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Boatwhiskers ago

No shit

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Intrixina ago

I actually thought similarly - that he was just like Dial.

Intrixina ago

I'm actually very similar IRL as I am on here. I routinely call feminism "cancer" IRL - which mortally pisses off the SJWs because they have no way to counter that when it comes from a woman.

It's a bit hard to imagine a professional and polite SyriansFuckCorpses though, haha.

Intrixina ago

Since when am I ever not?

Loveraft ago

Burn em down

shadow332 ago

He calls them Jews, Israel followers, in a subverse of people that upvoted the questioning of the holocaust 355 times. At the very least, these people are waking up to the JQ. They have shown they are capable of learning and waking up, but he doesn't want that. Why? Who would benefit?

This one here, really opened my eyes. Ha. As you said, I always saw this guy but never pieced this together.

As the others said, amazing job, I don't know what he's going to do after this.

xenoPsychologist ago

he is like santa claus, except he will recommend your execution during the race war if you are naughty.

Gothamgirl ago

He literally has Nazi tattoos, clothes and flags hanging in the house, blonde hair and blue eyes he couldn't be anymore white. 😂🤣😂

Q and Trump protects the jews.

jkshdfka78938 ago

carefull of the words you speak

Dirty_Money ago

Very nice work, but not even the jewiest of jews can want to slap Q-tards more than me.

Cause they are delusional and far too useful to the very exposed, profit center that is Q.

jkshdfka78938 ago

expert is my bro fuckface, and me calling you a fuckface is a compliment.. learn your role


Nadeshda ago

Well said and this also is worth taking into consideration. Yes, indeed online persona’s are different for many. Some very beneficial and others not so much.

All men need an outlet, this is true and it isn’t always pretty. This is my point, there are real people behind these accounts if they are not a bot account and often this has its own part to play in the outworking of themselves here on Voat.

The difficult part is to access who can be trusted when many are playing a role. People do have different reasons for coming to Voat, you are so right and if you can only access what’s said online and know no more it’s easy to take threats as being real but those who lurk/read more into things and perhaps stop every now and again to build relationships, more puzzle pieces seem to fit.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

@Crensch Him and the other most hated user Dial, are thick as thieves. When dial was banned and people started venting about his drunken tantrums, zyklon backed off and hid the fact he was dial's best buddy. Both are addicts with no life outside of this place. I suspect both are paid to be here and I think there are more than just the 2 of them. Also notice the commonality of tactics between the 2: when called out for unacceptable behaviour, both claim to be just shitposting.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

He also constantly whines about @kevdude lying about his vote manipulation but then admits to vote manipulation like 50 times a day. Brain has been destroyed by alcohol.

Vindicator ago

He calls them Jews, Israel followers, in a subverse of people that upvoted the questioning of the holocaust 355 times. At the very least, these people are waking up to the JQ.

Which very likely is the reason that Q -- who has dropped a number of Jew redpills himself -- sent them to Voat in the first place.

sguevar ago

Sometimes you amaze me quite a bit man.

Funny what one can miss. Good comment.

zxcvzxcvzx ago

dial is more of an angry alcoholic

if you believed 90% of dial said your retarded.... I mostly laughing the entire time listening to mellow music you fuck NEVER SPEAK FOR ME

Shizy ago

Sorry I called you a faggot.

Shizy ago

Oh damn, I hate when people screw those up! Thanks for pointing that out.

Phantom42 ago



What the fuck does my file look like?

Shizy ago

Who the fuck are you, anyway?

Is this your way of saying you want to get to know me better? Slut!

sguevar ago

When you and @srayzie go on an irate mode it simply cracks me up. It reminds me that I asked for a good solding woman and I got mine XD. A hottie also so I am sure you both are fine to the eye also XD. Is like a rule.

srayzie ago

I’ve always liked you too!

We be fine! 😚😚 lol


Shizy ago

That's why our husbands put up with us 🤣

Shizy ago

I've always liked you!

Shizy ago

Shizy has informed me that that I am, apparently, meant to keep abreast of everything that he/she/xir does


Most people expect that a person would read the post their commenting on before they comment.

Shizy ago

I wrote one comment to you and you fag out and run to SBBH to complain about me? You're a sad little punk!

totes_magotes ago

Wait, there's a /SBBHUniversity? How's come I haven't heard of it before now?

Adminstrater ago

I am really at a miss for why any user would delete their comments on here unless their username was related to one they registered somewhere else, and might lead to a DOX. That is why I always suggest becoming a new person on each website. Sometimes you create your persona based on the community you join. Such as, on Voat, I am a Polynesian Rice Farmer that is missing a leg, where as on Fark, I am a 300 lbs. web cam model, and on Reddit I am a faggot.

Good work staying viligiant, /u/Crensch, keep it up!

SandHog ago

I've always wondered about that. I mostly just lurked off and on back then so didn't pay any attention to any of the specifics. The thing that I remember the most is Amalek and his alt army utterly shitting up the place.

Native ago

Now I’m convinced Amalek and Sane are the same

zxcvzxcvzx ago

they are not

SandHog ago

That'd be a mindfuck wouldn't it?

TheGrandMaster ago

That's why we have to take all the good usernames quick so they get the shitty ones

SandHog ago

Dial=sanegoat, yeah?

Shizy ago

He continually posted threats against my kids, and others kids. He doxes women's addresses and threatens to dox me and @srayzie. Did you miss that part? Are you ok with that? We should all just shut up and let him act like a retarded nigger Jew all the time?!

reject_kikery ago

he lost $30 million shekels oh my shaloms! haha nice work OP, you better archive this.

Shizy ago

marrying a woman who already has a kid.

And according to him, her kids are half nigger. He's a cuck raising a niggers kids when he has been deemed incapable of raising his own, hence her guardianship with his ma.

Chiefpacman ago

Clearly trolling.

