sufficientlydusty ago

You are incredible! Thanks

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sguevar ago

Thanks for the update.

Impressive work done on the background check.

Hope you are doing alright.

GritD2 ago

What is he a felon of? Making child porn and lieing under oath to protect the Clinton's is a far greater felony that having a magazine that holds 14 rounds. Can you clarify for transparency? Thanks.

srayzie ago

The point is that the site is fake news. If you want to know more about all that, you can follow the links and make your own judgement.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

This one: is perhaps the most nasty shill of all.

Astonisher667 ago

That one is an insufferable twat.

defcon_alpha_zebra ago

Now wait a minute. Calm down for a second. Mods are great but this is what r/greatawakening started doing. BANNING.

I think we are all smart enough to figure out what is and isn't "fake." If it doesn't fit the Q narrative it is obviously fake.

Ignoring trolls and or shills is the best way to go about this. Banning will not stop folks from recreating another account with a new IP address and going at it again.

Ignore, ignore and ignore some more.

If you or others spot them just call them out. Eventually they will go away. Banning folks will only make them try harder and harder and give them more determination. IMHO

srayzie ago

We can ban if someone continuously breaks submission posting rules

defcon_alpha_zebra ago

OKEE DOKEE then. It's your call. I just give Q folks more credit as being intelligent enough to figure out who is and is not full of do-do.

15608974? ago

So you blocked a satire site? I don't get it, are people genuinely believing headlines like: "BREAKING: John McCain Releases Tapes From Hell Claiming Demons ā€œTreating [him] Wellā€ And America ā€œInvaded Hell Unlawfullyā€ ? Are you guys going to ban the babylon bee next? Was it just the vote farming?

srayzie ago

Most headlines donā€™t look like that. We did not BLOCK a satire site. We are informing users about what kind of site this is.

15609741? ago

Alright thanks.

magavoices ago

No need to tippy-toe into the banning waters.

Ban all the anti-semitic fuckers now, even if they haven't posted from dailycrusader.

They're all a psyop designed to taint voat and chase away the average person who doesn't want to listen to their "Hitler was in the right" spiels.


Thanks for staying on top of this srayzie

Truther65 ago

Thank you. Much needed.

JackPosobiec1 ago

Q said trust Sessions. If this tweet alone isnā€™t proof that Q is a fraud, nothing will.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Stfu imposter shill.

alakai ago

The daily crusader sounds like a deus vault meme come to life and we all know how much bad publicity that brought the catholic church

kneo24 ago

Gizadog is another user to watch out for.

It might be beneficial to also make a post on v/protectvoat as this issue is spreading out beyond your subverse.

srayzie ago

We did. Look at the update :)

Q-sent-me ago

Can a member of this forum request a ban on jackposobiec1? I've blocked it and a few others but would rather not even see that a comment was made by that troll...

srayzie ago

He irritates me too. Iā€™m sorry but we canā€™t. Theyā€™re entitled to free speech as well. Look at it this way.... they let us know when weā€™re doing good! Blocking them or downvoting them is the best thing you can do.

Q-sent-me ago

OK cool, I'm fairly new here and don't know all the rules, so figured I'd ask. Thanks and God bless!

srayzie ago

No problem. :) God bless you too!

akilyoung ago

Can u add sorcha faal to that list?

srayzie ago

We canā€™t list everything lol

akilyoung ago

Sorcha faal / whatdoesitmean. Com had always been controlled op. A bane in the truther community for years.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Yeah, they definitely opposition as they have the mason symbol all the way at the bottom of main page

Q-sent-me ago

Did you know the Masonic symbol is a representation of vortex mathematics? Blew my mind when I made the connection a few years ago.

One aspect to vortex math is there are only the numbers 1 through 9; any multi-digit number has the digits added together, i.e., 17 would be 8, since it's 1+7.

In the vortex math image, there are three circuits: a doubling one, which goes 1, 2, 4, 8, 16=7, 32=5, 64=1 (then repeats). An alternating one, 3, 6, 12=3 (then repeats). And a constant one, 9, 18=9 (and, of course, repeats).

