up yourself-not going to do your work for you. Again you have no basis of even understanding what's fundamentally going on. Keeping up with u is a joke-you have no basis of understanding and you talk of nothing but crap. You get dumber by the keystroke.......stop embarrassing yourself

Crensch ago

No. Evidence.

Just more word salad.

yellowoodneepuks ago

Bullshit go to eagle's nest yourself shil

Crensch ago

yellowoodneepuks ago

Lied to? Really-? You do not have a micro gram of evidence nor credibility to back up what you're saying. I was there, at Eagles Nest.. Saw it for myself The scope and scale of the Murder that took place there was over whelming. Idiot? Paid shil? or just evil- what are you?

Civil_Warrior ago

You stupid Jew holohoax rides were built by Jews after the war for Jews like you to ride on.

yellowoodneepuks ago

You're embarrassing yourself -not jewish mellon head.

IdoubtIt2 ago

And emotion. Pure emotion. With some “it’s true because random person said it was”.

Lauraingalls ago

You are dealing with very sick people here.

CivNat88 ago

We’ve blackpilled more QBoomers than ever since the great migration. Why do you think Q sent you here?

Lauraingalls ago

1st of all YOU DON'T KNOW MY AGE, second Q didn't send me anywhere.

CivNat88 ago

Maybe QBoomers was a bit presumptuous on my part. If you want to help fight for our white communities against the insidious and treasonous actions of the Jew. Let me know. HH and HDJT!

JastheMace ago

Stuff it kike, we're sick of your lies.

AlternateSelection ago

At this point, do we really know what truth is anymore?

Crensch ago

Yes. We do.

swimkin ago

I guess you could say I am not ready to go there yet. Could it be a possibility? Of course! I imagine our whole history is likely a lie.

Yuke ago

The swindle that made all other subsequent swindles, possible.

Patriot56 ago

In my opinion this is a shill report. the deep state has always hated the Jews. Evil forces in all the world always try to take down the nation of Israel and for what? Nobody knows why there is so much hate for the Jews except that it is based on evil. There are too many historical stories, pictures and accounts of the 6 million that were slaughtered to not be true.
Don't you know now that the success the patriots are seeing now corresponds to the treatment the President and our country deal with Israel. The Bible tells us that who ever blesses them is blessed and whoever curses them are cursed. Proof positive of the Obama admin. America was cursed with this deep state junk and more taxes. Choose for yourself if Israel is your friend or not but be willing to accept also the consequences. Saying this does not mean that every jew is true or right but as a nation they are blessed.

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White_pride_cis ago

In my opinion, you’re a boomer faggot.

Squalk ago

The existence of the Jewish people is a proof of God.

That does not mean that they are without sin; the sin of the few should not represent the sin of a people.

By that logic - every American deserved judgement under 44's presidency.

I do not doubt that numbers are exaggerated but what now???

Whats the solution? More power to the Arabs (HAMAS)? The Arabs do not want peace.

IdoubtIt2 ago

“The existence of Jewish people is proof of god”.

Ummmm...what? Holy shit....

Squalk ago

old testament.

I am a Christian and therefore New Testament is my focus.

Watch this video: time stamped to the answer.


CivNat88 ago

Jews killed Christ. They are sick devil worshipers. HH

Squalk ago

Who taught you that?

You do realise that Jesus was baptised a jew and circumcised in jewish tradition (then age 30 he ends the tradition of circumcision (CHRISTIANS) in the spreading of <his/Gods> word))?

You do realise that by your logic (all jews are the same from birth up to their death) you are placing yourself in the camp that put Jesus on the cross?

Think about it.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Oh, I see, you’ve bought the line that “Romans” killed Jesus. Lol, pretty sad you know so little about your own religion. You realize that their Talmud has Jesus boiling in shit, right? Nah, you’ll ignore all the evidence before your eyes. You’ll refuse to see, even when the rifle is firmly planted against your occipital love and the Jew pulls the trigger. Your last words will be “but you’re our greatest ally”.

Nice cherry picking of your bible btw.

Squalk ago

have you read the New Testament?

Im not cherry picking.

Show me the part in the bible where it states all Jews gathered to crucify?

Why are you acting like all Jews practice the Talmud?

The Talmud does not feature in the Torah/old Testament.

Its like the Arab Hadith(s) - Quran relationship.

MANY divisions/differences between Islam / SHARIA and western culture.

Talmud aside - Difference between Jews and Christians is simple.

Christians believe he ((Messiah (CHRIST)) died and three days later, he rose from death before ascending into heaven (Right Hand).

Jews are waiting for the Messiah - Christians Revelation.

Scroobius ago

hahahahaha you are blind. The hate for jews is a reaction to real life events conspired and carried out by jews. One quick example, USS Liberty. Defend that murder of American sailors real quick for me.

german_bro ago

Elie Wiesel, the one who was saying after the war, Germans had roasted Jews on glowing iron plates, was asked by his SS Guards if he want to join them to leave the Camp bc the Red Army was close. He was going with his Guards and died 2016 in NYC.

JastheMace ago

He also didn't have his most famous tattoo, A7713, it was actually assigned to a Lazar Wiesel. So Elie was a fraud, he wasn't even in any camp at all.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we all know how many jews died during the WW2 era. Not Enough.

Lauraingalls ago

Are you have the NERVE to deny what Hitler did when you sound like you would have helped KILL people. Get some MENTAL help.

IdoubtIt2 ago

I notice all of these replies arguing for the holohoax are pure emotion. No consideration of the facts, no arguments to refute, just pure, squealing emotion.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

weird that all the hard evidence is on one side of the debate

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

not denying, when there's no real proof of it.

Lauraingalls ago

Plenty of Christians that spoke out and even wrote books. That is PROOF.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

first hand accounts aren't worth much btw, I need statistics and data that's verifiable

antiracist ago

You need a ballgag and to lose the fantasy that history is in the business of providing evidence akin to the hard sciences.

Bleep blorp microscope test tube and I still haven't calculated the exact holocaust death count down to the nearest tenth of a Jew!

Therefore, history don't real!

I looked up at the stars all night and they never spelled out the exact holocaust death count. Therefore, history don't real.

Hay dawg, stop holding history to the standards of a hard science! Stop it! Stop!


Bad faggot!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

find me enough mass graves or ash to account for 6 million people, find me records of those people before the war and not just a list of names. Peoples memories are as bad as they are dishonst

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

What does this prove exactly? I voted for the man, but he wasn't exactly around during the 30s-40s and he's not particularly a historical expert.

Lauraingalls ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I mean I can read and do math and there's plenty of publicly available information on the subject, Trump's busy running the country but what's your excuse? If you have any verifiable proof 6 million jews were killed feel free to drop a citation.

Lauraingalls ago

I didn't know when I decided to join Voat to talk about Q and Trump that I would be harrased by "HOLOCAUST DENIERS" but Voat is FULL of them.

"Denial of the Holocaust has never been a monopoly of the far right. History has taught us that antisemitism arises in many forms, and this is no less true for Holocaust denial. That’s why Hope Not Hate’s new book also explores denial to be found in leftwing circles, in eastern Europe and from Muslims both in Muslim-majority countries and in the west as well.

Beyond considering contemporary political, religious and geographical dimensions to Holocaust denial, one of the key findings of the book is the worrying generational shift and the changing nature of far-right Holocaust denial engendered by the explosion of the internet.

Recognising the internet’s potential for reaching people at an unprecedented scale, Holocaust deniers were early adopters of online platforms, some as early as the 1980s. And since the 2000s social media’s arrival has had a profound impact, not just on the ability of the denial community to spread their ideas but more fundamentally on the idea of, and motivation for, Holocaust denial itself."

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I don't understand how you can follow Q or Trump and be so close minded, you've seen the way reporters and academics lied about Q and Trump, but you believe them in regard to this? you saw how Hillary's supporters and those opposed to Trump closed themselves off to discussion, debate, and information that went against their beliefs, but on this you act the same as them? why not simply look at the facts presented to you and decide for yourself what you believe? stop letting "experts" control your mind and run your life. Ask questions, and look for answers.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


IdoubtIt2 ago

No it’s not. Christians have been lied to. Tell me: why does the average evangelical worship the Jew, at the expense of their savior?

Lauraingalls ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the kikes in those labor camps were sick with typhus, but next time we really will have gas chambers and peddle powered brain crushers

IdoubtIt2 ago

Don’t forget the masturbation machine!!

dellip_der_ ago

Don't forget to thank your Jewish historical revisionist overlords for the re-interpretation of historical events.

pckpat ago

Plus Carnegie and Rockefeller funding the American Historical Association to put the elititist/globalist spin on all textbooks and curricula.

slwsnowman40 ago

I started questioning it when I found out that all the death camps were liberated by the Soviets...

Then the documentary with the gas chamber engineer pointing out obvious problems, like the gas chambers that drained to the ditch outside. Then the wooden doors, camp commander being relatively close to the chamber with wooden door, the hospital across the street from the gas chamber (why do death camps need a hospital?). The chimney not attached to anything, the undisturbed grounds where hundreds of thousands were supposedly buried and dug up later to be cremated. Ah, the cremations...I love maths.

fuckingmockies ago

Good luck getting Boomers to snap out of it, though.

Lauraingalls ago

BOOMERS? You are delusional.

lifeduringwartime ago

I remember studying this in HS; the math didn't really work. There weren't enough trains or cars to carry that many.

antiracist ago

And since then have you become a mathematician or a historian, or do you flip burgers or some stupid shit meaning who gives a shit about your pencil-on-a-napkin rigorous historical analysis.

God, at least cure some real fake expert on the holocaust, who has some real fake scientific evidence to cite. Not this "when I was in high school I did the math which I can't provide". Goddamn. Just make up a goddamn name!

"NOT ENUF TRAINS!" -- Dr. Gordan Freeman, Mathematical Historian

Not this. "When I was in high school" bullshit! Who the fuck are you? Valedictorian? An accountant? Say so! But to just say, "Well, when I was in high school..." like that's supposed to mean something?! Well la-dee-da this high school educated scholar doodles a disproof of the holocaust. Well im convinced!! Upvoats all around this circlejerk!

RainyDayIdiot wants kike statistics down to the atomic kike, and now this high school educated genius disproved the holocaust on purely rational grounds, along with a sweet drawing of Goku he also managed to fit in between classes.

german_bro ago

In the Camps the prisoners had Theater, Music, Library, Sport and brothels. For people you want annihilate?

srayzie ago

Even an orchestra!

Phantom42 ago

Obviously an orchestra of death, goy.

The instruments produced such horrible sounds that all the Jews died in seconds, never question it.

Lauraingalls ago

Phantom42, you are wasting your time talking to these Neo Nazi, Holocaust Deniers. Sick minds. SCARY.

Phantom42 ago

"Neo Nazi"

National Socialist.

"Holocaust Deniers"

So, finding the Truth.

"Sick minds."

Truth hurts.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

and dentistry, imagine cleaning a man's teeth before cremating him alive. Why would they bother?

Phantom42 ago

Obviously to collect gold teeth.

A very Jewish thing to do...

Lauraingalls ago

Phantom 42 they are CLUELESS.

Phantom42 ago

I'm pointing out that the Kike narrative about "muh Holocaust" was projection from the Holodomor. What the Kikes and their pawns did to Christians in Russia, they'd just blame on the Germans in WWII.

Lauraingalls ago

You have your ideas and I have mine. The Holocaust was real.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Some from my collection of red pills,

Notice how all the "death camps" were only in the areas the Allied troops weren't allowed to enter, simply amazing that when the Nazi's devised these death camps, they knew that if they lost the war the 2 winning forces would split their prisoner camps evenly across the lines of just prisoner camp and death camps.




The following was the true waking point for me though. Ask around, NOBODY is denying these are real newspapers. In fact, here's the argument (((they))) will give, "Jews exaggerate all the time, so just because they exaggerated all these times, doesn't mean they exaggerated that time, duh!". Seriously, this is their argument. One would also question why pointing a camera at actual newspaper articles would be something that would require a warning from Youtube, a website full of child porn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dda-0Q_XUhk

Something else to remember, when I was in school in the 90's, they taught us that the official number was closer to a million and out of those million it was a mix of many people, not just Jews. Think about how much that narrative has changed. Anyone remember some big discovery that changed history since the 90's? I don't.

markrod420 ago

The topic about which we are never allowed to question or criticize in any way? Nah im sure thats all totally legit. /s

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the narrative so true that it's illegal to question it

Not_C ago

Talking to a co-worker. They said they like watching WW2 docs. Told them to watch the Greatest Story Never Told. It's about why Germany went to war, how concentration camps weren't death camps, etc.

They replied, that there's evidence and eye witness accounts of the holocaust.

I said, if Germany had won the war, they would tell everyone that the Allies were evil, and that they were the good guys, right? But because the Allies won, they say they're the good guys and Germany was evil. The victors write the history books. The actual truth is going to be somewhere in between.

We are ONLY taught about how Germany was pure evil and the Allies were pure good. What happens when we hear the other side of the story?

The Greatest Story Never Told.

TSE ago

Whats your point? So it was not 6 million, but maybe 500,000 or 200,000. Is it still not wrong to perform ethnic cleansing?

JastheMace ago

There was NO ethnic cleansing. Hitler must have been really bad at it considering his personal driver was Jewish, his personal doctor was Jewish, he pinned medals on the chests of Jewish German Generals, 15 of them including 2 field marshals. Tens of thousands of Jews serving in the German military. Hitler's eyesight must have been bad.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

why would so many institutions lie to you about the numbers then then? If it's not about morality or historical accuracy what are all these "holocaust historians" trying to do to you and society with this narrative? Why make the nazis out to be worse than they were?

TSE ago

I don't know the answer, but I do know that even 200,000 killed would be bad. It is a complicated situation, for sure. Jews are bad and should all be killed! But actually doing it the way Hitler did, even if it is "only" 200,000 is wrong. You know why it is wrong? Because he was not stopped by his people. Same for Pol Pot. What if it would be Sanders or Booker? This can not be allowed, ever, anywhere!!! Even if the Jews should all be killed.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yeah but isn't having teachers lie to children in school wrong? why would anyone do that?

E_W86 ago

I guess Casper and Betsie TenBoom's deaths were pointless. Good thing Corrie was never enlightened about this before she died.

Pcpoet09 ago

hard top tell the difference between you racist and anti Semitic fucks and those here to fuck with Q posts.... any of you that believe this shit I suggest you go and educate your self on the history of mas genocide's because it did happen and through out history it has happen nothing new or strange about it. and there probably be more genocides of difrent people because as a group humanity has a few sick fuckers that get the sheep to fallow them.

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IdoubtIt2 ago

Holodomor. Know about that one, expert? Bet you don’t.

Pcpoet09 ago

actually studied history and no about source material.... any fool can call themselves an expert all that means is that you have taken time to study the topic and just because you study the topic does not mean that you are drawing the correct conclusions that's how come most experts on a subject end up arguing points. the Holodomor was the joseph Stalin confiscating the agricultural production of the Ukraine to feed one region and then allowing the Ukraine region to starve because it was not a loyal communist central authority it was claimed internationally to ne a famine but there was no famine the farms were confiscated along with crops.

JastheMace ago

Stuff it lie defender. How many movies have been made about the Holomodor where the Jews starved to death over 20 million in the Ukraine? How about the 60-80 million mostly white Christians were killed in Russia by the Jews? Why do you defend the biggest mass murderers in history? This is the 3rd time they are ethnicly cleansing Palestine.

Crensch ago

Were you trying to type in English there? Do you want to know about real genocides? Try the current one in South Africa, or the Holodomor.

Why don't you go look up actual genocides? The Holocaust is fake and until evidence comes out that shows the many comments here and their supporting links to be false, it will continue to be the only logical conclusion.

Pcpoet09 ago

sad south Africa . like I said genocides are common in history.....I have seen the evidence from world war two and spoken to witnesses that were every day people who were in on the liberation of camps. I have a whole section of my family that just disappeared so you are a piss ant for saying it did not happen.

CivNat88 ago


Crensch ago

You are very obviously a Jew, and you did not have sections of your family that disappeared due to death camps. You are a liar, and the evidence very clearly shows that there was no Holocaust.

Lauraingalls ago

I do believe Hitler was a MONSTER and the holocaust did happen. There are many photos and many GOOD decent people that survived and told their stories. Corrie Ten Boom was a Christian and had NO reason to lie.

"Ten Boom was initially held in solitary confinement. After three months, she was taken to her first hearing. On trial, ten Boom spoke about her work with the mentally disabled; the Nazi lieutenant scoffed, as the Nazis had been killing mentally disabled individuals for years based on their eugenics ideologies. Ten Boom defended her work, saying that in the eyes of God, a mentally disabled person might be more valuable "than a watchmaker. Or a lieutenant."

Corrie Ten Boom was also put in a concentration camp.

Also, people like Franz Werfel had to leave their lives and escape. Franz promised the Blessed Mother that if she would help him he would write about the Saint in Lourdes France at the time. He did write a book called "The Song Of Bernadette" and a movie was made about it too. He did get to the USA and kept his promise. The Von Trapps had to escape from Austria too, and leave everything behind. I think the people here that just about every day try to push this garbage that Hilter was some kind of HERO and the Holocaust didn't happen are just PLAIN SICK. Let the DOWNVOATS BEGIN I REALLY DON'T CARE.

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JastheMace ago

Many fake photos of the atrocities you mean. Real photos of typhus and starving victims.

NellerBean ago

Do you know about the Holodomor? Or that the Bolsheviks weren't Russians?

It's very sad but this is the ultimate red pill if you care about saving Western Civilization and your reaction is the same as mine the first time I was faced with challenging the confirmation bias related to the foundation of the useless White guilt which is putting the entire world at risk of become one big socialist dystopia focused on reducing everything and everyone to the absolute lowest common denominator. Loxism is real, just look at who's behind the ongoing failed coup attempt and the names of EVERY person indicted in the NVIXM sex trafficking cult.

I have lots of Jewish friends that I love dearly, don't want it to be true either. We don't always get what we want.

Crensch ago


Do you happen to notice what you're missing here?

Arrvee ago


Of course we were. The Soviets produced propaganda to exaggerate it. It was in the interests of every Allied country to shame down and suppress German pride. There were con artists making money telling holocaust stories. And the jackasses who claim it never happened are also lying. The truth is wherever the evidence leads, and the evidence shows that large communities of Jews existed prior to the war and were reduced to a tiny number of survivors afterwards.

JastheMace ago

....because most fled

IdoubtIt2 ago

To America and britain

Trousersnake1488 ago

That's what I orignially thought was going on when q told them all to come here. Boomers don't understand the interest like we do so they just spout shit off in normies areas while we hide and use cover to protect ourselves... If that makes sense.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Qtards. If you honored truth and Justice for what has been done, I would die for you.

Just a combat vet who has had enough

Phantom42 ago

I'm just a civvie NatSoc and I say the same.

We're all in this together, and I'd go as far to say as 90% of these Qtard niggerfaggots are on the same side as we are.

Imagine their shock when they find out it was a Nazi, not a "FELLOW PATRIOT MERICAN HURR!", that died for them, or even fought for them.

I wager there are far more of us than is being let on.

JastheMace ago

Hitler made it to Argentina. A guy their claims to be his son from a prostitute. His DNA confirms that he is either Hitler's son or one of his siblings, who never lived in Argentina. The DNA tests on the burned bodies were not Hitler and Ava.

CivNat88 ago

He was a Hero and should be venerated as such. The wrong side won WWII

JastheMace ago

There shouldn't have been a WW2.....or 1


https://codoh.com/ A good place to start.


Why did you post this on a Q sub? Fucking shameful direspect of Q.

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Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ultimately following Q will lead to killing the jew. Trust the plan.


The only thing you're gonna kill is another bag of Cheetos, while your fat ass sits in your momma's basement.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

first time on the internet, boomer? you gotta step it up if you want the insults to do anything

IdoubtIt2 ago

Oooh, he burned you! Kek kek kek! (That’s sarcasm btw, I know it can be hard to decipher in clown world, HONK HONK!)

satisfyinghump ago

Once someone takes this step, that the holocaust was a lie, and then also figures out WHY it was lied about and WHO created the lie, you turn a corner you can never go back to.

Congrats on one way, goodluck in another.

Phantom42 ago

Oh, and @srayzie, you may find yourself screaming at the TV "LOOK! THERE'S ANOTHER ONE! THE NOSE! IT'S HOOKED!"

and before you know it you see them everywhere.

Invicta ago

Noways, since the left hemisphere schizoids have taken over the press, I handle their shouts of being a "holocaust denier" with this: The late Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Ovadia Yosef said:

“The six million Holocaust victims were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things which should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone.” http://www.timesofisrael.com/5-of-ovadia-yosefs-most-controversial-quotations/

Did you catch that? Holocaust victims were reincarnations of the souls of sinners. Also noteworthy:

"The sages of the true wisdom teach that every Jewish soul must REINCARNATE many times until it has fulfilled all the 613 mitzvos in action, speech, and thought" (Shulchan Aruch HaRav: Hilchos Talmud Torah 1:4).

The poor Jews! It looks like many Jews will have a lot of reincarnations to go through with a lot more holocausts, especially, those who work for CNN! This is also why Jews are converting to Buddhism (called JuBus), to avoid a horrible reincarnation.

antiracist ago

If there is reincarnation, I dont think it toggles based on what you call yourself. I'd say, hey, the kikes and the Buddhists were both right about this reincarnation deal. Maybe wrong about some details. Maybe right about some. By chance. But none of this "choose your own adventure" afterlife where the reincarnation rules that apply to you depended on your earth clique. Nah, it's gotta be same rules for all.

Lunger ago

Between the years 1938 and 1945 approximately 380,000 people died in the camps. The vast majority of those deaths (starvation and Typhus) were in the latter months of the war after supply lines had been cut by the Allies.

The Jews finally found someone stupid enough, the Americans, to believe their lies about the 6 million and have been riding rough shot on the world ever since.

Ps4Freedom ago

Big thumbs up!

Workman ago

"Welcome to the Party, pal."

middle-path ago

@Lauraingalls what do you think about all this?

Lauraingalls ago

I did post a comment. They ARE NUTS. tha's what I think.

Phantom42 ago


Scroobius ago


middle-path ago


Invicta ago

Sure we were lied to. Anyone who studies military history and understands how wars are actually fought knows full well that Germany was in deep doo-doo when it was forced (or rather suckered by Stalin, Churchill and FDR) into fighting an impossible two-front war. Jews, not only fought for Germany they made up much of the German labor force which the allies located in what we know as "concentration camps." Jews were highly skilled workers. And without Jewish workers, Germany couldn't have lasted more than two years. Most of the German men had to fight a horrible war in Russia. Thankfully, France supplied Germany with much of its needed food which is why France was called "Germany's milk cow." Not only that but the Jewish workers in Germany were given more food and healthcare than the average German citizen because they were working so hard. The demographics tell the whole story. The World Almanac in 1938 reported that the world Jewish population stood at 15,748,091, with 240,000 Jews in Germany. The American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council in 1939 reported 15,600,000 Jews world wide. The World Almanac USA in 1947 reported that the world Jewish population was 15,690,000. Old Almanacs never lie — but propagandists always.

Phantom42 ago

Lots of people think us NatSocs hate every damn Jew on the planet.

No, not really. I'd have no problem with them if they stayed in their homeland, or if they remained, served honorably as any native citizen would.

Germany understood this, and thousands of Jews fought in the Wehrmacht.

CivNat88 ago

I love everyone Jew as long as they are in the ground. HH

Phantom42 ago

Granted, I'm not opposed to that either.

kingdomhearts123 ago

what homeland is that?

antiracist ago

Just give them a chunk of Nevada or some desert shithole and cut this Israel/Palestine bullshit off.

pckpat ago

They already did-they call it Las Vegas.

Invicta ago

I read 150,000 fought for the Wehrmacht. They had plenty of fake news even back then — trying to cover up all of Hitler's peace initiatives. The guy wasn't dumb. He knew Germany could not survive another two-front war.

Phantom42 ago

I believe it was 150k.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

Hitler was a C_A op.??

E_W86 ago

No, he was a Lucifer op - a Diabolical Narcissist: https://www.barnhardt.biz/diabolical-narcissism/

Lauraingalls ago

the Hitler lovers don't want to hear that.

benjitsu ago

I am going to TL:DR the "holocaust" and I would welcome anyone to correct it and we can edit:

It is well known that jews, gypsies, homos, and retards are a drain on society at best and parasitic at worst and Germany was in rough shape after WW1. Hitler offered to buy these people a fucking island (give them zion, if you will) and they told him to get fucked. The war started and jews were moved to WORK camps and paid in scrips much like miners in early America. Lots of really fucked up shit was done by some really fucked up Germans, I am fairly sure Hitler turned into a crazy paranoid meth addict and was likely of pretty poor stock in the first place, and damaged from the first war and the state of his country. Purported nazi gas chambers were very likely delousing units, not traps(Nazis didn't know the lice hate powdered sugar).Supply lines got closed and German soldiers and guards were starving alongside interned workers. The human soap and lamp shit is completely fabricated. Cremation is the only possible way to deal with mass death in densely populated areas (the germans could have very well made the remaining workers dig the graves for the others), and no one was burned alive. 6 million was a number that was put forth in an earlier publication (elders of zion maybe) published by jews and it was put forth officially by a "russian" general who changed his name to hide that he was Jewish. Censuses never indicated that there were even 6 million jews living in Europe at the time. Did I miss anything?

nzmc ago

I guess it’s just the way you can look at the same thing and then there is some good time for doing something good to see what happens when we get there in time to see what facts were hidden or changed

Jdtaylormm ago


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Landwhaleonline ago

Almost everything you were ever taught is a lie.

TurquoiseLover ago

I found a really interesting web site about a dozen years ago that had old coffee table book type photos of all the leaders of the day playing their "NAZI" roles. It was Disney, Churchill, etc. all dressed up.

Wish I could find it again. The photos were a casual club type scene with all of them lollygagging around enjoying their scam.

Dragon40 ago

I once had the pleasure of interviewing a woman who had been touted (by racial supremacists & neo-NAZIs) as a stirling example of the "modern woman" who "saw through" Jewish lies about WWII. At the time I met her, she had left "the movement" and begun to fight the racism inherent in Holocaust denial.

She related her experience meeting Canada's Hitler wannabe, Ernst Zundel, shortly after joining "the movement." She said that the first words out of Zundel's mouth were about how the Holocaust was a lie...only later in the conversation did he raise the issue of racial supremacy.

I asked her why she thought Zundel brought up Holocaust denial before anything else, and she said (after thinking about it for a moment) that she thought it was because Zundel & his followers believed that anyone stupid enough to swallow Holocaust denial was certainly stupid enough to buy into all the other skinhead BS. She was right.

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Crensch ago


Care to post any logos? Or were you just wanting to write some fanfic?

KnownBand0 ago

Benjamin Freidman was cast out by his fellow Jews because he was there for the UK-Judea meeting where the UK was told " We'll get the Americans into the war; when its over, you will give us our own land " Mel Gibson's father is a religious historian; the Jews hate him.

Shiftworker1976 ago

The Payseur line colluded with Rothschild line which colluded with British and America folks. Israel was created. There are bad folks mixed with good folks in all the blood lines threw history. The bible says so. WE still Trust The Plan.

E_W86 ago

Not directly mainly at you. God is still sovereign. Sometimes he uses wicked people to accomplish his objectives. The restoration of Israel was guaranteed by multiple prophets over thousands of years throughout the Word of God, the last being Jesus Christ himself, who dictated the book of Revelation to John.

So God's own integrity hangs on the restoration of Israel, whatever you may think of the Jews themselves. It has also been prophesied that once Israel was re-established after their second exile, it would never be destroyed again. God's own integrity hangs on that as well. After the Antichrist has taken control over most of the world, all of the nations on earth will be gathered together to try to wipe Israel off the map and settle the pesky Jewish question for good.

That's when they will see the King of the Jews coming in the clouds with power and great glory. It has been prophesied that they will look upon Him whom they have pierced and mourn for Him individually and desperately as for an only son.

Shiftworker1976 ago

I agree with you 100%. I do support Israel 100%. But there is some truths and history has been compromised by the elects. Just stating there are bad people in every religion. Our father Yahweh sent his son Yeshua to this earth to redeem us threw excepting him as our lord. Yeshua was not sent here to to set up religions. They were created by man. Doctrines of religions corrupt man. Orthodox Jews don’t believe Yeshua is There Lord. The Talmud states that. I pray for them almost everyday. Thank you Patriot.

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ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Yes. Accelerationism. The train has no brakes.

White_pride_cis ago

@Srayzie Duh... We've been saying this for years. Wooden doors on a gas chamber? Industrial crematoriums cannot burn that many bodies that quickly. Fighting a war on two fronts, and they are pissing away resources on the holocaust, when their prized Panzers cannot even get the fuel needed to run? The fact that the census before and after the war show only a slight dip in population, and this was from the Red Cross. The fact that 6,000,000 has been used dozens of times before WW2, and is a number significant to them, and it represents an uncountable number. They studied the ground around Treblinka and Auschwitz with GPR (ground penetrating radar), and the grounds surrounding the camps haven't been disturbed for thousands of years... Where are the mass graves? The list goes on, but I expected more from you. Common sense would say this is a load of bull shit, and that isn't even taking into account the constantly changing placards outside of the camps. Now the number is 20,000,000 killed. You can't make this shit up. Oy vey!

Ps4Freedom ago

Waking to this is difficult. With the door opened, Celebrate and support. This is such huge news and I'm very grateful to Srayzie for having the courage to open it.

Phantom42 ago

Hell, I'm glad to see some Q people come around and see things on our side for once. Most of the time when we bring it up it's typically met with ISRAEL IS OUR GREATEST ALLY GOD LOVES EVERYONE Q DOESN'T HATE and so many tired lines that are repaeated over and over and over and over.....

But hey, now we have some people figuring out the big lie.

Next step is to think "What else did they lie about the Nazis for?"

You read enough, chances are you'll end up a National Socialist (Don't mind the socialist name. Merely a name.)

RockmanRaiden ago

It's funny. I never saw that. You must have been trying to red pill on some normie ass platforms. Maybe the other Q subs. I've never stepped foot in there. Hard to imagine someone on Voat would say 'Israel is our greatest ally' unironically.

Honk honk.

Ps4Freedom ago

The programming has many facets doesn't it. You get through one and another can derail you midstride. Sometimes I think it's like being drugged and trying like hell to wake up and get your senses back. Then you look around and reality has shifted. The entire world looks different when you step out of the matrix.

