18748908? ago

Fuck off you worthless piece of shit shill.

We see your game plan.

QRV has been heavily spammed for months, now comes the real reason behind it- to remove our anonymous tags, and become exposed to targeted harassment.

Fuck off. Get the fuck out, and go spam your fag porn, nazi spam, Steven Christ bullshit elsewhere.

QRV will remain anonymous. Shills we be exposed in time, and IP banned.

18744606? ago

Only ones who want it are shills? Do shills value privacy? Which group wants your identity to be known the most? and for my final question, Are you an idiot?

18744046? ago

Move to China

Anonymity is a natural RIGHT to defend oneself from some very nefarious people, who might not like what was written. With Free speech comes with anonymity. Doxing is very real and is used in warfare to destroy peoples' careers, threaten their families and loved ones, harassment, and use terroristic threats.

Once your identity is known, peril is always a possibility. Free speech is curtailed and silenced as well. This is what china does to keep their people in subjugated to their propaganda.

I can't believe some people advocating getting rid of anonymity posting. This is precisely what the enemy wants and why they are trying to destroy QRV. These are the same people who say they are "for the 1st Amendment, but..." and "for the 2nd Amendment, but want universal registration..."

18743456? ago

I'm good.

18742868? ago

You guys tried the "muh anon is bad" like, 6 months back, and got shouted down for all the blatently obvious reasons.

I guess when you have nothing left you try your old playbook again?

Get some new material, shillfags.

18742823? ago

I got doxxed and death threats on reddit. Here I don’t. I just have to ignore shills and porn. I would rather ignore porn that fear for my families safety.

But go ahead putt, open my family up to harassment so you can silence people posting things that are annoying.

18744102? ago

How in the fuck did anyone on Reddit get your real info?

18744404? ago

Because I was just a normal user and a-political until Q and didn’t realize how this world worked.

18743983? ago

I don't condone doxxing and death threats, but sounds like you weren't practicing good opsec under your user name or were oversharing. Nothing you put out there in digital space can ever be construed as safe. The only guarantee for total anonymity is to not participate.

But in participating, you do so at your own risk. That's the price of freedom.

18743313? ago

Did you sign up with your real name because if so you are fucking retarded

18742468? ago

Tbh, tho. The userbase has been doing a good job of policing content.

V/qrv/hot is pretty comfy.

18742842? ago

Exactly how Voat is designed to work. Fancy that.

18742407? ago

Keep it Anon. There is the GA if you want to be known.

18742040? ago

moderate this shit, i'm not afraid to show my username. i have nothing to hide, unlike the Nazi/Islamist shills who are scared to death of shills. REMOVE THE ANONYMITY.

18743299? ago

You think Nazi's at Voat are scared?? You haven't ever ventured outside of the QRV sub, have you?

18743438? ago

youre not very intelligent. doesnt matter where they are. they are scared, which is why theyre racists. and also, more likely they sre Islamists pretending to be Nazi's.

18747695? ago

Are you really this stupid?? If anything, jews are scared.

18757703? ago

yawn Islamist, or possibly an extremely immature child, shilling racism on QRV. Nothing to do with Q and everyone knows it. No one, no one that matters, is listening to your scared, desperate, racist garbage. you are transparent

18742637? ago

Who wants me to spam more loli tonight?

18742863? ago

aww the scared little Muslim is angry, he doesnt like the way things are going lmao, go ahead bro, do it while you can. To most of us, it just shows us the type of people we are pissing off, and encourages us to keep doing our thing. Theres no stoppong whats coming, degenerate

18742908? ago

I just do it for the keks friend. Love the insane/sad/desperate replies I get from boomers here. No reason to be so hostile. KEK

18743406? ago

you csn say that, but most of us being smarter than you, understand the type of person you would have to be to think thats acceptable or amusing at all. youre not feeling anyone. youre not a conservative, not a Westerner, but you are indeed a troll. like i said, have your fun while you can. really doesnt bother me. just makes me feel good about myself, and contempt for wheoever the fuck you are.

18743486? ago

Just relax and have some fun with it. Don’t take yourself so seriously. This place is full of retards and boomers. Want to see a close up shot of a butthole?

18743618? ago

how sad. this will be my last response. ill pray for ya.

18744003? ago

Please say a prayer to Moloch for me

18742773? ago

Or more porn or scat porn like you always make

18742806? ago

Do you like the scat porn? I don’t get much response to it. The Gay/Shemale/loli stuff generates hilarious and sometimes sad replies

18742827? ago

Not really. Maybe you should post pictures of Jewish whores.

18742840? ago

I did find an album of Jewish Girls/Black men a couple weeks ago but people here actually liked it.