It has been a while since you went full internet detective

PsyOp ago

Yes, indeed, voat is crawling with Jews...and "Zyclon_b" is exactly what a Jew (seeking to promote the holohoax fairytale) would call himself!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Two thoughts on this,

  • What evidence? @Crensch What proof do you have that @Zyklon_B is posting loli/porn on /qrv /GA? Two pages and i see no actual proof. Doesn't matter how much you hate or love the guy that's kike move without evidence to back it up and you should know better.

  • The majority, as you should be well aware of the upvotes exposing the Qtards to the JQ is from us in the first place. I've been working on them albeit from a different approach(s) since Q's first post, on all platforms. Waking them up has been my project. Their pompous "better than you attitude" like a small child who thinks they know a special secret had to be destroyed. They set themselves up as a hypocritical target and deserve all the harassment they get for being clueless little dumb niggers who suck jew cock while looking down on us from their adorable high chair. Regardless of the authenticity of Q+ = POTUS the very act of "trusting the plan" is in essence a jewish cuckold trick that has been used in the past with the red terror and "trust". Their idols and heroes must be destroyed. Their hopes and dreams must be destroyed. It must be made perfectly clear to each and everyone of them that their understanding of "freedom" is directly proportional to their understanding of the depth of their enslavement and that most of you fucks haven't a single clue. They must be brought into the black pit of hopelessness for only then will they realize that the only force they can trust is themselves. Only then will they start to think clearly and for themselves. Sheep in a new pasture who think they are woke yet still follow a shepherd. Sit back goy and relax, all is taken care of.

I murdered and skull fucked seth rich and got away with it in 1990. Space is fake and gay. Human timeline is a lie. CHRIST IS LORD FIGHT ME

srayzie ago

There are a lot of times he says it, but here’s one. Even encouraging others is wrong.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Advocating nigger/tranny/gay porn spam for /QRV is a far cry away from actually spamming LOLI . His antics are known and you've already taken appropriate steps for /GA. However, the accusation against him posting loli is nonfactual and lacks any supporting evidence currently from what i have seen and gathered. i'll be updating from here if i find out to the contrary.

Shizy ago

He acknowledged that he claimed the the porn/gore spamming to be from him:

He claimed to be the one doing it. So is it really a surprise that people accuse him of it?


ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Hes also is the personality that would claim it for the comedic value alone. That said, my only point of argumentation is that he is not involved in loli specifically from what i have dug into. Sure its all inappropriate given the context of the boards discussions however there is a very thick red line difference between gore/porn and loli and i wanted to make sure the facts were what they were.

Shizy ago

He posted porn on GA using his u/zyklown_b account. Srayzie banned the account from GA because the post violated the sub rules.

The deleted post is in the GA deleted submissions log for everyone to see.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

is @zyklown_b a confirmed alt of @zyklon_B?

Could be. Could also not be. I'll look into the logs. What is loli porn or gay nigger porn? One is funny, the other isn't. Regardless it isn't the right move to make on the Q domains as we want as many of you in the crowd as possible when SHTF.

Obviously spamming loli is degenerate and if you haven't heard degenerates get the rope first. Followed by niggers and kikes. Not sure if its worth distinguishing kikes and degenerates at this point as you are starting to understand.

Shizy ago

It wasn't gay or loli, just a porn image of a woman. It was still against GA submission rules. He used his alt to post it instead of using his main account. He knew he would be banned for it, that's probably why he used the alt.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Thanks for confirming. Yes he did it to have fun with you guys and it does break GA submission rules so you guys acted accordingly. The issue that needs to be resolved is @Crensch accusing him of being the loli spammer. Two different things. One is funny for me and annoying for you the other is completely disgusting to anyone and is a very serious accusation to deliver without proof.

Shizy ago

Oh, ok I get what you're saying.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

He just replied here and confirmed. Was he posting loli? i can only find nice nudes of adult women that hes posted.

Shizy ago

That was it, just one of a woman and then he was banned. What he posted wasn't nearly as bad as what's being put on QRV but it's still against GA submission rules.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

whats happening on QRV is why Crensch is so upset and understandably so. It pisses me off as well. There is tact to helping you guys erode the brainwashing techniques of perceived superiority of morality when it comes to issues like race and IQ and the JQ and it looks like we've made good progress with the Q group for discussing these real issues.

I'll tease and joke and insult, loli does no one any good and is clearly either a JIDF shill or some teen who doesn't understand his autism isn't funny.

zyklon_b ago

yeah its me

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Well that saves me the effort. I only see classy pictures of attractive nude women. You are not the loli /qrv spammer are you?

zyklon_b ago

Nope have never posted any of it. just been playing mind games and trolling em

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I figured you were just having fun. @Crensch really should relax and focus his loli witch hunt on the various known loli posters in the first place.

I hereby do declare that @zykon_B is found innocent of the accusations stated against him and that everyone else is a goofy nigger. CASE CLOSED.

zyklon_b ago

of course komrade.

we need form a sub for the troll army

zyklon_b ago


im with u

BoredomAccount214 ago

Voat users seem to be the easiest people to troll.

Boatwhiskers ago

5Mo. on voat

I tend to keep my mouth shut until I learn about the room I am in. Posts like these help new comers identify the sources and methods of the shills fuckery. Thanks for the heads up and the work you put into it.

jklsjas8347895 ago

stalker, get a life PV faggot

Shizy ago

Fuck off dial!

DintDoNothin ago

Never even heard of this guy until now.

16tons ago

@Crensch Nice work. This is necessary to try to eliminate being controlled opposition. I love this place. It has agents. Double Agents. All of it! It's great. Now, you had a rare miss on me, which was amusing, but I'm all for it because rooting out the double agents is tough because it can turn into a witch hunt. The goats seem to believe in what you say for the most part, so you probably have a pretty good system for recognizing the enemy. Keep up the good work!

