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Fatgirl9852 ago

Thanks for the info it will help.😁

gogogogostop ago

Worry about post submissions and stop thinking you can police (censor) comments.

srayzie ago

I’m not talking about comments

gogogogostop ago

What post submissions do you have a problem with? Please list them for me so I can go and look at some of them. Then I will compare to others that you seem to let slide and I will expect you to be able to explain why that is.

gogogogostop ago

Why don't you provide links to your supposed evidence against these people?

Why are you so concerned with what amounts to censoring people for being annoying?

You aren't fit to moderate on this site.

srayzie ago

My posts are filled with evidence. If you want more, look thru my comments over the last couple of days because I’ve been responding to these clowns

gogogogostop ago

It's not up to us to go through reams of your whining to pick out the bits and pieces that you call evidence. You should have a solid case with solid evidence to present in a clear way that we can all see what you say is there. You haven't done that. What you have done is create a situation that you feel allows you to target certain people you personally don't like or who your buddies don't like. You attempt to enforce censorship on this place by intimidating others who might have a different opinion than what you like.

Learn how to best moderate on a free-speech site. Get over your impulse to target annoying people. Focus on the quality of the submissions and make sure they're on topic. Many of them are shit posts because you're too busy dealing with things that are always going to be beyond your control.

If you can't stick to that. move out of the way and let someone better qualified and more mature to take over.

Shizy ago

Learn how to best moderate on a free-speech site

You've been here three months! Who the hell are you to tell @srayzie who's been here two years how to mod on voat?

Let me guess, you've really been here longer, but this is a newer model alt? Pathetic!

srayzie ago

A nutcase like that wouldn’t make it as a mod for even 2 days. Ohhhhh wait. Kind of like @MissleCuntStroked 😂

Shizy ago

@MissleCuntStroked 🤣🤣🤣

srayzie ago

That’s my new name for the dip shit 😂

Shizy ago

Very fitting for the cunt!

srayzie ago

Then don’t read it. Nobody asked you to click on the link genius it’s nit that hard to figure out.

MissleCopterStoped ago


sorosminion ago

LOL The same "narrative"? That Q is bullshit? Anybody that isn't INSANE can see that! LOL You idiots are wasting your lives! Yeah....over the target blah blah blah.....prisoners of the internet.....TRUE SHEEP! Now THAT is suspicious!

MolochHunter ago

Ive looked in your posts

and Ive seen you ignore, deflect and downplay the answer to this

Ive never YET seen you ONCE answer it clearly, honestly, forthrightly and with any sense of HUMILITY

MissleCopterStoped ago

Even if soros did, you would be to slow to understand it.

He doesn't need to waste his time with slow learners like yourself.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Bye bye

srayzie ago

Who are you talking to @MolochHunter?


MolochHunter ago

sorry babez this was supposed to be a reply to a MCS post - not sure how / why it came to be here ?

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I was confused!

MissleCopterStoped ago

That is not shocking.

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argosciv ago

Oh fuck I am so glad I checked in on your comments before I head to bed, kev.

MCS trying to pull the "cyberbullying" line in defense of ESOTERICshade just made the start of 2019 fucking hilarious.

Oh it doesn't get much more ironic/hypocritical than that.

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

srayzie ago

LOL every day, he fails a little more. 🙄

Any man that needs to cry that he’s being bullied over this, is a PUSSY!

What makes it even funnier, is how he has shit talked about me being female several times using different alts, including this one. You’re the one whining like a little girl @MissleCopterStoped.

He was even afraid I would tell @Crensch who he was. He didn’t want Crench to hurt his little feelings.

@Kevdude @Shizy @MolochHunter

MolochHunter ago

i wonder how many people's mental health has been impaired by their sock-puppetry

i imagine a number of survivors on Pizzagate

we probably have a considerable counter-sue case, with actual real life victims who can provide psych reports

Discovery is gonna be Epic

srayzie ago

I agree!

Crensch ago

Something I find funny about that; I caused him emotional scarring with whatever I said, but I don't even remember what I said to him. My words to him were so unimportant to me that I don't recall what they were, yet he shows himself to be afraid, then talks about him living in our heads rent-free.

srayzie ago

You were living in his head every dox attempt too. Back when we weren’t even dealing with the little baby.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Ooo srayzie is giving legal advice now.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Hey srayzie, how’s it going?

Vindicator ago

Included it right in my callout. :-)

srayzie ago

I think these new ones, are ones that we pissed off yesterday by me making the post exposing them. It's not uncommon for people to make usernames imitating others. That's what I would do if I wanted to disrupt a forum.

It's possible it could be from the groups Argosciv named, but I wouldn't jump to that conclusion just yet. Putt, I believe this is from the ElectroLumus/BuilderAnon group.

@PuttItOut @Kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator @PeaceSeeker

Crensch ago

They really are losing their composure; it's a bit hilarious to watch.

"They've destroyed every attempt we've made at causing chaos, what do we do now?"

"I know! Let's make accounts that LOOK like them!"

srayzie ago

LOL I know. Now, they are also pinging each other.

srayzie ago

Of course!


MissleCopterStoped ago

Gosh, you are as stupid as the rest of them, go read some President Trump tweets and pull your head out of your ass.

BTW, thanks for the gif! 👍

sorosminion ago

Hey CRAZY MODS! I'm insulted! You promised to "expose" my "alt" Jesus, this rant from srayzie is totally raving crazy! GET A LIFE, you are obsessed in this STUPID Reddit/ VOAT drama, you are so far in you actually think it matters. That both aren't teen age/ young adult message boards for all the angst of that age for young guys. You act like it's actually IMPORTANT. You have really gone crazy here, lost any perspective and grip on reality! You REALLY need professional help. You live in a fantasy world, ever growing more distant than reality. You have lost you way kids! You have descended into crazy, thrown your life away for nothing. You have achieved nothing, are accomplishing nothing. How sad and pathetic you are. Wasting your time on idiocy like Q, JFK jr, energy weapons, aliens, cannibalism and all the STUPID SHIT YOU BELIEVE IS TRUE! None of it is true, you are fucking batshit crazy!

Chrencsh ago

Dont sweat it Soros, at least for tonight. They all have to log out soon, almost time for them to go to bed.

Pretty soon, they will be going back to school, and they will be going to bed at a earlier time soon.

Steelerfish ago


Add this guy to the asshole list

srayzie ago

For this post, we want to just add shills that we think are this person or same group.

Chrencsh ago

Oh cant narrow it down to a person now all knowing one?

Hersmellyboot ago

I don’t care about getting upvotes but in cases like this it sucks for people who don’t want to clog up the board with our shit but we care about it. We can’t down vote douches

d00danon ago

I read a bunch and don't post much, but when I do post some wise cracker has something stupid to say, the way I am going I will never be able to downvoat, but that's ok, because we have Moloch and Srayzie :o) God Bless you Guys :o) ( Iknow Srayzie not a guy, figure of speach :oP )

Jigsy17 ago

That’s some creepy shit. Thanks mods.

HoppyHap ago

Reread Q drop 2625 concerning 8ch.

ArcAngel ago

ya think w/ a name like 'sorosminion' would kinda be a dead give-away

BulletMagnet879 ago

Glad to see sorosminion on the list. He's fun to troll. Another one that should be on there is dordiewithq.

Chrencsh ago

Srayzie, moloch hunter, and shizy need added, don't add godsangell, that is me!

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The1stLantern ago

Infiltration you say? Ha. Ive been called a shill a half dozen times over the last day for pointing out the drift away from posting ACTUAL Q CONTENT and RESEARCH instead of getting lost in useless gossip and time wasting speculatory bullshit.

Infiltration isnt even the fucking word for it. We are being hit with a psyop.

SkyeVeritas ago

I will do my best to contribute downvoats when needed.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I eventually tried him out as a mod. However, his personality immediately changed, he let the power go to his head.

In the type-o-negative thread about NeonRevolt you posted above ,there is a screenshot me asking RonaldSwansong asking how resign from being a mod on Reddit, you know, cause that is what power control freaks do.😂😂

Oh yeah, where are the screen shots of my mod actions taken if I let this “power” go to my head? What, no evidence of that?

My personality changed because it was the childish non-stop drama you mods constantly created for 2 days straight, and especially the non-support that I got from you.

He went and hit resign so it would appear that he made the decision to quit.

Why does it matter who hit the resign button first? How is this an issue, I mean who cares right? You must be really salty because you didn’t get the opportunity to press the eject button on my behalf first? Talk about a power trip.

Additionally, I resigned because I don’t have the bandwidth to deal with your immature childish non-stop drama, that is actually occurring right now while you sit there breaking your own forum rules using a post to complain about another user. Wait you forgot?

Please allow me pull the rule for you:

No submitting posts about other users.** Posts need to be Q related. Not for attacking other users.

Great job srayzie as you are about to prove my point very shortly.

I kept my eyes on him to see if he was going to start pulling his crap again. That didn’t take long.

Oh really? What didn’t take long?

After causing drama and attacking my mod @MolochHunter all night.

Whoa, you can stop right there traitor.

I reported a user that was making salacious claims about Barrack Obama having a microchip inserted in his body, and the other Deep State players having GPS and eavesdropping chips inserted as well.

Don’t remember? Allow me refresh your memory!

So you are give the last comment I made, but not tell everyone what the situation was about? Shame on you!

As seen from the screenshot above, the OP who has a long-standing reputation to post dis-info and fake news and other emotional the sky is falling posts. In fact, people were calling this person out on it and even today people complained about it on a post today.

My post asking asking for sources to godsangell’s claims.

[–] MissleCopterStoped 2 points (+2|-0) 1.5 days ago  Where is the sauce for Hussein getting chipped in? Where is the sauce for other DS players having kill switches and listening devices implanted in them? @GODSANGELL IS A TRAITOR SHILL AND AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE AND THIS MOVEMENT, REPORTING YOUR POST LOW QUALITY BECAUSE YOU JUST MAKE SHIT UP AS YOU GO ALONG!

[–] MissleCopterStoped 1 points (+3|-2) 6 days ago 

I want to thank you very much for speaking up on this thread. I almost forwarded the image to my mom, who is slowly coming around. She doesn't need this speculation, you're right.

That was the motivation for reporting OP.

Hey @GodsAngell, do you see what almost happened here? This is a textbook example of why you shouldn't post irresponsibility? Imagine if @Q-sent-me had actually forwarded this and their mother started to research it.



@Srayzie, @MolochHunter, @Shizy

I then immediately reported them for it and pinged the mods about it. Srayzie at least flared the post as dis-info.

This post clearly broke the rules they have in place.

Forum Rules

“For example, if you’re going to post a theory, give a detailed explanation of how you reached that theory. Such as explaining how you can back up the theory with what is already known or referencing things Q or trump have said.

Has President Trump or Q addressed microchips being inserted into our bodies or the bodies of the enemy?

If yes, source Q and/or President Trump then.

Then moloch tried justifying her claims although it broke forum rules.

MolochHunter 1 points (+2|-1) 6 days ago  There's a big difference between being a traitor and being credulous. @GodsAngell may have a terrible case of confirmation bias at times, but it's not the role of us mods to censor that.

Shizy said this: I see this happening a lot to @godsangell so either they need to take a hint and better source their posts, or expect an increase in being accused of deliberately spreading fake news.

Think Mirror - Q


Molochhunter said this:

no-one has proven that OP knew for a fact that what he was posting is fake news

flame the OP as much as you like for sloppy work, but we don't censor that shit - and the nature of Q's posts is cryptic and so this sub must allow for wide array of speculation.