Slow and supportive will make it easier. This group is very determined and strong. Optics do matter at this point so we have to be gentle with this. But can you imagine our groups together? The pain we can bring, together?

The power of free speech. It's messy and then brilliant. Thank you VOAT!

Phantom42 ago

Anyone who claims NatSocs like me are against free speech has no idea what they're talking about.

In free speech, the Truth always emerges.

Funny how it often leads to.... Interesting conclusions about a certain war and a certain "enemy".

Ps4Freedom ago

Free speech is messy when people are trying to get used to it and how it works. There's a lot of bickering and no one listening to the other side. And then, out of the blue, people start to get curious and start talking to those they were fighting with. They find commonalities and learn from each other. Not on everything but enough to see the beauty of free speech. It grows and becomes contagious...then it's brilliant! Having respect for different views allows people to expand their thinking. If your doing free speech right you make the world a better place.

I'm glad to hear NatSocs are for it. There's a lot there that I agree with, really. Personally, I'll always belong to the fringe. Square pegs, round holes, I just don't fit. Lol But that doesn't mean I don't find value there.

Phantom42 ago

Well, I'll say it like this: National Socialism is such a "separated" ideology that it attracts people of all types who are sick of the bullshit and gives them a purpose. Ideas are tossed around, programs drawn up, projects carried out, and overall it seems to be the best mix of leftism, not Marxism (which is absolutely intolerable) and right leaning politics.

I mean, for us NatSocs to even get our message out we must be able to speak it, no? Where our enemies have worked tirelessly to destroy everything about National Socialism and hide it under the rug, we will hang Marxism by the neck in the town square and leave it there for eternity as a reminder. There is no need to censor evil. Show the people just how bad things are, and they'll be more open to listening.

The trick is to make sure it isn't entirely fear based. A fearful population is a fickle thing, broken like a twig. Show them the evil, then show them quickly and simply exactly how you plan to destroy that evil, keep it at bay, or make sure it stays in the history books.

THAT is what the NSDAP did. All they needed to do to remind people how much better things were was say "Weimar" one time. That's it. Once.

Now, as far as free speech in a National Socialist state, speak freely, I say. The idea behind National Socialism is to do such a damn good job nobody will ever want for another political party again. We will be the, heh, "Final Solution". :P

Ps4Freedom ago

I'll have to get back to you after some research. I saw your links. Do you guys have a sub here?

Phantom42 ago

Ah... Kind of? It isn't terribly active. I'd say just browse through "all". It's at the top of your screen. It'll all come together eventually.

Have fun!

You're one a road to becoming a greater man or woman. This isn't just politics. This is your life.

Ps4Freedom ago

I think I'm already pretty great! But I get your sentiment. I've read Mein Kampf. There are some parts I like and some extreme views I can't get past. The thing is that learning other people's views help expand my own thinking. It stretches the brain and the soul when I put myself in other people's shoes. Thanks for the conversation!

White_pride_cis ago

I’m giving @srayzie a hard time. I woke up to it in Dallas. I had a long layover at DFW, while I was in the military, so I parked my stuff at the uso, and went exploring. I stopped at the infamous grassy knoll, and saw there was a Holocaust museum near by, so I went to see it. They had a display that said “actual gold teeth discovered at Auschwitz”. I laughed, and some beak nosed Yenta gave me a nasty look, and asked what’s so funny. I told her gold doesn’t corrode, and walked away. She looked down and saw the fillings were mostly green, which meant copper

Ps4Freedom ago

When I saw this post I could have fallen off my chair. Then it dawned on me how hard it is sometimes to open enough to even look at some of the things we are learning. After being mad at her for a year I can forgive her now, I understand. On this issue, I'm just really proud of her. This is huge for all of us. I wanna shout "Look what happened today!".

I wish I could remember how I started down the path to this knowledge. It was probably on the streets of SF where in the early 70's philosophers would give talks and answer questions. I like the corroded 'gold teeth'. That's pretty funny and creepy at the same time.

White_pride_cis ago

I wonder if they still have the display up

Ps4Freedom ago

Lol I wish. It was like free university classes

Scroobius ago

Yous should go back again and laugh at it and other displays

gabara ago

I think the truth is the US and other allies killed the Jewish prisoners through a combination for carpet bombing and starvation and disease afterwords. 12 Million Germans died at that time so it's reasonable. But the Allies would want you to believe they were already dead and it was the Germans fault. They gave the survivors Israel an those billions of dollars in payments every year as restitution. And THAT is the big secret.

Crensch ago

I've seen nothing whatsoever to suggest that. Not that it couldn't happen, but their population numbers didn't actually dwindle.

How did you come to that conclusion?

gabara ago

.Occam's Razor. How else is Israel able to blackmail the US and the other allies out of $100 billions every year.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Because governments are made of people, people can be compromised. You didn’t think the child prostitution rings were just for them did you?

Crensch ago

The Fed was established before World War II started. They already had the money. They also bred themselves into the royal families of other countries long before that.

Our government was already thoroughly infiltrated by Jews at that time.

gabara ago

Happy Hanukkah!

Crensch ago


Backoftheqanon ago

"To learn who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticise."

Alt news interview below with Rabbi Finkelstein worth a listen if you want to know what the Jews think of us Goyim.


howdoyoumakeahormone ago

"We ARE God's chosen people. Our God is Lucifer."

RockmanRaiden ago

This is a momentous occasion. I'll fire up the ovens! Oy vey. I must look like a mess.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Hi! Glad you could make it, you are a little late though. The Holocaust didn't happen. But it can. And it will.

Crensch ago

And that case, would it be just in time?

jimibulgin ago

Some others you might want to read up on: Sandy Hook, Pulse Night Club, Boston Bombing, and Gabby Giffords.

I'm sure there are many more, but those are the ones I'm sold on.

Bell4Q ago

Don't forget the Vegas shooting and Steven Paddock's ties to Lockheed and Martin and his girlfriend's ties to CIA.

petevoat ago

I believe it to be true that we were lied to. I;m in the camp where the jews were hijacked by the satanists Rothchilds and these fuckers started WW1 and WW2 to make a profit from both sides, using "jews" as martyrs. It's logical. If I was to conquer the world I need to conquer people's perception using galvanizing other races towards one race.

antiracist ago

It's logical.

Logic does not weigh in on such matters. Logic is about the syntax of propositions, not blathering about kike hatred.

petevoat ago

Logic is the only truth humans have in an imperfect mind. Think about it.

Antiracist10 ago

Which logic? Intuitionistic logic? Non-monotonic logic? Fuzzy logic? Modal logic?

Or is it you have no idea what logic is?

petevoat ago

No need to bullshit. There's common sense logic.

Antiracist10 ago

Here's the straight dope: Common sense logic is what's bullshit, and the topics I just provided aren't.

petevoat ago

Oh, right. Thanks

the_art_collector ago

This is getting warmer but apparently lots of Jews converted to Satanism in addition to the Rothschilds. No idea if an accurate percentage could ever be established. The Sabbatean and Frankist movements were supposedly massive. It was high enough for Rosenthal to make his comment and for all the Satanic Jews we see in the entertainment industry today.

petevoat ago

Not sure if they are cut from thr same cloth but the Pope's Paul VI audience hall is 100% full of satanic symbolism, and it is obvious BUT why it is always full of worshippers, still?

And the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Tunnel was very satanic if nature and attended by top tier business leaders and politicians which should spark curiousity.

scoopadoop ago

Short answer: yes

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


The shills are the ones keeping you blind to the satanist jew by tricking you into thinking they don't exist. Patriots are everywhere and so are satanists do you not get this yet? Satanists include satanic jews. The satanist jews are at the top of this world cabal. No one is sayings its all jews. Only shills say that and bored goats who are fed up with the endless waves of brainwashed sheep who think they are woke.

ISIS=israeli secret intelligence service.

You can stop being a bitch to the emotional brain washing at ANY moment. The choice to know is literally yours.

Knowing what you know about 9/11, pedovores, deepstate do you not get this maddening sensation within yourself at those who can't see it? If only they would listen to you and withhold emotional judgment and to hear out the facts for what they are. If only they would ignore your character and what the authority told them and to think for themselves the presented evidence. I'm sure we can all relate to this no matter where we are on the ladder out, the important part of the journey is to which direction you are looking as we endure to the end.

The truth is that the truth is really hard to pin down. Its slippery and every time you think you've nailed it, it jettisons its merry away out of your reach once more. Every lie is a veil and at every chance to reveal the truth is another opportunity to tell another lie. That is why symbolism isn't just important, its requisite and often based on mathematical principles so that it can never be lost for history is always lost to the sheep and searched for by the Shepard while known only to the wolves. Just as one can only see so far across the land before convergence and atmospheric pollution limit his gaze (he could pierce this barrier with modern infrared viewing equipment to see far past what his eyes would show) so to is our understanding of the human historical timeline. We only know anything historical (reasonable objectivity) within a very small and ever shrinking contribution to the totality of human history. This means we are missing out on a lot of knowledge when we try to consider the human existence. ( https://voat.co/v/QRV/2876482/ Expanded explanation ) In short, be open minded and think for yourself. we've been lied to about everything.

Knowing that the holocaust was a fabrication by exaggeration of internment camps does not make one a nazi. You have been programmed by design to feel an emotional urge to either attack the messenger or refuse to view the evidence. Confidence is dangerous thing. How confident are your friends that won't listen to you that its not worth their time? If only they knew what they didn't know right? The road ahead regardless of the plan working or not is going to get much much stranger. There is pain coming and revelations to be fulfilled for surely as long as man stays in the dark he will never know if he is truly free. Do you want to be told you are free or do you want to honestly know it to be true?

When you look into the official record of the collective holocaust "trials", in the official primary evidence itself you will find inherent inconsistencies designed to be hidden by emotional response. Honestly its an exhaustive effort to compile the sure amount of red pills available to conclusively demonstrate to you that mathematically it was impossible. Swimming pool. Theater. Maternal wards. Rabbit farms. Normal sized crematories. No bone fragmentation. Typhus and starvation. Internment camps.

Yet there is still a way that my proposal can be easily summarized for the average person who is willing to hear it out and by the end of which you will be conclusively convinced the truth has been a lie. Dean irrebod's One third, 4 hours long of primary documentation delivered on screen at time of relevance. You don't have the time to drop out of your masters program like me because your autism wouldn't let you stay asleep? Can't spend hundred of hours every week at peak mental disorder levels of attention for years on end? I'll save you the time.

4 hours and you'll be completely convinced, this is not for entertainment purposes this is highly compact educational lecture and you will want to take notes. It doesn't talk about the jewish question and if you noticed i didn't here either. You don't need to swallow that to realize the holocaust is fake but when you do, you might want to keep climbing the ladder.


  • http://avalon.law.yale.edu/subject_menus/imt.asp

  • Acknowledging the differences in the races is not racism.

  • Acknowledging that mixed race communities are divided is not racism.

  • Acknowledging that ethnostate nations are unified is not racism.

  • Letting other races live in peace amongst themselves united is not racism.

  • Seeking to preserve your own race and future is not racism.

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

The reason? The majority of you are so asleep you'll fight those who try to wake you.

PacaGoat ago

Saving Israel for last.

Peace plan

trackmeplease ago

“Very specific reason not mentioned once”

PacaGoat ago

Peace plan

IdoubtIt2 ago

Excellent post.

Phantom42 ago

"Denying the Holocaust doesn't make you a Nazi."

No, but wondering what else was a lie about the Nazis will.

RockmanRaiden ago

This is profound.

Phantom42 ago

I have my moments.

Omnicopy ago

Your name is even sick

IdoubtIt2 ago

So...did you watch the video? Or dismiss it out of hand like he said you would? Because you don’t like his user name?

Bravo, patriot! Lol....

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You some sort of furry? Nigger?

Ps4Freedom ago

Really great post! Makes me want to go learn it all again.

B-------D ago

Uhhhh Yeah, Ofcourse! But wait, Theres MORE. The details of that great lie are even more exciting... Lets look at The Diary of Anne Fake! A fake journal written by her father well after the war. That one is easy to debunk if you look at the pages in the journal which show obvious signs of 2 different handwriting and writing styles. Shit is fake as fuck and everyone ate it for like 80 years. They teach it in schools and deride those who call it out. Its all fake bullshit.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Gas the Jews !!!

Lauraingalls ago

YOU are extremely KIND, aren't you?

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

You didn't realize there was a white pill hidden in #WhiteGenocide did you? Neither did the Jews. They did this to themselves.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfi.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7gbx.png  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcb.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7gby.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcg.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7gu1.jpg

White genocide white pill

Far right conservative whites exhibit k-selection and therefore are more loyal, protective, and supportive of offspring, family and racial group.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfh.jpg

We work much harder  http://magaimg.net/img/7nex.jpg

And are much smarter and more inventive  http://magaimg.net/img/7nff.jpg

Our women are also THE most racially loyal despite constant Jewish propoganda.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nhm.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nhn.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nho.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nhp.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nhq.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nhr.jpg

The extreme far right is the only group with positive population replacement rates. Which means the white world will be ours  http://magaimg.net/img/7ney.jpg

Whites are the fiercest and most capable warriors. Do not fuck with us.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nez.jpg

We are objectively the most beautiful and most diverse.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf0.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7fbl.jpg

And despite all the Jewish brainwashing and trickery, we are waking up unlike never before and realizing we are part of a much larger group. IT IS OK TO BE WHITE.  http://magaimg.net/img/7heq.jpg

The Jews hate to see a group superior to theirs create the wonders of the world.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf1.jpg

This is why they throw everything they have at us. Through all their media outlets, they try to convince us being white is a curse and is detrimental to the world.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfc.png  http://magaimg.net/img/7f2e.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfd.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfe.jpg

Make no mistake, their media reach is vast and powerful  http://magaimg.net/img/7cso.jpg

They tell the lie that whites don't have any culture when they know our culture is the most desirable. Some say it is even divinely inspired.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf2.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf3.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf4.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf5.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf6.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf7.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf8.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfa.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfb.jpg

The reality is that there will come a time in the very near future when the white man wakes up and decides he's done taking shit. The world will change forever.  http://magaimg.net/img/7h4p.jpg

NO MORE BROTHER WARS  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfo.jpg

Just trying to defend my people

I_lost_my_password ago

You have now taken your first step into the real great awakening. Keep up your research and you will begin to see everything going on today and for the last century with increasing clarity.

zxcvzxcv ago

The facts the holocaust was a hoax and that jews are the enemy and that Hitler was the good guy seems, at least to me, like the biggest red pill a person can swallow. It is even harder for people to accept that than people accepting pedovours and hidden cancer cures. Are you suggesting there is more to this awakening? Please dish the info if you have it! At least give direction to my research.

hamman365 ago

Hitler was not a good guy you fucking moron

FractalizingIron ago

Anyone who thinks Hitler was a good guy is seriously deranged, and as deeply asleep as any moronic marxist SJW.

My dad lived through the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. He was a kid (ages 8 - 14). The nazis were brutal, sadistic, and demonic. Regardless of whether there has been disniformation about the murder of the jews, the fact that the Hitlerian regime was an exercise is Satanic destruction of life and suffering is unequivocal.

So many shills here. And seems like some real idiots, too. Cannot see truth if it was painted on their eyelids....

ihatejunkiemail ago

wouldnt see anything painted on eyelids... not one of those shapeshifting shekel hoarders

hamman365 ago

agreed, all it takes for evil to prosper is for good men and women to do nothing.

zxcvzxcv ago

You need to take the red-pill. Start here: https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com

Once you realize you have been lied you, there is an interesting documentary you need to check out. It is called "Greatest Story Never Told". It is 6 hours long, but worth it.

hamman365 ago

No thanks

trackmeplease ago

Definitely had some faults but he got so much right.

hamman365 ago

He was an absolute narcissistic egomaniac with delusions of grandeur. Corporal Hitler was not anything more than a willing tool for the globalist deep state

ihatejunkiemail ago

projectin again? and isnt ham against your religion ham man?

hamman365 ago

Yawn, not jewish so dont have to follow kosher rules, also not a follower of islam so no halal either. There is only 1 God and Mohammed is not his name. Shalom

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

narcissistic egomaniac with delusions of grandeur

so when exactly did you conduct this psychology session?

hamman365 ago

Lol you are a tweaked one arent you. Did i hit a nerve writing shit about your hero?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

more than anything it's annoying that brain dead retards like you make bizarre claims that aren't based on anything but their own emotions

hamman365 ago

Lol - crack is whack right. I know you dont really believe the crap you post.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you seem to think you "know" a lot of things, but you have very little to back any of your alleged knowledge up. But I'll bite, what is it exactly that leads you to believe I'm being dishonest in my posting here?

hamman365 ago

There is no way a semi intelligent person would believe what you are peddling.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

so you assert, but again you provide no basis for why you believe such to be the case. Thus, I would have to return with the assessment that based on your propensity to make baseless claims that you sir are the one behaving below "semi intelligence."

hamman365 ago

Its not baseless, it is generally accepted by most. You are pushing fake narratives for whatever reason. I can conclude that you are either a paid shill or a nut

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it is generally accepted by most.

which proves nothing and is a basis for nothing. Consensus doesn't matter one person would be enough if they could prove their claim, as even a kike can understand; When a pamphlet was published entitled 100 Authors Against Einstein, Einstein retorted "If I were wrong, one would be enough."

You are pushing fake narratives

I'm only pushing factual information and asking questions.

I can conclude

you'd have to jump to that, but you've shown that you're more than willing to do so

hamman365 ago

Ask questions, but dont push fake bullshit narratives. Adolph Hitler was not a good guy. The Holocaust did happen. The earth is not flat.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I don't believe the last one personally but I still support the proponents of it, because retards like you with your smooth reptile brains are literally unable to argue for basic concepts of physics like the shape of the earth and gravity. Eratosthenes managed to calculate the circumference of the earth using basic geometry around 200 BC but your dumbass is on a computer and you can't even debate flat earthers.

It's not even about right or wrong, if you believe something you should have a basis for such, and if you have a basis for your beliefs you should be able to explain and argue for them. The fact that you can't shows that you were merely told these beliefs by someone else and you hold them despite not understanding them

hamman365 ago

There is nothing to debate - you are a retard shill

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if you're so right and everyone you disagree with is so wrong, why is it so hard for you to back that up? Even if we, for the sake of arguement assume that to be true it sounds like you're retarded and simply parroting what other people told you to believe even if those people were right. Of course they're wrong so you look even more retarded than in that hypothetical

hamman365 ago

I dont need to back up generally accepted things, its the whack jub nuts who need to prove their bullshit narratives, and you havent. I could care less what you believe.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

this is exactly how the media and the left talks about Q and Trump

Schifty5ive ago

Ill say this myself, Ill always reaearch something that disagrees with any forced narrative but as you may know, changing the world's mind about Trump or 9/11 is damn near impossible as it is. Changing someone's mind about Hitler would have to almost be God himself speaking the dissertation.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no one needs to force anyone to change their mind, simply provide information and encourage people to investigate it and decide for themselves

Schifty5ive ago

While that is true. People I know whom have full on TDS are beyond awakening. The will be snoring until both Mockingbird is dissolved and the entire real truth is revealed. One leftist I know believes Q is real but its just Trump propaganda. Ive given up entirely on showing friends the light. Also have some real MAGA friends whom dont think Q is real.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

convince them to stop watching television, going o the movies, and to get off normie social media, show them examples of how college professors and "experts" are wrong about all kinds of shit. Also how often politicians and intelligence agents lie.

1) separate them from the propaganda

2) break the illusion of it's much alleged credibility

3) encourage them to do their own research into things they care about

the_art_collector ago

Hitler played a good guy. That doesn't mean he was one.

PacaGoat ago


zxcvzxcv ago

I'm open to looking at evidence if you have any.

the_art_collector ago

There's plenty.

First, there are reasons to believe Hitler threw the game:


Next, you've got the Nazi occult/illuminati connection. Lightning bolt, Vatican, occult military division.

Last consider that the illuminati themselves are big fans. You see nazi symbolism in occult album imagery, and the British royal family are notorious fans.

zxcvzxcv ago

Ok, here are some quotes from your article:

"The main facts are pretty well known: he took over Germany, made himself dictator, militarised the country, tried to wipe out the Jews, ... and anyone else who even thought of disagreeing with him, and then went and started (well, not technically, since Britain and France actually declared war on Germany, but he was directly responsible for creating the circumstances for said declaration) a war with half the world." (seriously..."tried to wipe out the jews"...you mean with his wooden door technology? This is the same guy who wrote "if I were an academic historian I’d have specialised in the Third Reich"....yet this nazi specialist seems to have no idea about basic historical concepts that are easily researched... Remember the Ruhr? Remember Danzig? Remember Versailles? Oh, I guess this "historian" forgot about those.)

"The Germans wanted, in the meantime, a road through the Polish Corridor so that the two parts of Germany were connected by other than sea or air. So, Hitler demanded Danzig and the road through the Corridor." (ummm...no. Germany wanted the Polish jews to stop murdering and raping Germans. I guess the "historian and nazi expert" forgot about the million+ refugee crisis that the jew-poles created).

"As Hitler had no reason to want war with either France or Britain, this was even more inexplicable." (...just wow. I guess this "nazi expert" forgot to read mein kampf)

"instead of either making peace with Britain or fighting it out to a conclusion, he shifted his attention elsewhere." (hitler had not choice. the french were defeated and a land invasion against the UK was not possible with peace still on the table. I guess the "historian" forgot about the peace treaties hitler was sending to the UK. USSR was always Hitler's primary goal, and with western europe secured, it was time).

"Stalin had, via his foreign minister Molotov, offered an alliance against the Western Allies, with the end objective of carving up the French and British colonial empires between the Axis members. (A man of honor does not make an alliance in order to steal; hitler wanted to save the world from evil, not use evil to steal the world).

"while the Wehrmacht was fighting a street-by-street battle in the ruins of the city, the Russians prepared a colossal counteroffensive against the weak Nazi flanks. In November, they launched this offensive and cut off the Sixth Army.Even then, Hitler could have retreated. but Hitler forbade any attempt at retreat. (Hitler tried several times to save them, but by then, his resources were dwindling and did not have the ability to do so).

"Hitler, who was in full command of the German Army, and who was used to ordering his generals around (as at Stalingrad), and had no desire to launch this attack, went ahead and let it happen anyway, despite knowing it must be defeated. How does one explain this?" (first, that is not how nazism worked... individual responsibility prevailed in nazism, and so hitler would have given orders, but the generals would have decided what was and was not possible and the best way to accomplish this; the orders hitler likely gave was this: 'we must win here, or else we will lose the war for the following reasons...and if we lose the war, the marxists will kill all of us and rape our womem'. And so they went for it, despite all odds.)

"Stalin was always far and away the most pragmatic of all the major leaders of the war, on either side. It is highly likely that at that stage of the war, when victory was still far from assured, he would have jumped at the chance for this separate peace, with the withdrawal of German troops and some kind of compensation from Berlin, probably in territorial terms. But Hitler refused even to try." (you have literally must be kidding me. was this article written by the mossod? this guy claims to be a "nazi expert" and yet his statements make it clear that he has never read mein kampf. To me, it seems the argument that this article is written by a jew is actually becoming more and more likely the longer I read)

"The Alliance with Mussolini: I’ll intrude a personal note here – I could never understand just what Hitler wanted to ally with il Duce for. He brought absolutely nothing to the table. By allying with him, Hitler merely made Italy’s problems his own." (what!?!? read MK, you idiot author! Hitler knew that Spain was germany's only real ally, Hitler thought it possible that the UK would ally with germany if the brits hadn't been completely cuckolded by the jews. hitler was hoping there were enough good men left in the UK to know this. by 1944, he realized his hope in the brits had been in vain.)

"It’s telling that (Antony Beevor, Berlin, The Downfall 1945) Hitler’s generals had begun to feel he was subconsciously trying to lose the war." (yes, let's quote as a source a book written by jews that is about hitler...I'm sure it will be filled with a bunch of really really true facts and stuff. muh 6 million!)

"It was only after January 1942, or in other words after the Reich had quite signally failed to beat the British or the Russians, and in addition had just acquired a powerful new enemy in the US, that Hitler began a campaign of systematic extermination." (ahahahahahahahaha! wooden door technology! ahahahaha!)

"Hitler was concerned with not allowing any of his subordinates to become so powerful as to threaten his own position, he made sure they competed against each other constantly." (hahahahah...you have no idea how wrong this is. you think 'struggling against one another' violates nazi principles... ahahaha! hitler literally wrote the book about his 'struggle').

"how could Hitler risk peace, where his position as God Almighty’s Representative on Earth and Ordained Ruler of the German People might be threatened?" (now this is getting abysmal and I'm sorry for myself that I've read this far into this shame of article. it is little more than a fairly tale. And to top it all over, the article ends talking about the degenerate jew Sigmund Freud. you have got to be kidding me. If you have a real source you would like to provide, I am still open to research, but do not post any more fake jew dribble like you did in your previous post.

the_art_collector ago

I actually saw the red flags at the beginning but was hoping at least some of it would be accurate. As far as his military leadership feeling that he was was trying to lose the war, I got that more from the number of military leaders plotting to assassinate him towards the end.

zxcvzxcv ago

I am sure that some of it was accurate. (((they))) always mix truth in with the lies to make the lies harder to see. The author was betting that most people hadn't read MK and so he got lazy, which made his lies easy to see. The assassination attempts are easily explained. At least one attempt (that I know of) was made by jews who had infiltrated the military and so I assume they were under orders from the marxist cabal.

Other attempts were legitimate attempts by disloyal leaders. This occurred because those soldiers were put into a hopeless situation and Hitler asked them to fight on even thought it was impossible. They thought that by eliminating Hitler, they could sue for peace, but their reasoning was flawed. Hitler knew what was coming, and that is why he asked the impossible of them. After the war, just look what happened to those Nazi leaders at the Nuremberg trails. They were tortured so badly that they didn't even know what they "admitted" to doing. Many were tortured to death in attempts to get "confessions". And the Nazi soldiers who surrendered were starved to death in allied camps. Others surrendered only to be murdered by the marxists. Look at what happened to the Cossacks at Lienz. Hitler knew this would happen, and that is why he gave those impossible orders. When ordered to do the impossible, it is reasonable for some men to flee.

But on the other hand, imagine where Germany could be today if Hitler had won: the world at peace, disease and hunger ended, and mankind finally uniting together to conquer the stars. But instead, look at what the marxists have given to Germany: https://files.catbox.moe/2ch502.jpg

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You mean those runes that have been around for thousands of years and that have no relation to the Illuminati in anyway?

IdoubtIt2 ago

Yep. Prince Edward in particular, right? It was a big scandal at the time for the “royal family” once it got out what a huge supporter he was. Funny that, eh?

RockmanRaiden ago

Very nice. The meme that Hitler was a hero is hilarious. In my opinion, and I'm welcome to be corrected, he sold out for safety. Witness protection program in South America basically.

IdoubtIt2 ago

I wish for the life of me I could remember what documentary I saw years ago. It went into detail the men behind Hitler, it was 4 in particular IIRC, and made him into what he was. Taught him how to speak publicly, funded the SS, the whole thing. I’ve heard the Rothschild played both sides (no surprise there) but cannot remember if that’s who these men were. It was the first time I really questioned the “Hitler as world’s greatest monster” narrative. Really wish I could remember the documentary. Interestingly enough, it was a cable network, so fairly mainstream.

RockmanRaiden ago

That's something I definitely want to look at.

awakeQ1 ago

congratulations on finding that site. I have tried for a long time to share it as well but you always get shadow banned. here's a clue. Any history or contested fact inforced by law is most likely a Lie. enjoy the ride. it's a deep Rabbit hole. once you figure that part out. I highly recommend this book regarding WWII https://m.tomatobubble.com/site/worldwarii.html?imz_s=56d9fi74un12sf1d0224sf9b94

blueskywins ago

I’m beginning to realize that we’ve been lied to about EVERYTHING.

Phantom42 ago

Wait until you go digging around more about WWII and the NSDAP (Nazis).

It's funny, their 25 point plan if you read it isn't so socialist as you may think. One could argue (and several have) that the NSDAP 25 point plan mirrors quite heavily the American Constitution. No, I'm not lying. If you read both and really sit back and think about it, it makes sense.

National "Socialist" Germany provided a basic welfare for the people. That was the socialist part. It had the basics like healthcare, education, and the like covered. Families who had children were allowed to take a loan (during pregnancy, I believe) of a certain amount and when the child is born that debt is paid with the young man or woman being born. This was done to encourage Germans to have many little German babies, which benefits the family unit and the Reich as a whole.

As for private property, unlike socialist systems (Marxist, is the real term. Venezuela, USSR, DPRK, PRC, all Marxist in that they are Socialist or Communist.), private property is encouraged, and Hitler himself clarified on point 17 how the NSDAP STANDS FOR PRIVATE PROPERTY. It was Hitler's belief that reaping benefits of work, hard or light, should go to the individual. It is only fair. You provide for everyone with a great discovery in electricity? Fantastic! You'll reap the rewards.

Small businesses also enjoyed having the NSDAP in power, unlike the Marxist socialist regimes which essentially stamp them out. Larger corporations were certainly allowed, but were closely observed to make sure they were not essentially fucking over the German people with a bad product either in make or if it contained toxic/dangerous elements. These corps were also prevented from lobbying and whatnot, a major issue in a capitalist system which doesn't seem to address the issue so much.

No, the NSDAP was far from socialist. They weren't capitalist either, of course. They were something in-between that was malleable and could adapt to situations quickly.

corrbrick ago

This is a great summary. Thanks for your insight.

zxcvzxcv ago

I'd say that the Nazis actually were very capitalist. In fact, they were the most capitalist form of government you could create. The entire idea behind Nazism is that of 'struggle'. Hitler's book was even called "My Struggle". Now compare that with capitalism, which has its entire foundation in "struggle", namely, free-market 'competition'. The genius of the nazis was that they added additional safeguards to protect capitalism from being corrupted by the marxists, protections that were not found in the American constitution, and which, because they were lacking, allowed the jews to infiltrate and now have the USA on the cusp of destruction.

Phantom42 ago

Also, if I might add, the NSDAP system seemed to prevent people from seeing each other as competitors so much as brothers. Brothers compete, but not in such a cut-throat manner as modern capitalist societies compete. Our capitalism discourages brother/sisterhood, like we're a big family. It makes us all too individualistic, where our own family is trying to one up each other.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Well the problem is now people are competing against other races, cultures, etc. I don’t think NatSoc could work ideally in a “mixed society”. It may have say, 70 years ago in the US. But not now. Then again, I think America as it’s now known is in its death throes. It’s more a question of when, not if.

corrbrick ago

You are right: Trust is much higher in homogeneous societies, and the idea of a common good is part of the thought process.

zxcvzxcv ago

That is a very good point.

