eyerighteye ago

Sitting around on a piece of ground in your hometown.

ArielQflip ago

Dammit. 1st Amendment folks. It's does not matter in the long run. Yes, it's been shown that there are nafarious users doing thier paid bidding. But don't give up! Good GOD, turn the tables with forethought niggerfaggots. Uhg!

3DYOB75 ago


srayzie ago

Please be more specific? Link? Send me a private message if you would like.

Qureaucrat ago

....,(o,o),.... interestingggg. this sounds like someone trying to act with a fair hand. im glad this post has a flag on it.

unread, as a little reminder in the corner.

always stand outside of the box so that you have the widest perspective possible.


thewebofslime ago

If voting really changed anything, governments would make it illegal. - Abradolf Lincler

sorosminion ago

LOL CRAYZIE! You are hilarious with your oh so earnest bullshit about your favorit LARP! FUCKING FUNNY AS HELL! I love seeing you idiots sputter and flail about, your idiotic deep state bullshit, your ridiculous psycho beliefs that Trump cares about you and "Q", that Trump reads the stupid shit here. It's comedy at it's BEST, a never ending ( for now), source of laughter! KEEP IT UP CRAYZIE AND SCHITTY! Without you and you hilarious posts, it wouldn't be half as FUNNY!

srayzie ago

I would love for you to send me a private message and show me what you mean by writing styles. I thinks she’s probably got alts too. If I was a shill, that would be a fun character to play. Everyone thinks she’s a fricken nut case so she gets away with more, but gets shilled, which disrupts and distracts. It’s a smart way to do it.

Now she’s playing victim. Milking it. 🙄

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

@clamhurt_legbeard, @MolochHunter, @Shizy, @Srayzie :)

To increase users unity and reduce users division, I suggest to add a reminder to the sidebar to GreatAwakening. The number 1 in this screenshot shows the suggested reminder. This is an extract from a Qanon's post. https://i.postimg.cc/VLB831Qr/sidebar-unite-reminder.jpg

I suggest to add this reminder at the top of the sidebar. So that all users see it without having to scroll down the page.

This reminder is very effective on QRV. You can see a real example at https://voat.co/v/QRV/

srayzie ago

We’re running out of room on the side bar. We have a character limit. It doesn’t look like it’s affective on QRV because they are falling apart. They even removed all links from the side bar. Thanks anyway.

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

Thanks @Srayzie and all moderators :) Good idea to sticky this post. That might be useful for newcomers.

heygeorge ago

Ha! It’s been so serious around here I didn’t know what to think.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Do not trust the image links. They are probably porn or gore. Do not reply.

You guys can't figure out to get around that yet? Sad!

heygeorge ago

You use your votes. You’ve also offered to sticky a comment of mine about this on PV (were I to flesh it out).

So this seems like a peculiar answer?

Patti_McGreen ago

thanks for explaining all this. I came here to get the real news (after Reddit started censoring) I have been following Q since Oct 2017. Much of the subject matter discussed is all very familiar to me as my long history, 30+ years, is confirmed by many of you.

What's unfamiliar is the board culture. I have done my best to navigate this online format. I am grateful for my past online IT coursework for my degree as much of the requirements were conducted in discussion boards monitored by the professor.

As an older adult, attempting to get my peers here, and turn off THEIR TELEVISIONS, yet they complain that the atmosphere here is "uncomfortable".

I have ignored derogatory comments about Boomers and if explained in these discussions numerous times that there are many conservative Boomers that are woke they are Trump supporters and it's important that these boards do not alienate them. They stick with their televisions and newspapers because it's something they're used to and if they're scared of these boards then they're not going to really learn the total truth that's going on here.

I was harassed by somebody yesterday and I gave up after a little bit I'll have to go back and find the name of the person. They eventually gave up. But their comments I felt weird telling me to get out of here and trying to shame me and insult me.

Also and finally I do not know how to contact the mods privately to let them know that something's going on. Some instruction on that would be helpful. Thank you and happy Sunday😃

KillerKap ago

Tallest_Skill is professional disinfo agent without a doubt. If you enjoy reading, http://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

Patti_McGreen ago

Thank you. This is very helpful.

