Suzo ago

The mods here are solid. I don;t pay much attention to the shills and dividers, but I would ask that you think about blaming Redditors. Some good people and some bad in every group. No need to vilify people who happened t0 also come to Voat via Reddit. WWG1WGA!

srayzie ago

Thank you. Oh I’m not meaning it that way. Many Redditors subscribed to GreatAwakening and have blended in great. Many great patriots. I’m just talking about some.

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srayzie ago

Sounds good


DammitMan ago

I came with the Reddit migration, but I'd not been there but a couple of months and was not part of the culture or aware of the censorship. The migration was a total shit storm. I don't like QRV because it's full of garbage. Bullshit theories of zero substance thrown left and right. Anonymity is great if people are mature enough to use it responsibly. Most of the children there are not. The awakening is good. But, from the time I learned the QRV/Reddit mods were censoring, I've been on this sub, and only peeking at QRV/RedditLite. I prefer the more thought out approach here, more substance and meat.

I like the way you and the mods run this sub. Keep up the good work.

MudPuddlePie ago

This is a great place, along with QRV. Personally, Srayzie has been very kind and helpful to me.

Q has taught us to think for ourselves and to watch people's "fruit" for proof of honesty/integrity or lack thereof. The "fruit" or actions here on GA have been nothing but stellar, imho. Mods are doing a tough, thankless job...

No need to defend yourself, mods. Your proof is in the GA pudding. :)

srayzie ago

Thank you mudpuddlepie!

MudPuddlePie ago

Rock on, Srayzie!!!

srayzie ago


d00danon ago

I am with you Rayzi, and most of us are. Don't worry, what goes around comes around. Have Faith in God.

srayzie ago

Thank you 🙌🏻

think- ago

Thanks, @Trigglypuff.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

There's definitely far more Ziotard shills here than there used to be. Maybe you should clean that shit up and people will trust you a little.

srayzie ago

Clean it up by censoring and banning? This is Voat. 🤔

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Shills are shills. They are not entitled to human rights if they stab humanity in the back for a paycheck.

think- ago

Thanks, Srayz, for posting this. If they were true patriots, they would just mind their own business, and concentrate on building their community, not trying to harm v/GreatAwakening.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @bopper @Vindicator

srayzie ago

Hello there Stranger lol. Thank you. Xoxo

think- ago

Hi Qtie! ;-)

srayzie ago


Hand_of_Node ago


singlebrain1 ago

The mods do a great job and I am happy here. I didn't go to QRV. Thanks for all that you do, a thankless job for the most part and a hard one too.

Vofar ago

For what it's worth, I migrated over during the reddit craptasm. I never believed any of it. I read the 8chan posts, the blogs, none of it seemed right or just considering their status as new posters/mods here. I've seen nothing from the three of you that has been close to suspect. I've questioned NRs propensity for selling as well as a couple other reddit big players. Not impressed with any of their off board activities. One of them's whole schtick is reading NRs blog and a few of the posts from here, all the while interrupting his narrative to beg for money. If I remember correctly, he too repeated NRs claims on his vlog. I am on your side. WWG1WGA

ccrider201617 ago

I don't quite know what to think of all this but I have been coming here every day to read and occasionally comment and I like this sub and appreciate the job the mods do here. A lot less shills and bs than what is on qrv. I lurk both and the chans and find this sub to have the most readable information. Thank you for the job you do.

Hand_of_Node ago

There's been a big push against them lately, especially after that stuff about the Kero character came out. This video is more about a 'solution' than more exposures, and I've seen it on two different streams since yesterday. The furries seem like one of the clearest examples of criticism not making a position correct.

Vindicator ago

Holy shit. You were just trying to create a reason to drop that link. :-)

Hand_of_Node ago

Not technically, but it was a good excuse. lol

TNLunatick ago

I have seen enough here to know that srayzie does a good job running this sub. That's why I chose to set up camp here. I lurk quite a bit, I am beginning to learn who is full of shit and who has quality posts across the different subs. Reddit GA was badly compromised, and we all suffered for it. As long as we have the freedom to express our thoughts here, others have the freedom to accept or discard our ideas. That's what we need. We don't all have to get along and sing kumbaya. We don't have to agree on all - or even most - of what is posted in this forum. We just need a place to bounce our ideas off each other and learn about what's going on. My awakening is MINE and yours is YOURS. If you don't like it here, if you don't feel like you're getting enough attention or upvoats or backslaps.... leave. Find a place that fits for you. It's as simple as that.

JGamble ago

all i learned from this is, never start a forum. Too much

Why defend people spreading people don't pay attention to that, but if you have to, then i'll pray for you. GOD BLESS YOU. May you receive many blessings in your next life :)

wokeasfook ago

It wont work. Too many here have had the pleasure of knowing you guys since before Q and before even Trump.

Do you mind me asking why Q backed v/QRV in your opinion?? With all these fishy characters.. Hardly makes any sense to me. He even warned about those profiting off the movement. Wouldn't that include revoltingNEON?

Just when i think i'm getting ahead of the game i begin to question everything again.

srayzie ago

Yeah and you are one of “them”

joeythew ago

Is this a thing, really? Other than maybe once weeks ago, I don't see anyone bitching about the mods.

Steelerfish ago


“This is just the tip of the iceberg. Myself, our mod @Shizy and some other anons have been doing an investigation of our own. It will show that a growing group of people from Reddit, are infiltrating Voat’s Q community, with the intent to divide us. Not only that, but bring v/GreatAwakening down.”

This is painfully accurate.. This jackass is a perfect example ... Be wary we are under attack from every angle. Subversion, as we are well aware, is a favorite tactic of revolutionaries. We are very dangerous to the cause of global governance. Becoming united and staying united doesn’t happen by accident.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

We're with you srayzie. We're all so grateful for you providing this place for us. The mods are great and WWG1WGA! We don't believe any of it!

srayzie ago

Right. He brought over a group and some were already here.

Quantumdog ago

This post is so Reddit. Made me downright nostalgic.

Vindicator ago

Just keep doing good and people of good will are bound to find the truth. :-)

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I stand with you and the Great Awakening...

RightSideUp17and6 ago

srayzie, im not gonna say much cuz others have likely said it all. i bounced over from riddit to this particular sub pronto when i joined voat. From conversations with you, just tidbits, it is clear that you and this sub are the real thing. most of all, you CARE and are passionate about all things Q (and likely more). ThanQ for all that you do, (maybe i am gonna talk overlong). you may have to paint a picture, but you will never be able to "explain" everything. no matter, just keep doin' what your doin'. this sub is OBVIOUSLY over the target. Q on. illegitimi non carborundum.

Shizy ago

Then go there broken record! No one forces you to be here.

scoripowarrior ago

I don't care about all this shit in fighting...really don't. I come here because I like it and am familiar with several of the people. I read what I like and skip what I don't. I don't bother with people who want to "call out" others. Just not why I'm here. When I come to VOAT, this is the first sub I come to...then move on to QRV and maybe theawakening. I have not seen the posts at issue mentioned by the OP. So, I really don't care.

Shizy ago

Fair enough! Thanks for putting that out there.

Hand_of_Node ago

Well, right. I was thinking he might try to come up with a legitimate reason. I have a previous account, but haven't used it here (just on preview) since I made this one after The Great Outage. Then again, people can just fuck off if they don't like my comments or opinions. I'm not going to engage in sketchy 'marketing' tricks to puff myself up or make my comments appear more popular (or unpopular - lol).

srayzie ago

Holy shit @Kevdude, @Thisistotallynotme has 19 pages of removed comments in his mod log! That’s as far as you can go. This sub has only been around for 2 months.

thisistotallynotme ago

Thanks for the info that you can only have 19 pages. I learn so much from you!

Shizy ago

You're the biggest joke on voat with your 19 pages of removed comments in less than 2 months 😂🤣😂!

How dare you criticize any other sub when you run yours like a filthy fat third world DICKtator!!

@srayzie @kevdude

Lauraingalls ago

I have NO IDEA what any of this is about, but it does seem to me some people must NEED JOBS. Too much FREE TIME on their hands to cause trouble. IMMATURE CHILDLIKE DRAMA.

srayzie ago

You don’t have to like me. Or all this drama. But, I like your username! Little House on the Prairie!

Did you like tha @Shizy?