18742932? ago

Maybe post that into reddit and be progressive

18742141? ago

Exactly, that's the problem.

18741825? ago


18741792? ago

That's exactly, totally, the problem.

People value their usernames, they wouldn't post crap like they do if they could be seen.

As my grandpa said, dogs would come from miles around to shit in his yard.

18741807? ago

yes i will @zyklon_b

18741890? ago

Spot on @zyklon_b is fucking crypto jew I'm convinced.

18743290? ago


18742343? ago

3 weeks more

18741771? ago

This place is shit, and the gay porn bull shit and pedo stuff is effective at driving people away.

18743294? ago

People need to develop a thicker skin or just not click on images.

18742749? ago

No it’s not I never used Reddit or twitter. I get everything from a bit of Instagram Qmap and qrv. Go to the hot section, stop sending your children and grandparents here for now.

I’d have no idea there was even a pipe bombing, all these plane crashes, heli crashes, anything at all. I watch ZERO MSM. Unless I need a brief glimpse of what FF or distraction or agenda they’re railing hard for.

18742661? ago

Based on yesterday’s feed back, I’ll continue to spam IN YOUR FACE GAY PORN until v/loli generates some more shocking content

18742000? ago

I wouldn't say it's shit, there are loads of quality posts each day, but the shillposts probably do turn some newbies away. I feel being anon benefits the shills more than the rest of us now.

18741739? ago


The ones who want us to not be anon are shills that are upset they can't namefag here, such as with a certain joke of a "decoder" that was popular on reddit.

Remember all the fighting between the reddit sub mods? Now the shill mods are attacking QRV.

18742169? ago

I couldn't give a fuck if someone namefags me, I stand by everything I post.

18742307? ago

You don't understand what it means.

18741810? ago

Name fagging better than shitting up the sub, you are wrong.

18741895? ago

Take v/GA. The mods target members, and destroy them for differing opinions. Using SBBH to downvoat brigade, so that member can't post. Anonymity keeps that from happening here. Name flaming threads should be removed, as this is an anon board.

18741988? ago

Using SBBH to downvoat brigade

No they did not. Wasn't the GA mods. They most certainly do NOT try to "destroy" people, how stupid of you.

this is an anon board.

And that's the problem.

18745160? ago

Ooops, this post makes you out to be a liar. I guess I'm not so stupid, but you're a liar. BOOM!

[–] 18742532? -2 points (+0|-2) 2.2 hours ago (edited 2.1 hours ago) The person was Laura and she's a subversive shill who REFUSED to stop engaging the trolls and REFUSED to listen to old timer goats over and over and over so she was thrown to the dogs where she belongs, she's a shill. Yes, shills will not be tolerated and will be destroyed if they pull their shit over there. link context reply ...

18745255? ago

That's a shill dumbass. Boom lol.

18745303? ago

How embarrassing for you. See? You have the benefit of being an anon, and the entire platform has no idea what a cuck you are. You benefited from something you oppose. You should really post your user name, so you don't appear the hypocrite.

18745345? ago

I'm embarrassed? Lol.

18745371? ago

Good you should be. You should also send this Laura person an apology.

18745412? ago

Are we done bro?

18745451? ago

Not until you apologize to this Laura person, or cough up the sauce as to why you want to destroy her. We should all know why your freedom of speech is more valuable than any other member's. I think it's a fair request. I can't believe that you would feel any different, if you were in this Laura person's situation.

18745491? ago

You're a tenacious and hard headed dude are you not? Hard headed as Laura.

Laura is not banned, she's fine, but she needs to quit being a shit stirrer.

Gotta run. I will help her if she wants help but she refused over and over I gotta go.

18756218? ago

sauce request denied, noted

18756339? ago

Read her comments.

18756365? ago

sauce request continually denied, noted

18756401? ago

Yeah, your support for her and your pointless and substance-less argumentation is beginning to stink really bad. Wish I knew who you were.

18756951? ago

us anons have figured out how to "keep a voice" to an extent -- either use mixed case like normal writers, or, never use the shift key like this comment, so that it is contextually similar to the other comments that i've made. but your nose seems fucked up because the support isn't coming from me, i'm just a bystander asking "sauce?" and you're the fucktard who says "i've got it but not sharing it"

18756968? ago

I really don't care, go thru her comments or get lost.

18756971? ago

who the fuck is "her"?

18756997? ago

18757043? ago

she's good, was just defending herself

18757099? ago

That's what I used to think. I still hold some benefit of doubt but not much.

18757002? ago

fucking finally!

18757084? ago

Yeah, sorry, that's the problem with anonymity on this subverse.

