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18695327? ago

Wheres the mossad sauce? I see the new testament sauce(mossad dont use that part of the bible) disavowed or not following advice about engaging trolls? cause thats the sauce I see. most christians believe when the 2nd temple is built the end times are coming ,it says that in the revelations,duh.You dont have to agree with the poster,but if your going to call mossad boogie man better be able to back it ,jack. comprendomundo?

18696027? ago

I thought it was in the linked archive, but you're right, it's not there.

I'll try to find it. I know it was in the thread. Give me a minute.

In the meantime, here are the mods saying they're tired of her antics and where LauraIngalls admits to inviting shills to troll her.

This is where they say she is a shill.

18696406? ago

Weak,real weak. So she posts something YOU dont like and respond to her,you argue back and forth, she asks the mods to help her over and over again because she wont back down. That doesnt make her mossad, or a shill just a PITA. respecfully you are going down the wrong path, most christians have a weak spot for isreal,maybe guilt,why? cause its going to be turned into molten sheet of glass . I too engage with trolls sometimes as I am sure you have.Its fun.especially when they are STUPID . wink