18701655? ago

There have been rare occasions where I've up voted her comments.

But for the most part she presents herself as a hypocrite and a shill.

18697628? ago


  1. No posting about other users.

We’ve, quite often, had people get mad at other users and make posts about them. The drama that causes is bad. Then you have people seeing it on the front page and they come here and also harass the user. That’s one thing I’m really firm about. That can get you banned.

This morning a GA mod, a subject of recent harsh and obscene troll attacks on QRV, told some of the same SBBH people who had been blamed for it, to pretty much have at it in regards another GA subscriber who had been targeted as well.


So the GA subscriber (who btw is likely a creation of SBBH to serve the purpose of punching bag alt) gets reported by the MOD to SBBD to be harassed. Shouldn't that be disclosed to subscribers in the rules as potential consequence? Like: 'If we decide to, the MOD will feel justified to throw your ass to SBBH members to troll and harass and at least one of them had already threatened the MODs own children.

It was posted about here: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3218522

A week later she finds it okay to report one of her own subscribers (real or not, but how do the other users know?) to that same sub? to the same accused username?

@zyklon_b @srayzie

18704511? ago

There are QRV members, at least 5 that I know of that have had this happen to them. They are NOT creations of SBBH, and experienced this very same thing. Laura is not an SBBH creation. I know her personally. She isn't playing by the rules of srayzie's hivemind.

Possibly, srayzie and her tools need a little of their own medicine.

18697752? ago

Suck a bag of dicks. Worry about QRV’s problems.

18697815? ago

That's why you're reading a posted topic about a user from GA, donkus?

18697924? ago

Then don’t be a coward and go to GA to post

18697982? ago

I'm responding to the topic posted here, Mosley.

18697121? ago

This is a shill post. I've confirmed it. @LauraIngalls is clear. This poster has zero explanations and no evidence. FUCK THIS POSTER. This poster is a damn liar.

18697141? ago

https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3227845/18696602 This is from the mod at v/GreatAwakening

So who is the shill???

18697203? ago

18696691? ago

Namefagging is the cancer destroying Voat.

18696056? ago

What does SBBH mean?

18704480? ago

srayzie uses them. They're total tools for libtards. She's using them for her hivemind over in ga. Anyone who disagrees with her bullshit, gets THIS done to them.

18696574? ago

It's a free for all shitposting sub here on Voat. Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.

18695930? ago

Thank you. This is @Srayzie. I made this post.


Downvoting her shill attempts are good. Reporting as spam won’t. Spam is different.

18695327? ago

Wheres the mossad sauce? I see the new testament sauce(mossad dont use that part of the bible) disavowed or not following advice about engaging trolls? cause thats the sauce I see. most christians believe when the 2nd temple is built the end times are coming ,it says that in the revelations,duh.You dont have to agree with the poster,but if your going to call mossad boogie man better be able to back it ,jack. comprendomundo?

18696027? ago

I thought it was in the linked archive, but you're right, it's not there.

I'll try to find it. I know it was in the thread. Give me a minute.

In the meantime, here are the mods saying they're tired of her antics and where LauraIngalls admits to inviting shills to troll her.


This is where they say she is a shill.


18696406? ago

Weak,real weak. So she posts something YOU dont like and respond to her,you argue back and forth, she asks the mods to help her over and over again because she wont back down. That doesnt make her mossad, or a shill just a PITA. respecfully you are going down the wrong path, most christians have a weak spot for isreal,maybe guilt,why? cause its going to be turned into molten sheet of glass . I too engage with trolls sometimes as I am sure you have.Its fun.especially when they are STUPID . wink

18696487? ago

The mods tried to help her over and over again and she wouldn't listen.

18695283? ago

Slide post to hide flat earth.

18695211? ago

I need to hear this from a mod, not someone hiding behind an anon number.

18695258? ago

Check the link in the post. @srayzie calls her out. Please read it. All proof is provided.

