Fagtardicus ago

pics or it didnt happen

PacaGoat ago

It seems to me the way V/QRV was set up from the get go was to allow the shills to damage its chance for survial. Some who want to be anon want it so they can play silly games any way.

new4now ago

I hated going to the Q board

Felt like I was wading through a swamp made by 13 yrs old boys who just found Besty Palmer and her 5 sisters

Very hard to find the Bakers

If they can't take this awakening serious, maybe they should go were the boys play, it's not worth putting Voat or Q followers at risk

ESOTERICshade ago

Coleman Rogers, from the Patriot Soapbox, IS QANON and that has been proven to my satisfaction. I hope that scamming mother fucker dies tomorrow.

7alon ago

Agreed, I lurk both voat and the chans everyday. QRV is going to shit, I barely look at it now because its just random threads that have no real significance. Sometimes good stuff shows up, but man.. so much dribble. Got to be honest I've just been sticking to GA and Pizzagate.

srayzie ago

Omg spreading conspiracies now are we? 🙄

PGLiterati ago

Wow. Fast Jack is a complete ass. He sounds like a liberal. Seriously. Flip to authority, thinks he's in the right, refuses to address legitimate criticism. Wow.

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got DHS fed warrants

when did this happen?


In light of his recent revelation that the Department of Homeland Security has served him with warrants

Link? Proof?

emperorbma ago

"But why, Brackett is no mad-dog killer; he's after something."

The real $65,000 Q is: For legitimate reasons or because it's cooperating in Hillary Clinton's obstruction of justice system? If it's the latter we've "seen something" so it's time to "say something" to our POTUS on the site he's conveniently provided us.

SnapAwake ago

Jesus fucking Christ. Is this over porn? Who. Fucking. Cares. There’s still quality discussion in there. And the whole point of an anon sub verse is being anonymous and wading through the muck and bullshit.

This is smelling like reddit d-baggery.

madhatter67 ago

QRV has been a shitshow from day one. My only worry is that it did serve as a useful diversion for the reddit Q migrants, and associated twattery

Just as long as deanoning it doesn't lead to crap and drama here....wonder if capslock muhjoofag copypasta will identify themselves or just disappear

0010110 ago

I cant believe everybody cant see that this is their way of exposing and shutting down that forum. Fastjack is a hero for standing his ground.

RizingSun ago

Do it. Nothing to hide. Nothing to fear.

ideologicidal ago


Banky1974 ago

Not going to comment on any of the drama as one more opinion isn't going to solve anything. But I will echo Srayzie's comments at the end. As a community, we do a poor job of highlighting (upvoting) good comments and downvoting bad ones. Especially the former. I constantly see people making posts and comments that create tons of positive reaction, but almost no one has upvoted them.

We're in charge of making the cream rise to the top for both posts AND comments. It doesn't happen on its own.

yellowoodneepuks ago

How about a uproot and down vote primer to refresh all patriot minds?....

Vindicator ago

This is VERY VERY important. If we can't do this, we're just pretending to care about research.

srayzie ago

Upvote for you! I agree!

CantDentTheBrent ago

Lmao this is pitiful dude.

Justsomebullshitname ago

🔔 Attention 🔔 let me tell you how to think about my operation to take power over QRV which should have rightly been mine all along.

Love, Srayzie

srayzie ago

I don’t want to mod QRV. We made this ourselves. We aren’t power mods. We only remove comments that are porn. You must have gotten your information from NiggerRevolt.

Did you not have a username on Reddit? You guys sound so retarded making such a big deal over having to show a username that you created. It’s not like it’s your real name. Q doesn’t require Patriots to be anonymous. If you want to see porn, there are other subs for that.

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threesevens ago

You seriously want to take the anonymity from everyone on a sub that you don't moderate? Like why? Why are you so wrapped up in this? Can you just leave the sub alone and worry about your own?

MudPuddlePie ago

Worried that you would be responsible for your speech and actions?

Anons on QRV (not mods here) are the ones who are trying to clean up the pornfags by contacting Putt, but only after pinging the mods with concerns. QRV mods NEVER replied to anyone and are doing nothing.

Porn is not Q related. It's not free speech. It's tranny/loli/homo porn. Anons don't want to see porn, do you? Porn will ruin QRV and the mods don't care. Anons are just suggesting options, like for the porn to be flagged and still keep it anon. Sounds reasonable and simple, right? Nope...no response, except the finger.

So, if Putt decided to handle this (being it's his house and his butt so to speak), then great. Blame belongs to porn spammers (against the rules) and mods who don't enforce the rules. Not mods on Great Awakening.

threesevens ago

The porn is all downvoted, it never goes anywhere. Q endorsed the sub the way it is, I see no reason to change it. It's been fine like this for a long time, why now are you flipping out about it? Worry about your own sub, thanks.

Sounds like you really, really, really, want Q's sub shut down. Maybe you are posting porn there, then complaining about it to the owners?

All this drama you are creating is just unnecessary, and make me question your motives.

MudPuddlePie ago

"Sounds like you really, really, really, want Q's sub shut down. Maybe you are posting porn there, then complaining about it to the owners? All this drama you are creating is just unnecessary, and makes me question your motives."

Ahahahahahahhahaa.....nice try, Sally. Deflection/redirect is not your strong suit. Neither is reading comprehension. I'll speak slowly.

I never said anything about wanting QRV shut down. Anons just suggested the porn to be flagged (or similar) so they and newbies don't have to see it. Mods ignored requests to stop the porn pushers breaking the rules of non Q content and spamming porn. Posting non Q related porn is against QRV rules. When Q endorsed the sub, it was not being spammed with tranny/loli/homo porn. But you knew all that, didn't you.

My motives are not wanting to see porn and protect QRV. You motives are keep the porn and damage QRV, destroy Q's credibility and stop the message going out to newbies. Apparently YOU want QRV to be destroyed. Hmmm, and you never answered my question about NOT wanting to see the porn. You must be a pornfag.

Oh, and QRV is my sub, thanks.

Vindicator ago

Excellent point.


So far i stand with Fastjack as well. Everything about not only Puttitout but the people agreeing with him (esp him calling for downvoats...what a faggot) screams mossad puppet.

reCAPTCHA_Dodger ago

This sub existed before QRV... It's not Putt's job to moderate every fucking sub. Most of us want some level of moderation of the content we look at. That's why were here and not on 8chan. If I want to drink from the firehose, I'll go there.

Why the fuck would Q endorse any platform other then 8chan? Wouldn't it be to serve another population? You know, that huge group of people who found voat after r/theawakening was shutdown. Why do you think they were on reddit instead of 8chan? MODER-FUCKING-ATION. Voat allows you to have and voice whatever opinion you want, but loli, gay, and trans pics aren't a fucking opinion. They are just bullshit clutter that no one came to see in the first place.

SearchVoatBot ago

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CerealBrain ago

Are you not delusional?