NiggerVirus ago

Hey OP, will you do one of these on me PLEASE! It is impressive!!

shadow332 ago

You're GhostSkin, so there's really nothing to research.

NiggerVirus ago

I know but I just really want someone to do a full analysis on me with a 2 page post

NiggerVirus ago

Yes, as well as many others. @TheAmerican, @99887766 . . . .

Shizy ago

Post more pics of your muscles or with your shirt off so @crensch has more material to work with!

NiggerVirus ago

Good Lord there's plenty of material.

Shizy ago


srayzie ago

😂 @NiggerVirus you flexing your muscles?

Shizy ago

He did as u/ghostskin. I was hoping he'd post more that I could send to @think-!!

think- ago

Aargh!! Don't give him ideas!! LOL

SandHog ago


NiggerVirus ago

Dude, you already let him win. You spent hours researching and posting this. The second you let someone get to you emotionally to the point where you would do all this is the same instant that you lost the battle. Be stronger.

gustodog ago

If you expose kike shills they win.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


NiggerVirus ago

I stand with @Zyklon_b . I think you're taking the internet way too seriously OP

NotHereForPizza ago

Ha. Acting like you aren't all just a bunch of faggots is pretty funny there big guy.

srayzie ago

You’ve already had the wrath of @Crensch bitch 😂 He destroyed you! You only have one testicle left. I don’t blame you for not liking him. I wouldn’t want to be on his bad side either.

sguevar ago

Ok this cracked me up so bad XD

Shizy ago


Pretty funny coming from the faggot tranny who fantasizes about being pregnant!

Your asshole can't get pregnant, but by all means keep tryin 💩👶🏼

NotHereForPizza ago

This is actually kinda funny... All because I made a single post in v/birth. It's weird that you don't want me talking about those subjects...

It's almost like you have an agenda.

srayzie ago

You know that we know who your alts are you A-Sexual Transgender Freak who tried to infiltrate our sub. You’re a strange little man.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

I read both posts. Almost made me late for work, fucker. That is good shit though. Excellent post by the Guardian of voat. Drink a beer, pretend I bought it for you. Cheers, goat.

bopper ago

Great comment, I can relate to all of that.

bopper ago

Thanks a million, sincerely, that was a lot of work.

version7 ago

I'll be curious to see how zyklon responds to this. I foresee Internet drama on the front page for the next few days.

VicariousJambi ago

I've never liked the cunt, I think I've argued with him a few times, can't remember about what. Him and his "troll" friends were always the reason I never bothered getting more involved with people here.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he's on welfare and drugs so is he actually jewish? is this one of those black jews?

Nadeshda ago

Thanks for pinging me. Not sure what to say as @zyklon_b has been here a long time, I spoke to him a long time ago accidentally on pm as I was new and thought he was someone else I was looking for. He seemed really nice, completely different to what you see publically.

The duel personality he uses bothered me, always has, which in turn kept me getting too personal, although some personal things were shared.

I have this idea that many have got to know his IRL personality and because of this his online ways are pretty much ignored. His tactics are aggressive in nature and he knows a lot of people IRL. He is one of those people who’s online persona is used to test peoples ability to stand up against words and not let the words have power over you. I have seen this mentioned me.

Under his other names like beetlejuice, lord beetlejuice etc, I used to call him out on his drug intake regularly. Obviously it got old real quick and it became best to just not interact much. Also my own personal life has been interesting so I just let it go.

I don’t agree with the way he goes about things online but I am not his mother. I am actually surprised you got so much information on him, at one point I thought 1990 for a looooooong time.

Anyway I don’t have offence to him in the pm’s he has shared, I am sure there are a ton of people that know him way better then I. I do dislike his online Voat persona though, this is true.

srayzie ago

Oh he’ll send private messages if you’re a woman. He’s a flirt. What a catch. He can be really nice when he wants to be. We were friends at one point. I didn’t know how bad he was. He will turn on friends in a minute.

Nadeshda ago

He has never turned on me, so I cannot say that for myself. Like I said his online persona can be scary and off putting.

Thinking out loud now... Voat community has never been PRO Israel, something obvious, right? As they actually continually steer the economy in a negative way for others with a one way for me and another for thee approach. This too has and always will cause contention here on Voat.

Just curious do you know Crensch IRL? Or strictly online friends?

srayzie ago

You thought @Bopper was my husband the other day. You’re gonna make him jealous! 🤭

Nadeshda ago

Speak woman, stawp deflecting... @bopper will be fine...

bopper ago

I really dug @srayzie till I found out she can't bake worth a flip. Basic laundry skills is about it. That Empress chick ought to take her to task.

Nadeshda ago

Lol, well I never did send you a picture of my bread, yikes my days ran away from me. I will not forget bopper. :) So if Empress teaches her to bake, who is teaching her elocution lessons? Lol...

bopper ago

Haha, good to hear from you.

Nadeshda ago

:) and you Sir!

srayzie ago

If you’re into a woman that bakes, Empress is for you 😂

bopper ago

Yeah, she's superwoman lol.

srayzie ago

Define IRL 🤔

Nadeshda ago

Sawry for the delay, had IRL stuff to deal with, I meant like off of Voat?

srayzie ago

I was just playing. Just Voat.

Shizy ago

You know what I was just thinking of? We used to laugh at zyklon and joke with him. He never said negative things to us about Q. But once we saw he was weird we started keeping our distance, he began to lash out at Q and at us. Maybe the lack of our attention caused him to sperg out to get our attention again? Like a little boy would do!

Native ago

Well said

Justsomebullshitname ago

They are only controllable because they are criminals. I’m just saying there is more to the story. You’re just flirting with the tip. Thrust deeper.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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sguevar ago

Didn't want to comment on part 1 because I wanted to read both of them.