18695621? ago

She doxes and hangs with SBBH. You can't be serious

18710872? ago

GA mod had a SBBH biggest dick contest for mothers day. maybe her friends were just here being dicks for extra points. http://archive.is/w285z

GA mod will choose SBBH over Qanon patriots

18711536? ago

I don't go to GA for anything. They're trouble, so I don't know anything about the dick contest. It's not surprising that the two subs are connected so tightly.

18710950? ago

GA mods aren't patriots. Step back and watch how they operate.

18710993? ago

GA mods aren't patriots.

yep, you're right. Thankfully Q saw through their BS and gave the okay for this sub. (even if we with GA mods SBBH friends spamming here)

18711505? ago

Yes! They destroy people that have their own mind. I don't even go over there to read.

18697820? ago

supposedly she was a mod there at one time

18709846? ago

Two different SBBH said she was but she won't admit that true her loyalty lies at SBBH.

18703717? ago

That's a guy.

18706644? ago

what other alts does 'he' use then?

18709623? ago


18709655? ago

Just Mr. Srayzie then?

18709859? ago

I don't know about srayzie's alts. Laura has none.

18709869? ago

got it, thanks

18696008? ago

Never seen evidence of her doxxing. Nothing wrong with hanging with SBBH. One user there, and his sycophants, cause 99% of the problems.

18696074? ago

Sticky is gone huh?

18696156? ago

Don't be cryptic like a faggot Jew, which sticky is that?

18696216? ago

Short memory huh? Topic doxing. Sticky would have doxing attempts inside.

18696237? ago

Sounds like something you made up. Try again, with links this time.

18696256? ago

Told you where to look. I asked if it was gone.

18696304? ago

Not my job to look for support for your arguments. Your job to provide them.

Is google gone?

Oh, look, there's your answer! Right? I did the same thing you did. I win, right?

18696374? ago

You're a loser. You can't win. Sleep well.

18696565? ago

I always win.

18696614? ago

You lost before you began. You always win the losing game. You should receive an award, I think. Sleep well.

18697831? ago

good night you two, don't forget to turn the light off and don't stay mad at each other

18695501? ago

No @srayzie probably is Laura, either way both user names engage in SBBH theater for laughs

18695572? ago

@srayzie is not Laura. Srayzie tried to help her, but she refused to listen. She is a shill.

18695629? ago

believe what you want, Laura is a cartoon character created by SBBH

18696306? ago

All the more reason to downvote her.

18696357? ago

good point hahaha

18695164? ago

You're so full of shit! She's always been, and most likely always be one of the movement's staunchest patriots. Religious persecution is for the statists. Fuck off asshole!

18695267? ago

The choice is yours to know. God bless you, patriot.


18695343? ago

I happen to know her. You don't.
Get to know her, and then send a REAL blessing my way.

18695392? ago

Matthew 7:15-20 "You will know them by their fruits."

Her fruits have created discord.

Read the post, please.

God bless.

18704449? ago

This is a misuse of the Word.

18695434? ago

Her fruits are just fine.

18696494? ago

Her fruits are rotten.

18695553? ago

You haven't been paying attention, then. She's been the cause of drama on the boards. OP is right and you're just denying without seeing for yourself.

18695657? ago

OP is SBBH shill. He replied to my post forgetting which acct he was using. You need to pay attention, eh? I guess you missed that one.

18695788? ago

How's this a shill? Shills are allover attacking this post. How do we know your not the shill?

18695807? ago

Use discernment FFS. All of the posts have been SBBH. You think this thread is the only one like this?

18695902? ago

I've seen the porno posts, but those I ignore. It's true what's been posted hear. I read thru the links. So I don't understand how this is shilling orr why this post is getting attacked. This post has evidence and your just saying SHILL!!! That's a shill tactic right there. How have you provided proof otherwise? I'm willing to listen but this makes sense to me. Q says to look at evidence and this is evidence of a shill right here in our midst

18696041? ago

SBBH is attacking her. If your discernment isn't picking up on that, I can't help you. I know her, and am not going to dox myself for the enjoyment of SBBH. You can either encourage them, or just let the thread slide out.
They choose someone, and then set out to destroy them. If it weren't for the fact that I know her, I would have downvoated, and moved on.

She's a strong patriot, and a damn good human being.

