CaJuN-M8 ago

Source? Why make a allegation if you can't back it up.

Nadeshda ago

have been involved in several frivolous tea parties


heartandsoul ago

I can't believe this topic of Loli needs to be discussed and explained on any platform. Yes, it is drawings, but the "intent" of these drawings are CHILD RAPE - CHILD VIOLENCE, PERIOD. REMOVE IT / BAN IT. It is deeply distrubing that it has been allowed to be a subverse on VOAT for years.

If for some reason the issue was taken to trial, a jury of your peers would convict for obvious reasons.

Lauraingalls ago

Sick people don't get it.

EarnYourVote ago

I was on QRV when reddit page was taken down and Q referred to it as a landing place. But the mods here have done a better job making this a more attractive board and almost litter free. I don't go to QRV anymore.

C_Corax ago

Late to the party, but I think perhaps I should comment on it as I was the one that introduced QRV to scat and gore. If I could be bothered, hidden beneath what at surface looked like a legit Q topic. If the thumbnail looks like an American flag you are more likely to click it, than if it is a gender confused individual with the ass in the air or a whatever has been left of some being steamrolled(literally).

It's not something I'm into before anyone make low effort accusations. I know people will be disturbed by it because I am to. Had QRV been a Muslim board I would have posted nothing but pigs, because it is an attack vector that gets under the skin.

As for my motivation? Freedom of speech should be about honesty. You have me right here admitting I'm one of the guys trying to make QRV a hell hole. And QRV is purposely set up in a way where you stay unaccountable no matter what you post!

Regardless of all other things the board shouldn't be anon. I might push for it by a different angle soon though.

srayzie ago

Were you doing it to prove a point to them?

C_Corax ago

Absolutely. I also didn't start out with that garbage. I just ended there because any attempts to talk reason ended with downvoates and "we must be over the target, the shills are coming out strong" and what other nonsense. So I dialed it up a notch.

Haven't shitposted there in the past few days though. That'll be the rest of the Voat crew that are also tired of their anon games.

gabara ago

What if we all just relax?

Don_Tomaso ago


As long as this board helps grow the Q movement and removes shilling attempts it ought to be ok.

There are far to few qanon placed on the net out there for this to be dragged down by legal technicalities such as it being ok to spam porn in here.

These fucks can peddle their porn elsewhere.

zyklon_b ago

TheBuddha ago

I want nothing to do with this. Nothing.

zyklon_b ago

hahaha. i am the king

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#39119) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

NelleBeane ago

If Q has a problem, they will switch boards again.

Hopefully Q is too busy to bother with cleaning up the boards, honestly if we can't handle that ourselves then we're kidding ourselves about taking the nation back.

argosciv ago

Thanks for the info re: PSL.

Obrez ago

I stopped reading at

That’s what “they” would want. They want to divide, and they want to make Voat/Qanon look bad and go report it in their articles.

What is happening over in QRV and on other Q related boards is an old 4chan raid tactic called "chemo"

The people doing these raids aren't liberals and journos, although I could believe some edgy lefties come to voat(chapotraphouse types) and they might be participating after seeing how effective the Chemo has been.

The reality Q followers face, (I'm not among your number I came from scrolling /All) is that you have alienated the core userbase on Voat and 8chan by refusing to assimilate and face introspection, you have alienated yourselves from the forces which held the memetic power to convince people to vote for trump and convince people to vote against Hillary.

The political situation is changing again in our country, it's a part of the rightwing swing long predicted by /pol/ that will lead to a truly far right shift, the things holding this shift back have been the target and now Q and trump's philosemitism, along with mindless boomers who have drug the west into the pit of Tartarus due to their life long political narcolepsy.

Before I explain how to repair the bridge that was damaged by Q and Q followers I will explain What /pol/ and the movement really are and why that bridge should be repaired.

/pol/ and as an extension neutral and right leaning chan culture in general which has propagated itself as the father of western meme culture, is 15 years old this october, but if you consider the continual stream of users, the man hours committed to the tasks that 4chan users gravitate towards, especially sense the beginning have had billions of hours dedicated to their discourse.

Essentially you should think of chan culture especially the people there who are truth seekers as a crucible and a smith, raw concepts are heated down to their core elements, the dross removed from the top, cast into the desired shape by a gigantic stream of human consciousness and then hammered into a refined shape and condition and sharpened by plethora of smiths of ideology, thinking, hypothesis, and so on, essentially this element of chan culture is like a great greek forum filled with the best amateur philosophers, and thinkers who can communicate in english text, and there are thousands of them all working toward a single common goal, truth and better living, what they forge in the fires of ideology are tested against all of the other implements of ideology made in all times and places and even against their own conceptions, by this measure the best ideologies rise to the top, it is survival of the fittest, imagine this process going on for 15 years. that's fifteen years of tens of thousands of people striving together for a common yet nebulous goal they are communicating all of their relevant knowledge back to each other and accelerating the process of growth, the time spent at work in such a forge of the mind has produced some great widsdom and skills, skills that the unitiated do not easily comprehend.

Let's talk about what the wayfarers of chan culture have done from behind their keyboards as they have grown in power, Chanology began in 2005 and is cemented into the larger elements of western culture to this day, the goal was an anti censorship and punishment campaign for the church of scientology censoring meme videos of tom cruise saying batshit insane stuff that was taken from some church propaganda and it became a global protest against scientology that has effectively killed the church's growth after exposing their insanity. Next came the unwitting Hijacking of a psy-op by democrats known as occupy wallstreet, most anons weren't verry interested in this because it wasn't our op from the begining and most of us had grown tired of many "moral fags" who stole the anon name from chanology and ultimately became the SJWs we hate today, we knew them by their virtue signaling even back then. We participated in the Arab Spring, I myself am responsible for the dissemination of key passages from the anarchist's cookbook that were translated and compiled to be given to the protesters/rioters we then believed to be secularists in turkey and other places through drone flyover programs, we assisted in the Ukrainian revolution, on both sides by similar methods, We ran DDoS campaigns against mastercard and other banks for ending the banking and donations to wikileaks and that was the straw that broke the camels back, that action got some of our best ten years or more in prison and hundreds of thousands in fines turns out we had interfered pretty heavily in some CIA operations from occupy and on, once re realized this we understood that our only option was to get better at all of this and be more thorough, I could go on about cool IRL things anons have done but the picture should be increasingly clear this unorganized mass is effectively one of the top intel agencies on the planet and we perform our own operations we have learned how to manipulate the space and do so legaly but we are the greatest nightmare of post Peace of Westphalia notions of government and power, /pol/ represents a 4th generational warfare intelligence agency that does it all for free.

I could try to make more aggrandizing claims of how you can't conceive of what is going on if you are just some normie high off a trump rally and coming from facebook but I wont, I will simply make clear that Q has crossed /pol/ because when the original Q namefag handed over his tripcode to the post election Trump staff, the wrong people got their hands on that tripcode and they have been working to subvert all of you and the president, Q followers have deeply offended the long standing truth seekers by falling for it so easily even when we have tried to teach you everything we could, the Q movement, particularly QRV has become what chan culture knows as cancer, unyielding ideologues moved only by emotion and self interest with no consideration for truth, they have become absolutists and cultists, and it seemed fit for some anon to start chemo and others having seen it have joined in, that's why the problem has only gotten worse as it has gone along. IT is not convenient for many Q followers to re-asses their emotional investments, they even admit to as much, saying they are going to stick it out even if they are wrong because that is somehow moral, that's the rationalization of a person who just got out of church and is trying to put the pastor's marriage shaped sermon in a politically shaped hole; this is not the thinking of a person who thinks for themselves and anons hate sheep.

If we can't have discourse we wont have your ideological pollution, is the mentality of people doing the Chemo.

Now, how can the Qmunity bridge this gap and fix the relationship that they have damaged? It's simple, it's the same advice chan culture has given to neophytes for 15 years and we can tell when you don't follow it:


It means we can smell how green you are just from reading your posts, after years of reading web posting we have developed the unique ability to Read the intent of a post, imagine actually being able to read subtext, we can tell when people are lying or bullshiting most of the time, we can tell if they are fresh meat or a foreign influence or actor, this is why the phrase "/pol/ is always right" exists, we functionally have a 6th sense for bullshit.

