15499974? ago

15500044? ago

Hahahaha! Caught!!!

15500007? ago

15502210? ago

Wrong goat...

15496525? ago

@Shizy @srayzie @hangry @zyklon_b @gabara @kevdude @Vindicator @Crensch @SaneGoatISwear
Are you gay?
Are you a nigger?
If you answered "yes" to both of these questions, then GNAA might be exactly what you're looking for!

15499861? ago

You can only ping 5 people at a time nigger

15500025? ago

You can only ping 5 people at a time nigger

I can think of 3 people who consistently(conveniently) 'forget' that.




15500147? ago

I know the first 2! LMAO

15500462? ago

I know all three. Do I get a prize?

15501139? ago


15500594? ago

Your prize is...

Adhesive medical strips!

15500893? ago

Crap. I wanted a gin and tonic.

15501204? ago

So do I now :(

15501484? ago

Here....hands anon a G&T :-)

15496919? ago

15496136? ago

We don't fucking care about your bullshit subreddit drama. Q moved us here for a reason.

15496126? ago

Do you guys fuck?

15495196? ago

hi (((@9-11))) great post !

15501162? ago

Hi Ian!

15501260? ago

check timestamps https://archive.fo/NHnJU vs https://voat.co/v/QRV/2903541/15500994

Ian too dumb for that shit !

15501299? ago

He works with, or is an alt of YoullRememberMe

15496554? ago

The only person that would know this is @Atko. Anyone else is guessing.

So either this comment is a lie, or evidence of mod abuse. Let's just hope it's a lie.

15520816? ago

This is why I know it was @Atko. You know me well enough to know to blame it on @Oh_Well_Ian.
I like you. You're subtle with the data you're pulling. Evil, but I still like you nonetheless.

15521122? ago

I wish I could say I liked you back.

15527894? ago

And yet, you gifted me such wonderful information! It has certainly made SBBH's life harder lately. They didn't get the lulz they wanted, so they ran away with their tail between their legs.

Thanks again for the gift!

15496891? ago

The only person that would know this is @Atko. Anyone else is guessing.

atko is not the only admin. both @atko and @puttitout can check my bits. /s do you still think putt should hand his key back to atko and fuck off ?

So either this comment is a lie, or evidence of admin abuse. Let's just hope it's a lie.

great idea, you should post about it and expose sbbh abuse ! :) it's not a lie !

15495233? ago

^^^^^^ Nailed it.

Timestamps, right?

15495297? ago

he's not a very smart jew. that's for sure :)

15495051? ago

Coward anon post because you can't defend yourself.

15494383? ago


15493933? ago

Keep pushing.

Watch what happens.

15495222? ago

Gee mister you sure are tough on the internet

15493888? ago

Found the middle school jealous faggot here.