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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'So, What Does NeonRevolt, and a Mod From v/theawakening Have in Common? How about A Lot of Coincidences and Projection Issues! Lets Dive Right In, Shall We?' was posted in v/QRV by @2737400 and refers to this submission.

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PeachyPatriot ago

I’m with you, Patriot. #TogetherWeAreStrong

Commerical_Storage ago

I think you need to relax abit more....dont like reading the hate mail that you've instigated against NR..makes no never mind I reckon ALL egos should be left at the door including yours...but...then this wouldnt be such fun

Matairow ago

Thanks for the info and good read... Will have to be careful on posts if ccp is such a big deal.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone's talking about this!

'So, What Does NeonRevolt, and a Mod From v/theawakening Have in Common? How about A Lot of Coincidences and Projection for Starters! Lets Dive Right In, Shall We?' was posted in v/GreatAwakening by @Type-o-Negative and permalinks this submission.

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone's talking about this!

'So, What Does NeonRevolt, and a Mod From v/theawakening Have in Common? How about A Lot of Coincidences and Projection for Starters! Lets Dive Right In, Shall We?' was posted in v/theawakening by @Type-o-Negative and permalinks this submission.

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RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

The thing is... this is asymmetrical information warfare. The shills are not holding to their side of the line. THERE IS NO LINE!!! think OOP... objec oriented programming. Like spy vs spy cartoon. Shake hands and greet each other with daggers drawn behind the back. Have tea in the captains quartars of the enemy discussing the morning bombarments of your own to be had the next day and then repositioning a group you suspect is majority infiltrators to revcieve the brunt of the assault. So that you get a net positive and don't blow your cover hopefully while in deep. But then your group under command of an infiltrator decides to charge when the shells start to hit into his own men suddenly turning on those who are your own killing them and then joing up with their side while your guys think they lost their whole group. Is this line of garbage getting confusing yet??? THE SHIT IS CRAZY... analogy of what we see here. The best way to disarm is to go FULL ANON!!! 8ch is the way... BUT!!!! I DON'T SEE Q SAYING ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF PATRIOTSFIGHT AS BEING THE BOARD!!!!! so to me PatriotsFight will open up for us to talk or we will still use Q research. When I talk to anyone anywhere I'm talking with the traitor and the patriot at the same time. keep all possibilities alive. This is dificult. They have a strong defence against an intelligent populace, but this is how it gets done.

TJBrown ago

Dude why so long a post about one individual? If you don't agree then don't follow. Take this from someone familiar with OCD. Just move on.

tangerinepeach ago

Yeah, I figured it was the best decision to stick with the already established verse. You are doing a great job, thank you for your transparency.

slightly_amused ago

I came to q through Neonrevolt but I felt funny about his last post. I am very glad to have read your post, it explains a lot about why I felt uncomfortable. I feel welcomed here, I was not a reddit person but them shutting that group down mattered to me! All this oppression of alternatives news and attempts at suppressing Q are making more people like me join the movement. I have bookmarked the 8chan page and although I don't always know what's going on there I am making the attempts to be a part of that too. Thank you for welcoming us newbies.


Thanks for the warm welcome. We will lurk and learn.

Adolpha ago

Well written and sensible. Don't let anyone bully you for the greater good. They're snakes.

JackBeowulf ago

@srayze.. well said and not one bit of vulgarity or over the top anger., didn't see any. No one decides where i go or who i follow but my own stubbornness. So i'll continue to pop in here as long as i can stand the narcissictic scumbags who try and run new peeps off. I guess i triggered some a day ago when i posted something about their cursing and seemed like anti-christian site. My comment was due to one of the VOAT clowns cursing at a highly religious person and running them off.
So for the record, I respect your post, your site and will visit and try and contribute if allowed. Just one comment for theawakening. A TON OF GOOD PEOPLE THERE and from Redit, so don't paint the broad brush on everyone as this difference of opinion occurs, G/awaken v Theawakening.. ect.

PS - i stand behind my post, a lot of the VOATs here act immature and it looks like cursing just to be cursing and punk kids. Almost like they have never heard of principles, values, manners and civility. like this clown - MotoandGivi 0 points (+0|-0) 1.4 days ago go back to you childmolesting christ niggerfaggot. braindead worm.

PPS - can't wait to dig into this site more and see if pretenders/posers/satanists lurk here trying to out peeps. I don't worry about them finding me, as they already know i exist.

BTW - MOTOANDGIVI, we sent in a prayer for your soul and that you would find GOD. LOL

reality55 ago

Take all this faggotry back to that shithole reddit.