Now I'm sure some here will give me shit for not addressing the idea that "oh noes CP got posted" I will fill you in on a power that 8/pol/ has, they know all the CP laws because 8chan had a CP problem early on, they know what is prosecutable and what isn't and not all images of naked children are prosecutable, even if those images could be fap material for pedos, So drawn images posted online will never be prosecuted because they are legal in the US, only Traced images of Real CP seems to be illegal in that range, not even images inspired by real CP has been prosecuted in the US, further naked pictures of children which are not deemed to be lewd or sexual are not illegal, no images of clothed children are generally prosecutable their is some more context here but see through sheer fabric seems to legally constitute "clothed" and therefore not lewd, it was a latchkey issue on 8chan for a month, same with the lack of protection for films but no matter the film there has never been a prosecution for CP for the possession of a movie which has nude minors, even doing sexual things, foreign or domestic. The primary instance of CP I have heard hearsay of being posted was described as being a from a medical resource of which there appear to be ample legal protections for and a lack of interest in prosecution for fear of fucking up the medical and pediatric field's learning implements, also images of children on nude beaches appear to be legal as well but I didn't do my due diligence here because even I got spooked looking for resources on that one.

My point on this topic is that I wholly doubt anything Illegal has actually been posted, even if there were real images of nude children they were likely legal images taken from legal resources and used for the purposes of spooking people who don't know the law; essentially anons are playing Scooby Doo villain to get the undesirables who can't think for themselves to leave.

I've only heard negative opinions on QRV from the rest of voat because that place has been a void for sane discourse due to how easily it can be trolled and subverted by bad actors, if you want to normalize that place press the administrator to change how anon subs work so that you get a randomized number badge per thread or a 24 hour badge across the entire sub, this is how /pol/ and other serious anon forums prevent trolling.

ooberlu ago

I will fill you in on a power that 8/pol/ has, they know all the CP laws

Do we really need to scrutinize to get around legal definitions? Who's good at being (((lawyers)))? Let's get lost in legal semantics and bog ourselves down with technicalities so we can make cases and allowances for it to permeate our society.

Far as I can see when I've been on 8chan boards, the same autists who cry "FREE SPEECH!" also moralize on the decline of the west, feminists ruining marriage, THOTs running amuck on social media, how they can't find a good woman, et cetera, et cetera.

One can't choose to defend something by legal technicalities on the one hand and also moralize about the decline of western women and civilization on the hand. It's cognitive dissonance.

Pick one or the other.

Porn is morally indefensible.

It's unfortunate that the slow degradation of our society has taken effect to the point where many are too jaded to even recognize what it's done to minds and morality. THIS is the slippery slope that free speech has bought us: transgender porn, child rape anime, bestiality, and furries being posted amuck to further demoralize.

Well done.

MudPuddlePie ago

..."Q followers have deeply offended the long standing truth seekers by falling for it so easily even when we have tried to teach you everything we could, the Q movement, particularly QRV has become what chan culture knows as cancer, unyielding ideologues moved only by emotion and self interest with no consideration for truth, they have become absolutists and cultists, and it seemed fit for some anon to start chemo and others having seen it have joined in..." does your head fit thru the garage door???

"I'm special (stomps foot) and it's my sandbox (stomps foot again) and if you don't play the way I want then you're a stupid poopy head."

Your self-aggrandizement is off the charts. I hope you bought your mom something veeery expensive for Mother's Day. She deserves it.

Obrez ago

Enjoy chemo, faggot.

MudPuddlePie ago


zyklon_b ago


W45P__ ago

this will be down voted but trust me, this lad is correct. boomers love what the chans produce but a) don't wanna learn the history and culture of the boards and b) don't wanna assimilate at all.

they were rightfully attracted to open source investigations and free speech. now, they don't like "this stuff about the jews" (that's literally stated a few comments above).

this user is correct. this is an anti-raid method used to keep out shills and newfags from ruining the discussions.

time3times ago

I stopped reading at philosemitism.

candtalan ago

Insightful post, interesting, thanks.

TheMaster187 ago

Why does it seem like in order to find anything interesting on the internet you have to go wading through the seven circles of porn hell just to download a free game or real news.

DawnPendraig ago

That's how the net used to be before Google. We all loved it so much we made Google into a giant, evil tyrant smashing our rights, selling us as products and manipulating our elections as they buy and control our government.

Perfect C_A op too. We basically begged for it.

candtalan ago

Could it be a deliberate ploy, to fill the beach with junk pebbles so that the few jems are nearly impossible to find..?

AlexanderMorose13 ago

You know it. One thing about attacking the world's problems is that it requires you to learn about them completely first.

Ziggyspeaks ago

I'm glad you addressed this issue. I'm in no way a prude and I believe in Free Speech 100%...I have always believed that it is my choice to view/listen/watch something or not. (Censoring anyone is not my right nor my job).

That being said, I have (after considering MANY boards for my Q news/posts/etc.)made this board my main source for Q news. as well as my board of choice to share my own Q research. Feel free to say whatever you want about it, but I am comfortable here. There is a camaraderie on this board which I have not felt with most other Q research boards.

I rarely have to sift through a bunch of shit posts and unrelated garbage here and NEVER have to put up with some asshole posting porn or sick shit.
I am certain that those types of posts are only there for the future harm they could do to our movement (and are liberal shills trying to get our boards shut down).

The Anons on this board are respectful, patient and are willing to allow those who are just getting on board the Q train to ask questions without making them feel stupid or calling them names.

That is the way to bring more Anons into our movement and to allow them to find the truth so they can share it with others'.j This is a scary time we are in. This movement is not a joke, not a place for hatred, name calling, shit posts, racist bullshit or kiddie porn.

I don't give a shit who you are, what color, religion, or sex you are, as long as you respect this movement, this board and those who post their research and/or ask honest questions here!

This is about being an American! A Patriot! We are one Nation Under God and should never forget that! (stepping down from my soapbox now, with a big THANK YOU to all of you here!)

DammitMan ago

This pretty much sums it up for me. I came with the migration. It was a shitstorm. /theawakening didn’t want us newfags. They made that pretty damned clear. QRV almost immediately dissolved into a morph of fb/reddit bullshit posts with a huge sense of being Q’s chosen place. There’s no accountability for posting shit or disinformation. I stay with GA precisely because I get solid stuff here. There are several here that consistently post great stuff and have sauce to back it up. And since it’s not anonymous I can scroll past those whom I’ve found to sensationalize or throw half baked shit out there.

When I first came to voat, the goats here weren’t thrilled about the migration. However, it was the goats in this sub who were honest enough to tell us what was going on and how the newfags were being duped and manipulated. I’ve found that honesty to be consistent.

Ziggyspeaks ago

Precisely. Well Said!

candtalan ago

Well said, thank you. Also I plead that thoughts and prayers can include for example, UK (here). Brown stuff is beginning to get near the ventilator, and most people here have not the slightest idea that the World is different from what they see on BBC tv. sigh. Even a BREXIT activist I spoke to recently was still unaware of the darker political stuff. #WWG1WGA

Ziggyspeaks ago

...And that is why it is so vitally important to have a reliable, honest place to share information. So many seem to want to use the QAnon boards to play stupid games, but to me and obviously MANY others' this is about personal liberty. This is about the present and the future for not just ourselves, but for our children and theirs!

I hope that all goes well in the UK...Seems you folks are waking up to the same realities as we here in the States are and it is scary! We are with you! WWG1WGA

candtalan ago

Yes, thank you #WWG1WGA

time3times ago

[Is there an reliable online place where info about tv-license resistance is shared?]

TheMaster187 ago

I agree. I think that VOAT has a very good system for promoting interesting comments and preventing spam or interference. Q should just start posting here.

Ziggyspeaks ago

In Q's own way, Q does!

BroncoBill ago

Well said...

Vindicator ago

Nice comment, Ziggy. TL;DR: @Srayzie runs a great establishment. :-)

Ziggyspeaks ago

I concur!


AlexanderMorose13 ago

I'm still learning, just as much as everyone else. Srayzie has my full support, I've been watching him and Shizy very close. They've been very helpful in keeping a lot of the good people here informed. God bless them both. Hard work to maintain this crowd, it is.

scoripowarrior ago

This is my GO TO board first, then I do check the awakening because there are some posts there that aren't here. QRV is the last place I go...sometimes don't go there at all. This is my favorite. I do still visit reddit The_Donald. Hey, even though you can't mention Q over there, many do follow Q. You can tell by what they say and "how" they say it. Plus...there really are lots of laughs there.

srayzie ago

Awww. I’m glad you like it here. I heard that they made it to where The_Donald can’t be google searched now or something?