18697259? ago

mods have confirmed her shilling: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3227845/18696602/

18695638? ago

You're pretending you're not OP in your post, shill. SBBH asshole

18696179? ago


I wasn't trying to pretend to be anyone else. That was indeed me responding to a thread that I was in. God bless.

18696043? ago

OP can also be referencing the ORIGINAL POST, meaning "my OP is right"

But let's just ignore that because it's inconvenient

18696225? ago

Thank you. How does that person not see I've been answering my own thread and as many comments as possible? I've gotten called shill over and over even though I've provided proof in OP, which is right.

18696066? ago

I'll never defend SBBH. I don't believe you're correct, so it's only inconvenient for you.

18696085? ago

It's one dude from SBBH and a few low-level sycophants that cause 99% of the problems.

That OP can mean ORIGINAL POST is a fact. The only way it could be inconvenient is for you.

So your comment really makes absolutely no sense.

18696170? ago

OP can mean a lot of things when you take it out of context. I can understand how my comment could confuse you.

18696255? ago

OP can mean a lot of things when you take it out of context.

No, on a forum it either means ORIGINAL POSTER or ORIGINAL POST. Could you stop being a fucking kike long enough to get that through your head?

I can understand how my comment could confuse you.

Nothing confused me.

18696271? ago

You're totally confused, and lacking in discernment.

18696289? ago

Not even remotely. Keep telling yourself that you win by confusing goyim. Bitter almonds in your future, Moshe.

18696323? ago

You think this is about winning? You lack discernment, and are overflowing with ignorance.

If this were about winning and losing, you lost the first time you replied to me. Read it, loser.

18696582? ago

How does it feel to lose so badly that you have to pretend you won?

18696607? ago

Sleep well, loser.

18696888? ago

Die in your sleep, faggot.

18697031? ago

Sleep well, loser. Don't forget your binky.

18697298? ago

Hiding in anon so you don't have to remember how embarrassing your words are. Can't imagine how you live with yourself.

18697396? ago

You're stupid. Sleep well, loser.

18697457? ago

Feel free to bring it to namespace if you want to ever possibly win at anything in your life.

18697481? ago

Namespace brought it here. Sleep well, loser.

18695150? ago

LARP posted by LARP 'cross fire hurricane of SBBH' burn dat shyte to da ground!

18695847? ago

sup Zykfag?

18695880? ago

now that's hilarity!

@zyklon_b @srayzie

18699243? ago


18695117? ago

This post along with 90% of the replies are shill bots trying to seed division and distrust among the “normal” people on here.

18695106? ago

Yes, she is a shit poster acting like an innocent lil' troll. I dissed her months ago because i could not stand her over the top bull shit. She is trouble with a capitol T. Thank you for confirming it for me. TROUBLE.

18695210? ago

I got into a disagreement with her and then she ran to the mods and claimed I was harassing her. I was just replying to the threads. She totally turned me off to that board and then I came over to this one. Glad I saw this thread, because it confirmed my suspicions about her behavior.

18695021? ago

WOW! I just read a bunch of her comments and yeah, she's totally a shill the way she's trying to engage and make herself out to be a victim!

Thanks for the heads up, anon.

18695646? ago

OP is SBBH. He just replied to his own post forgetting what acct he used.

18695168? ago

She's a patriot being attacked by a shill.

18695227? ago

Is she is such a patriot, how has she added to the movement? Her latest posts are not about Q. She talks about Q drops and then starts posting in all caps. It's weird AF

18695372? ago

I know her. Posting in caps is no indicator of patriotism. I post in caps for emphasis, and have never been attacked by a rational person, only by shills, or SBBH

18696706? ago

Let me guess...you're also a boomer??? Posting in all caps means you can't even internet properly. It's not internet etiquette - all caps is for full on retards. Seriously! Pls go ask your grandkids why all caps is a crime on forums

18697025? ago

I didn't post in all caps. Posting in all caps means nothing, except the person is posting in caps. You replied to the wrong post. How do you live being so stupid?

