PuttitoutIsGone ago

Holy fuck that's a lot of words!

beardly01 ago

As a new Christian, I really don't see how you can think of Q as being a christian? Search Qmap.pub if you don't believe me but, he's not once ever said the words "Jesus" or "Christ". Not even once. NOT ONCE. Its incredibly obvious to any independent thinker that Q is in the government and is connected to Trump. Now the question is, is Trump just another puppet and is Q a psyop? I'm sure you'll call me a shill, but I assure you I am not. So far to me, the evidence...its not great. I'm going to vote for Trump in 2020, but until I have seen real transparency and at least one major arrest(comey, brennan, clapper, take your pick) this is probably a psyop. Never underestimate the wickedness of man.

I really don't understand the unyielding devotion to Q. Why would they even let Trump run if he wasn't connected to the cabal? that just doesn't make sense. You're willing to believe all of the things Q says but thats too far out there for you? That's how every other election we've had worked. thats how all of our wars worked essentially(both sides are bought and paid for).

At first, I really believed in Q, and to an extent, I still do(because I want it to be true so badly) but how can so few of you have any doubts about the CONSTANT GOAL POST moving? Oh we were gonna do the storm this week, we were gonna have booms, but that got pushed back because "variables". OK, whatever. How do you know Q isn't the great deception? The bible says there will come a great deception.

"Great Awakening" ="great deception"???---magick only works if they do it right in front of your face. People need to learn to think for themselves, they say they do but really they just parrot whatever Q says.

If nothing else about that bothers you, it should bother you that about half of your post is just regurgitated catchphrases.If you really believe all the stuff you said, which i have no doubt you do, you should be out doing something to really change it, not just posting on the internet. We all should, but we're not, cuz we're not really awake. We're sleepwalking hoping superman will swoop in and save us before we walk off the cliff.

This is not an attempt to divide. I really think you're right about a lot of the things you're saying, but, Q has gotten people to want the suspension of our constitution and implementation of military law against civilians. I used to think that even if Q was a psyop, it was a good psyop because it gets people thinking for themselves, but now I'm starting to lean in a totally different direction--even if Q is real I think its bad for the country, what I mean is Q basically says "don't trust this group of elites, they're evil, but hey trust this other group of elites even though one of them owns 666 5th avenue and another of them was on Jeffrey Epstein's plane" as well, it has become very obvious that Q has just managed to turn people into a different kind of sheep who really don't seem to think for themselves. I guess the problem is the reality proposed by Q fundamentally undermines the entire belief structure of a lot of people, and when that happens its easy to devolve into a parrot, and most people have not experienced real independent thought, and simply by following Q does not free you from your mental slavery. The only way to do that is to stop following, period.

Also Q has gotten people to classify legitimate people who may be doubters(like myself--and trust me, I want to believe in Q so badly) as shills or dividers, on the contrary. I'd love to unite this movement into real action. You have enough information to formulate a real plan of action but yet you're paralyzed into inaction because you think superman is going to swoop in. Q says this is a movie, it's definitely not, and if it is, it's a pretty awful movie. People ALSO seem to have a VERY LOW threshold for Q proofs. Just the other day I saw one "EPIC Q PROOF" which was AG Barr using the phrase "hang together", as in "the facts don't hang together"(wasn't exactly that phrase, but it was similar) which...how the fuck is that even close to a Q proof? Q has never used that phrase.

You may not like what I'm saying, but I pray everyday for Guidance, and this is the logos i'm getting. There are MANY legitimate questions about Q's legitimacy and the die hard Q followers like yourself simply seem to be ignoring them as far as I can see. I've tried to organize a twitter campaign to ask Trump if Q is real but because I'm shadow banned in most places, nobody ever does it. I think the main reason is people are afraid they're wrong. I've talked to a few "qtubers" as I call them(youtubers who mainly talk about Q) and asked them to setup a twitter campaign to ask the question but of course they don't do it either because they have staked their entire reputation to this one thing, rather than focus on telling people the actual truth they just read what someone else posted on 8chan.

Let me be clear, I have been fooled before, and if I am wrong about this--if Q is real, which again, I'm not even sure I think Q is fake, but I think its BETTER TO ERR ON THE SIDE OF CAUTION THAN TO PUT ALL OF YOUR HOPE INTO AN ANONYMOUS 8CHAN USER--If I'm wrong, I will GLADLY admit it. But I can no longer take air Q's by Trump as "proof" of anything other than Trump knows what shape a Q is. I actually saw him do an Air Q in person at the Grand Rapids rally(yes, I've even been to a rally, and I saw lots of Q supporters and it was very exciting--which is frankly why I'm making this post, I know there are good people out there, such as yourself, who want to make REAL CHANGE in America, so do I, I'm legitimately on YOUR SIDE!!!!) BUT the AMOUNT OF GROUP THINK going on scares me. How can you not see that what you're engaged in is group think? it is! Q says the whole system is corrupt but still...support the republicans rather than start a third party??? WHAT? How are you going to take your country back from the NEOCONS by voting in...more neocons? There are SO MANY contradictions....why don't I see more people who are at least SKEPTICAL? it seems like everyone I see is either a 100% diehard parrot supporter or 100% against. It almost makes me think that the whole internet is fake, which I know isn't true, but still.