Phantom42 ago

Without a doubt.

People say collectivism is a bad thing, I disagree.

Want to know why?

You, as a family, are a collective. You as a town are a collective. You as a nation are a collective. Humans thrive on collectivism, BUT not to a degree that stifles individualistic elements which give a certain "spice of life" and encourage growth and culture.

WilliamCutting ago

Well said.

Phantom42 ago

I was hoping you were lurking around actually, when I typed that.

You didn't disappoint.

TexasInfidel ago

Your being lied to about a UN established fake country call Israel.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

and their illegal nuclear arsenal as well as their terrorism and espionage against the USA

TexasInfidel ago

They have a huge list back to 1947

the_art_collector ago

A lot of people participated in this psyop over the years. Don't forget to archive related videos and articles. Will not age well for those gritting or otherwise involved.

VicariousJambi ago

Why did the Germans build trains, camps, etc, specifically for killing people? Death camps =/= work camps. Why not just put a bullet in their head and skip all of that?

Why was the highest tattoo # in the 200 thousands?

Why are there news articles from decades before WW2 that were talking about the 6 million?



Why has there never been an order found to kill Jews?

Why did Jews declare war on germany before ww2?




Why do none of the population charts match up?





Heres a documentary to watch thats better than anything I can really post. If you don't LOL at the absurdity of all of this by the first half hour you might have a double digit IQ.


trackmeplease ago

Great post.

Have a voat silver.

Dragon40 ago

Utter bullshit.

Crensch ago

It looks to me like they have their affairs in order as far as supporting their position. What do you have to support yours?

Dragon40 ago

Millions of pages of history and decades of experience dealing with the racist morons pimping Holocaust denial. If you believe "they have their affairs in order," I have this nifty orange bridge for sale.

Crensch ago

So you have nothing but more claims? If there's all that evidence, it should be easy to pull some out to present to us, shouldn't it?

Dragon40 ago

I have the historical record. It speaks loudly. https://www.ushmm.org/, http://nizkor.org/, https://www.holocausteducation.org.uk/, the transcripts of the Nurnberg Tribunals (http://nuremberg.law.harvard.edu/trials, http://nizkor.org/hweb/imt/nca/,http://nizkor.org/hweb/imt/tgmwc/ ), the transcripts from the trial of Adolf Eichmann (http://nizkor.org/hweb/people/e/eichmann-adolf/)...in short, several hundred thousand pages of proven facts. That seems like a good place to begin...

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago


What does Article 19 say?

What does Article 21 say?

How would you like to be tried in such a "court"?



By 1945, the Germans and their collaborators killed nearly two out of every three European Jews as part of the "Final Solution." The "Final Solution" was the Nazi policy to murder the Jews of Europe.

So what they're saying is two out of every three European Jews lived in Germany? Are you fucking serious?

Notice how they beg the question on "The Final Solution" inside of "fact" 1? When you number facts, do you couch other assertions in with them as if they're facts, too?

Dishonest people do that.

During the era of the Holocaust, German authorities also targeted other groups because of their perceived racial and biological inferiority. These included Roma (Gypsies), people with disabilities, and others such as Poles, Soviet civilians, and blacks.

Oh, you mean those that are likely to be enemies and not part of the society in which they have invaded? How is this wrong?


German authorities persecuted other groups on political, ideological, and behavioral grounds. Among them were Communists, Socialists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and homosexuals.

Please tell me I don't actually have to analyze this one for you.



http://nizkor.org/qar-complete.cgi Scroll down for a list of population by country. It looks exactly like this, sans my additions.

Why were the OFFICIAL numbers at Auschwitz dropped nearly 3 million? Why do these website you've linked now claim 12 million despite the camp that was 4 out of the 6 original million claimed no longer being claimed as having killed nearly 3 million?

Your sources are bad, and you should feel bad.

I can tell you just snagged any pro-holocaust links you could to throw at me. You did no research yourself. You know nothing of this subject.

Did you notice that your links all push "holocaust education"? Why are they pushing this narrative on our children? Is it because children in school have not yet reached the age of reason, where they would have the chance to mature to a point that they could reject absurdities like the ones above?

Did you ever grow out of that phase?


Dragon40 ago

Why were the OFFICIAL numbers at Auschwitz dropped nearly 3 million? False claim (I'm guessing you're trying to pass Foner off as a reliable source).

Foner's assertions are simply not true; although it is correct to note that the Polish Communist government did claim that four million people were exterminated at Auschwitz, historians (Feig, Reitlinger, Hilberg, et al.) have never supported that figure. Consider the estimates provided by Buszko at the end of his article on Auschwitz, which appeared in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust:

Of the 405,000 registered prisoners, 65,000 survived Of the 16,000 Soviet POW's, 96 survived Various estimates suggest 1.6 million were murdered

Speaking of Smoke & Mirrors, you followed up those Auschwitz whoppers with Why do these websites you've linked now claim 12 million despite the camp, that was 4 out of the 6 original million claimed overall, no longer being claimed as having killed nearly 3 million of the original 4? Smoke and mirrors. The 12 million figure is an estimate of the victims of Hitler's murderous campaign, not solely the number of Jewish victims or the number of victims of a specific camp. Millions of Polish Gentiles were also murdered by the NAZIs, and they were hardly Hitler's only Gentile victims. Smoke and mirrors.

Crensch ago

Why were the OFFICIAL numbers at Auschwitz dropped nearly 3 million? False claim (I'm guessing you're trying to pass Foner off as a reliable source).

Foner? I'm telling you that's what was taught in schools. That's what the narrative stated for years.

Foner's assertions are simply not true; although it is correct to note that the Polish Communist government did claim that four million people were exterminated at Auschwitz, historians (Feig, Reitlinger, Hilberg, et al.) have never supported that figure.

Wait, so some JEWISH historians disagreed the whole time? Fancy that! Any documentation that they disagreed when 4 million was the number for the narrative?

Consider the estimates provided by Buszko at the end of his article on Auschwitz, which appeared in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust:

Got a link to that? I'd LOVE to see if his words matched the narrative at the time.

Of the 405,000 registered prisoners, 65,000 survived Of the 16,000 Soviet POW's, 96 survived Various estimates suggest 1.6 million were murdered

Oh, we're back up to 1.6 million? How'd that happen? Why were there only 405,000 registered prisoners? Weren't the Germans meticulous record-keepers? Wasn't that also drilled into children in schools? Ruthless, efficient, and needed records of EVERYTHING and that's why they have "mountains" of evidence?

So you're arguing that they weren't?

Speaking of Smoke & Mirrors, you followed up those Auschwitz whoppers with Why do these websites you've linked now claim 12 million despite the camp, that was 4 out of the 6 original million claimed overall, no longer being claimed as having killed nearly 3 million of the original 4? Smoke and mirrors.

Notice how you have to repeat yourself here? It's a Jewish persuasion tactic where you repeat yourself over and over again until people finally believe it. You can see for yourself that it works by finding people that believe CNN.

The 12 million figure is an estimate of the victims of Hitler's murderous campaign, not solely the number of Jewish victims or the number of victims of a specific camp. Millions of Polish Gentiles were also murdered by the NAZIs, and they were hardly Hitler's only Gentile victims. Smoke and mirrors.

Nobody gives a fuck about what happened outside of those camps when they're talking about the Holohoax, moron. What he did OUTSIDE of those camps is not the issue. War happens. People die. The part that is FALSE, and hammered into our heads, is the death camps.

Nobody. Nobody is disputing that other people died. The claims of homicidal death camps is the only thing relevant.

That's like making a memorial for the whites in South Africa dying to the current genocide, and adding all the whites being killed by feral savages in the other countries of Africa.

Notice how you didn't bring up the Nuremburg trials in your response? Didn't like what you saw in that charter?

Dragon40 ago

Meaning that IF THEY DID NOT KEEP ACCURATE RECORDS, many, many of the lies of the holohoax pushers are not valid. The SS kept very accurate records (assisted, believe it or not, by IBM), as noted, so your statement is meaningless. Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

Crensch ago

The SS kept very accurate records (assisted, believe it or not, by IBM), as noted, so your statement is meaningless. Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

And did those records survive the war?

Dragon40 ago

Yes, SS records did survive the war, along with tons of other German documents. The documents offered as evidence during the First Nurnberg Tribunal were included in the "Red Set" and are widely available now that the Red Set has been republished. The Weiner Library (London) has an extensive collection, some of which is searchable online. The United States National Archives has Nazi Party and SS Records available on Microfilm. In addition, Sturmpanzer.com offers an extensive collection of microfilm. Similar data is available on genealoger.com, feldgrau.com, digitalhistoryarchive.com and elsewhere.

Dragon40 ago

Foner? I'm telling you that's what was taught in schools. That's what the narrative stated for years. Which schools? Which textbooks? Whose narrative?

Crensch ago

Which schools? Which textbooks? Whose narrative?

All of them. All of them. The Jews' narrative. The memorial plaque said 4 million, you ignorant mongrel. Whose narrative do you think it was? Do you think the schools and textbooks of the Jewed host countries said different during that time?

"Oh, hey, let's take a field trip and see where 1.1 MILLION died! ... What? 4 millon?"


Dragon40 ago

Evasion noted - you cannot document your absurd claims. Gosh, there's a shocker.

Dragon40 ago

So much bullshit, so little time. Nobody gives a fuck about what happened outside of those camps when they're talking about the Holohoax, moron. So you contend that those murdered by the Einsatzgruppen don't count? That Nobody gives a fuck? How did you (clearly a Holocaust scholar of the first order) determine that? Did you survey the people of the world? Did you ask billions of people whether or not they "give a fuck"?

Crensch ago

So you contend that those murdered by the Einsatzgruppen don't count?

The whole fucking narrative of the holocaust is camp-centric. They even had the numbers of the camps themselves match the 6 million before Auschwitz had to lower theirs because the claim was laughable.

That Nobody gives a fuck?

Because nobody was ever taught about the Einsatzgruppen in school. Nobody ever mentions it unless they're on the internet desperately searching through "holocaust denial debunking" sites.

How did you (clearly a Holocaust scholar of the first order) determine that?

How many times do you think I've had this argument with people? Do you have any idea how many of them brought up anything outside of the camps? No, that's an apologist tactic for when the numbers don't add up. "But muh war casualties outside." Because there were SUCH good records of that?

You just finished saying they kept good records. Where are these records?

Did you survey the people of the world? Did you ask billions of people whether or not they "give a fuck"?

You know what? Someone did that for me.

Nobody. Cares.

Because pushing THAT makes the rest of the holocaust claim even that much more absurd, and the Jews know it.

Dragon40 ago

So you contend that those murdered by the Einsatzgruppen don't count?

The whole fucking narrative of the holocaust is camp-centric. They even had the numbers of the camps themselves match the 6 million before Auschwitz had to lower theirs because the claim was laughable.

Your "camp-centric" contention is simply false. Please identify the "they" you claim say 6 million Jews were killed in the camps and document the claim. I'll wait.

think- ago

The whole fucking narrative of the holocaust is camp-centric.

Well, from my perspective, 'holocaust' is the name for the genocide which comprises all jews who were killed, inside and outside the camps.

I don't think any scholar nowadays claims that 'holocaust' means only those that were killed in camps.

Or do they?

This would be nonsensical imo, since I think the Nazis took many prisoners out of the camps, and made them walk long distances when the allied troops arrived at the end of the war, and many prisoners were killed IIRC.

Also, sometimes prisoners had to go to sites in cities that were bombed, and had to defuse bombs, some were killed. They died outside of the camps, but of course they died because they were prisoners in the first place.

You might not have been taught about einsatzgruppen killings at school, but from what I remember, this has been recent research of the last 20 years or so.

Some of it maybe has only been possible after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when archives were accessible for the first time.

So not sure why we should neglect these killings, only because it is recent research.

I don't think we should discuss what you were taught at school, but what current research claims, @Crensch.

Otherwise it will boil down to a discussion about what the people here were taught at school - which is quite interesting of course, but doesn't help deciding how many people were killed, and in which way.

@srayzie @Vindicator @Blacksmith21 @Dragon40

Crensch ago

I don't think any scholar nowadays claims that 'holocaust' means only those that were killed in camps.

Or do they?

They certainly used to.

Do you accept that Auschwitz was claimed to, at one point be the site of 4 million of the supposed deaths?

If so, please check the table below the selection here and add up the numbers only down to Sobibor.

I don't think we should discuss what you were taught at school, but what current research claims, @Crensch.

I believe it's relevant that children were taught these lies before the age of reason. Factoids that stick around long after the fact.

Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account, where the 4 million of Auschwitz was originally published, and The Chicago Tribune article about the four million memorial of Auschwitz changing long after the fact are not really enough, in my opinion, to show people that the original 6 million was added up from the camps, and Auschwitz was 2/3 of that number. Children were taught this, because it was canon enough to be on a memorial at Auschwitz itself.

Meaning the narrative, the claims, of the time, disseminated to children were basically in agreement.

Otherwise it will boil down to a discussion about what the people here were taught at school - which is quite interesting of course, but doesn't help deciding how many people were killed, and in which way.

I've got plenty of that, too.

think- ago

They certainly used to.

That's interesting.

Do you accept that Auschwitz was claimed to, at one point be the site of 4 million of the supposed deaths?

I looked it up on Wikipedia, so yes. ;-) grin

Also, I believe you when you say that's that what you've been taught at school.

I believe it's relevant that children were taught these lies before the age of reason. Factoids that stick around long after the fact.

As I pointed out in my previous comment, I think these are two different discussions, which are necessarily connected.

I think both are interesting: How did the research / discussion develop over time, and what does current resarch say?

@srayzie @Vindicator @Blacksmith21 @PacaGoat

PacaGoat ago

I am not impressed with hour rewritten data points in a neffort to smear. The veey fact you pursue this day in and day out smacks of true racism and perversion of thought.

Maybe you could try knitting for a hobby because this ine aint working for you.

Crensch ago

Was that English?

PacaGoat ago

I wrecktum

srayzie ago

That was sexist

PacaGoat ago

I did. My mother taught me. And how to crochet. To sew and repair my clothes how to cook, clean house. Its not a sexist thing. Its a hobby and creative. And it is calming at least it was to me. Since I damaged my eyes workjng offshore, its a bit difficult anymore.

srayzie ago

Well guess what? I didn’t have a mom to teach me anything. She chose drugs over me and I was raised by my dad. You made me feel just wonderful. Thanks for telling me how a woman SHOULD be.

PacaGoat ago

Im so sorry. Had a problem with my dad. He beat my mom and made our life HELL. My mother was amazing and I wish you had had that. I also had a great grandmother. I took my mom away from dad when I turned 18 and got her away from all that. When he came around I put him on the road. Crazy crazy times.

Today my mom is gone. Cancer and I helped take care of dad. I had to forgive him.

srayzie ago

My mom was in and out of prison and both are gone

PacaGoat ago

So sorry to hear that. When I became an adult, I determined to not be the man my dad was. The only male role model I had was his younger brother who was killed in an accident when I was 14. I had to figure that part on my own somewhat. My mother could only go so far.

I remember at 16 one of dads girlfriends husband walked into our store and pulled a 357 on dad. I jumped in front of dad. Even though he was not a good dad. He was all I had.

We have survived Srayze. Now Im just an old broken down coot. Lol well not to broken down. You will do just fine. And I did appoligize to think. Like I said, i have some vision issues now. Why its taking me so dadgum long to type this.

srayzie ago

Ok thank you. That hit me wrong.

PacaGoat ago

Well. I am just getting up andbbarely had coffee also.😫 We have a big day today here. Have a lot to do. But good things for us.

srayzie ago

Where are you from?

PacaGoat ago


srayzie ago

See parent ladies.

@Shizy @Think- @LauraIngalls

think- ago

Excuse me?

When did I smear you?

What do I 'pursue day in and day out'? Excuse me? :-/

Maybe you could try knitting for a hobby because this ine aint working for you.

I look forward to you replying to actual things I have said.

Going ad hominem makes you look like a fool, sorry.

Not amused. :-(

@srayzie @Vindicator @Crensch @Blacksmith21

PacaGoat ago

Well I have to appoligise. I didnt see your name. I do have a problem with vision. One reason I cant spell sometimes. But thats no excuse.

think- ago

It's ok, PacaGoat, I accept your apologies. But I'm out of this discussion. God Bless.

@srayzie @Crensch @Vindicator @Blacksmith21 @LauraIngalls

srayzie ago

You were very polite @Think- @PacaGoat will always defend Laura.

Do you tell @LauraIngalls that she should go knit instead of calling people Nazi’s?

think- ago

I looked the story about the changed memorial inscription up on Wikipedia, lol. It's obviously true, since even Jewish research institutions don't deny it.

I didn't even say anything about the total number of murdered Jews, in fact, I had told @Crensch earlier today that I think that we should consider the number of killed Jews outside of the camps too when it comes to decide how much the total number might have been.

But why on earth can't we discuss that the official numbers of deaths at Auschwitz has changed over time? It's nonsensical to deny this.

I also stand my ground that @Crensch isn't a paid shill who only pretends to be a Nazi.

@PacaGoat is doing himself a disservice. It only contributes to polarize the discussion unnecessarily.

I think he could have tried a bit harder if he wants to insult me. I'm not impressed.

@Vindicator @Blacksmith21 @LauraIngalls

PacaGoat ago

The joos trolls are a crock of misinformation. Leaving out details and spreading half truths. All of it is horse crap. Like the now churchill "volumes." When churchhill himself wrote of the hope for the jews. Bother to look at the truth on this. There are a lot of youtube vids still out there which define what happen and SUPPORT the historical narrative and bare out the real truth. Not some hate filled diatribe based on phony evidences in type with hillarys fake and phony dossier. All part and parcel with the fake news and demoncrat lies hatch by the son of perdition. Anyone buying that crap is a light weight between the ears.

Lauraingalls ago

You seem like a nice person.

think- ago


Lauraingalls ago

YW very much.

PacaGoat ago

I told her to repair thing with you srazey

srayzie ago

Me and @LauraIngalls are doing fine. But @Think- was just trying to help and didn’t deserve your sexist comment.

PacaGoat ago

Its not sexist. I dont go around looking at profiles unless I have a question on their character. Why do you do you assume?

think- ago

It's totally nonsensical what he says.

Lauraingalls ago

I may contact the police because of this guy. and what is the "KNITTING" comment suppose to mean?

kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 34 seconds ago (edited 25 seconds ago)

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Vindicator ago

I may contact the police because of this guy.

You're going to get laughed at, Laura, if you report that to the police. They will be telling their buddies about it at the bar after they politely take your report.

@Kevdude just hit you with a famous Internet meme.

Here's a little life tip: if something seems too cliche to be true, it probably isn't. All you had to do was paste the first line into a Google search and you'd know it. Your confirmation bias is killing you.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm glad you explained that...I was just sitting here scratching my head over that one.

Vindicator ago

Know your Meme, Blacksmith! :-)

Blacksmith21 ago

Maybe I should spend more itme on Al Gore's Amazing Internet.

Vindicator ago

Well, when you're wading around in troll-infested waters, it does help to do a quick review of the flora and fauna so you recognize the poisonous berries when someone tries to serve them to you. Doesn't take long, and it's mildly entertaining.

The stupidest thing about that particular meme is that those guys would never speak that way. It's just too gay.

Blacksmith21 ago

Well, it's beyond gay. It's full of incorrect shit. That's why I blinked twice. I knew it was BS.

Vindicator ago

Yes, indeed. Making it a highly effective way to choke liberals with their own confirmation bias.

What about huckleberries, raspberries and strawberries? ;-)

Blacksmith21 ago

In a survival situation, where you cannot identify the berry, stick with the dark ones. In a domestic situation, I think you will be OK with your choice of berries ; )

Other than the cyclospora and e coli from the migrant workers crapping in the fields.

Vindicator ago

I'm more worried about pesticides, TBH.

Blacksmith21 ago

No doubt. Hot water + vinegar + epsom salt + dish soap (search for recipe) is a very effective weed killer. Esp vs Roundup. Pesticides are another story.

Vindicator ago

Cool. I'll have to try that out.

Blacksmith21 ago

Natural Weed Killer

1 gallon white vinegar

1 cup salt

1 tablespoon liquid dish soap

Combine ingredients in a spray bottle and treat weeds at the sunniest time of day for best results.

srayzie ago

@PacaGoat said this to @Think-...

Maybe you could try knitting for a hobby because this ine aint working for you.

PacaGoat ago

Lol. Yep i said that. Looking for fallout.

srayzie ago

Where is the link?

srayzie ago

I think that’s a good idea too @Think-

think- ago


think- ago

@PacaGoat @LauraIngalls: please see parent.

PacaGoat ago

Personally, growing up in the 60's we were not that I ever remember taught that the numbers of dead were atributed solely to the camps. It was the figure of the dead from not just Germany but the conqured states as well, which was several states. I also remember the ships loaded with refuges being turned away from our own shores and sent back to occupied territories. The current narrative being pushed is from the same source which infected 8 chan. Championed by one Doug Stewart and one or two pals from over on Reddit. He was changing his IP addy, there are youtube vids on how to do that. And having conversations with himself to appear he was many people.

This entire effort and argument is designed to make us look racist. And to hurt our movement.

It was last week??? I began to see this happening on full chan and then saw the "you" were he outted himself. He and his happy band has moved here to distract and cause trouble. And THAT is why I have been very forward.

You can learn a lot just by triggering some people. Their weakness of mind shows up. Like a flare.

Also, the Jews did not come up with those numbers. Investigators from the allied forces did. I have also found that a plethera of online sources from back in the day are missing. I will continue to do my own digging. To help clear the waters. I very much appreciate your pinging me. My wife and I are totally swamped today and tomorrow but I will be back on this soon. Thanks Srayze.

think- ago

...not that I ever remember taught that the numbers of dead were atributed solely to the camps. It was the figure of the dead from not just Germany but the conqured states as well, which was several states.

Yes, that's what I learned at school, too.

Also, I didn't learn about 4 millions killed at Auschwitz alone (I don't even recall being taught an exact number of deaths at Auschwitz); actually, when @Crensch mentioned that that's what he learned, it was the first time I heard the number 4 millions.

But I believe him; and obviously they had indeed a memorial at Auschwitz which initially said '4 millions' (I looked it up on Wikipedia :-P ;-) ). So I think that's quite interesting that they changed the number.

I also think it's interesting that there were newspaper reports about 6 million deaths in a possible holocaust even before WWII. They don't seem to be forgeries.

I'm not opposed to discussing these things, i.e. who came up with which numbers, and how research changed over time. As I said the other day, from what I gather, current academic research comes up with different numbers anyway, and everybody seems to say they are only 'estimates'.

I just felt that these might be two different discussions: One would be what current research says, and the other would be how research and discussion developed over time. (Although these discussions are connected of course, necessarily.)

I am going to read @Crensch's links and info in the next couple of days; I'm new to this discussion. I'm only on Voat, and not familiar with what's going on at the chans at all, I only go there occasionally when somebody links Pizzagate research.

Also, when you'll find something interesting you feel I should read, please ping me.

Doug Stewart and one or two pals from over on Reddit

I don't know who this is, and I've also never been to Reddit, sorry.

This entire effort and argument is designed to make us look racist. And to hurt our movement.

I'm sure there are Nazi shills here on Voat. But @Crensch certainly isn't one of them, and there are many other Voaters who I think are genuinely into Nazi stuff, too. He really believes what he says; and you should be aware that you will probably not be able to change his mind.

Although I have found him always open, and willing to listen to people when they make valid points or suggest to read new sources.

Also, the Jews did not come up with those numbers. Investigators from the allied forces did.

Would you maybe have a link, if you should have the time? Thank you.

@srayzie @Vindicator @Blacksmith21 @LauraIngalls

PacaGoat ago

What I think is they discoved a mistake and corrected it. But lets look at what we have here.

We have had a influx of Jew haters foisting rewritten historys. If my lap top was up I would absolutely dive into the html on those pages and discover their origins. On youtube there has suddenly popped up a socalled preacher who is parroting the same exact narratives. Another thing is, why now? Why the sudden interest? Israels been around for 70+ years. Now there has been attacks on these people since the 1930's. A lot of what is offered is from Yassar Arafats orginizations. By the way he never lived in Palestine. He came out of Egypt and was associated with Several. Terroriist orgs including the muslim brotherhood. Once Jimmy Carter elevated him to the world stage or about that time he moved to Paris. Now who else was in Paris? Khomanie. I cant speil. The guy who over threw the Shaw of Iran and had our embassy personnel captured. The arguments offered are preplanned. This is a psyop people.

Everything here is connected. This guy I mentioned is the same guy who first was pushing the jew hate hard on full chan. I noticed the very same identical links, pics, everything that was used there happening and being used here. I also took note of the user name(s) they were all goobeldigook. And similar in construction. The guy was using several sock puppets accounts to push out and attack. He also had conversations with (between) his several accounts. He posted something then upvoated himself and replied to his own comments. Using several IP accounts. This is the beginning of all this discussion. I fell into the focus as it were because I fought this false and negative push which was designed to do a few things.

  1. Change our focus

  2. Take advantage of Q's absence and sew doubt and hate

  3. Divide the community.

Arguing against their datapoints falls into the trap. I suggest every patriot move on. They cant win if we dont play their game. People need to try and see through the veil.

Thx for commenting. MAGA

Crensch ago

Also, the Jews did not come up with those numbers. Investigators from the allied forces did.

My Nuremberg comment, I believe, addresses this. The US allied forces put Jewish officers and world jewish orgs in chaarge of everyithing. The non-jews under orders to cooperate from their leaders that were convinced to go along with them.

think- ago

Sorry, didn't have time to read your Nuremberg comment yet.

Crensch ago

Not a problem at all. It's a lot to digest. Take your time.

think- ago

Thank you.

Lauraingalls ago

Thank you for the thoughtful reply, but I have been ripped to SHREDS over this. This place is like entering the GATES OF HELL. I have been accused of all kinds of things non of which are true and every kind of sick and sexual thing has been said to me. These PEOPLE ARE SICK!!!

think- ago

Laura, this is Voat. People speak their mind.

You will get tougher over time, or you might want to decide that this is not your favourite place to hang out. Please don't expect people here to change.

People here come from different backgrounds, they have different opinions, and they are often rude; but this is also a great place because you can actually say what you want without getting censored.

Also, if I may add this, you have said that users here are nuts, so you were also able to speak your mind.

Dragon40 ago

So what they're saying is two out of every three European Jews lived in Germany? Are you fucking serious? LOL - where, exactly, does the cited statement say that? Answer for the intellectually clueless: It does not. One must wonder why anyone would offer such a fundamentally dishonest statement, let alone expect anyone to swallow such bullshit.

Crensch ago

So what they're saying is two out of every three European Jews lived in Germany? Are you fucking serious? LOL - where, exactly, does the cited statement say that?

Oh, good! You did a little research! Not really, you read my quote and figured that out, but it's a start! Now let's see if you can think just a LITTLE harder and put together why I said that.

Hint, read this carefully, again:


Do you see the issue?

Crensch ago

What was it you said, @Dragon40?

...in short, several hundred thousand pages of proven facts. That seems like a good place to begin...

? Several hundred thousand pages of that crap above? Neither internally, nor externally consistent?

Crensch ago

I'm going to give you the opportunity to research those things yourself. I'm going to give you the opportunity to read and understand the London Charter, specifically sections 19 through 21.

I'm going to give you the opportunity to look at the images they post all over their websites and find out the real origin of the ones that you and I both know don't belong. Well, you don't know which yet, but any examination of them will lead you to conclude that they don't belong.

I'm going to give you these opportunities, because if I go through and I destroy your sources, which I will do, you're going to shove your head in the sand and never learn anything just to avoid the reality of losing.

Do yourself a favor and figure it out on your own. Read the link in op, and if you still don't get it, at least attempt to prepare yourself to defend your position directly.

Otherwise, enjoy the last few hours before you feel so ashamed of your inability to defend your position that you wallow around in coping mechanisms until finally giving up. if there's anyone here that you think respects you, talk to them now, because that respect will disappear very quickly.

Ask yourself if you are just a second hand know-it-all, and don't actually know anything here, or if you think you can really go up against someone who has done the research themselves.

I'm pretty sure you will respond just like everyone else that doesn't know me, and think that I am LARPing. Ask some of the users that have been around a long time. The only way this goes well for you is if you do the research yourself.

Blacksmith21 ago

I love how these self-professed "historians" call all media propaganda now (which it largely is), yet don't consider the fact that most of this BS was propaganda then.

Crensch ago

Are you referring to the newspaper articles about 6 million before the war even happened?

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm referring to crap like this: https://files.catbox.moe/z3y3e4.png

It's Great Depression-era Daily Stormer crap. They had propaganda back then, just as they do now. Look at the history of this paper.

The Holocaust happened. Way too many first-person accounts to be a FF, statistically speaking.

It is the motives which are now in question.

We all know that the enemy we fight today is the 4th Reich. The Holocaust was a criminal act of persecution against the Jews for Deep State purposes perpetrated by the 3rd Reich.

History repeats itself. I

srayzie ago

I never said it didn’t happen. That’s not what @Crensch is saying either. That’s what people keep twisting. I gave a link with a ton of evidence of many things that we were not told, inconsistencies, and the amount of people killed. That’s not saying it didn’t happen.

9/11 happened, but we were lied to about the official story. Same thing. I’m not pushing it on anyone. People are free to believe what they want.

Part of @Crensch’s problem was how loyal you were to that lying sack of shit @Oh_Well_ian. You were more harsh with me, even tho he was clearly the instigator and ended up being a fuckin nutcase and shill. Crensch witnessed all that and has been suspicious of you ever since.

That being said, you guys are both my friends and I hope you guys can just let bye gones be bye gones.

@Think- @Vindicators

Blacksmith21 ago

I'll say I have no idea WTF happened with OWI. He was generally cool with me. The extent of our interactions was pretty much limited to research-related topics.

You know me well enough that I tend to avoid all of the social drama here. As such, I really had no idea about all of the OWI background until you pointed it out. Even then, it's tough to infer exactly what was going on.

It is what it is, I can't change it. Live and learn.

srayzie ago

It’s all good. Just letting you know cuz I saw Crensch mention that.