I was unaware of several of the links you posted and I am amazed for the amount of work you put into this. Nice compendium of information on this user.

I personally have always seen him as a troll account but I agree that his behavior regarding GA, @srayzie and @shizy has been unacceptable and he has gone too far by posting porn on their sub. My problem there is that basically he calls them, and you I believe, (((jews in the letter))) but he uses the tool of the (((jews in the letter))) to attack (porn) in order to either to attack their credibility (as little as they have in Voat's community as a sub) further more.

So I do agree that he behaved like a (((jew in the letter))) there and have decided to pay more attention to his actions, but will ignore his constant post spamming complaining about you and the others. Why? Because is simply annoying to pay attention to his posts and it just reminds me that the (((jew in the letter))) cry out while stabbing you in the back. So I know that those posts are more of a diversion than anything else.

Have a good one.

Mumbleberry ago

And fine work it is!

sguevar ago

I agree there quite a fine work he did.

THSenior ago

I thoughts niggers and Jews live in peace. What’s the problem?

AcidRoach ago

Kikes are crafty fucking rats man

bopper ago

They are! Just the few I know, they're broke, but still quite cunning in their poverty!

Crensch ago

No, you haven't, but I'll happily nail you to the wall over minutiae where this is concerned.

Define "entire pack of you", then show me how this is ANYTHING like a "he started it, no, he did".

Since it's the only thing I can comment on, I never said shit about what he started with me. I (finally) saw a Jew, and I gassed it.

The1stLantern ago

Top tier deductive work. Kudos.

courtjester1111 ago

Wow. That's creepy af.

Crensch ago

What is?

courtjester1111 ago

Those images he was spamming people with, the kids at the shooting-range stumped me. Very disturbing, good piece btw. Wow again.

Crensch ago


Yeah. That's what this is.

Reddit-is-kill ago

The real question is if @zyklon_b is going to defend himself or is he just gonna cry holocaust?

jklsjas8347895 ago

he doesnt have to, defend himself against a concern troll....

prove to me you are not pedophile you kid toucher, i have PMs

theoldones ago

i wonder if he'll just go radio silent and hope people forget about this when he comes back. we won't.

Le_Squish ago

He's probably slipping IRL and gonna assault somebody and go to jail, again.

theoldones ago

@zyklon_b do more drugs and punch someone! it'll be great lol

Shizy ago

Sadly, it will probably be his ((((wife)))) or an innocent child.

zyklon_b ago

i will

antiliberalsociety ago

Liiiiike, this?

bopper ago

That was great, and so spot on, never seen it.

What is it about those guys...only other people like that, that I've done business with, is Pakistani's, and they're not half as smart, but tenacious and argumentative as hell.

Thanks much for this.

Reddit-is-kill ago

Meh, jews shilling online are a dime a dozen. I've noticed ZB before and didn't find him remarkable. But most of these posts are new to me.

If @crensch wants to try and clean up the streets of voat one kike or faggot at a time via public trial and "well written" arguments that's his right.

I dubbed him king of the shit like a month ago. These internet titles are really important.

Just sit back and enjoy the shitshow.

theoldones ago

if that's his attitude then i like how he gets shit done.

kingdomhearts123 ago

No I think you’re full of shit so I didn’t believe you.

kingdomhearts123 ago

Oh I read it 👍

kingdomhearts123 ago

Because It’s a pack of morons and sockpuppets who need to have their heads knocked together.

“Just wanting to be left alone” is on the grief cycle. You faggots are slowly realizing your shit is fake. You can’t be allowed to get stuck on “remorse” when total acceptance is so close.

Abuse is how we make you heal.

kingdomhearts123 ago

Let’s be clear... the Q people DO deserve abuse.

Crensch ago

the Q people DO deserve abuse.

Abuse? For their beliefs? For keeping their Q stuff in their own subs? What are you, a Jew that can't let happy white people live in peace and be left alone?

Look at what I just wrote.

When have you anti-Q folks ever put together something like that? I've never seen it. Not once. Just mockery and declarations of Q followers "deserv(ing) abuse".

This is the kind of shit I've been presented with. He left Voat in shame after that.

Don-Keyhote ago


Omfg bro don't break your arm with that stretch, fisting is risky

bopper ago

sup man?

recommend me a book

drstrangegov ago

Don quixote

bopper ago

Never read it is it relevant to Jews? Just know some of it.

@auralsects aka donkey is my jew expert but he's kinda mean right bro?

Vindicator ago

donkey is my jew expert but he's kinda mean

That's because he is mired in self-hatred. He used to talk about the fact that he is half Jewish and also half Black.

bopper ago

I remember that! Wow long time ago.

drstrangegov ago

Don't believe I've ever spoken to him

bopper ago

Smart guy but acerbic.

Shizy ago

Didn't Anne coulter write a book or two? I bet donkey has some signed copies!

bopper ago

@auralsects do you?

Did you go to Barnes & Noble, the one with the Starbucks?

The one Behind the shelter in the middle of the roundabout Where the pretty nurse is selling poppies from a tray And though she feels as if she's in a play, She is anyway?

kingdomhearts123 ago

Yes. They deserve abuse.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I agree. They are an embarrassment to Voat and delegitimize anything that we do here. It is as simple as that.

gustodog ago

You believe in guilt-by-association like a leftist... cool.

Crensch ago

@kingdomhearts123 states that Q followers deserve abuse. Not $uspicious at all.

Lafall ago

soap box fucked up, the spam was too much

Crensch ago

Fuckers gotta rock the boat.

kingdomhearts123 ago

Accept 9/11 truth.

Accept the fact that if there weren't enough white hats to prevent 9/11, there is no reason to be optimistic that there are enough to fix anything now.

Accept that transportation is a trick and that Israel is a hideout.