Lauraingalls ago

I don't DISLIKE YOU AT ALL. PLEASE DONT THINK THAT. I just don't understand why people cause so much trouble. The whole mess seems like quite a plot, and is confusing. It just makes NO SENSE to me. The stuff that goes on behind the scenes is pointless. Why are people so mean? I actually feel sorry for what you have to put up with. It's horrible. And yes, I love the real Laura Ingalls and her books. She was a truly STRONG woman and people can learn MUCH FROM HER and her pioneering SPIRIT. She is like a spiritual sister to me.

srayzie ago

I don’t get it either. Not when it’s something like the Q movement. We should all have our eyes on that and not being attacked left and right. I loved Nelly!!

Lauraingalls ago

I loved when Laura told Nellie off. LOL. Though I have to admit I liked Nellie when she was older and married. Her mother made me laugh. What a nut. Q does want us together as friends, NOT enemies. United.

srayzie ago

Her mother made me laugh. What a nut.

Right? I always love the weird ones lol

Q does want us together as friends, NOT enemies. United.

Exactly 🙌🏻

Lauraingalls ago

Nellie's mother was FUNNY. She just did such KOOKY things. Her poor husband. How did he get mixed up with her? I know it was just a TV show, but one of the simpler, nicer ones. The BOOKS are actually much better though. I also have the cookbook of the Laura Ingalls from the TV show, and there are some really good recipes in it. The blueberry muffins and the gingerbread are great. The Laura from the show loved gingerbread.

srayzie ago

Oh I never read the books. Yes, it was a really decent show. Too bad you can’t find more of that. I read somewhere that Nelly was living a horrible childhood during the making of that show. I think she was being abused. I don’t remember details. I don’t know who was abusing her. It’s been a while.

Lauraingalls ago

Yes, she was sexually and physically abused since the age of 6. More DEEP STATE horror. She said the role of Nellie helped her get her anger out, and that is why she played the part so well.

srayzie ago

Oh wow. So sad.

Lauraingalls ago


Shizy ago

Do I like little house on the prairie? I LOVED that show as a kid! It made me want to move on a farm 😂.

srayzie ago

Lol. Who did you like? I loved mean Nelly!

Shizy ago

Why am I not surprised??? 🤣

I loved Laura. And then I also loved her hot husband Manly! ❤️

Lauraingalls ago

I love the Country. I wish I had a log cabin or a cottage in the woods. I love nature with lots of trees, and flowers, and streams, mountains, and snow. I love the outdoors. I do understand.

Shizy ago

Me too! I would watch little house and imagine all the cool things I could do if I lived like that.

Lauraingalls ago

Me too. Small towns are nice and quiet and their house was nice.

Vindicator ago

Weird that you'd be reading a submission about trolls and shills, then.

Lauraingalls ago

Is that a PROBLEM? I didn't really know what is was about.

Crensch ago

To people that have to deal with the kind of thing @srayzie has to deal with, your comment looked like a passive-aggressive attack on her.

I don't know if other people see what you wrote and think differently, but I can definitely speak for the mods with the above assertion.

Lauraingalls ago

Maybe you shouldn't JUDGE things that AREN'T THERE. I was just talking about the SITUATION, NOT HER. People shouldn't JUDGE someone's intent unless they CLEARLY say something. and mention NAMES.

Crensch ago

I judge you if you don't give proper context to your words. I'm sorry you were born a retard, but try harder when communicating your thoughts to other people or they might misunderstand you.

Lauraingalls ago

I have to THANK YOU for the NAME CALLING and you are JUDGING ME? Please don't ever reply to me again. If you do I will ignore you.

Crensch ago

You are welcome for the constructive criticism.

You write like a bot with caps lock.

OptimusPrime4 ago

There's plenty of other posts here, or you can contribute your research/theories about Q or DS anytime. Most people here do have jobs.

Crensch ago

How is that virtue signaling, passive-aggressive soapbox working out for you?

Hand_of_Node ago

From the quote, "Q" herded the redditards into QRV as a kind of Quarantine. It was probably for their own protection, as a huge percentage revealed themselves to be "normie aunt Sue" types who would literally faint if exposed to the real world.

sufficientlydusty ago

Honestly, there are just so many shill assholes in here, i always give them zero credibility.

Lauraingalls ago

I really wish there was SOMEWHERE to talk about Q posts and not have to DEAL with this nutty stuff.

Vindicator ago

Just keep your eye out for nefarious users, and block their usernames. Their comments will be automatically collapsed and you won't have to read them.

Lauraingalls ago

Thanks for the advice. Sad people spend their FREE time, If they work, harassing people.

hildberht ago

Got to be honest I’ve noticed no real problems. I am enjoying my time here since reddit closes so carry on as per normal and don’t feed the trolls.

TruthSeaker ago

Not that I own you an explanation, but it is generally not worth my time to post on Voat. Rather, I prefer to put effort in elsewhere, where shilling is less rampant and the community IQ is greater. Recently QRV drew my attention back to Voat. If QRV hadn't been established you would see a 2 yo account with less posts/discussions. So to answer your question, this is my only Voat account and I could care less about the consensus on this site. And to the namefagging faggots I say "fuck off".

Hand_of_Node ago


lol, wut? The only purpose of anon subs is to be a haven for trolling and shilling.

Soli2023 ago

Meh ever since neon revolt went full fascist and started to call everyone he doesn't like boomers and calling them fat and old - blaming them for everything then saying that they have no voice or right to speak on any of this, in an effort to silence their voices all over gab, have seen that mentality bleed over to here. - So because of all this, he is a less than acceptable as a source.

DawnPendraig ago

Sounds exactly like sorosminion the troll hmmm

Soli2023 ago

LOl No dumbass, its called identity politics sticking people in a group them telling them they have to stick to an ideal. I completely disagree with this as you can see me talking down about it in my very clear post.

OptimusPrime4 ago

The deep state doesn't like boomers because they lived when there was real liberty they know what's missing and they even read 1984 in school

srayzie ago

I can’t believe they let that book be at the school

DawnPendraig ago

I graduated in 1996 and it wasn't in my school curriculum. Not sure about the library I went to our local city one. Didn't read it until after 9/11 though. That was a rough year waking up and for other reasons.

srayzie ago

Yeah I never heard about it until I found Voat. But yes, 9/11 seems to be the year many of us began waking up. For me too.

OptimusPrime4 ago

Yes, It was required reading in my English class.

srayzie ago

I wish it was these days!

OptimusPrime4 ago

Needs to be

srayzie ago

They allowed that book?

Soli2023 ago

I'm gen x and I read 1984 in school. I also remember somewhat how it used to be from when I was young.

sweetholymosiah ago

Neon revolt is a shill. Gotta be. Theawakening should die off those control freaks.

SearchVoatBot ago

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argosciv ago

Oh, look who NHFP has defended in previous anti-mod campaigns:

Bonus: Look who decided to show up elsewhere, a little over an hour after this thread was posted:

I'll just let these links speak for themselves for now...

cc: @Crensch, @Vindicator, @kevdude, @Trigglypuff

srayzie ago

Oh, he defended the guy who said he would pay to have my son raped! How nice!

Thank you Argosciv!

argosciv ago

I told them not to push me.


Crensch ago

I just saw that, pretty funny.

Ioniancat21 ago

If we truly weren't over the target, these threats wouldn't have been made. It's clear they want this discussion shut down. These boards are powerful and they are becoming front page news. People are coming one by one and they know the truth when they see it. With that, keep up the good work. If those who tried to attack you have a brain, they'll come to realize that the power here is decentralized, therefore, unlike normal forums, the mods here could disappear and there would be a handful that could keep it going...

I guess Q was right, these people are stupid...

srayzie ago

Thank you very much :)

Hand_of_Node ago

If we truly weren't over the target, these threats wouldn't have been made.

Are the furries over the target? (the people who dress up in fur suits and fuck each other, real life animals, and children.) Is their lifestyle and behavior so correct that the threats and attacks are because fucking animals and children is a "truth" the prudes are trying to suppress? That "over the target" meme is one of the silliest possible claims anyone could ever make.

CaJuN-M8 ago

What the fuck does furries have to do with anything Op is talking about? Dumb fuck

Hand_of_Node ago

Dumb fuck

Yes, you do seem to be. Ask someone else for help.

Vindicator ago

Furries? WTF?

Hand_of_Node ago

Furries could plausibly make the exactly same claim. We're getting flak because we're over the target. Their target being utter degeneracy you don't want to know more about, if you're unfamiliar. I'll spare you any links.

Point is, the furries get heavy flak, along with death threats and more. However, most delivering the flak would contend they're not over the target at all, and the flak is justified because they're so wrong. Claiming mockery, trolling, or whatever, is proof that your position or beliefs are correct is a fallacy.