Blacksmith21 ago

No problemo, Chica. I'm over it. I spent the day riding motorcycles on Skyline Drive. Spring's here. Time to regenerate the soul ; )

srayzie ago

Awesome :)

Crensch ago

I never said it didn’t happen. That’s not what @Crensch is saying either.

Depending on the specific subject, I am, actually, saying that. The whole ostensible impetus for keeping the Holocaust in recent memory is because of the HORRORS of the NAZI DEATH CAMPS that can easily be dismissed with minimal investigation into the claims and documents.

Yes, Jews were shipped to camps. Yes, they were made to work. Yes, Typhus was a problem and people died. Yes, supply lines were bombed and people starved. Yes, Zyklon_B was used, to delouse clothing to help prevent Typhus. Yes, they had a "Final Solution" doctrine that was going to move Jews elsewhere in order to get rid of them - finally.


You're 100% right about the rest of it.

think- ago

Way too many first-person accounts to be a FF, statistically speaking.

I think the problem here is that @Crensch and other people who say the holocaust = genocide never happened have a list of arguments that should be responded to in detail; this is what @LauraIngalls wasn't able to do, she only replied in an emotional way, and quoted one Christian eye witness IIRC.

My suggestion would be to postpone the argument, immerse yourself in history books for a couple of months, and then come back, and have that discussion regarding the exact numbers, with a number of sources about how many Jews were killed where in which way.

I.e. instead of just saying that there are many eye witness reports, you might want to quote a couple of them, and link to sources.

I think it would be worth the effort.

Maybe @Crensch can do a list of arguments he has, and you can then come back and discuss these.

I feel this would be helpful for the whole community.

It doesn't matter whether @Crensch spends his spare time online or with fishing and hunting; as long as he has arguments you and others with the same position are not able to discuss in detail, with linked sources, he will be the 'winner' here.

@srayzie @Vindicator

Lauraingalls ago

I don't have time for all that. I know the TRUTH, President Trump knows the TRUTH, Paca Goat who knows survivors of the Holocaust knows the TRUTH. Anyone else that wants to be a Holocaust Denier can look up the history of that subject. I was told by Crensch that these Hitler supporters have been on Voat for years. They try to convert people to their side. I am not interested in being a Neo Nazi. By the way, there are many witnesses I "QUOTED". Obviously YOU didn't notice. And I am "EMOTIONAL" because denying that HORROR IS SICK. SOMEBODY has to CARE.

Blacksmith21 ago

This is what the don't want to talk about: https://youtu.be/KGE231k62Bs?t=29

Lauraingalls ago

Thank you for this. To the Neo Nazis and Holocaust Deniers this never happened. Scary people on VOAT.

Blacksmith21 ago

There are thousands upon thousands of hours of film footage interviews of first hand accounts by the US soldiers who liberated the death camps: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/liberation-of-nazi-camps

There are countess interviews with survivors who recount every horror one could experience and still be alive.

antiliberalsociety ago

Jews own the media, what are they going to say...

And let's pretend for a minute... that it actually happened. Does that mean we cannot criticize a Jew's crime just because they are Jewish?

The term Nazi comes from the NSDAP, it was a nickname given to them by the communists trying to discredit them in the 1920's. It's the suppression of truth that causes people to act out

Blacksmith21 ago

2 sides of the same coin. You are about to watch a lot of Nazis arrested for treason.

antiliberalsociety ago

Pop quiz: How did Russia come to be a nuclear superpower?

Answer: It was given to them by the RosenBERGS. Jews. Whom we executed for TREASON.

Blacksmith21 ago

The Rosenbergs just got caught. They we were part of a much bigger spy ring. I'm pretty sure when we execute Obama, Brennan, Comey, Lynch, Podesta, Rice, Jarrett there won't be any hook-nosed bagel eaters in the bunch. Correct?

antiliberalsociety ago

This was explained in 1920. Communism has a gentile as a front. The one who is at the helm and takes all the heat for controversial decisions usually designed to undermine nations. The nominal subordinate is the real power that operates behind the scenes. If George Soros came right out and admitted in his book that he owned Hillary and controls America (even calling himself God), and he's also coincidentally Jewish, that would fit this.

Now if you say "but that's antisemetic!" you'd have to refer back to the 1920 article written about the Russian Revolution.


Written by none other than Winston S. Churchill. Now, he can't be an antisemite, he fought the Devil Incarnate, right? So why on Earth is he saying communism is a Jewish thing?

Lauraingalls ago

Paca Goat knew survivors but these Neo Nazi Holocaust Deniers are too evil to care how much evidence they get. I appreciate the information. I did not realize Nazis were STILL so strong and around.

Blacksmith21 ago

The Nazis just changed their outfits, infiltrated the US government, and expanded their ranks to include useful minorities - Jews, blacks, Muslims, gays, whatever. When the all-German thing didn't work for them, the new plan was to flip the script - rally the minorities while still controlling them and/or creating a symbiotic relationship (professional sports, media/entertainment, etc.) where they have to do follow the Masters' (Nazi leadership) commands.

Lauraingalls ago

I forgot about what you are telling me. The communists did the same thing. I guess I just got so upset learning there are so many Neo Nazis here that I wasn't thinking straight. It is frightening. I guess not everyone here is for the goodness of Q or President Trump. Lots of TROLLS and Deep State people and even some very messed up Q followers.

antiliberalsociety ago

Truth fears no investigation. It is documented in June 1940, Hitler offered peace to Churchill; basically "let's pack our things and go home". He offered not only peace, but offered his own military aid if Britain was ever under attack from Russia, China, or whomever (Russia was his ally at the time) he would provide whatever military aid they asked for as British and German cultures were too alike to be foes. No one denies this, not even the Jews.

Now, HAD Churchill accepted that peace offer (Mind you, Hitler was occupying Paris at the time), wouldn't he avoided the Holocaust from happening? At that point in the war they were fighting over Poland. The Holocaust didn't happen until after 1940. Why would Churchill let that happen by not accepting a peace offer? (One of 15 documented cables sent to Churchill from Hitler)

think- ago

By the way, there are many witnesses I "QUOTED".

Apologies if I overlooked that.

And I am "EMOTIONAL" because denying that HORROR IS SICK. SOMEBODY has to CARE.

It's ok to be emotional about it, but you won't win an argument, or convince people reading the thread this way. You will need to quote historians, and their sources.

@srayzie @Vindicator @Blacksmith21

srayzie ago

Oh she’s not even willing to look or have an open mind. She keeps insinuating that we are denying it. I am NOT denying it. There is a lot we were not taught tho!

She told me she does NOT want to see anyone’s evidence and told me and @Bopper to not push this BULLSHIT on her and we said ok.

She dishes it out but can’t take it even people QUOTE something that is different than what she’s been taught her whole life.

@Think- @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

That is a normal reaction to cognitive dissonance. It's not surprising @LauraIngalls can't engage the topic. We've all been there.

I haven't read all the 700+ comments here yet, but I doubt anyone is saying "it didn't happen." More like "it didn't happen the way you've been told." My sense is that they're convinced it is the biggest psyop of all time, perpetrated and enforced with draconian censorship, brainwashing and demonization of doubters, and therefore it demands investigation, debate and reevaluation.

  • I would ask, if everything is just like we were taught, why is it illegal to discuss in Europe?
  • Why does questioning it and pointing out inconsistencies in the US get you ostracized?
  • If Voat was such a sick and "Satanic" lost place, why is it the only place we were allowed to investigate globalist corruption without censorship?
  • And why, of all things, would QAnon send all his normie Reddit fans here like sheep to the slaughter?

That question should really create cognitive dissonance. Instead of lashing out and running away, we should take a deep breath, pour ourselves a stiff drink, and humbly ask ourselves how awakened we really are.

Those who are Christian have no need to fear discovering whatever the truth really is. The truth is what brings all to freedom. As St. Paul said, "Put all things to the test: keep what is Good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21

Lauraingalls ago

There is NO NEED to personally attack me. I can engage a topic. I know the TRUTH. And if you do READ the comments PLENTY of people denied the Holocaust happened, smarty pants. You act like a liberal with your personal attack. They even said President Trump wasn't right when he said to deny the Holocaust makes you an accomplice in the Evil. You have NO RIGHT to act like I don't know what I am talking about. Every person that tried to prove these Neo Nazi. Holocaust Deniers are wrong were attacked. Even Paca Goat who personally spoke to survivors, and is from Germany was attacked. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT LIVES IN DARKNESS, not me.

antiliberalsociety ago

I don't predict you will reply to this, but (I know nothing of who you are or where your political stances lie) if you saw "truth" you could back it up with a link to some facts, yes? The part that most have trouble with is what they THINK is the truth is only bits of truth sprinkled with lies.

There are important questions to consider when discussing the holocaust.

  • Why is there no mention of it until the 1970s? The word itself means to die by fire; which would be more accurately applied to Hiroshima or Dresden. If you look in an encyclopedia that's pre 1980, there's no mention of it.

  • Why are there no authentic wartime documents proving Hitler even knew about Auschwitz? There is a British historian that went into the national archives of several countries and sifted through millions of pages to find the genuine documents, be it communication cables between governments, military leaders, etc. His name is David Irving, and he offered back in the 1980s, 1,000 British Pounds to anyone who could produce an authentic wartime document proving Hitler ordered the liquidation of the Jews, or anything regarding concentration camps being death camps. No one could, instead they resorted to ad hominem and attacked his person and credibility, but he just said that proved him even more right because they feared the truth coming out.

  • Where are the piles of ashes? Why is it illegal to investigate the death camps? A guy with a ground penetrating radar wanted to find all the mass graves of the missing 6 million. He was denied. So he did it anyway, illegally, and found nothing.

  • Why is there a placard at Auschwitz stating that the chimney is "a replica"? If someone offered you a "replica" $100 bill for services, would you accept that as genuine?

  • Why did death camps have swimming pools? They claim they were already there from the Polish military, and they just took them over, but that raises the questions of the auditoriums, tennis ball courts, dentist offices, etc. If they were going to die, and death was the purpose, why did they bother tattooing them? Feeding them? They claim labor, but what did they produce? Where are all the products made from these camps? If the answer is wartime materials like shells and so forth, where did they get the steel/powder/machining equipment, etc.?

  • It was said in the Ernst Zundel trial that the "survivors" claimed all these things. David Irving went on the stand and was asked why he would defame such heroes who went through all these tragic horrors. His answer was a question; "How many Jews survived the holocaust?" The prosecutor answered, "well, a few thousand? Why?" Then David Irving asked; "Why do we always hear testimony from the same 3-4 survivors? Why don't we ever hear from the other few thousand?"

I'm going to through in some humorous memes asking similar questions:

1 2 3 4 In case you don't get #4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Bonus: https://i.imgtc.com/aWZ0EcI.jpg


If this doesn't intrigue your mind, try v/DavidIrving. Give any of his speeches a listen (have an open mind) and see if you can catch him in a lie somewhere. If you can, please link me to it I'd like to find one.

Vindicator ago

You act like a liberal with your personal attack.

Uhh...did you actually read my comment? It wasn't personal and it wasn't an attack. :-)

srayzie ago

You’re a fricken liberal Vindicator! 😂
Don’t deny it!

bopper ago

lol oh my goodness

srayzie ago

@Vindicator is a feminist 😂

Vindicator ago

I've been accused of a lot here on Voat, but that is a first!

The worst thing about feminism is there is nothing feminine about it. :-(

srayzie ago

Hahaha. Just playing with you xo

Lauraingalls ago

You mentioned ME, that was personal.

Vindicator ago

You mentioned ME, that was personal.

Yeah...I was stating that your reaction to the "Voat experience" on this topic is normal. It was about as far from a personal attack as you can get.

I mentioned you, because I was talking about you and it's damn rude to discuss someone on this platform without pinging them.

I spent the afternoon reading about 600 of the 700 comment sub threads on this post, Laura, and only two of those replying that I saw actually claim the Holocaust "didn't happen". The very vast majority were being quite civil and attempting to share facts that they themselves found disturbing enough to uproot their original views on the subject.

Why would you come to Voat, one of the only places in the world where you are literally free to say anything you want and have people engage you rationally, if all you're going to do is flip people the bird, stick your fingers in your ears and shout "EVIL" over and over again?

The person I saw in this thread "attacking" and name calling was not the "Neo Nazis", but you, who claim to be a Christian.

Christianity is not a Hallmark Card sentiment. Most people don't have the balls for the real thing. Jesus was butchered by the government and religious authorities of his day because they were able to whip up a mob of brainwashed sheep to demand his blood. If you aren't willing to examine the evidence of similar brainwashing and rabble-rousing today, how are you any different? This is an error all people in every age are prone to make. The wise know it, and err on the side of humility, rather than calling everyone else "evil".

Jesus: "First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." Matt 7:5

Also Jesus: "No one is good--except God alone." Luke 18:19

Crensch ago

And when I say "it didn't happen", I mean that the whole ostensible (not actual) reason they push it on us and our children is horseshit, and none of the fantastical Nazi fanfic claims happened.

think- ago

and none of the fantastical Nazi fanfic claims happened

What exactly do you think didn't happen? Would you maybe have a list? That would be terrific as a starting point for @Blacksmith21's post maybe.

Thank you.

@srayzie @Blacksmith21 @Vindicator @PacaGoat @LauraIngalls

Crensch ago

Here's an old post of mine that @Blacksmith21 can chew on.

Auschwitz was not a death camp, it was a labor camp

Crensch ago

What exactly do you think didn't happen? Would you maybe have a list? That would be terrific as a starting point for @Blacksmith21's post maybe.

Sure! Hell, I'll give them some things that DID happen, too. BS21 can pick and choose.

Let's start with the totally fair Nuremburg Trials that everyone is so keen on pointing out!

----My first claim: A fair trial didn't happen.

How is it that the victorious Allies get to act as prosecutor, judge, and executioner of the German leaders?

--Source: From Nuremberg to My Lai pp. 81-83.

Judge Iola T. Nikitchenko, at a planning conference before the Tribunal convened explained his view on the trials:

The fact that the Nazi leaders are criminals has already been established. The task of the Tribunal is only to determine the measure of guilt of each particular person and mete out the necessary punishment -- the sentences.

This is the man that presided at the opening session. Where were the trials that determined guilt?

--Source: Leo Kahn, Nuremberg Trials pp. 26.

In his memoirs, Nahum Goldmann, who served as president of both the World Zionist Organization and the World Jewish Congress reported that the Nuremberg Trials were the brain-child of the World Jewish Congress officials. They persuaded the Allied leaders to accept the plan.

--Source: N. Goldmann, The Autobiography of Nahum Goldmann pp. 216-217

The World Jewish Congress(WJC) made sure the persecution of the Jews was the main focus of the trials.

--Source: World Jewish Congress, Unity in Dispersion pp. 141, 264, 267.

Colonel David Marcus, a Jewish officer in the US Army selected almost all of the judges, prosecutors, and lawyers for the Nuremberg Trials.

--Source: "War Crimes" article written by him in Britannica Book of the Year in 1947, pp. 819-821.

Charles F Wennerstrum stated that many employed clerks, lawyers, researchers, and interpreters had only just become Americans in recent years, and whose backgrounds were rather steeped in certain prejudices. He also stated that the evidence selection was made by the prosecution, and the defense had access only to the documents the prosecution considered material to the case.

In regards to Nuremberg, Wennerstrum had "a feeling that justice has been denied".

--Source: Chicago Tribune article, dated February 23, 1948, pp. 1, 2. "Nazi Trial Judge Rips 'Injustice'", by Hal Foust.

US Supreme Court Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone stated: "Jackson (Chief US prosecutor mentioned above) is away conducting his high-grade lynching party in Nuremburg." and "I don't mind what he does to the Nazis, but I hate to see the pretense that he is running a court and proceeding according to common law."

He specifically calls it a fraud.

--Source: Harlan Fiske Stone: Pillar of the Law pp. 716.

Congressional representative Lawrence H. Smith of Wisconsin states: "The Nuremberg farce represents a revenge policy at its worst."

--Source: Congressional Record -- Appendix, Vol. 95, Sec. 14, pp. A 3741.

John Rankin of Mississippi, another congressman, declared: "A racial minority, two and a half years after the war closed, are in Nuremberg not only hanging German soldiers but trying German businessmen in the name of the United States."

--Source: Congressional Record -- House, Vol. 93, Sec. 9, pp. 10938

EVEN A JEW, Milton R Konvits, specialist of law who taught at NYU states:

Our policy with respect to the Nazis is consistent with neither international law nor our own State Department's policy... The Nuremberg trial constitutes a real threat to the basic conceptions of justice which it has taken mankind thousands of years to establish.

--Source: M. R. Konvitz, "Will Nuremberg Serve Justice?," Vol. I, No. 3, pp. 11.

--My second claim: the German defendants were tortured by the Allies

They were tortured by the Allies against international law; violating at least articles 56 and 58 of the Geneva convention of July 1929.

--Source: Nuremberg: A Nation on Trial pp. 69, 302

Austrian officer, Emil Lachout, part of the postwar Allied War Crimes Commission testified under oath in 1988 that German officials had been tortured until they furnished fraudulent statements about alleged killings of Jews in German death camp gas chambers. He provided a copy of a 1948 document confirming this.

--Source: Robert Lenski, Holocaust on Trial, pp. 274, 278.

I've seen Rudolf Höss' confession rather often as a cornerstone document of Holocaust extermination. It's certainly one of the most widely known pieces of "evidence" by anyone that has dipped their toes into this subject.

--Source: Rupert Butler, Legions of Death, pp. 235-239

Rudolph Hoess was tortured for his testimony. After a beating, "It took three days to get a coherent statement out of him, but once he started talking, there was no holding him."

--Source: Rupert Butler, Legions of Death, pp. 236-237

His testimony included claims that 2,500,000 people had been killed in the Auschwitz gas chambers, and another 500,000 had died of other causes.

--Source: Höss testimony at the Nuremberg Tribunal, published in: IMT vol. 33, pp. 275-279

These claims by him are now dismissed by reputable historians, and contradicted by their own, remade memorial stone. 4 Million, really? Does anyone really think the 6 million number wasn't based on 4 million supposedly dying in this camp?

--My third claim: the Allies were guilty of the same things they were "prosecuting" the Germans for.

Chief US prosecutor Robert Jackson stated, in a letter to President Truman that the Allies...

have done or are doing some of the very things we are prosecuting the Germans for. The French are so violating the Geneva Convention in the treatment of [German] prisoners of war that our command is taking back prisoners sent to them [for forced labor in France]. We are prosecuting plunder and our Allies are practicing it. We say aggressive war is a crime and one of our allies asserts sovereignty over the Baltic States based on no title except conquest.

--Source: Jackson letter to Truman, Oct. 12, 1945. State Department files.

The British Government admitted that they, were themselves guilty of "crime against peace" in the planning of a military invasion of Norway before Germany made their move. Britain and the Soviet union jointly invaded and occupied Iran, a neutral nation in 1941.

--Source: J. McMillan, Five Men at Nuremberg pp. 245, 414. "Behind the scenes at Nuremberg," London's Daily Telegraph, Jan. 27, 1977

--My fourth claim: the above, by no means exhaustive on the hypocrisy on crimes, is why there was no definition of "aggression" in the Tribunal's charter, which makes any "conviction" of Principle VI part A, Crimes against peace, a miscarriage of justice.

Funny side note: Notice how the UN adopted the same kind of language? Have you seen what Israel, a member since 1949 has done to Palestine?

SearchVoatBot ago

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xenoPsychologist ago

well said. saved.

Vindicator ago

This is interesting. Thanks

ExpertShitposter ago

@Lauraingalls is a dumb jewish bitch, or one of the retarded jewed Christians who think jews are allies of the christian church because its the origin of jesus.

She is the poster-child for why i have no respect for Qtards, most of them are simple minded old farts whose brains don't work anymore.

Humans were meant to live 50-55 years, and there is simply a point where you become incapable of processing new information. This is why i don't bother redpilling anyone older than 40. They are not relevant to the revolution.

Furthermore, I spen't hours watching the violence on the streets of Paris. Not one of these fuckers had the balls to stand with the yellow jackets. Why? Because they like the gibs. They don't want to bring down the system. They don't want to give up their boomer comforts. They want the nigger slave labor to keep the economy rolling just long enough to pay out their pensions. Fuck the world after that amrite?

Apologies to rare exceptions. But for the most part....fuck old fart q boomers, they have no value any longer, they are just a drain, similar as the niggers. Generation revenge will save the world.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's sad to see that people like her can only attempt to shout people down, whatever yo believe you should at least be able to explain and argue for it

NeoGoat ago

I managed to red pill myself over 2 years in my early 50s. Yes, I swallowed the big pill one last. It was painful as hell for a couple days, as the last fairy tale was seen for what it was. In spring 2016, I supported Bernoe. Now, Trump is to my left. @Empress @Censch

ExpertShitposter ago

As i have said, apologies and respect to exceptions. I know 60 year olds who are 24h le mans racers. Not to many such exceptions.....

Teeder ago

I'm going to reply only because I think it's hilarious, not because you'll care. I'm 43. I've already been where you are. As have countless millions of white men. You aren't the first, nor even remarkable in any way. I blamed older people until I hit my 30's and realized the average 40 plus works harder than you ever have. Get up every day knowing their lives, and their families well being relies on it. We complain about most of the same things. The difference is, you believe the end is nigh. I believe it's all circular, and has been for generations. There's no revolution happening right now. Young people haven't done shit to instigate one. They sit, like you do now, complaining non stop about 40 plus folks on an age scale, like it has some important milestone of waste. Fact is, take away all those people and sure, you get rid of them, and then you starve, or get murdered. That's your war? On bot sides of that equation are people who think like Jews, or socialists, or libtards. Your only reference to life after this is what? Walking Dead? Call of fucking Duty Zombies? Metaphorically speaking of course.

When I was in my late teens and early 20s, I was already doing labor jobs. I was taking a tent and my dog and canoing up rivers and camping. Catching what I needed through fishing and trapping. That didn't start with idiotube. When we did something that deserved punishment, we didn't lose our cellphones or xbox. We lost our freedom and some skin. We didn't hit twitter and decry how mean the meanie parents were. Fucking over 40's always ruining everything. The average 40 year old male would hand the stupid smirk back to your, in a bag with your ass.

As far as what you posted about Nuremburg. Guess what? Every over 40 already knows. We didn't have to look it up on some chan site. Common knowledge. The difference though is we have families. Those things that require us to have jobs and put food on the table. We can't preach this shit because the over 40's when I was your age made sure we'd suffer, and harshly. But that was a drop in the bucket compared to the ones who winked, knowing full well it would come back around again. because it always does.

Hitler wasn't the first, and he won't be the last. The incoherent thoughts of this 43 year old also knows something else. Nothing you've done on Voat matters to anyone. Nothing has changed from yours, or anyone elses posts on here. There is no revolution of young people because this is all they can do, without guidance and know how, and all the pretending in the world won't change that

ExpertShitposter ago

average 40 plus works harder than you ever have

Firstly not true in my particular case. I'm in my 30's and i have worked every moment of my life after i finished my education, and spent a year working two shifts back to back on my first job. On my second job i worked most Saturdays + overtime, and when the company went bankrupt after 2008, i had to take what ever shit job i could quickly. So despite being used to my office job, i transitioned to washing cars in freezing weather, and at times such as new years eve. Did not quit that job till i could find better first.

Difference between boomers and zoomers is that boomers got paid a lot more per unit of work done.

We complain about most of the same things.

No we don't. In serious right wing circles, we complain about the complete destruction of the white civilization in the next 50 years, what is causing it, who is really behind it, and what the final solution is.

In Qtard wing circles, discussion revolves around the democrat/republican circus, put on by the jews, with the goal of keeping you occupied with meaningless bullshit and believing you have a political choice.

I believe it's all circular, and has been for generations.

I agree. The people responsible for the current cycle of shit is primarily boomers.

There's no revolution happening right now.

The system is currently too strong, despite this, there are small revolutions happening around the globe, but boomers are not part of it.

Venezuela is burning, but its not the boomers who are dying on the streets. They were the ones who cheered on the commies who wrecked the country tho.

France is burning for months now, but its not the boomers having their hands and eyeballs blown of every day by cops. They were the ones who invited all the niggers draining the system tho.

Did the boomer have the balls to clean the island of leftists?

Did a boomer have the balls to clean the church/mosque of muslims?

Teeder ago

First, I appreciate that you spoke to me. I half expected the opposite, and just some rantings. My take on your responses. You're right in the sense that no, we don't clean the shit up. I say this because before you did, and by you I mean your age group, we also did. Remember 9/11, and the bombings from the 80's, 90's, and 2000's? That was us, and before that it was the boomers. As far as work? The overarching theme from young people is that there's no work. All the older people have jobs ect. Guess, what? We complained the same way. Young people, and by young I mean all the way down to my 8 year old, believe they deserve everything. They don't. I started in landscaping because it was the only thing I could find. I own my business now because I put in the time. I'm 43 and I feel like I'm 60 most nights. The business side of things is as bad as the labor. I'm inundated with the shit people we make fun of on a daily basis expecting to get hired over my regulars and take no thanks I have no openings as the means to an inquisition on my hate for immigrants, fags, dykes, and women. I'm not just expected to hire these fucks it's a demand from my own government. In my employ I have 5 people. 4 are white. One aged 47, 3 in their 30's and a 22 year old East Asian. His hiring came about when the local chamber of commerce decided that businesses that don't hire the influx of unwanted immigrants might have work directed towards the ones who do. I can't compete without that business. He's a lazy pos who refuses to take direction, speak English, or stay off his cellphone that he suddenly could afford before his first pay. It isn't rosy on the other side either.

As far as what we speak about in the confines of our own groups? It's the same. We've been talking about this since I was young, in my late teens. The destruction of white society started in 1914, and continued through today. Every war is whites dying to protect a lesser species. Sometimes against other whites, and sometimes that's the sole purpose. It wasn't boomers who said gays were ok. It was jews. The prevalence and acceptance by the way started with your age group, and the bloggers and media pushing it. Boomers may have set the laws in motion but only because your age group pushed it to fever pitch. Theres a reason old folks are considered racist and homophobic, and the younger generation more accepting. Except libtards. They're just degenerate fucks driven by greed and debauchery and that predates boomers by a millenia.

As far as whats going on in the world today? You don't seriously believe this started right now do you? Protests have been going on since the beginning of democracy, and communism. Difference is that today you get hit by rubber bullets for the most part. Not real ones. Governments attacking people? Not new. Police acting as govt agents? Not new. Media acting for special (((interests)))? Also not new. Equating boomers or anyone over 40 with the problems the world sees now? Obama says hi. So does Trudeau. And Merkel. All voted in by your age group in the last 15 years. All being given a carrot and still running towards it. My point? I don't hate you for it. I hate the ones who actually did it. There's a massive distinction to make. Most older folks I know fucking hate liberals. Their policies. Their beliefs. Their lemming like state of thought. The liberals when I was younger aren't the liberals of today. These are socialists and communists. The conservatives of today are a mirror image of the older liberals, at least in Canada. The old conservatives are what you'd call alt-right.

As far as France goes. I honestly could care less. If an election was held today they'd likely put their yellow vests away and vote Macron right back in. That movement started out with great intentions, but that isn't what it is now. Look at the people. Not the front lines. The back lines. The ones not getting their hands dirty.

Sorry for the long post and no quotes. haven't figured that out yet. You know, it's no different now than it was 50 years ago, at least concerning how younger people view older ones. We all go through the hate and vitriol for the next generation up the ladder. Older folk blame younger folk and younger folk blame older folk. Once you get to my age, which is not that far, or even older, you'll see the same things I see. I'm terrified of socialism and communism, because neither will be voted in by older people, but we'll be the first to pay. And you'll be second

ExpertShitposter ago

The destruction of white society started in 1914


Boomers may have set the laws in motion but only because your age group pushed it to fever pitch.

Not really. If you look at the point when the shit really started to hit the fan in terms of laws, it was the 60's.


Then there were all the flower power hippies, that may have been right about the shitshow of how Vietnam was conducted, but wrong about everything else....

Nether of us were even close to being born back then.

I don't hate you for it. I hate the ones who actually did it.

I hate those who, in today's world of easy to access information, still haven't consumed the redpillls that they perhaps couldn't before the time of internet. And still refuse to acknowledge their responsibility for the current state of affairs. And yet they claim to be "researchers" and "patriots" and "woke", and saviors of the world.

Q people are like a down syndrome man who set an entire building with 1000 residents on fire, and is now trying to extinguish it by throwing glasses of water on the massive building. Simultaneously, he is denying he set the fire, and is calling the burning residents assholes for criticizing him.

That's who i hate. I expected better of them. Those who "did it" were always evil, nothing good was to be expected of them.

no quotes. haven't figured that out yet.

Just select the text, and hoover over the buttons above the text-box box to see what they do.

Once you get to my age,

Meh, i already hate both boomers and zoomers. And they both hate me back ;D

Those who start prepping now, and achieve full prep in the next 20 years will get to see the undeserving masses eat shit. And if they lose it all, will always have the opportunity to go out fighting. As long as they hold on to their little stash of "boom".

Teeder ago

One thing we do truly agree on, is the qtards. If ever there was a group who would take credit for everything that does happen and no responsibility for anything that doesn't, it's them. And the jews

I know it's easy to feel hopeless and look for anyone to blame, but blame has to be put on the actual perpetrators. We have whites calling for our extinction. How fucked is that? We have men dressing as ladies and not only using it to access little girls, but being giving permission. Our kids are being taken from us and put in muslim homes. We have murderers being set free because they're black or muslim. There's expectations of reparation for people who were never slaves and had no slave bloodlines and the actual slave traders are still doing it while pushing for whites to pay for their crimes. We send billions to Africa so they can use cell phones while starving, raping and murdering their own and showing it on Facebook.Taking over countries where whites built something over 100's of years and destroying it in a week. Every single subversive media title is meant for one thing. Every single govt ploy for acceptance of migrants. Every single tranny and homo walking down the street. When I was 30 those things didn't exist. We had immigrants but skilled and from non-threatening countries. It says a lot that Sikhs, who bombed a passenger jet for attention, are now the most liked, and less feared non whites in Canada. That...is...fucked...

Prepping should be mandatory training for all white people. As well as firearm training, other weapon training, and carpentry. I include hunting, fishing, gathering and farming under prepping. It might not happen in my lifetime, but it will happen. We're a very patient race, but that push too far usually involves millions not seeing tomorrow.

17917278? ago

Humans were meant to live 50-55 years, and there is simply a point where you become incapable of processing new information. This is why i don't bother redpilling anyone older than 40.

Never put this together but yeah, makes total sense.