Oh I get it, this person gets a pass for being ignorant while these bullshit claims get to stay on the board although it is breaking rule 1.

[–] MissleCopterStoped -1 points (+0|-1) 6 days ago  Its not sloppy work Moloch, it’s sourcing the gosh darn claims....................

Why have rules if you are not going to enforce them?

[–] MolochHunter 0 points (+1|-1) 6 days ago  (edited 6 days ago) can you kindly advise me which Rule # you think this breaches so that i can re-educate you

[–] MissleCopterStoped -2 points (+0|-2) 6 days ago  (edited 6 days ago) Rule number 1 Go for it, explain it to me.

Moloch Threat #1:

you've pissed me off. Consider me suspect of any future posts of yours. I'm going to scrutinise them for bad-faith mischief. I'm drawing a bead on you, motherfucker. Congratulations.

[–] MolochHunter 4 points (+5|-1) 6 days ago  you're the cunt that keeps coming at me insisting i have some obligtion to delete this thread

MissleCopterStoped -4 points (+0|-4) 6 days ago  I never once asked you to delete the thread did I? If yes, please show me where I said that

MolochHunter 3 points (+4|-1) 6 days ago  (edited 6 days ago)

oh, my apologies, correction - you said the OP should be banned from this sub, and called us mods in to effect that, and then got all pissy when we refused to do that for you so fuck you

Why is he getting so mad?

–] MolochHunter 3 points (+4|-1) 6 days ago  and so did the OP. and we dont even delete all posts that DONT provide a link, you're here on G.A. in Bad Faith. I'm onto you, now, niggerfaggot

MissleCopterStoped -2 points (+0|-2) 6 days ago  Don't call me names when you cannot do your fucking simple ass job.

Look at all the other people who asked for sources on this thread retard, I am not the only one asking for sources or "being the problem."

Just because you are a mod, don't think I am impressed with your stupid 16 year old threats, and the only people who threatened like online is the fucking pussy in real life.

Get over your Mr. Badass of the internet, ego and do your fucking job.

MissleCopterStoped -2 points (+0|-2) 6 days ago  Don't call me names when you cannot do your fucking simple ass job.

Look at all the other people who asked for sources on this thread retard, I am not the only one asking for sources or "being the problem."

Just because you are a mod, don't think I am impressed with your stupid 16 year old threats, and the only people who threatened like online is the fucking pussy in real life. Get over your Mr. Badass of the internet, ego and do your fucking job

**It goes on and on if one wants to dig more, but in the end you allowing someone to break the rules, and this person constantly posts fake news, and dis-info, yet you all allow it to happen so you guys are traitors to our country, because at the end of the day, you are basically acting like the Enemy of the People, Fake News.

This is my final response to your kiddy drama, next response I make will be to Justin Chastain and Atif Colo.

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srayzie ago

Oh yeah, where are the screen shots of my mod actions taken if I let this “power” go to my head? What, no evidence of that?

I stopped you from using mod powers dip shit.

I didn’t break my own rules. I’m simply pointing out that our Q community is being I filtrate. Your name is one of several.

You talk about our drama. You’re the one always flipping out. 😂 Lay off the caffeine. You didn’t even deny that you are BuilderAnon or thisistotallynotme. I know of others too.

Shareblue should fire you because you suck.

Chrencsh ago

We dont cordinate voting brigades blah blah blah

Will the government shutdown effect you getting your paycheck clown?

StarAnon ago

You are breaking your rules, forum rules, and some rules not listed on this forum. You're supposedly representing Voat ownership. Voat is the one who pays the price for your breaking some of these rules.

crazysrayzie #cyberbully #notamodbutafraud

Shizy ago

What's really sad is that you used this alt to talk to yourself on here @MissleCopterStopped. What kind of pathetic manipulator does that?


StarAnon ago


Shizy ago

You've been caught! It's just getting sad at this point!

srayzie ago

And they are pinging each other. Vote brigading too.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Oh noes you caught me downvoting myself! You are as dumb if not dumber than moloch and a fucking rock is smarter than him. 😂

That dumbass statement is almost as stupid as this statement.

I stopped you from using mod powers dip shit.

So I was a mod with no mod powers for 2 days Are you fucking kidding me?

You said I let this power trip go to my head?

What evidence do you have to support this statement? Surely you would have screen shots for this power abuse right?

Wait, I will link the removed comment and submissions for you, and you can show me the mod actions I took okay? 😂


Look for Type-o-Negative as that was my name at the time that I was forced to delete because srayzie’s chummy mod friends kept harrassing me from QRV hiding behind anonymous numbers like pussies after I resigned from GA forum.

And @MolochHunter for the 273,583,635th time, yes I was typo, write it down if you are to slow to keep up.

You and Ungodlyangel seem to have the same slow learner issue which seems too coincidental to be some random unrelated occurrence.

@StarAnon @Morbo @youllrememberme

please look through the above links and start looking around 10/25/2018 to 11/05/2018 and see what mod actions I took okay? Time to shoot down this shill mods accusation once and for all.

Now if you excuse me, I need to start a downvote brigade on myself.

After all, you strive for total transparency correct? Then show the world your evidence then.

Fact is srayzie you cant otherwise you would show the world your proof because I never made any power trip mod actions except to resign from your drama filled life.

Shizy ago

So you're continuing your attempts at Manipulation I see by editing this comment almost 20 hours later!

So once I presented screenshots of your deleted comments you made while a mod here, you decide to edit your comment and change the goalpost for what constitutes proof of you abusing our mod powers? So now instead of showing your comments where you harass and attempt to intimidate a poster to bending to your will by telling him you're a mod and what you CAN do to him, suddenly that's not enough?

That is what you said! You're really gonna keep this up and say this isn't proof of you abusing your moderator role? You really think it's ok to talk down to a poster like that because he disagreed with you and it pisses you off? You have some serious mental defects! I can't believe you have the nerve to come here and talk this kind of nonsense!

MissleCopterStoped ago

@Shizy, Was this the power trip you were talking about? Isn't that something, enabling and protecting people who purposely boasts about his daughter being raped daily at school.

Get a load of these hypocrites @Morbo, @StarAnon, @Youllrememberme

srayzie ago

Why are you pinging yourself?

Shizy ago

You were "protecting" GA from a guy who was complaining that in his country blacks were being taught that blonde hair, blue eyed girls are the devil and can be raped? How does that make HIM a kiddie rapist? He also stated he pulled his daughter out of that school and got her to a safe place. So what am I missing? How was he deserving of your lashing out at him?

Once again, bravo on providing documentation of how nutso you are for everyone to see! 😂

MissleCopterStoped ago

But yet he allowed his daughter to be raped everyday because she had blonde hair and blue eyes, because she was the devil.

That is really sick Shizy..

What will you say next, that murder by a close friend is okay, but if a stranger does it, they need electrocuted? 😂😂😂😂

That is very sad you would vouch for someone so dispictable for allowing his daughter to endure that..

@Morbo check this shit out.

Shizy ago

Here's what he actually said:

What you keep claiming is not what he said. People can read it for themselves and see you're twisting and lying about this whole scenario.

That is very sad you would vouch for someone so dispictable for allowing his daughter to endure that..

How have I "vouched" for him? I don't even know this guy, but I can read! You're lying about what was said to try and take away from the fact that he triggered you for some reason and caused you to lose your shit so badly, you had no choice but to resign from being a mod on GA!

Oh, I thought you were leaving?

MissleCopterStoped ago

So the answer is no, you haven't found any other evidence of me power tripping?

You don't have to keep defending this guy.

Shizy ago

Womp, womp, womp....

You've failed again!

I thought you were smarter than this and could at least read. You've been outed as a punk bitch 🤣😂🤣. Go make a new alt and start over 😘

Shizy ago

"Hey niggerfaggot, I am a mod too, I could just erase your posts, but instead allowing you to run your mouth. Take note of it before looking stupid."

Sounds pretty power trippy. What kind of control freak mod acts like that?

Do you really think that's behavior becoming a moderator? Most people don't!

MissleCopterStoped ago

Go get another power trippy mod action instead of defending this loser.

Oh wait, you dont have anything else?...

Maybe your faggot friend can dig some more since you and srayzie dont have anything but that one comment to go on. 👍

Shizy ago

Let's relive how a stranger on the internet triggered you:

Even with all your comments deleted, the essence of this exchange is still there and it's hysterical! 😂😂😂

Oh, I thought you were leaving....

MissleCopterStoped ago

Gosh, nonstop justifying this guy, must be am alt of yours.

Shizy ago

Womp, womp, Womp! Another fail!

must be am alt of yours.

Good one! 🤣😂🤣

Yes, you just happened to randomly pick a fight with my "alt" so that you would get so triggered and lose is that you had to resign as a mod? That makes so much sense! Wow! What are the chances of that?

No one buys the shit you're slinging fool! When will you learn??!

Oh, I thought you said you were leaving?

MissleCopterStoped ago

Power trippy to a guy that brags about his daughter to be bullied to the point of rape..

How much lower can you go you sick fuck?

Shizy ago

Since you're getting so triggered already, definately don't read this:

It may trigger your PTSD my special little snowflake 😂

MissleCopterStoped ago

But you said I was on a power trip, surely you found more evidence of this right?

I get it, you dont, thanks for admitting that. 👍

Shizy ago

I already showed it.

Pretty dumb for a lawyer not to be able to keep up!

Shizy ago

How much lower can you go you sick fuck?

Ooohhhhhh. Someone sounds like they're getting triggered, again! 😂🤣😂🤣

srayzie ago

Wow. Twist the whole story. This is why you aren’t credible.




It has been established that DailyCrusader is FAKE NEWS and all the new accounts posting from that site was an attempt to distract us from the truth. Many people here were upset about it.

So we made these posts...

Have you ever heard of @derram dipshit? It’s a bot that someone made that will archive links and give hooktube links in replace of YouTube.

I told magavoices that I have no control over banning a site from being posted. He said he could make a bot to scan for anyone posting from there.

He suggested we copy the post and send it to the poster, and tell them they can repost referencing a more credible website.

That’s it. A bot wouldn’t delete the post. It would simply alert us that a post from that site was made, so that we could check it and confirm that the story wasn’t fake. What we did after we got notified would be up to us. Just like if someone pinged us, we would check and make sure that the post wasn’t some fake story again.

Two days ago yesterday you complained that we were letting someone make posts with shitty sources. Now you’re bitching about us trying to find tools to help us fight them.

Everything I said was public, and of course, I would not do anything without asking for permission from @PuttItOut. It wouldn’t be a secret. You are nothing but a trouble maker.

@Shizy @MolochHunter

MelanieIsSmockingHot ago

Attention Patriots, Q always said we eventually go to 8chan due to censorship.

srayzie ago

Look how Mr 8 day account twisted the story and posted on 8chan now.

@Argoscov @Shizy @MolochHunter

argosciv ago

Damnit, proofread those pings, folks. [Edit to add: Directed at myself also, lol.]

Lol'd at a new account being used to tow the party line.

@Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude (parent of parent)

srayzie ago

It’s not censoring to remove fake news stories. Our mod logs are public and can be checked any time.

MissleCopterStoped ago

mod logs are public and can be checked any time.

Good, find more examples of this power trip story you made up!

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srayzie ago

argosciv ago

Ah. I see.