Like I said, you may not like what I'm saying but just keep in mind...

I've never been on Jeffrey Epstein's plane.

And like I said, I'll be voting for trump 2020, there are no other options at this point. Tulsi Gabbard is the only other viable alternative but I can't bring myself to vote for a woman because look at history, that never ends well. Although, Tulsi seems to be different...

drstrangegov ago

This is exactly my perspective. Well said!

Nadeshda ago

10 bucks says @Lauraingalls won’t even read your sincere comment... :/

beardly01 ago

Don't take this the wrong way but i read through your comment history a bit. I do not think you are a shill. You seem to be sincere, and also have a genuinely similar perspective to me. The other guy who commented on this, username is drstrangegov however does strike me as a possible shill(posts on the soapboxbanhammer sub, which is where a lot of the shills are coming from, I guess? I don't know).. But wow, after reading more of Lauras comments, either she's totally brainwashed or she is a shill. Both are entirely possible unfortunately. She definitely won't respond to my comment with anything other than some weird one liner that contains no substance at all because she is a mental slave. WAKE UP LAURA.

Nadeshda ago

Well I do moderate SBBH yet I do not endorse all of the members actions there. (I am not their mother!)

I firmly believe that every man should stand on his own when coming under scrutiny, obviously there is drama when people come together but we should be held accountable for our actions as an individual. Most of the time they are just poking and prodding and playing games over there but they all desperately enjoy freedom of speech and will continue to uphold that whether you like the words they say or not. A bit like a canary in a coal mine.

Anyone who can see that and not blanket an entire sub (because half of Voat and his mother has been a mod in SBBH) is clearly a critical thinker in my book.

SBBH has some of best Voaters but they shitpost awfully well, one has to have decernment in the matter, for sure.

beardly01 ago

Truth be told I really haven't looked into the sub very much, I'm still relatively new to voat.I just saw people saying that they were posting loli pr0n, and, while i support free speech, I wish they wouldn't do that. Actually, I only heard about that sub in the last 24 hours, and I looked at it a bit this morning(and tbh laughed at some of the stuff on there). I'll check it out again, people are too hasty to name folks shills and not hasty enough when someone seems to be an obvious shill, such as OP.

beardly01 ago

Yeah I read a few of her posts, including this one: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3226619

I got downvoted. So did you actually. Probably by her. She seems like a full blown boomer. I know there are people who legitimately hold the beliefs she's espousing in the linked thread, so, I'm not positive she's a shill but, to be honest it is suspect. It seems like nobody in this movement really is interested in having a real discussion if you deny their Lord and Savior Q. I mean, that's another thing, at first I thought the claims that the Q movement was culty were overblown, but as time goes on and Q moves the goal post, it seems REALLY culty. I don't just want to call her a shill though, even if she's a shill she's a human and all of us deserve the truth. Including shills. But, I think you're right, she'll probably never even read more than the first paragraph. Really pretty sad about all these "free thinkers" but people are desperate to believe because the alternative is so horrifying. Nobody seems interested in this question: if Q really is a psyop...whats the end game? They've had to expose a lot of the truth just to establish a level of legitimacy. So there is no turning back for the elite if Q is one of them. I've wondered for a while if Q is a psyop to get patriots to expose themselves to the NSA so that when they finally get a better tyrant in there after Trump. they can start rounding people up. We have made it very easy for them to find the opposition. But hey--don't plan, but do be sure to "trust the plan" and remember that this is just a movie so definitely don't buy a gun or food or any of that, you silly goose.

Nadeshda ago

question: if Q really is a psyop...whats the end game? ...... I've wondered for a while if Q is a psyop to get patriots to expose themselves to the NSA so that when they finally get a better tyrant in there after Trump. they can start rounding people up.

You and me both Sir. A lot of what Q was revealing; most of us here already knew through our own research, so obviously if someone insignificant like me can spot these things through research, what makes Q above the common man? Okay, yes it helped to red pill a lot of people on some basics but the Savior complex or effect it has on its followers is dumbfounding. Yes, the sheer network trafficking and the feeding of the central AI database network with all this info, certainly can become a powerful weapon in the wrong hands.