18756918? ago

what support? i'm not the same person you idiot, i also asked for sauce and you said "nuh-uh, find it yourself"

why do you wish you knew who we were? gonna do something tough guy? fuck you and your horse

18756956? ago

I told you go thru her comments if you don't have time then quit talking about it.

18756963? ago

nah, you did not give a pointer, and you're encouraging this discussion to go on tough guy

18745545? ago

No one said she was banned. Her freedom of speech is sorely being infringed upon. I saw how people tried to help her. I have the sauce. All of it. I have to go as well.
She isn't fine, by the way. She isn't fine at all.

18745564? ago

Okay I'll try and help her a few more times. But if she doesn't listen I'm done.

18746137? ago

Maybe, she just needs to be left alone now. She's in pretty rough shape.

18746212? ago

I'll reconsider her who she is but I'm very doubtful, we'll see what happens.

18746378? ago

That's very arrogant of you. Thank you ...

18746539? ago

No it's not.

18745409? ago

When she stops her shit stirring I would consider. Are we done?

18742405? ago

They most certainly do set out to destroy members. Examples were all over this board the past 4-5 days. Those posts were a direct result of what the BO told people to do to one member. It was posted publicly. Go through the recent GA posts. If you hadn't read through them, I have, then you don't have shit to say in defense of them.

18742532? ago

The person was Laura and she's a subversive shill who REFUSED to stop engaging the trolls and REFUSED to listen to old timer goats over and over and over so she was thrown to the dogs where she belongs, she's a shill.

18745145? ago

I have the threads in my inbox that refer to this person. They were sent to me, and a few others. Can you point out where she the subversive? Do you know the definition of subversive? Do you know the definition of shill?
You're proof of the need for anon subs. You don't know the first thing about freedom of speech.

Thank you for proving my point for me. I was afraid I'd have to go dig up the posts of the other 6 people she's done this to. You're a Godsend!

18745321? ago

Subversive means to attempt to overthrow in an insidious way (that's my guess w/out using google and that's exactly what that particular shill was doing) ... trying to help you but I'm done.

18745350? ago

I don't need any help. I have the sauce. You need to dig up the sauce on how this Laura tried to overthrow (hahaha) GA. Have the other sheep help you.

18745394? ago

this Laura tried to overthrow

Yes, that is my conclusion. I think 'overthrow' is a bit melodramatic tho.

18745426? ago

Your words. Your definition. Where's the sauce on this overthrow attempt? There should be something to back up your claim that she deserved to lose her freedom of speech due to her being a GA subversive. There has to be something that would make you attempt to destroy another person. other than a GA mod telling you to do it.

18745458? ago

She hasn't lost any freedom of speech goof. She's still posting. This is getting tiring.

18745506? ago

Too soon for an apology? Ok. Well, after your nap, think about it. I'm going to go eat.

18745522? ago

You want me to slap you?

18746126? ago

Naw. I might like it.

18744224? ago

It was shitty what the BO of GA did to her. No matter who she is.

18744548? ago

No matter who she is?

You don't even know what went down.

18744655? ago

I do. You don't even know whether she's a shill or not. Maybe she's just a bit retarded.

18744782? ago

You don't know the private messages, we absolutely assumed she was a bit off mentally. I'm not a mod but I dealt with her as well, we just about pleaded with her.

We no longer feel that way. We've been dealing with her for months. I no longer feel sorry for her, I helped her for a lot. She's playing the victim and playing dumb, we are now convinced of that.

18745964? ago

And I could be


18746227? ago

We'll see what happens.

18742713? ago

Patti_mccreen is the next boomer we are going to target specifically. It only took a few days for everyone to turn against Laura. We pinged her username with porn so much that she went off the rails

18742744? ago

Nah, she's a shill. You probably work with her.

Never heard of "Patti." And your ping ain't working.

Send me a pic of her, I'll be the judge.

18742828? ago

Only the strong survive, go for it and good luck bro (she sounds tougher than fake Laura the shill tho).

18742861? ago

We’ll see how well she does with the tranny butthole shots. I think that’s what pushed Laura over the edge

18741885? ago

No, it's not.

There's a reason we're called Q-anons.

Put on your big boy pants and learn to deal with things you don't like.

18741904? ago

Your jew is showing. Jew degeneracy.

18742337? ago

Thanks for revealing yourself.

18742384? ago


18741928? ago

Like I said, shills want us non-anon.

18741729? ago

Qanon is for a reason.

18742019? ago


18741720? ago

Disinformation, he uses this place to dump all the closet liberal shills and have actual discussion/research on other subs

18742216? ago

Actually an interesting theory! Either way, I'm willing to do whatever helps this sub.

18741822? ago

Lol, you might be right about that.