Crensch ago

@Dragon40, since you linked support for your position from the Nuremberg Trials

And since you specifically referenced Eichmann,

A JEWISH historian by the name of Hannah Arendt wrote that the "eyewitnesses", who testified in 1961 in Jerusalem against Adolf Eichmann were only rarely able to distinguish between what actually happened to them years earlier, and what they had read, heard, or imagined in the meantime.

Source: H. Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem, pp. 224.

Lucy Dawidowicz confirms this, stating that "the survivor's memory is often distorted by hate, sentimentality, and the passage of time. His perspective on external events is often skewed by the limits of his personal experience."

Source: L. Dawidowicz, A Holocaust Reader pp. 11.

ANOTHER Jewish Holocaust historian, Gitta Sereny complained of those who "invented Holocaust events."

Source: G. Sereny, New Statesman pp. 17.


Dragon40 ago

I suggest that you consider two things: One, read the transcripts of the trial (which are online), and Two, examine the documents presented at the trial (which can be found in the printed set of Eichmann trial transcripts.

think- ago

Thanks. I will try to find these sources online.

think- ago

Thank you, Crensch. Going to read it later today.

@srayzie @Vindicator @Blacksmith21 @PacaGoat @LauraIngalls

Lauraingalls ago

They need to do their own research. I looked at ALL the upvoats on all the Neo Nazi, Holocaust Deniers comments, and it made me sick. ALSO I have debated people on many subjects in the past. It is a BIG waste of time. Sick people stay SICK. You can't cure it. I noticed Paca Goat and even God's Angel had numerous posts proving that the Holocaust happened and they either got NO voats, or negative ones. People under the influence of SATAN can't be helped,

think- ago

They need to do their own research.

Well, obviously they did 'their own research', this is what they came up with. They won't do you the favour of looking for books, pictures or videos that will support your arguments; you will need to give them that info, if you want to convince anyone.

And you will have to be able to respond to their arguments in detail - when they say people cannnot have been killed in gas chambers with wooden doors, you will have to show that it was possible nevertheless.

It's ok if you don't have the time for it, or don't feel you would like to do it, but then people will just stick to their own sources / videos. It seems that reports by people like @PacaGoat and your eyewitnesses don't suffice to convince them.

You have been here for five months; I have been here for more than two years (nine months as a lurker, and 1,5 years as an active user), I know the Voat community well, and I can tell you that the only thing that will convince people here are valid sources (NB: not saying your witness reports are not valid), and as many of them as possible.

@Crensch @srayzie @Blacksmith21 @Vindicator

PacaGoat ago

We... I do give information for research. However all we get from THEM is copy pasta. Links all expounding the same junk with no proofs others than more copy pasta. Comments 4 pages long and no evidence as I said save for the same discredited and usless garble in each post. If it were only one person ok. But when everyone is posting the same stuff only rearranged its crap. And then put comes the grammer and spelling police. This is how you know they have no argument. It is a tried and true athiest fall back, that is whwre it originated. Ive seen it for ten years. Always the same. Just get under their skin and see what comes out. They alway reveal themselves in the end. And hoss Ive been here for well over a year. Almost 2.

think- ago

We... I do give information for research.

I appreciate that, @PacaGoat. I was trying to explain the mindset of many people here. Whatever you might think about the info they found, they believe it is valid. This is why I think it needs to be discussed in detail. I cannot chime in, since I'm not familiar with the academic research on this subject.

All I can say is that I don't doubt that there was a genocide - an intentionally planned genocide -, and I don't doubt that millions of jews were killed. From what I gather, different academic researchers come to different conclusions regarding the exact number anyway.

Imo Hitler was a slimy shitbag with greasy hair who brought war over Europe, and it cracks me up that he and his fellow leading Nazis were all ugly and dark haired, while they promoted the ideal of blue-eyed blondes.

It is obvious that he was a puppet - he was introduced into high society by the members of Thule Society, who were into theosophy, and into the occult. And international bankers financed him, at least some of them (or all of them?) were Jewish.

Himmler admired the Dalai Lama, who has been a CIA asset, and is head of Tibetan Buddhism, a dark left-hand path religion, and some Nazis even visited him in Tibet. He renovated a castle which he intended to turn into the centre for esoteric gatherings, and Michael Aquino, one of the most notorious US satanists, went there a couple of years ago, to do a satanic ritual. He wrote in his autobiography about it.

I don't doubt that the Nazis were sadistic shitbags who enjoyed killing and torturing people, and they were the first who did mind control experiments (although I'm not sure whether Mengele was involved in this, or whether he 'only' did eugenic research).

@srayzie @Vindicator @Crensch @Blacksmith21 @LauraIngalls

PacaGoat ago

I sill try to add some to what I started yesterday. Down in myback right now. Prior work injuries acting up.

Mengele, as I remember from my reading from long ago, it was he who devised much of the torture methods. He used not nust Jews but Christians, gays and Gypsies. That was one sick lump of flesh. Many of the evil mad doctor scientist in the movies are crafted after him. Also Hitler and Gobbels where interested in the black sun cult.

Where have we seen that image recently? But let me pht this down right here. The Muh Joo arguments are a diverson from research. Interesting that it has begun to lead to deep diggin into the very thing the cabal is trying to hide....magine that. All the best. Im takin a pain pill!

PacaGoat ago

Hitler had groomers which was suspected many moons ago. I read his Mien Kaff or however you speil it....when I was in 7th grade. That was some seriously skrewed up goobledigook. There is also or was evidence he was possessed. One thing I have been keeping an eye on for the last well....almkst 20 years, is the missing data and history from the internet. I began to keep an eye out on it after a few trips to the local libraries. Books that were always on the shelves now gone and not replaced. Books I had checked out before. Lots of them. I have seen a massive purge followed by revisionist works.

The eugenic works by Hitlers doctors mirrored Sangers sorks here in the US and others. I am not sure if you are aware of the sterilization programs carried out by doctors here of persons that were deemed to be "undesirables." We are seeing in the demoncrat parth a resurgence of that thinking. Follow the path. I sill get back to you. Wifey calls. Lol

think- ago

I will look up Sangers, thanks. Yes, the NY abortion law sucks.

Blacksmith21 ago

You are correct on this issue. This will be the impetus of a follow on post as I do have some very interesting and relevant information on the subject. Recent stuff by names you know, who have been targeted by The Deep State. I just don't have the time right now.

think- ago

You are correct on this issue. This will be the impetus of a follow on post as I do have some very interesting and relevant information on the subject.

Thank you, Blacksmith21. Please ping me into your post, will you? Thank you. :-)

@srayzie @Crensch @Vindicator @LauraIngalls @PacaGoat

PacaGoat ago

Look forward to it

Crensch ago

I look forward to it.


Lauraingalls ago


Lauraingalls ago

I really don't care to waste my time. NEVER worked in the past, won''t work now.

Crensch ago

I really don't care to waste my time.

Then maybe you shouldn't comment on things you won't take the time to support? It kills your credibility, and makes you look like a leftist, arguing with emotions.

NEVER worked in the past, won''t work now.

This is called an 'anecdote'. Anecdotes are just about the lowest form of evidence you can present. It doesn't convince anyone after the truth - ever. Maybe you should read some about eyewitness testimony, too.

I can't even begin to tell you the hours and days I spent in the past showing people all kinds of evidence of things and IT DOESNT WORK.

Nobody will believe this. Do you want to know why?

I could claim the exact same thing about people like you, and my claim would be just as valid (i.e., not valid) as your own.

I learned my lesson.

You learned that your emotions aren't enough to convince anyone on this website. Leftists deal in emotional argumentation, and it works for them. Maybe Reddit is the place for you?

I don't care anymore.

Yes you do. It bugs you to no end that people don't just respond, "Oh, my gosh! I never knew there were so many eye witnesses!" when you simply claim that there were, but provide none.

Do you want to know what kind of evidence we have?

This shows a holocaust museum website using photos that are not legitimate simply for the shock value. TWO of the pictures they used were false. What else did they lie about, LI?

Lauraingalls ago

I have freedom of speech. BYE. Quit messaging me.

Crensch ago

I have freedom of speech.

Nobody said anything different. OP made her submission, and YOU called people SICK for questioning an event that is illegal to question in many countries. I posit that YOU are the one that would prefer to shut down others' speech, and you're projecting that flaw onto me because you can't handle the fact that everyone else has behaved better than you have.

These "SICK" people are more open and friendly and willing to discuss than you are; you've behaved like a spoiled child, and some part of you realizes that. So, to feel better about yourself, you bring up something completely irrelevant.

Hmm, or did you maybe think that destroying your arguments somehow actually stifles your free speech? You're not that stupid, are you?

BYE. Quit messaging me.

I'm not messaging you. I'm responding to your public comments. Are you trying to stifle my free speech?

think- ago

@Crensch: please see parent.

Crensch ago


Notice which of these your comment is missing?

Blacksmith21 ago

Notice what your response reeks of?


Crensch ago

Notice how none of that has any bearing on the argument, or who is arguing in good faith? Notice how none of that has any bearing on who has sources to support their position?

I noticed.

Blacksmith21 ago

Read some of D'Souza's works.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Read some of D'Souza's works.

Read some of Hitler's, George Lincoln Rockwell's, and crack open a book on how to argue.

Blacksmith21 ago

You're glowing a bit, Crensch.

Crensch ago

You're really, really bad at this.

Blacksmith21 ago

No, you're really, really bad at this...you're nothing but a professional shitposter, at best: https://files.catbox.moe/c3zfx9.GIF

Crensch ago

Do you remember when I wrecked you so hard you deleted your own post?

I don't even shitpost all that much. Just because I don't really care to find the proper subverse for my posts doesn't make them shitposts, but I guess that's the best argument you can come up with.

You have always sounded more than a little like a Jew.

Blacksmith21 ago

Your life is so small that you actually tally "wrecking" someone online? Pretty pitiful.

Crensch ago

Your life is so small that you actually tally "wrecking" someone online? Pretty pitiful.

It's something you could never do. Meaning you're bad at this, and I am not.

And no, I don't remember it...that's how unimportant you are to me.

Everyone else does, and I bet you're lying about that.

Blacksmith21 ago

Are you talking about the Schitt/Smollet thing?

Crensch ago


Blacksmith21 ago

You sound like you are 14. And you have aligned yourself with the David Duke and Ilhan Omars of the world. You wrecked yourself, stud. You should get out in the sun a bit more.

Crensch ago

Imagine having someone you consider to be 14 wreck you so bad you self-delete your own post.

Blacksmith21 ago

Enjoy staying up until 0400 tomorrow pretending to be something you aren't online.

I bet you can't talk about a single man activity - motorcycles, guns, knives, cooking, shooting, construction, building shit, bourbon, etc. You're a little supple, pussy mouthed bitch who only has one mode - muh joos in muh basement.

Crensch ago

Enjoy staying up until 0400 tomorrow pretending to be something you aren't online.


What, exactly, am I pretending to be? Sounds like you really don't like the fact that you fail so hard here, while I do not. In fact, that's really the only metric anyone can use to compare the two of us, no?

I bet you can't talk about a single man activity - motorcycles, guns, knives, cooking, shooting, construction, building shit, bourbon, etc. You're a little supple, pussy mouthed bitch who only has one mode - muh joos in muh basement.

I bet you can't formulate an argument with even an ounce of logos, and I bet you're a lard barge IRL.

Did I do it right?

Blacksmith21 ago

@srayzie can vouch for the fact that I'm about as far from a "lard barge IRL" as they come. In fact, I'm the type of man most women prefer - father, husband, MMA practitioner, prior military, combat experienced, badass vehicles and toys, and lots of discretionary income. Plus I'm still a handsome motherfucker. I'm confident you don't bring much to the table in the manliness department.

Looks like I was right - you stayed up until about 0400 shitposting. It's a sad life you lead @crensch. No IRL friends, nor IRL activities. While you are busy sleeping all morning, I'm modding another gun and prepping something from my motorcycle collection to go thrash on the back roads.

It's a gorgeous day outside. Peel yourself away from your Playstation and go get some vitamin D.

srayzie ago

You and @Crensch are both my friends. I wish you guys wouldn’t fight. Why don’t we just let it go. You guys are both awesome.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, I'm going to chime in agreement with srayzie, here @Blacksmith21 @Crensch. What we've got here is two cowboys having a pissing match. From my point of view, y'all work for the same ranch...so when you're done brawling about who is the bigger badass, maybe consider ending at the bar instead of with six shooters in the middle of the street?

Crensch ago

"I'm losing in this battle of wits, because I was born without any. Please look at these manly things that make me better than you. I win now."

I would lose sleep over having written sonething so pathetic. You basically admit that you know your mind is limited when you "argue" (kek) like this. It's no better than, "my dad can beat up your dad". It's worse, really, since you're obviously an adult, so there is no chance you will ever rise above the intllect level of "my irl is better than yours, so you lose this verbal argument."

Since you're too stupid to put the two together, what you're engaging in is a fallacy called ad hominem. You ignore my arguments and instead attack me personally.

Your mind is weak.

Blacksmith21 ago

"You ignore my arguments and instead attack me personally."

You avoided the initial point of debate, my friend, not I.

Crensch ago

You avoided the initial point of debate, my friend, not I.

I would never be the friend of someone that is so ill-equipped at thinking.

Also, maybe you should review this nest before accusing me of something so patently absurd. Every comment of mine up to your first ad hominem was directly about your words. You couldn't help but attempt to sound smarter by telling me to go read something.

How does it feel to fail so hard, and on so many different levels?

While we are on the subject, why don't you point me towards some of your original contributions to v/GA and v/PG?

More attacking me directly? I'm sure that helps your position that the Holocaust really happened. Well, it helps in your mind.

You have got to be one of the most hilariously stupid people on this website.

Even when I point out directly what the problems with your arguments are, you press on with your failure as if you're a winner; hell, you can't even reference your own comments without failing.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks for the laugh, LOL. You haven't contributed jack shit to v/GA or v/PG in the 2.4 years I've been here. When you produce some relevant research to either sub, something based upon your keen intellect and the sharp mind you claim to possess, then I'll entertain a discussion. Until then, you're nothing but a shitposter/stirrer.

Lastly you shot down my suggestion to read D'Souza, and countered with reading Hitler and Rockwell. It's obvious you espouse Nazi ideology. All of the contemporary actors we work to expose are Nazis in both actions, deeds, tactics, methodology, etc. The only difference is your present-day Nazi party is now watered down with jungle bunnies, spics, sand niggers, gooks, and Jews. Turn on CNN - Deep State shills aka Nazi party propaganda arm. Which lands you square in the middle of what many of us fight here - The Deep State aka the 4th Reich.

IQ and intellect are meaningless without experience.

Protip: Proofread your writings out loud. You come across as a spoiled child.

Vindicator ago

It's obvious you espouse Nazi ideology. All of the contemporary actors we work to expose are Nazis in both actions, deeds, tactics, methodology, etc.

Here is what I think about this topic: I think both of you are right.

As I understand it, @Crensch believes Jews are bent on subverting and ultimately eliminating white folks, using an insane campaign of lies and sneaky behind-the-scenes manipulation and control, the keystone of which is the Holocaust. He believes Hitler and the German people were made patsy's for the elite globalist Jewish cabal's crimes, when Hitler attempted to "make Germany great again." History's understanding of Hitler/Germany is shrouded in lies.

Crensch's conclusions are based at least on some unassailable facts, not on the disinfo that gets pushed here frequently by shills to muddy the waters about those facts. I knew very little about "the JQ" before coming to Voat, and my first exposure to it was trolls and/or shills hazing pizzagaters with the most extreme sketchy material, so I wasn't inclined to take it too seriously. It was, in fact, Crensch's particular type of honor and integrity, and his willingness to explain his views logically that made me seriously reconsider what I thought I knew.

Crensch, you should give Blacksmith those examples, rather than merely attacking him for doubting.

Blacksmith sees the ruling elite of the US and Europe as bearing marked similarities with the totalitarian, propaganda-pushing, eugenics-loving fascists of the Nazi era. As a result of this and mainstream history, he can't fathom how anyone could could embrace Hitler.

But where does the truth lie? How do we tease it out from all the BS disinfo that gets pushed surrounding this topic?

Back in November 2017, QAnon gave some hints about what the truth might actually be. One of these days, I mean to do a thread on it.

He hinted that both of you are correct to a degree. That elite globalists, particularly the Jewish banking house of Rothschild, were the ones behind World War I and II, not so much Hitler. He implied Hitler was a patsy to some extent, and that Merkel is related to him. Those drops need further research and discussion.

However, having contemplated this now for over a year and read much of Voat's talk on the JQ and Hitler, I would venture to say that you BOTH need to be prepared for shocking revelations. Blacksmith may discover that most of history is not what we thought it was. Crensch may be confirmed in his conclusions about the Jews, but find out Hitler was a puppet akin to Obama. (This is assuming Q (who either IS Trump or is working directly for him) was not pushing disinfo in those Merkel drops to force her to step down.)

Most importantly, Q has said that the truth about those who inflicted the World Wars on the citizens and honorable soldiers of the United States, Britain, Germany and every other white country is so foul the revelation of it "would put 90% of people in the hospital." That's how far off from reality our traditional understanding of history is.

I've spent the last year contemplating just what that must entail. I am now convinced that a lot of the Holocaust was an insane psyop. I don't know how much, or exactly which parts, but when you run the math on the 6 million gassed in death camps, it definitely doesn't hold up. I am also convinced they have used vaccines, drugs, crap in the water and food supply and maybe even electromagnetic radiation to cause disease, infertility, depression, and premature death for millions since World War I. They have done this to weaken the population for easier control, as well as to avoid overpopulation. I think they have targeted the white family in particular, and white men, who are the biggest threat to their ability to dominate. I think they regularly murder those who get traction against them, like Andrew Breitbart.

Now...I consider both of you major assets in the fight against these sick fuckers that goes on here in different ways every day on Voat. Seems kinda dumb for you to be fighting each other!

SearchVoatBot ago

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srayzie ago

but find out Hitler was a puppet akin to Obama.

I think you’re probably right from what I know so far.

Crensch ago

Thanks for the laugh, LOL. You haven't contributed jack shit to v/GA or v/PG in the 2.4 years I've been here. When you produce some relevant research to either sub, something based upon your keen intellect and the sharp mind you claim to possess, then I'll entertain a discussion. Until then, you're nothing but a shitposter/stirrer.

"I don't like you, so I'm taking my ball, and I'm going home."


Lastly you shot down my suggestion to read D'Souza, and countered with reading Hitler and Rockwell.

That was a direct attack on me, not you addressing my words. Right there you're saying, "I don't have to listen to you because you didn't read this book and I am more knowledgeable than you and you just don't know what you're talking about."

Ducking my words by pretending to make a "suggestion". You're a coward.

It's obvious you espouse Nazi ideology.

Really? Do tell.

All of the contemporary actors we work to expose are Nazis in both actions, deeds, tactics, methodology, etc.


Oh holy fuck. Let's just not have words mean anything. NAZI =/= National Socialist, it means PEDOPHILES and DEEPSTATE.

But hey, maybe you have even an OUNCE of logos to back that claim up?

The only difference is your present-day Nazi party is now watered down with jungle bunnies, spics, sand niggers, gooks, and Jews.

That's why I have nothing to do with that Jewish lie honeypot crap. But keep labeling me like a leftist would, you alcoholic faggot.

Turn on CNN - Deep State shills aka Nazi party propaganda arm.

Do you want to know who else calls anyone they disagree with "Nazis"?

Which lands you square in the middle of what many of us fight here - The Deep State aka the 4th Reich.

Want to write some more fanfic about me?

IQ and intellect are meaningless without experience.

I have all three, you very obviously lack the first two; without them the latter is useless.

Protip: Proofread your writings out loud. You come across as a spoiled child.

Protip: provide logos when arguing on Voat. Your words are Reddit-tier, and would only convince a leftist, which makes me think you might actually be one playing the long-con here as if you're just the village idiot, but still one of us.

Blacksmith21 ago

Yep, you're a shill. If I were playing the "long-con" I would have either:

A) A documented history of making posts exposing anything I can or;

B) A documented history of making bullshit comments in an effort to worm your way in to a v/PG mod position.

You may fool a lot, but you don't don't fool me. My instincts have yet to be wrong.

think- ago

@Blacksmith21, @Crensch isn't a shill. He really believes what he says.

I'm sure that there are Nazi shills on Voat, but @Crensch isn't one of them.

He didn't 'worm his way' to a PG mod position; it was him and @kevdude who defended v/pizzagate against the shill attacks after the sub had moved over here from Reddit.

He doesn't need to make submissions of his own, his role as an O is to defend v/pizzagate against outside attacks.

@srayzie @Vindicator

Crensch ago

Yep, you're a shill. If I were playing the "long-con" I would have either:

You're probably too stupid to actually think anything through, but let's see how amusing your low-effort, one-facet response is, here.

A) A documented history of making posts exposing anything I can or;

Why would you do that? If you "expose" horseshit, you get exposed. If you actually expose shit, your handlers will have your head.

B) A documented history of making bullshit comments in an effort to worm your way in to a v/PG mod position.

You have a documented history of posting barely-on-topic horseshit, and arguing like a leftist.

As of the past few comments you have a documented history of calling people you don't like "Nazis".

Which one makes more sense?

False dichotomy. I told you before:

You're bad at this.

You may fool a lot, but you don't don't fool me. My instincts have yet to be wrong.


Oh, shit. Nobody gives a fuck about your instincts. Even if they did, everyone that is anyone around you would disagree. Weren't you one of those defending Oh-Well-Ian, or whateverthefuck his name was?

How does it feel to be on team ESOTERICshade today, BS21? You're in good company. That guy is WAY smarter than you are, so maybe you should ask him how to not be so hilariously clumsy with your words?

Blacksmith21 ago

The fact that you've spent so much of your free time dedicated to the Voat drama and shill BS tells me that you have nothing else to do but sit behind your computer all day/night. In fact, it's a fair statement to say Voat is your social life, isn't it, Crensch? Sad.

I know this little back and forth is making your Saturday night. You're probably rocking back and forth, sucking on some soda, rubbing your hands gleefully together as you relish a Pyrrhic victory with an anon online. Pat yourself on the back, son. You've earned it /s

I could give a rat's ass about your opinion and false/baseless allegations. My submission and comment history stands on it's own merits. I'll go back to my last point - what have you contributed to the fight? Nothing.

Crensch ago

The fact that you've spent so much of your free time dedicated to the Voat drama and shill BS tells me that you have nothing else to do but sit behind your computer all day/night. In fact, it's a fair statement to say Voat is your social life, isn't it, Crensch? Sad.

Were you ever going to defend your position, or is attacking some internet stranger, about MORE things you can't defend your go-to strategy to feel better about yourself?

I know this little back and forth is making your Saturday night. You're probably rocking back and forth, sucking on some soda, rubbing your hands gleefully together as you relish a Pyrrhic victory with an anon online. Pat yourself on the back, son. You've earned it /s

What's really delicious here is that you recognize it's a victory for me. Your snark is how you hide your shame.

I could give a rat's ass about your opinion and false/baseless allegations.

Could you? That'd be quite the sight! And a little gross.

What allegations of mine are false?

My submission and comment history stands on it's own merits.

The submission history where you deleted your own submission after being completely and utterly destroyed? I remember that.

(You forget it was me who first called out NR before anyone else.)

@Vindicator @srayzie @shizy @MolochHunter @think-

This guy continues to blatantly lie about shit like this.

This is Fagsmith's first submission on NR, dated 9/21/18.

This is the FIRST submission to call him out, dated 9/13/18, by @mr_shamalama.

THIS is @srayzie's first submission on it, dated 9/15/18, and you can ask her, I messaged her about his bullshit before she'd even gotten to read it.

I found his COMMENT, 3 deep, under the top comment of that OP.

How fucked in the head do you have to be to claim this?

I'll go back to my last point - what have you contributed to the fight? Nothing.

And you still cannot defend the Holocaust, apparently.

kneo24 ago

The amount of cop outs used to defame you is pretty obvious.

You're not a man unless you do this!

Your opinion doesn't matter because you're a leftist because I said so!

Your opinion doesn't matter because I've done more work than you!

Watch me over state my importance with the things I've done so I can continue to not address things you write and not back up my original claim!

How dare you engage in "drama"! Ignore the fact that I'm a part of it!

At some point a pattern becomes obvious.

What should really get everyone's goat is him overstating his importance in NR and the Reddit mods ordeal. He came in after everyone was already all hands on deck, looking into these people and outing them for the scum that they were. There were a few insights I had not considered that he pointed out, but at the end of the day they were small compared to the work everyone else had put in and ultimately not that relevant.

Antiracist10 ago

can't formulate an argument with even an ounce of logos,

Ahahahaha! This coming from Crensch, the biggest fucking idiot here. Hey, remember that time you eschewed all philosophy? That's where you got your pretty words from, you dumb faggot.

@Blacksmith21, Crensch is quite the fucking stupid creature. I documented its stupidity for a long time. My conclusions were consistent: He is really really fucking stupid, and fuck him.

Check out some of my work:






God, he's so fucking stupid. Yet he speaks of argument and logos to you! Hah!

vonHugenbuben ago

Welcome. There is no turning back now.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Tell me about it..I had dreams man...

fuspezza ago

What about the Six Million Jews /s

EnterTheUnKnown ago

The only controversy on voat about this topic will come from the JIDF who patrol it. And maybe some of those, slow to see boomers.

Lauraingalls ago


the_art_collector ago

Serious question: do you get this upset at leftist Jews openly calling for genocide of whites on social media? Economic strangulation and replacement migration has "killed" 10x as many whites at this point. And I think that's pretty sick for them to call for even more.

Ps4Freedom ago

Yeah, grow up and get over the fact that some people are older than you are. It's part of life same as there is always someone smarter, stronger or wiser than you are. Unless you get to be the oldest person on earth you have absolutely no choice in the matter.

blueskywins ago

Enough with the boomer shit. I’m GenX but have seen plenty of millennials (and GenX) who are “slow to see” as well, if that’s what you meant. In fact millennials are the most brainwashed of all. We need to wake up all generations and all of us combined will probalay become known as the woke generation”.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

I do not disagree. I said boomers because this is GA, which seems heavily populated with them.

pckpat ago

And some of those boomers were "woke" before there was such a thing as millenials.

Freebee ago

How old are boomers?

EnterTheUnKnown ago

55-75 years old with a s/d of 5 years.

Freebee ago

Thanks! That’s older then my parents. Gotta stop calling them boomers.

Phantom42 ago

You can tell by the typing style.

Lauraingalls ago

Not really, just plain crazy, and know nothing but they think they do.

Simonbelmont27 ago

Even in the face of overwhelming evidence, most people will not accept the truth (it's happened to me a lot)

Retli_Hevoli ago

This right here is when I realized something wasn't right about the Jewish story.

The holohoax is their only hope now, to instill such a stigma against research and questioning, they know the lies gotten too big.

Chimaeric ago

"In the camp there was a cage with a bear and an eagle. Every day they would throw a Jew in there. The bear would tear him apart and the eagle would pick at his bones."

"But that's unbelievable," whispered a vistor.

"It is unbelievable. But it happened."

foltaisaprovenshill ago

One of my favorites is the "electrified floor that burned their bones to ash".

Modern crematoriums could save a TON of money if only they had this advanced German electric floor tech, since they have to crush/grind the bones after cremation in order to turn them into powder.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Lol! Death coasters! 🙄 My favorite though are the “death by orgasm” machines. Sounds very...pornographic.

ChosenUndead ago

I remember that one. The national socialists allegedly built a machine that would literally masturbate the jews to death. Fucking kikes are so stupid they can't even make up believable lies. It almost became a competition to them to see which dirty kike could make up the most outrageous lies.

KEVDOG77 ago

thats some indiana jones sheeeit

ihatejunkiemail ago


Retli_Hevoli ago

Sure ain't the classic German efficient ingenuity that I was taught about

Euli ago

Congrats! you've fond the truth of the "trillion billion dollar lie" which is known by many with own mind. In Germany it is not allowed by law to deny it.

In US the truth about it has been revealed e.g. by the "Phoenix Journals", in this case in #39 and #40. You can find it here: http://phoenixsourcedistributors.com/html/j039/ and here: http://phoenixsourcedistributors.com/html/j040/

GodsAngell ago

Well here is a Christian (gentile) Concentration Camp Survivor, Corrie Ten Boom, sharing the delights of the Garden Parties going on at German Concentration Camps. Her father, her sister and her brother all died in the concentration camp. Corrie Ten Boom was scheduled to be executed after 11 months, but through a clerical error, she was suddenly released one week before all the women her age (in their fifties) were to be killed, and their bodies burned in the ovens.

Corrie was put into a concentration camp because she and her family hid Jews in Amsterdam during WW2, to help them escape Europe. Her home was called The Hiding Place. At one time they had 30 Jews hiding in their home.

She and her sister went to Ravensbruk. They lived in a barracks that was built for 200 people, but they crammed 700 women into them. They had one meal a day, watery potato soup, with no potatoes. The potatoes just flavored the warm water. That's it. Then they had to work 12 hours a day, dragging away debris from blown up railroads, and assist in rebuilding the railroad tracks (i.e., hard physical labor). Before work each day it took 2 hours to do roll call in the morning, and all the prisoners had to stand in the freezing cold for these two hours in cotton dresses. Every single day, they could smell the smoke of bodies being burned in a huge furnace. Corrie's sister only lasted 10 months before she died. Through the providence of God, Corrie was released by mistake before she was supposed to be put to death the following week along with all the rest of the women her age. The conditions were so harsh the average life expectancy of a concentration camp inmate was about a year.

Corrie Ten Boom a devout Christian broke the laws of the land, which said that Jews were animals and should be rounded up to be killed, (after being worked to death for a year first), just by saving Jewish lives. So Corrie broke Hitler's immoral law, and she suffered for it. The Jews were all at these concentration death camps, just because they were born Jewish or born part Jewish. They did not break any laws, other than being born.

I don't know how many people died in the concentration camps, and neither do you, because the Nazi's did their best to cover their trails, destroying records, digging up bodies and burning them, blowing up buildings, to destroy as much evidence as possible. A lot like Hildabeast would have done, destroying all evidence.

You will also note how wonderfully and lovingly Hitler spoke of the Jews in Mein Kampf. I'm sure because of his attitude toward Jews, you can trust that he treated Jews with the best loving care humanly possible (not). Do the math here.