There are plenty of other examples besides the furries, but I'm guessing most here would agree the furries are degenerates who are not justified by the "flak/attacks" against them.

OptimusPrime4 ago

You spew such empty rhetoric

Hand_of_Node ago

So you've got no valid rebuttal. Are you aware that most people are in the lower 90%?

OptimusPrime4 ago

My rule of thumb is... vileness, and intentionally poorly constructed sentences only serves to promote negativity and confusion and wastes time and energy. Pushing their buttons = causing a reaction = over the target; plain and simple.

new4now ago

I have no problem with the mods, meet them all in Pizzagate

Their posts and comments showed they sincerely cared

I like it here, backed off with the migration, it was chaotic, but the Mods handled it well

past proves present, and the Mods havent changed

You have a problem here, LEAVE

I'm staying

Kudos to the Mods, stay strong

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


I have taken time to look through every inch of your post, and all the screenshots. I followed the conversations very clearly and I was shocked by the threats and the callous way you were treated.

I have watched you operate here, for the last two or so months, and I have not been on redet or any of that ilk before. I came here from nowhere during the Kavanaugh hearing.. just a lucky click on a link...

You have always seemed very laid back, and soft touch, and you helped me once in my early stages when I upset someone, with a bit of kind advice, which sorted it.

I had seen activity trying to get neon back here, and I wondered why... it was countered by many here describing neon as money grabbing, implying that it was a sales operation, using the Q movement as a target market.

I would summarise the gist of your combined posts as akin to the good old days, when the Mafia ran protection rackets. They tried to shake you down to take over the territory, and get their enforcers installed as mods.

They failed.

Keep up the good work.


DawnPendraig ago

Hah the Kavanaugh debacle had so many repercussion for the cabal. Awesome sauce.

And welcome =)

srayzie ago

Awww thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Least I could do..


srayzie ago

Yum 🍩🍨

think- ago


Hmmm....explain why you only offer bananas to me??? :-P

@bopper @Shizy @MolochHunter

srayzie ago

Because you’re a 🐒

think- ago

Pffft.....and I thought we were friends.....

...goes back to v/pizzagate.

srayzie ago

I love monkeys 🐵❤️😍😚 I can follow you to pizzagate anyways 🙄

think- ago


Bushpilot ago

Ditto to all.

heygeorge ago

I’m just popping in to note the tried and true rebbitirs hijacking the top comment (over and over again) to distill bullshit.

Cleanhobo ago

I wondered many times why Q did NOT support directly The Great Awakening sub. My guess is because of the basic rules that were in place on 8ch. I was fortunate enough to be balls deep in the Q movement early on (Nov 4th) '17. When Q was on 8ch CBTS there were lots of people Namefagging. Also there were edits and deletions of posts by the mods.

Q left CBTS and went to a sub called The Storm. I had been in their Discord chat before Q came as well as on the board. That place had EVEN MORE namefagging and other bullshit going on. Q was there for like 3 posts then asked Codemonkey (8ch board owner?) to make Q a board. Codemonkey told Q to make his OWN board as that is "The 8ch way". Huuuge balls on ole' Codemonkey ha ha. Anyway, Q made patriotsfight and some other guy made Qresearch which had some basic rules... NO NAMEFAGGING NO DELETIONS unless it is kiddie porn or otherwise illegal not even bots.

If you look at how v/Greatawakening is run, it does not follow these rules. Why? Well because this place existed BEFORE those rules were spelled out by Q. Does this in any way make this place somehow shitty relative to QRV? No, it just makes it EARLY.

Q knew that the 8ch ruleset worked. Q didn't want to let a billion Redditors loose on this board essentially destroying it when the Reddit migration happened. So he just asked the 8ch board owner to make his own board QRV. This served a ton of purposes. It gave the redditors a home. It gave an anon place to post on Voat about this shit, which I REALLY appreciate, and allows the Voat culture to infect and spread among the faggy redditors hardening them against the Jews and the MSM and such. It was a brilliant move. I hope this helps to clear up some of this shit!

Great Awakening mods are FINE... Good patriots. QRVfags are FINE. Good patriots even though they still suck jew/nigger dick occasionally.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I appreciate that. It’s strange tho, that Breadbox was a BV on QResearch, CBTS, AND TheStorm.

Breadbox is not only a mod of v/QRV, but was the mod of QClearanceRefuge, which was used as a CCP farming sub. He resigned once people started complaining.

Cleanhobo ago

Ya idk the story behind that guy. I kinda stay out of the drama. I saw the link to their storm discord chat by luck and popped in. I just smoked weed and talked about hollow earth shit. Lots of crazy stuff tossed around there though. I probably should have stayed. There seemed to be a mission though in some respects. Idk who they are or what they were up to. Lots of deep digging on lots of different topics though. Stuff I had never seen before. It was interesting. I didn't like having discord on my phone all the time so I just left. Idk. Q popped in and out of the storm quick which was all I needed to see. I left shortly after. I don't like to get too well known. Hell I have talked to you on a few different accounts here lol.

Stay based and try to not get too bogged down in all this. Keep running your room. I have a feeling there are some fairly well backed and probably nefarious groups trying to sway opinions here. If a person is well known and does this shit openly (not anon) then I trust them less. Q left their room for a reason. Probably a good one.

srayzie ago

I just smoked weed and talked about hollow earth shit.

😂 Right on. You’re funny.


Cleanhobo ago

You would be AMAZED where you can go and what you can find out by being the village idiot. :p.

srayzie ago

Haha I bet

Vindicator ago

LOL. Well said, Cleanhobo.

You'll be happy to know it's very likely a bloke from the Q team named @alphabravo who came to Voat and got us started investigating on November 1, 2017. I wrote about it, here:

srayzie ago

Where did they go? They helped me a lot!

Vindicator ago

You'll have to ask Q ;-)

Last I heard from alphabravo, he was going to be very busy at work and wouldn't have much time to get on Voat. LOL.

Crensch ago

swimkin ago

I came here after the Q Reddit group went down. As far as I am concerned the Mods here are terrific. ThanQ mods for all your tireless effort.

srayzie ago

Thank you very much

Windofchange01 ago

Same here.

Cleanhobo ago

Now this is a name I haven't seen in a Loooooong Time..... We got into it hard-body-Karate back in the day when I had a different user name than this one.

Blacksmith21 ago

I've been here since day 1 of v/pizzagate and v/greatawakening. There ha been ZERO BS by @Srayzie or @Shizy. They have done a fine job of moderating v/GA without any controversy.

There is a reason they are going after v/GA. It's because the fine folks (myself included) who were founders/first adopters of v/GA, pretty much all came from v/PG.

v/PG has been targeted since the day it was stood up. Why? Because we were squarely over the target. And that followed to v/GA.

Srayzie and Shizy have done yeoman's work making this sub function. The attacks on them are unfounded and unwarranted.

The only 2 subs I know are honestly run on Voat are v/PG and v/GA. QRV is a free-for-all and v/TA is sketchy.

I'll add more later after I have a chance to pore through links.

srayzie ago

Thank you. We’ve been together for over 2 years now. Me and your Voat birthdays are only a couple of days apart remember? I would say you know me pretty well. @MolochHunter and @Shizy have been amazing. I couldn’t have asked for better mods.

Shizy ago

Awe shucks 😊!

And thanks @Blacksmith21 for the kind comments! I have always respected your opinions!

Blacksmith21 ago

You know what they say about opinions ; )

Shizy ago

Haha! But some are still better than others! I think.....

Blacksmith21 ago

Up is down. Left is right. Obverse is inverse and vice versa.

Blacksmith21 ago

I think it was you, me, and Vindicator in 3 consecutive days. We should have a piece of OG/PG/GA flair LOL.

Vindicator ago

I am proud to serve my country in such fine company! :-)

madhatter67 ago

I think you coding has got stuck in a loop

You are an NPC right?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago



Risen_In_3 ago

What's the difference between this sun and v/thegreatawakening?

thisistotallynotme ago

When Reddit migrated, they moved to v/TheAwakening, because this sub seemed fishy. In response, this sub ran an Agitprop campaign against v/TheAwakening, using their banlist (screaming "CENSORSHIP" in here and in v/whatever to invite brigading) as the main concern troll tactic, then srayzie herself, in a narcissistic retort to a NeonRevolt article about her, tried to blacken the reputation of every moderator at v/TheAwakening, by insinuating that they were all under the control of NR. The resulting backlash and disruption led v/TheAwakening to retreat to 8chan, creating a newbie board. and Q himself had to step in and request that @SensibleStoner create a NEW board called v/QRV. That board learned from all the lessons of how v/TheAwakening failed its mission, making everyone anonymous, so that the threat of namefagging, and the narcissism that comes from Karma/CCP hoarding could be avoided completely.