Type-o-Negative ago

Hello been a lurker here on Voat for 2 years, and was on Reddit since this last May. I just wanted to add my .02 cents to this as I was a mod there. First off, The original Reddit sub was compromised probably the whole time there I have been on Reddit. Even Q has confirmed this in this post #1489.

The Great Awakening (TGA) mods were removing posts for stupid reasons and censoring others by deleting their comments. Heck, I was even banned for 3 days in order to silence me. When I approached a mod about it to find out what the reason was, they played the blame game as if they didn't know what a mod log was and couldn't find out.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, one of the GA mods raised holy hell and tells everyone that (TGA) that he is stepping down to protest that the mods are comp'd and demanded these mods be kicked out. Then this mod shows these screen shots (which I never read) because I really didn't care about another Internet soap opera drama unfolding before me in real time. After a bit of self reflection in the last couple of days, I am starting to wonder if this scenario was planned all along as controlled opposition using a consensus cracking method within the already controlled opposition sub in order to cause further division among the subscribers.

Then this mod opens The Great Awakening (T_GA). I was concerned about the division of the group, but he promised free speech and nothing would be censored and I thought thought maybe the division was worth the trade-off. I then became a mod on the T_GA. about over a month ago. One thing I found strange about T_GA is this same mod never seemed to be on board for Q and never had a clue what the latest Q post was even about, but I let it go because not everything happens has an ulterior motive.

What I find most interesting is the mod from TGA tells me that the mod/owner of (T_GA) isn't who he says he is, but I misssed the message 2 days before hell broke lose, I finally saw his message and asked him what is all about and I just got to Reddit minutes before the take down.

Since we are all idle, he sends me like 10 screen shots in a row. I guess the biggest coincidence is these same shots that are used by NeonRevolt except the one set is in night mode and NR's are the default day mode, but with the same marks to highlight what I was supposed to be looking at. Is the mod in the new voat group NeonRevolt himself? I cannot say for sure, but we all know how coincidences are really not coincidences at all.

There is already a v/greatawakening here, so why not assimilate into that original Voat group instead? Was it also a coincidence that the same compromised mod team is now here too in their new voat group? It sure looks like the same mess but on a different platform with their need to keep control.

One last word to the Voat owners and mods: The new board of the dubious v/theawakening should be shut down, because I fear that was the plan to herd us all here and then threaten the Voat owner/mods to take down voat or face litigation after MSM cries about how racist it is there, how public figures are slandered with 'crazy conspiracy stories' that hang out at pizza shops with no basement, and the hate is unfathomable beyond belief.

divine_human ago

agreed, i also start putting some energy into finding my way around 8chan. voat is a good bridge but it isnt safe. lets see how many weeks or months it lasts.

i move along with Q that 8chan may be the last refuge. but my teenage son just explained to me that the public internet isnt safe at all, //they// can always take a server offline, which suggests that we may experience a shift to using TOR browser and surfing the deep web for some time.

i also served as a mod on TGA (sorry, T_GA, but i just cut the underscore now), during its past 2 weeks, until i got thrown off the team last tuesday and, 2 days later, banned from TGA, only hours before everything crashed.

i call bullshit when i see it. thus, after a few days on the mod crew, learning how to handle reddit modding and getting a feel on how things work there, i started mentioned my concerns.

i perceived huge chaos that, from my pov, was the result of unclear intent AND missing rules of engagement. i.e., a rule like 'no ETs or other fringe stuff Q or DJT dont talk about' in the side bar would have made things much easier for users and mods. 'common sense' is no good foundation for modding a community in a transparent and human way.

i perceived controlled opposition - not logically but intutitively - without clearly knowing where it came from.

that, together with some angry mails to the mod crew about removals and bans, made me check the mod logs of the past days.

although the mod training talked about an approach of giving friendly 1-7day bans for rule violations, and use permaban only for obvious shills and repeated rule violation, i found only permabans. most of them without a reason given. heh?

similar with removed posts, often, there was no explanation given for the removal.

i am all for transparency and inpeccability so i insisted on explanation for these actions - after all, new mods need to be taught the business - which triggered certain people to react aggressively.

in the end, i was the villain. typical narcissist (DS) manipulation techniques were used on me, like gaslighting, projection, accusation of lying and scheming as controlled opposition, all of that shit. so funny that Q posted 2170 the next day, lol.

