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18741739? ago


The ones who want us to not be anon are shills that are upset they can't namefag here, such as with a certain joke of a "decoder" that was popular on reddit.

Remember all the fighting between the reddit sub mods? Now the shill mods are attacking QRV.

18741810? ago

Name fagging better than shitting up the sub, you are wrong.

18741895? ago

Take v/GA. The mods target members, and destroy them for differing opinions. Using SBBH to downvoat brigade, so that member can't post. Anonymity keeps that from happening here. Name flaming threads should be removed, as this is an anon board.

18741988? ago

Using SBBH to downvoat brigade

No they did not. Wasn't the GA mods. They most certainly do NOT try to "destroy" people, how stupid of you.

this is an anon board.

And that's the problem.

18742405? ago

They most certainly do set out to destroy members. Examples were all over this board the past 4-5 days. Those posts were a direct result of what the BO told people to do to one member. It was posted publicly. Go through the recent GA posts. If you hadn't read through them, I have, then you don't have shit to say in defense of them.

18742532? ago

The person was Laura and she's a subversive shill who REFUSED to stop engaging the trolls and REFUSED to listen to old timer goats over and over and over so she was thrown to the dogs where she belongs, she's a shill.

18742713? ago

Patti_mccreen is the next boomer we are going to target specifically. It only took a few days for everyone to turn against Laura. We pinged her username with porn so much that she went off the rails

18742744? ago

Nah, she's a shill. You probably work with her.

Never heard of "Patti." And your ping ain't working.

Send me a pic of her, I'll be the judge.

18742828? ago

Only the strong survive, go for it and good luck bro (she sounds tougher than fake Laura the shill tho).

18742861? ago

We’ll see how well she does with the tranny butthole shots. I think that’s what pushed Laura over the edge