I am Cereal Brain.

insanitea ago

It seems the QRV mods only cared to participate when their power was threatened. They don't seem to care about the sub considering they're letting it be overrun. Moderation on voat is transparent -- they have no excuse.

StuckinSF ago

What exactly can a QVR mod do? Who controls the switch to it being anonymous? If they throw the switch will only future posts be unanonymous. I kinda like that “The UNANON”

insanitea ago

I never entirely agreed with the part about removing anonymity but at the same time it doesn't make much of a difference to me. It mostly only led to people taking advantage of it to shitpost anyway. The only thing that changes is that posts aren't tied to any of our other posts, which the shills probably love. Even so, QRV is for the research anyway and we're still mostly anonymous even with just our nicks. Whatever Puttitout decides to do, the ones who aren't shitposting shouldn't care as much as they seemingly do. What are they so afraid of?

SnapAwake ago

What do you think a mod in a free speech group AUGHTA do? I mean, since it’s overrun.

Are you guys still on reddit atm? I’m confused. Where the fuck am I?

insanitea ago

You're in a sub that actually moderates right now. And look, there's nobody getting on your ass talking like (((this))) or complaining about being censored.

Moderators curate content. That doesn't imply censorship, so I don't see why everyone has to be so damned abrasive about it.

SnapAwake ago

This is great. Do your will here. Leave the derelicts to run their own show.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Race is real

KillerKap ago

I never thought about it like that. Life = changed.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Do you have any evidence the conversation is real?

KillerKap ago

Neither claims it is false. This is evidence.

DanijelStark ago

First thing first ... anonymous subverse is like another level of freedom for all the trolls , shills or any cancer that wants to latch onto ... the anonimity doesnt serve to protect anyone ( and why should it protect anyone on VOAT ? ) or to make opinions objective ... but the anonimity serves a function of giving a breathing space and fertile ground for anyone who wants to hide into .

Thats a crucial mistake #1 of whole QRV subverse . Thats why I had very little contribution there and ultimately completely blocked the whole subverse , as it has become a pointless place .

Again - if there would be OFFICIALLY ENDORSED Q VOAT subverse , it MUST NOT be anonymized .

Qureaucrat ago

anon is needed.

DammitMan ago

Why? Anon has produced nothing good and has made it impossible to keep the sub on topic.

Qureaucrat ago

ill concede that im split on the issue. first thought that comes to mind is so that individuals that have actual unpopular knowledge can share that information without losing their voice.

DammitMan ago

But in the free for all that’s become of QRV people have already losing their voice b

Qureaucrat ago

sure if your paying attention to the daily board, if you follow the Hot topics, you bypass the thickest of the shit. For anon to work properly each anon must exercise their vote its those votes that help sort out the trash from the true gems of information that come down the line.

Qureaucrat ago

yes it is. like i said im split on the issue.

DanijelStark ago

Why would it be needed ? I have put my reasons above why it absolutely shouldnt be ...

Qureaucrat ago

yes i can understand your viewpoint and agree to a degree. As i say above, im split on the issue. Allow me to share this perspective. Lets say your walking down the sidewalk in soapbox park. you stop in to listen to a few soapboxers, and you listen to commentary. You dont know a soul, everyone is effectively anon. The one big difference that i hold against QRV is that i cannot track who says what in the commentary. Ina public square i would at least be able to identify a particular speaker by voice or face, and if the individual spouts off a bunch of non-sense then if that person speaks again I can adjust my bullshit filters accordingly.

MudPuddlePie ago

Wait...isn't this how the left DS plays the game?

Infiltrate Q's board.

Cause havoc (and hater posts) to keep normies away (can't send family or sheeple there).

Start posting porn. Ignore complaints. Claim "free speech."

Flip off the owner of Voat. Force owner to shut down QRV (because QRV mods broke the rules).

Blame owner of Voat for being shut down (waah, censorship).

Think "they" are successful in shutting down Q's board (LOL).

Q endorses Great Awakening instead. :)

Lynnwiod ago

I’m a floater, I never keep track of where I am...

gustodog ago

Yup. A known group of people shit up the board creating a problem that they then propose a solution for.

StuckinSF ago

What a coincidence they are doing exactly what the commie handbook advises

KillerKap ago

This is way too much logic for the ppl

Qureaucrat ago

ok, noobs lets reason this a little, k. I really want to troll the living fuck outta this subject, srayzie. I dont because i not going to stir the shit pot and agitate peeps, besides the fact ya just dont feed trolls. maybe a few perspectives will help shed some light on the subject.

This is a public forum, akin to any public venue. ANYONE CAN COME, THEREFOR IT IS PUBLIC. children too, dear god hopefully not very many, this place can be vile. Society establishes boundaries all the time, come on lets take a look at a few.

if you take a bag of mcdonalds into the burger king and think your gonna sit down for dinner, NOPE your gonna get asked to fucking leave.

if your sitting in the movie theatre and break out your phone thinking that your gonna converse with your friends, NOPE your gonna get asked to fucking leave.

if you walk into the local mall and think that your gonna sit around mouthing off a bunch of shit, guess what your gonna get asked to fucking leave. errr uhhh unless your with ANTIFA.

if you walk into the home depot and start shillin lowes, yep you guessed it folks, your gonna get asked to fucking leave.

if you sit around at night thinking that you gonna crank the stereo up in the middle of the night, wooops, yea that shit aint gonna happen either. your gonna get 911'd.

if a retarded pervert is walking down the street flashing people guess what folks, that dumb-fuck is going to get arrested.

Starting to get the real picture folks. How many different perspectives must be laid down.

a ideologically driven Mod is no better than the narrow minded fucks that everyone rails against. They are sociopaths who cant look past their own opinions to see the difference between right and wrong.

so VOAT and QRV need to get off their collective asses and take action. Words fade with time, images stick with you for a period of time. What these people do constitutes a criminal offence.

StuckinSF ago

Your point was well supported. The Wild West only lasted 20 years. It’s always safe to go out west when all the Indians are dead.

Anyway nice job and well thought out. Even the people who disagree with you could learn how you say it matters as much as what you say

Qureaucrat ago

ty for the vote of confidence,

it feels like the wild west at times

MudPuddlePie ago

"so VOAT and QRV need to get off their collective asses and take action. Words fade with time, images stick with you for a period of time. What these people do constitutes a criminal offence."

Agreed. There is a reason everything is visual now. Pictures/video impact the brain differently than reading. Porn has been weaponized. Porn is addictive. Porn destroys the family, this destroys America. Perversions are one of the things Q is fighting. Porn is destroying the ability to spread Q's message on QRV.