Excuse me a moment, working on another gift for ye.

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Shizy ago

**Fact is srayzie you cant otherwise you would show the world your proof because I never made any power trip mod actions

Oh really?

please look through the above links and start looking arou10/25/2018 to 11/05/2018 and see what mod actions I took okay? Time to shoot down this shill mods accusation once and for all

Why would you send them looking for comments that no longer exist?

The comments were deleted by type-o-negative, but you knew that! You just want to keep pushing your story where you're the innocent victim!

Well fortunately, your commments were saved because everyone who knows how you operate, knows you delete your comments:

This is the comment where you threaten to abuse your mod powers:

Here's where you make a completely inappropriate remark to the user who pissed you off:

You have a vendetta against @srayzie and this sub because your efforts to infiltrate were thwarted. You had to start over with your alt @MissleCopterStoped and play nice, try to buddy up, and appear "normal"! Unfortunately for you, that's something that's just too hard for you to do.

When will you just stop all this fuckery and go away? We spot you every time! This is all so pointless! 😂😂😂😂

srayzie ago

srayzie ago

I pinged you in the wrong place. Check the new ping

MissleCopterStoped ago

Why you delete other post then?

srayzie ago

Because it was a ping on the wrong place. Can’t you read? I pinged him in the right place. You always delete.

argosciv ago

Hmm... only just seeing this now, ping didn't show up in my comment mentions at all.

Ah well.

From MCS's reply to you:

Question is, did I abuse them, which you mods said I was?

Threatening to abuse them absolutely constitutes abuse(or at bare minimum, a desire to), imo. Especially given that there's no apparent breach of rules from the user being threatened, that I can see.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Gosh you are really stupid! How many Mods did srayzie have in that period of time? The mod actions would still be there, but name would say deleted instead, just the way my NeonRevolt post does. Just Stop...being a moron...

Shizy ago

Why are you deleting accounts and then coming back here pretending to be someone else? That's some very shady behavior? But ramble on and on in your posts about how you're an innocent victim and maybe no one will question you about that right 😉

MissleCopterStoped ago

Who pretended? I told srayzie dim-witt! Quit asking me questions and I wont come back. It really is that simple.

Shizy ago

Quit asking me questions and I wont come back.

Good! BYE!!!!!

srayzie ago

MissleCopterStoped ago

I updated the thread, you might want to see the hot water you will be in shortly.

Happy New Year!

srayzie ago

You go girl 😂

MolochHunter ago

you never answered my question

why did you elect to start a new alt rather than just continue as type-o-neg and do good deeds to REDEEM YOURSELF of the disruptive behavior that got your ass booted as a Mod

you cant, and wont, answer that question, because there IS no answer that restores your credibility

MissleCopterStoped ago

Look, you are slow, and I get it.

If you looked hard enough and read my posts, you would find the answer you are looking for.

You should ask your parents for a few classes in reading comprehension because no matter how cool you think being ignorant is, it isn't.

Shizy ago

I keep asking that question to. It's weird to delete an account, and then start over with an alt. He's very deceptive!

MissleCopterStoped ago

You know what is funny? I havent downvoted any of your guys off the cuff remarks, but I will do it now.

Shizy ago

No one cares!


srayzie ago

Because I told you to not use any of your mod powers until I could teach you what to do. That's not about power. That's called being responsible and teaching you to not abuse mod powers, which you were wanting to do.

Thank you for once again, proving that you were in fact, type-o-negative, and showing how absolutely enraged you become, which is why you are not cut out to be a mod.

Damn @Kevdude. I bet you're disappointed seeing what scum this guy turned out to be. @Shizy @MolochHunter @Argosciv

MissleCopterStoped ago

Why do you keep crying for kevdude? He isnt going to show up! Dont you have enough people attacking me now?


srayzie ago

I’m not crying for Kevdude. He knew you better than anyone. I’m keeping him up to date on his old friend ElectroLumus.

Oh and by the way @Kevdude, type-o-negative and BuilderAnon both told me they were from r/The_SwampWatch AND BOTH were software engineers.

argosciv ago

except to resign from your drama filled life

Top kek.

Yet here he is, on an alt account, trying to blend in/get close by defending you at first, then flipping out when busted.

Oh the lulz.

srayzie ago

and everytine he fails lol

argosciv ago

I haf gift for ye.

Gimme a sec.

MolochHunter ago

he needs to be more professional if he's going to reveal an alt everytime i do a 'your momma' joke

MissleCopterStoped ago

That is the fucking dumbest thing you said.

Once a person is a mod they get mod powers you retarded idiot, and if no believes me outside of these shill mods, make a sub and see for yourself.

What a lame ass excuse for not having evidence of me on a power trip. That was a really feeble attempt on your part.

MolochHunter ago


you couldn't eject me

here you are admitting you are, or were , Type-o-negative

so for the ladies and gentlemen of the Jury, would you care to explain to the court of public opinion why you did not maintain the user v/type-o-neg , and work to redeem yourself in an honest manner to your fellow voat colleagues and supposed patriot allies, rather than resorting to an alternative user profile ?

because in a subverse in which disinformation flies thick and fast, INTEGRITY is paramount, I'm sure you'd agree

MissleCopterStoped ago

OMG! How fucking many times are you going to answer the same question?

My answer is there fucktard..Gosh, you are so fucking slow. Try to catch up!

MolochHunter ago

lol - you posted a link to another place where you EVADED answering the question

So I'll ask again

why you did not maintain the user v / type-o-negative , and work to redeem yourself in an honest manner to your fellow voat colleagues and supposed patriot allies, rather than resorting to an alternative user profile ?

57005-177 ago

Damn, you are the slowest retard ever. Do you think you will ever catch-up?

Still cannot believe you are a mod, you are as dumb as box of rocks. Stop replying to me if you cant be on the same page as everyone else.

Shizy ago

Damn, you are the slowest retard ever. Do you think you will ever catch-up?

Says the retard MissleCopterStoped from his alt that we've all known about. It's been a real hoot watching you talk to yourself with this alt dumb fuck!

Crensch ago

Stop replying to me if you cant be on the same page as everyone else.

MolochHunter ago

😂😂😂 forget which Alt you were logged into @57005-177 ? er , @MissleCopterStoped , er etc etc

@Srayie @Shizy @Crensch @Argosciv @Vindicator

MissleCopterStoped ago

Actually 5500177 is onto to something there, you are not very bright, and box of rocks is quite fitting for your intelligence level which is flat lined at best.

MolochHunter ago

really. 5500177 says 'stop replying to me'

I dont recall if i have EVER reponded to a 5500177 comment, please find and enlighten me so as to cast shadow of doubt on my 'outrageous' insinuation that you forgot which sock or anus your hand was showed up at the time of writing

MissleCopterStoped ago

Actually he PM’d me, apparently you are harassing them through PMs accusing them of being me. I told them they should report you!

MissleCopterStoped ago

What are you talking about?

Shizy ago

You talk tough, but then threaten to call attorney's 🤣😂🤣🖕🏻

MolochHunter ago

why dont you call in your gang of 100 to help ? Oh - thats right - its all ONE PERSON

Chrencsh ago

Dont let these shills get you down, the best part is we are winning!

MissleCopterStoped ago

see god damn parent.

Not very Christian of you to take God’s name in vain.

Just say see parent, and downvote away, dont get all triggered about it.

MolochHunter ago

riiiight. you're a good lil Christian boy

I remember clearly in the Bible Jesus sayeth "And LO! They who shalt useth Sock Puppets are Like unto me, and shall be Exalted"

you're such a wanker

srayzie ago

These people have got no life. lol. I don't think I need to ban yours since you're not a mod on this sub. I didn't want them tricking anyone into something because they thought it was our mod.

MolochHunter ago

i say we make it @Crensch 's call whether we ban the doppleganger

Crensch ago

I believe @srayzie hit the nail on the head there. We all seem to have been pushed into formation as a group of shill hunters against these fuckbags. I, personally, have no issue with the doppelgänger, but it WOULD look bad if someone mistook them for me since we work together.

Might cause more problems and hurt y'all to have so much extra confusion going on for the normies.

MolochHunter ago

i just wanna pay my respects to a man who bothers to put the dots above the ä in doppelgänger

but Shizy and i have settled on the term 'Sockllganger'

srayzie ago

I removed the one imitating Crensch since he's a mod that we work closely with. I made a new rule, so you will see that option if you guys need to ban someone for imitating one of us.

@MolochHunter @Shizy

Shizy ago

Good move.

argosciv ago

Wait a minute...

Wasn't there someone else who used to pull this impersonation crap once upon a time?

cc: @Crensch, @srayzie, @Vindicator, @kevdude, @PeaceSeeker

Vindicator ago

Yep. ArmySeer (aka Amalek).

argosciv ago


I think I've seen that username around somewhere in the past few days of digging, now that you mention.

Crensch ago

Shizy ago

This is my final response to your kiddy drama, next response I make will be to Justin Chastain and Atif Colo.


You create nothing but drama operating a football team of alts like a sneaky, manipulative deciever and YOU want to play the victim? That is absolutely PATHETIC!

MissleCopterStoped ago

Shizy said this: I see this happening a lot to @godsangell so either they need to take a hint and better source their posts, or expect an increase in being accused of deliberately spreading fake news.

Changing your position now? 😂😂😂

Shizy ago

What? How am I changing my position on that? Pointing out your defects doesn't have anything to do with the concerns I pointed out regarding that other user!

Or did you think I was defending you or on our side because of that statement? I think you thought I was on your side and you were hoping to divide the mods here. I'm so sorry to disappoint you 😂

MissleCopterStoped ago

It was your observation on it and I cannot read your mind on what the true intentions were.

Try harder next time, that comment was a fail.

Shizy ago

Your attempts to manipulate and deceive everyone is a FAIL! Take your own advice faggot and try harder next time. You're getting easier to spot now 😂

MissleCopterStoped ago

Did you find anymore evidence of my mod actions yet, or just going to lie more about something you said instead, but walking back on?

For like the 8 of you teaming me trying to be manipulative pros, you all really suck it is.

Up your game!

Shizy ago

Up your game!

I don't need to! YOUR game has failed. You've been exposed.


qanon1776 ago

I will downvote them all now that there is clear direction to do so - there was some confusion that they are paid by down voting so was reluctant to see them profit from my misery. Thanks for the great job you and the mods do and Happy New Year to you all.

tokui ago

I don't get it. Who's the bad guy, again?

Fatgirl9852 ago

Thanks so hard for me to tell a bad apple from a good one sometimes any help is appreciated. Just a old fart trying to make sense of it all.

DammitMan ago


AlphabeticalAnon ago

There's one called fen something or fel something with a number following...that's a troll.

CentipedeRex ago

Look at the number of downboats on any post and see the fact that there is NO coordinated effort to do anything you just said.

webster_warrior ago

I say we had better clear out of here in plenty of time for the 2020 primaries.

SueRitz5 ago

Excellent! Thank you very much!!

Bob_Bobsons ago

Hey, StarAnon is mentioned by you... I was already keeping an eye on that account.

After I opened a topic on shills on Reddit, he was being a bit of a dick to me. Even when I asked him to be more friendly in his comments he downvoted me.

And the next morning I had gotten a downvote on basically 95% of all the comments I had made. Someone looked at all my comments and started downvoting them all. This person was probably out of downvotes since only two of my first comments hadn't been downvoted.

Chrencsh ago

Bob, don't let these peeps call you a douche, we all know you are a faggot.