18697222? ago

Nope. I replied to you, nigger. You're the one defending her all caps use. Boomer retards do that. btw... Her sorry ass just got outed an hour ago as an effin shill by the mods. Nice shill friends ya got, faggot. KYS

18697422? ago

They call everyone shills that disagree with them, then try to dox them. You're a klown.

18697437? ago

Nobody got doxxed, retard. Nice try tho

18697439? ago



18694966? ago

Little House on the Prairie???????

18695030? ago

I thought her name sounded familiar!

18695776? ago

Lardhole Pringles?

18694930? ago

Proof of Mossad connection?

18697863? ago

Proof of Mossad connection?


She was a pain in the ass, what more proof do you need? Mod reported her to SBBH as a jew who did 9/11

18695187? ago

OP is a shill. Laura is a devoted patriot, who's being persecuted for her Christian belief system. Patriots remember the constitution, and respect the choice.

18696442? ago

Laura is a Jew loving queer

18696327? ago

Laura is a retard.

18694953? ago

Links in the post.

18695661? ago

listen faggot , post this crap on GA if you think you can handle it

18697228? ago

go KYS nigger. Mods over there made a post on her.

Catch up, you fuckin fool

18701805? ago

Fool ? look at the timestamp moron. Maybe YOU can see into the future, what a retard

18711610? ago

Point is, nigger, you thought this was fake and wasn't going to be posted in GA. Shows how much you know about what's what. Eat your stupidity

18712303? ago

you askin for a reach around ?

18716693? ago

kys, cocksucker

18698006? ago

I know right? Mods posted about her too: https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3227020 Just incredible detective work going on over there with the mods

They enlisted the help of this guy @zyklon_b , who had recently been cleared of wrong doing on GA due to missing evidence https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3223498/18650584/10#18650584

18694892? ago

What the fuck? I was just talking to her earlier! She sounded like a run of the mill Christian. FUCK.

18696688? ago

Don't trust a poster, lots of shills here, I don't see a mod raising an issue, just an anonymous poster.

18697927? ago

Right, mod dealt swift justice and turned the jew over to authorities for being a pain in the ass and for 9/11


They handed the perp over to this guy for questionning @zyklon_b , who had recently been cleared of wrong doing on GA due to missing evidence https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3223498/18650584/10#18650584

18697071? ago

Duly noted. Taking time to research and make an informed decision.

18697906? ago

by all means read all about it, cased closed

the Mods caught and outed a jew who did 9/11 and promptly handed them over to SBBH authorities to sort out https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3227020

Just incredible vigilance going on over there

They handed the perp over to @zyklon_b , who had recently been cleared of wrong doing on GA due to missing evidence https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3223498/18650584/10#18650584

18695191? ago

She IS a normal Christian female patriot. OP is a fuckwad shill.

18695339? ago

Did you read the links in my post, anon? Please check them out and see for yourself. She is not a Christian. She is using religion to foment drama. It is all there in the posted links.

God bless.

18697979? ago

Really? and here I thought GA Mod really did catch a jew who did 9/11 https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3227020 Wow, it's like SBBH shitposting is more important than taking care of GA business.

18695412? ago

I know her personally. I also read your links. She is speaking her Christian belief system. This is just more Christian persecution, which seems to be the trendy thing right now.

18696468? ago

I am a Christian and I don't agree with most things lauraingalls says. She's Actually not a Christian but a catholic. BIG difference.

18697316? ago

Catholics fall under Christianity, even though there are major differences. So you're correct about that. But we all occupy the same house, and that is the House of Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen and God Bless You.

18696526? ago

In your belief system, sure. Catholics tend to believe the same about non-Catholics.

18696437? ago

A Christian does not behave in the shitstirring, name calling manner she behaves in. I called her out about her fake Christianity a month ago:


18697251? ago

She aint' right in the head that's fo sho.

18695256? ago

Can you confirm either of those?

18695169? ago

Yes, wtf........she is BAD. My most trusted Christian friend since I was 4 years old (I am now 66) deceived me and dropped me like a hot potato when the chips were down. I could not believe the betrayal. Most Christians are fake............at least in my experience. Nuff said.