Accept that there is no political solution.

gustodog ago

Doesn't sound like you know much about Q. The first guy to put forward Q's basic theory, a week before the election, was a Jew. He said on TV that "Trump knows which Jews" were involved in 9/11.

kingdomhearts123 ago

Israel fuckhead. Say Israel.

gustodog ago

Somebody recently posted the recently released files on the Dancing Israelis to the sub, retard. There are pro-Israel boomers, yes, but there are also non-good-goys. The spook Jew who first put forward the idea core to Q (a year before Q) said publicly that "Trump knows which Jews" participated in 9/11.

srayzie ago

That’s where you have it all wrong. MOST of us know that 9/11 was an inside job. MANY are not pro-Israel. Most of the people that talk shit about us don’t even know about Q or what we believe.

Helbrecht ago

Quite a rundown, man. Very well put together

ExpertShitposter ago

I don't think he is the QRV gay porn spammer tho. Small detail, but i'm mentioning it. I have my theory on who it is, but i have no proof so i won't point any fingers.

srayzie ago

Yeah. He has morals right? Couldn’t be him. He just encourages it A LOT. At that point, it doesn’t even matter if he’s the one posting it. He’s got his faggot buddies doing it. @C_Corax is a piece of shit too.

Next excuse?

TheBuddha ago

LOL Now you can see why I opted to have no part in this when Z pinged me to the original altercation.

Ol' Buddha had good decision making skills that day!

ExpertShitposter ago

Well it matters because you can call him a lot of things, but not gay. And that's important!

Secondly, when i'm browsing QRV for lafs, i can be exposed to boobs and vegene, but not man crack.

Maybe he did do it, maybe hes just taking credit to gain more notoriety.

Shizy ago

There's proof he posted porn on GA.

ExpertShitposter ago

Porn maybe, but not GAY porn. There is a difference !

Shizy ago

There is a difference. But he keeps claiming he didn't post porn. He did post porn.

ExpertShitposter ago

Porn post he did, for sure.

Shizy ago

I'm not sure what to believe on the gore and porn in QRV. He's now saying it wasn't him, but before he was claiming it was him.

jklsjas8347895 ago

I know who it is, I can tell how he writes

ExpertShitposter ago

sure, tell me

i'm interested if i'm right.

kjlashas893890 ago

cant, I'm not a rat. Im not saying publicly

Its more than one person tho. I have nothing to do with it, I'll tell you that much. Maybe when voats memory hole kicks in I'll hint it to you.

there is one that is major, then a couple others that jump on...

I'm actually quitting voat, i gave this place enough chances to prove it self. I'm only posting because I was begged to stay because of what I know about this place and the warrior in me said okay.... fucking sucks man, I gotta a lot friends on here.

I might make a alt, and get so i can pm people to keep in touch, idk. Its not hard for me to get 100ccp account, maybe a day or two

I do miss ya buddy, you were one that had my back... goes a long ways with me.

idk man... stay strong, be safe bro.

ExpertShitposter ago

you are just called dial because it was one of your longest accounts.

kjlashas893890 ago

you are just called dial because it was one of your longest accounts.

not really, expert at one time i was running around 20 or more accounts at the same time. dial was just the first one i was open on voat about.

Most people that know me call me cheese or, hell even my real name

Crensch ago

Maybe. I saw where he said he didn't after claiming he did.

My point is his License to Jew™. Which was the satire? the art? If no lines are drawn ever, nobody can know. THere has to be some guide to what's real and what isn't, and it's a fact that he DOES act, so always assuming he's lying about acting is absurd. What're we to believe of any of what I posted?

captainstrange ago

If no lines are drawn ever, nobody can know.

Not to long ago you were part of the mob calling for a mod to be removed for banning someone and writing pretty much the same thing.

ExpertShitposter ago

License to Jew™


auralsects ago

For those scoffing, ask yourself if he's ever presented a valid alternative to supporting Trump

Lmfao, name me a serious WN who still supports Trump or even simply doesnt despise him.

That quote alone makes YOU a literal functioning kikeshill.

He calls them Jews, Israel followers, in a subverse of people that upvoted the questioning of the holocaust 355 times.

Oy vey dont believe your eyes in every single fucking thread, goy, check this arbitrary number of clicks, Q is slowly redpilling them by STATING THAT MERKEL IS HITLERS DAUGHTER AND "NWO" MEANS NAZI WORLD ORDER

YOU are the filthy rat kike here but you play your part well and depend on a gaggle of faggot sycophants to echo your pretentious faggot posts.

theoldones ago

Member for: 1.3 years

Submission Contribution Points: 0

Comment Contribution Points: -2407

auralsects ago

? You got something to say, you smelly little cunt?

theoldones ago

minus two thousand, four hundred, and seven?

auralsects ago

Thats just one. I have several at over -500.

Ask anyone: theyre all for Naming the Jew in v/pizzagate, which OP ostensibly mods and where he was caught covering for Jews explicitly.

Vindicator ago

Says the self-admitted actual Jew who LARPs as a white nationalist so he can undermine white nationalists.

@theoldones Donkey is a fraud.

theoldones ago


Native ago

I find @zyklon_b a Voat treasure. I mean just replace Zyklon with HPOP and you have the same argument why HPOP was terrible to the Voat community.

theoldones ago

the part about doxxing kids to pedos cannot be excused

Crensch ago

@Native defends @zyklon_b as a "treasure". A leftist, doxxing, child threatening, gore/porn/loli-posting, child abusing, unfunny faggot.

Native ago

It seems like in your attempt to virtue signaling you are dangerously close to committing the same sins of doxxing and threatening community members.

Voat can't go 6 months without some kind of drama. It's ridiculous.

Yes. I defend @zyklon_b you asked if anyone finds him valuable and entertaining. I do. I've had very personal discussions with him. He opened his house to me (should I chose to visit) and despite the shitposting is a good soul. Frankly, if anyone is trying to (((divide))) voat it's you. I've seen around these parts for years and NOT ONCE have I actually seen you make ANY personal posts.