Lynnwiod ago

You know I agree, pen can be addicting to some people, but I dont agree that “Porn destroys families”, that’s the same argument as “Guns kill people”. Perversions, meaning kinky stuff that most people have no interest in, and would think are wrong, even morally wrong, disgusting even — most are legal acts. What Q is fighting is:

Child suffering, abuse and slavery both physical and sexual Child molestation Selling children to pedophles Child torture in all its degrees Child Rape in all it’s forms Child Sacrifice Child snuff films Cults that groom children for pedophiles and other nefarious acts Child abductions for these purposes Child mind control with drugs, MKUltra, torture, starvation, threats, Child trafficking across state and international boundaries

Did I miss anything?

Follow along now, about your comment that “Porn is destroying the ability to spread Q;s message on QRV” — it seems that 8Chan manages to do it, and is world famous. I think their method works well. They do not feed trolls, they do not talk about the shitposting 1/10th as much as here. Considering a new Bread comes out about once every 3-4 hours, and there are 751 posts per bread, that’s a lot of shitposting being ignored. I think we should do what they do. People get jumped on for feeding trolls. Told not to engage. Even at 8chan you can elect to not see a users posts, if someone triggers you, it is up to YOU to not feed the troll.

MudPuddlePie ago

"You know I agree, porn can be addicting to some people, but I dont agree that “Porn destroys families”, that’s the same argument as “Guns kill people”. Perversions—meaning kinky stuff that most people have no interest in, and would think are wrong, even morally wrong, disgusting even — most are legal acts. PORN IS NOT A PERVERSION."

Porn destroys everything eventually. And yes, it is a perversion. All those things you listed afterward are a result of porn.

You destroyed your own argument.

Lynnwiod ago

Porn does not jump into people’s hand and display itself. It is people making those choices. Not the Porn.

MudPuddlePie ago

Apparently your mother dropped you on your head.

Yes, porn destroys everything it touches sooner or later. Porn has been proven to destroy the natural/normal relations and ruins marriages and families. It changes the brain, creates unrealistic expectations, and is addictive (creates over time the need for more extreme or kink to get aroused) all well documented.

Actually, porn does jump into your hands...when society (DS) endorses and encourages porn, puts it everywhere, mags, movies, billboards, tv, teaches porn to children, advertisers, etc. Sex sells. All by design to destroy the family and morality, thus America.

Might want to look it up. This was part of the "plan" set up to destroy America. Almost worked. And you've been deceived into thinking porn is "harmless."

You must be a pornfag.

Have a good day.

Qureaucrat ago

destroying may be a little heavy handed, but its definitely the bull in the china shop.

MudPuddlePie ago

Porn destroys...sooner or later.

Qureaucrat ago

yes agreed

SnapAwake ago

What is the criminal offense? I’m dead serious confused about the ruckus ABOUT QRV. I’m in there all the time and I could give a fuck about the porn. Is that what this about? There’s a) a lot less of it because b) people flag it and it seems it’s working bc I hardly see it anymore. That said, it’s still full of goats trolling the fuck out of it - and they admit this all over the place - bc they think Qtards are, well that.

So am I missing the fucking picture? Bc again - I’m in there all the time, talking to people and shit, and as an adult, this discussion just makes my mustache tickle. Are we fucking 12?

Lynnwiod ago

I agree completely. The porn is nothing to me. There’s more posts ABOUT the porn, Complining about the porn, people posting saying they are leaving about the porn, people starting threads to discuss how to get rid of the porn, am I missing any angle? Even THIS thread is about the fucking porn. If I had my way, I’d take the porn over all these threads ABOUT the porn. Sheesh, I even saved a coupe, they were GOOD. I sent them to my gay friends and they were a little curious how I ran across gay male porn, but they did say thank you!

SnapAwake ago

Amen sister.

Qureaucrat ago

no im 13 and a half. buhahahahhaa

thats right only your opinion matters. get out of your own shoes and try and make an attempt to wear another pair and utilize a little empathy. try and understand things from a perspective that considers the well being of the entire group

so if i walk up to you and start poking and prodding at you in public, what is your response going to be. Are you going to allow me to buzz around you like a starved mosquito, taking a sip whenever i want, or are you going to take action to rid yourself of the annoyance.

this is a public venue whether you like it or not. The same social conventions apply here as well. Thats what im saying.

SnapAwake ago

There’s already a system in place to swat the flies. It’s called reporting the spam. Which is being successfully done here because a ton of people have never and do not see the spam.

Problem solved. Empathy ensues.

mark7 ago

From your language, I would guess you about 10yo.

StuckinSF ago

I’ve babysat 10 year olds. They don’t really talk about anything important. 10 year olds are pretty much getting ready for the grunting stage

SnapAwake ago

Yes. Let’s focus on my anger and expletives instead of the points I made.

CerealBrain ago

You will lick Q's boot and I AM CEREALBRAIN.

WhiteRonin ago

No you don’t ... sorry are you gay? If yes, the. You would!

ZombiClown ago

Holy fecal matter Batman, that was a dig to understand the situation! T/Y

Ziggyspeaks ago

Wow. Looks to me like the Hatred and shitposts from the Chans shills has found its way to QRV. This, my friends is what PANIC looks like in its MANIC form! (LOL Manic Panic!) Call me a pussy if ya want BUT, this is precisely WHY I truly am glad to be a part of the V/Great Awakening family!

Qureaucrat ago

yea im kinda liking it here to. less vitriol, more discussion on the subject matter

MudPuddlePie ago

This place is waaaay better. Srayzie does a good job.

Being accountable makes for better people. Isn't that what Q is all about? Accountability? Transparency?

Hmmm...could it be that Q was expecting this QRV mess? That Q knew it would be infiltrated and turn into a toilet? Could it be a honeytrap to catch the bad actors (Voat mods, shills, haters and infiltrators) and those who try to spam porn, slide and subvert the information? Giving enough rope to hang themselves?

And, now that I think of it, hasn't this been a common Q, Q+ tactic?

Qureaucrat ago

often wonder, thats why i scroll this stuff, try and reason it out

MudPuddlePie ago

I wish Q would weigh in on this QRV problem.

I'd love to see a comment that he/they are aware of who is trying to ruin QRV. Like: "Pay attention, QRV. We have it all." Kek...might change things quick.

That said, I still like it better here. Better quality of people imho.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

Mark my word. Voat will end badly.

scoripowarrior ago

Well, then that makes you a freak

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

Wait? u/SyriansFuckCorpes is a freak? U sure? What gave it away?

Ziggyspeaks ago

I smell something BURNING!!!! Good one PDP! :)

MrShekelstein ago




Joe10jo ago

I mentioned the Goat awhile back and was told to fuck off. I ❤️ Voat but the Goat concerns me.

Vindicator ago

It's a Swiss mountain goat, not a damn Satanic goat. The founder is Swiss.

european ago

his name is actually baphomet too.

MrShekelstein ago

Symbolism will be their downfall.

They just can't help it can they?

CerealBrain ago

There's "more truth in jesting than all the world beside."

I'm kinda believing you.