StarAnon ago

I downvoted your post. I don't know you. You're a troublemaker. Don't accuse people without proof. Are you one of "Crazy's" alts?

Bob_Bobsons ago

All I said is you were being a douche in a thread that I started about shills. That's why I was keeping an eye on your account.

I don't know who downvoted most of my past comments. I think a mod could have a look at that.

These were the reasons for my post.

StarAnon ago

Thank you for this post! Votes are supposed to be anonymous. If someone disagrees with me, I don't see them as a douche/dick/otherwise. I believe they have a different opinion. Thank you for your honesty. It's refreshing! I'll take out the downvote.

srayzie ago

Thank you for telling us! I found out about him because people sent me private messages about him.

@Shizy @MolochHunter

MissleCopterStoped ago

Actually you have been stalking her, nice try on acting innocent though.


srayzie ago

He’s now pinging his alts you guys 😂

@Shizy @MolochHunter

Shizy ago

He keeps doing that!

srayzie ago

He’s been pinging me and flipping the fuck out like crazy since yesterday

Shizy ago

I love how he says he's being bullied, when he was the one who only modded here for two days because he was bullying actual users 😂!

Oh, and let's not forget he runs his own sub v/ProtectQRV where he blocks people and then proceeds to bully them there but they can't respond 😂

srayzie ago

Right? Omg he’s a piece of work lol

StarAnon ago

True. Crazy srayzie has done threads like this before. She's divisive, and malicious. I do believe if anyone is shilling … a skunk smells it's own stink first.

Shizy ago

You sound an awful lot like @piscina

Piscina ago

Seriously you think that because many users believe Crayzie to be malicious and a nasty piece of work, they must all be one person? It's more likely that she is a malicious dweeb because many people say it.

StarAnon ago

You read an awful lot like a cyber stalker.

Shizy ago

So you don't deny it?

Caliope ago

Right on target. Keep up the good work.

I authorized this message: fuckashitpisscockcuntniggerjewkikewophumphumphump$$&&~#}>€€€£¥?

Lauraingalls ago

WOW!!!! Does that explain a LOT. I knew MissleCopterStoped WAS TROUBLE.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Laura you are the meanest person on this board so STFU.

Shizy ago

He has an issue with females, so since you have a female name it's not surprising he would attack you.

Lauraingalls ago

Needs mental help. I actually feel sorry for the females that know him in PERSON. I guess we can be grateful we don't "KNOW" him.

Shizy ago

I get that feeling a lot being here on voat! There are some real weirdos!

Lauraingalls ago

Thanks for the laugh. One time someone said to me it could be worse if you had to deal with those people in person, and that is true. It's sad there are so many weirdos though. .

Shizy ago

Whenever donkey is on the attack or making one of his creepy anti woman comments I always think please God let him live VERY far away and never let me cross paths with that psycho!

57005-177 ago

You are confusing me with Moloch, as his creative self called me a cunt.

You going to need better evidence, than acting like ange.....l OMG, you are gods fallen angel arent you? Busted with your dyslexic formatting and exclamation points, no wonder you all are pissed, you guys were taking it personally!

Lauraingalls ago


srayzie ago

Oh he loved to attack!

Lauraingalls ago

Some people are just plain SICK! The weird part is one day he private messaged me and was as sweet as pie, but accused me of downvoating someone, which I didn't even do, so I let him know. Then his true colors came out, and he was like a monster. Like he had a split personality. It was so weird. After that ONE TIME of being sort of NICE in his private message, he constantly stayed the monster he really was. He really might need mental help. SCARY PERSON.

57005-177 ago

Care to post the evidence, or shall I do it instead?

This is your only chance to get ahead of this, before I get home tonight and show what a dirtbag shill you really are.


Vindicator ago

It's not a cesspool. It's a battlefield. There is nothing pretty about the war that is fought here every day. Some fight with honor and others fight dirty. But if those of good will leave the field, we will never take our country back. Freedom has a price.

srayzie ago

Oh that’s what they do. Most of them started out really nice. They’ve really helped teach me to not trust anyone.

Lauraingalls ago

It is REALLY SAD how they send you a private message, and being sort of nice, then TURN on you. I'm now leary of private messages. If someone wants to say something, say it publicly, and show how much of a monster you are. Don't hide it.

srayzie ago

Yeah be careful. I’ve had to learn the hard way!

Lauraingalls ago

Yes.THANKS. No wonder Q has such a hard time fighting EVIL. It's everywhere.

srayzie ago

I think it’s a spiritual battle as well. Did you follow Pizzagate? That’s when I found out how sick peolle can really be.

57005-177 ago

Is that why you called a pizzagate mod over here tonight because you people are stupid and need backup when the shtf and the ride gets to hard to handle?

Everytime the ride gets bumpy, you call others of your cybergang to team a person, and you self esteem rises just enough to leave the basement to actually use the toilet instead of pissing in a milk jug.

Not only are you people etupid, but you are pathetic too.

Lauraingalls ago

There are certain people that stick out to me. Like SOROSMINION, DAMNLIQUOR, HANGRY and that one we already discussed. I've seen that PIZZAGATE person, but didn't pay much attention. There are some real evil people here. Some more than others. It is a spiritual battle too.

srayzie ago

No I mean the pizzagate sub and the horrible things discovered. It’s so sad and sick.

Lauraingalls ago

Oh, ok.

TruthSeaker ago

All I heard was namefagging blablabla namefagging.

GoodGodKirk ago

Jan 2019 can't come fast enough.

The Christmas present from Trump was for the troops. Pulling out of Syria and personal visits to their bases.

srayzie ago

That’s why they are scared!

GoodGodKirk ago

And why there are so many shill accounts, gotta try and sway opinion in their favor.

Keep up the good work.

srayzie ago

Yup. Thank you.

sonuvspam ago

With the advent of smart phones, internet cafe's in emerging countries like India and the Philippines have been going under...being now useful only for gaming. "buzz shops" (oragizations where english speakers are paid dollars-per day to sit and post prescribed content to social media) have been around for years, but ALOT of the old cafes are switching over to buzz shops just to stay afloat.

magavoices ago

So ...

Why not ban links to daily crusader, filter links to daily crusader, and ban everyone who are obviously shilling?

There's no perfect scenario ... either you have free speech and billionaires shit all over your forum with paid trolls, or you put some rules in place and people cry that free speech is being limited.

As long as there is no perfect scenario, err on the side that will allow the legit qanon community to thrive.

MissleCopterStoped ago

The problem is they don't enforce the rules they have now, and that is what this is all about, reporting a OP that was making salicious claims about Obama and the rest of the Cabal that had microchip implants in their bodies that features a kill switch, GPS tracking, and an eavesdropping device.

Shizy ago

And yet this is how you think mods should act:

Run v/ProtectQRV how you want and leave GA alone. You've already been told your approach to modding is not a match for GA.

Hand_of_Node ago

ban everyone who are obviously shilling?

Shill: an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.

How exactly would that work? Have you seen much of this? Is there an example you could link?

StarAnon ago

They're talking censorship; you know, like the "deep state".

magavoices ago

Well it's pretty easy to auto delete any post linking to dailycrusader, either as a link or within the content of their posts.

As far as targeting the shills, there would be common words they use to auto flag them for review. For instance, many of the shills just started using the word "Qlown". There could be words they use that instantly get their comments deleted, and other words used that merely get their comments flagged for review in one convenient place, where a mod could quickly "allow" (leave alone) or "disallow" (delete with warning and x amount of warnings = ban) where the past offenses etc. are tracked and enforced by the bot.

Chrencsh ago

These people aren't very bright as hard they try, bless their little hearts.

Shizy ago

Funny how you insult everyone's intelligence yet you leave words out of your sentences. Get fucked ststststupid!

StarAnon ago

There could be words they use that instantly get their comments deleted, and other words used that merely get their comments flagged for review in one convenient place, where a mod could quickly "allow" (leave alone) or "disallow" (delete with warning and x amount of warnings = ban) where the past offenses etc. are tracked and enforced by the bot.

Where "Crazy" is the one who decides what YOU will program? What if "Crazy" is the actual shill for whom you're creating this? Which is most likely the real truth here.

magavoices ago

The forum is for Q followers. If you hate Q, you can eat shit and die or jump off a cliff for all I care.

Hand_of_Node ago

So you're a 'person who programs'. I knew a guy on reddit, years ago. who developed a tool to compare comments and activity between various accounts for the probability of them being alts. Compare posting times, word usage, and maybe 20 other factors to see how similar they appear. That might be a fun tool for voat.

srayzie ago

That’s not my call. I can’t ban a site. That’s up to the administrator. I can’t ban someone for posting from there. Not everyone that posts a link from that site is aware that it’s fake news. If they repeatedly post, after being informed, that’s a different story.

magavoices ago

That’s not my call. I can’t ban a site. That’s up to the administrator.

You have no power to delete a bad post? Not even spam?

I can’t ban someone for posting from there.

Create a bot ...

  • Scan for anyone posting to dailycaller.

  • Copy their post, and message the text of their post back to them in a personal message (so they don't lose it).

  • Delete the post.

  • Tell the person they can repost it again if they can find a more credible website to reference.

If that is plausible but you don't know how to do it, I can probably code it up for you.

srayzie ago

That would be awesome if you could create something like that!

magavoices ago


I'm an American expat in the Philippines. I develop web scrapers and automations. I'll throw something together in my spare time over next couple days.

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

No. I mean I can’t ban a website from being posted. There are banned websites. I can delete a post.

Crensch ago

The amount of work and time you put into this is insane.

I almost agree with MolochHunter, these fucks are more like 98% of the problems here. Mulling over flairs for those that push the narrative again. It's irritating and exhausting. Yes, everyone pushing the "mods are censoring" is a shill, has been groomed by them to believe such nonsense. Everyone pushing the "Q is a LARP" is either paid to do so, or, quite frankly, retarded.

Everyone pushing the idea that the mods aren't doing their jobs is either paid to do so, or is batshit fucking insane and it would be the highest compliment to assume they're getting paid to do so.

What other forum has a mod like Srayzie that puts this kind of shit together constantly?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

@Vindicator @MolochHunter @kevdude @shizy @clamhurt_legbeard

Judgejewdy ago

Interesting that the Pizzagate mods are now the mods here...

srayzie ago

I am the only pizzagate mod. What are you talking about?

MissleCopterStoped ago

**Look at yourself lying once again, the pizzagate faggot mod comment is under this post, and he calling for back up because you all cant deal with me. Such sad fucks you all are.

Wait, you going to tell us you don't see two pizzagate mods in here? Did you call them by phone instead of pinging them, after all, you go to the same middle school together and know each other pretty well.



Where you able to sound it out and pronounce it correctly too? The second name was a bit harder, but I wanted you to challenge yourself with bigger words, only way you will learn.

Why are you calling mods from other subs to help you when you CANT EVEN FOLLOW YOUR OWN RULES IN YOUR OWN SUB?

I am really starting to think all of you ride the short bus, no one could possibly be as dense as you GA mods are.

My next goal is to find out which one of you GA mods is the official short bus window licker because all 3 of you are a in a stiff competition for first place.

srayzie ago

JudgeJewsy said the following...

Interesting that the Pizzagate mods are now the mods here...

Not mods in this thread dip shit. Mods HERE. In this sub. FAIL AGAIN.

I ping them because they know your alts. @Crensch knows your alts from before I was even on Voat.