There was a Holocaust. How many died, no one knows. Schindler, a gentile German Nazi supplier would never have stuck his neck out to save hundreds of Jews, if he didn't know they were about to be killed. He knew what was going on and he blew his wealth to save Jews. Are you saying YOU know more than Schindler and Corrie Ten Boom, sitting in your comfortable chairs in your comfortable homes, thousands of miles and about 80 years away from these events???

Lets get a little TRUTH into your perspectives, shall we, based upon Eye Witness Accounts? Yes the Rothschilds are horrid, and the Rockefellars, and the Soros, etc, but these are just a few people, a few bad apples. Not EVERY Jew is in on these wicked schemes. That would be like saying every Gentile is in on the all the wicked evil schemes of the Clintons and Obamas.

Lets keep some balance and perspective here.

Listen to this Christian survivor of the German Concentration Death Camp GARDEN PARTIES:

Corrie Ten Boom


700 Club Classics - Corrie Ten Boom - CBN.com


Corrie Ten Boom, "How to Forgive"


Dead bodies were dug up and thrown onto open bonfires too. In the beginning when the nazi's thought they would rule the world, they got sloppy and just buried their dead prisoners in huge pits (mass graves). Later when it became apparent they were losing the war and inquiries would be made (Nuremberg?), they rapidly began covering their tracks, forcing prisoners to dig up the dead bodies and throw the bodies onto huge bonfires.

Records were destroyed.

Buildings blown up.

Bottomline? You have absolutely NO IDEA how many innocent people were murdered by the Germans during WW2, and neither does anyone else......except the Jewish families who know that they lost family members. Have you asked those eye witnesses? No, of course not.

THE POINT IS: JEWS WERE ROUNDED UP AND SLAUGHTERED LIKE CATTLE, just because they were born Jewish, by definition, THAT is a HOLOCAUST!!! When NO Jews were left in Europe, except a handful half starved to death in Concentration Camps, THAT IS A HOLOCAUST!!!

Definition: holocaust (hŏlˈə-kôstˌ, hōˈlə-)►

Great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life.


ihatejunkiemail ago

close your mouth. your breath smells like foreskin and kiddie blood. making sacrificial manna again?research how many times the nosebergs have been wiped off the face of the earth. research the kalergi plan. research real facts instead of vomiting the propaganda yoy swallow easily as you do fireskuns and bloody manna. seig heil

Itgetsbetter ago

If there's so much conclusive evidence, why all the laws in multiple countries that crucify anyone who cares question any part of the official story?

Lauraingalls ago

And they try to call YOU crazy God's Angel. WOW. This subject has opened my eyes to how manyy EVIL people are on Voat.

GodsAngell ago

Well here is a Christian (gentile) Concentration Camp Survivor, Corrie Ten Boom, sharing the delights of the Garden Parties going on at German Concentration Camps. Her father, her sister and her brother all died in the concentration camp. Corrie Ten Boom was scheduled to be executed after 11 months, but through a clerical error, she was suddenly released one week before all the women her age (in their fifties) were to killed, and their bodies burned in the ovens.

Corrie was put into a concentration camp because she and her family hid Jews in Amsterdam during WW2, to help them escape Europe. Her home was called The Hiding Place. At one time they had 30 Jews hiding in their home.

She and her sister went to Ravensbruk. They lived in a barracks that was built for 200 people, but they crammed 700 women into them. They had one meal a day, watery potato soup, with no potatoes. The potatoes just flavored the warm water. That's it. Then they had to work 12 hours a day, dragging away debris from blown up railroads, and assist in rebuilding the railroad tracks (i.e., hard physical labor). Before work each day it took 2 hours to do roll call in the morning, and all the prisoners had to stand in the freezing cold for these two hours in cotton dresses. Every single day, they could smell the smoke of bodies being burned in a huge furnace. Corrie's sister only lasted 10 months before she died. Through the providence of God, Corrie was released by mistake before she was supposed to be put to death the following week along with all the rest of the women her age. The conditions were so harsh the average life expectancy of a concentration camp inmate was about a year.

Corrie Ten Boom a devout Christian broke the laws of the land, which said that Jews were animals and should be rounded up to be killed, (after being worked to death for a year first), just by saving Jewish lives. So Corrie broke Hitler's immoral law, and she suffered for it. The Jews were all at these concentration death camps, just because they were born Jewish or born part Jewish. They did not break any laws, other than being born.

I don't know how many people died in the concentration camps, and neither do you, because the Nazi's did their best to cover their trails, destroying records, digging up bodies and burning them, blowing up buildings, to destroy as much evidence as possible. At lot like Hildabeast would have done, destroying all evidence.

You will also note how wonderfully and lovingly Hitler spoke of the Jews in Mein Kampf. I'm sure because of his attitude toward Jews, you can trust that he treated Jews with the best loving care humanly possible (not). Do the math here.

There was a Holocaust. How many died, no one knows. Schindler, a gentile German Nazi supplier would never have stuck his neck out to save hundreds of Jews, if he didn't know they were about to be killed. He knew what was going on and he blew his wealth to save Jews. Are you saying YOU know more than Schindler and Corrie Ten Boom, sitting in your comfortable chairs in your comfortable homes, thousands of miles and about 80 years away from these events???

Lets get a little TRUTH into your perspectives, shall we, based upon Eye Witness Accounts? Yes the Rothschilds are horrid, and the Rockefellars, and the Soros, etc, but these are just a few people, a few bad apples. Not EVERY Jew is in on these wicked schemes. Lets keep some balance and perspective here.

Listen to this Christian survivor of the German Concentration Death Camp GARDEN PARTIES:

Corrie Ten Boom


700 Club Classics - Corrie Ten Boom - CBN.com


Corrie Ten Boom, "How to Forgive"


Dead bodies were dug up and thrown onto open bonfires too. In the beginning when the nazi's thought they would rule the world, they got sloppy and just buried their dead prisoners in huge pits. Later when it became apparent they were losing the war and inquiries would be made (Nuremberg?), they rapidly began covering their tracks, forcing prisoners to dig up the dead bodies and throw the bodies onto huge bonfires.

Records were destroyed.

Buildings blown up.

Bottomline? You have absolutely NO IDEA how many innocent people were murdered by the Germans during WW2, and neither does anyone else......except the Jewish families who know that they lost family members. Have you asked those eye witnesses? No, of course not.

THE POINT IS: JEWS WERE ROUNDED UP AND SLAUGHTERED LIKE CATTLE, just because they were born Jewish, by definition, THAT is a HOLOCAUST!!! When NO Jews were left in Europe, except a handful half starved to death in Concentration Camps, THAT IS A HOLOCAUST!!!

Definition: holocaust (hŏlˈə-kôstˌ, hōˈlə-)►

Great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life.


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Corrie ten Boom

oy vey look at that nose, weird you can't find any detailed information of her mother, Cornelia Johanna Arnolda ten Boom-Luitingh, enthnic background online. And it's also odd that her father wore the star of david in the camps if he wasn't a jew. You really think you can fool anyone?

GodsAngell ago

Corrie's father wore the star of David because he was in sympathy with the plight of the Jews. As a Christian, he was acutely aware that the Savior of every Christian is a JEW, called Jesus Christ. I'm sure you have heard of this Jew, every Christian nation celebrates his Birth every winter, during a Holiday called Christmas???

Corrie's father thought that if every Gentile wore a yellow star of david too, the Germans would no longer be able to distinguish between Jews and Gentiles. He was correct of course. But people were too afraid of going to concentration camps to do the same, although most Gentiles were in sympathy with the Jews because the Nazi's were so cruel. Even some German soldiers were horrified with what was happening to Jews, so they GAVE Corrie Ten Boom and her family LOTS of German Military Uniforms, to help Jews Escape. They also shoved ration cards under their doors, so Corrie's family could feed the 30 or so Jews hiding in her home. Not every German was a Nazi maniac, it was nice to find out.

Lauraingalls ago

I see Voat is FILLED with NUTS, God's ANGEL.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Corrie's father wore the star of David because he was in sympathy with the plight of the Jews.

so the Nazis forced certain prisoners to be marked for identification, yet some guy could just request it and they obliged? If the star was voluntary what would be the point? why would the waste fabric or time meeting silly requests like that for political prisoners during a war? This doesn't add up, while there's a much more reasonable conclusion.

the Savior of every Christian is a JEW

the main holy book of the contemporary "jewish" religion is the talmud. The Talmud has two components; the Mishnah which dates back to approximately 200 AD and the Gemara which dates back to approximately 500 AD, but both certainly after the death of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Most "jews" alive today, and particularly the ones in Europe that Hitler's put in labor camps, [are Ashkenazim in background]](https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/news/ashkenazi-jewish-ancestry-confirmed-european-by-mtdna-tests/) and not Sephardi. Unlike the Sephardi people, who are the group of people talked about in the old testament who condemned Jesus to death despite his mother being kin to them, the Ashkenazim originate from Babylon where they were devil worshipers and they merely adopted the jewish religion around 8 centuries ago.

Religiously and Ethnically the "jews" of today have nothing to do with Jesus Christ who in the first place was of his father God whom he was himself merely made flesh rather than a jewish person himself.

Corrie's father thought that if every Gentile wore a yellow star of david too, the Germans would no longer be able to distinguish between Jews and Gentiles.

again, why would the Nazis running the camps allow this? it's simply absurd.

But people were too afraid of going to concentration camps to do the same

so not just the stars, but the camps themselves were voluntary? what kind of authoritarian state were they running? if the Nazis were so cruel and oppressive why could this guy do as he liked? why didn't the jews do the converse as him and simply just claim not to be jews if the Nazis would simply take his word for it? not adding up.

so they GAVE Corrie Ten Boom and her family LOTS of German Military Uniforms, to help Jews Escape

"...and then everyone clapped" seriously isn't any of this strikingly too good to be true? where's the proof any of this actually happened?

They also shoved ration cards under their doors, so Corrie's family could feed the 30 or so Jews hiding in her home

so not merely the star or the camps, but the Nazi regime wasn't even keeping close tabs on rations? During a war? They'd regularly redeem dozens of extra tickets and raise no suspicions? have you ever once asked any questions? do you listen and believe Trump's alleged sexual assault victims as well?

Blacksmith21 ago

100% False: "the main holy book of the contemporary "jewish" religion is the talmud."

Mainstream Judaism follows the Torah aka Old Testament.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the torah includes the oral torah not just the five books of Moses, and guess what the compiled version of the oral torah is called? the talmud. Retard.

Blacksmith21 ago

"but nonetheless are regarded by Orthodox Jews": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_Torah

Orthodox are 10% of US Jewish population. 22% in Israel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthodox_Judaism#Demographics

Wrong again. Retard.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

so they'd like you to believe, many "jewish" people today are allegedly "atheists" but they still push for abortion which is the modern day version of their child sacrifice rituals

Vindicator ago

The Ashkenazi-Jew theory is interesting and something I'd like to read more about. Genetics ought to be able to trace their history fairly accurately. However...

Jesus Christ who in the first place was of his father God whom he was himself merely made flesh rather than a jewish person himself.

I think you're fooling yourself, here, Rainy. Jesus took every cell of his flesh from Mary, who was a Levite descendant of Aaron the first Jewish priest, according to the Angel Gabriel in the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke.

Gabriel names Mary as the relative of Elizabeth, whom Luke says is a decedent of Aaron, and also tells her Jesus "will be given the throne of his father, David."

According to Scripture, Jesus is definitely a Jew.

Gabriel also tells Zecharriah (Elizabeth's husband, also a Levite priest), the father of John the Baptist, that his prophet son will

"Bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God. And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

So, the Jews of Jesus' day were already screwed up, even before they decided to kill off their Messiah. Logically, things would have gone downhill dramatically from then, on.

However, I think we should also recall that Jesus himself told the Samaritan woman in the Gospel of John that "Salvation is from the Jews":

"You worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him."

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

The jews of Jesus' day were the people who Moses led in from Egypt to settle in israel, these are the Sephardi jews who exist today. The 12 tribes of israel as it were. The ashkenazi who were the "jews" in Europe Hitler went to war against are not the same group of people, their origins can be traced to babylon where they sacrificed children to baal and moloch before later adopting the jewish religion.

srayzie ago

That’s the part where I get confused. The Jews that are in the Bible... Gods chosen people. I don’t think they are the same Jews as the ones of today. I don’t know enough about it tho. It’s something I would like to learn more about.

What you said Rainy Day makes a lot of sense.

@Vindicator @Think-

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the twelve tribes of israel fom the old testament, the ones who condemned Jesus to death, are the Sephardi. The Ashkenazim are the self-appointed 13th tribe.



srayzie ago

Thank you. I’ll read about it. But, I read in the Bible that Jesus WAS a Jew. But most Jews didn’t believe He was Christ.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he was born of Mary and she was a jew, so yes but remember he was also God himself incarnate on earth. Also the jewish religion and most of the "jews" running around today have little to do with the ones in the bible, so in so far as we talk about jews today you could argue that he's not since they're a different people with a different religion

srayzie ago

That’s what took me a long time to understand but I’m seeing it now. I’m very interested in learning more about it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the truth fears no investigation ;)

srayzie ago

True ;) Thank you for lending me your brain!

think- ago

From what I know, there are Jews who are Semites - those are mentioned in the Bible, and these are those who are still to be found in the Middle East today (Israel), although many Jews immigrated to Israel who have European ancestors (see below).

Then there are Jews who are not descendants of the semitic Jews, but whose ancestors were European, and who later adopted the Jewish faith (Ashkenazi Jews).

@Vindicator @Crensch @Blacksmith21

srayzie ago

Thank you. @Bopper is really smart about this stuff too.

bopper ago

It's funny, it kind of depends on who you read and what you accept from that. I'm with donkey (lol) and David Duke, that the Jews of today are the ancient Jews and can be proven by DNA, tho I haven't researched it in depth. If scripture is correct, they would have to exist today and be identifiable in that they will be converted to Christianity en masse according to scripture. (The reason why they have a homeland now and Trump supports that because the people he follows are at least half right about prophecy.)

srayzie ago

That’s the part where I get confused. The Jews that are in the Bible... Gods chosen people. I don’t think they are the same Jews as the ones of today. I don’t know enough about it tho. It’s something I would like to learn more about.

@Vindicator @Think-

think- ago

The ashkenazi who were the "jews" in Europe Hitler went to war against are not the same group of people, their origins can be traced to babylon

But then they were from the Middle East too? looks confused

I thought that the whole point about the Ashkenazi Jews is that they were not from the Middle East, but from Europe / Western Asia?


@srayzie @Crensch @Vindicator @Blacksmith21

Vindicator ago

Those are not what I would call reliable sources. As I pointed out, Jesus himself said he was a Jew (note the word "We" in the quotes I shared above).

We need a scientific source for the genetic stuff. That should be verifiable via modern genome research.

Shizy ago

Interestingly, prior to Jesus the Bible gives a geneology when introducing new, key people. After Jesus, that doesn't happen because through him we are Gods children and not because of our lineage and descendence from Abraham, etc.

Vindicator ago

Interesting. I don't imagine many of us would be descendents of Abraham, anyway. :-)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I posted that earlier, Ashkenazim and Sephardi are genetically distinct ethnic groups

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm impressed.

Vindicator ago

Was that sarcasm?

Blacksmith21 ago

No, it was sincere. Excellent knowledge.

Vindicator ago

:-) Thanks

EmXPpatriot ago

**isn't any of this strikingly too good to be true? **

No - it's not too good to be true.**** The Ten Boom family were locked on to their spiritual lives, they prayed, studied the Bible and trusted Jesus with everything. The work they did of hiding the Jews was an open secret - even the town's police chief knew what they were doing. Food cards were stolen and given to them. Uniforms were given to them because, like what GodsAngell said, not everyone supported what was happening.

I would attribute their success to God answering their prayers. Not only that, their family was highly-connected in the town they lived in and there was a network of people who were working with them (mainly Corrie's brother) transporting Jews out of the town and getting them out of the country. I believe in Jesus as God; he does have the power to orchestrate these things that cannot be explained. The only proof we have that this happened is Corrie Ten Boom's story that she's written. She even states that the reason she wrote the story was so that she could use it to tell others about the love of God. The town's people who knew her & her family can (and have) testified that it did take place. If you go to Holland today - their house is still there and you can go in & tour it. https://www.corrietenboom.com/en/home

Corrie wrote a book called The Hiding Place, it was made into a movie. In the movie, they show the dad lining up to register with the Jews to receive the star. I think this is only in the movie as I cannot find it in the book (as of this typing).

I am open to reading about the truth of the holocaust but I will tell you this, I would like an honest set of facts so that I can make up my own mind. We might NEVER get an honest account of our history. There is plenty of information about 9/11 to say whether or not there were planes, etc. but if our history is doctored, who can I trust? For me the jury is out on this for now.

**As far as Jesus is concerned **- I believe in the New Testament writings, specifically in the book of Revelation where it says (and I paraphrase) that God is not done with the Jewish people yet even thought they reject Jesus as the Messiah. Even though they do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah - they will in the future. There are several instances in the Bible where God the Father says "Israel will be redeemed."

As Q has posted that they are "saving Israel for last" I can't imagine that they are going to do something that involves Trump's daughter since she & Trump's grandkids are Jewish. Why would he allow or do anything weird to hurt her or the religion she's attached to? "Saving Israel for last" could mean anything right now. If he declares that he's going to help them build the temple on the temple mount next to the dome of the rock mosque - then the poop will hit the fan because that is the sign of the Anti-Christ.

Also, regarding Jesus, he was a practicing Jew. He celebrated the Passover, Hanukkah and was in the synagogues on Saturdays preaching & teaching from the scrolls. He came to fulfill the Old Testament Law and Prophets not to abolish them. And he did so, although the Jewish leaders of his time did not recognize what he was doing nor did they acknowledge him as the Messiah. They accused him of blasphemy & that lead to him dying on the cross. But that was the plan all along because God willed it & he came to die for the sins of man.

Both of Jesus' earthly "parents" descend from the line of King David - Mary's father's can trace his lineage to David's son, Nathan. Joseph's father's lineage can be traced to David's son, Solomon. Both of Jesus' earthly "parents" were devout Jews. The history of Jesus descending from Adam is explicitly laid out in the Old and New Testaments.

The Jews will be redeemed and they will recognize Jesus as the Christ - I would tread lightly when speaking of God's chosen people. I am not saying they are automatically good or that we need to put them on a pedestal - for all have fallen short of the glory of God and no one is righteous, not one- but their future has yet to be reconciled and it's through their line that we trace ourselves back to Adam, it's through them we get our Bible, it's through them Jesus is born/died and is resurrected. Have there been bad Jewish people - yes. Are their bad Jewish people today - yes. Is Zionism the right religion - I don't think so because I believe in Jesus as the Messiah. Every one - Jew or Gentile is called, right now, to repent of their sins and put their trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior. There is no "us" and "them" we all have a sin problem and we all need Jesus.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

The work they did of hiding the Jews was an open secret - even the town's police chief knew what they were doing.

again we're talking about an authoritarian state that supposedly systematically killed 6 million people. ow were the german's competent efficient mass murderers who went to war on multiple fronts and for most of the war were winning, but also so bumbling and lenient that they'd allow anything you're talking about? such plot holes only persist in works of fiction

The only proof we have that this happened is Corrie Ten Boom's story that she's written.

right, and first hand accounts aren't reliable evidence.

In the movie, they show the dad lining up to register with the Jews to receive the star.

right but why would they let him have it? and if he could get away with this why didn't jewish men and women refuse to get the star? you think the Nazi's wouldn't have checked if he was jewish? then how did they track down other jews?

would like an honest set of facts so that I can make up my own mind.

read the link that @strayzie posted at the top, watch documentaries like the greatest story never told, etc. look up the counter arguments to what they put forward, teach the controversy and learn the facts.

he was a practicing Jew

sure, but the jewish religion of today's main holy book is the talmud which was compiled hundreds of years after he died. In fact it mentions Jesus and says that he's in hell buring in a cauldron of semen and excrement, and I don't think he believed that. Spiritually it's a completely different religion that when he was alive.

Both of Jesus' earthly "parents" descend from the line of King David

but none of the Ashkenazim jews of today can, they are the self appointed 13th tribe of israel who came from babylon and adopted the jewish religion, the Sephardi people also still exist today they're separate ethnic groups genetically.

trackmeplease ago

Thank you for your sensible rebuttal to the crafty disinformation posted by our clown friends.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Ms.Ten Boom seems to have her (((mother's))) nose

Lauraingalls ago


EmXPpatriot ago

She was Dutch. She was not Jewish.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Nice try shill go collect your blood schekcels elsewhere

trackmeplease ago

Goodness look at the idiots clamoring around that Nigger Faggot

Nosense ago

Even the Red Cross reported nothing on this. Because it didnt happen. How long does it take to burn a body? Where are all the remains? How do gas chambers work?

Until you take in actual evidence and science, not personal accounts (many of which were admitted lies ) you are just repeating your indoctrination script.

Look into it with open eyes. Ya have to find the truth yourself. Dont fear the truth.

GodsAngell ago

Red Cross visits to all prison camps, including prisoner of war camps (downed pilots, etc), were always staged ahead of time. The Germans handed out blankets and other items before the Red Cross arrived, and immediately after the Red Cross left, these items were taken away from the prisoners. Think Hillary Clinton running prison camps, and you get the picture of how honest and accurate these Red Cross "visits" were.

By the way, the Red Cross is as crooked as a dog's hind leg. Q confirmed that.

trackmeplease ago

Avoiding the real questions. Do you know how bodies burn? Do you know what it takes to kill a man with gas? Look at the video posted by one of the top comments. Think rationally.

Of course a nation trying to uphold their national image in wartime would make things extra pretty with better conditions than they could afford before the clowns came in to “inspect”. But that is far far from the point everyone else here is making.

Nosense ago

Yeah so not only did they break the laws of physics by burning that many bodies with very few proper facilities but they were able to hide the entire operation within a reasonable time. Im not debating your programmed response. Look into it on your own and thats all I got to say.

trackmeplease ago

You see how the idiot completely neglects the key points of your post.

Readers: what are you going to do to make up your rational mind?

Phillylotus ago

Clearly these idiots don't personally know any Holocaust survivors or their families. And I agree with your point, that the total number was probably much higher...

Shizy ago

I knew a holocaust survivor. He was a relative through marriage. He's gone now, but I heard many of his stories. He wasn't a Jew, but was captured and put in a camp for being out when he shouldn't have been.

His stories are incongruent with what we have been told about what happened at the camps. Yes, it was a prison, and yes people died. But what we have been told is highly inaccurate based on his description of what he experienced.

I'll continue to question everything we have been told about this.

trackmeplease ago

Your saying the number was probably much higher? What kind of idiot are you? I’ve met the supposed survivors and studied the testimony of hundreds. You have the audacity to call people who rightly notice and point out the proven lies idiots.

You are too stupid for this site. Kindly go fuck yourself. Faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

weird that so many people allegedly survived "death camps"

PacaGoat ago

Good post. Here is a link which explains who these people are. And they arent Jews. Its from the late Chuck Misler an absolute scientist on scripture.


trackmeplease ago

Uh no it’s not. It does nothing to discount the lies we are told about the holocaust.

pckpat ago

Good article, TY.

AlabamaPatriot ago

Thank you GodsAngell for the eloquent reply to the OP.

Lauraingalls ago

AlabamaPatriot, We have a REAL battle on our hands with all these EVIL people.

trackmeplease ago

Thanks for showing everyone how wrong and unsupportable those positions are.

trackmeplease ago

Totally stupid and does nothing to discount the points made here.

GodsAngell ago

Well here is a Christian (gentile) Concentration Camp Survivor, Corrie Ten Boom, sharing the delights of the Garden Parties going on at German Concentration Camps. Her father, her sister and her brother all died in the concentration camp. Corrie Ten Boom was scheduled to be executed after 11 months, but through a clerical error, she was suddenly released one week before all the women her age (in their fifties) were to killed, and their bodies burned in the ovens.

Corrie was put into a concentration camp because she and her family hid Jews in Amsterdam during WW2, to help them escape Europe. Her home was called The Hiding Place. At one time they had 30 Jews hiding in their home.

She and her sister went to Ravensbruk. They lived in a barracks that was built for 200 people, but they crammed 700 women into them. They had one meal a day, watery potato soup, with no potatoes. The potatoes just flavored the warm water. That's it. Then they had to work 12 hours a day, dragging away debris from blown up railroads, and assist in rebuilding the railroad tracks (i.e., hard physical labor). Before work each day it took 2 hours to do roll call in the morning, and all the prisoners had to stand in the freezing cold for these two hours in cotton dresses. Every single day, they could smell the smoke of bodies being burned in a huge furnace. Corrie's sister only lasted 10 months before she died. Through the providence of God, Corrie was released by mistake before she was supposed to be put to death the following week along with all the rest of the women her age. The conditions were so harsh the average life expectancy of a concentration camp inmate was about a year.

Corrie Ten Boom a devout Christian broke the laws of the land, which said that Jews were animals and should be rounded up to be killed, (after being worked to death for a year first), just by saving Jewish lives. So Corrie broke Hitler's immoral law, and she suffered for it. The Jews were all at these concentration death camps, just because they were born Jewish or born part Jewish. They did not break any laws, other than being born.

I don't know how many people died in the concentration camps, and neither do you, because the Nazi's did their best to cover their trails, destroying records, digging up bodies and burning them, blowing up buildings, to destroy as much evidence as possible.

You will also note how wonderfully and lovingly Hitler spoke of the Jews in Mein Kampf. I'm sure because of his attitude toward Jews, you can trust that he treated Jews with the best loving care humanly possible (not). Do the math here.

There was a Holocaust. How many died, no one knows. Schindler, a gentile German Nazi supplier would never have stuck his neck out to save hundreds of Jews, if he didn't know they were about to be killed. He knew what was going on and he blew his wealth to save Jews. Are you saying YOU know more than Schindler and Corrie Ten Boom, sitting in your comfortable chairs in your comfortable homes, thousands of miles and about 80 years away from these events???

Lets get a little TRUTH into your perspectives, shall we, based upon Eye Witness Accounts? Yes the Rothschilds are horrid, and the Rockefellars, and the Soros, etc, but these are just a few people, a few bad apples. Not EVERY Jew is in on these wicked schemes. Lets keep some balance and perspective here.

Listen to this Christian survivor of the German Concentration Death Camp GARDEN PARTIES:

Corrie Ten Boom


700 Club Classics - Corrie Ten Boom - CBN.com


Corrie Ten Boom, "How to Forgive"


Dead bodies were dug up and thrown onto open bonfires too. In the beginning when the nazi's thought they would rule the world, they got sloppy and just buried their dead prisoners in huge pits. Later when it became apparent they were losing the war and inquiries would be made (Nuremberg?), they rapidly began covering their tracks, forcing prisoners to dig up the dead bodies and throw the bodies onto huge bonfires.

Records were destroyed.

Buildings blown up.

Bottomline? You have absolutely NO IDEA how many innocent people were murdered by the Germans during WW2, and neither does anyone else......except the Jewish families who know that they lost family members. Have you asked those eye witnesses? No, of course not.

THE POINT IS: JEWS WERE ROUNDED UP AND SLAUGHTERED LIKE CATTLE, just because they were born Jewish, by definition, THAT is a HOLOCAUST!!! When NO Jews were left in Europe, except a handful half starved to death in Concentration Camps, THAT IS A HOLOCAUST!!!

Definition: holocaust (hŏlˈə-kôstˌ, hōˈlə-)►

Great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life.


GodsAngell ago

Well here is a Christian (gentile) Concentration Camp Survivor, Corrie Ten Boom, sharing the delights of the Garden Parties going on at German Concentration Camps. Her father, her sister and her brother all died in the concentration camp. Corrie Ten Boom was scheduled to be executed after 11 months, but through a clerical error, she was suddenly released one week before all the women her age (in their fifties) were to killed, and their bodies burned in the ovens.

Corrie was put into a concentration camp because she and her family hid Jews in Amsterdam during WW2, to help them escape Europe. Her home was called The Hiding Place. At one time they had 30 Jews hiding in their home.

She and her sister went to Ravensbruk. They lived in a barracks that was built for 200 people, but they crammed 700 women into them. They had one meal a day, watery potato soup, with no potatoes. The potatoes just flavored the warm water. That's it. Then they had to work 12 hours a day, dragging away debris from blown up railroads, and assist in rebuilding the railroad tracks (i.e., hard physical labor). Before work each day it took 2 hours to do roll call in the morning, and all the prisoners had to stand in the freezing cold for these two hours in cotton dresses. Every single day, they could smell the smoke of bodies being burned in a huge furnace. Corrie's sister only lasted 10 months before she died. Through the providence of God, Corrie was released by mistake before she was supposed to be put to death the following week along with all the rest of the women her age. The conditions were so harsh the average life expectancy of a concentration camp inmate was about a year.

Corrie Ten Boom a devout Christian broke the laws of the land, which said that Jews were animals and should be rounded up to be killed, (after being worked to death for a year first), just by saving Jewish lives. So Corrie broke Hitler's immoral law, and she suffered for it. The Jews were all at these concentration death camps, just because they were born Jewish or born part Jewish. They did not break any laws, other than being born.

I don't know how many people died in the concentration camps, and neither do you, because the Nazi's did their best to cover their trails, destroying records, digging up bodies and burning them, blowing up buildings, to destroy as much evidence as possible.

You will also note how wonderfully and lovingly Hitler spoke of the Jews in Mein Kampf. I'm sure because of his attitude toward Jews, you can trust that he treated Jews with the best loving care humanly possible (not). Do the math here.

There was a Holocaust. How many died, no one knows. Schindler, a gentile German Nazi supplier would never have stuck his neck out to save hundreds of Jews, if he didn't know they were about to be killed. He knew what was going on and he blew his wealth to save Jews. Are you saying YOU know more than Schindler and Corrie Ten Boom, sitting in your comfortable chairs in your comfortable homes, thousands of miles and about 80 years away from these events???

Lets get a little TRUTH into your perspectives, shall we, based upon Eye Witness Accounts? Yes the Rothschilds are horrid, and the Rockefellars, and the Soros, etc, but these are just a few people, a few bad apples. Not EVERY Jew is in on these wicked schemes. Lets keep some balance and perspective here.

Listen to this Christian survivor of the German Concentration Death Camp GARDEN PARTIES:

Corrie Ten Boom


700 Club Classics - Corrie Ten Boom - CBN.com


Corrie Ten Boom, "How to Forgive"


Dead bodies were dug up and thrown onto open bonfires too. In the beginning when the nazi's thought they would rule the world, they got sloppy and just buried their dead prisoners in huge pits. Later when it became apparent they were losing the war and inquiries would be made (Nuremberg?), they rapidly began covering their tracks, forcing prisoners to dig up the dead bodies and throw the bodies onto huge bonfires.

