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GodsAngell ago

Hang in there, srayzie, we are with YOU. Keep up the good work, it is much appreciated!

srayzie ago

Thanks GodsAngell!

Fateswebb ago

That site they're saying is a backup, already I am turned off by not interested at least not right now.

iDontShift ago

that is pretty fucked situation.

i'd say your talking directly to deep state.

i've run into it before. they would delete their posts... but i screenshotted everything..

it was long after that reddit stopped being reddit. maybe a year or so.

the way he wanted to help... reminds me of ayn rand character that would 'help' others but never be the actual lead, so he never took the fall.

that is how the cabal works, and how they 'stay on top' by never being in the lead, but comprising the leaders.

srayzie ago

So many people are suddenly acting crazy. Neon’s always been a snake. But damn, this was even surprising to me. He’s about to release a book and gets his info from shills?

iDontShift ago

he is a schill. not getting info from, but is.

the way he talked was not friendly, but coercive. and the only way to 'be his friend' was to ban someone you didn't think deserved it.

he wanted you to 'trust him' so he could further his agenda... you being his puppet.

that is what i take from the post, and your blog, which i read most of it about what happened.

the language was manipulative and condescending, and his acts around them speak of deception.

suppose he could be a sorry ass fool sitting at home, but i remember reading his stuff right at first, and it made sense..

it trailed off quickly over time and i lost interest.

srayzie ago

Yes. I agree. Another thing shills will do is edit their comments later to make it fit their narrative

iDontShift ago

that is exactly why i started screenshotting everything... i forgot, but yes. this asshole kept changing his comments to make my comment make no sense.

so i started including screencaps with each post.

he/she/it stopped after that.

tired of these shadows.


srayzie ago

I’m a screenshot freak 😂 I do that too. What I like about Evernote, is that I can upload screenshots to it, and if I search, it will find the words even in the images! So, like if I Screenshot this and uploaded it, and I searched your username, it would take me to that screenshot. I love it. Plus I archive.

iDontShift ago

sounds like you are a great person to have as a mod.

srayzie ago

Awww thanks!

MolochHunter ago

fact is, Putt neednt do ANYTHING, and QRV neednt arrange a backup, if its moderators just GOT THE FUCK OFF THEIR ASSES and actually did some moderating

bopper ago

this right heeyah

RockmanRaiden ago

Julian's Rum on Twitter is friends with Neon and has spent a good chunk of the day defending him. Says MAGA Coalition lied about Neon.

srayzie ago

I would believe MAGA Coalition before I’d believe that punk 😂

fancypants211 ago

im getting tired of the hyterics. the attempts to divide will fail. you know why? I look everywhere! i watch many many different Q sites. in the end i go back to Q or research myself. nobody is going to tell me what to think. i keep my mind open to information but make my own mind up on who is legit and who tries to divide. so i think that is the case with most people on here. but if you have a weak minded person easily led astray then they will be led astray what. exactly what is our purpose here anyway? its not like we are doing any real fighting all we are doing is staying informed. if Q needed us he wouldnt be posting less and less. they are doing all the fighting i really think if they really needed us Q would not be posting only old shit lately. the declas is coming all we have to do on these sites is look at the buckets of unsealed indictments. we will be watching msm for the trials for that. people thinking they are the news is a joke. nobody on the sites do anything accept pull from other media, nobody here is a journalist. so calm down already. nobody cares about neon. if they do whatever. half the crap people decode isnt even acurate anyway. none of it. Q always throws in a twist. I actually hate knowing all this crap 2 years ahead. it is exhausting to have to wait for the truth to come out. and in trickles no less. people saying the same shit over and over and over again.

bopper ago

half the crap people decode isnt even accurate anyway

Well I certainly can agree on this comment lol..

Podingo7 ago

"Peon the Dolt" is irrelevant and knows it, thats why he wants to cause problems everywhere..

bopper ago

If you guys appreciate the mods here (and their efforts to keep this place porn and spam free) then please show support with a simple upvote.

Very important right now as there is heightened shilling and warfare due to the upcoming exposure of DS upon the recent declas.

MolochHunter ago

if you guys appreciate the mods here, pm bewbz plzkthx

bopper ago

This statement is hetero.


RobWilJas ago

Nobody cares. You guys are trying to do the same as happened with reddit, it couldn't be more obvious.

Attempts to divide will fail.

derram ago :

FastJack on Twitter: "#Fakenews… " :

Sʀᴀʏᴢɪᴇ on Twitter: "It’s a global notable on QResearch.

It’s a sticky on QRV

I describe it...

Voat’s owner only asked that you guys clean up porn. You are choosing to change platforms & Twist his words.

QRV #Qanon…"

This has been an automated message.

Diggernicks ago

Can you guys just take your faggy drama back to reddit or basically anywhere but here?

ArielQflip ago

@srayzie @PuttItOut This infighting needs to stop in the spirit of the 1st Amendment. I could care less who is modding QRV and I can deal with the spam. For those of you who want to make an issue of degeneracy posted to this subverse or QRV, it's nothing to ignore it but if you cannot, then check yourself to the moral stripe you assert. I hope this stops soon

srayzie ago

You should be aware of people in power out to divide the Q community, and lying about this platform. This is spreading everywhere now. That’s messed up.

ArielQflip ago

But I am. I am a Reddit fugee. I'm well aware, as it's been happening evidently before I arrived. My post was to say RISE ABOVE IT as all FREE SPEECH SUPPOTERS do. The complaints are from those who want division. Get it?

srayzie ago

How are newbies going to know? We have had new subscribers practically everyday since August. I don’t want to see another Jerome Corsi stunt divide us. I’m tired of lies meant to divide us.

Scablifter ago

Well said.

srayzie ago

Thanks Scablifter

ArielQflip ago

Agreed. It's a principled strategy.

bopper ago

Not that simple..

ArielQflip ago

Oh yes it is. Good luck with that.

bopper ago

Maybe offer your services as a mod then.

It's easy to sit in the wagon and not get out and push, I know because I'm guilty of that very thing myself.

ArielQflip ago

Be happy to, although I'm sure some would not see me fit.

bopper ago

Don't know you but they could use the help..

ArielQflip ago

Only if I was suggested by another goat. I claim nothing here, save opinion. I KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.

pby1000 ago

QRV is definitely under attack. Are the mods compromised?

srayzie ago

Read the links. You have to reach your own conclusion on that.

pby1000 ago

compromised then.

gabara ago

Poal sucks

ArielQflip ago

Why. Never been there?

YugeDick ago

I've heard there's censoring. Apparently right from its inception. Never bothered to visit myself.

Voat remains censorship free. As it should be.

ArielQflip ago

Agreed. No censorship. If the subverse is too hot, get out. The frying pan will hit you on the way out. Just saying.