LurkU ago

Just deleted my link to QRV. The porn was freeing out of hand and frankly scary. No one wants to see a cartoon character and a black man. Sick shit and sick fuckers doing that.

Phantom42 ago

Now just block the Q subs and you'll be a free man.

CerealBrain ago

You will lick Q's boot.

Phantom42 ago


Sheetz ago

Keep in mind, QRV is BOTH a user created sub and a NSFW sub. That means not only can't lurkers see it without clicking v/all or v/QRV, they have to create both an account AND set it to NSFW. It's virtually a ghost sub on a ghost site. It's only bothering those who go out of their way to see it anyways.

I think it would be better if Putt could provide tools to ban in an anon sub.

SearchVoatBot ago

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PuttItOut ago

Already in the works.

StarAnon ago

Censorship in an anon environment, on a free speech board?

Lynnwiod ago

Glad to hear that, but for the record, I am less bothered by the porn than I am about all the ruckus about the porn. You would think people were going to have heart attacks, entire lives ruined, psyches damaged beyond repair, families and nation down the tube because someone saw a wee bit of porn. I’m a 62 year old female, and I am here to tel you this porn is tame.

WHat I want to end is al the threads discussing it. It must be 10/1. 10 threads discussing it, duplicate threads, whatever, to 1 porn photo.

My point, this would never fly at 8chan, their “Do Not Feed the Trolls” policy works as well as it can for a world famous free speech stronghold. Not feeding the trolls means don’t make 2 dozen threads discussing the porn issue to infinity.

Just make that stop. I don’t care about the porn as long as it’s not excessive. To be frank, once or twice I was pretty amused!

StuckinSF ago

I came over to Voat and started with QVR. If it’s true the moderators are bad guys with an agenda that would bother me. Nobody wants to be manipulated. Power is so corrupting. I’m glad I don’t have any except over myself. Best of luck with whatever decisions you make. Getting rid of people seems to be the solution to most problems

KillerKap ago

You are fucking hero level now. If you can allow individual users to ban the user behind an anonymous post I would knight you savior of the goddamned universe P.

MudPuddlePie ago

Is that for realsies? Is that really Puttitout?

Justsomebullshitname ago

When one form of censorship fails, try another. Simply pathetic.

Shizy ago

It's not censorship when there's other subs people can use to post tranny porn.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Why do you name fags get to decide what we Qanon fags do in our isolated corner? You have your own network of subs including clones of ours. We are just fine living in our inferno of chaos. You guys are just fine living in your nest orderly realms. Leave us alone. I don’t care if people post tranny porn. I like to see what people slide because that’s where the juicy meat always is.


Shizy ago


You're the one who came over here to talk shit!

Kindly fuck off now.

srayzie ago

What she said 👆🏻

srayzie ago

What she said 👆🏻

Justsomebullshitname ago

You guys are driving a campaign for power over our community of corse I came out to defend my self from power hungry pricks

Shizy ago

You guys are driving a campaign for power over our community

How so? What have I done to your community? Nothing!

Justsomebullshitname ago

Calling for tools to ban our community members.... scroll up.... you name fags are all alike smh

srayzie ago

Oh you didn’t have a username on Reddit? 🤔

Justsomebullshitname ago

Threatening to doxx me for speaking up?

srayzie ago

You need to grow a pair. How do you make it on 8chan you little whiner?

Justsomebullshitname ago

Ah, the quintessential Srayzie we all know and love

KillerKap ago

I kinda agree with you but seriously.. chill.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Lol, I’m winding down. I got it all out. Now can we live in our chaotic peace freely without the alt subs coming at our heads?

KillerKap ago

We'll be fine. this isnt that big of deal. its going to be ok muh bruh

Justsomebullshitname ago

I think so. Putt really sat up and listened in one of my comments here explaining why QRV is worth preserving as is and even if he doesn’t agree (he didn’t indicate one way or another) he clearly understood. His heart is always in the right place and since he can see through our eyes, I trust he will make a decision conscious of what the gains and losses are. I pray he leaves it be as any alteration of the mod team will immediately render the sub suspect and likely collapse its community.

KillerKap ago

Im on the wait and see fence post right now. If you are Q follower you know Q will step in and flex muscle if we need it. I read the post with P and seems legit. I think a mistook you for cointel concern trolling becauae you are flagging my meters with "you have a tendency" type statements. you clarified though so we're good anon, until we're not kek.

SnapAwake ago

Lol. Why do you think Q will step in? You mean the way he stepped in when Reddit imploded?

This whole thing is absurd and I’m amazed anyone is even discussing QRV in his way. I’m with the other homie here. Leave us alone.

Justsomebullshitname ago

I know the Q movement is safe from any attempts here even if the sub were deleted Q movement will keep marching on, it’s the forum format, the freedom, there is one forum on all the internet that I know of that has this particular balance of insanity and rationality as a singular experience. It’s what I want to savor as long as possible so I hold my ground. I know in the end we will all fall back to 8ch but for now, I love QRV.

KillerKap ago

Now THAT I can relate to. I simply cannot name a single place (even gab) where this level of free expression is allowed, I do see your point and it is valid. Keep in touch because I will sound the fucking alarm to Q and BO if QRV is comped and I can smell it. Glow niggers cant hide from my supercharged 145 sober IQ.

Btw whats your poison? Im adderrall and white wine.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Haha sorry compatriot, after the red notice envelope stays neutral this account goes derelict and I return to anonymity under another bullshit name and get back to flagging shills and researching our friends in GCHQ.

My poison is arguing with shills. Sober but for that simple joy.

KillerKap ago

100% autist for real.

Justsomebullshitname ago

MMR vaccine. Makes the best autists. The powered elite didn’t think that one through.

KillerKap ago

regardless of whose team you play for, you are a good hearted person. Remember that. I'll leave you without the red so you can be at peace for now my odd anon fren.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Glad to have met. I’m on which ever side will let me farm in peace while I chase people off my lawn with a shotgun and yell at my community for telling me what I ought be doing when I have no intent to do as I ought.

Shizy ago

Calling for tools to ban our community members....

The people doing this are NOt your community members. They are trolls who cause problems voatwide. There should be tools to allow for them to addressed.

If you don't agree with that, fine, start your own sub and do whatever you want.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Who are you to say who we accept into our community or not? I consider them part of the family. I find them useful to my understanding of the landscape of information and tactics. As they try harder and harder to disrupt I learn better and better how to sustain in chaos. I love it. I look forward to the daily challenge. It’s literally the only place like it on the internet. It’s the last of its kind.

KillerKap ago

We have 8 chan brah. Let veteran Goats address the problem and if it turns out horrible then fine. We have lost nothing. QRV is an unusable joke as is so we have nothing to lose.

SnapAwake ago

Speak. For yourself. It’s worthwhile and beautiful.