Records were destroyed.

Buildings blown up.

Bottomline? You have absolutely NO IDEA how many innocent people were murdered by the Germans during WW2, and neither does anyone else......except the Jewish families who know that they lost family members. Have you asked those eye witnesses? No, of course not.

THE POINT IS: JEWS WERE ROUNDED UP AND SLAUGHTERED LIKE CATTLE, just because they were born Jewish, by definition, THAT is a HOLOCAUST!!! When NO Jews were left in Europe, except a handful half starved to death in Concentration Camps, THAT IS A HOLOCAUST!!!

Definition: holocaust (hŏlˈə-kôstˌ, hōˈlə-)►

Great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life.


Wazhappenin1 ago

I would agree with you. You can't paint a race with a broad brush. But that principle "there are good Jews" can still exist with the holocost being blown out of proportion.

To be honest, Connie's story sounds a little exaggerated to me, plus it mimics many other story's. Do you know that often people who have claimed to been inmates in concentration camps have lied about it? Have exaggerated it?

Just saying .

For example there is now some reveal about Anne frank, which this Connie story obviously resembles, that she didn't write this, it was her father, Otto Frank. And this has been acknowledged by the Jews who run the anne Frank house.

Truth can only be believed unquestionably while there is no proof of a lie. One lie can destroy a persons reputation or his testimony. That's what lawyers look for inconsistencies, inconvenient facts, and lies. Cases are won in the discovery stage especially during depositions, because of lies.

We were told a lie about Anne Frank, entire generations of Americans believed what they were told. Movies, movies and plays and plays and movies and then the museums. Then it turns out it was a lie. And that's just one instance.

Listen I've been to the Anne Frank museum in Amsterdam, the holocost museum in DC.

I've had myriads of Jewish Customers and I've only gotten ripped off twice, one for 15k the other for 5k . I took the first one to court. The other I let go.

A close family friend of mine was orthodox and he worked for a guy whose parents were 'killed' in aushwitz. I've been to the shule on East Ave several times, where BIbi recites the Talmud every time he's in NYC. I get it. But 'eyewitness accounts' told over and over again to a hungry audience sometimes are not the best way to fact check a story, that is illegal to question in many western countries, and doing it anywhere makes you persona non grata, unless you are on Voat!

That's all. Good luck to you patriot.

DawnPendraig ago

Well said and thank you for that perspective which is unavailable to me. I've seen many if the plays and movies, seems like we had to study Anne Frank's "Diary" in depth every year of middle school while they barely touched on American History.

I felt so awful for her and her family and to know it's now at least part lies is a betrayal.

Wazhappenin1 ago

I've been into conspiracy theories for 30 years and i never had the courage to look into the holo cost until just recently. It was Anne Frank and the controversy of who wrote what and then the AF house decided to give authorship to otto so they could extend the copyright ! You can't made this up. It's in regular newspapers etc.

I'm a ww2 buff as it is. So I pretty much absorbed everything in shock. But the other side imho makes alot more sense. It's tough to even say it. My family doesn't know yet how I think. It's too much to handle with out some preparation. As it is they believe every story that comes down the pike! So tree holocaust is a def non starter !

It's like telling a life longDemocrat that HRC is a cold blooded murderer. They'll just laugh you off like you are a nutcase.

Kurt Vonnegut slaughterhouse 5 read it or watch the movie. It describes the fire bombing of dresden. Essentially the book is the ptsd that the main character has after witnessing what happened.

But back to Frank, I mean we beat that story to death in high school. There were special performances etc. I even made it a point to go to the museum in Amsterdam.

But thanks for your comment.

And good luck

Rawrination ago

Happy Hanuka ya kikeniggerfaggot.

GodsAngell ago

Well here is a Concentration Camp Survivor sharing the delights of the Garden Parties going on at Concentration Camps. Her father, her sister and her brother all died in the concentration camp. Corrie Ten Boom was scheduled to be executed after 11 months, but through a clerical error, she was suddenly released one week before all the women her age (in their fifties) were to killed, and their bodies burned in the ovens.

Corrie was put into a concentration camp because she and her family hid Jews in Amsterdam during WW2, to help them escape Europe. Her home was called The Hiding Place. At one time they had 30 Jews hiding in their home.

She and her sister went to Ravensbruk. They lived in a barracks that was built for 200 people, but they crammed 700 women into them. They had one meal a day, watery potato soup, with no potatoes. The potatoes just flavored the warm water. That's it. Then they had to work 12 hours a day, dragging away debris from blown up railroads, and assist in rebuilding the railroad tracks (i.e., hard physical labor). Before work each day it took 2 hours to do roll call in the morning, and all the prisoners had to stand in the freezing cold for these two hours in cotton dresses. Corrie's sister only lasted 10 months before she died. Through the providence of God, Corrie was released by mistake before she was supposed to be put to death along with all the rest of the women her age. The conditions were so harsh the average life expectancy of a concentration camp inmate was about a year.

Corrie Ten Boom a devout Christian who broke the laws of the land, which said that Jews were animals and should be rounded up to be killed, (after being worked to death for a year first). So Corrie broke Hitler's immoral law, and she suffered for it. The Jews were all there, just because they were born Jewish or born part Jewish. They did not break any laws, other than being born.

I don't know how many people died in the concentration camps, and neither do you, because the Nazi's did their best to cover their trails, destroying records, digging up bodies and burning them, blowing up buildings, to destroy as much evidence as possible.

You will also note how wonderfully and lovingly Hitler spoke of the Jews in Mein Kampf. I'm sure because of his attitude toward Jews, he treated Jews with the best loving care humanly possible (not). Do the math here.

There was a Holocaust. How many died, no one knows. Schindler, a gentile German Nazi supplier would never have stuck his neck out to save hundreds of Jews, if he didn't know they were about to be killed. He knew what was going on and he blew his wealth to save Jews. Are you saying YOU know more than Schindler and Corrie Ten Boom, sitting in your comfortable chairs in your comfortable homes, thousands of miles and about 80 years away from these events???

Lets get a little TRUTH into your perspectives, shall we, based upon Eye Witness Accounts? Yes the Rothschilds are horrid, and the Rockefellars, and the Soros, etc, but these are just a few people, a few bad apples. Not EVERY Jew is in on these wicked schemes. Lets keep some balance and perspective here.

Listen to this Christian survivor of the German Concentration Camp GARDEN PARTIES:

Corrie Ten Boom


700 Club Classics - Corrie Ten Boom - CBN.com


Corrie Ten Boom, "How to Forgive"


Kekalicious ago

I will never believe what comes out of another humans lips as facts. Anyone can spread lies. I am stating that 250,000 is a whole lot less than 6 gorillion. There is no way in hell they killed, burned, buried, 964 bodies an hour, round the clock, for seven years to make 5.6 million. I know people died. War is a shitty deal all around. And I am sure no animosity was shown for the German people getting shat on for the last twenty years. Starving times are family times. Anna Frank was using ballpoint before it was cool. The gas chambers having wooden doors and drains on the floor. No trace of chemicals on the walls. No chimney at the time. The joos pushing a number. The joos being forced out 107 times. Simon of Trent. Sorry, Saint Simon of Trent. The real world will make us sad. At least we see the real world.

Antiracist10 ago

Dawg, I bet I could hit 964 kikes an hour easy. I'm not trying to brag or whip out a Ti-83+ to do the math. I'm just saying all this nazis be like "but what about muh numbers?!" and I'm like, "Sound reasonable to my ear."

On the kike news network CNN, Muslim kike Muhammad Steinberg Resa Aslan did an episode on India. And he said whatever number of corpses were burned at the Ganges a day. I did some quick mental math, (of course not the scholarly work of high schoolers as professed in this thread), but I was like, "Yep, that's a Holocaust's amount." But I bet the kike news just invented India and that number to cover their tracks.

You think the Germans couldn't handle their cremation and had to outsource to some Pajeets? Nigga get out of town. It's just fire. Throw Jews into the fire. Not exactly rocket science here.

No I'm not gonna give you the lifecycle of how oil gets drilled to eventually be used in making Jew dust. Just remember it's as simple as Jew + Fire. Done and done.

"Err, but what about the angle of the trajectory of the velocity of the viscosity of the--!" No! Jew in fire! Done and done! No more questions!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

"Sound reasonable to my ear."

real hard hitting evidence right here

it's as simple as Jew + Fire. Done and done.

why haven't we found enough ash to account for those killed then? if someone was killed where the body?

Antiracist2 ago

Keep hitting those test tubes and maybe someday man will know the secret formula for distinguishing kike carbon from non-kike carbon.

real hard hitting evidence right here

Way to miss the point, dumbshit: That Holocaust denier arguments come down to shitty hand-waving math, to the ear of someone who has shit mathematical intuition. Oh, so the numbers you pull right out of your ass are legit, but someone can't have a dissenting opinion after doing all the same, (no), research? Sounds like you knew the conclusion you wanted to reach from the start, and it was way up there in your anus.

Hey buddy, I don't need to make up math to prove the Holocaust. I get the luxury at pointing to a consensus of historians. But keep up your stunning record of having no idea how burden of proof works, faggot.

How can you possibly be reasonably spoken to about history, but when it even comes to LOGIC you just make shit up and then refuse to admit you're wrong?

You are of sub-par intelligence, faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

That Holocaust denier arguments come down to shitty hand-waving math

just regular math actually

pointing to a consensus of historians

consensus doesn't actually prove anything, even kikes understand this when a pamphlet was published entitled 100 Authors Against Einstein, Einstein retorted "If I were wrong, one would be enough." If all these historians are so certain they should produce evidence of their claims.

having no idea how burden of proof works

you're making the claim, you hold the burden of proof. You assert that something is true (le 6 million), "holocaust deniers" come back with math and historical accounts from the red cross that contradict your assertion and thus the burden of proof lies with you and you need to provide evidence more compelling than what you're trying to refute.

refuse to admit you're wrong?

I'm aware you think I'm wrong but you have no real basis for saying so.

You are of sub-par intelligence, faggot.

you're simply projecting

Antiracist2 ago

you're simply projecting

Dawg, not even. It's clear you don't know logic, but you talk like you do.

If all these historians are so certain they should produce evidence of their claims.

You have Wendy Wright's skills at ignoring evidence.

and thus the burden of proof lies with you

Burden of rebuttal, faggot.

I'm aware you think I'm wrong but you have no real basis for saying so.

First you made up a logical law that you'll find in no logic textbook. Then I literally disprove it immediately. And then you fail to identify an argument, and just say "no real basis!" You're worthless. Not even worth talking to. It's clear you're incapable of recognizing evidence, empirical or logical.


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

It's clear you don't know logic, but you talk like you do.

you're simply projecting

ignoring evidence

what evidence have you provided that I've ignored? you've just made random baseless assertions about how it's obvious the holocaust narrative is true and that the numbers seem reasonable to you

First you made up a logical law that you'll find in no logic textbook. Then I literally disprove it immediately. And then you fail to identify an argument, and just say "no real basis!" You're worthless. Not even worth talking to. It's clear you're incapable of recognizing evidence, empirical or logical.

what that I'm denying something that isn't true or proven in the first place? "holocaust denier" is just a nonsense label kikes made up to hand wave away people who call them out on their bullshit. The holocaust did not happen, 6 million jews were not systematically exterminated. This is a statement of fact as you can't provide any evidence to the contrary for me to deny.

antiracist3 ago

Oh my God. I know logic. You don't. Any objective test would reveal this.

My "baseless assertions" included a proof against your made-up logic, and a restatement of your own position with your own words. And you still haven't understood my jab at your side regarding numbers that seem reasonable.

You would deny truth if you lack proof. Proof is hard to come by. You will deny a lot of truth. "Holocaust denier" isn't a nonsense label, it is a label that makes sense. You are denying the Holocaust, but you do not know what the word deny means or how logic works.

The JIDF doesn't pay me enough to come in here and prove the Holocaust happened, but I did prove that you're an idiot who doesn't know how logic works.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you didn't prove shit, you can keep repeating your nonsense, but that doesn't make it true

Kekalicious ago

Proof is what they can actually prove. If someone is lying to me to push an agenda. well, fuck that.

Antiracist10 ago

Proof is required for sane beliefs. Look at all this shit you can't prove:

  • There is an external world

  • There are other minds

  • The universe didn't just start 5 minutes ago

But when it comes to the possibility of a bunch of kike-hating nazis burning a bunch of kikes, it's like you need HD video to count a head.

Kekalicious ago

250,000 is a diffrent thing to 6,000,000

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

gas chambers with wooden doors, and death roller coasters aren't sane beliefs at all.

Antiracist2 ago

Even (((Michael Shermer))) agrees with you on that. Try harder, faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what's your point?

Antiracist2 ago

That some far-fetched tales of human lampshades or whatever are not enough to refute historical consensus.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

consensus doesn't prove anything retard, you could get a billion people to agree 2+2=5 and they'd still all be wrong regardless of any of their credentials

Antiracist2 ago

Talk shit about consensus as much as you want, it's still gonna weigh a lot heavier than your retarded opinion.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

literally no, even if it was just my opinion and nothing else in terms of evidence opinions are of equal value even if it's one person's versus many. In fact for example any number of people could accuse a man of a crime and he could say he didn't do it and that's an equal weight of evidence. If he then goes into court and states under oath he didn't do it under penalty of law that's actually more evidence than the accusation and then the burden of proof lies with his accusers.

antiracist3 ago

First of all, YOUR opinion is worthless, and you're an idiot. Second of all, you have no idea how witness testimony works.

You keep thinking history and courtrooms are physics laboratories. You have no appreciation for the different standards of evidence found in those places.

You are being hyperskeptical: an irrationality, not a virtue.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

my opinion is worth just as much as anyone else's or any number of people's for that matter.

You keep thinking history and courtrooms are physics laboratories. You have no appreciation for the different standards of evidence found in those places.

all I've asked for is remains, not how they were killed or when, where are the mass graves and human ash to account for 6 million jewish deaths? account for even a million people dying in the camps with actual remains, I'll wait. If something actually happened there should be some proof it happened. No body, no murder.

You are being hyperskeptical

no just regular skepticism, you say 6 million people died I ask for verifiable proof that should obviously exist if such a thing did indeed happen.

Lauraingalls ago


PacaGoat ago

Morons and sock puppets. Evil and our enemy. Remember this. Those who forget or deny the past are doomed to repeat it.

DawnPendraig ago

I resisted this info too but when I separate emotion there are series flaws with the official story and at the very least it's likely the death toll was greatly exaggerated. Still horrific but exaggerated insanely.

Then I start reading about the Sabbateans and the way it seems these camps were used to force Jews in Germany to move to Isreal and things start to make sense.

Then add there is some prophecy about a holocaust and the magic number 6 million is in that coupled with them forcing people to relocate who probably never wanted to do so.

Great video explains this and who was behind it all.

It's by Robert Sepehr. He calls the puppet masters of this Sabbateans and he has a book about it called 1666. The date of the Synagogue of Satan's self proclaimed Messiah coming out. They had/have an inverted ten commandments etc.


PacaGoat ago

The components of the death toll are misleading. History and eyewitnesses bith Jew and German testify to the atrocities commited and their volume. The narrative of escalating body count is also a ruse. The purpose is to throw doubt into the minds of people. All of this has been prophecied. It is the means and vehicle of the antisemite assault we see going on today. And as we see thos growing and innlarge part due to the Islamic invasions of most ofbwestern Europe, we will see this movement grow. In Psalms 83 we can see this, where the prophet calls these people who "make a tulmute" the enimies of not just Israel, but of God. The stage is being set and the prophecies will be fulfilled. The question is, which side will we individually and collectively align?

The formation of Israel perfectly aligns with the prophecies in Ezekiels vision of the valley of dry bones. Son of man can these bones live? The implication is that these dead had been dead a very long time. We also see another question asked by God. Can a nation be born in a day. It happened and Jerusem was restored to Israel 20 years later mirroring the destruction of Israel first and then of Jerusalem 20 years later in 586bc. The restoration in otherwords occured the opposite or mirror of the destruction by Nebuchadnezzar.

If we rely solely on extra biblical evidences we will be led astray. Let us rely mostly on scripture and extra biblical offerings if and only if they correctly align with scripture. But do take note of this. When Jesus was temped after his baptism, satan temped him with scripture. This is why the leding of the Holy Spirit is so very important.

Thx for your comment

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

can't deny what hasn't been proven, burden of proof is on the 6 million side. In the first place the actual estimate of jewish deaths by mainstream historians is 4-6 million so even the main stream narrative won't definitively claim 6 million

antiracist ago

can't deny what hasn't been proven

Made up logic award of the day goes to you.

P: can't deny what hasn't been proven

P itself has not been proven.

I deny P.

Therefore, P is false.


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that's not a denial of anything though, saying "I don't think P is true" without anyone providing proof to the contrary denies nothing.

Antiracist10 ago

saying "I don't think P is true", that's not a denial of anything though

Way to double down on your "can't deny it unless you supply it" kindergarten fart logic.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

not an argument, sorry you have no factual basis for your nonsensical beliefs my dude

Antiracist2 ago

The only nonsensical belief presented here was P, which I used an argument to disprove, you dumb faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

your argument makes no sense though, if I was to say "I don't think the sky is brown" that wouldn't be denying the brown sky because there's nothing to prove in the first place that it's true. I can't deny nothing.

Antiracist2 ago

Keep pretending that "I don't think" is not synonymous with "deny", that I said "I don't think" instead of deny, and that "deny" couldn't easily replace your shitty example.

I deny the sky is brown. I don't need to wait for your faggot ass to pop up and claim that it's blue or something for me to deny that it's brown. I can very well make the first move and deny something, faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

but when did I "deny" the holocaust? I'm merely asking for proof of this claim of 6 million jewish deaths. Is asking questions and citing reasons for asking such as evidence that suggests contrary to the stated narrative somehow denial? Feel free to point me toward anything verifiable to back up the 6 million and I'll be happy to take a look, because unlike you I'm not a close minded retard.

Antiracist2 ago

but when did I "deny" the holocaust?

"it didn't happen yet, but it will" ~~ Rainy-Day-Faggot

Dumb faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I have no reason to believe it did

Antiracist2 ago

Numbskull, the topic wasn't whether you had reason to believe something; it was whether you deny something: you do. It's like you don't even know your own position, that I have to remind you that you're denying something.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that's not a denial of anything though, it's simply a statement.

Antiracist2 ago

Add "deny" to the list of words you're too stupid to understand.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

says the man who thinks consensus is evidence.

Antiracist10 ago

So, if I don't know what consensus is, you know what denial is. More great logic coming out of you.

Please, live your life without regard for consensus. Please. You can start with independently verifying the mechanisms of action of your prescribed medicine. Wouldn't want the kike to get into your bloodstream.

Hay, why do you deny the Holocaust?

-- Because I reject consensus!


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

consensus isn't evidence 100 similar opinions aren't worth more tan 1 opinion especially if the one has evidence

Antiracist10 ago

You're confusing your right to have an opinion with your opinion having worth.

You would die without your reliance on consensus.

It is clear you don't know what evidence is.

Get an education instead of making it up as you go along, insisting that your worthless and wrong opinions are worthwhile.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're confusing people agreeing with you, with their opinions having worth. Opinions are of equal worth even if one has more people hold it

Antiracist10 ago

No, what gives their opinions worth is that they're experts who have studied it for years. Not like your opinions, where you pull your preconceived conclusions out of your ass.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nice try moving goal posts If they put forward their research (evidence) that's more than just their opinion, but opinions alone are only worth as much as any other opinion even if there's consensus behind one. Consensus doesn't matter

Antiracist10 ago

My goal post has been to show you an idiot. I've been constantly succeeding.

Yeah buddy, the world's Holocaust historians have only gotten on Voat and said "Eh, I think so." Not like they were required to provide arguments and evidence in peer reviewed journals, or whatever. Nope, there is literally no more evidence to an expert's opinion than him saying so. You got me. In all the world's universities, not a single Holocaust historian has ever put forward any "real" evidence along with their mere opinion. You got me bro, totally no evidence to be found at all for the Holohoax! I know because I asked some guys on Voat instead of trying to contact actual historians.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're the fucking idiot, you keep losing arguments and trying to change to different arguments which you also lose. Nice paragraph long goal post shift bait

Antiracist10 ago

Dawg, you have no idea what evidence is or what the value of consensus is.

Ever heard, "Get a second opinion?"

Like, among experts, they are unaware of the diversity of opinion!

But go door to door asking for health advice, since everyone's opinion is the same as a doctor's!

What bizarro world math are you using? God, how do you even survive?

Let's have juries with just one person!

Everyone's opinion is exactly the same and opinion is worthless and the Holocaust didn't happen because I say so and that's how history works and you can't tell me otherwise because my understanding of epistemology is greater than expert's understanding of epistemology because in my opinion I said so so it is!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no matter how much you try to move the goal posts, consensus still doesn't matter

Antiracist10 ago

consensus still doesn't matter

At least we found the exact reason why you're an idiot.

NotPolice ago

Here's three questions to help you out.

  1. How long does a cremation chamber take to burn a body?

  2. How much fuel would it take to destroy the 5,900,000+ bodies that we can't find?

  3. What is the most fallible form of evidence, the one that is almost always seen when convictions are overturned years later?

kneo24 ago

The faggot deleted his post only to repost it here:


He's a slippery one, isn't he?

PacaGoat ago

Obviously you cant read or to stupid to try.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

  1. Does a cremation chamber (even in modern day) burn bones?

4a. If not, where are all these skeletons at?

GodsAngell ago

Dead bodies were dug up and thrown onto open bonfires too. In the beginning when the nazi's thought they would rule the world, they got sloppy and just buried their prisoners. Later when it became apparent they were losing the war and inquiries would be made (Nuremberg?), they rapidly began covering their tracks, forcing prisoners to dig up the dead bodies and throw the bodies onto a huge bon fire.

Records were destroyed.

Buildings blown up.

Bottomline? You have absolutely NO IDEA how many innocent people were murdered by the Germans during WW2, and neither does anyone else......except the Jewish families who know that they lost family members. Have you asked those eye witnesses? No of course not.

THE POINT IS: JEWS WERE ROUNDED UP AND SLAUGHTERED LIKE CATTLE, by definition THAT is a HOLOCAUST!!! When NO Jews were left in Europe, except a handful half starved to death in Concentration Camps, THAT IS A HOLOCAUST!

holocaust (hŏlˈə-kôstˌ, hōˈlə-)►

**Great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life.**

NotPolice ago

You have absolutely NO IDEA how many innocent people were murdered by the Germans during WW2, and neither does anyone else

So I guess it's around 39,000, the number documented by the red cross? Wow, the jews made out a lot better than all the other ethnicities and peoples.

Peacethroughpower ago

Let's see you get this hysterical about the hundreds of genocides that happened after 1945. Crying on your keyboard wont change minds. Bonfires? Are you even reading what youre writing?

IdoubtIt2 ago

Sooo, they were losing a war, hemorrhaging men (aka dying), the allies cut resources, you’ve got German civilians starving, soldiers starving, dying of disease (no supplies) and short on munitions, and they’re going to devote ducking manpower and resources to “hiding” their bodies? Seriously, this has got to be the silliest excuse I’ve ever heard.

Your post basically amounts to an emotional appeal “but they diiiiiiiiiied!!!!!” Yeah, well, hate to break it to you, but millions upon millions upon millions died in WWII.

Hey, tell me, why is it that you don’t ever hear about the millions killed in soviet Russia? Why don’t they make twenty trillion movies every year about the Holodomor? Do you even know what that is? Let me help: the mostly Jewish bolsheviks literally, yes literally, genocided over 3 million ethnic Ukranians. Why? Good question. Because they hated them. Why did they hate them? Good question, no I’ve really knows. Maybe you should seek out the modern day Bolshevik equivalent on Twitter. Just search for you favorite neighborhood Jew. You’ll see how much they hate wgite people. HATE THEM. If you’re white, guess what? They hate you.

VicariousJambi ago

Sorry for hijacking top comment, but here's some info I think some people need to see.

Why did the Germans build trains, camps, etc, specifically for killing people? Death camps =/= work camps. Why not just put a bullet in their head and skip all of that?

Why was the highest tattoo # in the 200,000s?

Why are there news articles from decades before WW2 that were talking about the 6 million?



Why has there never been an order found to kill Jews?

Why did Jews declare war on germany before ww2?




Why do none of the population charts match up?





Heres a documentary to watch thats better than anything I can really post. If you don't LOL at the absurdity of all of this by the first half hour you might have a double digit IQ.


Shizy ago

Excellent info! I'm saving all of this. Thank you!

PacaGoat ago

They did put bullets in their heads. Gassing was only one way they murdered. Bullets rape starvation were some of the other means used.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we haven't found enough mass graves or ashes to account for 6 million regardless of how they were killed

lipids ago

How about The Man In High Castle? I burst out laughing when the sheriff explained why it was raining ash. "They burn gays and cripples this time every week. "

DawnPendraig ago

Well Hitler did love eugenics. He and Margaret Sanger were pen pals and talked of it often.

There are some accounts that the first round ups were the disabled especially those with mental defects. The told their families they were going to a special school to be cared for and not a burden which coming off the depression after WWI in Germany might have meant being able to feed the other family members sad to say.

They were never seen again.

As for homosexuals I have no idea but I cannot imagine it would be seen as less than a mental defect also as it was all over the world at the time.

There are some interesting truths in the Man in the High Castle. I haven't read the book yet as I want to enjoy the show. Sadly as with A Handmaid's Tale, I think most watchers miss the point. The latter was inspired by what was happening to the once free society of Iran when it was taken over by radical Islam. Instead the idiots cry that it's Trump that wants to make them baby incubator slaves, marry off teenage and younger girls as rewards to soldiers en mass and cut off their wives' hands for daring to write. Reading is punished too.

Gorillion ago

Why are there news articles from decades before WW2 that were talking about the 6 million?

How about one from 1897:

Also, OP. Look up the history of Fascism.
Protip: It started in Italy, in response to exactly the type of shit that's going on right now.

Fascism is our society's immune system in action, fighting off a deadly infection. Weirdly, they are our white blood cells proliferating and fighting to save the rest of the body.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

Are you saying white blood cells keep the other cells in line which allows the body to grow and prosper?

What happens if you get rid of them?

What type of virus would target them specifically?

CulturalImperialist ago

Why did the Germans build trains, camps, etc, specifically for killing people? Death camps =/= work camps. Why not just put a bullet in their head and skip all of that?

This in particular never sat right with me. Obviously Schindler's list isn't a documentary, but it's represented as a reasonable representation of reality.

At the beginning they are lining up ten men and shooting through them all with one bullet as silly as this is ballistically it shows what an efficient mass execution would look like. Take names, line people up, shoot them.

If the Nazis were absolute sadists and stayed their hand for purely plragmatic reasons because they needed laborers we would expect a 100% purge of everyone who wasn't either a fine physical specimen or had mechanical skills rather than this happening near the end of the war as the third act threat.

solo7 ago

Hitler was enamored with respect for the Arabs/Muslims. The goose step was not his invention it was the step of the Arab armies and they worked with Hitler and supported him in the beginnings of Hitlers career. Thus, those who hate Israel are very akin to those who support the false Palestine narrative. http://www.billionbibles.org/sharia/hitler-muslim-brotherhood.html

Wazhappenin1 ago

True it's strange that the Germans would keep the sick and elderly and children alive just to kill them later with special gas. If a 9mm round is 8 cents today what was it back then? With no regulations no nothing restricting the production of ammo not to mention free labor. This would have saved the Reich a lot of money. Instead they build masterbating machines and dental officies and barracks and showers.

meglomaniac ago

If a 9mm round is 8 cents today what was it back then?

More but point still made.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Was it really? Well I won't be rolling that of the keys anymore. A quick search in quora came up with 42 cents during ww2... well at least there is one important thing in life whose price has gone down.

meglomaniac ago

Just advanced manufacturing processes and access to cheap plentiful steel in peace time alone makes it way cheaper :D

Wazhappenin1 ago

I found this interesting site, the cost of guns during the war

meglomaniac ago

Ooof given the cost difference between the mp40 and the thompson, you can see why they complained about the price.

Wazhappenin1 ago

I'll take 2 Lugers for 26 bucks! . vintage lugers Must be worth thousands. Back in the 89s they didn't check out for under a 1000. The colt 45s back then 15$, they are anywhere from 600- 1000,

meglomaniac ago


I'm going to assume these prices are the cost during the war, and not adjusted for inflation. Still cool.

Freebee ago

Even Anne Frank’s story is suspect. Why would they transfer anyone or even have medical facilities?

VicariousJambi ago

That and part of it was written in ball point pen.

Which was invented after she died

meglomaniac ago

So this is my argument for what happened to the Jews.

Like all socialists/totaltarian states, you either outright kill the, dissenters/enemies of the state, through democide, or you put them into camps and isolate them for the good of your people.

NAZI Germany did the second option. They were fully functioning labour camps with dentists, a small morgue, doctors, etc.

They were fine for a few years, then what happened?

Germany started to lose the war, and resources were prioritized for wining the war.

The jews in the camps suffered and died, not because they were exterminated en mass ala holocaust, but because they were imprisoned as "enemies of the state" and were allowed to suffer and starve as germany got its ass whooped in the war.

It wasn't willful murder, it was just consequences of losing a world war.

DawnPendraig ago

I saw a great video from Robert Sepehr on this but he calls the "Jews" in charge of the evils " Sabbateans " and he has a book about it called 1666. The date of the Synagogue of Satan's self proclaimed Messiah coming out. They had/have an inverted ten commandments etc.

He talks about these people and how this ties into the creation of Isreal and the Nazis / Hitler. That Hitler and Is real /Zionists had a deal he would ship out German Jews after taking their belongings and "trading in kind" for German products. He claims the real killing at the camps didn't start until after Hitler fled / suicided.

I've never bought the Holocaust is a lie and Hitler a good guy stuff on Voat. Seems to me it happened, numbers were greatly exaggerated or deaths of others conflated including US /Allies locking up German POWs and many of their deaths added in. It also seems unlikely to me Hitler rose from obscurity. I think he had Rothschilds propping him up, creating him even similar to how we got Obama and AOC.

His mother being allegedly Jewish makes me wonder if he wasn't also part of these Sabbateans.