Chrencsh ago

You pinged me?

I was on Shizy trying to make her sound smart, then I have to log on godsangell to make another post to tell everyone its happening, so ping me there okay?

Shizy ago

So are you going to ever address why you felt the need to deceive everyone by using alts on this sub? Or would You rather name call and deflect away from your fuckery like usual?

Crensch ago

I love when you sock puppet accounts pop up to make stupid claims like this. Which group are you with, ESOTERIC or BuilderAnon?

@srayzie @shizy @MolochHunter @clamhurt_legbeard @Vindicator

Chrencsh ago

I am actually YOU! Don't mess up again, it makes our shill mod crew sound stupid when we arent on the ball, plus the bosses at ShareBlue will dock our pay.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Haha, I never even go to pizzagate.

I like how half the time they call me a mod, and half the time they don't, depending on what lie they want to tell.

srayzie ago

The timing sure is interesting.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Good call! Why is a pizzagate mod doing here @srayzie? To team me like you say you dont do, yet prove me right just a few minutes later by actually doing it? Hypocrite much?

Did you call the 19 year old on the phone? Heads up, a lot of people PM’d me to ask why are you doing this, and once I showed them why, they said this:

This is all over godlessangel post!?!

Are you fucking kidding me?!

**A few people stood up for me in support of what kind of person I really am. You should read them, they are further down instead of acting like an Antifa shill mod and get a clue on this vile thread that you broke your own forum rules on..

Your hypocrisy is glaring right now. 😂😂😂

srayzie ago

Wow. You’re desperation is so apparent. These mods know you from the past dip shit! I’ve kept mods from several subs aware of you. I’ve already said that I have anons working with me to expose your shit.

MissleCopterStoped ago

You never address the questions I ask you and yet I am the one who is desperate?

There is like 6 of you and 1 of me, the only that is desparate is you or you wouldn't called for backup to save your sorry fat bottomed ass.

Crensch ago

Did you like getting bitch-slapped, ElectroLumus? We all know you're BuilderAnon, and also that cringey faggotnegative username, too.

The desperation you're showing is remarkably entertaining.

MissleCopterStoped ago

oh really? They called in Pizza-gate mods to get involved and you think I am the desperate one? 😂😂😂😂

thank you once again srayzie for proving our point you need to call in your cybergang to help!

This so awesome proving once again you are a liar

@StarAnon, @youllrememberme, @morbo

Shizy ago

The reason people all show up is to get a good laugh at the fucking idiot who gets bitch slapped every damn time he shows up with a new alt 🤣😂🤣! How many times are you going to keep doing this? Don't you have a life?

Steelerfish ago

Put these in your pipe and smoke it.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Actually @MolochHunter and @srayzie sent me their pdf’s to me already. They told me to study it as they are masters of the topics within it although they had to pace themselves; one topic a month. 😂😂

@Morbo @StarAnon

Hand_of_Node ago

Everyone pushing the "Q is a LARP" is either paid to do so, or, quite frankly, retarded.

Agreed. "Q" is Quite clearly a PSYOP, whether the purpose is nefarious, or virtuous, as people here believe. There are no plastic swords and funny costumes involved, as far as I can see. The fact that it is a psyop is the primary reason I'm highly skeptical. The pro-multiculturalism is a close second. But even if the Q followers are wrong, I can at least appreciate that many or most have good intentions.

Crensch has long been alert to (((tribal))) activities, so there may be some redeeming feature(s) to the Op that's hidden to the non-susceptible casual observer?

Crensch ago

Exactly. Q is a PSYOP.

@srayzie has many redeeming features here on Voat. She's an amazing shillhunter and archiver, among other things.

Her submission above is about users that attempt to control all of Voat, but have mostly focused on PG and GA lately. I'm of the mind that if they're against something, like Q, it's probably worth taking a second look at as a good thing. They HATE Q, just like they hate freedom; they do seem to love their powermods and narrative curators.

Vindicator ago

LOL, this was my first clue that Q was legit back in November 2017. Before all the proofs were given. The shills in v/pizzagate lost their minds. It took them about a month to organize their opposition. And it's been nonstop ever since.

auralsects ago

They HATE Q, just like they hate freedom

lol nice adapting your faggotry to the boomer crowd just like you play to the anti-Semite crowd

entire premise of Q is that it's all done; whatever you morons do here is therefore redundant circle-jerking

and any 'red-pilling' of outsiders you may do just makes trump supporters look like retarded assholes.

so what reason could there even be for anyone to shill or 'divide' you idiots. serious question LMAO

@srayzie @Shizy

MissleCopterStoped ago

Curious on why a PizzaGate Mod is doing here in the first place..

Shizy ago

Curious why a former GA mod is here with a new alt attacking mods?

Hand_of_Node ago

First, I'll just say I like srayzie. As for the drama people of various sorts, people running alts and ops, and all that, they should probably be hunted down irl.

I'm of the mind that if they're against something, like Q,

A number of people seem to believe Q is probably a jewish op. It's really hard to accurately gauge where Trump stands with the jews, but he's immersed himself in jewdom for quite some time (even gave them his family), and the more Q appears linked to Trump, the more "some" believe it may not be what it claims to be. I'd ignore the trolls for the purposes of analyzing Q, because both sides will deploy whatever kind of troll they need to end up with the net result. In your example, if analysis showed the probably of working, the Q people could deploy "anti-Q" trolls to cause a shift towards Q in the target demographics. The people who run these things don't give a fuck about anything but effective tactics.

And is "believing in Q" even the desired end result? With PSYOPS, there's an ongoing cascade of effects and reactions. What's the ultimate payoff? Perhaps it's a series of opportunities in a version of 5D chess. "If they react this way, we do X, if they go that way, we get Y. Then, we'll end up here" It's the world of psychological manipulation that is the everyday world of marketing and advertising. Perhaps the downside of ever being involved in that is a mistrust of everything you see and hear in media.

The guy who coined the "ignorance is bliss" phrase is probably someone who "delved too deep" into this field.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I think you mean Q is a psyop in a different way tho. Against the deep state.

Crensch ago

I absolutely do. That's what HoN was saying, too.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I didn’t look at parent. Duh!

Hand_of_Node ago

Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

It's simply a tool. One can infer purpose and meaning or intent, based on the context in which the tool is employed, but it's still just a tool that can be used positively or negatively.

srayzie ago

I agree

clamhurt_legbeard ago

u/Srayzie is great. She's much more tolerant than I would be lol

MissleCopterStoped ago

But you and her are the same person, of course you would say that you biased toad.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Wait now u/crensch and u/clamhurt are the same person?

We're both awesome users, so I can see why you'd think that!

This is getting intense!

srayzie ago

BuilderAnon said that I would be too emotional to run a sub like this became us was a female. Even I have bigger balls than that punk lol.

Hand_of_Node ago

Even I have bigger balls than that punk lol.

ʘ ͜ʖ ʘ

srayzie ago

Hahaha. Well, at least it feels like it!

SueRitz5 ago

Damn straight....

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Dude has no life.

The way he follows you around is creepy.

srayzie ago

Thank you @Crensch!

Chrencsh ago

No problem brother.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Thank you Crensch

Why you thanking him for? You couldn't handle your post alone?


SearchVoatBot ago

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gogogogostop ago

Whenever I see these attacks on others by those who cry persecution, I can't help but think of Jews.

youllrememberme ago

Let's even up the score and see what happens srayzie...

@beautifullyinvisible @nowcomesthepain @Oh_well_ian @dfens @9-11

See this comment chain

MissleCopterStoped ago

Looks like it is going to be a long night, and looks like I will be staying here awhile.

These mods are worse than the actual shills themselves that visit the board.

youllrememberme ago

Eh.. I'm actually about to go to bed and I doubt any of the people I pinged are up all nighters, so get some sleep.

Honestly, I was thinking you were a srayzie or shizy alt when I first saw you. I may have been wrong, not really sure what to think now. Your ccp is unusually high for arguing with this bunch having a 2 month old account. In other words, you'll have to excuse me of you aren't, I have trust issues.

MissleCopterStoped ago

You are good on the trust issues, 1000 times harder to trust someone you cant see them on the internet as opposed to face to face. Like Q says, “these people are sick.”

I still have to make dinner yet and sunrise is just in a few hours. I will chat with you later on tonight. Peace!

Hand_of_Node ago

srayzie's friends from SBBH

Are you suggesting @srayzie controls who posts and comments on SBBH? Anyone in the world with valid voat account can post and comment there. While it appears to generally be a sub for weird humor and shitposting, it's not a private club with a secret agenda. Even I have commented there, as recently as when TheBuddha almost died in that drunken car accident. No oaths or rituals were required...

srayzie ago

Exactly. Thank you. I shit post in other subs too. I like to laugh.

MissleCopterStoped ago

We know, well I do anyways as you mentioned you and Shizy team up and shill others together.

srayzie ago

Shit post on shit posting subs. We don’t go try to divide good patriots.

thisistotallynotme ago

Except on v/ProtectQRV where you have Shizy attack the subverse for 19 days and counting. Check my delete logs to see the division of patriots first-hand.

Shizy ago

You banned me from v/ProtectQRV! Anyone can check the banned user logs to see I'm not able to post there.

GoodGodKirk ago

They're mostly in QRV where they're anonymous, although I've seen a few here from time to time.

srayzie ago

@YoullRememberMe is very similar to @thisistotallynotme and he is one of the 3 that attacks us the most.

This is the truth about his claims...


MisplacedMan ago

"The best way I can describe that sub for those that aren’t familiar with it, would be that SBBH are like people that prank call each other. It’s known as “shit posting”. They will make funny posts about each other and ping others to the sub. It’s where you can be goofy."

I guess SBBH is just a tightly-knit club of friends who like to CLOWN around! Nothing to see here...

Hand_of_Node ago

This post appears to be a confession that you don't honor personal confidences. There is no way you can defend this.

youllrememberme ago

Defend what, not protecting shills like srayzie? I don't need to defend anything. They either have you fooled by their consensus cracking, or you're one of their alts. I've never even seen you before. Thier downvote brigading means nothing, they can't hide the truth forever. This comment chain is just more proof that free speech on voat is bullshit. If you tell the truth about voat power users they stalk you and downvote you to silence you. It's happened many times over the years I've been here. I'm just documenting it for the big reveal.

srayzie ago

That is a lie that you keep pushing. I had users that made alts because there were attempts to dox them. You are twisting the conversation. I’ll address that when the post on you comes out. You also spun the confusing group message, trying to make people believe that I had alts. Your history will show what you are about. Just wait. Yours is coming.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Why do you care if people have alts, you told me yourself and have them too, and trolls with shizy other subs for fun, so give up the “I am holier than hell” bullshit routine.

Have you told others that you and the mods in this thread talk to each other on the phone?

Of course you didn't...

srayzie ago

Alts are bad when they are used to Vote brigade and/or have conversations with each other in an attempt to shape other people’s views using Concensus Cracking. I have never done that. There is a big difference between that and people having shit posting alts.

Yes, I have said that me and Shizy have talked to each other on the phone. We did once. What are you implying? We are friends.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Omg you are a liar, that is not what you said, keep lying and keep this thread up, people who lurk here can see what a lying sack of shit shill looks like.

youllrememberme ago

Your words, not mine.

But, a lot of alts argue with themselves lol.