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divine_human ago

from what ive observed, goat are quick to downvoat, esp. with opposing opinions on racism, but lazy with upvoats. i also got infected by it but changed my voting patterns over the past few months.

votes are the only tools we have to keep the shills in check., esp. on anon subs. if every user and even every lurker used that tool, downvoat shill posts and comments into oblivion while ignoring the content, and upvoat posts that add to the subject, we would counter their attacks.

remember, they come in in gangs or with several alts and THEY use the vote tools very well. we can do the same.

flatbush711 ago

Study the law, learn, cross reference.


eyerighteye ago

Time well spent. Thanks Anon.

ideologicidal ago

Bookmarked for later reference. Many thanqs for sharing.

srayzie ago

This was awesome

LightningAndTheSun ago

TIL people still falling for the Qlarp

KVD ago

This is an important posts that should be read by everyone that is here for the right reasons:

Eat shit.

srayzie ago

Thank you, I commented

srayzie ago


Upvote each other too! Upvote good posts and good comments.

Moorgarten ago

I Could use some upvoats to finally downvote this negative stuff! Thank You!


People need to move their mouse, and fingers, if they don't want to read crap on their screens.

If only there were some way to make the horses actually drink the water when we bring them to it.

srayzie ago

Lol yep

ideologicidal ago



QualityShitposter ago

just banning shit posters doesn’t work. Have you tried giving them cookies and pictures of boobs?

srayzie ago

I want to let you guys know that several people, including me, suspect that @LauraIngalls is a shill playing innocent. She disrupts and distracts by attacking others and egging on shills while pretending that she’s just naive.

We’ve tried helping Laura countless times. Today, I spent over an hour helping her over private message. She wrote me this morning and acted like she didn’t know how to tell when she was being pinged to other subverses, why she couldn’t block anonymous users with numbers as their username, why they always attack her, and more.

I made her this graphic to teach her how to tell. Here are excerpts from my reply where I explained things to her. When I started Voat, I was extremely naive too so I felt sorry for her. I even had to tell her how to save the graphic to her computer.

Right after that, I see that she had made this post. She is very aware that that talking about Jews is a touchy subject. She started being shilled. After I had just spent over an hour helping her, she does this. Then she sends me another private message and says this! I replied to this comment and let her know that we aren’t going to help her anymore. We’ve tried several times. I think her innocent act is fake.

So, if you see Laura egging on the shills, please downvote her and treat her like you would any shill.

@Bopper you are our witness that we have tried to help her several times.

@Shizy @MolochHunter

MudPuddlePie ago

I have wondered this for a while now....Srayzie, can you go into my account and read the last several posts/replies (some private, some not I think) she made to me concerning you (and my replies back.) At one point she made an accusation, I questioned it, then she said she couldn't find where you said something (which is impossible as everything is in our history, correct?)

I think you need to read them. Or tell me how to send them to you.

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divine_human ago

I want to let you guys know that several people, including me, suspect that @LauraIngalls is a shill playing innocent.

i get your frustration, you put a lot of time and energy into teaching her and she doesnt get it. however, i dont agree to your shill conclusion.

and i certainly dont agree to your call out to SBBH https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3227020, inviting them to troll her. bad move for a mod who should be neutral and level-headed, really, disappointing.

Lauraingalls ago

Thanks for the support, Really SAD and immature on her part and SICK.

Nadeshda ago

he said: she doesnt get it, she doesnt get it.she doesnt get it.she doesnt get it.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo.........

Nadeshda ago

Just so you know; I am just fascinated with you, you are so obsessed with Q and Trump it’s borderline idolatry... srayzie has no power over me as I do not submit to her.

Q has power over you though as you willingly submit to it doctrines. Be watchful and pray constantly as the deceiver is pretty cunning my dear.

divine_human ago

not fond of people bashing, laura, neither you nor srayzie. she has a point. if you want to have fun on voat, you need to change your behavior, else you will be attacked by the goats.

Lauraingalls ago

I understand that.

srayzie ago

Us mods don’t deserve to have to work more because you think it’s fun to fight with shills. Stop playing the victim.


srayzie ago

Shizy ago

I told her publically several days ago how to block users who are bothering her.

I wrote her privately yesterday to tell her I saw she was being attacked and don't agree with it, and have her some tips on how to avoid being targeted. She never wrote me back or acknowledged I was trying to help her. I'm not sure what else can be done for her if she doesn't want to help herself.

divine_human ago

i agree. any way, its better to enter it on your credit side as experience and ditch it now. blaming doesnt help anybody, it only makes things worse.