AlexanderMorose13 ago

We are all on the same side brother. I hear you. I think most people understand the situation quite well, being in the middle of most of it right here.

ALIENS2222 ago


srayzie ago

Then don’t 🙄

srayzie ago

Thanks TruthDefender!

VicariousJambi ago

If you want to talk about Q, go to a Q sub. If you want to look at porn go to a porn sub. If you want to look at cats go to a cat sub.

NiaStorm ago

Thank you, Patriot OP, for keeping and posting such a detailed accounting! Nothing will stop what is coming! We will NOT be divided!

srayzie ago

You’re welcome NiaStorm. Nothing!

Fateswebb ago

I gave up on QRV, when all the racist shills took over. There are no controls there against a single person making a post and then using an alt to pretend to be as many commenters as possible. I know there are a few people that have certain views, and are legit people not shills... But the shills we're ruini g the board trying to make it seem racist so I decided I could at least remove my sub, and no longer participate. At least on this board the shill are limited in that they cannot make 100 comments pretending to be different posters when really they're the same person. That's why the shilling is much more limited here.

scoripowarrior ago

Agree, I am turned off by all the "Jew" stuff thrown out as well as the general crap.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Nice try Rabbi we are not trannies

1776Jimbo ago

Just apply Justice Potter Stewart’s “I know it when I see it” test.

beardly01 ago

I always thought that allowed for a slippery slope situation. Miller V California provided a much better standard for obscenity and the standard is fairly easy to apply.

Mylon ago

I stand for free speech, but there's a billion boards on voat we can chat about random stuff on. People clearly looking to stir shit up need to be banned to preserve the signal to noise ratio. If mods are abusing their power, users can link to the mod logs and rally users away from specific subs.

Contrast this with reddit where admins are deleting all of the subs users try to create where free speech is respected. Mods are only part of the problem on reddit. The admins are reinforcing the shit mods by denying users alternative spaces for sharing and discussing content.

Christosgnosis ago

just ban the porn - no if, ands, or buts - this is Q-Verse - not porn-verse

Lauraingalls ago

I think it is banned. Thank God.

magavoices ago

That’s what “they” would want

Now I'm curious. Why would you type "they" instead of (((they))) since you've been posting a ton of divisive anti-Jew copypasta, Srayzie?

Are you afraid that Q will ignore you if you show antisemitism?

2/3rds of the Nazifaggots on Voat think Q sent us here for no other purpose than to learn to put ((( ))) around everything bad in the world.

kestrel9 ago


SandHog ago


srayzie ago

What a loser

srayzie ago

Faggot. I’m not afraid of Q. Q knows all about me. I love Q, Trump, and my country. Q sees Jew stuff all over 8chan. How about this...

((( magavoices )))

magavoices ago

There, now you're being consistent. Good for you.

And you've also figured out why this multi-million strong movement, where every-other person in the line of a Trump rally knows of Q, yet you've achieved only 13752 subscribers in the space of a year and a half.

It's one thing for hostile shills to post loliporn and copypasta "3200 years ago the Jews were kicked out of Mesophotamia", but when the mods do it.

You directly contradict Q's call to end division. You show hostility toward Trump's children and grandchildren, unable to distinguish between Soros and the average American Jew walking down the street because ((( ))) references the entire Jewish race. 25% of American Jews actually voted for Trump last time around, yet you don't mind shitting all over them.

Trump only won by about 170k votes in 3 states. Without the demographic you disparage, we'd all be saying Madam Hillary right now.

Q sees Jew stuff all over 8chan

He also sees loliporn all over Voat. Are you insinuating that Q accepts it and enjoys loliporn? Nice logic you have there.

The good news is, nothing is going to stop what is about to happen. Even an insignificant moderator of a 13752 subscriber forum who shits over a large percentage of Trump's actual MAGA supporters because the forum has too little viewership to do enough damage.

kestrel9 ago

You are aware that v/GreatAwakening suscribers include people who came from reddit GreatAwakening? Yet you sound like you write them off not only as not worth giving a shit about, but even as if they aren't 'actual' MAGA supporters, and given what you said leading up to that, one could construe that if you knew what you were actually saying, it would be that no insignificant MAGA Goyts on voat can stop the 'actual Jewish MAGA' that got Trump elected.

magavoices ago

You are aware that v/GreatAwakening suscribers include people who came from reddit GreatAwakening? Yet you sound like you write them off

Yes, I know of reddit GreatAwakening. A large, thriving community that had fuck-all to do with anti-semitism.

What do you think? You're arguing on behalf the old reddit GA community's behalf? Do you have fond memories of when they were all throwing sieg heils and saying "Hitler was right" back on reddit GA? That never happened, right?

one could construe that if you knew what you were actually saying, it would be that no insignificant MAGA Goyts on voat can stop the 'actual Jewish MAGA' that got Trump elected

That's exactly what I said.

To paraphrase: It makes no difference that a bunch of Nazifaggots rant on a forum that MAGA Jews and MAGA minorities do not read in significant numbers, and the ones who were offended by said Nazifaggotry when they were trying to learn more about Q is a small enough number that it will not stop Q's plan.

That being said, it is disturbing when someone who professes to be a moderator for a Q forum, demanding that anything posted be Q-related, and turns around starting a bunch of anti-semitic/divisive threads contrary to Q's message.

kestrel9 ago

It makes no difference that a bunch of Nazifaggots rant on a forum that MAGA Jews and MAGA minorities do not read in significant numbers, and the ones who were offended by said Nazifaggotry when they were trying to learn more about Q is a small enough number that it will not stop Q's plan.

Q approved giving the subset of reddit Q supporters a place to unite on Voat once they had divided themselves between 8ch and Voat, I don't recall him telling people to migrate to 8ch.

You said:

Voat is a temporary home. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube will ban all discussion of Q, and Voat will go the way of Reddit. It's only a matter of time.

Start familiarizing yourself with 8chan. All discussion of Q will eventually be isolated there.

Harden yourselves. Become untriggerable. Desensitize yourselves to vulgar words and concepts. Other people's free speech cannot harm you, and the reward is you also get free speech. Much of the hazing/vulgarity you see are people trying to jolt you into appreciating and even defending free speech once again.

Baby steps Magavoices.

8mos ago "1.8 year old account that made its first comment 9 days ago." @Crensch @Kevdude @Srayzie @Vindicator

srayzie ago

Hey @Kestrel9, we’re pretty sure ((( MagaVoices ))) is NotHereForOvaries. Oops. I meant NotHereForPizza

magavoices ago

Q approved giving the subset of reddit Q supporters a place to unite on Voat once they had divided themselves between 8ch and Voat, I don't recall him telling people to migrate to 8ch.

Q, after the fact, helped a cluster-fuck that was already in motion with paytriots like NeonRevolt attempting to claim ownership of the massive Reddit group who had already migrated to Voat transition from theawakening to QRV. Intentionally skipping over GreatAwakening I might add. I'm sure getting skipped over probably wasn't a personal slight to @Srayzie though.

If you were actually on Voat at that time, you would know Q wasn't calling people to come here, rather to sort out the people who had already came here.

And everything else you just quoted from me is why I'm still here whereas everyone else (the extreme majority) of people who stumble upon Voat leave as quickly as they can, lest they be branded as a Nazi by association.

kestrel9 ago

Q, after the fact, helped a cluster-fuck that was already in motion with paytriots like NeonRevolt attempting to claim ownership of the massive Reddit group who had already migrated to Voat transition from theawakening to QRV.

Parts of your story are screwed up but I don't want to waste time explaining your own misstatements to you. Believe whatever you want.

You're about as interesting as a toothache.

Crensch ago

If you were actually on Voat at that time, you would know Q wasn't calling people to come here, rather to sort out the people who had already came here.

There was almost no movement in TA when Q said that. Nice try on gaslighting, Jew.

srayzie ago

And everything else you just quoted from me is why I'm still here whereas everyone else (the extreme majority) of people who stumble upon Voat leave as quickly as they can, lest they be branded as a Nazi by association.

Where did you get your stats genius? Sauce?

((( MagaVoices )))

@Crensch @Kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter @Sandhog

magavoices ago

By the way, this is what happens if someone stands up against the disparagement of Jews on Voat.

