AlwaysDeplorable ago

I haven't been to QRV in months because it has been a mess for a long time. I just now went over and guess what? There is a thread there where users are actually blaming @srayzie for spamming QRV with the porn!!!! Check this out:

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

For those note familiar with reporting spam porn comments. There is a how-to with screenshot at

srayzie ago

I just saw that @Cynabuns said the same thing in the comment section of that thread. This wouldn’t do any good.

srayzie ago

That doesn’t make sense. Their mods said they won’t remove it unless it’s illegal. Porn is not illegal. I suggested they remove it and they said no.

This post wasn’t stickied? Anyone could have made this most. This would only matter if QRV mods made this post.

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

Spam Child Porn

@srayzie :) I meant "spam child porn" comments. Which break VOAT's rules.

Protect Kids: You agree not to post any child pornography or sexually suggestive content involving minors.



You may not post any graphics, text, photographs, images, video, audio or other material that we deem to be junk or spam.

Content violates spam guidelines

Mumbleberry ago

Ban evading fuckstick faggot

MuckeyDuck ago

What porn? I didn't see any. Can you send me a link lol.

srayzie ago

No! Be a good boy! 😂

chocolatepatriot2 ago

agree 100% downvote the trolls but dont feed them. let us know if there is anything else we can do.
thank you srayzie

RealBlackberry ago

Thank you...not an easy job. Thanks you for being honest and real and caring about doing the right thing. Will do my part.

Stonenchizel ago

Man @srayzie you ain't lyin' ....I just clicked on over at QRV and right there on top is a dude sucking off another dude....Talk about sickening up a sub... I'm done with QRV ! If the Mod's ain't gonna do shit about that then they are the fucking problem... So sad to see a sub where Q actually sent people to go for Q'anon drop sharing minded people and then the a few dickheads or maybe even worst , a few Democrat's trying to destroy the whole Q'anon following have sunken to their total style of playing life.... Just like Michael Obama said " When They Go Low We Go Lower " Hey guys #QRV is COMPROMISED!

srayzie ago

I keep seen tranny dicks and butt holes. I’ve seen enough butt hole in the last week or 2 to last me a life time.

Stonenchizel ago

Hahahaaha! Right @srayzie I only seen it once and that was too much for Me....I'm so in love with My Woman of 28 years together that when weird shit like that happens and pops up like it did on @QRV it's a shock to the system.... It makes you wonder wow..How bad is really getting out there in society ,,,It's pretty sickening if that shit is the norm for some people. God Bless You for keeping this @QAsub decent and free from all that sickening gay porn or worst yet loli porn....Thanks for doing a great job with the @QAsub

srayzie ago

Lol. I don’t think it’s normal. Buttholes aren’t my thing tho. 😂

Awww you have a lucky woman because you’re a sweetheart. I love good Patriots like you. You’re always so positive. Thank you.

QDPie ago

Thanks @srayzie! Question - as far as I'm concerned, it's porn whether or not it's anime or a real photo or a drawing. I was told by another poster anime doesn't count. IMHO if it shows a child or even an adult engaged in some sex act, I don't care how it's depicted, it's porn. Right?

srayzie ago

Any porn. It’s not Q related. There are always exceptions like when Stormy Daniels had that NXIVM scar. But that was on topic and labeled nsfw. That’s very rare.

divine_human ago

indeed, the QRV mods dont even react when pinged. shows no interest in the board whatsoever. thus, it goes down the drains.

reminds me of what i said when all of this started: no need to quarrel with other Q subs, over time, quality always wins. GA is quality so people shift over here.

MudPuddlePie ago

Huzzah and Hooray. Agreed.

insanitea ago

I find it ironic that Israel popularised porn for use as a weapon (especially against the Palestinians) yet a lot of the self-proclaimed "red-pilled" on 8chan glorify it. The most widespread and spiritually implicating epidemic in the world and barely anyone wants to acknowledge how much damage is caused by it, indirectly and otherwise. People over on QRV didn't believe me at first when I said this was about more than just ruining a forum...

If that were actually the case they would simply target the DNS system. But it isn't -- because we're literally energetic livestock to them.

MolochHunter ago


well, now everyone knows how i feel about comey

Cynabuns ago

Best wishes @srayzie - you are a quality mod

srayzie ago

Thank you @Cybabuns!

WhisperingPine ago

if you need mods there i can help with that board a few hours a day if that helps ?

srayzie ago

We don’t have any day over that board

WhisperingPine ago

Ok well if you need help on that board im here just get in touch with me im happy to help keep it under control, im a Administrator on a Social Media Cam chat so i know what im doing lol but happy to help where needed anytime :)

MudPuddlePie ago

I contacted one of the mods on QRV about the porn and never got a reply. Didn't know mods were ignoring others who were complaining also. Hope Q sees this.

Excellent option, thank you, Srayzie.

RealBlackberry ago

Yes, this isn't Facebook. That's how they act.

MudPuddlePie ago

I've never been on Facebook so I don't understand the reference. But the mods should have responded even if to tell me to bugger off.