Lauraingalls ago

I agree. I can't win anyway so no point trying. Thanks,

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DickTick ago

And how in gods name is /u/GodsAngell not in that exact same category? Hell, for the longest time a few of us thought that those 2 ladies were the same exact person.... I ended up deciding that I don't believe they are the same person, but that just goes to show how similar their mannerisms, posting styles, attitudes, and personalities actually are at times...

argosciv ago

And how in gods name is GodsAngell not in that exact same category?

She is, for me. Just saying.


srayzie ago

Maybe she is. We need to watch her. Not everyone who overreacts is a shill. If you see her acting like a shill, downvote her.

PGLiterati ago

I've been convinced she is a shill since October. I stay away. I really don't like naming names--but I suspect she has a second identity on the board as well.

DickTick ago

I'm not necessarily sure either one of them are actually real shills, but sometimes blissful ignorance can do just as much damage, if not more, to a movement such as this.

Thank you though!

heygeorge ago

I think you’d all be well advised to use your votes more, especially the upvotes. If commentary adds to the discussion, upvote it.

I’m not looking to pick on OP, who’s clearly been taking a lot of flak recently, but @srayzie’s account helps to illustrate this point.

Over approx. three years of posting, srayz has managed to comment nearly 30 times a day. In this same time period, srayz has averaged giving only 3 comment upvotes per day.

If someone is adding to the discussion, whether or not you agree with them you should be upvoting them. Even lurkers can do this. They don’t cost a thing!

And they will help to enable the more thoughtful people to post more things, and in turn give out more upvotes. Consider, then, using downvotes for spam. Low effort commentary may be left alone, unless it is complete tripe you’d like to see less of. This would create three distinctive tiers of comment quality to help casuals decipher what’s going on!

srayzie ago

I edited and added that.

srayzie ago

I agree. I need to get better about upvoting. I forget about it. Upvoting is very important as well.

PacaGoat ago

Free speech while it is a right given us, it has limits. Yep I said it. Here is an illustration of what I mean.

When I was about 12 just coming into my oats.....as it were, my grandmother told me to do something. Well.... I got hardheaded about it. I bowed up (bad juju!!!) At my grandmother. "I got rights," I protested.

She put her hands on her hips and said, yes you do son. But your rights stop at the end of my nose.

Ones rights to free speech atop at the point of infringing on others rights.

59Geezer ago

Rights come with inherent responsibilities.

W45P__ ago

what right are porn posters actually infringing upon tho?

PacaGoat ago

If you have to ask then you are ignorant of reality.

Vulgarity and assualting people with filth is not protected speech. Slapping people in the face with perversion is not a right.

W45P__ ago

actually the supreme court just affirmed it is a right. there is no such thing as hate speech or "assaulting speech". you seriously sound like a liberal cheering on censorship online.

and beside i asked what right does others pornhub posting infringe upon? you have 0 right to go online and not be grossed out/offended. i'm not even saying the porn posters aren't shills because they prolly are! but they have a right to do it. literally ignore them and learn how the internet works. no judgement but i bet you're an older anon fairly new to the chans right? you'd never been there before trump, am i right? just take some advice from us oldfags. trust me.

they have a right to post. don't give into the slippery slope of censorship.

PacaGoat ago

You do not have any right to assualt a person or group of people with child porn or filth. Scotus hasnt said that.

W45P__ ago

yes, they have. not child porn because that's illegal. it isn't illegal to post filth on a public forum. you can't be "assaulted" by images wtf are you a leftist? i can tell you're older and you're new to the chan culture. just admit it. you're rather new (less than 5 years) and you want to form in and change the culture. sounds like a refugee who doesn't wanna adapt to the community that took them in. interesting. i swear to christ you boomers will be the end of the last vesting of a truly free and open internet. jfc

PacaGoat ago

No son your stretching it a bit. Sound like larry flint. Another looser.

W45P__ ago

not stretching at all. im not your son boomer. you know i'm right. you came and tried to change chan culture. you need to adapt to us, not the other way around. we actually value free speech absolute free speech

PacaGoat ago

Then you are stupid diaper head.

W45P__ ago

that is how a person talks when they know theyve been btfo and destroyed. nice argument

OriginalRealityCheck ago

That's true for all rights and freedoms.

Vindicator ago

An embarassment, really.

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scoripowarrior ago

Can anyone tell us what "sbbh" means or refers to? I also saw it on QRV then followed a link from there to here from Srayzie.

heygeorge ago

It’s either a pack of highly organized satanic trannies who secretly run Voat or just some peculiar disorganized users with a penchant for surrealist anti-humour.