@Crensch @Kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter @Sandhog

That's right. Call in the mob. Gang up on the guy. I find it hilarious by the way.

You wanted some kind of proof that the Jew hatred chases away MAGA patriots who are minorities and Jews, some kind of stat ... the stat is the size of the gang you call forward to be more intimidating against someone who is offended at blaming innocents for things they didn't do.

Why you calling in Shizy and MolochHunter, by the way? To the best of my knowledge they haven't participated in your level of antisemitic divisiveness.

MolochHunter ago

personally i think big noses are dead sexy

srayzie ago

Looks like NotHereForPizza is at it again lol

He even tried to make his own Q group and advertised it on GreatAwakening before. 🙄

@shizy @MolochHunter @Crensch @Kevdude @Vindicator

Shizy ago

Nice sleeper he's got here 😂

srayzie ago

He’s probably got tons

SandHog ago

Stirring up shit on another alt in a pathetic effort to garner pity points again? I'm shocked!

magavoices ago

Get a grip man. It's an anonymous forum. If I cared about people sucking my virtual dick I'd go grab some anti-Jew copypasta and watch the e-love roll in.

srayzie ago

I thought the same thing. What a fricken coward. 😂

SandHog ago

It's xer favorite tactic.

srayzie ago

Xer 😂

MolochHunter ago

Xer Fuxupalot

Shizy ago

I'm not here to gang up on you. You're free to have your opinion, just like everyone else is free to have theirs. Including @srayzie.

I despise the term "anti-semitism", just as much as I despise all made up terms meant to silence certain truths and/or criticism of certain groups.

They're just words and they're protected by the first amendment.

magavoices ago

So what if people call out the behaviors of Jews?

I mocked Srayzie's anti-Jew copypasta. That's my free speech. Srayzie mocked back. That's Srazyie's free speech. To the best of my knowledge Voat is functioning as intended.

Shizy ago

Yes it is.

magavoices ago

Look at your subscriber count.

Tell me how you only have 13k subscribers when every-other person standing in a line at a Trump rally knows of Q?

13k. That's a stat btw.

srayzie ago

Are you not aware that you are showing your own insecurities when you keep focusing on how many subscribers I have, while telling me how insignificant I am? You had it down to the exact number last night. Why didn’t you say 13752 subscribers this time? Oh, because now we have 7 more within hours? How many subscribers does your Q Group have? Isn’t that what you should concern yourself with? You have some major jealousy and self esteem issues.

magavoices ago

Are you not aware that you are showing your own insecurities when you keep focusing on how many subscribers I have, while telling me how insignificant I am?

I have no insecurities here. All Voat was to me is a place that I wished ended up with a balanced moderation that could recapture the feeling of Reddit before the banning, only to find that Q's message here was hijacked by people with other motives, latching on to the Q community as a parasite with the intention of converting it into Stormfront. That is the honest to God truth.

Now, all Voat is to me is a place I glance over looking for any gems that sneak their way to the top, past all the antisemitic gaslighting. That's all easily dismissed as shills, but when the moderator is the one posting the divisive gaslighting it's particularly disturbing. For whatever Shizy and MolochHunter stand up in your defense at your becon, thus far they haven't been doing anti-Jew copypasta.

srayzie ago

That’s why you keep obsessing over me like someone else I know. You have to change usernames to stand up to me. What a pussy.

magavoices ago

That’s why you keep obsessing over me like someone else I know. You have to change usernames to stand up to me. What a pussy.

You wrote this.

I told magavoices that I have no control over banning a site from being posted. He said he could make a bot to scan for anyone posting from there.

That was me. Offering to make you a bot to help you moderate.

He suggested we copy the post and send it to the poster, and tell them they can repost referencing a more credible website.

That’s it. A bot wouldn’t delete the post. It would simply alert us that a post from that site was made, so that we could check it and confirm that the story wasn’t fake. What we did after we got notified would be up to us. Just like if someone pinged us, we would check and make sure that the post wasn’t some fake story again.

You typed all that. I started actually making it. By the time I came up with something you guys had come up with another solution and didn't need the bot anymore, so I stopped making it.

Whoever the fuck you think I am, I'm not. I defended you against NeonRevolt. I offered to help you with others who were attacking the forum.

The easiest solution to who I am and why I'm posting might be that I actually think the Stormfront overtones are not helpful to Q. That's all it is, period end of story.

srayzie ago

This dipshit never ceases to amaze me. Hey @Shizy, remember when you busted type-o-negative aka MissleCopterStoped slowly wiping their data? He’s really good at computers. Do you remember when he made this QRV post to try to say I was using a programmer to limit free speech?

It all started with this mother fucker setting the stage...

Damn! We connect the dots on these losers every time! 😂

You’ve got to come see this guys...

@Sandhog @Kevdude @MolochHunter @Crensch

srayzie ago

See this @HeyGeorge. Soros needs to fire this dumb mother fucker.

srayzie ago

@Oh_Well_ian, @NotHereForPizza, @YoullRememberMe...

Get a new job. You’re fired. You suck! George Soros can afford better than you. Take @frivolousfingering with you. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

magavoices ago

The fuck are you talking about?

The forum was getting hit with fake news posts. People were posting from websites that weren't trusted. I asked you why you couldn't delete them. You said you could, but you didn't know about them.

I said I can make you a bot that pinged you when someone made a post from that website, so you could delete it or ignore it at your pleasure. You said you liked it and wanted it.

I started making you the bot.

Then Voat finally banned the fake news website so the bot wasn't necessary.

I even gave you the fucking sauce for you to refresh your memory. My God you're fucking stupid.

srayzie ago

I even gave you the fucking sauce for you to refresh your memory. My God you're fucking stupid.

Which made it even more hilarious. You always fuck up. My ribs! 😂

Shizy ago

Bring out another alt @magavoices @thisistotallynotme @misslecopterstoped @frivilousfingering These ones are all done!

What a pathetic loser 🤣🤣🤣🤣

magavoices ago

In your little Nazi circle jerk bubble, there can be no more than one person in the entire world who doesn't hate Jews like you, so you add them to a list and call them the same person.

And this little thing you do, fucking hilarious ...

@comehelpmeImoutofmyleague1 @backmeuppleaseIneedreassurance2 @Icantpossiblyhandlethisonmyown3 @rescuemepleaseheusesbigwords

Shizy ago

Cool story you silly alt!

magavoices ago

I'm not trolled.

If you want to call me an alt, I'm ok with it.

srayzie ago

I couldn’t wait for you to get on and see this shit 😂 Of course, now they’re quiet.

Shizy ago

He's just burning through alts at this point!

I guess it's to be expected that he can't stick with a screen name now that we also know he can't stick with a gender 🌈 🤣

srayzie ago

Lmao! We need some tranny emojis!

srayzie ago

@Vindicator the shills are always answering you under their alts 😂

Vindicator ago

I know it. And they think we won't figure it out. Hilarious.

srayzie ago

Oh, don’t say that publicly tho. He’s kind of nervous now.

srayzie ago

Sandhog is the one that has dealt with Kappy. Be really sensitive. I feel bad for him.

srayzie ago

I edited to add this...

argosciv ago

Very tired on this end, what am I looking at exactly? Shoot me a pm if you'd rather explain there.

srayzie ago

Lol. @Magavoices also posts, asking users to go join the QGroup they made on a different site. It’s obvious they have an agenda here. With this person’s attitude, I can’t imagine being in that group. So negative.

Crensch Kevdude Vindicator Shizy Sandhog

magavoices ago

It’s obvious they have an agenda here.

It's ironic that you are arguing with another Q forum because your own personal standards were offended while simultaneously arguing with someone who suggested a different forum because his personal standards were offended.

You've read my history. You know that it's no different than your history, minus the antisemitic vulgarities. If you look hard enough you'd probably find my defending you against NeonRevolt in there somewhere.

So negative.

You don't get to say my objections of your negativity against Jews is negative.

You haven't the balls to walk up to Jared Kushner or Ivanka Trump and tell them they don't belong in the US, they are subhuman, that their kids defective on a genetic level. Yet that is exactly what you do when you blame every Jew, as with ((( ))), for the sins of the cabal.

The fact is that Trump has Jewish children. Half of his cabinet are Jewish. Without Jewish voters you would have President Hillary right now. Yet instead of working to make Trump's support among Jews from 25% to 28% or 30%, as with all demographics, to ensure success in 2020, you've thrown your lot in with a group whose only purpose is to repulse all minorities from Trump.