Justsomebullshitname ago

I personally prefer QRV over 8ch. You may not like it, fortunately you have 8ch and GA to use instead. I don’t like either. I find happiness on QRV because it’s unlike the others.

KillerKap ago

Odd take but ok. Why did you say we post fag porn on chans? We post hetero softcore baker girls. Why did you day fag porn?

Justsomebullshitname ago

BO removed a BV because he started posting things that were too close to illicit and pointed out that BVs had been fag porning to fight off streamers. There is a notable covering it.

KillerKap ago

OHHHH Yes you are correct about that I was there when it happend. I thought you meant baker girls were tranny. Now im kekking.

Shizy ago

Great! The. Stay over there. Bye.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Are you going to stop telling us how to run QRV then?

srayzie ago

What’s the big deal about being anonymous? Reddit wasn’t anonymous and everyone was fine. QRV is being taken over by shills. It’s getting worse and worse. Your mods have a chance to make some changes.

SnapAwake ago

The anonymity is beautiful. It’s a completely different dance in there. And y’all don’t have to like it but stop going on and on about how it needs to be moderated.

It’s a different beast. Leave it be.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Also is this literally “if you have nothing to hide then you won’t mind me searching you”?

srayzie ago

What? Are you paranoid?

Justsomebullshitname ago

We don’t want them to make changes. They don’t need chances to surrender our community to your demands for our behavior.

Justsomebullshitname ago

@puttitout do you really want to destroy this for every one? Is that what Voat was created for? To destroy unique communities that don’t conform to others expectations of what’s permissible and correct? I’ll support removal of illicit content but I will not yield an inch more.

SnapAwake ago

Here here. I’m with you on all this. I’m seriously AMAZED the proportion dumb porn has taken. Seems like a great op to shut it down. Ugh. I love QRV. Better than all the other girls. Call me crazy.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Isn’t she though? I refresh new probably 100+ times a day to see what the latest effort is to disrupt the sub is

SnapAwake ago

There’s nothing like it and it deserves to live. It really seems a concerted effort to take her down. I can’t even believe I’m saying it. Fucking letchers.

PuttItOut ago

No. No. Nope. Same.

How's that for being succinct?

Justsomebullshitname ago

Spot on and appreciated. Please understand that while some hate it some of us welcome it for what it signals. Please balance that in your contemplated actions.

PuttItOut ago

Ok, then do me this favor:

Don't listen to a bunch of alt mods when you have one verifiable person right in front of you. You know who I am, my colors haven't changed, and I have a track record.

One thing I don't do is surprise people. I'm not on a power trip, and have a ton of work to do besides looking for drama. When I get involved with anything there is a solid reason.

Also worth noting: I personally fought for the Q subs... I called off the Goats in the beginning of the migration when tension was high and about to break. Goats could have sent the Q folks packing in short time.

Do you even know the mods on v/qrv right now? I don't.

bopper ago

What mods lol?

srayzie ago


Justsomebullshitname ago

You have a track record of letting this place slip further and further from what it was when it began. That is my honest perception of you, you are not holding this place up to the true spirit of what it was meant to be. You cave to pressure constantly and make decisions that erode faith in this platform.

We know they do as we ask of them which is to never delete any thing hut that which is criminal to post and host. This is all I need to know of them. They have done nothing against us in any way ever. And if you’re hinting that they are posting part of that content, it would not surprise me in the least, that is used to prevent name fags and book shills from live streaming our boards and turning them into profit models.

Their inaction speaks louder than any curation action they could ever take. It’s exactly what we demanded of them and exactly what they gave us.

QAnon community is scattered because of the truncheon. The Chan’s ultimately are our fallback but for now QRV permits us to exist on a forum. The mods are managed form the Chan’s by our Board operator who we all trust emphatically. By proxy we trust our mods here.

On the Chan’s our board volunteers post fag porn to keep streamers off of it. I fully expect that this occurs here as well.

Shizy ago

You have a track record of letting this place slip further and further from what it was when it began.

How do you know what it was back then when your account is only 7 months old?

Justsomebullshitname ago

Oh I don’t know, perhaps it’s a new account made after I abandoned my need to be recognized by any particular name as will occur again after today....

PuttItOut ago

All add your viewpoint as one to the many.

Your first paragraph is wrong. If anything I'm guilty of what you praise others for.

Justsomebullshitname ago

I could easily misread your intent and your actions. You really seem easily manipulated by the few power users of this site and when you act to satisfy them it generally hurts the rest of us.

PuttItOut ago

Ok, I'm marking you as a solid 'No' on this one.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Haha yeah, no change, keep as is. And sorry for being blatant and undiplomatic in my assessment. I do respect your effort to make this place survive. I just think you can do better by following the moods of the moment with more self confidence. You fear backlash and from certain people more.

srayzie ago

You obviously don’t know Putt. How about you go run your own fucking free speech forum before you try giving advice?

Why fear back lash from certain people? What “user” is going to fire the owner? You sure are trying hard to shape public opinion. I can see why you prefer to be anonymous.

Justsomebullshitname ago

You obviously do know him. That’s why your play to force us to change to satisfy your expectations has created yet another shit storm...

PuttItOut ago

You fear backlash and from certain people more. That gives them power over your decision making.

Now we get to the truth. And we just had to flirt around for a bit to get here. I respect your feedback on this. I'll hear you out in the future now.

Justsomebullshitname ago

That’s the other facet of the same. The litmus test for value weighting opinions. My anger with your leadership stems from that. You’re surrounded by the loudest voices and the respected few and they hold the real power. It’s fine and healthy until it’s used as a weapon against a community as is occurring with this manufactured crisis.

PuttItOut ago

These are concerns every man must master. It requires persistent attention as it is always a present force.

And I need to be reminded as well.

Not that I want to hear it, but I don't know why you have anger towards me.

srayzie ago

No Putt, dude needs to grow a pair. No wonder he wants to be anonymous. If he whines this much, I can’t imagine what his wife must go thru. I think this is a shill.

PuttItOut ago

Every statement has an element of truth to it. I'll listen to a shill if he's right 50% of the time. Just saying.

Justsomebullshitname ago

@srayzie, attack my arguments not my character. Putt can probably see all of my posts due to admin access and measure your assertion that I am a shill, he will find an active and engaged member of QRV that participates regularly.

Your only defense against my argument that QRV is exactly how is actual QRV users like it is to insult and name call, threaten doxxing, and down vote.

We all know you think you deserved to run the Q community on Voat, never gonna happen. You are in an echo chamber of your own creation and so self righteous that you can’t see past your own expectations of others behaviors to realize you’ve become what every one hates about moderators.

KillerKap ago

I checked this guy's comment history. 100% concern trolling you bruh.

PuttItOut ago

That's usually how it ends.

But it was beautiful when it was a thing!

Justsomebullshitname ago

Think of it this way. If I want to make you make the choice I want, I just need to get a bunch of people to yell at you for the opposite while insulting you and degrading your efforts here. You’ll favor the choice I really want you to make more.