If you draw them on a circle, with 9 at the top, and the rest of the numbers laid out clockwise, and draw the lines for the doubling circuit, then draw lines for the alternating circuit connecting to the 9, you've mostly drawn the Masonic emblem; all you need to do is "complete the square" at the bottom and it perfectly matches. (I.e., continue the lines from 2 to 4, and from 7 to 5, until they meet.)

The 3-6-9 (think Tesla) makes the compass, and the 1-2-4-8-7-5 makes the square.

Here are a couple images demonstrating the link:

srayzie ago

There are a lot e could add to the list. Yournewswire is another. Right now weā€™re addressing this because of the recent flood of new accounts using this website.

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Anonymouse_cheese ago

ThanQ srayzie and all mods for all you do.

Conway ago

Need to be very skeptical of zerohedge too.

srayzie ago

I disagree. Why would you say that?

Conway ago

They have a history of extreme exaggeration to the point of dishonesty. They mix it in with real reporting tho.

One should be skeptical of every source should they not? Even more so to those that got it wrong before.

srayzie ago

No, people donā€™t have to be skeptical of their sources just because itā€™s from them. They will link to some good sources, but the rest of their story could be full of lies. In my opinion, zerohedge is one of the best.

Conway ago

So if I link you a CNN article you aren't going to be skeptical of it? Shame on you.

You know the creator is zerohedge is "Tyler Durden" Daniel Ivandjiiski right?

Months ago I was posting and being severely down-voted for saying that dailycrusader is a bad source. And today we finally agree only took you a month of bullshit to figure it out.

Every news source no exceptions will have it's own agenda. Sometimes they align with yours and sometimes they don't. Be skeptical. Always.

It's easier to fall for lies when they are lies you want to be true.

srayzie ago

Months ago huh?

The was first posted one year ago, just one time. Then, starting 11/29, usernames were posting it rather frequently, causing other users to get upset over demonstrably fake news.

We are dealing with THIS site today. It has been a big problem. Iā€™m not spending my day arguing with you. If you like the site, have at it. Go read.

Conway ago

Good now take the skepticism you showed me and apply it to everything. Even things you hope are true.

Locked_Account ago

It is about time.

wokeasfook ago


Same with natural news. Perhaps we could cross reference the usernames pushing them both.

Optional_Reading ago

Shills will actively try to engage voatā€™s active users.

singlebrain1 ago

Thank you!

Dragon40 ago

Jew-hating NAZI-wannabe bigots share a commonality: They're all STUPID - you have to be stupid to buy into the bullshit they vomit.

jodieann ago

You might also want to check this out about a new major disinformation campaign:

pwdwp ago

no doubt, fake news site. Thanks

lightmeup77 ago

Well played mods.

Patently obvious what that site was.

Thank you.



Sick of that trash site

Womb_Raider ago

ITT: SBBH creating a problem, then addressing it to appear credible. Srayzie is controlled opposition and is friends with the people posting DailyCrusader articles.

srayzie ago

Anyone who reads your lie, can read the truth here.

MolochHunter ago

riiiiiight that SO explains why she is banning everyone who posts this fakenews site from the G.A. sub.

Wow , your narrative holds SO much water

Blacksmith21 ago

Remember when Q said "these people are stupid"?

Womb_Raider ago

You're SBBH so I can rely on your perspective.

srayzie ago

@MolochHunter has never even posted on SBBH.

Get your facts straight LIAR.

Womb_Raider ago

Posting on the sub =/= being part of the network that is SRS/SBBH. SBBH just refers to the first major sub they established here.

srayzie ago

I know what group you are with. So, I know why you say what you say. I donā€™t like you. You donā€™t like me. So go fuck yourself. Leave us alone. We donā€™t ask you to come to GreatAwakening. We donā€™t need your acceptance. I donā€™t want anything from people like you. Just to be left alone.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Nigger Raider would have been a better name for you.

srayzie ago

I agree šŸ˜‚

Shizy ago

Anything is better than womb raider! Sounds like an abortionist šŸ˜¢. Shudder!!!!!

srayzie ago

I took it as he thinks heā€™s got a big noodle

Shizy ago

He wishes!

srayzie ago

Thatā€™s all it will ever be šŸ˜‚

Womb_Raider ago

Pull some more accounts out, the brigade is weak thus far. Show voat what you are.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Pull some more accounts out, the brigade is weak thus far.