You say you love Trump, and if that's true you wouldn't say to his face what you think of (((Ivanka))) or (((Jared))) or (((Trump's 3 grandchildren))) or (((half of Trump's cabinet))). That's why when directly addressing Q you used "they" instead of (((they))). You haven't the balls to do it in person yet you think it's cool to do anonymously on the internet.

Shizy ago

You haven't the balls to do it in person yet you think it's cool to do it anonymously on the internet.

I talk shit about Jews in person. Well, it's not really "shit" per se, but I relay what the bible says about Jews. (Hint: it's not very good).

srayzie ago

I don’t know where you’re getting that I talk like that. I very rarely talk about Jews. I made a post about the Holocaust. Did you get butt hurt? This is how stupid you are. You think I’m afraid to say something in the thread where I called upon Q, as if I think Q can’t look back thru my comment history and see everything I’ve said here for over 2 years.

Don’t compare yourself to me you miserable piece of shit. If your Q group went so well, then why do you keep coming back here loser? Crawl back over there to your little safe space.

magavoices ago

I don’t know where you’re getting that I talk like that.

You did ((( magavoices ))). Yes, me ... little old me, someone you actually read the history of, some of ... most of it is hidden in QRV, but there's enough that's visible from chatting in GA to know otherwise. You added me in with the same group you consider to be Jews, human traffickers, and child rapists, selling America out to the enemy. Just because I object to taking the sins of the cabal and spreading it among 4+ million American Jews with ((( ))) who had nothing to do with the shit you're complaining about.

I very rarely talk about Jews.

Enough for me to remember a couple copypasta posts that were designed to be divisive. You are the moderator and I know you said that only posts that are related to Q should be posted, yet you post questioning the Holocaust.

It is true. The Holocaust as stated, 6 million Jews supposedly dying to Hitler, never happened. But whether that figure was 600k or 60k or 6k has no bearing on Q, it's not related.

Every man, woman and child in the US has been indoctrinated to think Hitler was the worst person who ever lived. Everyone read Anne Frank in high school. Americans are conditioned from a very young age not to disparage Jews. Therefore, the JQ is 100x bigger a red pill than that of accepting Q. Doing a bait-and-switch, pretending to be a Q forum that only allows Q discussion and then swapping it with "leave now if you don't hate Jews like we do" is a disservice to Q and only serves to limit acceptance of Q.

That being said, I barely give a shit because Q has already reached critical mass and what is about to happen with Q will happen regardless of what happens on Voat.

kestrel9 ago

@Magavoices is one of the most negative voices to condescend themselves to use voat, no humor, the type of person that causes people to hate the Q movement.

Crensch ago

25% of American Jews actually voted for Trump last time around,

Trump only won by about 170k votes in 3 states. Without the demographic you disparage, we'd all be saying Madam Hillary right now.

Really? Who did the other 75% vote for, I wonder?

@srayzie @SandHog

magavoices ago

Nazifaggots rail against (((Jews))), implicating a large amount of MAGA patriots in the process, while being unable or unlikely to bad word to say of democrat/liberals or the luciferian cabal of whom many if not most are not Jews.

Crensch ago

Nazifaggots rail against (((Jews))), implicating a large amount of MAGA patriots in the process, while being unable or unlikely to bad word to say of democrat/liberals or the luciferian cabal of whom many if not most are not Jews.

You didn't answer my question.

magavoices ago

Your question is irrelevant.

Unless your point is that it's fair to blame people who are innocent for shit other's did.

In which case tell me your demographic and I'll be happy to tell you all the shit you're responsible for because someone else in your demographic did something you didn't.

Crensch ago

Who. Did. The. Other. 75%. Vote. For?

magavoices ago

Who. Asks. Questions. They. Already. Know. The. Answer. To. When. The. Answer. Makes. No. Point.

Tell me your demographic and I will tell you how fucked up you are on a genetic level because of someone else who voted for Hillary with the same demographic as you.

Crensch ago

Who. Asks. Questions. They. Already. Know. The. Answer. To. When. The. Answer. Makes. No. Point.

You either answer, or you admit that you're full of shit, either by your silence on the answer, or by outright admitting it. Your choice.

The answer is everything here, whether you like it or not.

Tell me your demographic and I will tell you how fucked up you are on a genetic level because of someone else who voted for Hillary with the same demographic as you.

Who. Did. The. Other. 75%. Vote. For?

Crensch ago

Nazifaggots rail against (((Jews))), implicating a large amount of MAGA patriots in the process

Nobody gives a fuck about the controlled opposition faction of the Jews that pretend to want what's best for America. They don't. They never do. The average, everyday Jew hates white people and wants them enslaved or extinct.

Why are there no Jewish janitors?


kestrel9 ago

You're saying that Nazifaggots protect democrats/liberals and jewish neocons?

srayzie ago

You sure spent a lot of time writing all this out for an “an insignificant moderator of a 13752 subscriber forum”. WWG1WGA!

Vindicator ago

Was just about to say the same thing!


srayzie ago

People like that crack me up.

SandHog ago

Is this brain damaged abbo still flapping it's gums? I can't wait for it to go talk to itself on 8chan and then post pics of it again lol

bopper ago


oddlike777 ago

Just going to leave this here for documentation.

srayzie ago

Never mind. Found it

srayzie ago

What board is that?

srayzie ago

Did you happen to find that or did you post it?

oddlike777 ago

I just found it and recognized your name.

srayzie ago

Thank you

cantaloupe6 ago

8ch may be corrupt. Perhaps start on 9.


srayzie ago

No, I go where Q calls.

heygeorge ago

Shit, that’s a great idea. Brb, spamming fullchan with bullshit about @srayzie

srayzie ago

Lol better be good stuff

heygeorge ago

Oh yeah that’s exactly what I meant. Lol you know I’m too lazy for that. I’d just 1990 you a bit.

SandHog ago

Lol. Sad.

srayzie ago

Awww well isn’t that nice. Someone is talking crap on 8chan. Must be @NotHereForPizza or @NeonRevolt. 🤔 You’re both COWARDS. You could have said what you had to say right here in this thread, but as usual, you’re pussies.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude

Stonenchizel ago

😂😂😂😂😂 That's why our MOD's are BadAss Mother Fuckers..... Don't mess with the Best or you will be put to the test.


MolochHunter ago

I had to put down my embroidery and my cup of chamomile to applaud this

MudPuddlePie ago


srayzie ago

You’re pretty bad ass too Stonenchizel! 😎

@Shizy 😎
@MolochHunter 😎

Vindicator ago

Heh. :-)

srayzie ago

I’m being called a famefag there now too lol

Crikes ago

They are the enemies of humanity. The enemies of truth. They flood our signal with noise so it's nearly impossible to find the signal.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#39060) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

29again ago

Can I ask why penshitlord would be wanting to post cp in any form anywhere? I mean, HOW can a person support POTUS and Q in all their efforts to stop cp (and trafficking), and then go ahead and post it on Q's board? It just makes NO sense to me at all.

srayzie ago

It makes no sense to most of us.

Queef_Anon ago

He's a shill. Thanks for all the work, srayzie. We do appreciate it. I don't post much here anymore but I'm always keeping an eye on things.

Fateswebb ago

Because he is a shill, so his support for POTUS and q is fake, and as such he wants for bad things to be associated with it. So pretend to support them and do things that make them look bad...

Shill tactic..

Think Jesse smullett... Pretend to support trump and attack people so it gets blamed on trump supporters

CaJuN-M8 ago

Fucking this 100%.

SuckaFree ago

Unless he's turned shill, or was a shill all along

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Meh, turning shill is something that's not really hard to do. Sometimes, you lose your temper when someone hounds your profile with a bunch of porn posts and irritates the shit out of you. You're allowed to step outside the bounds a little, I think, just not far enough to become one of them. Sometimes, doing so might scare them off long enough for you to have a productive evening without them. I'm interested in what you have to say about this, though.

29again ago

Well, that is some consolation. It would appear, then, that this came basically out of nowhere. And that is very odd.

Lauraingalls ago

Do something about that CREEP!

avenger1 ago

Block him.

srayzie ago

Who Laura?

Lauraingalls ago

Phantom 42 If that CREEP continues to threaten me, or harass me, or send me PORN. I will contact the police.