Justsomebullshitname ago

I’m basically calling you a cuck lel, didn’t realize until said, but hahaha yes. And I know you don’t like hearing it. I’ve said it to you in the past in other ways equally as inflammatory and justified my anger by you not hearing through the intentional inflammatory payload I delivered it in. It’s my litmus test of sorts. If you can’t hear reason when inflamed, then you’re susceptible to consensus cracking through emotional manipulation. I know I’m generalizing.

Anger is more disappointment that you have chosen to ignore the cries of people who try to degrade you to bring you down to eye level. People feel powerless in the face of the minority loud voices and their friendly admin. To my self I fear that you’ll be used as a weapon as it appears someone tried to use you today.

PuttItOut ago

Alright, well next time just say it. Let's not dance. I'll listen to what you have to say.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Since I offended the downvote brigade this is likely the last comment this account will ever be capable of making. CCP is dropping fast enough to hit the negative soon had to throw a fact at you.

Mod change at QRV occurred when BO stepped down at QResearch for IRL duties. He was formerly running the show at QRV, the timing aligns. It wasn’t a corrupt takeover it was a change of guard. Bet if you went to 8ch you’d be able to chat with BVs and BO (new one) to meet them eye to eye.

I know you guys think we QTards are crazy but considering this. Couple days later Jillian Assange has IRL duties he had to take care of. It’s hearsay speculation right now but fits in the realm of Q.

Justsomebullshitname ago

For now I’ve said what I needed and you took away the two things I’d hoped you would hear from me. Kinda surprised, you’ve gotten way better at hearing truth in the midst of vile. That’s all I’ve ever felt was missing from your leadership. Basically a willingness to hear out who ever is the “bad guy” of the debate with the unpopular opinion and the shitty attitude. That comes from a place of deep emotional beliefs on topics and is worth understanding even if you can never agree.

Thanks for your time and energy. Now off to the shithole I lovingly call home

srayzie ago

Well it’s a good thing your whiny ass doesn’t have much ccp. We like to downvote shills. I’ll give you a few warm welcome downvotes.🖕🏻

Justsomebullshitname ago

Of course. You lose the argument on merit and you turn to the truncheon. How predictable.

KillerKap ago

I'm suspicious of this other guy's posts P. He is lying about us posting fag porn on Qresearch. We post softcore pinup girls to honor the baker. Do your thing. People can judge for themselves.

srayzie ago

Make that child porn

KillerKap ago

checked and correct

Justsomebullshitname ago

Furthermore, this is a manufactured crisis by the person posting the porn. They admit as much before making the ownership request for the sub. You’re handing them a victory. The power to censor us for the acts they committed which compelled you to demand censorship.

Shizy ago

They admit as much before making the ownership request for the sub.

Who's making an ownership request? Do you really think Putt is stupid enough to turn it over to the person causing the problem in the first place? Really?

which compelled you to demand censorship.

Again, where have I ever demanded censorship? You sound mad and are lashing out. Wrong person bro! Take your problem up with the person doing this shit, cause it's not me!

Justsomebullshitname ago

Credit due where it’s due. This is what I was referencing.

Justsomebullshitname ago

You’re asking for tools to ban our community members.... this is disgusting

Shizy ago

Again, the ones doing this are NOT your community members! They are shills and trolls, and could very possibly be paid to disrupt and forum slide.

In one comment you acknowledge there are people with bad intentions causing problems on QRV, and then you're advocating for protecting those same people? So which is it? Are they your "community members" or are they bad people?

Your comments don't make sense! I'm beginning to think you're trolling now too.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Shills and trolls are part of what makes QRV, QRV. It’s why I choose it over the two alternative subs here. I like their attempts to disrupt. It is valuable to the culture of the community. It’s a battle ground and we go each day to fight, literally only place online I know of like it. Only home I have where I can choose for my self while enjoying a forum like format over the Chan format.

srayzie ago

People do the same thing on other subs. Why do you have to have the porn and be anonymous?

SnapAwake ago

Why does anyone need to understand why he loves it? He does. As do I. THe more I read, the more you’re sounding like everyone i oppose. Specifically those who wonder why anonymity is important.

And yes, I realize I just literally bombed this thread... bc I was shocked and fucking amazed at the logic employed here by you folks in this tidy tidy place.

But no hate, y’all do good work here. I don’t impress my views on how this place should be run. I’d like the same courtesy, whether you understand QRV and those who love it for its insanity. Or not.

Take care now.

KillerKap ago

this guy is shilling m'lady. His argument that viewing artwork of an interracial gangbang of a 7 year old helps him decide what to research is quite a stretch. Even 8chan has boundares... He also lied on another thread saying qresearchers post fag porn images for positive reasons. We post baker girls. Highly suspicious.

srayzie ago

Yeah I know you post baker girls and one of these days I’m gonna post a baker man. Not everyone wants to see titties all day long. They could at least add some hunks. 🙄 I need to make a request! @Shizy 😂

KillerKap ago

Oh lawd pleaze dont. For love of Kek please.

srayzie ago

D or gtfo 😂 That’s better. I’ll even bring a sammich

Shizy ago

I agree! Too many homo images. How about some tasteful nudies of hot straight guys?

@SandHog can you help us out here?

SandHog ago

Not without doxxing myself...I do have quite the collection of gardening implements though if those might be of interest!

Shizy ago

That user has an interesting name!

srayzie ago

I didn’t even think of that. You’re right! No wonder he wants to be anonymous.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Because we have different ideas of what freedom is and we are enjoying the only place on the internet where this special blend is permitted. I like having to deal with shills and spam. It lets me decide what to pay attention to. I know you think you deserve to have a say but that’s power hunger you’re feeling.

srayzie ago

I know you think you deserve to have a say but that’s power hunger you’re feeling.

You can stop with the power mod bullshit. That was Reddit. You aren’t even into this sub, so don’t assume you know how we run things. We take part and participate everyday like regular users. Our logs are public.

It’s not that I deserve to have a say. But, their users do. I think the majority of the community that are not shills, want changes. Do you not get what Infiltration is? QRV has been infiltrated. It won’t last much longer if something isn’t done. There is nothing Q related about porn. They could choose to keep it anonymous and just remove porn.

The balls in their field. Why don’t you bitch at them? All I care about is the Q movement and it’s pathetic to me that they are letting the board Q asked to be created just be taken over.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Then why are you trying to control how QRV works? That’s power mod bs. You don’t like what we like and want us to change to meet your expectations.

srayzie ago

You must be on your period. I can see why you like to be anonymous. I’m glad you like QRV because you’re too bitchy. I’ll be glad when you go back home.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Stop using your power to self prompt as a weapon against our community and I won’t ever have a reason to come bursting in your front door again.

bopper ago

Great, thanks.