If you are reading this post, you are in a compromised subverse. go to v/QRV to avoid namefag drama.

This reply will be downvoated to oblivion. but at least one Anon got the truth.

Risen_In_3 ago

You are speaking of v/theawakening. I am referring to the two voats that pop up when, using mobile, you begin typing g-r-e...

Also, it's strange that typing in g-r-e...begins pulling up subs. While typing in q-r-v nothing pops up. You have to physically press search. It isn't done automatically.

srayzie ago

TheAwakening was the the first sub the Reddit moderators created when they migrated here. Then QRV was made as the Reddit Replacement sub and endorsed it as such. I don’t know why TheAwakening is still around.

GreatAwakening was the already established sub on Voat.

moblodite ago

The Greatawakening and Theawakening are the 2 subs I use the most, Mostly theawakening because I get trolled much less there, and I have had post there just vanish as if never posted, Q brought me here, I have never been on another chat site, and I dont see any problems with the MODS on either of these two subs, When I have had the chance to communicate with the MODS it has always been welcoming and enlightening, No problems here, Thank God for the Mods that back Q! Its a tough dam job that I wouldn't want.

madhatter67 ago

He did....but going there is a pointless shit show...he had to point people somewhere as the Reddit qfags elite had made themselves unpopular here....then started shittibg up 8chan (before it became a shit show too).....they were all namefagging there! So he made an anon playpen for them here....that's how it looks to me anyway....and to be honest...I'll look at QRV to see if they are doing anything interesting....but what's the problem if some of us are comfier here?

Womb_Raider ago

Why would it be comfier here? Why should we be concerned with comfort? We are looking for reality. Reality isn't comfortable.

madhatter67 ago

I think the people here are very aware of that

Womb_Raider ago

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0c2113 No.3131764 📁 Sep 21 2018 20:52:23 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0c2113 No.3131643 📁
Sep 21 2018 20:48:10 (EST)
Thank you /BO/ 
Fully endorsed.
Time to UNITE.

3131643 Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors. In the coming weeks it will be important to have one central location (non 8ch). Q

Q clearly states QRV was meant to be the replacement... that's why I'm confused, why would followers of Q come here, to a subverse manipulated by Srayzie and others who came from reddit?

lightmeup77 ago

Keep doing what you are doing.

Anon's will support you.

Thank you for your work.


WanderingTaurus ago

I am interesting in Q and what it is doing, but at same time, I am not going to blindly follow what some anonymous source says online blindly. Participate where you wish and make do your own gut check on wgat you see. So far for me this place is far better than QRV or the replacement censored 8chan sub. You do you.

MissleCopterStoped ago

It is scary you and and a few hundred other people cannot comprehend simple basic sentences...Hopefully, you don't have a job that endangers public safety such as a public bus driver.

Q said QRV was a [Reddit Replacement] and not a Voat replacement sub. Why is it so hard to understand 2 fucking words?

Fucking Common Core education...thanks Hussein!...

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Yaaay 👍👍👍

MissleCopterStoped ago


crazy_eyes ago

and the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

thisistotallynotme ago

Holy shit. I hope she reveals that I'm the kingpin of everything since @NeonRevolt!

That would be such good television!

v/GreatAwakening - Because why not post in a subverse Q himself specifically steered you away from?

srayzie ago

I know these...

thisistotallynotme? youllrememberme? Oh_Well_Ian?

There’s a whole bunch for these people to know about you. Feel free to post all about my “tribinal” here in the comment section. Not in your sub where you have me and my mods banned.

thisistotallynotme ago

Why? they can come to my sub and dig for it, and read everything, including all the other good intel I've dug up on your friends.

That scares you far more than me merely posting a link here. The wise will dig, and the foolish will walk off the cliff to your narrative.

srayzie ago

Why? they can come to my sub and dig for it.

I thought you wanted me “exposed”. That’s ok. I will post all about it when I make my post on you.

including all the other good intel I've dug up on your friends. They can read my banlist to find bad actors (just like I did with yours to find some good actors!) and read my deleted comments/submissions list to see just how over the target I am.

You seem to think anyone you don’t like is a “friend”. I have your whole comment history archived. I can’t wait until the good Patriots see some of your comments. ;)

That scares you far more than me merely posting a link here.

You alone don’t scare me. Your group concerns me. I don’t want the Q movement ruined by bad actors. I invite Q to look at all of us and see who is good and bad. Q has the ability to truly see.

The wise will dig, and the foolish will walk off the cliff to your narrative.


chocolatepatriot2 ago

I have always found this sub Voat to be a great Q and truth resource, and I am sorry you all have had to go thru this childish nonsense. Keep calm and carry on.

NellerBean ago

Much of the Q movement is about learning to discern truth for ourselves.

I'd like to see you be able to focus your efforts constructively rather than defensively, but understand it's important to set the disinformation straight. Just seems like a time sinkhole game of whack-a-mole at this point.

When you get attacked like this, it means you're over the target.

Vindicator ago

a properly functioning inner bullshit detector, the lack of which is the real problem we're dealing with in this nation).

Yep. Great comment. That's what the Great Awakening really has to accomplish.

As a mod of v/pizzagate these past two years, I can tell you that watching the shills and DS smear jockeys operate has really honed my BS detecting skills. In that regard, @srayzie explaining what's been happening and showing the evidence of it is a service to the movement, even though many dismiss it as "drama".

NellerBean ago

Oh I don't disagree, I just think this whack-a-mole "death by 1000 cuts" shill bullshit is a travesty.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, they gnaw at the foundations of communities like termites. Some of us have become anteaters as a result. :-)

srayzie ago

You were one I argued with but we were able to settle our differences. Thank you.

NellerBean ago

... because it took you a long time to take my question seriously due to the fact that you're force to spend so much of your time playing whack-a-mole with divisiveshillfags.

Now I pray for you all daily. Not an enviable job you have.

sguevar ago

As I stand as a neutral spectator in this whole ordeal, I can only say this: You know I don't put too much attention to Q besides the fact that it interests me as a spy novel would. But I understand the importance you have given to the movement and why you do it.

@skrayzie, you do not seem to be a shill or ill nature voater to me. You are not dismissive in your answers and you always do your best to substantiate your claims with evidence which is all that one can ask to understand the reason of this problem.

I will be waiting for your next post. But rest assured that any one with a reasonable mind would appreciate the effort you put in disproving the accusations against you and your sub/mods.

While the accusers appeal to feelings, you try to put facts and evidence on the table which is more than enough for me to know that your defense is justified.

Thanks for the update.

Let me know when you posted the follow up to this.

Hand_of_Node ago

Agreed. While I seem to be immune to the tactics used by the people running the "Q" op, @srayzie is perhaps one of the best mods on voat.

(your ping is broken)

sguevar ago

Oops misclick. Changed it.

argosciv ago

(your ping is broken)

Changed it.


Not a good look, because reasons. Thanks for fixing it.

cc: @srayzie, @Vindicator, Crensch

argosciv ago

Shit, I missed the @ for your ping, @Crensch. Hot weather's fucking with me lol.

srayzie ago

Wow. Thank you!

madhatter67 ago

I believe the reason for that....and making it anon....was to prut a lid the fame fagging mods who came from Reddit and immediately started talking about brigading this subverse and spreading shit about people here who had been quietly investigating Q since he first started posting

And seems the shit is still being flung

thisistotallynotme ago

You forgot about the campaign SBBH and v/GreatAwakening ran against v/TheAwakening that made Q himself suggest a NEW subverse be created to handle the migration.

This is tacit evidence of Q having zero faith in either sub due to the namefagging vulnerabilities. We namefag outside of v/QRV at our own peril, as my subverse is evidence of. Go search my nick into to see the campaign that started against me immediately after I started that subverse. You can even check the dates! It was all Shizy, srayzie, and zyklon_b working in tandem with the rest of the low-level SBBHers (TheBuddha, clamhurt_legbeard.... HEY... ISN'T HE A MODERATOR IN HERE?) to troll the sub. Got real quiet when we banned them all and deleted every post they made (they hate that).

If you are reading this, you are in a controlled subverse. There is a reason Q never even considered this subverse.

srayzie ago


Do you not read?