I’m not entirely sure, tbh

lord_nougat ago

Sounds pretty spot on either way!

heygeorge ago

@expertshitposter only 5 days old, but mmmmmmmmm

srayzie ago

It’s either a pack of highly organized satanic trannies who secretly run Voat

That’s a scary thought 😂

Vindicator ago

v/SoapBoxBanhammer. It's a shitposting subverse.

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Fritter ago

Been there & done that for years. I pay no attention to them anymore other than joking at them or throwing in a crack & never responds ng after that.

Are_we__sure ago


Now do Nazis who try to recruit from Q followers and folks calling for civil war.

srayzie ago

I want to let you guys know that this user is a longtime pizzagate shill who is a big time Hillary supporter.

Are_we_sure ago

Also I don't like Nazis trying recruit people or folks calling for civil. Add those two facts too.

But don't you see your own board is being used to radicalize people? And the Nazis are hoping radicalized folks take the next step to real violence or preparations for real life violence.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

We’re incredibly effective at blackpilling boomers with disposable income here.

heygeorge ago

Now do what to them

Redcobra ago

Wait a minute here,, aren’t you the one what called sbbh a gang months ago and I bwahahahaha’d you then made an image that was really funny? Hmmm.whatever that’s besides the point. I think you brought it on yourself.just sayin

srayzie ago

I’ve said it in posts in the last few days. I’m a jokester. I like to shit post and have fun too. That usually is making a funny post directed at friends on other subverses. Posting porn and taking over a subverse is a lot different. In my eyes, there is such a thing as going too far.

You’re free to believe whatever you want.

Pcpoet09 ago

yes and we also need to up vote the good stuff

heygeorge ago

Upvote everything

YugeDick ago


It's almost like you haven't even been here for 2.4 years.

ZombiClown ago


mark7 ago

True enough. But of those 341, how many actually support us? And of those that do, a lot are likely lurkers, and if they haven't stepped up to do battle yet, what will it take? I came here for info, but I stay, to fight the good fight, (good a place as any)!

YugeDick ago

Great points!

And if they can't even step up to click a blue arrow, what good will they be in the race wars?

Vindicator ago

If they care, they will create an account and start helping downvote the shills and upvote the good content.

If they don't, they're pussies.

Don-Keyhote ago

Not all of us have the balls of steel necessary to click a button, Captain Faggot

Vindicator ago

Did they make you a eunuch for Allah, Donkey, so the sheiks could be sure you'd guard the harem dociley?

argosciv ago

If they care, they will create an account and start helping downvote the shills and upvote the good content.

If they don't, they're pussies.

Some things to note:

  • I'm pretty sure that the "users viewing" takes into account only those with registered accounts who are logged in at the time of viewing. I could be wrong though.

  • Of those registered accounts who are viewing, many may be accounts which do not have enough ccp to downvote (lurkers with accounts) -- same goes for QRV.

@kevdude @mark7

Vindicator ago

Well, then they need to come on over v/pizzagate or v/GreatAwakening or any of the other great subs on Voat and join the conversation so they can help our intrepid researchers, don't they!

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ideologicidal ago

ThanQ, v/GreatAwakening, for your persistent, consistent and ardent defnese of both Truth and Liberty.

Staying strong, sticking together, and holding the line.


srayzie ago

You’re welcome. We’ll get thru this. WWG1WGA!

mark7 ago

Just a thought. Have you considered letting us vote more than once? Say, 10 votes per subject/item? If you had votes to spare, and really could care less (other than having enough to participate), then we could really hammer the bad actors. Except set an entry level for multiple voting that new accounts don't get. Maybe a flag option.

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ZombiClown ago

Yeah , what he says , nah never mind you cant trust me, i dont even trust me. Mods might consider giving themselves extra votes tho....HMMMM that might work.

mark7 ago

You are a wise grasshopper! I DO tend to get crazy when given a little power! :)

ZombiClown ago

Humor is good, its like an AA meeting, Keep coming back it works!

Crisbeau ago

Please describe “ping”

ZombiClown ago

Its an IT slang for test sample send from one side to the other and confirm connection. noun or verb, a ping or to ping ,initiate handshake.

Shizy ago

Ping is where you put a @ in front of a user name, so @Crusbeau. This will send the comment you wrote to that user. You'll see that you have two messages from me, one was because I replied to your comment, and the second is a comment mention due to pinging you.

Crisbeau ago

Thanks anon.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

The term has been borrowed from Sonar / submarine communications.

mark7 ago

Address @srayzie ect. will pop up for them