18698030? ago

dropped me like a hot potato when the chips were down

Poker games with high stakes, suggest gamblers anonymous, don't blame your friend for not wanting to loan you money to cover your gambling debts

18697942? ago

You're totally believable, and quite aware, so many fake people saying fake things https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3227020


18695310? ago

God bless you and sorry to hear about that. There are wolves in masquerading as Christians to lead us astray.

18695212? ago

Some but not all. Find the good ones and hold on to them for all of what Life is worth. God Bless Anon.

18695296? ago

Its really hard to find the good ones and hold onto them. As assuredly as you think you got one, they disappoint you and prove not to be good. Discernment is realy, realy tough.

18697083? ago

Yeah, but damn if it doesn't mean that I won't keep trying over and over. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

18694996? ago

Yeah i just got done speaking with her.

Normal as fuck.

Is this how we eat ourselves?

18699253? ago

@Syayzie is trying to take the heat off her?

18700463? ago


1990 kilt it

18695206? ago

She got outed. We find the weeds in the garden. It's not an impossible task. No one can stop us. Nothing can stop us. Think One Punch Man. So OP that it's not even worth mentioning that you have enemies.

18695193? ago

It's how shills totally infiltrate our boards and community. There are over the top spammers, but sneaky shills like her are hired by Mossad to pose as Christians. She's there to direct attention to Israel and detract from our movement. Notice how her latests posts seem to be Q-related but aren't?

This isn't the first time this happened. 8 months ago, @NeonRevolt also created major drama for Q. He was caught and outed by v/GreatAwakening mods.

18697890? ago

Now the Mods have caught and outed a jew who did 9/11 and promptly handed them over to SBBH authorities to sort out https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3227020

Just incredible vigilance going on over there

They handed the perp over to this guy @zyklon_b , who had recently been cleared of wrong doing on GA due to missing evidence https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3223498/18650584/10#18650584

18695173? ago

A shill is attacking a devoted patriot. She's always stood strong in this movement.

18695247? ago

both sides are fake, Laura and OP. It's theatre and drama from SBBH

18695351? ago

I know Laura. I believe you're correct about SBBH.

18695291? ago

I am not a fake. I've provided proof in the post. Did you read the threads and posts?

18695303? ago

Everyone has read @srayzie

18694928? ago

Check the linked archive in the post. She's LARPing as a Christian and is Mossad.

18694938? ago

I don't fucking doubt it. I'm going through and flagging her posts to my comments.

18695597? ago

OP is SBBH knucklehead

18697079? ago

I've been getting suspicious. I'm doing my own digging and making an informed opinion.

18697113? ago

Serious question. Are you suspicious that OP makes a claim against Laura, and comes over here doing exactly what Laura is accused of doing? Odd, right? Why would we care what Laura is doing over there, anyway? Is OP telling us that we can't do as you're doing, and use our own judgment when dealing with other members?

18697968? ago

Why would we care what Laura is doing over there, anyway?

Why would we care?!

the GA Mods caught and outed a jew who did 9/11 and promptly handed them over to SBBH authorities to sort out https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3227020

They handed the perp over to @zyklon_b for questionning, who himself had recently been cleared of wrong doing on GA due to missing evidence https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3223498/18650584/10#18650584

18703702? ago

ahahahahaha! I'm not clicking any of your links. Pretty sure it's not happening.

18697173? ago

Yes, I'm using my own judgment.

18697089? ago

That's nice!

18695777? ago

OP is SBBH and Laura character is created by SBBH

It's playing both sides of a FAKE story, for laughs

Not their best work, but what do you expect with the same writers all the time? Shame shame shame

18695813? ago

FFS use your head.

18695670? ago

^^^ SHILL ^^^

18695745? ago

Retard. SBBH suckered you

18697954? ago

Oh I thought GA Mod really did catch a jew who did 9/11 hmm https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3227020 Wow, it's like SBBH shitposting is more important than taking care of GA business.

18694971? ago

Thanks, Patriot. God bless.

18694890? ago

Good to know.

18694852? ago

Thanks for the heads up, patriot! I always thought her posts were "off".