ā€œaccuse them of what you are guily of..ā€

That is pretty weak sauce on your Alinsky tactics, got anything better than that?

Womb_Raider ago

Yeha, I don't use alts sweetheart. It's no secret that you do.

srayzie ago

Oh, your friends do and I have lots of proof

Womb_Raider ago

I'm not responsible for anyone but myself. By steering GreatAwakening astray you are betraying your fellow man and supporting the fiscal elite you pretend to oppose with your LARPing

srayzie ago

How have I steered GreatAwakening astray? By shit posting sometimes on different subs? I do not engage in upvote and downvote brigading. Itā€™s pathetic that people like you canā€™t look at the bigger picture and see the rest of what we do. Youā€™re incapable.

Womb_Raider ago

Itā€™s pathetic that people like you canā€™t look at the bigger picture and see the rest of what we do.

Interesting statement for a cog in a malevolent machine telling itself it's righteous

srayzie ago

Go read some more mother fucker

MolochHunter ago

What's SSBH?

Womb_Raider ago

A group vying for control of the website by overtaking subs such as Pizzagate, ProtectVoat, GreatAwakening, identitarians, and many more

MolochHunter ago

Oh. Is that how you describe yourselves? Doesn't it work better if you keep that kind of thing secret ?

Womb_Raider ago

"I know you are but what am I" isn't a very strong retort.

kneo24 ago

MissleCopterStoped ago

You rock srayzie! Maybe add the website to the banned domains too in order to force these fake accounts to use another source?

srayzie ago

Working on it. Read the bottom. Thereā€™s an update.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Wow! Good detective work by crensch!

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

You're a Jew, aren't you?

Just kidding :) thanks for posting this info

srayzie ago

Lol. No but you are. šŸ˜±
Look at the bottom update.

Infinomnian_Messiah ago

Your work is greatly appreciated!

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I've been saying this shit for weeks and just get called a jew, like you said.

Thank you for reassuring me that I'm not the only one who sees that website as total shit fake news

Locked_Account ago

Cointelpro forum control technique is to spout virulent racism / antisemitism. LOTS of fake raycis on here.

flatbush71 ago


digital_minuteman321 ago

I love it that the Conspiracy argument and the larp one fail to convince anyone, so they resort to just trying to disinfo the movement.

srayzie ago

@Shizy and @MolochHunter, I added this to the post...

Please ping us mods if you see this site posted and we can flair it as a Fake News Site!

Iā€™m making a new Flair. Anytime this website is used in a submission post, please note the username so we can add to the username list. But, also flair it! Thank you.

JackPosobiec1 ago

Not everything Q says is fake! He mixes truth and lies. When he gets caught Q claims that disinformation is necessary.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Stfu imposter bitch

srayzie ago

I donā€™t think youā€™re liked Jack Off

Blacksmith21 ago

Have another downvoat, spermburper.

srayzie ago

You crack me up

Steelerfish ago

I see that your mother let you back on the computer again.

JackPosobiec1 ago

You donā€™t add much to the conversation. At least I ask challenging questions which nobody seems to be able to answer. Please answer: Where is the declass Q promised in Red October. Doesnā€™t the declass being down the house?

Steelerfish ago

Damn you Jack. I now have this song stuck in my head.

JackPosobiec1 ago

Fisa brings down the house! Except it didnā€™t, @srayzie

CovfefeFan ago

Thank you!

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I second that, thank you. And to all the users listed know whatā€™s good for sucking? Nothing. You will suck until you die.

CovfefeFan ago

Check it out @UK_Bloke_Awoke !!!

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Excellent idea. Thx Mods šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