Keep downvoating to try to bury the truth lol

MissleCopterStoped ago

Oh look the poor mod needs backup,

waaaaah! waaah come save me cyberbully antifa gang

youllrememberme ago

I knew it wouldn't take you long to appeal to authority to consensus crack your users. lol Downvote away, prove my point. That's why I posted out of anon.

Shizy ago

You are autistically obsessed with your downvoats!!! It's very sad and very strange.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Amd yet you and your mods butt buddies constantly down vote everything.

Stop being a hypocrite.

Shizy ago

This is my final response to your kiddy drama, next response I make will be to Justin Chastain and Atif Colo.

Oh, but you're still here I see! Looks like we found the real hypocrite!

srayzie ago

That’s what downvotes are for. People like you have a right to free speech. But, others don’t have to agree. All I’ve done is stated facts with proof.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Your proof is flimsy at best and the proof you do have on me was cherry picked out of a fake news post by a notoriously known fake news poster so you could hide what this damn drama of yours is about.

If I was a betting man, I would say you and chumy shill mod friends are somewhere between 13 to 18 years of age, because you and your friends constantly have a highly immature schoolyard drama goes on 24/7.

MolochHunter ago

hey Missle

if you dont want to appear like you are part of the sock puppet crew - maybe dont respond to @Srayzie down in the dank depths of a thread with another known, notorious sock puppeteer

it reeeeeeeeeeeally undermines your appearances

MissleCopterStoped ago

You guys are so fucking stupid, it is no wonder why puttitout keeps you kids away from the IP address logs.

srayzie ago

Right?! 😂


srayzie ago

We’re somewhere between 13 and 18 now you guys 😂

@Shizy @MolochHunter

MissleCopterStoped ago

Aww is that how you blow off comments when they are true?

No need to be embarrassef, It is normal reaction for kids your age, you will pass the phase...well maybe, not you Srayzie, as you are beyond hope at this point.

youllrememberme ago

It's you and all your buddies that you pinged downvoting to consensus crack, that's the whole reason you ping them. "See parent" lmao

MissleCopterStoped ago

Not only to down vote but also so they can harrass people in numbers. Only immature kids would ping their buddies to cyberstalk others as I have been pinged several times this week.

In other words, their cybergang uses Saul Alinksky Antifa tactics when they are called out like in my post above.

Oh and btw, I am you and you are me! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

srayzie ago

I ping my mods. Are you my boss? Nope.

youllrememberme ago

Crensch and kevdude are your mods? Nope. You're appealing to authority by pinging voat power users. I wonder how your subscribers feel about you using shill tactics to consensus crack them.

Vindicator ago

Inept smear attempt. False characterization. Consensus cracking aka astroturfing involves fake users pushing bullshit to mindfuck those too stupid to be skeptical. Care to post some evidence that shows any of that happening?

You're clearly a lib. You've got no love for free speech, the marketplace of ideas, Democratic voting and the right to assemble guaranteed by the US Constitution underwritten by the blood of patriots.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Hey since you are all about being proper, when are you going to school srayzie about going against her own forum rules, Mr. PizzaGate mod that shouldn't be here in the first place.

Vindicator ago

when are you going to school srayzie about going against her own forum rules

Well, the relevant rule she made for her subverse reads

"Posts about other users are not allowed."

Does it not?

If you want to split hairs, @Srayzie is not a "user". She is the Owner, so technically, how is she violating the rule? Cops sometimes run red lights when they are enforcing the law. How is this different?

Mr. PizzaGate mod that shouldn't be here in the first place.

Interesting you are asserting I don't have a right to free speech and free assembly because I moderate v/pizzagate. Gee...I wonder why you would want to do that...

srayzie ago

I’m making a SuperThread about the infiltration of The Q community. There are several users involved. It’s not my fault that their name is included. 🙄

MissleCopterStoped ago

I showed the evidence for shitposting salicious claims that obama and the gang have been microchipped, not my fault the shill mods disregarded something that was breaking the rules.

Even shizy comfirmed what the poster was doing and they should expect people to call the OP out on the carpet for this bs.

Well of course now, she is walking back on what she said, but it is there for the world to see her as a hypocrite too.

I know why this is such an issue,

Shizy ago

Well of course now, she is walking back on what she said but it is there for the world to see her as a hypocrite too

Show me where I ever did this? I never changed my stance and I still feel that it's the role of the community to keep each other's in check, not a mods role to be delete happy.

You're lying, as usual!

Vindicator ago

I showed the evidence for shitposting salicious claims

Oops! You forgot to log in to your YRM alt, there, MISSle. You just replied in the first person to my comment to YRM.

Woops! :-)

@srayzie @MolochHunter @Crensch @Shizy

MissleCopterStoped ago

You never said who you were addressing fucktard. You guys are the worst mods ever, and I been on the internet before you shills was even a semen stain.

@Youllrememberme check out these retards making something out of nothing.

If you only had IP addresses, you would see how fucking shitacularly stupid you are.

Shizy ago

Don't worry, the "smocking gun" screenshots of you threatening to abuse your mod powers are here:

So feel free to sleep in princess! I got you covered 😘

srayzie ago

If only Srayzie had the pics of my power trip mod actions I took, now that would be the smocking gun right there.

He said Smocking Gun. His sock puppet username! 😂🤣

FAIL @MissleCopterStoped

@MolochHunter @Argosciv

srayzie ago

Vindicator ago

That's two fuckups in a week. They're not sending their best.

Shizy ago


What a dumbass.

Ready to give up @MissleCopterStoped????

Shizy ago

@MolochHunter @srayzie

What doe you think it's gonna take to get this fool so STFU once and for all?!?🤣

srayzie ago

He has a history of deleting and running away when the going gets tough. He’ll give up.

Shizy ago

Well done vindicator!

I guess when you run that many alts, screw ups are bound to happen!

srayzie ago

Lmao Busted!


srayzie ago

Lmao! Busted!

youllrememberme ago

My family fought in the Revolutionary War, save your bullshit. You all are fake users who pretend to be for free speech while downvote brigading users to silence them for speaking the truth. I've done nothing but present truth about srayzie, in her own words, and you all turn around and smear me. You are the definition of consensus crackers. That's exactly why you all constantly ping eachother, you just think people are too stupid or scared to call you out. Lib my ass, nice deflection. You've seen my twitter, faggot, quit lying.

MissleCopterStoped ago

It feels like this is the cyber arm unit of Antifa, when they gang up on a person, you know, like us and other innocent people and use their fuckery tactics to brigade them, must be an ego boost for them.

srayzie ago

They were on pizzagate. They are also the ones, along with @Vindicator, who helped teach me everything I know. I am also a pizzagate mod. The only one not on that team anymore is Kevdude. Besides, I can ping anyone that I want. That does not mean we are voting. It’s to show suspicious users, because we are watching out for people like you.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Well, well, well, lookie here.

We never even mentioned voting, yet here you are defending it anyways shill traitor mod. Thanks for letting us know you are involved in vote brigading by telling on yourself.

Gosh darn, you kiddies are stupid.

argosciv ago


He didn't even ask about me. I feel left out.

Should I post a screenshot? ;)

srayzie ago

LOL. He screenshots everything. It’s probably already done.

argosciv ago

I meant one of my not downvoting the comment you pinged me to, or those in reply from him lol.

srayzie ago


MissleCopterStoped ago

Duhh! Cant even get it right with your own team, it makes sense now why you violate your own forum rules, you just wasn't smart to begin with.

youllrememberme ago

People like me that are telling the truth? I've done nothing but show people shit that you said to me in DM, then you started making up lies and calling me people you know I'm not. You're a joke hahaha

MissleCopterStoped ago

I concur on the them all being a joke, and guess what? These mods are friends in real life as srayzie told me they talk on the phone with each other.

srayzie ago


Correction. Me and @Shizy have talked on the phone once. I’ve already told you this.

argosciv ago

SBBH doing all the shilling, not the paytriots.

"#SbbhManBad, #PaytriotsGood"


sorosminion ago

Oh Shitzpussy, er Schitzy! You PROMISED you were going to "expose" my "alt" yet not a word in your schizophrenic paranoid rant! My feeling are hurt> Is there ANYTHING that isn't A YUUUUUGE CONSPIRACY? Yeah, you hicks are sooooooo important that everyone is mobilizing to GET YOU! Hilarious. Poor stupid crazy Shitface, er Schitzy! You are TRULY INSANE! Get a fuckin life loser!

MissleCopterStoped ago

Well this is certainly suspect. You challenge the mods and no one challenges you back or relentlessly starts attacking you back so has 6-8 people gang up on you.

Been watching this to see if they tie up “loose ends” on this one, and yet nothing. Must be owned by mods no doubt.

@StarAnon @youllrememberme @morbo

sorosminion ago

LOL The mods are nuts, that much is obvious. Lots of big talk, no action. NOT INTERESTED in VOAT/ Reddit drama AT ALL IN THE LEAST! STUPID intrigue and low grade drama, HOW FUCKING BORING! Mods have nothing on me, I'm the only one here telling the truth! Q is a fake, everything you people believe is wrong. NEVER going to be martial law, arrests, tribunals, executions or prison.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Interesting that they never attack you, wonder why that is? Hmmm.🤔

sorosminion ago

LOL So you are joining the ranks of the NUTCASE VOAT enthusiasts. Good for you. Here's some advice, GROW the fuck up, get off VOAT, get an education, learn REAL life, go outside, GET OFF THE FUCKING INTERNET! YOU are just another fucking moron, another Schittttzy,another q fuck. Hhhhmmmmm. Hilarious. Paranoid much? LOL You made my day nitwit!!! GOD, it just never stops here! LOL!

MissleCopterStoped ago

I was off the Internet earlier spending some cash, you know, something you don't have.

Thanks for playing!

MissleCopterStoped ago

Be careful on what you wish for, we dont know how nasty this thing called a girl really looks like.

Based off her intelligence and the constant drama, exposing even herself may cause a person to have their own frazzle drip moment..with their own face. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

MissleCopterStoped ago

For once, I actually agree with you!

Shizy ago

Just you wait....

When I'm done bringin' in the cows and kicking the shit off my boots I'll get back to youTheres actually work to be done in dumb-Hicksville!

srayzie ago

Omg you kill me 😂

Shizy ago

At least this troll is creative 😂!

MissleCopterStoped ago

Someone has to pick up your slack somehow.


srayzie ago

And a freak! 😂

Shizy ago

Probably drunk or high too! 🤣

MissleCopterStoped ago

Ohhh someone is jealous, it must suck to be poor and sober huh?

Shizy ago

It must suck to be on your THIRD marriage to a bimbo who is only using you for money you stupid old man 😂😂! How long until this one cheats and leaves too?

MissleCopterStoped ago

What does that have to do with your jealousy? You need to work on your own issues before trying to take on others issues.

Go buy some gas and huff it until you pass out.

Shizy ago

So discussing your third marriage is triggering for you?

CovfefeFan ago

Wow, that's a lot of drama. Like being in High School. I dislike the Fake News and "Strange Sites" more than the troll comments. Trolls can be ignored, but I don't want to waste my time with nonsense. You are doing great tagging the Daily Crusader. So, I prefer to spend my time here than at QRV because they can't stop that stupid site. I don't want to accidentally click on it because I think it could be malware.

ANC3 ago

Truth right there. I stop by QRV to check, but anymore, its like a bunch of 20-something-adolescents posting click-bait, and a bunch of idiots agreeing. Funny to think they think they are grown ups, lol.

