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Sheetz ago

Keep in mind, QRV is BOTH a user created sub and a NSFW sub. That means not only can't lurkers see it without clicking v/all or v/QRV, they have to create both an account AND set it to NSFW. It's virtually a ghost sub on a ghost site. It's only bothering those who go out of their way to see it anyways.

I think it would be better if Putt could provide tools to ban in an anon sub.

PuttItOut ago

Already in the works.

Justsomebullshitname ago

When one form of censorship fails, try another. Simply pathetic.

Shizy ago

It's not censorship when there's other subs people can use to post tranny porn.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Why do you name fags get to decide what we Qanon fags do in our isolated corner? You have your own network of subs including clones of ours. We are just fine living in our inferno of chaos. You guys are just fine living in your nest orderly realms. Leave us alone. I don’t care if people post tranny porn. I like to see what people slide because that’s where the juicy meat always is.


Shizy ago


You're the one who came over here to talk shit!

Kindly fuck off now.

Justsomebullshitname ago

You guys are driving a campaign for power over our community of corse I came out to defend my self from power hungry pricks

Shizy ago

You guys are driving a campaign for power over our community

How so? What have I done to your community? Nothing!

Justsomebullshitname ago

Calling for tools to ban our community members.... scroll up.... you name fags are all alike smh

Shizy ago

Calling for tools to ban our community members....

The people doing this are NOt your community members. They are trolls who cause problems voatwide. There should be tools to allow for them to addressed.

If you don't agree with that, fine, start your own sub and do whatever you want.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Who are you to say who we accept into our community or not? I consider them part of the family. I find them useful to my understanding of the landscape of information and tactics. As they try harder and harder to disrupt I learn better and better how to sustain in chaos. I love it. I look forward to the daily challenge. It’s literally the only place like it on the internet. It’s the last of its kind.

Justsomebullshitname ago

@puttitout do you really want to destroy this for every one? Is that what Voat was created for? To destroy unique communities that don’t conform to others expectations of what’s permissible and correct? I’ll support removal of illicit content but I will not yield an inch more.

PuttItOut ago

No. No. Nope. Same.

How's that for being succinct?

Justsomebullshitname ago

Spot on and appreciated. Please understand that while some hate it some of us welcome it for what it signals. Please balance that in your contemplated actions.

PuttItOut ago

Ok, then do me this favor:

Don't listen to a bunch of alt mods when you have one verifiable person right in front of you. You know who I am, my colors haven't changed, and I have a track record.

One thing I don't do is surprise people. I'm not on a power trip, and have a ton of work to do besides looking for drama. When I get involved with anything there is a solid reason.

Also worth noting: I personally fought for the Q subs... I called off the Goats in the beginning of the migration when tension was high and about to break. Goats could have sent the Q folks packing in short time.

Do you even know the mods on v/qrv right now? I don't.

Justsomebullshitname ago

You have a track record of letting this place slip further and further from what it was when it began. That is my honest perception of you, you are not holding this place up to the true spirit of what it was meant to be. You cave to pressure constantly and make decisions that erode faith in this platform.

We know they do as we ask of them which is to never delete any thing hut that which is criminal to post and host. This is all I need to know of them. They have done nothing against us in any way ever. And if you’re hinting that they are posting part of that content, it would not surprise me in the least, that is used to prevent name fags and book shills from live streaming our boards and turning them into profit models.

Their inaction speaks louder than any curation action they could ever take. It’s exactly what we demanded of them and exactly what they gave us.

QAnon community is scattered because of the truncheon. The Chan’s ultimately are our fallback but for now QRV permits us to exist on a forum. The mods are managed form the Chan’s by our Board operator who we all trust emphatically. By proxy we trust our mods here.

On the Chan’s our board volunteers post fag porn to keep streamers off of it. I fully expect that this occurs here as well.

PuttItOut ago

All add your viewpoint as one to the many.

Your first paragraph is wrong. If anything I'm guilty of what you praise others for.

Justsomebullshitname ago

I could easily misread your intent and your actions. You really seem easily manipulated by the few power users of this site and when you act to satisfy them it generally hurts the rest of us.

PuttItOut ago

Ok, I'm marking you as a solid 'No' on this one.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Haha yeah, no change, keep as is. And sorry for being blatant and undiplomatic in my assessment. I do respect your effort to make this place survive. I just think you can do better by following the moods of the moment with more self confidence. You fear backlash and from certain people more.

PuttItOut ago

You fear backlash and from certain people more. That gives them power over your decision making.

Now we get to the truth. And we just had to flirt around for a bit to get here. I respect your feedback on this. I'll hear you out in the future now.

Justsomebullshitname ago

That’s the other facet of the same. The litmus test for value weighting opinions. My anger with your leadership stems from that. You’re surrounded by the loudest voices and the respected few and they hold the real power. It’s fine and healthy until it’s used as a weapon against a community as is occurring with this manufactured crisis.

PuttItOut ago

These are concerns every man must master. It requires persistent attention as it is always a present force.

And I need to be reminded as well.

Not that I want to hear it, but I don't know why you have anger towards me.

KillerKap ago

I'm suspicious of this other guy's posts P. He is lying about us posting fag porn on Qresearch. We post softcore pinup girls to honor the baker. Do your thing. People can judge for themselves.

srayzie ago

Make that child porn

KillerKap ago

checked and correct