Shizy ago

Block him so he can't ping you or send you comments.

Lauraingalls ago


Shizy ago

Go to the very top/left where it says "subscriptions" and click the drop down. A little ways down it will say "blocked users". Click on that and add his screen name. He won't be able to contact you again.

You can also click on his name, and from that page click the sidebar and there's a button that says block. That will do the same thing.

bopper ago

@Lauraingalls I would rather not be blocked I'm okay.

zyklon_b ago

lets git her

Lauraingalls ago


bopper ago

Haha. Shizy is great.

Shizy ago

Awwww! You coulda pinged me to talk good about me bopper! 😁

Lauraingalls ago


Lauraingalls ago

Done! That was FUN.

Shizy ago

I'm sorry no one told you about that sooner! It comes in handy.

Lauraingalls ago


AlexanderMorose13 ago

Sorry to hear about the situation as a whole you were dealing with. If you get harassed any further by anyone, post here and let us know. You know how to block people now, that's one step. And don't let the idiots spoil your fun.

kestrel9 ago


TradMan ago

Unacceptable behavior.

Lauraingalls ago

That's because you are a decent human being. Not all people are. SICK.

29again ago

Thank you. (Love your sn, btw!)

Lauraingalls ago

Thank you. Appreciate it.


Lots of just straight up fake shit being posted over there today.

srayzie ago

If you guys want Q’s attention, upvote away. Make this front page.

TrustTheTruth ago

Q is a Lying False Prophet created to Hide The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

We are the reason why Q was created.

Racine, Wisconsin is the ROOT and Model for the real Agenda that Q will never Share.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Ok this is getting annoying. Can you like be blunt with what your saying and stop being cryptic.

Ziggyspeaks ago

How truly sad for you to leave a comment such as this on this post. You, like so many others' lack the ability to understand that WE are Q. Q doesn't lie to anyone, just allows those who read the Q posts to lie to themselves (if they so desire) I have yet to read a single Q drop that tells me what to do or directs me in any way about anything.

The QAnon movement is (in my opinion) about thinking for oneself, not just being a part of a herd that parrots what they hear, rather than researching the information for themselves to discern whether it is based in fact or based in deception.

Christ himself never said to anyone "DO WHAT I SAY OR ELSE!" In fact quite the opposite. He said "Of these gifts, ye shall have even greater with Love Of The Father". I hope you find your way. Trust yourself and noone else and you will find your way. WWG1WGA

TrustTheTruth ago

We Know what Q will never Share.

What did Jesus Christ warn The World?

Q is a Lying Luciferian False Prophet working with the Synagogue of Satan.

Ask Q who the Pilgrims Society is.

Ask Q who the Knights of Pythias are.

Ask Q what the Sphinx Head Society is.

Ask Q what the Model for 5G+ AI is.

Ask Q what the Model for Smart Cities is.

Ask Q what America's Bellwether is.

Ask Q who gave legitimacy to the Art in Embassies program.

Ask Q where the 8th Wonder of the World is.

Ask Q where the Root of All Evil is.

Ask Q what Satan's Ability is.

Ask Q what the Foundation of Agenda 21 and 2030 are.

Ask Q if they Know what really happened to Jenny Moore.

Ask Q what Jenny Moore's last post was - @Jem777.

Ask Q if they are ready to Repent and Share The Truth they cannot allow the World to Know.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Truly truly I tell you, you are a cia shill. All this dedication..... clown mossad cuck.

TrustTheTruth ago

We know what you could not imagine or comprehend.

You are exactly opposite from The Truth.

Who promised to Save You, and what is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

We gave the Feds the same opportunity as Everyone else.

Where are Joe and Jon Schmitz from?

Where are the Majestic 12 from?

Where is The Deal Trump made for the 8th Wonder of the World and the Model for 5G+ AI?

Where is The Deal Clinton made for the Model of Community Policing?

Where did the Podestas get their big break into art and politics?

Where is Reince Priebus from?

Why did Paul Ryan suddenly resign?

Why did so many other officials in the area suddenly resign?

Why did Scott Walker throw the election?

Jim Comey, Andy McCabe, Peter Kadzik, and Loretta Lynch were all personally involved in the obstruction and turned their backs on Jesus Christ and The Truth.

So did Donald Trump.

So did Paul Ryan.

So did Ron Johnson.

So did Chuck Grassley.

So did Defango.

So did Unirock.

So did Alex Jones.

So did George Sweigart.

So did Robert David Steele.

So did Bernie Sanders.

So did Trey Gowdy.

So did Rand Paul.

So did Jason Chaffetz.

So did Lindsey Graham.

So did John McCain.

So did Steve Schmidt.

So did Chris Kutcher.

So did Caron Butler.

So did Mark Wahlberg.

So did Mark Ruffalo.

So did QAnon.

So did the moderators of this very forum.

So did many others.

They were all given the same Opportunity.

They all Failed.

Who was the One Soul brave enough to Find The Truth?

Jenny Moore.

What happened to her?

What did the pilot from the Tarmac meeting allege?

What happened to him?

We know more than Everyone here combined, not through research, but through Direct Knowledge and Experience. How?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Ziggyspeaks ago

I honestly don't need to ask Q anything. My faith is solid and is none of anyone's business. I don't feel the need to get creepy and weird about it nor do I feel it is my job to shove it down ANYONES Throat or try to make myself sound superior to anyone by calling other people liars or false prophets. This is a Q Research board not a SCREAM AT ME ABOUT YOUR RELIGION Board. I will refer you to the Mods since you are obviously in need of some serious assistance. I'm sure you will be able to find an appropriate place for your rants though and I wish you well. God Bless You.

srayzie ago

That person is crazy or a bot. They are always on Pizzagate and even accused us mods of crimes.

Ziggyspeaks ago

Okay, thanks for the quick response. I'll just go ahead and block/downvote.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome! Yeah good.

Lauraingalls ago

I HOPE Q checks MORE than the front page, but I did upvote.

Lauraingalls ago

If this place fills with PORN of ANY KIND, I'm GONE. I don't go on 8 CHAN for that reason.

Not_C ago

What you're stating is that if ANYONE is opposed to Q, Trump, or the patriot movement, all they have to do is post a picture or two and the movement dies.

You sound like a pied piper trying to lead people away.

How do we stop this patriot thing? "HEY EVERYONE!! Look at this, there's _____ here. You aren't someone who looks at or supports _____ are you? I don't, and that's why I'm leaving. If you stay, that means you like _____. So you'd better leave too."

That's what you sound like.

fuspezza ago

Bye, this is war and war is not for the faint of heart.

Lauraingalls ago

What don't YOU get about NO PORN ALLOWED?

Stonenchizel ago

That sounds simple enough Laura...

"Trust The Plan"


Lauraingalls ago

Maybe it has to do with LACK of reading comprehension. They can't understand plain English. LOL.

fuspezza ago

Dont feed the trolls, they consume emotions they starve without your attention. What if Qanon had your mentality "Come on guys in all seriousness quit with the shitposting or we are calling of the plan guys" "I mean it guys one shill will ruin it for everybody guys Lurk Moar OK"

Lauraingalls ago

Thanks. Q is GOOD and I like Good. God Bless Q for helping us. Appreciate your input.

zyklon_b ago

u want to meet and fight?

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

@lauraingalls is a Jew hating Nazi sympathizer zyklon she would fit right in with SBBH

zyklon_b ago

she has stinky pussy

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

I’m going to @ her whenever I post tranny porn

CaJuN-M8 ago

Reported for being a degenerate.

zyklon_b ago

please post copious amounts

CaJuN-M8 ago

We don't need that shit here wtf is wrong with You? This is qrelated stuff not porn.

zyklon_b ago

2 years and not 1 arrest of significance

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

You know I will bby. You’re my hero. Once my submission limit is up it’s back to QRV

zyklon_b ago

thanks.i let u com3 over

Rhondaher ago

Im with you. I do not want to see that stuff either. That is why I dont do the chans. I dont like really foul language and I dont like the infighting that goes on. And esp do not want to see cp.

Lauraingalls ago

It's sad very sick people have to bother others. But the owner was notified by Law Enforcement and they can be called.

Rhondaher ago

And now the first article I see on Voat this morning is all the cp places on internet. Im overwhelmed by the vastness of all these sick people and tgink only the return of Jesus can wipe this off the face of the earth. But still we have to try.