So who is the Secret Agent Man? Zyklon who shit posts and interacts with the whole of the community or you, who continues to stir the shit every 6 months.

Crensch ago

Everyone can smell the Jew on you.

It seems like in your attempt to virtue signaling you are dangerously close to committing the same sins of doxxing and threatening community members.

Oh, am I? How DANGEROUSLY close am I to such a thing? Please do explain.

Voat can't go 6 months without some kind of drama. It's ridiculous.

Oh, should the blame be on literally everyone that didn't start this, or the one guy that did?

Yes. I defend @zyklon_b you asked if anyone finds him valuable and entertaining. I do. I've had very personal discussions with him. He opened his house to me (should I chose to visit) and despite the shitposting is a good soul.

I don't believe you, but thank you for the riveting anecdote.

Frankly, if anyone is trying to (((divide))) voat it's you.

I would split this website in two in order to not share this place with a Jew that goes around posting loli and bestiality porn and attacking people that are minding their own business. Luckily, I'm pretty sure it's just a few usernames that'll be burned that supported him in his effort to attack innocent users over their believes and speech. I don't give a FUCK about being divided from sacks of shit like you.

I've seen you around these parts for years and NOT ONCE have I actually seen you make ANY personal posts.


So who is the Secret Agent Man?

We both know. Well, everyone knows now.

Zyklon who shit posts and interacts with the whole of the community or you, who continues to stir the shit every 6 months.

"interacts" is a wonderful Jewish word for "attacks with loli porn and doxes and threatens children and attacks communities for minding their own business".

It smells like pork.

Reddit-is-kill ago

Tactics. Smear shit everywhere to confuse your enemy. The enemy can't fight if they're too busy gagging.

bbylon ago

Now it just looks like you're attempting to scare people away from defending him.

If it's true that Zyzklon_b posted loli/child-porn he's obviously a degenerate faggot who needs to go into hiding on the day of the rope. As for the rest of what you dug up on him I really can't see how he could be a shill. Someone larping as a nigger while talking about his Obama-phone isn't exactly effective shilling.

Crensch ago

Now it just looks like you're attempting to scare people away from defending him.

So? Would it be better if I wrote:

"1990 trufe (((Trump))) dey keedz"

When scaring people away?

If it's true that Zyzklon_b posted loli/child-porn he's obviously a degenerate faggot who needs to go into hiding on the day of the rope.

Maybe we should check his License to Jew™?

As for the rest of what you dug up on him I really can't see how he could be a shill. Someone larping as a nigger while talking about his Obama-phone isn't exactly effective shilling.

Nobody's buying the astroturf, ShareBlue.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

All you faggots need a life.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

Why is part 2 in part 1?

Crensch ago

What do you mean?

Crensch ago

Incase someone stumbles on part 2 first. Usually more useful when trying to look it up after the fact. Maybe not needed, but I've found myself on a part 2 without being able to find part 1 before on forums.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

Not trying to be a dick but genuinely curious, why two posts?

Crensch ago

It was over 10,000 characters.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago


Crensch ago

St. Tarrant would be proud.

Kalergi ago

kek. Gotta admire your dedication.

Acerphoon ago

While I think that Q is a Larp, I don't understand why someone would go out of their way to spam them with gore and porn.
Really weird.

gustodog ago

Ideology seem the only explanation.

Vindicator ago

Well they wouldn't, just for a LARP. That would be an extreme waste of time and money.

CameraCode0 ago

It's only him (and a few people like him) that are that butthurt by Q. They don't affect me in any way even if I think many are Zionist boomers. Reminds me of leftists' irrational hatred. I'm not sure if he is or not, but people like that who are overly emotional and take things too seriously while simultaneously brushing off any criticism of themselves by claiming everything they say is serious are a drain on Voat.

Voat seems to attract some people that hold petty grudges and are childish and need to make everything about them.

Inquisitioner ago

I can understand it. It's like when E-celeb fans invade /cow/ and we post animal torture to send them away. I personally despise what Qtards do here, because even the 'good' ones who lurk tend to upvote in silence like they were taught to back on the_donald, which causes a basic bitch conservative narrative to take precedence over native content.

Helbrecht ago

Agreed. The porn dumps went too far, especially the disgusting loli shit.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Woah. That's a lotta sleuthing.

I always just got the impression he is a meth head slipping in and out of consciousness.

Personally I'll post a snarky comment or two on the Q subs every once in a while when I see a bit too much trump worship or Israel support. Redpill slowly but surely, like the fph people. But to post gore/porn? That's a tactic to reduce the amount of visiting users. It's how jidf destroys 4chan. It's 100% a Jew tactic.

On a side note, how big is your file on me... :S

HIVchan ago

Run. Hide. Fear the Crensch. The all powerful, doxxing Crensch. The savoir of voat. The frustrated old who has HIVchan going up his ass.

18757887? ago

But to post gore/porn? That's a tactic to reduce the amount of visiting users

That's exactly how I feel about it. I have no interest in the whole Q thing but I am interested in Voat getting more visitors. How can we red pill normies if we have no new visitors?

srayzie ago

Yes! 👆🏻

Justsomebullshitname ago

It’s a tactic to prevent live streaming of the forum by profiteering name fags.

Curious if you’ve ever looked at the hand behind the Jews or if you let the inclusive feelings from hating Jews keep you from seeing that they are controlled them selves. They are just a mask worn by another.

YouAreASlave ago


Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Who controls the Jews?

70times7 ago

The actual answer is arturo sosa.

But not many like that truth.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Uh huh. So Arturo Sosa told the Jews to kidnap and ritually sacrifice little boys in the medieval times?

Jews have been a plague longer than Jesuits have existed.

70times7 ago

The "mystery" religion had people killing children throughout history. Of all colors and creeds.