I don't do the drama either. I venture into a few other subs now and again, some interesting stuff out there. But I'm here mostly for Q related discussions and to read other's reasoned political views. Not much point in getting into drama that doesn't affect my life.

Azurenightsky ago

Truth right there. I stop by QRV to check, but anymore, its like a bunch of 20-something-adolescents posting click-bait, and a bunch of idiots agreeing. Funny to think they think they are grown ups, lol.

I don't do the drama either.

Fucking incredible.

Hand_of_Node ago

What other purpose for anon subs than to enable easy trolling and 'shilling'?

CovfefeFan ago

agreed... Like being back on Facebook or Twitter... I just don't do drama.

Sometimes, I feel a bit feisty and will say silly stuff, but mostly just looking for Q stuff.

hangry ago

More Qtard drama.

Morbo ago

Yeah this is insane. I'm surprised you didn't make the list too.

hangry ago

I have a solid account with no alts. The only thing they can bitch about in regards to me is the content of my posts. I don't fit in with super secret spy bullshit, so I did not make the list.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

You are indeed true to your word, for which respect...

Most of your posts aren't far off the mark anyway... especially so if we ignore Q and focus on broadly similar goals..

However there is an attack going on, disrupting discussion of more important issues, and the mods surely must keep folk in the loop, rather than be accused of sitting in silence ?

If this submission was not the right thing to do, can you explain why it has hit 114 upvotes....

hangry ago

How does the number of upvoats indicate the veracity of a post? It may indicate its popularity, that is all. My post was simple, this is Qtard drama. You had to search way down the thread to even find my comment and respond to it. Why?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Err no.. I don't set my sort order like that...

Try it....

MissleCopterStoped ago

I was the HVT that is why they probably forgot about him.

Morbo ago

The mods called me your alt, in case you missed that. I have just taken a peek at your comment history and I am surprised to see that you don't receive that many downvotes. I'm downvoted more and have been here longer but somehow you're the main account and I'm the alt? Well I feel cheated. :)

I'm also finding it funny that you were a major target, at least according to MolochHunter and Srayzie, yet your biggest downvotes only come from the comments where you call the mods out for their shit. Most of your comments sit at 0/0 so I don't see why the mods are all up in your shit other than they feel personally attacked. I also see that most of your comments are not inflammatory at all which definitely points to Mod Derangement Syndrome. Crazy shit here.

Well, it's weird talking to what according to the mods is essentially myself, but I think we both know the truth in that. It's been an interesting yet fun night. I almost feel like I should give an acceptance speech for being nominated to the halls of power mod villains. Muahahahaha!

MissleCopterStoped ago

Also moloch was trying to troll me on godsangell’s microchip post and truly destroyed him. It is easy why that happened, I was in the right all along. Others in same thread called bs on angell”s microchip claim, want the link for it so you can see what happened? If not, it’s cool, just wanted to see where I was coming from on this.

Morbo ago

Yeah you did a great job on that one. I've been catching up on your comments now that MH said I was you. I want to know what I've been saying without my knowledge. You were spot on with the chip thing. It's hard to believe people could just accept that as truth without any proof. Our common enemy is ignorance and general malaise. GA is full of that. Sad, really.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Agreed, these mods do all the same exact things MSM does to us, allowing fake news, takes things out of context, uses projection, and allows people to cite unknown sources and then posts dis-information.

Hell, they don't even enforce the rules they created in the first place and more explicitly about making theories with no sources to back it up.

I know you know this, but for others to read while transversing through this thread.

What did President Trump (and Q) say about the MSM? They are the “enemy of the people” so basically the mods are traitors too.

Q-sent-me ago

I was pretty much the only one to read the HR manual when I started a job a few years back.

I went to talk to HR and she was eating lunch at her desk. I asked her why she was doing so when the HR manual said employees are not to do that.

Sad that they make rules which they then ignore, but impose on the rest.

Q-sent-me ago

Why am I being downvoted? I saw the rules not being upheld a few days ago. I'm not anybody else here, either.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Because the mods are the downvote brigade and no one is off limits especially in here.

Q-sent-me ago

True fucking story, too. Really bothered me that HR was ignoring the HR rules.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Sounds like a page out of Deep States playbook, and these mods try to come off as patriots.

@Srayzie @MolochHunter time to pay attention.

“Like a lot of legal topics involving new technologies, there are sometimes arguments that attorneys can use to show that Section 230 doesn’t apply to a specific website. Even if the owner’s agent, such as a site moderator, gets involved in a thread in which cyberbullying takes place, the immunity of Section 230 may still apply unless the moderator adds harmful language to the discussion that would itself be a form of cyberbullying. In legal terms, by assuming responsibility for creating harmful content the website ceases to be a “publisher” and becomes an “information content provider.” A website also could lose immunity if it encourages users to cyberbully others.

A court has held that a website that “elicits allegedly illegal content and makes aggressive use of it in conducting its business” would not be immune under Section 230. Fair Hous. Council v., LLC, 521 F.3d 1157, 1172 (2007).

Shizy ago

Why not hold a tribunal like you tried last time 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

MissleCopterStoped ago

If Jeff Sessions ever wakes up, I will fancypants.

srayzie ago

@Thisistotallynotme is posting about laws again. 😂 You forgot to ping @Crensch!

Shizy ago

His first link goes to a law firm in Las Vegas where cyber bullying is discussed. Their site links to the Nevada law on cyber bullying only it's in regards to schools and students!

Try harder next time @thisistotallynotme!

srayzie ago

Lmao! 😂

Morbo ago

Well said.

MissleCopterStoped ago


MissleCopterStoped ago

Read this link in my defense against these mod. It is all over godsangell.

Lol on the acceptance speech! 😂😂 Another solid anon who I regularly converse with asked me if I was you because of the list lol.

They dont have access to IP addresses, and is this is a strictly guessing game to them.

Morbo ago

Funny that both you and I separately took up the call to get GodsAngell to stop posting false information and then got mod fury for it. I didn't even know who you were until MolochHunter said I was an alt of yours. We're on the same page and wanting the same thing yet the mods are defending GodsAngell. Makes you think doesn't it. Glad to see at least one other patriot who thinks for themselves. I'll probably catch hell from the mods for saying this, but you're a pretty good guy in my book after reading through your comment history. I would not have known of you (possibly) if the mods hadn't forced us together like this. Good move there, mods. Now I'm kind of a big deal on the internet. Lol! Not!

Kek, my computer's IP address is and I'm sure no one else in the whole world has that same number so I can't possibly be you, right? (let's see if they get the joke)

MissleCopterStoped ago

Well thank you for the compliment, as I think the same thing about you. 👍🇱🇷

I really try to be an a upstanding subcriber which includes reporting others that are breaking the rules and just the other day, I gave godsangell’s a compliment on a real solid post that excluded appeal to emotion fallacy, 23,584 exclamation points in the title, repeatedly yelling It’s happening!” and adds Martial Law (fear porn)in almost every post and comment, so I give respect when it is due.


Morbo ago

I like you. You're awesome.

I try to do the same. That's why I have carefully picked my targets and positions rather than simply attack all of GA. I chose the DEW and power substation incidents because I have knowledge in those areas that tells me the speculation was completely wrong. GodsAngell happened to be the biggest spreader of lies on those topics so they got my attention. I will give people credit for their good deeds when deserve them. My Voat AVE extension in my browser makes me grimace at times when I grudgingly upvote a user who I have tagged for something bad in the past, but I still click the up arrow anyway if they said something I can respect even if I don't agree with it. It's what makes Voat great. We can argue and still respect our opponents for being real and having conviction. I never got that on Reddit. I did a little back on Digg many years ago. Voat is special that way.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Shizy.

Posted automatically (#16446) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Getting paranoid?? 2019 is going to get interesting. Q is a fraud and will get exposed....

Shizy ago

Getting paranoid?? 2019 is going to get interesting. I'm a fraud and will get exposed...

Fixed it for you 😂

archvile7 ago

The Voat community is just 4 people IRL, all running alts. Calling it now.

MolochHunter ago

lol i tell ya, it sometimes seems like that to me! you have no idea how many alts some of these freaks have (if they arent all the same one person!)

Hand_of_Node ago

Have seen some who make multiple accounts per day. That user whose name I can never remember (draaaak something?) has kept track of a couple of them. That "it's all trannies" guy used to use a whole list of them too.

dudelol ago

🤔🤔 🤔

singlebrain1 ago

Thank you srayzie and also MolochHunter. You guys are amazing and I will do my part.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Yeah thank you mods for attacking me just because I blew the whistle on someone who was breaking the rules. Outfuckingstanding! bravo! Bravo!...

srayzie ago

Thank you. @Shizy too. She’s amazing.

QualityShitposter ago

@Shizy keeps slapping me when I ask for nekkid pics. Is there something you can do to help?

Shizy ago

I would never slap you 😘! But naked pics are a no no!!!!

MolochHunter ago

That makes me most likely GA male mod to get nookie from you to, so I got that in writing?

srayzie ago

srayzie ago

Lol we only share our nudes with each other.

Davelon ago

Bwa hahaha from Down Under, excellent comeback.

srayzie ago


QualityShitposter ago

With 8chan broken, bewb supplies are at a critical low for the Q army.

Ask not what your country can do for you, but what your bewbs can do for the country! - JFK

@srayzie @Shizy

@MolochHunter totally didn't put me up to this.

srayzie ago


Shizy ago

Oh, well in that case, ask @srayzie for copies. She screenshots and saves everything 😂

srayzie ago

That would be so unprofessional of us and distract from Q. 🙄😂

MolochHunter ago

Has Q ever said NOT to use boobs as a recruitment tool?

Has he ever said [[[boobs]]] ?


srayzie ago

😂 you’ve got a point!

MolochHunter ago

See, this is the other 10% of my modding activities

srayzie ago

Yes! I’m sure you’ve been asked several times this week for boob pics 😂


MolochHunter ago

thanks for not revealing my true game, brah

ooo shit, did I post that publicly?

MolochHunter ago

I know rite? our @Shizy is pretty tight-lipped,

she can even resist the charms of a smoothie like me

singlebrain1 ago

yes she is

Shizy ago

Thank you ☺️ @singlebrain1 and @srayzie!

MissleCopterStoped ago

Oh look someone is calling the cybergang for assist with bullying.

StarAnon ago

I believe she's now calling her friends "shills". Never interrupt … you know the rest.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I believe she's now calling her friends "shills". Never interrupt … you know the rest.

Yeah, these kids are really sad. And lol at the interupt part. Heads up, Morbo is on our side and is actually a pretty cool dude, as we have collaborated on the forum prior to this, your an alt of X and this is fact because I said it crap they pulled all night.

I have to spend time with the wifey tonight, she didnt say anything, but she seemed mad I gave my iPad more attention than her last night. I will be back in 3-4 hrs. 👍

Crensch ago

Another BuilderAnon alt?


srayzie ago

Yes, I have a list at the bottom of the post of suspected alts so far. StarAnon is one of them.

Crensch ago

'Their symbolism..."

Their usernames.

Crensch ago

She doesn't need any assistance bullying you. There's nothing left of you, or your narrative, Heru.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Then why did you show up retard? 😂😂😂🍺

srayzie ago

argosciv ago


MCS: |

Oh yeah, great job on not answering the question about how you couldn't eject me, because I resigned instead, that alone speaks volumes that you are on a power trip after all.

Poor wil baby who couldn't eject me. 😂😂😂

See what I did there ⬆️

Admitted to being Type-o-negative?