Lauraingalls ago

Did you see the SICKOS downvoated us? PATHETIC.

Rhondaher ago


Lauraingalls ago

Yes. SICK too.

Lauraingalls ago

The EVIL out there is overwhelming. It's everywhere. I was attacked because I said I didn't want to see Porn. Incredible amounts of very sick people in this world. If more people prayed I think that would help a lot, but they don't.

Rhondaher ago

I pray twice and 3 times a day for the sucess of MAGA and the saftey of our President and his family and all the Patriots and their families. We have no choice but to win this battle.

Lauraingalls ago

I sincerely hope so/

candtalan ago

I think it is a deliberate strategy of the bad guys that throwing nasties into a community will cause disharmony, subversion, reduction in credibility, create vulnerability to establishment criticism, and not least cause good people to leave. I conclude it is good to have 1) transparent actions by mods 2) realise that - as a user woke not long ago I now realise that my cosy blinkered world was a controlled sham, and I have begun to accept (but not necessarily agree with) there is a mass of jarring opinions out there, many held by people like I was, am, basically good people but deceived.

Lauraingalls ago

Thanks, and they certainly are deceived.

Obrez ago

It's called chemo it's happening because QRV is unrepentant cancer and filled with people who have no interest in expanding their thinking and are incapable of dealing with criticism to the point of being cult like.

The first time 4chan coined the term is when they had to drive furfags out of /b/

It's a counter raid strategy to target anti assimilation migrants, the fact that legal content, and yes there are such things(medical resources for example) so easily unsettles a large swath of the problem individuals is the desired effect. It's a more drastic form of the crudeness voat users apply in their common rhetoric to weed out people who can't think for themselves and submit blindly to new speak, you sometimes get bottom feeders but they can be disregarded, the problem with the QRV community is that they came here and avoided these trials of free thought which has ultimately left them more closed minded than before because like SJWs they have had to close their mind to opposing views, For example there haven't been any major shilling events from shareblue, move on or any other org since 2016, there was a spattering of it going on on 4chan primarily durring the 2018 mid-terms and some engagment in a few other places but legitimate shilling(paid lies/disinfo) has been largely absent and QRV has never once suffered a raid from leftist shills, VOAT is almost entirely immunized from leftist shills by our CCP System.

The Reason QRV fails constantly is because it was foolishly kept anonymous, you can already be anonymous on the rest of voat, just don't play the User drama game, and don't give your primary email or other Identification at all, not hard to do unless you are just brain dead and tech illiterate, and in that case you really shouldn't be sticking your head into the world of active measures, subversive webspionage, and online ideology in general, you are just making yourself an easy target for ancient rhetorical tricks, comment spoofing and a hundred other niggling little things people will do to deceive you, all of which are made far easier by the anon system for subs on voat, the anon system we have is built for trolling, if you look at any serious anon system anywhere else on the web you have a single ID per thread or per 24 hour window so you can't easily be a lying subversive sack of shit trying to manipulate the user base, the only placs where such elements don't exist are on porn and random boards on imageboards like 4chan.

If you have been reading this then you should be able to tell how QRV went afoul by now, QRV users started calling people further right of them, more committed rightwing individuals with real contributions to the community, ideology, movement, memetics, propaganda efforts and Op histories going back a decade "leftists shills" for the entirety of it's existence because they were too green to figure out how to figure out how to have a discussion on the internet.

I'm in favor of the chemo, QRV is cancer, Q is BS, I'm not posting the Chemo and I'm actively explaining what is really going on to a bunch of confused older folks who are too green and naive to have figured this all out for themselves, I'm not a lefty and you can back that up by reading my extensive comment history; it's why such things are important after all.

Do you know what's going to happen though? The chemo has been proven to work, your comments are proof of that, and so it's going to be applied more and more until either the cancer is gone or the chemo can't be applied and trust me when I tell you that nowhere is safe from chemo on a free website, it's why chan culture is so pervasive, if you are antithetical to obstinate liberty, someone will try to push you around scooby doo style by putting on the mask of a monster and sharing legal things that your stomach is too weak for.

I feel like expanding any further on all of this would be waste here so I'll leave it at that but if you genuinely want to know something feel free to ask.

Phantom42 ago

We'll make sure to have some routed to you directly then, as we're sick of your idiocy when it concerns historical events that did, or didn't (See: Holocaust), happen.

Lauraingalls ago

And I will contact the LAW ENFORCEMENT that is WATCHING this board,

fuspezza ago

Call the cops maybe the FBI can investigate lol. It's a very reputable institution dont you know.

Phantom42 ago


Good one.

TradMan ago

🚨👮 I'm with the "internet police" and I'll share something with you: your rights only exists up to the point that it offends someone. Hate speech is not free speech, it's essentially another shoah.

We all came here to escape censorship not to hear and see things we disagree with. Get in line @zyklon_b and @Phantom42 or I'll be seeing you. 🚔

zyklon_b ago


Phantom42 ago

Ah, dammit!

Sorry officer, honest. I just ran out of fucks to give five minutes ago and was heading back to SBBH to find some more.

TradMan ago

That's god dammed right! Filth like you needs to stay on SBBH and leave us in peace.

@Lauraingalls If this continues let me know, we'll get a formal complaint together. I've seen enough of this.

Phantom42 ago


Last I checked, pornography isn't illegal in the United States, boomer.

Lauraingalls ago


Phantom42 ago

Threats require time and place and whatnot. Considering the only thing I know about you is that you're a massive bitch and you're beyond retarded, it'd be a wee bit hard for me to get at you, eh?

Also, porn still isn't illegal.

TradMan ago

You wanna get v& @Phantom42?

srayzie ago

Posts have to be Q related. Porn is not Q related so would be removed.

16574923 ago

Posts have to be Q related. Porn is not Q related so would be removed.

This is a simple rule. It should also apply to QRV. There are so many subverses on Voat so nobody is restricted in his free speech when off topic postings were removed on all Q related subs. Most of that stuff is easy to spot and obviously not meant to contribute anything useful.

An alternative to deleting would be a kind of "shadowbanning light" like it is been done with comments with too many downvoats. You see there was something and you can decide to look at it anyway. This could be done for single submissions and for notorious users. Any resulting "muh free speech" attacks should be ignored.

fuspezza ago

What about the sharing of feelings with your extended family. Is that Q related? Lots of us spend any free time we come across, here on the board. We want to be able to interact with eachother. If you want to make rules make one that says no porn period. Good posts get upvoted shitty posts get downvoted and if its porn delete it. But dont limit the sharing of ideas or turn us into Q bots afraid to post something light hearted in order to raise the spirits of the collective.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

speaking from experience on this subverse, yes it has been honored for anons to share. the sharing from the heart and honestly quality post is received well. encouragement - is a good thing for folks. Q affects our lives. I usta say (interruption-I hear baby birds outside my window for the first time RIGHT NOW. this is an annual event. and they're back! this signals you me that you can get your "chirps" in. lol) to continue... God, fam, work. now I say God fam work and Q!! the four "subverses" in my life. AND EACH AFFECTS THE OTHER. I strive not to share overmuch, but when something really stirs in my spirit...THEN I WRITE FROM THAT. I see you are an old goat- I am SURE that you have something to say! Godspeed! PS: reading your comment and just my sense, you've seen some rough stuff/the burden of those who know "too" much. Bless you with peace, anon. Respect. gonna ping @srayzie to second your e/motion

srayzie ago

You’re so sweet RightSideUp and so positive. Thank you. Xo

RightSideUp17and6 ago

You are most welcome, srayzie, and thanQ for what you do. Of inestimable worth. Godspeed!

srayzie ago

ThanQ 🙌🏻

Shizy ago

We try to be pretty lenient on what's considered Q related, for the reasons you have pointed out. We actually delete very little, so please don't feel like you can't share something. If you ever have a question or aren't sure about something please feel free to send a message to the mods or just ping us.

Lauraingalls ago


cantaloupe6 ago

That is a type of attack that happens there. Both 4 and 8 chan are thought to have been corrupted after being effective during the election. There's another that isn't that you may want to use as a backup at some point.

It's all about media control prior to the election.

There's also should there be a massive attack.

heygeorge ago

This is something like I was reading about and referencing yesterday. Something is peculiar with all this.

More important than my conjecture based on some anons is you bringing the facts to light.

