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15598892? ago

@Thisistotallynotme sent me, Srayzie from v/GreatAwakening Private Messages, on Sept, 13th. The day after r/GreatAwakening was banned and the Reddit Refugees were migrating to Voat. He was blackmailing me, saying that he would tell everyone we were compromised if I didn’t pass his test. See Private Message screenshots below. This is not considered doxing on Voat because it does not involve real life information.

The next day, Neon Revolt made the blog post implying that v/GreatAwakening was infiltrated because 2 usernames on a ping list had similar names to a user on Reddit that he’s been investigating. They used that as an excuse to divide the Q subs here on Voat.

I made a post and addressed Neon Revolt, explaining the ping list and how rude it was to plant seeds of doubt on v/GreatAwakening over 2 users that could possibly be here for the wrong reasons.

This group will not leave us alone. They will not leave GreatAakening alone. They won’t stop spreading lies about us mods. @youllrememberme is another one. I’ll share more about that troll later. I think they are the same person.


Once again, I will remind everyone that v/QRV is the Endorsed Reddit Replacement sub. Q did not say that other Q subs were of any less value to the Q movement. Since Reddit was much larger and much more well known, and the Reddit moderators worked with 8chan board moderators according to Neon Revolt, and they complained about the Voat situation after showing up here totally disrespecting our culture, they asked Q for help. So Q endorsed QRV. So WHY is there still v/TheAwakening? More Division. That’s why. But, WE are the ones shit on constantly.

Be careful who you trust and think for yourselves. The Redditors that joined our sub have blended in amazing. The users that keep making posts and comments like this, and won’t leave us alone to focus on Q, are the ones that you all should be looking at.

15598978? ago

One thing I can say for users of v/GreatAwakening and any other non-anon Voat subverse: they have no choice but to stand by their Comment and Submission histories. Each and every one can be vetted by any user. Just click the username and start reading back through their comment history. It doesn't take very long to discern who is a building up the Q community and who is tearing it down.

Do your due diligence, folks. That is all.

15601607? ago

You mean like this comment history?

Where you're so overly emotional and (((triggered))) you go to an unrelated sub trying to solicit attention and validation. "Muh, this chick named Srayzie is mean to me"!

It's too funny how they shot you down and saw right through your drama! But the question remains, why would a mentally stable person waste their time on something like that?

Maybe because you are a little nutty in the head? Like how you made up this fiction:

So because someone makes comments on a website, you in your infinite power and awesomeness, are able to submit your "findings" of comments from @srayzie you don't like to interpol? What a joke! And the fact that you really think anyone believes your delusions is even funnier.

15598961? ago

@Thisistotallynotme @youllrememberme

you see? Every single time you try this shit on, @Srayzie will simply re-present the evidence that shows that you are paid for deep state manipulatve shills

and everytime, more and more Voat users will see that the evidence is behind @Srayzie, and not even all your sock puppetry can manufacture evidence to restore your credibility

15605527? ago

Why are you so hell bent on tying @youllrememberme to @thisistotallynotme? Is it because you were exposed as a shill?