From top-level comment:

This is my final response to your kiddy drama, next response I make will be to Justin Chastain and Atif Colo.

Responded after their supposedly final response?

@Vindicator @Shizy @MolochHunter @Crensch @Kevdude

MissleCopterStoped ago

Get a load of this guys and gals, some jackwagon comes out of nowhere and copy/pastes my comment from 7 hours ago in to this thread, must be a coincidence!

Nah, srayzie called in more reinforcements, and that farm faggot called for even more cybergang reinforcements, yet srayzie swears up and down she doesn't need others to fight her battles.


@StarAnon @Youllrememberme, @Morbo

Shizy ago

Lookie who he pings @srayzie @argosciv?? 🤣😂🤣

srayzie ago

He wants to have the appearance that they are not the same person. 😂

StarAnon ago

There's a reason for that... Am surprised you noticed.

Shizy ago

Oh I know the reason.

StarAnon ago

No. But you will.

Shizy ago

Oohhhhh! So scary!

Alt confirmed @srayzie @argosciv

StarAnon ago

You said you know the reason. I replied.

srayzie ago

He’s already admitted to me that he’s type-o-negative

argosciv ago

Yeis and now it's there for all to see xD

srayzie ago

True! Glad you spotted that!

argosciv ago


Star_Trek_Q ago

With 8chan down, I appreciate your being here more than ever. You're on the front lines of the battle for the soul of America. God bless you, Patriot. WWG1WGA

lord_nougat ago

Holy shit, 8chan is down already?!

Somebody build 16chan STAT!

RightSideUp17and6 ago

I echo this remark. I was giving a quick rundown to another Q follower (actually more on the fringe, but that's ok) and i shared about 8chan being the only comm for direct Q posts (he found some British mag called "Q" and wondered if it was FROM Q.), and after that, i recommended to go to Voat subverses for further info. I mentioned the one built for Redditfugees, but that i mainly go to THIS sub. Yeah, it's definitely the free speech thing, but more approachable than 8chan at this time. I dont even think of posting on 8chan. While i can do analysis, i am more of an encourager and speak from my unusual past (and present) experience. When i was saying this stuff to the other Patriot, i realized again just how VALUABLE this site is. Even more so, i COMMEND what you and the other mods are doing. You are ESSENTIAL in this fight! I know i need to take the time to learn more about how to ping, etc, so that i can more support this subverse. Please be patient, those who already know, cuz it takes time to learn navigation and all what is available here! ThanQ again and Godspeed! srayzie, i hope you do this full time, if you aint yet.... The worker is worthy of her wage. 1 Tim 5:18

srayzie ago

Awww thank you!! 🇺🇸

Shizy ago

Thank you, and welcome!

I'm sure @srayzie will want to see your comment so i pinged her. (To do that just put a @ in front of the users name).

MissleCopterStoped ago

Yeah, she definitely needs an ego boost after these desparate failures to prove how bad her paranoia really is Hell, I will ping her too.

🛎🛎🛎 hey shill mod, Come here now!! @srayzie


late2thegame ago

I was on 8chan late last night and, wow, the shills. One bread had NOTHING but shill posts. Then today it's down. Horrible, but we've been warned the DS will try to eliminate all our methods of communciation. Good luck to srayzie and the other mods here, keeping us connected!

Star_Trek_Q ago

Stay cool, Night Shift fren. There was no Internet in 1776. Still, there were American patriots. And that said, being here, as Pepe would say, "Feels good man."

srayzie ago

Thank you! Someone made fun of me the other day. Another shill, jackposobiec1, by saying that I acted like I was a soldier or something. It is war. There is a spiritual war going on and I, and I think post of us, are in the Q-Army!

All these shills suck. But like Q says, BADGE OF HONOR! 🇺🇸

We appreciate you too, and all the people that are here for the right reasons!

Steelerfish ago

I love fucking with jackposobiec1, he has a fondness for using a cucumber on himself in his mom’s basement out of frustration when she won’t let him on the computer...

MissleCopterStoped ago

Dont let them fool you, they love to keep us divided, starting to wonder if srayzie and @RonaldSwansong are the same person.

Shizy ago

Oh just stop! You look so pathetic accusing others of what YOU have in fact done!

srayzie ago

Lol. I think he finally left! Thank you.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Someone made fun of me the other day

Waaaaaaaah waaaaaaaah, I want my mommy!!


Qsentmehere ago

Are you bored yet, faggot?

auralsects ago

lmao do u even comprehend what a laughingstock you people are to actual dissidents/truthers?

did u ever actually think BOOMERS and WOMEN would be a vanguard of anything? XDDDDDD jfc

Reverser ago

Doesn't matter, its not much to expect. And your way of telling this implies you know how bad this is. Your evil incantation is weakening, no amount of sellout money will ever change that. You should be ashamed, you are betraying whole of humanity for a shilling you fucking slaveboy!

Vindicator ago

Donkey, didn't your mama ever tell you that Envy is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies?

Wasted wisdom I suppose, since if you had the self-control to resist such temptation you wouldn't be following women around claiming they're inferior.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Hey jackwagon, Envy is not a proper noun, no need to capitalize it.

Vindicator ago

It is when you are talking about one of the seven mortal sins.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Oh okay, Mr. Pizza Mode...

auralsects ago

Envy? The entire world is laughing at you. Trump is an absolute disaster for whites. And hes literally trolling you with the ((( ))) which women here speculated: "i think theyre hugs!!" How is this not hilarious XD

Women are inferior; they are dumber and more credulous.

And you are one of them, and deep down this shames you. LOL

Vindicator ago

LOL. You chase after the "inferior" skirts all day, every day, Donkey, impotently insulting them. They clearly have the upper hand.

MolochHunter ago

apologies for the terse tone, but I will also go on record to state that I will draw a bead on any user who :





the pernicious fuckery of those using multiple sock puppet accounts. This shit soaks up 90% of our time as moderators, and any misgivings you might have for your moderating team if we have been inattentive to other matters is generally a function of us having to play constant sock puppet whack-a-mole. So I would appreciate anyone who is here in Good Faith to assist us in the whack-a-moling and not frustrate our efforts


WWG1WGA , p8riots

BlaQPatriot ago


Nefarious-Nephilim ago

I know your one of the good ones so it makes sense youd be targeted. Wear it like a badge of honour, Like Van Helsing sniffing out his first vampire nest. Anyway, the repository for snoopsnu or is it snoosnu I forget what its called, but the repo is still on github or somewhere similar. For your needs its a VERY powerful tool, it can tell if two accounts are from the same person. Basically it identifies sockpuppets. At one point it was a functional site but it got taken down (which reminds me of Candice Owens' "Troll tracker" kickstarter idea that got her some freaky phone calls "Your going to ruin everything"etc.) I digress, it was a site but now its just a repo so youll have to put it back together it could be a simple job if you/someone you know, knows what they're doing.

satisfyinghump ago

I'm curious, what have been some reasons people have given you, to defend someone having and using multiple sock puppet accounts?

Notimportant36 ago

I thought most forums treat sock accounts as bannable?

If it weren't for this comment, would have thought this was just more "muh shill" shilling.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

someone needs to rebuild snoopsnu the repo was saved is allegedly still out there, github i think

MolochHunter ago

it has been suggested, of course, but the older more authoritative goats here dont want to play that way

Vindicator ago

Hear hear!

ghost_of_aswartz ago

Especially without doing so respectfully and without good counter-evidence

MissleCopterStoped ago

This fucking right here ⬆️⬆️⬆️

They are trying making me look bad, but no evidence to back it up. It seems the biggest shills in this thread are the mods themselves, after all, they talk on the phone as srayzie has told me in the past.

Shizy ago

Here's evidence where you made yourself look bad:

You lost your shit when a user hurt your feefees and showed you didn't have what it takes to be a mod.

You came slithering back with this new alt, tried to buddy up and trick everyone by playing the role of nice, helpful, patriot. Unfortunatley we were able to spot you and out you!

Anything you say from here on out means NOTHING because you have been exposed as a fraud and a liar who has some weird personal score to settle. 😂😂😂😂

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Will do my best. Mods do a great job.

wokeasfook ago


pwdwp ago

To assist you, is it by flagging you if we think someone is suspicious?

MolochHunter ago

sure, you can publicly ping us to join in a conversation, or privately message us

no posts about other users , though, that's solely a Mod discretion

MissleCopterStoped ago

no posts about other users , though, that's solely a Mod discretion

Oh I see, only mods can shitpost about users in their forums. You really are a moron and the only thing you should be hunting is for a more well-developed brain.

MolochHunter ago

every fuckin time we unearth your dodgy pathetic alts, and every fuckin time you get all pissy and resentful and butthurt

and THEN ? .......

and then you learn NOTHING, and do it aaaaaaaaaaaaaall over again

MissleCopterStoped ago

It is a dead giveaway that you and ungodlessangel type and format the same way.

Don't throw stones at glass houses, because you were the pussy in the first place that called for chummy shills to help you when you couldn't take me down yourself.

Gosh I hope you were the outlier in your family that was born stupid. God help us all if there was inbreeding occuring in your redneck trailer trash family.

What do you guys/galls think of the first paragraph? Is this ungodlyangel and this retard the same person? Because my intuition is screaming hell yes right now.

@StarAnon @Morbo & @youllrememberme

Shizy ago

you were the pussy in the first place that called for chummy shills to help you when you couldn't take me down yourself

Kinda like how this guy tries to bully a user by throwing around his mod title since he was too big of a pussy to handle the disagreement on his own merits?

Oh, wait, that guy was YOU!!!😂🤣😂🤣

What was that you said about glass houses?


MolochHunter ago

oh wow

just, wow, @MissleCopterStoped

i mean thats some pretty embarrassing shit "im a mod i could just delete your ass, why dont you just let your daughter get raped by niggers"

what a black little lump of a heart you have

Shizy ago

I know right??!!! 😂🤣😂

MolochHunter ago

Straight out of the ol' Alinsky playbook

you guys must be on the Clinton / Brock payroll

MissleCopterStoped ago

Damn who is downvoting you? Oh wait, you aren't smart enough to hold a convo, forgot who I was talking too, nevermind clueless idiot.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Still mad at me because I stood up to your bullying tactics, while crying for your friends to further attack me?

Mext time call your mommy instead traitor shill.

MolochHunter ago

I thought bringing mommy into our lil debates was off limits, since last time i did a 'ur momma' joke you cried like a bitch so hard that you threatened to go to Puttitout AND call lawyers in on Voat

so your mom is back on the menu ? please confirm

MissleCopterStoped ago

I still may call an attorney, actually there is 3-4 people discussing you and your cyberstalking and harrassment tactics that occurs almost daily from you no-life fucks, and deciding whether to contact the BO about how you mods treat people.

In other words, you and your BFFs are not out of the woods yet.

Write this down so you don't forget okay?

MissleCopterStoped ago

That wasn't an insult, that was advice to make you feel safer. Big fucking difference pal.

pwdwp ago

ok thanks.

whacko_jacko ago

With you all the way. This shit is so transparent. Appreciate all the effort here.

Crensch ago

You're not kidding about this.

srayzie ago

I Agree! 🇺🇸 WWG1WGA!

Shiftworker1976 ago

Here for you. Patriot

srayzie ago

Thank you!

singlebrain1 ago

Got ya back. I will ping away.

MolochHunter ago

cheers, bro

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Shizy.

Posted automatically (#16434) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.