Shizy ago

I actually didn't have a problem with you until you decided to have a problem with me the MINUTE I became a mod! Odd timing wouldn't you say? I thought so, until I learned that you had been PMing @srayzie and wanting her to work with you on some scheme you were planning. When she said no, you turned on both of us. Don't you remember that? I do!

And while we're at it, the shady games you have continued to play sound an awful lot like this plan laid out by your irrefutable alt @BuilderAnon titled "How to frame a community":

thisistotallynotme ago

Not sure what you're talking about, but thanks for single-handedly flooding my subverse with an alt for 4 days in order to defend M'Lady's honor.

check the v/ProtectQRV comment deletions to see this winner's handiwork. It's there for all to see.

Shizy ago

Not me bro! I'm banned from your joke of a sub that has 12 subscribers 😂. Keep obsessing about me though.

Vindicator ago

Got real quiet when we banned them all and deleted every post they made (they hate that).

It's this Reddit power mongering that triggered the Voat immune system against v/TheAwakening, you retard. You can't just blame that on SBBH. NO ONE on Voat accepts wanton suppression of free speech.

You came to a new house, tracked shit all over the carpet, and then were taken out to the woodshed. Like most louts, you learned nothing from the ordeal. Now you sulk, whine, blame your betters and add nothing of value.

srayzie ago

You came to a new house, tracked shit all over the carpet, and then were taken out to the woodshed

Love this line!

Crensch ago

I just responded the same kind of thing with it being all goats in qrv.

Labeling the responders as sbbh is silly. Goats that have no affiliation with or tendency to shitpost will defend other goats getting attacked.

Hand_of_Node ago

(they know all my alts. I disclosed them on first contact with srayzie)

Alts? Really? What would be a justification for having an alt account?

madhatter67 ago

I think you got that slightly wrong....all of voat was hazing is the custom for any Reddit influx.....add onto that a bunch of people coming here setting up their subverse then blocking any mention of the already existing one....banning people from their verse for fuck was clear the tossers in charge of the Reddit group wanted to keep their flock at all costs...and caused a shit ton of drama in no time.... can check my pissed me off....but I didn't troll....just made it known

As for Q's solution (well Putts if a group trying to save the world is going to waste time on internet drama!) it worked....anyone is welcome to go to QRV if they are so hung up on the official badge...(when theawakwning started here....the thing that pissed me off most was they immediately put official in their description with at that point no fucking justification to do so other than to make the preexisting group look shady....

We will keep doing our thing's all about the ends not the means though

thisistotallynotme ago

"We weren't controlled opposition, it was just a prank, brah!"

I was there. I got ~50 downvoats for telling v/whatever to their silly faces that Q followers are the first weaponized Eternal Septembering of a website, and that we outnumber them 100 to 1. It's memorialized as the lowest-rated post on my profile page.

Your narrative is quite wrong. Putt had zero to do with anything outside ordering more hamsters for the wheels. v/TheAwakening was very much not what you described.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

You do a damn good job, @srayzie - keep up the good work!

I goof off and joke about Q-stuff, but respect you and the work you do.

srayzie ago

Awww thank you <3 I know. I don’t let that stuff bother me. You’ve never disrespected me. That’s why I can get along with others. We don’t all have to believe the same to get along. @HeyGeorge has promised me a Q purse and has failed miserably lol. He’s not a Q follower. It’s all good :)

heygeorge ago

I’d have! But... You forgot to PM me your home address, last 4 of SSN, and mother’s maiden.

srayzie ago

Ohhh snap. 😂

heygeorge ago

Don’t worry, we at SBBH have certain ways* to discover these things ourselves.

I forget what they are unfortunately

TippyHome ago

I was never someone who was a 4 or 8 chan user. I always followed Voat for pg and when this sub started it worked for me to follow Q. This sub works for me and I have never had reason to question it. I think it's great q follows the other one. Leaves more space to comment or have a question answered on this one. Only had reasonable and normal interactions here. Works for me.

Dismal_Swamp ago

I want to know why Taylor Swift hasn’t responded to what’s going on here. Her silence is deafening and I might have to stop rocking out to her earlier albums because of this bullshit.

Keneo77 ago

I very much appreciate the hard work done by all who keep this movement going and for the hard work that keeps us informed, thank you.

Optional-Reading ago

SBBH are actually the kike nigger faggots they accuse other people of being. It's simple projection. I joined v/greatawakening before the reddit migration. @srayzie has been pretty consistent.

MisplacedMan ago

Except she defends and lies about SBBH in this very post.

Hand_of_Node ago

I haven't been able to get a straight answer about why SBBH is bad. Have anything on that?

Shizy ago

I'm still waiting too!

Hand_of_Node ago

Hey Shizy.

Shizy ago


Optional-Reading ago

I come here for Q content and I receive Q content. It's not that hard. You're free to leave at any time. I also browse awakening and QRV occasionally. Q, wikileaks, even Ron Paulbots will tell you to gather as much info as you possibly can and decide for yourself what you believe. Plenty of red pills and black pills to go around.

Phantom42 ago

You QRV faggots really have turned into a fucking cult... Abhorrent, degenerate, and certainly worthy of a cleansing.

MisplacedMan ago


TSE ago

Lets get the QRV MODERATORS 8bit-, PenSHITLORD, and Breadbox, chime in here. srayzie you are saying that Q said to go on QRV. So why are we and you here? I guess we all should move to QRV! There is strength in numbers, why spread us out over 3 subverses?

Vindicator ago

Uh...where did Q say that? That's simply not true.

Vindicator ago

This is a partial truth. Q also clarified it was a good place for Redditors and he would be staying put on 8chan.

Your implication is that Q encouraged people to leave v/GreatAwakening. That is not accurate. It never happened.

As for why would Q not just send everyone to v/GreatAwakening...that is obvious. It's out of his control (precision M planning). It's independent.

thisistotallynotme ago


JopharVorin ago


Hand_of_Node ago


Rotteuxx ago

You fucking shill

He endorsed a Reddit replacement sub

When did he say that all other subs should close down to merge under /v/QRV ?

digital_minuteman321 ago

You see them comment on Q related posts, but completely ignore ones that involve the Protesters in Europe acknowledging Q. They contradict themselves so easily now it's futile for them to even attempt to even shill at this point.

Crensch ago

@argosciv did you notice this happening?

argosciv ago

Not really, I haven't read many of the France-protest threads to be quite honest.

Don't mean to seem like I'm ignoring them, just haven't felt much need. Been distracted by other stuff really.

Crensch ago

I thought it was interesting, and you're the pattern guy. No worries if that's not your bag or if you're not interested. If I can remember to, I'll look into it a bit myself.

argosciv ago

France definitely has my attention for a lot of reasons including the riots/protests, just haven't taken the time to hunt around in the comments I suppose.

I'll keep an eye out, though.

Crensch ago


argosciv ago


Okay so it's not exactly a challenge to the protesters acknowledging Q, however, after a comment was made here noting that shills largely keep their hands off France threads, I noticed these:

Anon calls out the above^:

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @kevdude

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/technology comment by @Vindicator.

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argosciv ago


Why is the one guy spamming the same comment over and over "Hello, I live in France..." Bot, maybe?

Not sure if it's one guy or a bot, possibly 2 or more of either?

Seems very intent on pushing DailyCrusader. Notice that it's the same 'defense' whenever someone points out DC bullshit.

~"Jew shill covering for globalists!"

Certainly doesn't seem organic, bot(s) or otherwise.

@Crensch @srayzie @kevdude

argosciv ago

PS: Sleepy tiem fer me...

*/Wonders what kind of storm I might wake up to*

Catch you fine folk in a few hours :)

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie @kevdude

Jevashplodin ago

Infiltrate, divide, and disc[redit] from within - has been their tactic for 1000+ years, why stop now. If they were not responding as per usual it would be more concerning.

Thank you for the good work safeguarding the community.

AR47 ago

Do you have a patrion to make money decoding the Q messages, or do you do it here for all to read and not get a dime?

Follow the $ and that is your antagonist plain and simple.

thisistotallynotme ago

Do I have a patreon to run v/ProtectQRV, or am I doing it for free?

Also, hi. This is the first time we've chatted. I laughed at a meme of yours the other day. It's a shame you're friendly with the SBBH'ers. You seem cool.

Shizy ago

Since you have all of 3 subscribers I don't think you'd even be able to buy a can of Coke from a vending machine off your patreon income 😂!

AR47 ago

You think your grade school comparison tactics will work with me? I never knew you before and did fine without your acceptance, so what makes you think your approval and then sudden disapproval matters?