BlueDrache ago

Pretty much this. The Allies themselves, Russia, GBR, USA, bare some responsibility for every death in those camps, though, ultimately, it is the Jew that started all of this, so 100% of the blame belongs squarely on the Jew.

lipids ago

To build on this, the records are built on the accounts of the prisoners. No one dared call their claims bullshit. That's how we got death rollercoasters, skin lampshades, human soap, shrunken heads, gas showers, and more.

Phantom42 ago

Still peddling That the Reich was "socialist" eh?

meglomaniac ago

NSDAP at its core was a socialist state built on the community and state. Its economy, while mixed, was HEAVILY socialistic. I agree with the "3rd option" position, but its also heavily on the left/totaltarian like communism.

Phantom42 ago

No, no it is not. Read the 25 point plan, and Hitler's clarification on Point 17 of the NSDAP 25 points.

The NSDAP STOOD FOR PRIVATE PROPERTY. That alone disqualifies National Socialism as anything leftist in your sense.

meglomaniac ago

Also, like 11 of the 25 point plans are direct socialism/communistic.

Seizing the means of production, seizing heavy industry, outlawing proceeds of capital, etc etc.

Have YOU read the 25 point plan?

meglomaniac ago

"the good of the community takes priority over that of the individual. But the State should retain control; every owner should feel himself to be an agent of the State; it is his duty not to misuse his possessions to the detriment of the State or the interests of his fellow countrymen. That is the overriding point. The Third Reich will always retain the right to control property owners." ~Adolf Hitler

2fast4u92 ago

To be fair it had a few Socialist policies. But it was far from Marxism. The Socialist policies it did have were for the purpose of encouraging large families and helping the dirt poor get back to work. But all governments have some sort of Social safety net, and it is certainly wrong to define NatSoc as "socialism" as it was a totally unique form of govt that doesn't fit directly into other categories.

Phantom42 ago

That's the correct position.

I won't deny it had basic "evil socialism", but really... If you can afford to benefit your people why not? Germany certainly could afford it, being free of the Kikery, so... Yeah. It worked.

meglomaniac ago

I also said right in my first paragraph was that I supported the 3rd position of fascism/NSDAP, its still in the triad of authoritarianism/totaltarianism with communism/socialism.

VicariousJambi ago

Fuck I remember something about America bombing their supply lines but I don't have any sources on hand for that, maybe someone else does.

meglomaniac ago

That is my point tbh, they didn't intentionally starve the jewish people, they just prioritized fighting for their life over feeding enemies of the state.

VicariousJambi ago

I was trying to say that the Americans intentionally bombed the supply lines to starve out the camps.

2fast4u92 ago

Both America and Russia bombed the railroads. Not specifically to starve the camps, but to ruin supply transport for the whole country in general.

meglomaniac ago

Oh, that I won't agree with at all, in the slightest.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

read War Is a Racket by Smedley D. Butler. (((Bankers))) run our military and they'd absolutely do that

anamazonslittle ago

By walking backwards?

VicariousJambi ago

Oh yeah I keep forgetting I need to upload it to bitchute, thank you!


Don't forget cucked Canada

KueAnaan ago

Don't take it personally, Canada. We were cucked from 1989 to 2017.

logjam ago

I'll be the one who decides who can fuck my wife tyvm.

E_W86 ago

Hopefully you're not a pimp and she has a say in it LOL.

zyklon_b ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago


Lauraingalls ago

AND you CLAIM it didn't happen. YOU ARE SICK!!!

samuraichococat ago

it DIDn't happen, but although it was fake we will MAKE IT REAL in recompense for the crimes of the jews genociding us in our own countries through unchecked mas importation of rapist murderous savages into our homelands, through the design and implementation of the deathcult "feminism" for vilifying whites and turning generations of their children against their fathers and homelands.

we will make it real, not as a planned action, but because we will be left with no other choice, it will come as a snap reaction to the past, present and continued behavior of the jews. they will not allow any race to live in peace with them unless the jews are dominating them, their profane religion teaches them that the goy are not people and are only there to be exploited. the disease of the jews has run too hot too long and a fever is due.

the jews are their own worst enemies and have elicited this response from countless civilizations over the eons yet still not learned a thing. they believe that they are "the chosen people" and this excuses them from the worst atrocities they commit, they give no thought to how outsiders are treated they simply act with no restraint.

it will come, it will be uncoordinated and it will happen quickly when it comes.

because we live in the future and the jews are controlled by plans laid in the past, several technologies and socitial shifts have happened since then that were never predicted.

and the most terrible thing is... no matter what anyone does, or says, or revises of history or makes law to hide.

there is an angry kid out there somewhere, studying biochem. they are getting more angry each day because their future was denied, subverted and stolen from them and the death of the jews will come not at the thunderous roar of goose stepping soldiers but at the sound of a breaking glass vial.

the jews wrought this future for themselves and could have prevented it. they wont, they cannot learn, they are like mindless animals who eat ravenously with not a thought to the future, decimating any area or society they find themselves in, until the only option that society has left to save itself is to remove the jews from itself.

and if any of this scares and disgusts you, good. because it fucking terrifies me and whats coming very may well be the beginning of the end for ALL of society and humanity.

the thing about a university student is that they are a student and not a master of what they are learning. when you radicalize everyone else against you though your careless or indifferent actions you run the risk of those least qualified to come into possession of power and or means to find reason to act and that act will be reckless.

antiracist ago

Dawg, I don't care if the Jews are super Satan. You really think feminism is da joos and not just bitches blabbering? Feminism wasn't a coordinated effort by the Jews, but by freethinking independent liberal bitches who were maybe Jewish. You think Jewish MEN came up with that shit and fed it to those dykes as military intelligence. No sir! That cuntery is 100% weapons-grade female original insanity. I don't care if all Jews have telepathy just for the sake of conspiring. They can't be blamed for feminism. The stench of cuntery outweighs that of kikery. Callsin' it likes im seein's it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

da bitches in question were jewish

Phantom42 ago

No, just pragmatic.

See, when you incite a civil war between a previously content people, kill their leader, then genocide over 20 million of this formerly content people for nothing but personal gain and fulfilling your degenerate (un)holy book, we have a major fucking problem.

I have a MASSIVE fucking problem with Jews doing exactly this to Russia. You kill us, but then bitch and cry when the favor is returned? Sorry, doesn't work that way. You can shoot us, we'll raze you. The means and intent are certainly there.

They know this. The Jew MUST have a position of power. When they lose it, they are nothing. They are sheep with no wool, a dog with all bark and no bite, a mere ant in a sea of humans. They are powerless, afraid, and weak.

Freebee ago

I have a massive fucking problem with them trying the same Bolshevik shit here. Look at all the farmland currently under water, millions of animals dead, food shortages expected.

Meanwhile in CA where it’s finally raining so many communities have had city workers “mistakenly” hitting the water mains right after water was released from the aquifer, spas if someone’s intentionally providing workers with the wrong “maps.”

Just look at who’s behind the ongoing failed coup attempt, the name of EVERY person indicted in the NVXIM sex slavery ring, etc.

Yet, most regular Jews are just individuals who are as oppressed as the rest of us.

xenoPsychologist ago

regular jews take their orders from their rabbis. thats why they march for degeneracy. thats why they play fellow white people. thats why they write antiwhite antimale garbage to pass of as journalism. thats why they broke the family unit. thats why they demand third world savages invade their host nations. that isnt even every evil theyve supported and protested for. they arent oppressed, they march to their superiors orders just like the rest of them.

like moderate moslems, good jews arent a real thing. if they arent stabbing you in the back now, their waiting their turn.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Yet, most regular Jews are just individuals who are as oppressed as the rest of us

even if we assume this is true "good jews" breed "bad jews" into the world. All the potential "good rats" and "good cockroaches" wouldn't stop me from fumigating my house if I had an infestation

Trousersnake1488 ago

Why does Chuck Schumer say white European women should have abortions but says Jewish women shouldnt?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it didn't happen yet, but it will

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

When qtards just came to Voat, your comment would be heavily downvoted. Look at it now.

They are waking up, and i love it.

Pubiclouse ago

A feeling of elation! Deus Vult

RockmanRaiden ago

Open Borders. You have to sell it. Diversity is their strength.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


srayzie ago

Right? Lol

hamman365 ago

Disappointed in you

srayzie ago

Because I question something?

hamman365 ago

Not about questioning. I question everything. Its about pushing a decidedly false narrative that makes Q followers look like kooks. I could care less if it was 6 million jews or 200k, Hitler was never a good guy and racism in any form is divisive. Next you will be extolling flat earth

Vindicator ago

hamman, serious question...

If Q was worried about us followers looking like kooks because they entertain thoughts that history as we know it is full of lies, why did he send people to the most notorious site on the planet for debating the "Jewish Question"?

I'm seriously asking. It makes no sense, unless he wants people exposed to this information.

hamman365 ago

I dont know about debating tge jewish question. I believe that Q is a patriot and he has not once said exterminate the jews, or hate the blacks or murder the browns. I do know that Hitler, along with Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot were not good guys who murdered millions and to say that they were is an abomination. I do know that Jesus , when asked by the pharisees what the greatest commandment was and his answer was love the Lord thy God with all of ghy heart; the second greatest is like unto that, love thy neighbor as thy love thy self.

Vindicator ago

I agree. But you completely dodged by question.

I'm serious. What is the point of this gift of being able to talk about anything you want if you're not going to use it to explore interesting questions?

hamman365 ago

Sorry, did not mean to dodge. I think we should explore and question everything. I do know that there has been horrible things committed by people professing every religion, yes Hebrews as well. Jews have been historically secretive, but so have mormons, scientologists anc any number of others. To categorically say all people of this religion or that religion is lazy at best.

Vindicator ago

Indeed. All men are sinners and capable of vile things. The guy at the top of this thread was trolling you to see if you would get a case of the vapors. I am not.

Both Q, and many of the Voat goats who think Q is annoying, have lofted the idea that Central Bankers (Rothschilds and Co.; the "Y Head" families) have used the press, fiat currency, medicine, law, war, "history" and "academia" to put the entire world in thrall, and orchestrate mass killings across the globe. The Rothschilds are Jewish. The Vanderbilts, JP Morgan, and the British Royals are Episcopalian/Anglican and Rockefeller was a Baptist. Q posted a picture of two Catholic Cardinals making the the Nazi salute with Goebbels. If you come over to v/pizzagate, you'll see the pedovores have infiltrated every religion. No one has clean hands.

But only one of them has managed to pull off a propaganda coup that made them a privileged class who cannot even be legitimately criticized without severe penalty...who happen to control all of the major media, financial systems, and Hollywood. That deserves to be talked about. How did it happen?

Q has repeatedly said "We have it all." Don't you think he sent people here to discover some of the truth that's been hidden? He certainly knows what's discussed here.

hamman365 ago

How did it happen? Acts of evil are applauded and even extolled, a game of inches. Were histories falsified, absolutely. Blaming the Jews is a scapegoat - hate the sin, not the sinner. Shine the light in every corner and call out the evil doers, but generalizing only muddies the water

Lauraingalls ago

She is a NEO NAZI.

xenoPsychologist ago

racism in any form is divisive

wrong. their incompatible morality (or lack thereof, to be specific) is what divides. they will never be on your side. they will stab you in the back.

the commie label of "racism" only describes the instinct that best saves lives. blacks are racist, jews are racist, asians are racist. and they wont be extinct in twenty years.

hamman365 ago

Nope, love trumps hate and racism is hateful and divisive

xenoPsychologist ago

that only works when you are dealing with people. people are like you. nonwhites are savage animals that only rein in their bloodlust when white people might not let them get away with it. they only wait until they have a chance to devour you. love didnt save zimbabwe, haiti, or south africa. guess you wont be of any use when it hits the fan, so when that black guy you trust turns on you at least nothing of value will have been lost.

you dont seem to understand that they are not united with us. their culture and morality are not compatible. theres nothing to divide because they already count you as the enemy, even as they pretend to be on your side. and all the bjs you can offer them will not keep them from brutally murdering you. i mean, youve seen what they do to our women who love them, right? "burn the coal, pay the toll" is not said for no reason. and its not the mean ol wypipo collecting that toll. its the savages.

nothing of value will have been lost.

hamman365 ago

You are pushing an evil narrative. May God have mercy on your soul.

xenoPsychologist ago

i am right with the LORD. the synagogue of satan no longer fools me with their lies. and i know what to expect from the beasts of the field. when they come for our kind, and they will the same way they are currently doing in south africa and all across europe, ill defend my own. you can die. no loss.

when you watch your family tortured and killed before they finally get to you, you can rest assured that the Enemy didnt call you racist.

hamman365 ago

Sure you will, i believe that you are nothing more than hot air pushing hate narrative.

xenoPsychologist ago

thats a very lovely opinion you have there. nothing of value will have been lost.

hate is a valuable emotion with its own, very important, appropriate time and place.

do you even know what happened in haiti and zimbabwe? and what is currently happening in south africa and nearly all of western europe? let me guess, you think russia was being racist by saving a few of the white south africans from being brutally raped and slaughtered by those disgusting savages, right?

its such a shame that you hate the truth so much. but nothing of value will have been lost.

hamman365 ago

Dont hate truth. The truth is horrific acts are perpetrated by every color, every religion and ethnicity. The common denominators are hate and evil. You perpetuate hatred and division. Sorry i dont buy into yor rhetoric

xenoPsychologist ago

Dont hate truth.

wrong. but theres plenty of time for you to finally know better.

horrific acts are perpetrated by every color, every religion and ethnicity?

thats not the problem, the problem is the insane quantity and incredible rate at which they do them. its not human.

The common denominators are hate and evil.

no, the common denominators a being savage, low iq animals.

You perpetuate hatred and division.

again, no. i press for the safety of my people and the wisdom to never turn your back on those animal savages for a second.

Sorry i dont buy into yor rhetoric

you mean the truth? the objective and absolute truth hardly qualify as something so meaningless as rhetoric. you are wrong on every count. nothing of value will have been lost.

hamman365 ago

Sorry, i dont buy what you are selling

xenoPsychologist ago

it is an error to not evaluate what (((they))) have told you. but one you are free to make. no loss.

hamman365 ago

That's where you are wrong, I evaluate everything.

xenoPsychologist ago

you havent given me any reason to believe that. especially after your reaction to the truth.

hamman365 ago

i do not have to give you a reason to believe anything, I'm stating a fact that racism is wrong and hateful, you disagree.

xenoPsychologist ago

youre stating an opinion that its wrong. but you are wrong. you dont even have facts to back it up. i know because ive already been presented with the best "facts" you pitiable children have to offer, given by smarter people than you. why do you think that when presented with claims that dont match reality, i reject them?

additionally, its not even "racism" (a marxist slur against white people that doesnt get used when they discriminate brutally against us, but does when we arent flattering them. hmm... how odd.) to work in the best interests of your own people. they will stab you in the back. its happened every single time. you think it magically wont happen this time?

do you have anything other than emotional appeals to offer? anything at all? if youre gonna make a brother drag out actual science, then so be it. but ill have you know i actually can.

hamman365 ago

drag it, won't matter - racism is hate. you push a false hateful narrative.

xenoPsychologist ago


trackmeplease ago

You are clearly misinformed. The fact that you are so against truth, so much to call it a decidedly false narrative, is very telling.

This makes you look like a kook. Why do you think so many goats have a problem with boomers Q supporters like yourself?

As the q said himself, Israel is for last, very specific reason not mentioned once.

hamman365 ago

He didnt say Adolph fucking Hitler was a white hat though dud he?

Lauraingalls ago

Hammer365 you are fighting real evil here.

hamman365 ago

It makes me so sick to read some of this stuff. I have always admired your gumption in calling evil evil.

Lauraingalls ago

Thank you. I had NO IDEA Voat was filled with these kind of people. I only joined to talk about Q posts, but I see many people here are as bad as the Deep State. So sad. I have been beat up quite a bit because of my post. I appreciate your reply.

hamman365 ago

Keep fighting! There are so many bright people on here, i think that is why the trolls are pushing so hard, to silence the good. I believe there are more like you here, its just the truly evil and nasty ones yell the loudest. We cant be afraid to stand up for what is right and decent

Lauraingalls ago

Thank you for the encouragement. I truly liked YOUR posts, and we are fighting a spiritual battle. God did chose us for this time, and the WAR is real. You are right, There ARE good people here.

hamman365 ago

Amen and amen.

Lauraingalls ago

Thank you. You wouldn't believe how I was ATTACKED. It's still happening.

hamman365 ago

I am sorry for that, please remember John 15:18 18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first". And also 2Corintians 10:12 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. - you are making a difference!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Shills gatekeep. Patriots think.

Oh and about that flat earth, how can a vacuum exist next to a positive pressure system without a barrier?

ISS is fake

Apollo is fake

one single image of earth from "space" never udpated the rest are all admitted CGI

You really want to play this game normie? Flat as a pancake. No where to go.

trackmeplease ago

Now I don’t necessarily agree with those points as there ARE logical rebuttals; but you are spot on with the mindset and the stuff about yids.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

flat earthers are an objectively good thing because even if they're wrong it's still true most people accept the earth being round as a fact without any basis, if you believe something you ought to be able to argue for it.

change my mind

hamman365 ago

I know you dont really believe the crap you peddle. Sorry dont buy into your nut job theories

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

neck yourself kike.

They control the world finances and have enslaved all mankind

They've lied about earths history and they knowingly have deceived us.

How can a positive pressure system exist next to a vacuum without a barrier?

If the Cornelius effect is true and a bullet moving in the air has the earth rotate from under it, how does a plane land?

Why is there no single demonstration that can conclusively prove that matter will attract matter inherent by the property of its mass alone?

Why is there only ONE claimed full photo image of earth by NASA's own admission?

Why did NASA delete the telemetry data for the APOLLO program?

Why haven't we gone back?

Operation fishbowl?


Admiral Byrd?

Manned space travel is a lie

Earth is a plane

There is water above the firmament

hamman365 ago

Yep, decidedly a divisive tool of the deep state. Telling someone to neck themselves and using a derogatory inflammatory pejorative is a sure sign of shilling. You cash your Soro's check this week?

trackmeplease ago

If you think he is a shill, you need to go spend more time on the internet fucking boomer kike.

You are acting so stupid I can’t tell if you are a below average boomer or one of the new finagled JIDF shills.

hamman365 ago

Fuck off with your boomer bullshit

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it makes you mad because you know it's true

hamman365 ago

What are you babbling about now?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

forget to take your alzheimers medication?

hamman365 ago

What does Alzheimer's have to do with your babbling?

SeekingUltimatums ago

The people controlling Israel are in Switzerland

kingdomhearts123 ago

that doesn't mean you leave a hideout intact genius.

comprehensive burn.

zxcvzxcv ago

Switzerland? Enlighten me on this topic. Cuz bankers?

trackmeplease ago

Roth shield Cross shield.

Phantom42 ago

And the people controlling Switzerland are in Israel.

MrDarkWater ago

So are the people controlling the C_A

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You guys are making me so hot right now

RockmanRaiden ago


zyklon_b ago

agas switzerland

Glipglup ago

You're not wrong but Jews are still a problem.



or am I just an Alpine Nigger?

MrDarkWater ago

Kim Jong un went to boarding school in Switzerland

HenryCabotLodge ago

You are challenging the DS Narrative. Oh no! When I was a kid it was 500,000 jews. Then it was a million jews, Then it was 2M jews. Then somewhere in the last 20+ years, it became 6,000,000 jews. (Then in jokes it is 60 Gorillion Jews). About 20 years ago, I began to doubt the narrative. My guess is there was some of both and it was >>500K jews. ..... Notice how "Hate Speech" works. If you are not allowed to push back on the narrative, the true becomes lost in the propaganda.

KillerKap ago

They tried to go 11 million where I was schooled. I knew then it was fake and gay.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

They claim now it was actually 12 million. No joke. LMAO

pckpat ago

Then that's really going to take a whole lot of reparation shekels if the Dims in Congress get their way...and with enough puppets of Feinstein,Schiff, Schumer, etc. they may well push it through.

YugeDick ago

The red Cross found it to be just 187K total died in all the camps combined. Their findings were made confidential until the late 70s.

Vindicator ago

Do you happen to have the link to that by chance?

YugeDick ago

My mistake, only 271K total.

Vindicator ago

Do we have the primary source for the Red Cross report? That's really what we need the link to.

Also, I just saw that Steve Pieczenik, who came out November 1, 2016 to expose pizzagate and the attempted Deep State coup, has recently confirmed the "hundreds of thousands" number (4:14 in the video) and exposed the Holocaust as "An industry manufactured by the Israelis so that America could support Israel to the tune of $4 billion a year."

I find it VERY interesting he is bringing this up now. He is Jewish, his family died in the Holocaust, and he was the first to report much of what QAnon has claimed -- a year prior to Q's first drops. It's highly probable that he is part of the "Q Team".

@srayzie @think- @RainyDayDream @Blacksmith21

YugeDick ago

A scan of the document is right there in the article.

Vindicator ago

Yes, but how do we know it's real?

YugeDick ago

It's elsewhere in other scans. This document has been scanned and uploaded multiple times since back in the BBS days with flatbed scanners and 2400baud modems. Look long enough and you'll find obvious differences in paper wrinkles and shading. The original can surely still be found in some congressional library somewhere. Physical copies in old boxes in people's attics. What level of original source are you hoping to find on the internet?

Vindicator ago

I actually read the linked article and they fully cite the document. It's pretty interesting, actually. It would be good to find someplace that has a copy of the report, and get a video of someone examining it. I don't live anywhere near any type of library that might have a hard copy, unfortunately.

think- ago

his family died in the Holocaust

Wikipedia says his father fled before WWII, and his mother was able to flee as well:

Pieczenik was born in Cuba of Jewish parents from Russia and Poland and was raised in France.[1] His father, a doctor from Dombrovicz who studied and worked in Toulouse, France,[2] fled Poland before World War II. His mother, a Russian Jew from Białystok, Poland,[2] fled Europe after many of her family members were killed. The couple met in Portugal, where both had fled ahead of the Nazi invaders.

But relatives of his mother were killed.

@srayzie @Crensch @Blacksmith21 @PacaGoat @LauraIngalls

Lauraingalls ago

Thanks for the information.

srayzie ago

He has also told Alex Jones off!

srayzie ago

Also, I just saw that Steve Pieczenik, who came out November 1, 2016 to expose pizzagateYouTube and the attempted Deep State coupYouTube, has recently confirmed the "hundreds of thousands" numberYouTube (4:14 in the video) and exposed the Holocaust as "An industry manufactured by the Israelis so that America could support Israel to the tune of $4 billion a year."

Oh wow! I want to look into this.

G45Colt ago

I read a book about that quite a while back by someone who researched mass killings around the world. They actually looked into who was targeted and broke it down into different groups. Don't recall what they claimed the true number of Jews was, I want to say it was several million. The total estimated number of people put to death by the Nazis was in the 12M-15M range.

Was there a Holocaust? Yes, most definitely. And millions of Jews were put to death, along with millions of others.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


G45Colt ago

I wish I could find it. Not going to spend hours searching online, since I don't recall the name of the author. Any search of mass murder, genocide, etc. creates a lot of hits that don't even come close. Plus it would have been published over 30 years ago, and is probably long out of print.

Many of the historical books I've read about WWII touched on the subject, but that wasn't the main focus.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I mean, why should people just take your word for it then? you need receipts

ChosenUndead ago

You are too stupid to be alive. Kill yourself for the benefit of everyone else.

G45Colt ago

Really? How would you know? Tell me, what have you done to prove your brilliance?

trackmeplease ago

The type of comment you posted was very telling of your intellect. If you don’t understand why people didn’t find your posts valuable then definitely go kill yourself.

SLM123 ago

Congrats. You read a book. Now how bout some sauce?

G45Colt ago

Fair question - it was a long time ago. I've read many books. That particular book doesn't come up in a few minutes of searching. I would remember it if I saw it listed. I thought that one was pretty good, because it fit well with many historical accounts.

VicariousJambi ago

The 6million thing started decades before WW2 friend.



Freebee ago

Whoa! No idea the hoax went back so far. Saw someone post recently that they’d seen climate fraud promoted in 1906 newspapers, claiming SF would be under water by 1920, must have all been planned way back then!

HoppyHap ago

Could be the big quake was in 1906.The earthquake and fires killed an estimated 3,000 people and left half of the city's 400,000 residents homeless.

Floralei ago

I found one of my grandma's magazines from 1929 when I was a kid, it also mentioned parts of the U.S. being underwater because global warming, basically. Something about penguins too. Don't recall which magazine...wish I'd kept it. Would have been a useful red pill.

Vindicator ago

This guy's blog is loaded with old news clippings pushing climate alarmism:


He serves up redpills daily on Twitter as @SteveSGoddard. He's been poking Scott Adams for over a year.

KEVDOG77 ago

mud flood warning.

Cid ago

pckpat ago

As soon as I saw the mention of Warburg and Kuhn Loeb organizing the billion dollars relief fund, well...the man who organized the Fed for Morgan, House,Schiff, Rothschilds and the rest of their gang.I have seen plenty of actual filmed evidence to corroborate mass murder of not only Jews, but many other ethnicities by the Nazis and the allies. And the Bolsheviks/Communists-who it has also been documentedkilled more than their share, along with lackeys like Stalin. But it certainly makes the six million figure figure to be part of a pre-conceived scenario from the time before Hitler held the reins of power.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I have seen plenty of actual filmed evidence to corroborate mass murder of not only Jews

where is it then? show the rest of us

trackmeplease ago

Post some sources or GTFO.

pckpat ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

at what point in the war was this footage actually from though? Near the end of the war the allies destroyed the Nazi supply lines leading to death by starvation and diseases like typhus for many of the prisoners. Seeing that many of these people are already emaciated or dead where's the evidence they were systematically killed in gas chambers?

pckpat ago


VicariousJambi ago

Oh fuck dude, nice!

NellerBean ago

Even if true, 6 Million is nothing compared to the 10s of millions of white Christians killed in the Holodomor nor by the Bolsheviks, who were not Russian.

I feel so sad to discover how much of the problem in the West is due to Loxism.

manxman ago

I did not know the word loxism even existed. I can't bring myself to capitalize it like you did but thanks for showing this goy another fucking term only used for filthy jews.

NellerBean ago

Blood Libelis a real thing too. It's heart breaking to consider what's really behind all this human trafficking and degradation of the West.

White people need to wake up and stop hating themselves because they're literally the only thing holding back the tide of one world socialist tyranny and whatever manner of horror will force the Luciferians' "messiah" to return.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Let us not forget that recent organ trafficking ring busted in Isreal. Can you imagine what they do to the Palestinians? Makes the hair stand up in the back of my neck just wondering about it, but I think we have a good idea.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Mao and Pol pot had jewish advisors add another 100 million innocents to the death toll of jewish communism

hamman365 ago

Pol pot did not - prove it

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Khmer Rouge (Fr. “Red Khmer”) have been notable operatives of the Jews’ conspiracy for world control; and they were raised up in Cambodia by the Jew controlled French Communist Party, founded in 1920 by members of the French Section of the Workers’ International (SFIO).

The SFIO had, prior to training Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, backed the Jew financed Bolshevik Revolution; and the evil communist outfit was led by the Jew Leon Blum, France’s Prime Minister in the 1930s and 40s

hamman365 ago

Leon blum was not a. Practising jew. Like saying adolph hitler was white so all egomaniacs are white. Btw hitler was a jew through his mother.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

jews are an ethnicity more than a religion, the Ashkenazim people who call themselves jews today have little to do with the actual religion anyway.

Btw hitler was a jew through his mother.

any actual proof of this?

hamman365 ago

Yeah, read your history - dont just make shit up

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

link me a citations and i'll read it. I'll wait

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


It's like you don't even speak english, no wonder you struggle with logic and evidence.

a jawbone fragment and piece of bloodstained cloth retrieved from the Berlin bunker where Hitler allegedly committed suicide.

they're not even willing to claim it was definitely his bone or blood.

academics have been quick to point out that this does not necessarily mean the man who inspired the Holocaust was either Jewish, African or a combination of the two. The E1b1b haplogroup runs in other ethnic groups, for instance, and DNA analysis remains an inexact science.

ignoring the question of who's DNA samples these actually were they literally say in the article their findings aren't definitive proof of anything

But one thing about this study’s results is certain, as Ronny Decorte, a geneticist interviewed by Knack, remarked: “Hitler would not have been pleased.”

detecting any bias? did you even actually read this before linking it?

hamman365 ago

Keep dreaming - your hero was just like the dems today - whatever they project the other side to be/do is what they are/doing. Cash your George Soris check this week?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

isn't it weird how when you provide something, I'll go through it and directly cite it to point out where and how it's wrong. Yet, you'll merely insist that I am wrong with no real reasoning as to how or why.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Though the idea may seem preposterous to some, the question seems to stem from the remote possibility that Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Hitler's father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father when born in 1837 and to this day Hitler's paternal grandfather is unknown.

real hard hitting and factual, the hard evidence of "we don't know, but maybe it was possible"

hamman365 ago

Lol about as hard hitting and factusl as anything you have put forward

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


hamman365 ago

So not a jew if he converted to Catholicism - try again

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what is Ashkenazim or Sephardi? being jewish isn't just the religious belief it's an ethnic background

Freebee ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago


Phantom42 ago

If you really look at it, communism/socialism (Socialism in the Marxist sense, or what 99% of people think when saying "socialism". NOT NATIONAL SOCIALISM, which is extremely different.) are very Jewish in philosophy and execution.

The upper class is prosperous, and conveniently Jewish. The native population (Russians, for example) are the slave class, toiling away in their meager existences.

The Jewish (un)holy book outlines what is essentially the same idea. Oh, and let's not forget how much they realllllly hate Christians. Look at how they killed the Tsar...

IdoubtIt2 ago

Yeah, learned about the full details of that recently. Holy shit. It didn’t know whether to cry or scream with rage. In-fucking-believable brutality. And what they did to the Tsars children. Demons. Pure and simple. Demons.

Phantom42 ago

Well Christ didn't call them a Synagogue of Satan for shits and giggles, I know that much.

Their (un)holy book is a fun read too. Particularly the part where they talk about Christ burning in semen-shit soup.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it shouldn't be much of a surprise, Marx was a jew himself as were many of the latter proponents of his ideas or those that expanded upon them, the bolshevik party the ruled the USSR was overwhelmingly made up of jews and many communists/socialist around the world otherwise have also been jews

Phantom42 ago

Mmhmm. Not a surprise to me, but I'd wager there are a lot of new eyes watching this thread. Especially being that srayzie posted it, and not one of us.

Praise God, Heil Hitler!