however, i didnt wish the sub and its crew any bad. i wasnt sure yet whether the cruel behavior was part of a psychological shadow reaction of individuals or a crooked overall intent.

grateful for all information coming up these days, although i perceive neon revolt being part of a scheme. it involves parts of the old GA mod crew which also had their fingers in CBTS, and now it looks like also TGA is part of it.

i may err here, but i always had the feeling that TGA was intended to be the new hub people migrate to when GA crashes.

therefore, on the mod crew, i also worked on getting the guidelines/rules straight so users know what and how to post, and mods have less work. i knew that chaos would take over with a few thousand people more on board.

i sense that originally, only GA was supposed to crash but this timeline suddenly changed.

this massive purge which highlights social media censoring practise may have been the nail in reddits coffin that makes the entire platform crash. curious to see things unfold...

crownedfive ago

wow that's saddening. i loved neon's blog too. shit. now what do i believe?

pj77777 ago

I'm not going anywhere - this is a fine place to land and no censorship!!!! Q wins bigly

TippyHome ago

Thanks, @srayzie. I'm glad we are bringing more ppl to Voat, but why the infighting? This is not middle school jealousies we are navigating. This is trying to keep the world from sliding into an abyss. A lot more scary. Glad shizy can help. You know I've been here with you from pg beginning and was excited to be able to be educated more about the political world by great awakening. I will miss this place if it is pushed out by evil cabal creeps. We need to do everything we can to stay on here.

KryptoKoins ago

Thank Q for your dedication to the Q movement if not for people like you we would not have made it so far. I'm sorry you're dealing with this instead of helping Q and the Movement. I know it must sting because of all you are doing for the movement I apologise on behalf of the Reddit refugees. I've been here since CBTS_Stream started and never even heard of Voat before the Q movement. I'm glad we have Patriots like you giving your time to help literally save the world.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Did anyone read Neon Revolts article on this? Interesting stuff about patterns and infiltrators.

Clearly there everywhere and all are or at least should be suspect.

Seems easy to do when most are anonymous so can say or do whatever they wish behind the curtain.

I love how some Say there is free speech, but that's usually only Free for attackers, not genuine people.

The "Free Speech" is Still very controlled.

Tallest_Skil ago

Please do eat yourselves up. It will be more entertaining than the first week of this whole production.

Ina_Pickle ago

The more I learn about this @neonrevolt person, the more shill like he appears. Well either he has an agenda, or he's an idiot for not understanding what a ping list is for.

And who is he to decide when a screen name looks suspicious? Maybe the name NeonRevolt looks suspicious. It sounds like the sort of name a neon haired gender fluid antifa fag would use.

Just saying.

dideediane ago

I understand that this sub has been here for awhile and it is where Q told us to come. I didn't come for the in fighting, and couldn't believe all the crap that was started. Thank you @srayzie for your sub and your dedication.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I appreciate that

dideediane ago

You're welcome.

twowheelsmgee ago

Thank you for your hard work! I followed NR post to come to this platform. The. Followed common sense to come here instead of their platform. This is a breath of fresh air. I’m still learning 4/8chan. That is what brought me to reddit. Now after finding this I can see why you all were hostile to the reddit change over. This place is insanely more free with speach. Thank you all for your hard work.

Boban_Rajovic ago

Fuck yes man. When I saw that he wrote this:

And yes, technically a subverse named v/TheGreatAwakening already existed on Voat, but frankly… we don’t know if we can trust the mods there.

I’d rather go with folks I do know and trust, than folks I don’t know anything about."

I knew he's full of shit.

He trusts reddit mods? Really? The same ones who constantly censored people, banned all old school r/GA posters who actually dealt with facts and fought against shills saying it's "divisive".

The fact that they left out unverified garbage posts, a fuckton of those with false accusations and zero proofs behind claims... he trusts them?

Nobody who looks at things objectively and factually can trust the reddit mods. You just cannot unsee the fuckery they've been doing.

I came to voat months ago to compile some threads with proofs of their fuckeries, you can see those proofs in my submissions:

I called that they will get the sub banned by letting all that shit on it, and what's the best timing than now right before midterms.

After all, those r/GA mods are the same shits from r/CBTS, and they did exactly the same shit with r/GA as with r/CBTS. They were making alts and shit.

Fuck the mods and also fuck NeonRevolt for showing us that he's not that smart at all. I did call him out on his "work" half a year ago, he functioned as a mere indexer for stuff from 8chan, but he boasted around as a great researcher.

This is how you spot these shills.