My statement was one made for everyone, and not just your. As your leader Q says

Trust yourself.....

thisistotallynotme ago

Naw, man. You got it wrong. I actually do think it sucks that you shacked up with the gals over there. Don't think this was anything more than me lamenting that you're on the bad side.

Thanks for the advice, though. I'm definitely going to take it to heart. it's fun coming back after a day and a half to 38 comment/submission mentions.

AR47 ago

Yeah that is all them, and you can believe it or not as it doesn't matter. I don't nor have I ever taken a side other than for the preservation of the site. Someone attacks the site.....I will find out who you are then I will dox your family, you friends, and make sure that each and every person alienates you.

See I don't think doxing an individual is worth it, but your family.......yeah that someone remembers. They don't forget.

The brain games you want to play with these people? I could care less as they have the ability to make a choice. You want to lead them to a cliff and tell them to jump? I will laugh at your conquest.

I know this Q thing is just a way to make money for certain people, and while it is unsavory, it isn't my concern.

This place however is important. It is is important because it is the last place that people like me can say what I actually think without having to modify it and play some mental gymnastics so I don't get banned.

It is also a place where you can make a sub to do nothing but torment a simple group of socially inept fools to follow your will.

Kinda nice here.

Don't make the mistake that I follow the beat of anyone's drum. I don't and I never have now will I ever for ant reason.

Word of warning.....these people you are fucking with....they won't stop, and I know this because I have been here way longer than my account says.

thisistotallynotme ago

I know exactly how long you've been on this site. :)

Again, it's a shame you shacked up with these guys. A damn shame. Have a good evening.

AR47 ago

Alrighty. You too

madhatter67 ago

Nicely applied Occam's razor!

bopper ago

Lol, you have too much time on your hands friend.

kneo24 ago

Thanks for confirming you're an alt of @tallest_skil.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

@kneo24 👍

MissleCopterStoped ago

You sure called that one, as the shill suddenly appears. 👍😂

Tallest_Skil ago

Look, you fucking kike shills, don't invoke my name if you DON'T want to be blown the fuck out and proven wrong about every single thing you've said.

Establishing legitimacy

Let’s talk about statistics. Let’s talk about the concept itself. Q-level clearance exists within the Department of Energy. What the fuck does that have to do with anything regarding the court system? What the fuck does that have to do with anything Q-LARP has claimed it knows? Look at the number of people who have Q-level clearance. All none of them. What’s the likelihood that any of them are committing an executable offense by posting on a fucking imageboard? Look at the posts. Why don’t they say anything? Someone that important–if it actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit. It’s also not going to ask questions that it doesn’t answer. The sum total of Q-LARP is an exercise in postdiction. Everything it has said is too vague to actually mean anything. It never says anything of any value or specificity. A combination of pareidolia, confirmation bias, and apophenia does the rest. PEOPLE ARE LOST. THEY ARE BROKEN. THEY FEEL WORTHLESS AND WEAK AND POWERLESS. WHAT BETTER WAY TO PREY ON THEM THAN TO CONTROL THE OPPOSITION? They won’t fucking question you if you can trick them this way.

Establishing trustworthiness

Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews. It’s just that simple. In fact, Q-LARP is entirely owned by jews. It admits it. It openly admits to being civic nationalist. It doesn’t support a restoration of the US or Europe to being white-only nations. It doesn’t support deportation of nonwhites. Since the first week, it has called for protection of nonwhites, from the whites who would see them deported/killed. It openly calls for regime change in Iran for the sole purpose of fulfilling the Oded Yinon Plan. Q-LARP has publicly stated it has no intention of removing jews from the West or punishing jews collectively.

Establishing realism

What purpose is served by leaking the proceedings of nationwide martial law and the arrest of three quarters of the US government… AN ENTIRE YEAR early? Why is that helpful to anyone except the people toward whom it is supposedly directed? Oh, and why has it taken so long? An entire year of waiting is an entire year to prepare. You realize that even the group that Q-LARP talks about is one of the highest flight risks on earth, right? Why would anyone want to give them time to escape? How does that help us? It doesn’t. It helps THEM. It helps them so much that it hurts us. This is on purpose. Q-LARP exists to create an Orwellian narrative about “the bad people being arrested”, so that when all the good people are arrested they will say that good people are bad people, and the stupid Q-LARPing masses will simply believe it and help commit their own genocide. We’ve already seen this for 70 years. Why do you think it isn’t continuing?

Why would someone ostensibly leaking the proceedings not actually leak any information? Why would someone who claims to be on our side not give us a playbook for how to operate during the event? Why isn’t it telling us how to become leaders of our community to calm the terrified millions around us–who will inevitably exist once the media starts reporting on the “Trump coup”, or when they see their favorite media reporters arrested by the military live on air? Why is Q-LARP a civic nationalist? How does that help America? How is Trump is magically insulated during what will be painted internationally as a soft coup? Why would the apparatus allow him to engage in this coup to the extent that he would actually be protected? Why does the coup–by Q-LARP’s own admission–not cover the actual PROBLEMS facing this country? Everything Q-LARP has said points to the action as being “Part A of the ZOG wants to get rid of Part B of the ZOG.”

Establishing results

If there is something, why is nothing Q-LARP said would happen happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots it talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign.

Establishing psychology

Already touched on this at the end of the first section. So Q-LARP’s going to arrest most of the US government, right? All the bad people going away. And what’s this? It says that WE won’t have to grab our guns and help out? Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! Don’t ever question the validity of these claims! Just spend A YEAR ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


Explain your reason for believing otherwise.

Establishing inconsistencies

  • If, as Q-LARP says, there are more patriots than traitors in the government, why did they let the last 70 years happen?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, Obama went to North Korea, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, elections no longer matter, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, martial law is inbound, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, mass arrests of the government are inbound, where is the evidence?

Dismal_Swamp ago

The United States is beyond fucked. Even if we got rid of all the corrupt in govt.(at this point the whole govt.) and even if we chased off all the Zionist scum from our land we would still have a giant population of mongrel shitskins to deal with that no other country will take. This country became fucked after the first civil war. Now it’s beyond fucked. It’s beyond fixing with votes or words or Zionist sock puppets like Trump.

Ioath ago

/shrug. Been here 3 months. Says "Reddit Refugee" right on my profile so not trying to make out to be something I'm not. Brought here from a QRV cross-post. I take it you are not on the Welcoming Committee?

TruthSeaker ago

This isn't about you or GreatAwakening mods. Quit name fagging and move on to v/QRV or 8chan. We win united as anons, not divided.

kneo24 ago

You know, I'm big into the whole Q thing like you, but you're a solid goat and I have definitely had your back in this before. The mods over at v/theawakening are comped, and it's more worrisome since one of their alts is a mod of v/QRV.

srayzie ago

I agree...

Breadbox is not only a mod of v/QRV, but was the mod of QClearanceRefuge, which was used as a CCP farming sub. He resigned once people started complaining.

I put together this graphic that shows the Twitter account of Breadbox.

He confirms that he’s been an 8chan board volunteer (BV) for the last three Q 8chan boards... The current board QResearch, TheStorm, and CBTS. On the bottom, it shows what Board Volunteers are able to do on 8chan.

madhatter67 ago

V/QRV is a shit show.....but they are so proud of being "official" they don't want people to look elsewhere and make up their own minds.....which makes them pretty suspect to me

bopper ago

Quintessential projection.

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Adopted-Patriot ago

It seems like things all over are building to a crescendo, not only with POTUS and Q, but even the DS is trying to disrupt this board. I have had two post deleted, rightly so, so I appreciate the work out mods are doing i order to keep everything online to what this board is truly about. Any bullshit forested toward any mod needs to be completely ignored by the anons. The large majority u understand this. Maybe some normies don't understand it yet. Keep up the great work mods.

srayzie ago


bopper ago

Thanks for your denial of logic.

ignorantoptimist ago

The question is, who gives a fuck what twats from reddit say? Any voater who was here before the redditards came here can take one step on QRV or theAwakening and tell they don't belong. In fact the main reason I now believe Q is a psyop is because he openly endorsed those subs in a post on 8chan. Civnats are puppets, we know this.

Hand_of_Node ago

The main reason you should believe Q is a psyop, is because it fits the definition so closely. (Note that a psyop can be negative or positive, and isn't qualified by the content.)

Ioath ago

I think QRV was meant as a supplement to 8chan for research but there are plenty (probably the majority) of people like me that that are interested in Q, MAGA and The Awakening that don't have the time or inclination for actual research but still want to communicate with each other.