I remember when republicans got text messages on their phones, those registered voters, how overjoyed they were, the truth is their confidentiality was breached albeit for a pep talk.

Secondly, what after Trump? Now that all this data has been collected, where will it go?

Too many questions for the likes of you and I, Sir.

beardly01 ago

Yeah honestly I can't think of anything off the top of my head that Q has said that would've been exclusive knowledge. There must be something, but usually it's just links to journalists. Kind of like those gateway pundit articles people post on here that have crazy titles like "HILLARY CLINTON CAUGHT RAPING KIDS"(I made that one up, but the point is hyperbolic clickbait titles, gateway pundit has a ton of them) but then you read the article and it just flat out doesn't say what the title says and provides no supporting evidence. Or those videos on youtube that start off by saying "a source inside the kremlin today said hillary clinton is a newfag" (again, made that one up) and it's like YO DUDE, WHAT SOURCE? Anonymous sourcing is exactly what we call out the fake news for! Again, to be clear, I do still think its possible that Q is legit and is a white hat. BUT, I also think its more likely that Q is a psyop. At least until I see some REALLY compelling evidence. Nothing we have seen meets the standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt" with regards to Q's side in all of this. There are so many people willing to just completely ignore the standards they would apply to literally anything else with regards to the deep state/illuminati. The thing that does make me think its real is that there is no way the globalists are just one big monolithic group because thats just not how humans work, there will always be factions within factions within factions, and Q may really be part of an opposing faction from the typical globalists that have been in control for so long, but he still seems to be part of the Israel deception, and POTUS is constantly talking about Israel, more than any other president honestly.

"Expand your thinking" "these people are stupid" "these people don't understand warfare tactics"

Know what always comes before warfare? Psychological warfare. In the age of deception, how can you trust anyone in the government who acts through secrecy and anonymity for 3 years? I always felt like those lines in particular were directed at US.

Bring it on NSA. Bring it on. I know you bastards see this.

You know what an AR15 is really good for? Making sure nobody takes your other AR15s!

I highly recommend everyone here get one and several thousand rounds of ammunition and at least a few hundred rounds of M855 green tip Armor pen rounds, which are designed to go through body armor. I'd also recommend at least 10-15 30 round mags, a few 20 rounders, a good cleaning kit, optics(and iron sites, I see tons of people at the range with no irons on their rifle, what are you gonna do if your batteries die or your glass gets shot? You need irons!).

Pray for peace. Prepare for war.

Nadeshda ago

Hear hear, linked you to my gun sub, welcome to Voat! I like the way you think btw...

Demonsweat2 ago

She'll have to walk to walnut cove to get wifi at doc bakers.

Nadeshda ago

Walking is good for the soul! Maybe it will clear her head a bit...

Demonsweat2 ago

So...where's the ten bucks?

Nadeshda ago

Proof she read it will have to come from her... she didn’t read it silly...

RealBlackberry ago

Thank you for all you do. It's never easy. I hear negativity from my own family. I am pretty much nearly isolated from my liberal family. It is encouraging to know we have patriots who stand together. Stay Courageous.

Lauraingalls ago

It is NEVER easy. It's A daily SPIRITUAL battle and the bear doesn't like when you poke it. Evil likes to control everything. We do need the armor of God. Thnsk God Q and President Trump are doing all they can to help GOOD people.

Nadeshda ago

Only our FATHER in heaven is good. All men are liars.

Romans 3:4

4May it never be! Rather, let God be found true, though every man be found a liar, as it is written,


ilikeskittles ago

I've never lied... to you. :)

Thoutzan ago

We have enough Q proofs from Q to prove its connection to Trump.

What we need is MAGA proofs.

I will remain a Skeptic as long as bad guys walking free, kids being raped, border wide open, water & vacc contaminated, whistleblowers keep getting killed (RIP Kappy), etc etc etc.

Don't forget that Ronald Reagan, revered by many, handed CA over to the leftists and changed America forever for worse.

Without results, Lip service is cheap, empty promises are useless and misguiding. ARREST or GTFO.

NiaStorm ago

Nothing will divide us. Prayers for all. Excellent post, Lauraingalls.

Lauraingalls ago

I appreciate your nice comment. Thanks.

ALIENS2222 ago

This really is a good point. Q's posts are infinitely positive. It really is good to read. It clashes with the rest of the world so much. I hope it is something that comes to pass.

Lauraingalls ago

I agree. I think Q is really good and Christian, and that is why God is helping Q help us. I think Q has a really good and thoughtful heart.

SearchVoatBot ago

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freeman84 ago


Q is a psyop

bamadeplorable420 ago


bamadeplorable420 ago

One of the things that bothers me the most is...THE BORDER....and KEEPING OUR PRESIDENT SAFE.