TrishaUK ago

WOW srayzie you had to waste all that time explaining just because some people think they know better than what you have been doing since starting TheGreatAwakening sub! We know how you are faithful to the true "Q" Movement and truthers will remain faithful to this sub, they will see through any deception or distractions. I never got the whole 'you stole that info from me' or 'we thought of that first' or 'we're better than you' Surely the more truthful information shared, whether complied or copied, getting out to the public in general is the focal point of Red Pilling the people! - Great work @srayzie and @Shizy delighted with all the hard work you put in.........and...........wahoo! @MolochHunter thank you for deciding to join the Mods!

jonzee65 ago

Amen. I like most, are on all the subs. You were very welcoming and appreciated. I will not let them divide me. Thank you @srayzie

Quietwolfkingcrow ago

Thank you for laying this out there. No one would believe me that the GA on reddit was compromised and they deleted every comment regarding it. I'm so glad this voat move has them stumbling.

SandHog ago

Some more info on that here.

GoBackToReddit ago

Dude fuck @neonrevolt and his shitty merch.

More of that "Q brand" I keep talking about that no one seems to understand.

OhReally73 ago

Thanks once again for the invite and warm welcome! My eyes have really been opened since leaving reddit and coming here. Breath of fresh air to be honest.

FartOnToast ago

NR had a hidden crypto miner hidden in his Clock software. Nuff said.

DarkKnightPatriot ago

Thanks for the new GA Launchpad Just wanted to say that it is super awesome to have a place we can chat and share information (for now) in format that is not as arcane as 8chan. I do not quite understand why the mods from reddit/GA are behaving the way they are behaving or WHY its so damn hard to post submissions (CCA? ) here at VOAT. Fucking RIDICULOUS. I have 93 upvotes and I still cannot post a Submission! I am done with all the rules/regs. We all need equal footing and a way to share links, pics, info in a way that is NOT constrained. With that all said, I hope that all 70K (237K?) GA members find their way over to this new site!

HomespunLady ago

I'm new to Voat - still learning and won't say much more until I do. That's the proper thing to do I believe. Just wanted to say Thank you VERY MUCH for all your effort. So far I'm extremely impressed and hope I've found another great group.

Ina_Pickle ago

I like your name and I'm happy you are here. We needed ladies.

HomespunLady ago

Thank you very much. It'll probably take me a while but I'm learning. Bit slower than I used to be back in my younger days.

WakeUpDJ ago

For my 2 cents, to make mistakes is human and we should strive to be better, which I do believe Neon is trying hard to do, so pointing out a misstep is good, harping on it leads down the wrong path. I think Neon got the message and is working to make amends.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@srayzie @shizy @molochhunter


Many of us fought in the trenches at r/GA and many alt accounts were lost trying to wake up the normies to the stranger and more realistic side of where this movement is heading. On reddit one could not bring up the deeper subjects and as a result the sheep stayed sheep, comforted by their "special" Q club while understanding nothing.

On this dom i can make a post about the lies of the holocaust and expose one of the deep state hands as the filthy talmudic Zionist jew. On this dom i can make a post about the age of man and its relation to the black sun. On this dom i can call a dumb nigger a dumb nigger and face zero censorship. Sure the sheep are in a new pasture and they still act like sheep despite that, but in this pasture the sheep will face the hard truths and in this they will awake. Its obvious to anyone that this is the superior and true Dom on voat.

The issue at hand is leader worship. Lets see if the sheep can evolve out of needing an authority figure because the past few days have only demonstrated their resolve to have their hands held tight.

MolochHunter ago

Well I can assure you if anyone worships me I'll kick their sorry ass into a more sensible position

shygrrrl ago

@srayzie @Shizy, @MolochHunter says he doesn't want to be worshipped by us!! We should be concerned.... :-P

srayzie ago


Oh please. 🙄 You like the ladies to worship you 😂 @MolochHunter

MolochHunter ago

@shizy in your cases i wont kick your asses, I'll paddle them

SandHog ago

Hey Moloch, I sent this info to Srayzie already but the more people that know the better. Here is a link to some info that @Boban_Rajovic wrote up on voat a few months ago about what the shitmods from reddit were up to.

MolochHunter ago

cheers, thanks bro

Boban_Rajovic ago

You think there's a coincidence that Oh_well_ian the shill left this sub when r/GA got killed and now he's a regular at v/theawakening?