RealBlackberry ago

Yeah, when you have a FB acct, there is a space to search for "friends" and instead of putting a name, if you put "who is tracking me?" or "who is following me?" in that space--if you have ever put anything FB considers bad, especially if it's trying to wake people up against Shariah law or Islamic terrorists or LGBT terrorists, you will see a whole long list of names of people who you are following you. Most of mine had Muslim names or their pictures looked like serial killers and when I first did this, I had over 200 people tracking me. I had to go through and block every one, but some they would not let me block. I complained about it over and over to FB and got no response in any way, but every week I would have 50 or 60 more people assigned to track me. I had no personal info on myself, but it was kind of frightening, especially when no one responds. Anyone who is on FB can go in and find who is tracking you this way. It is eye opening. Then, I guess they just decided to suspend my account and asked me for phone number, emails, etc. and I just decided it wasn't worth it. I miss my patriot friends from far away states that I valued, but I am not gonna give them my info so they can track me with terrorists every day.

MudPuddlePie ago

WOW...that is very unnerving. Very good info for the people on facebook. Have you ever thought of making this a post on it's own? It is Q related (spying, data collection, NWO, muzzy agenda in our govt, etc.). If I was on FB I would want to know this.

Oh and I've read there is an alternative to FB out now...can't remember what it's called. If you don't already know it, I'll find and post if you are interested.

God speed, Berry.

srayzie ago

I hope so too. You’re welcome. Thank you.

ditzee ago

Thanks for this. Was looking for a way to report the other day and didn't know how.

Also, for those who want to read Twitter posts, you do not have to have an account-I don't. If you're banned, get a VPN so that you can read the tweets.

RealBlackberry ago

Yes, we all need to get a VPN. I have been kicked off Twitter and Facebook, but can still go read twitter.

PacaGoat ago

QRV is not doing so good at the moment. I have a theroy who may be behind some of it. You wouldnt be supprised.

srayzie ago

Send me a message if you want. I bet I wouldn’t be surprised either

PacaGoat ago

If I knew how. Im a dunce on working around voat.

Fateswebb ago

The the users name you wish to message, click the three lines menu to the left, click send message.

DammitMan ago

Thank you!

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

Whoever could it be Paca?

PacaGoat ago

Someone just referred to.

bopper ago

Thanks Srayzie, good job, good work.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome. Thank you Bopper

Lauraingalls ago

TROLLS are downvoting you. Badge of honor. They don't like you trying to put a stop to their nonsense.

Lauraingalls ago

I really wish Q would create a forum where people don't have to be subject to these EVIL people. Evil wants to destroy everything and most of the time it does.

bopper ago

I enjoyed going to the old Reddit sub, though they censored some things that they shouldn't have, it was decent for the most part. Lots of good people there. Like srayzie said, everybody ignore them, it marginalizes them and take the wind out of their sails.

Lauraingalls ago

Good advice. Block if you can, ignore if you can't.

AO28-1 ago

Roger your vector Victor!

ultravioletLight ago

Porn spam will ruin any forum. Just look at reddit.

Lauraingalls ago

That is what they want. Discourage good people that have no interest in their filth.

PacaGoat ago

The purpose is to run people off the board. For sure. Being an annomus board aint helping. This isnt 8chan.

Lauraingalls ago

8 Chan shouldn't have to deal with it either.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#39408) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Lauraingalls ago

If someone has some sick addition to PORN don't try to shove it in our faces. Decent people have no interest in your sick mental health issues. I'm glad porn is not allowed here. The only reason some of us are here is to talk about Q and political topics, and get intelligent and thoughtful comments. I am certainly not interested in sick people who think they are funny or want to harass others. I hope Q can do something. I won't go on 8 chan because of the porn. It's really sad how many mentally disturbed people are out there.

Fateswebb ago

It's most certainly not an addiction to porn, it's a staged attack to try and filth the place up to drive away users and discredit the topics.

Lauraingalls ago

I think it's both to be honest.

Fateswebb ago

I can tell ya this, if you're looking for porn, voat is not where you're going to come... They have places designed specifically for that. It would be a complete waste of time. So that makes them either shills, or just some sort of weird exibitionist, but then exibitionist even still makes not sense, for the same reason. If you're trying to be shocking, doing so on voat makes no sense.. your target audience isn't the type those people target. The easily offended. So that means it beasically has to be shills.....

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

They are reposting from v/loli and v/shemales. The fact that these places exist on VOAT is so disgusting

Fateswebb ago

Oh I'm so sure the shemales go to voat and chat it up, and even call themselves shemales in the sub.. 🙄 it's not real man...

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

GTFO shemale lover

Fateswebb ago

Even the stupid claim they post porn on voat in /v/loli is ridiculous, the sole purpose of that group is to be an attack on voat. It's not real...

The fact that you claim it is, shows you're not a critical thinker, or you're in on the shill tactic.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

Ahh you’re new here aren’t you?

Fateswebb ago

Haha says the jack ass that's been here one month. 🙄 What a fucking idiot.

srayzie ago

Laura, it’s better you just ignore it. If you get angry, they will think it’s funny.

Lauraingalls ago

I will. I blocked a lot of the JERKS. It's hard dealing with such sick people. Blocking them helps a lot.

srayzie ago

I see people are pinging you to other subs. Pay attention to that.

Lauraingalls ago


srayzie ago

They will get bored if you just ignore them. Trust me.

Lauraingalls ago

I do ignore them. SO sick.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

5:5 'Nuff said. Godspeed.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Great info. I’m on board.