Womb_Raider ago

GreatAwakening is littered with false information and Srayzie tries to put her spin on every post rather than letting the content speak for itself. Be wary of people trying to play interpreter.

OptimusPrime4 ago


LostName ago

This doesn’t address, at all, any of the donkey sex allegations.

Blackwargreymon ago

Not a word about the penguin licking incident either! The silence is deafening.

Kekalicious ago

What about them pushing the handjobs for the homeless crusade? Part of the reason I visit Thegreatawakining is the mods are trusted in part since they are PG long before picking up the sub.

bopper ago

Q endorsing a sub does not ipso facto exclude another.

If this sub was some kind of threat Q would vocalize that.

Womb_Raider ago

So you concede Q was directly referencing QRV with that Qpost? Because it's clear he was.

bopper ago

I just remember that Q requested that a sub be made here on Voat for the Reddit people (and their forum) after they were banned and the QRV sub was the result.

Womb_Raider ago

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0c2113 No.3131764 📁 Sep 21 2018 20:52:23 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0c2113 No.3131643 📁
Sep 21 2018 20:48:10 (EST)
Thank you /BO/ 
Fully endorsed.
Time to UNITE.

3131643 Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors. In the coming weeks it will be important to have one central location (non 8ch). Q

He didn't request "a sub be made", he specifically states that QRV is the replacement. You are remembering a different reality

bopper ago

(non 8ch)

This was Q's point. He wasn't dissing existing quality sub. Not interested in arguing the point..

Womb_Raider ago

Q does things specifically. He leaves things out specifically. You are supporting Q's enemies when you allow flexibility in translation.

It's interesting to note how active you are on GA and Pizzagate subs. Those subs are controlled by SBBH.

Fcaf1202 ago

Seems very consuming... Thanks for your efforts. QRV is a shitshow.

moblodite ago

I agree, QRV shows us clearly just how nasty many people really are.

Hand_of_Node ago

The whole point of an anon sub is to be a troll and shill haven.

MissleCopterStoped ago

People like to attack from there too by pinging people in these subs for hit job attacks.

Novusod ago

These are not just some trolls you are dealing with. It is an organized cointelpro propaganda psyop called Consensus cracking. These are highly trained, highly paid professionals working for the deep state.

"My team and I created AI bots for twitter. These bots are slightly different than regular AI bots, these are remote signal bots, but I'll explain what they do.

My team, and a "human intelligence" team, which is really just a propaganda team, work together to make certain topics trend, and persuade public opinion, which persuades political pressure. We do this by a groupthink method, we have a name for it internally, but "consensus cracking" is a more used name externally. But the bots we created, go into twitter conversations and push a narrative. Some of the bots are verified accounts. And they start by arguing a point of view against someone, and then more bots join in and thumbs up the comment. We are doing it with gun control now. More people see a "consensus" of gun control and people on the fence get persuaded to our narrative, and politicians get pressured by thinking it's actual people. We had whole meetings about 4chan, because you guys, specifically this board, are disrupting the bots. You are basically doing what we are doing, but you are real people. We (not necessarily me) devised a plan to knock you guys from twitter. We accused Russia of doing what WE are doing, and used the narrative to wipe out "suspected bots", which we knew weren't bots at all.

They did it to Twitter and Reddit and they will do it here too. The are afraid and desperate the truth will get out. PANIC in DS.

think- ago

These are not just some trolls you are dealing with. It is an organized cointelpro propaganda psyop called Consensus cracking. These are highly trained, highly paid professionals working for the deep state.

Yes. They must be, because legimate users would maybe bitch a bit about other subs, but then just carry on with maintaining their own, not increasing the pressure on @srayzie.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @bopper @EricKaliberhall

srayzie ago

Shizy ago

very interesting!

srayzie ago

Yes! We’ve done research on this ever since I was approached by this other guy, the day after NotHereForPizza posted. Definitely!

Hand_of_Node ago

The are afraid and desperate the truth will get out. PANIC in DS.

Aside from the rest of your comment, why do you add assertions designed to discredit everything you're saying? Do you really think anyone cares about this? By "anyone", I mean real people, not internet drama accounts.

There are a couple other internet dramas I peripherally see, and it's a constant back and forth, they did this and that, or they're secretly working with so and so... No one in real life cares about internet drama. It's ridiculous to think anyone is PANICING, or fearing some "truth" getting out. Get a grip on your self.

thisistotallynotme ago

Anyone willing to sign an NDA will happily get my identity, my background, and confirmation that this entire thread about me and other parties is slander.

I'm on your side, fellow pseudonon.

Shizy ago

Sorry, you're just not that important @thisistotallyashill. Outside from your own head that is!

srayzie ago

Lol Shizy 🤗🤣

Shizy ago

Haha I deleted it. Even telling that asshole how unimportant he is feeds his narcissistic ego!

Rotteuxx ago

highly trained

Not for Voat apparently

heygeorge ago

They cannot compete with the simple Russia meme farmers like @boekanier. And it really makes them look stupid to be forced to use ‘muh sbbh’ as a scapegoat. Notice they don’t ping me by name anymore, like insanegoat used to. So they are learning a little bit.

Rotteuxx ago

They just don't reply to me :/ we've got shit shills georgy, shit shills.

Vindicator ago

LOL. They are never prepared for Voat.

Novusod ago

They managed to fool the mods into thinking the Q community is "divided." They did their job spreading a fake hoax. There is no division within the Q community. Total psyop.

srayzie ago

Oh please 🙄

Rotteuxx ago

There is no division within the Q community.

but... how do you reconcile that with @neonrevolt shitting things & attacking mods of existing communities when he moved here ?

Is he the psyop ?

DawnPendraig ago

I always considered him in to make a buck. Remember when he posted that Q clock app and didn't tell is it had a hidden bitcoin or something mining running on all our phones?

Well not mine I didn't trust him and was new to Q at the time. Back last April or May I think.

That was so shady I stopped reading his post updates. How he handled it when caught was probably what really decided me though.

I love this sub. And I am grateful to our mods especially the one ran this when we came looking for a lifeboat.

I also now think the odd trolls we see with names like Sorosminion and JackPosbiec make sense now. People in the know of Q trolling this sub to try and wreck it. Not very talented ones though.

Now we just need a Sebastian Gorka.

ExpertShitposter ago

@NeonRevolt a shit.

@nothereforpizza a shit.

@boomers a shit.

Rotteuxx ago

is that '' @Boomers a shit '' or '' All boomers are shit'' ?

ExpertShitposter ago

Fucking boomers mane.

Hand_of_Node ago

IKR? The mullet was one of the worst hairstyles ever seen.

ExpertShitposter ago


bopper ago

You have to be blind, deaf and dumb to believe that. Haven't you been around here since, or before, pizzagate?

somethingsgottagive ago

For a good Xmas chick flick check out a princess switch on Netflix.

srayzie ago

You are a friend with one of the dividers.

Reddit Replacement

Womb_Raider ago

Are you retarded? He said for people migrating from /GA/ on reddit, and he was referencing QRV. He was saying QRV is the replacement, not your sub that attempts to control the discussion. You're a fascist mongrel and you're part of the problem.

Oracle64 ago

You are doing a great job keeping GreatAwakening from becoming trashy. Keep on keeping on!

srayzie ago

Thank you Oracle!

Oracle64 ago

All the best srayzie

gabara ago

You're pretty brutal for a Christian.

srayzie ago

He’s said he’s a Christian?

Hand_of_Node ago

But what do you mean by "Christian"? Believe it or not, there are some people who think Catholics are Christian, and that's just one example of a multitude.

gabara ago

How are Catholics NOT Christian?

Hand_of_Node ago

Because they don't follow the bible? If you want some details examples, here are a couple links that go into some detail.

gabara ago

Not good enough. They're still Christian. Try again.

Hand_of_Node ago

Only if "Christian" doesn't really mean anything. Many of the non-Catholic, supposedly "Christian" variants, also aren't Christian.

gabara ago

The Catholic Church invented Christianity in ~300 AD. Your argument is invalid.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm not making an argument. I'm just pointing out what I believe to be true. And while I'm not a theologian, I'm also not completely unfamiliar with the topic. Feel free to disagree if you like.

gabara ago

For what it's worth I was raised Christian and my parents also taught me that Catholics weren't Christian, but a lot of my friends were Catholic and some of them seemed MORE Christian if anything.

Hand_of_Node ago

That's not surprising. Look on the internet for "christian" and you'll find a wide range of groups and denominations claiming the title. "Jesus wants you to be a millionaire!" Uh, that's not necessarily the case...