MolochHunter ago

Lol not really of course he'd hang out there, being banned from here and all. He still has an interest . Theyll learn of his curmudgeonly ways soon enough :)#)

Boban_Rajovic ago

Why was he banned? lol

I thought he was Srayzie's boy

MolochHunter ago

He just became exceedingly abusive. Like, old man with dementia kind of irascible. I don't think he's a shill I think maybe he has something going on in his personal life and was taking it out online. I Got no misgivings for the man, I think it's a shame he went off the rails

Boban_Rajovic ago

He didn't just became, he was like that all the time. But the mods here were attacking me for exposing his doings on this sub lol

I find it quote unlikely that you guys couldn't spot what he was doing here. He constantly abused everyone around, he censored people via his alts by downvoting, he constantly spewed unverified claims/accusations and outright lies.

MolochHunter ago

I dunno, I just got along with him fine for the most part until more recently. And if people are engaged in a brawl I dont necessarily pay attention or take the names of the participants. & only after he was banned & Srayzie showed us why did i see that he'd used alts I guess i'll have to try pay more attention to that kinda thing now im modding

I dont doubt ya. Im jez sayin your experience of the guy was different to mine.

Boban_Rajovic ago

Why is it about getting along with someone and not what that someone is putting out (in his case, lies and unverified claims)?

This is completely the opposite of what Q is about.

My experience with him should be irrelevant, especially to srayzie months earlier. But she threatened to permaban me yet blatantly ignored his lies and made up shit, not to mention the abuse and downvoting from alts which is basically censoring since people can't post anything or send messages and are limited to 10 comments/day.

Quite a lot of ignored stuff which was super obvious.

SandHog ago


snortykat ago

I have felt very welcome. and appreciate the links and effort you put in.

Ps4Freedom ago

Thank you for standing for freedom. Thank you for standing with the Q community as a family. And thank you for all your hard work to give us a home. You all at VOAT have now seen what is happening with the team that insists on being the only team. The team that threatens " Any other site is playing by someone else's rules and will be raided and overcome."

We are at war and the enemy has been in charge of many of our Q family. I had believed that the mods were only being influenced by their own egos. Their argument was once that their actions were for the greater good. That newbies could not hear certain things because it would reflect badly on the movement. The movement couldn't be seen as a conspiracy. So they divided, isolated, censored and led by the hammer of the ban. Insisting on a signed vow of allegiance to the mods and their sub if they were caught posting on a list of subs that took up the flow of constitutionalists that left the sub. They marked patriot's flair with Untrusted attached to their names. They have ignored the constitution and refuse to discuss the problems they themselves have created simply because it doesn't fit their ideology.

This isn't a matter of petty politics. This is a hard division of the movement. It wasn't enough that we left and started another sub so we could speak freely. We were getting along fine on VOAT while they were being heavily attacked. Hammer time. They want us raided and overcome. Now they spew hatred, threats and fake news. They have promised to raid any other Q sub.

How will we meet this threat to our communities? The best weapons we have are truth, freedom of speech and preparation. We saw aprox 100 subscriptions a day on The_GreatAwakening. In one month we were between 4- 5k. As soon as a few computers are hacked or folks doxxed, they will be running from 8chan.

Their move to 8chan will most likely bring the issue to a close. Dark to Light. They are in the hands of the anons now.

Thank you for you post.

Jesus2day777 ago

I appreciate you welcoming us, I don't know what's going on with NR and why all this hostility and mistrust going on. I've lurked on Voat for 2 years since pizzagate, I have now officially registered and hope to be able to add to the conversation once I've earned it. Thanks again for your hospitality!

kornholio ago

For Q, Trump . and to take our country back and, I WONT sell out. Well I concur my good man ,sir; a mam ...they. Careful who you follow. Enjoy the show. trust the plan. And all the rest.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Well said, TIME will be our judge, whilst their petty little squabbles are ignored they will look all the more like what they are. Youve done a good job upto now, the only way I can see it fucking up is if you had submitted to their demands whilst they were stamping their feet. Moloch Hunter seem like a good choice, so all is good. Just remember your work is appreciated and for a good cause.

WickedBaker ago

I thank you @srayzie. I have gotten more information, a clearing understanding, and a better education from GA and some of the members of this sub than from TA. If words are putting people off and upsetting them...I question just how awakened they are from their "deep dives" and "red pilling" from Reddit. I was there for 3 weeks and picked up very quickly what a bunch of shit that sub was. Nothing but censorship and user playing pretty with each other...otherwise...ban! So thank you, you are doing a great job!

data57 ago

I'm in total agreement with you! I'd rather be on a subverse that's already a part of voat community. I had left GA for T-GA before Reddit subs got banned because of this back stabbing on GA. And come here and V/Awakening the mods are doing the same Shit here! The thing that threw me was the article Neon wrote, because I had always respected his Q revelations. But, actions speak louder than words and the hit piece he did on this sub and FOT was beyond the pale!

data57 ago

I'm not sure what's going on here, but I know I am with Q. I'm with you and FOT because I haven't seen any concrete reason to not trust you. We're all a bit shaken from the insanity of the last few days and all of the hostility going on is insane. The infighting is the last thing we need. With you here and there.