Interpretation is its own matter. With that said, I’m not quite sure yet how I interpret @fastjack’s move to remove @penshitlord. Was it a ‘distinguished’ post? That would be really dumb if so.

srayzie ago

You’re meaning it’s good that I’m bringing this up?

heygeorge ago

Yes! Thank you!

srayzie ago

Good! You’re welcome.

srayzie ago

More important than my conjecture based on some anons is you bringing the facts to light.

What do you mean?

srayzie ago

You’re meaning it’s good that I’m bringing this up?


Why division is necessary for a healthy functioning society.

srayzie ago

That’s not working



– Social trust is negatively affected by ethnic diversity, case study in Denmark from 1979 to the present.

– Ethnic homogeneity and Protestant traditions positively impact individual and societal levels of social trust.

– “In longitudinal perspective, [across European regions], an increase in immigration is related to a decrease in social trust.”

– Immigration undermines the moral imperative of those who most favor welfare benefits for the neediest.

– The negative effect of community diversity on social cohesion is likely causal.

– In Switzerland, social peace between diverse factions isn’t maintained by integrated coexistence, but rather by strong topographic and political borders that separate groups and allow them autonomy.

– “Our analysis supports the hypothesis that violence between groups can be inhibited by both physical and political boundaries.”

– Diversity hinders between-group cooperation at both the one-on-one and group levels.

– Using data from US states, study finds a negative relationship between ethnic polarization and trust.

– Diversity is associated with more White support for nationalist parties, except at the local level where large immigrant populations cut into vote totals for nationalist parties.

srayzie ago

Seriously? That has nothing to do with any of this. Just attempts to change the topic.


Trump is a kike promoting immigration, Q is reaping what Q sowed.

srayzie ago

Ok thanks for your input. Bye Felicia 👋🏻

Shizy ago

That guy is a mega-douche!

srayzie ago

I know!



– In Australia, ethnic diversity lowers social cohesion and increases “hunkering”, providing support for Putnam’s thesis finding the same results in the US.

– After controlling for a self-selection bias, study finds that ethnic diversity in English schools reduces trust in same-age people and does not make White British students more inclusive in their attitudes towards immigrants.

– In Germany, residential diversity reduces natives’ trust in neighbors, while it also reduces immigrants’ trust but through a different pathway.

– Increasing social pluralism (diversity) is correlated with increased chance of collective violence.

– “[E]thnic heterogeneity [diversity] explains 55% of the variation in the scale of ethnic conflicts, and the results of regression analysis disclose that the same relationship more or less applies to all 187 countries. … [E]thnic nepotism is the common cross-cultural background factor which supports the persistence of ethnic conflicts in the world as long as there are ethnically divided societies.”

– Genetic Similarity Theory (GST) could help explain why diverse groups in close proximity increases ethnic conflict and ethnic nepotism.

– Using social science data and computer modeling, researchers found that policies that attempt to create neighborhoods that are both integrated and socially cohesive are “a lost cause”.

– The numbers and the genetic distance matter. Minority groups that get above a certain critical mass, and that are culturally distant from the majority culture, begin to self-segregate from the majority, moving society toward division and away from cooperation.


– Using data from Copenhagen school registers, researchers found that native Danes opt out of public schools when the immigrant population concentration hits 35% or more.


– In the most liberal region in the US, San Francisco and surrounding suburbs, White parents are pulling their kids out of public schools that are becoming increasingly asian.

– School integration (forced proximate Diversity) will not close race achievement gaps.

– Exclusionary dating is a natural consequence of racial diversity.

– As diversity increases, politics becomes more tribalistic.

– Company diversity policies don’t help minorities or women, and they psychologically discriminate against White men.

– Greater classroom and neighborhood diversity is linked to stronger tendencies to choose same-ethnic rather than cross-ethnic friends.

– A longitudinal test of the impact of diversity finds that it makes existing residents feel unhappier and more socially isolated.

– Internal dissension stoked by ethnic, social, political, and religious diversity, rather than environmental degradation, caused the collapse of the urbanized Cahokia Indian Tribe.

– The volunteer participation rate in America hit a record low last year, declining 0.4% from the previous year, and has been declining since 2005. Not coincidentally, the racial composition of America has become more fragmented during the same time.

– A sense of social cohesion with the people who live around us is as happiness-inducing as love for the place itself.

– Our desire for ‘like-minded others’ is hard-wired.

– “The Evolutionary Dominance of Ethnocentric Cooperation”

– A wealthy Virginia county that is rapidly racially diversifying is getting poorer and less socially cohesive.

– Gender diversity does not promote nonconformity in decision-making bodies. (But individual ability diversity does.)

– High ethnic diversity has a negative effect on innovation, but high “values diversity” has the opposite effect, as long as ethnic diversity is low. The best innovation happens in countries that are ethnically homogenous but diverse in values orientation.

– Growing racial diversity in Houston is contributing to declining construction standards and aggravating the impact of natural disasters.

– As an explanation of recent voting behavior, ethnic origin trumps class differences. “…the political salience of white ethnicity persists, suggesting that ethnic groups do not simply dealign or politically “assimilate” over time.

– Globalization and the internet are increasing the proximity of human diversity and consequently increasing mutual animosity as well. “The scholars traced the phenomenon to what they called ‘environmental spoiling.’ The nearer we get to others, the harder it becomes to avoid evidence of their irritating habits. Proximity makes differences stand out.”

– A study of social spiders finds that in-group spider homogeneity fosters individual spider distinctiveness. In contrast, spiders in unstable heterogeneous settings produce within-species uniformity of behavior.

– Data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health showed that multiethnic diversity decreases happiness among all groups, and most markedly for the downscale and economically dispossessed.

– Analysis of publicly available data and social science research finds that smaller, homogeneous cities have more social capital than larger, diverse cities.

– Homogeneous states have higher quality of life scores measuring feelings of social belonging than do racially diverse states.

Shizy ago

Calm down psycho!

srayzie ago

Oh I remember.

srayzie ago

Who were you talking to @Shizy? They deleted.

Shizy ago

It was dankdorkian or dankgorkian or something like that... looks like the shill deleted everything

derram ago :

FastJack on Twitter: "To be fair the image posted was from a pediatric medical site on a page about diagnosing rectal prolapse. The issue here is you cant post naked children on the chan in any context per site policy legal or not. That being said it's especially egregious when posted with gay porn…" :

FastJack on Twitter: "The whole thing started as a way to prevent a certian famefag from livestreaming the board so that he could monetize his baking. Since youtube and other sites prohibit porn BV started posting pics of rectal prolapse. Accident or not the offending image was the first one posted…"

This has been an automated message.

MudPuddlePie ago

Just read your post this morning...not kissing your A$$ but I don't know how you do all this and have a life. Thank you for addressing this and thank you for starting GA. I'd like to shake your hand someday on the other side of this.

I hope Q weighs in and makes GA the go to. Anonymous is bad, IMHO. No accountability.

And another thought...maybe QRV was a honey pot (with Q knowing this would happen) to catch some black hats? I can't believe those trying to ruin the Q movement with porn and such are so stupid to think that Q cannot find them.

Anyway...rock on Srayzie.

srayzie ago

I don't know how you do all this and have a life

I don’t either sometimes.

Vindicator ago

Well said, srayz. We used to get Lolli-bombed on v/pizzagate. It's a very old tactic. No one will mind that shit being removed; it's totally off topic.

Also, if QRV dropped their NSFW designation, they could nuke porn from comments, too. We've always done that in v/pizzagate.

Why did they choose that setting, anyway?

divine_human ago

Also, if QRV dropped their NSFW designation, they could nuke porn from comments, too. ................. Why did they choose that setting, anyway?

QRV was created on request of Q to the BO of 8chan. 8chan culture is NSFW so it was brought over to QRV.

i agree to your suggestion and will bring it over to QRV.

srayzie ago

Yeah, I added the rule to the side bar today. They aren’t dividing us!

CovfefeFan ago

So complicated. It's just easier to stay here where you all are good at keeping this bad stuff away from my innocent eyes.

srayzie ago

Here you go...

@Kneo24 @HeyGeorge

kneo24 ago

I didn't save a lick of any of the evidence I gathered, or anyone else gathered on the original v/theawakening crew, but I remember there being a connection between PSL and one of the other guys, something like they were the same person running multiple accounts. That could have been misdirection for all I know, but it makes sense since PSL was making posts for them.

In any case, it looks like the digging you did found a few other interesting things.