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magavoices ago

So ...

Why not ban links to daily crusader, filter links to daily crusader, and ban everyone who are obviously shilling?

There's no perfect scenario ... either you have free speech and billionaires shit all over your forum with paid trolls, or you put some rules in place and people cry that free speech is being limited.

As long as there is no perfect scenario, err on the side that will allow the legit qanon community to thrive.

Hand_of_Node ago

ban everyone who are obviously shilling?

Shill: an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.

How exactly would that work? Have you seen much of this? Is there an example you could link?

magavoices ago

Well it's pretty easy to auto delete any post linking to dailycrusader, either as a link or within the content of their posts.

As far as targeting the shills, there would be common words they use to auto flag them for review. For instance, many of the shills just started using the word "Qlown". There could be words they use that instantly get their comments deleted, and other words used that merely get their comments flagged for review in one convenient place, where a mod could quickly "allow" (leave alone) or "disallow" (delete with warning and x amount of warnings = ban) where the past offenses etc. are tracked and enforced by the bot.

Chrencsh ago

These people aren't very bright as hard they try, bless their little hearts.

Shizy ago

Funny how you insult everyone's intelligence yet you leave words out of your sentences. Get fucked ststststupid!

StarAnon ago

There could be words they use that instantly get their comments deleted, and other words used that merely get their comments flagged for review in one convenient place, where a mod could quickly "allow" (leave alone) or "disallow" (delete with warning and x amount of warnings = ban) where the past offenses etc. are tracked and enforced by the bot.

Where "Crazy" is the one who decides what YOU will program? What if "Crazy" is the actual shill for whom you're creating this? Which is most likely the real truth here.

magavoices ago

The forum is for Q followers. If you hate Q, you can eat shit and die or jump off a cliff for all I care.

Hand_of_Node ago

So you're a 'person who programs'. I knew a guy on reddit, years ago. who developed a tool to compare comments and activity between various accounts for the probability of them being alts. Compare posting times, word usage, and maybe 20 other factors to see how similar they appear. That might be a fun tool for voat.