CerealBrain ago


If it was up your ass you would know where it is now wouldn't you?

angelCole ago

Glad to see this. I hate to go there because it's anon and an awful place to try and have a convo.

SexMachine ago

I like redpilling Qtards on the JQ.

CerealBrain ago

Because the Qtards don't know about the Jew problem. Retard.

You are retarded and I AM CEREALBRAIN.

SexMachine ago

They sure as hell don't act like they know. Israel is their greatest ally.

KillerKap ago

You are so out of date on the program it's becoming impressive.

CerealBrain ago

Some don't yeah. Many do. The Israel thing is complicated.

Stonenchizel ago

WOW !... It looks like you have done a great job bringing this issue to the boss @srayzie

Keep up the awesome job @srayzie because you are the @BadAssModOfTheGAsub

We love Our Mods at the @GAsub



SnapAwake ago

Wait seriously no offense to anyone here but why the mod obsession?

How much do you clean around here? And if a lot, why? And - I have lots of questions on the topic of free speech actually, but I’m amazed at this in all truth.

StuckinSF ago

I have more questions than answers. There’s just so much. It’s like being at the library and you’re learning to read. This must be what dyslexia feels like. I’m old....the jargon

Ziggyspeaks ago

Much Applause and total agreement with the above sentiment! Thanks @Stonechizel, @Srayzie!

srayzie ago

You’re welcome Ziggy!

srayzie ago

Awww thank you! You’re pretty bad ass yourself 😎

Patti_McGreen ago

Thank you

chocolatepatriot2 ago

I am late to this issue. so Putt is trying to help QRV get rid of the porn, and the QRV mods are not willing to help rid the porn? is this correct?

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

Report Spam Porn Comment How-to At https://voat.co/v/QRV/3191597/

chocolatepatriot2 ago

thats what i am thinking. sometimes it hard to tell who is trying to divide us. I just downvote the shills. and I try to stay on GreatAwakening as much as possible hope this is helpful

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Somebody posted a screenshot. Probably fake.

Womb_Raider ago

Ultimately, Putt will probably destroy QRV and all that will remain are the subs Srayzie and SBBH control... meaning we won't get much of anything organic. Voat is going to further descend.

Lurkerwastaken ago

It will take years, you are still able to openly talk shit about the site and the owner of this v/ ENJOY IT! and rest assured that when it does all come crumbling down there will be a replacement, that's how this organic stuff works, when the web is no longer free there will be the dark web and when that goes down there will be a darker web. Live for today and be ready to adapt when the inevitable happens.

Womb_Raider ago

"Roll over and take it" is what this comment sounds like

Lurkerwastaken ago

it is the life cycle, when your time comes to die there is point in fighting it.

Womb_Raider ago

Haha. Molon labe, my friend.

srayzie ago

I love your positivity. You must be a joy.🖕🏻

Shizy ago

meaning we won't get much of anything organic.

O was going to suggest you start your own sub and run it the way you want. Then I saw you're the O of v/buttslammed 🤣! Sounds really organic!


srayzie ago

I had a feeling he was a faggot

Womb_Raider ago

Not a very articulate defense given my accusation.

srayzie ago

Go fuck yourself

Womb_Raider ago

That's better. Very eloquently spoken.

srayzie ago

Who knew you had a sense of humor

Womb_Raider ago

I don't joke about matters I consider serious.

srayzie ago

What is your problem? You think Q is a LARP? Or is your problem with me?

Womb_Raider ago

Q is real. That's why someone like you exists

srayzie ago

Thank you sir 🤓

KillerKap ago

We have infinity chan. Nothing at all gets done here. This place was a placeholder for the reddit and is no longer needed. The mainstream has caught up with Q timelines and the show is unfolding for the entire world to see. QRV is irrelevant.

Womb_Raider ago

What's your opinion of Srayzie and her goons controlling the other Q subs here?

KillerKap ago

I have to believe she just isn't considering a wider view of the manufactured problem. The evidence I have is that I have never had a single problem posting a free idea, theory or rumination on her own sub (GA). I do throw out some pretty radical ideas so my experience is she runs her own shit fine by me. This really isn't her fight. Not my place to tell her how to behave.

Q originally vouched for the QRV hangout and it was outside of the control of many subversives from the reddit migration. "Theawakening" sub faggotry as evidence. I see no reason to believe if the purpose of QRV is still relevant, that Q won't simply interject once again if it becomes a problem. I'm not worried. If site admin P is being threatened by DOJ, and is not being buffed by Q's g-men then of course hes going to save his own skin. That isn't too had to understand.

Again, we'll be fine either way. I post here, but as a qresearch vet, I can honestly say. the system we have on infinity is simply so far superior and productive to push digs, vet research, try on new theories and receive peer review. Any of the Q action on here is redundant as the twatterfags pick up their digs from infinity as a first source... QRV aggregates as a secondary downstream source as well... but with no audience it is irrelevant.

Ironic considering the best Pizzagate research has always been done here and the chans were imossible to do any work at all from cointel sabotoge.

Womb_Raider ago

I think Putt is capable of seeing beyond the anonymized posts, if anyone is posting illegal content he should be banning their accounts, not acting to sabotage a subverse. Ask yourself why this is only happening on QRV? Seems targeted. My eyebrow is raised at this one.

KillerKap ago

you are not wrong. of course its a targeted plan being executed against QRV. we must consider P is comped or just doesn't care. At best he is tired of getting notifications of spam and illegal content reports. At worst he is deep state OMFG!? Somewhere in between he is being pressured by outside force to shut it all down.

srayzie ago

Yes. Users have contacted them, I’ve reached out to them, a QRV mod who was also the QResearch BV was fired for posting child porn.

Before that, the board owner 8bit resigned and was replaced by one that used to be BO of TheStorm and CBTS 8chan boards thag Q replaced. They want respond to anyone’s pings or anything.

RockmanRaiden ago

Q knew that subverse would draw all the fire. They also knew there were other subverses that are already established here. Unfortunately, it looks like the standard Israel worshiper is the target audience for MAGA, so they're all jerking each other off on Twitter while the board slowly gets compromised.

Lyonessrising ago

Qrv was a carrot meant to draw the shiy posts from the chans. We were put up as busy work for them. I started on Qrv w voat. I visit there still. But I stay here by in large because you can actual dig and discuss . That's why Q said day one they are staying on 8chan. So if Qrv is not willing or able to change let them remain as intended. A distraction for shills and posers that would just be screwinv up 8chan. IMHO

srayzie ago

So true

bopper ago

Recipe for disaster and destruction to say the least, moderator compromised and total anonymity.

ideologicidal ago

Every tactic being used on v/QRV has precedent on the chans. Loli spam, gay spam, tranny spam, the litany of failed famefags. Badges of honor, all.

The difference is 8ch had the filter option. Voat doesn't, at least, not on anonymous boards. That gap could have been filled by proactive mods. It hasn't. The shills are exploiting this.