Its current home base of operations is the roman catholic church.

Mystery babylon the great.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Right so Jews killed Catholic boys and it was the Catholic's fault. Sounds like victim blaming.

How's the saying goes: "the jew cries out as he strikes you?"

70times7 ago

Dude learn some history.

Theyve been sacrificing children since before babylon.

They were killing them pre-flood to their gods. Wasnt even such thing as a jew back then.

You take a deep subject and ram yourself into a wall whining about the jews.

Its 1000x bigger then the jews.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Alright well I'll need some links then.

70times7 ago

You need some links to ancient child sacrifices? You have never heard of them?

Kids to molach, reliefs from babylon, the 1000 recorded sacrifice sites, etc

Never heard of any of these?

You read a thread on a chan and now every single thing that ever has happened, or does happen is "the jews"

Youre living up to the name. Learn your history.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

No I understand that there has always been child sacrifices. I just want links to support that the child sacrificing people are catholic clergy and not Jews, Satanists and weird culty oligoarchs like Hillary Clinton.

Please don't get mad when I ask for proof.

70times7 ago

Not good enough?

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Fuckoff shill. Your shits on blast in the ban log, you cunt. Always knew you were a piece of trash, human garbage; a douchebag receptacle. Hope you get killed by crashing into an 18-wheeler.

70times7 ago

Learn to read genius. Peeps were downvoating me. Not me downvoating them.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I guess what I would say is that I do know and acknowledge that the church has worked in many pagan things in order to make conversions easier during early Christianity.

What I don't think is that it would have adopted the child rapey parts of paganism because we know that there are pagan traditions the church did not adopt such as slavery, polygamy, exposure ,etc. These traditions went against the teachings of Christ so they were abandoned. Child rape and sacrifice also goes against the teachings of Christ and would be abandoned.

The thing is we aren't going to convince each other because there is nothing I could post to sway you (because how can you nullify that something like that happens in secret) and I don't think evidence strong exists to sway me.

We will just have to agree to disagree.

Btw did you see the new banned lists? You were a target of negative vote manipulation check it out.

70times7 ago

Always the target of negative voats.

Every once in a while I get another 50 or so ccp overnight because someone got banned.

This guy was kind enough to point out the latest round of bans to me.

*though he doesnt seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed

70times7 ago

Not mad.

The roman churches history of satanism and blood sacrifice is not hidden.

Nor is it hidden that they admit openly and proudly their religion is the religion of babylon. Same customs, ceremonies and all.

"It is interesting to note how often our Church has availed herself of practices which were in common use among pagans...Thus it is true, in a certain sense, that some Catholic rites and ceremonies are a reproduction of those of pagan creeds...." (The Externals of the Catholic Church, Her Government, Ceremonies, Festivals, Sacramentals and Devotions, by John F. Sullivan, p 156, published by P.J. Kennedy, NY, 1942)

"It has often been charged... that Catholicism is overlaid with many pagan incrustations. Catholicism is ready to accept that accusation - and even to make it her boast... the great god Pan is not really dead, he is baptized" -The Story of Catholicism p 37

Cardinal Newman admits in his book that; the "The use of temples, and these dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on occasions with branches of trees; incense, lamps, and candles; votive offerings on recovery from illness; holy water; asylums; holydays and seasons, use of calendars, processions, blessings on the fields; sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure, the ring in marriage, turning to the East, images at a later date, perhaps the ecclesiastical chant, and the Kyrie Eleison , are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the Church. {374}" -An Essay on The Development of the Christian Doctrine John Henry "Cardinal Newman" p.359

The penetration of the religion of Babylon became so general and well known that Rome was called the "New Babylon." -Faith of our fathers 1917 ed. Cardinal Gibbons, p. 106

"The Church did everything it could to stamp out such 'pagan' rites, but had to capitualet and allow the rites to continue with only the name of the local diety changed to some Christian saint's name." -Religious Tradition and Myth. Dr. Edwin Goodenough, Professor of Religion, Harvard University. p. 56, 57

That is what they admit openly. They are the child sacrificing cult of ancient rebranded with a Jesus bumpersticker.

From Babylon, to the Vatican.

The mystery religion.

*if you really dont know this stuff, google it for an hour. They were doing this crap 1000+ years before anyone from the tribe of judah was even born.

DayOfThePillow ago

Go on name them then and post the evidence

ExpertShitposter ago

On a side note, how big is your file on me... :S


jklsjas8347895 ago

lol, i can see it now

"OMG dial rapes and dismembers bodies HE is a serial killer!"

Actually I think they did one time, well kevdud did. He even stickied it in PV.

Wanna know the real reason dial and his backup army was banned, it wasnt the fact I would protect myself from downvoat brigades on a nightly basis. It was that I was getting too strong.

Fuckit, And you know what there is alot more people than you think out there like me.


mark my words expert, the next step is requiring 10ccp to comment. ccp is used to censor

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Well at least you admit to vote manipulation

heygeorge ago

I am fairly certain you just got caught up in the SavetheChildren dragnet. Puttsy even apologized to you. It’s up to you if you want to be a total faggot about that.

kkasdfa88934 ago

putt never apologized for shit, he fucking laughed.... And yes I knew about savethechildren, he was really strong, I even complimented him. We met on alts plenty of times.

Puttsy even apologized to you. It’s up to you if you want to be a total faggot about that.

no he didnt, if @puttitout want to apologize to me he can find out who was the one/ones systematically downvoating dial and sanction them, and unbann my shit... but to fucking late now.

I like you heygeorge, but dont patronize me.. especially when you harbor gabara

heygeorge ago

especially when you harbor @gabara

I chuckled a bit

kkasdfa88934 ago

@gabara has asked me before to brigade/attack verses before @puttitout

so has @kevdude

yet im banned..... hmmm

I guess putt need to make payroll this month, hence the sticky

SandHog ago

Wanna know the real reason dial and his backup army was banned, it wasnt the fact I would protect myself from downvoat brigades on a nightly basis. It was that I was getting too strong.