Lauraingalls ago

I hope Q and the Generals keep President Trump safe and as for the border I think President Trump is doing what he can and hopefully the wall will be finished. WE do need to keep that in prayer.

bamadeplorable420 ago

MOST IMPORTANT Q POSTS...........128...133...140...167...251...262...270-Key/NOTE ON funeral letters=ARLINGTON CLOSED/D5...271...2633 A YEAR LATER from DARK TO LIGHT,a critical post.

Lauraingalls ago

In those Posts Q sounds SO intelligent and strong and I love that too.

ZombiClown ago

Thanks,nicely said after all they have done, Ive seen the horrible posts they have made to you. You are not alone ,WWG1WGA, tag me if you need me. Ephesians 3:8-12 King James Version (KJV)

8 Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; Amen

Lauraingalls ago

THANK YOU. I truly appreciate your support. God Bless.

BanoutSurvivor ago

You have more than you know.

BanoutSurvivor ago

Fuck you to all the stupid fucks downvoting comments.

Suck a 2 mile long black dick.

Lauraingalls ago

Q does say that.

BanoutSurvivor ago

Throw me an upvote if you could. I'm 13 away!!

Lauraingalls ago


Rhondaher ago

Q I was depressed and hopeless. It took me several months between Nov. Dec. of 2017 to decide if you were for real but future proves past and I was all onboard. You gave me hope and happiness. Most of all you taught me to love DJT. I pray for POTUS and his family and you and your family and our military and their families, and all the Patriots world wide and humanity at least 3 times per day and often more. Its the least I can do. GOD BLESS YOU.

Lauraingalls ago

That is lovely and I'm sure Q would love knowing that. Thanks for ALL the prayers you say. We SURELY need them.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

God Bless you, Anon. God Bless President Trump, and God Bless Q. Thank you for sharing some nice words to our community.

I start a new job and a new career on Monday. I'm young, and I'm going to do great at it, but I'm still not completely beyond my fears. It would give me some great hope if I could get some of you to pray for me as well.

Lauraingalls ago

You are welcome. Q's words help me when the Evil gets overwhelming. I love God, and the Bible helps me also, a lot. I will pray for you and your new job. I know it can be scary and wonderful to start a new job. Learning how everything works there is always different from other places with new people and internet systems etc., but I'm sure you will be fine. I don't know what your job will be, but I will pray for you.

Here is a PRAYER for you to say.

"Thank you Lord for providing this new job. Now please give me what all I need to master it. I ask knowing that you hear and care. You have given provision; you won’t leave me alone to do it alone. Even as I pray this, I believe you are already answering my request. Thank you for wisdom!

I pray this in Jesus’ great name!"

Nadeshda ago

Q's words help me when the Evil gets overwhelming.

So Q has replaced the role of the HOLY SPIRIT in your life?

jambojamin ago

Don’t be to hard on him. While we of course need to rely on the Holy Spirt, we are also called to...“encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” Hebrews 3:13 I am encouraged by Q and this movement and pray God’s speed to us all.

Nadeshda ago

I am not trying to be hard on them, they have an outward appearance of goodness, but there is definitely an inward edge that promotes self going on. Yes, we all struggle with this. I just do not see many scripture references to support her claims for peace. Brother the tribulation is coming.

Time to buckle up our britches and stop hugging trees and worshiping the creature (Q is a man made fabrication) we should be paying attention to the HOLY SPIRIT.

Israel the place will be destroyed, they will flee for the judgement that is coming.

All Trump is doing is lining the way to make it all possible. (He may not even know this) We are currently in a season of reprieve but we are heading towards a deadly reckoning by the hand of the FATHER.

Also fellowship is with those who are in Christ, Laurain cannot even descern this yet, which is a concern as she constantly spews things she doesn’t fully understand with little to no spiritual understanding attached. In this instance she should meditate more in HIS word and less on feel good phycology.

Remember; as iron sharpens iron, so is the countenance of a true friend.

Lauraingalls ago

Beautifully said and true. It's called fellowship and we need it.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Amen. God Bless.

Stopmotionhistory ago

STOP the distraction. I choose to start NOW. This is the focus. People will back us. The deep state uses our taxes and we need to cut off the money to them . STEP 1 : Protest real estate taxes as the are unconstitutional. Start the protests.

Blacksmith21 ago

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Lauraingalls ago

What does the eagle with arrows mean? From the eagle's perspective, it holds a bundle of 13 arrows in its left talon (referring to the 13 original states), and an olive branch in its right talon, together symbolizing that the United States has "a strong desire for peace, but will always be ready for war."

Florensis ago

Wiggawiggawoo to you too patriot!

UsedToCuck ago

WagaWaga !