Q established v/QRV with a couple of posts and an endorsement. They could establish another board with similar ease.

Thanks, OP, for the update.

QAnon_MAGA ago

The tactics being used to attack the board are incredibly transparent. The moderation team is obviously compromised and working for the dark side.

Their stickied post is at -36 currently which is hilarious, and my comment telling the mods to fuck off is at 34 points.

Censorship and compromised moderation teams is a huge problem that affects /r/The_Donald as well. Please read my comment linked above where I discuss the need to free /r/The_Donald from censorship.

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

About this QRV discussion at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3235269

I do NOT trust https://poal.co


  • POAL.CO is potentially NOT secure. As POAL.CO code is not available publicly. So it can not be review by the public. In other words, there is a risk of abuse.
  • POAL.CO is own by a for-profit organization Phuks LLC. It is not owned by a not-for-profit community. Usually a for-profit organization first priority is to hoard money. Not serve you and protect your privacy.
  • This means POAL.CO has weaker privacy and weaker free speech than VOAT. Compare to VOAT.CO which IS open source.

Who Is Phuks LLC?

  • Phuks, LLC filed as a Florida Limited Liability in the State of Florida on Monday, January 9, 2017 as recorded in documents filed with Florida Department of State.
  • 3 owners according to public records:


I don't generally get involved here on voat anymore but this information is 1 doxxing and 2 blatantly inaccurate. I own poal.co not phuks I am the sole legal owner of the domain the VPS and all of it. If you want know who I am there are multiple ways to get in contact with me that are listed on poal.co and on poal.co's sidebar. I respect phuks.co and their devs and doxxing them like this is a dick move. Especially considering they have no part in all this.

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

Dear @PM_ME_YOUR_BOOBS2 :) Thanks for your comment. My comment was not doxxing. Doxxing is not to confuse with including source of information, or including information about other people than Voat users. The keyword here is "other".

For those not familiar with doxxing. To not comply with VOAT doxxing agreement a user would post information that would directly identify a particular Voat user real world or online identity. For your convenience here is an extract:

Content contains personal information that relates to a Voat users real world or online identity

My comment was about poal.co's business associates. Not about Voat users real world or online identity. If those business associates are VOAT users I'm not aware of their VOAT identities and I did not doxx them. Also all the information in my comment is public information.


Poal.co does not have any "business associates" I suppose it isn't doxing according to voat's rules, however that doesn't mean it wasn't a dick move. I'll ask you kindly to stop with the mis information and find out the actual truth about who runs what.

Again, if you want to know who I am there are more than enough ways to get in contact with me. There are plenty of people who can tell you who I am and what I do.

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

I'm re-posting my comment below

Speaking of FastJack and Putt, about this related QRV discussion at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3235269

I do NOT trust https://poal.co


  • POAL.CO is potentially NOT secure. As POAL.CO code is not available publicly. So it can not be review by the public. In other words, there is a risk of abuse.
  • POAL.CO is own by a for-profit organization Phuks LLC. It is not owned by a not-for-profit community. Usually a for-profit organization first priority is to hoard money. Not serve you and protect your privacy.
  • This means POAL.CO has weaker privacy and weaker free speech than VOAT. Compare to VOAT.CO which IS open source.

Who Is Phuks LLC?

Mumbleberry ago

Go molest some more puppies, Francois.

Shizy ago

Is what you're saying true?

KillerKap ago

Exactly. if you just had a feature that banned all future posts from a specific anon, contained on the post itself, none of this would ever be an issue. Instead you have to find out who is brigading and go block tons of users in their home subs. It works but it shouldnt be ten extra steps when the internal voat system knows which true account is spamming as anon.

2fast4u92 ago

The other difference is 8chan has anon user IDs not just post numbers. So you get shills like the Capslock Spammer making a thread, replying to it like 20 times with an alt, and then using his own other threads to "prove" his narriative.

KillerKap ago

QRV anon has so many deficiency when compared to infinity. Q oversight without a doubt. There just wasnt any other place to hold the redditfag horde. 8cha is home of the Q movement. With the server buffs directly implemented by Q assets, I don't see that changing anytime soon. I'm ready to let QRV go or whatever. I just don't care,

ideologicidal ago

A playpen for as-yet unweaponized autists.

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bopper ago


SukkhaMadiqqa ago

I wasn't pleased with the way the whole Q migration happened here, but wasn't 8bit supposed to work with Putt on setting up QRV, and the result of that was QRV in anonymous mode? I recall the refugees were mighty upset about having to wade out into other areas of Voat to build up their CCP because of it. And now this setting is a bad thing?

Seems mighty suspicious...

srayzie ago

I think you’re thinking of v/TheAwakening regarding the CCP. That was their fault by the settings they chose. They had to wait 48 hours to change the setting. Then supposedly, “it reset itself.” Not Putts fault.

ideologicidal ago

I 'member. That was quite the introduction...


Paladin_Diver ago

As one of the Reddit refugees, that meme isn't terribly far from the truth.

ideologicidal ago

Me too, but we weren't rhe first. r/thedonald tried brigading Voat before we arrived. Apparently it went something like this:


Paladin_Diver ago

That's pretty good.

srayzie ago

Lol I remember that

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

Thanks, you are correct. I remember that now. What a freaking mess. From looking at your reply to another comment I am getting a clearer picture of what is apparently going on in QRV now.

srayzie ago

Yeah, I think we all are. I never expected them to react this way and disrespect the owner

bopper ago

Telling Putt to go to hell basically is what he's doing.

Putt has enough problems with certain fed agencies right now.

srayzie ago

Wow. Are there only 2 PM’s? This is unbelievable. They were given something amazing. Something that would be a part of history when looking back. Something they could show their future grandchildren and they are making it a joke.

The OWNER of Voat PM’s them trying to get their attention and they are basically laughing at him. This is what I think... I think they are compromised, and they will blame Voat.

SnapAwake ago

I dunno. Sure as shit would be convenient to “shut it down” after some people complained about dumb porn being posted. I’m in there a lot and I couldn’t give a shit about it.

If people can’t handle that, they’re babies. And if that’s what seems to be “compromised” about it to you, I laugh.

Big. Hearty. Belly. Laughs.

BrainwashedByTrump ago

The #1 tactic of the left is infiltration. Once they infiltrate, they can control. Especially when it comes to information. From what I've seen over there, I don't trust these guys either.

StuckinSF ago

This is true and difficult to defend against. The end justifies the means is at the core of their crusade

srayzie ago

We’ve had so many people try to infiltrate here too.

bopper ago

They have to be compromised, the only explanation for their response to Putt.

MolochHunter ago

agreed, this goes beyond neglect into willful neglect

pby1000 ago

It is very telling that they do not see the problem. They are purposely and intentionally throwing the rules of voat into our faces. Saul Alinsky would be proud.

bopper ago

That's right, great point.