So you're finally admitting that you were upvoating things across multiple accounts...interesting. Not surprising but it's interesting to hear you finally admit it.

Fuckit, And you know what there is alot more people than you think out there like me.

Like you and you and you? Is that what you are saying, Dial? Because that's what I am hearing. You know if you just stopped agitating shit and contributed honestly to the conversation you would have zero problems here.

zxcvzxcvzx ago

So you're finally admitting that you were upvoating things across multiple accounts...interesting. Not surprising but it's interesting to hear you finally admit it.

never denied it, I mostly used to protect dial, if you notice when banned his ccp dropped by more than half. I only offset downvoat brigades to make it back to zero. these I would receive on a nightly basis withing 15-20 minutes starting at about 2am CST, but yeah wtf do i know right?

You know if you just stopped agitating shit and contributed honestly to the conversation you would have zero problems here.

you see look at you, "just don't have a opinion, come, be here with the hive mind" have our say @puttitout that should be voats new motto

SandHog ago

never denied it, I mostly used to protect dial, if you notice when banned his ccp dropped by more than half. I only offset downvoat brigades to make it back to zero. these I would receive on a nightly basis withing 15-20 minutes starting at about 2am CST, but yeah wtf do i know right?

I've never downvoat stalked you. Maybe a comment here or there if you were being particularly obnoxious is all. I just never heard you admit to pushing content before even though I always assumed you were doing it to some extent.

you see look at you, "just don't have a opinion, come, be here with the hive mind" have our say @puttitout that should be voats new motto

Where is that not true on a platform with an 'agree/disagree' button though?

zxcvzxcvzx ago

I just never heard you admit to pushing content before even though I always assumed you were doing it to some extent.

very rarely I would, it would maybe just be a song from a friend etc. that about it maybe like 2 times.

Where is that not true on a platform with an 'agree/disagree' button though?

downvoats count against ccp, ccp is used to censor people a group of 20 can completely silence people, making them not want to contribute and have ZERO discussion, silencing their free thought @puttitout knows this yet he going to strengthening it further.

look at the sticky, wonder why?????? they want to control speech, this happen to reddit etc, putt is trying to make it profitable. that means censor.

he is trying to create a localized group of people to control thought. He wants more normies to shill ads too, and make coin.

I think this might be first dialogue I've had with with you. You seem pretty nice.


TheGrandMaster ago

Ah, you are still around

ExpertShitposter ago

Just.....pick a cool name and make




jklsjas8347895 ago

I love to from him to on dial, 95% of the shit I posted was bullshit

Crensch ago

You know that part in The Matrix where Neo says he needs lots of guns?

jklsjas8347895 ago

Neo says he needs lots of guns?

matrix was a fake world too, and a work of fiction....written by two trannies

PV goon


zyklon b is a shithead shill

jklsjas8347895 ago

he actually isnt

@crensch here come the to defend you

Shizy ago

We've seen a wel laid out argument showing zyklon to be a shill. Where's your argument defending him? "He actually isn't" is not an argument, just an opinion.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

no... what is here is called concerned trolling.

Where's your argument defending him?

you see, he doesn't need one you faggot

Shizy ago

Yep I'm a faggot!

Shortest_Skill ago

Shit alt


hi dial

PuttitoutIsGone ago

You kinda come off sounding butthurt. Were you and ZB lovers at some point?

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Yes they were, post history proves it

srayzie ago

No. He sounds bad ass. Not a pathetic drug addict with no life.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

If you check their post histories, you will find that dial, zyklon and goat404 were/are big buddies. Zyklon is a convicted criminal and the other 2 are alcoholics so yeah.

srayzie ago

Zyklon is a lot of things. Druggie too.

Crensch ago

Nothing blipped on my radar, I just have everything.

Intrixina ago

I thought he was just a kid with a room temperature IQ, myself.

slickleg64 ago

Gave him too much credit, just a methy kike on an obamaphone.

Crensch ago

What do you think now?

Intrixina ago

A bunch of misspelled posts with not much in the way of effort, to be honest.

I don't really pay attention to random spam-tier comments which add little, or nothing to a conversation.

Crensch ago

Fair enough.

Intrixina ago

That being said, your sleuthing is pretty damn impressive.

Crensch ago

Thank you.

Zinnsee ago

Great observation and thanks for the effort to write it up!

jklsjas8347895 ago

geee you tranny stalkers all stick together dont you

shadow332 ago

Member for 28 days

Intrixina ago

One of Dial's alts.

jklsjas8347895 ago

mu mumu mu one of mumbleberrys alts

Intrixina ago

Who the fuck is mumbleberry?

KillerKap ago

Fuck the true faggot ZB. He doesnt deserve an F

theoldones ago

not an F


theoldones ago


ihatejunkiemail ago


jklsjas8347895 ago

shit alt

@crensch, more alts come to your aid?

Shit_Alt ago

There is only one Shit Alt!

Shizy ago

shit alt

Says the 27 day old account 🤣😂🤣🤣😂

jkasdfhk7732 ago

emojis are incel faggots. or 12 year old girls.. or perverted pedos who try to attract younger kids.

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Fuck off FATTY

Shizy ago

Oh hey, what's up @thisistotallynotme. New alt I see?

jkasdfhk7732 ago

fucking retard, tink you so smert dont you, i cant believe i wasted a comment on your fag ass. go shill harder you kike

Shizy ago

Hey, I owned up to being a fag, but I am not a kike or a retard (most days) so fuck off with your name calling.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Is this the boom q predicted?

VicariousJambi ago

He did say boom(er) week was ahead!

Native ago


LiberationArtFront ago

creepy shills got exposed