I should point out I'm making no claims about myself, other than not being a theologian, but my belief is that Christians are those who follow the bible in the most original form and translation possible. While some aspects are more open to interpretation than others, there are some core requirements that are pretty clear. From my peripheral and relatively meager knowledge of various denominations, my wild ass guess is that probably 5-20% of non-Catholics in the US who claim to be Christian actually are. Being a Christian in this 'modern' society is a challenge.

Anyway, that's my rant.

gabara ago

Old testament was written in 500 BC from a mix of oral tradition and the Epic of Gilgamesh. New Testament was compiled in 300 AD. That's also when the Christianity became a thing and (what became) Catholic Church was founded in Heliopolis, Egypt and the relocated to Rome. All moden Christianity branch off that.

Syndicalism ago

You've been an outstanding asset to the PG community since the begining. No Reddit mod or shill can make me doubt your incredible body of investigation work. I don't reply too often, but the bullshit attacks from have not deterred me. Thanks for keeping the strength!

srayzie ago

Thank you so much. Lots of hugs to you.

pipilongstockings ago

The way I see it..there is a lot of "ME, I'm more important than what Q says" here, and because of it people look elsewhere for info. Keeping the fire burning for yourself. Just my opinion, drama is the fall of this sub.

thisistotallynotme ago


kneo24 ago

I used to give her a ton of shit for engaging in drama all the time with posts and stickies, but this is one thing she has improved upon.

srayzie ago

Well thank you.

bopper ago

No, Srayzie has been extremely patient actually. Comes a time when you have to defend yourself.

srayzie ago

Thank you Bopper ❤️

bopper ago

Well it's true! You're welcome.

srayzie ago

Because it is US that are attacked and I am the main focus.

thisistotallynotme ago

It's incredibly narcissistic to think that this is all about you.

I wonder if Hillary Clinton thinks "Drain The Swamp" is all about her, too?

Rotteuxx ago

Well that's some pretty low effort shilling

How does this :

Because it is US that are attacked and I am the main focus.

Get interpreted as this ?

It's incredibly narcissistic to think that this is all about you.

bopper ago

For the thousandth time, all three of the mods on this subverse have been here since pizzagate broke, two years ago.

They are quite solid. End of story.

jangles ago

Fact - I have no doubt there is integrity here @srayzie @shizy @molochhunter have done great work here and have upheld the valor of these efforts.



srayzie ago

Wow thank you

MolochHunter ago

Cheers, fella

A shitposter never felt such integrity

Quantumdog ago

in all fairness some shills have been with us trying to control the narrative since PG too

Shizy ago

You're right! And since GA also includes pizzagate, I guess we shouldn't be surprised they're still at it!

bopper ago

That's true.

Vindicator ago

Amen to that, bopper!

thisistotallynotme ago

That's convenient history, considering how many of the mods have left, including Crensch and other SBBH/GCHQ operatives.

think- ago

@Crensch never was a GA mod, and to my knowledge, he is not SBBH.

And I must have missed @Trigglypuff being a GA mod.

@srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter @bopper

Shizy ago

Triggly was never a GA mod. She was helping Srayzie with designing the sub.

@thisistotallynotme is being deceptive and/or willfully ignorant pretending he doesn't know what [D] means next to someone name. Especially since he runs a sub!

Just goes to show he's only here to manipulate and isn't really interested in protecting anything.

think- ago

Just goes to show he's only here to manipulate and isn't really interested in protecting anything.

Yes, indeed.

srayzie ago

@Crensch, I wasn’t aware you were ever a mod of GreatAwakening. That’s a surprise.

Crensch ago

Kek. I wasn't. Been at 10 for quite some time now. Can't mod any more.

crazy_eyes ago

not all

thisistotallynotme ago

Lots have been added since the Reddit migration, all were SBBH. Now they're being removed, and MolochHunter is being used as the "See! I was never SBBH! We're clean guys!" front man.

MolochHunter ago

you know, just because it freaks you the fuck out, i think ima gonna go start posting on SBBH

think- ago

Now they're being removed, and MolochHunter is being used as the "See! I was never SBBH! We're clean guys!" front man.

That's ridiculous, and you know it.

@srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter @Vindicator @bopper

Rotteuxx ago

Who & when ?

TippyHome ago

Yes, been following all three for two years from v/pg. no deviation from how they wrote or interacted for two years. Completely legitimate.

gabara ago


LightlyToasted ago

SMDH Crazy times. So sorry @srayzie

thisistotallynotme ago

Dear Lord, it took three months for the people like you that Neon outed as suspicious to start posting in here.

That's fucking suspicious. Even more so that he only felt safe to do so when Neon was being attacked. Fuck that namefag, and fuck you faggots for being skilled enough agitprop agents that you could take him down so easily.

Shizy ago

Wow, you're really turning to the F-bombs now. You scared or somehing?

srayzie ago

You seem like you’re Neon Revolt

thisistotallynotme ago

Should I add him to the list of people I am now?

srayzie ago

No comment. Anything I say, you archive or take screenshots and use them out of context. 🖕🏻

thisistotallynotme ago

Posting in a "screenshots and out-of-context" thread anyway, so feel free to say more.

srayzie ago

Yeah. I’m not a tard

Shizy ago

When will you be addressing this you cowardly manipulator?

And I'm not the one spamming your joke of a sub even though your obesssion with me makes you think it is 😂🤣😂! How big of you to ban me from there yet continue to blame me for those comments. WEAK!!!

srayzie ago

Lmao! I archived it. He Archives everything

Hand_of_Node ago

What's really suspicious is the levels of drama around this Q 'phenomenon'.

thisistotallynotme ago

Q followers should be distrusting every namefag at this point, just out of general principle.
If this drama helps that goal, maybe it's a good thing.

Thank you for your perspective.

Vindicator ago

All for a LARP, right?

Hand_of_Node ago

A live action role-playing game is a form of role-playing game where the participants physically portray their characters. The players pursue goals within a fictional setting represented by the real world while interacting with each other in character.

I still find it difficult to accept there are people who actually do this, despite having seen the pics where it appears to be happening.

argosciv ago

Hey LT, haven't seen your username in a while!

LightlyToasted ago

Hi Friend! I've been busy on the chans, but I've lurked. Cannot believe the nonsense going on for srayzie!

argosciv ago

Cannot believe the nonsense going on for srayzie!

It's been quite a shitshow, that's for sure. @srayzie's not kidding when she says this thread is only the tip of the iceberg.

They've made quite a few fatal errors lately, though.

LightlyToasted ago

As Q says, "these people are stupid." Gatekeepers are clever, but the truth is rising. I hope there are consequences to their actions.

srayzie ago

I’m sorry you were blamed by Neon Revolt of being that Sock Puppet! I can’t imagine how you must feel. Simply because your username had “toast” in it.

LightlyToasted ago

Yeah, I did what I could to push back and it was annoying but NOTHING like what you've been through. & can I tell you, I just happen to like toast!

Crazy days.

srayzie ago

I just happen to like toast!

😂 Damn you for liking toast! Lol


pby1000 ago

Marxists will be marxists.

gabara ago


FecalDemiurge6000 ago

I remember the /v/TruthHurts mods posting something like this before finally going full retard.

thisistotallynotme ago

Interesting Marker. Let's see if you're accurate!

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

We'll see. The more important issue is the allegations of donkey sex that @LostName brought up.

GoonFag ago

Go fuck yourself shill, Q himself said v/QRV was the subverse for this. This sub is a shill sub

MissleCopterStoped ago

Hey fuckwad, Q said it was the [Reddit Replacement]

This sub you are typing on has been around for 11 months and reddit’s CBTS was started AFTER this sub Voat had been created as well too...

You need to learn how to digest information before spouting off because now you look like a foolish idiot in my eyes.

Syndicalism ago

I trust Srayzie's content over QRV any day. In fact, QRV was likely meant to quarentine the shills. So your Reddit refugee ass, 3 month old account can fuck off.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Q asked the redditors to go to v/QRV, but v/GA is fine too :)

MissleCopterStoped ago

You are a fucking moron.

Rotteuxx ago

I hope your reading comprehension skills aren't indicative of your all mighty Qresearch super powers

digital_minuteman321 ago

v/QRV is literally infested with shills I aint going there. Quit using our buzzwords.

bopper ago

It really is.

pby1000 ago

Then why are you here, faggot?

srayzie ago


zyklon_b ago

fuck off nigger I shit in your mouth