Neskuaxa ago

Until Q says otherwise and "Blesses" a subverse by linking to it. I think I'm going to distance myself from this and learn to lurk like a newfag on the Chans.

@srayzie has FartOnToast contacted you yet? I advised them in a private message to present their evidence of comped mods at r/GA. So that this could be put to rest. I'm wary of everyone right now though and do not wish to cause further division in the Q movement.

However, it's clear that there are elements attempting to divide, I am here for Q Drops and decodes. Not drama, as far as I'm concerned anybody that feeds into this drama is not helping the movement.

In my opinion Fart needs to present their evidence of Comped moderators, and let the people decide after that. That is if they have the evidence.

Palindromedan ago

FoT DID provide evidence on r/GA in the form of screenshots of conversations with HowIonic and droge/droges alts

LostandFound ago

Hey Srayzie I spoke with you a long time ago you might recall about highly coordinated efforts to disrupt this whole thing. I got caught up in it way back and had to burn a lot of old accounts back during 4chan days. As they say stay frosty and have a good think about any personally identifiable information on any posts here or if you use similar handles elsewhere.

Im not sure what help I can offer you but after that last debacle I am reasonably convinced your straight up, yes its taken me this long. Shout if there's anything I can do to support you. Neon is operated the same as infowars, disinfo operation specialising in consensus cracking stay as far away from them as you can and dont get caught up in any kind of personal exchange with them. Hopefully this darkness turns to light soon

WightRarebit ago

Well that was a wall of drama text and this is all getting a bit cultish and creepy. "Q is not smiling right now." Really? You're going to go there?

But since we're at that bus stop, if Q is not smiling right now it's because you're not doing the research. Why is there this petty, high-school bullshit about which subverse is the right/better one?

You do you, let them do them and the Truth will out.

Gandalf82 ago

Long time lurker on here, been with r/thegreatawakening since almost the beginning. I follow Neon Revolt's blog, but man this is getting crazy!!! Well said, I agree with everything you wrote, and once some of these bloggers get a presence, it really goes to their heads. This isn't about any one person!!! This is about the preservation of our COUNTRY and CONSTITUTION!!!! WWG1WGA, my Qfam!!!

BonesDC ago

This needs to be pushed to the top and seen by all. Thank you srayzie for the truth in the matter. Much needed sanity at this trying time.

Missy7216 ago

Thank you for your hard work and determination! Thank you for speaking your mind!! WWG1WGA ❤❤❤

Jatsinkutsu ago

Well this is confusing. Thought Neon is a good guy. He (or she) is an autist tho, so maybe (s)hes a bit unstable because reddit subs shutdowns.

cindylou62 ago

Neon is not an autist. He gets on 8chan, gathers the autists work and puts it on his blog. Stealing others hard work.

LaeliaPurpurata ago

Thank you. Very enlightening post...As a reddit refugee, it's been confusing, for sure. Go here. No, go there. Some of us just come to learn and share, and are not familiar with the dynamics of these boards. Guess it will just take some time to get aclimated. Thanks for the heartfelt welcome, much appreciated!

Ugbootshuffler ago

Great post srayzie, I had a look at Neon post today and can't say I was overly impressed. That's three strikes for Neon, catch you later mother fucker.

Womb_Raider ago

@freshmeat Srayzie has modded SBBH member Triggly. I think we're right about them

AreWeThereYet ago

Most important lines on the post: * Voat welcomes everyone who wants to be here and carry out the work to support Q. And maybe I don't have all the facts, but as I see it the only people trying to divide the community are those who want to CONTROL it. And they can't control it on Voat. So welcome niggerfaggots. WWG1WGA***

I don't buy shirts. I read stuff. I don't do/like drama. I'm not into personal problems. The above is why I'm here.

That said: Anyone have any updates re: The exploding houses in MASS or the APACHE Point Observatory in Sunspot NM?

Janice0771 ago

Thank you for what you're doing, Srayzie. It's a damned shame that you're constantly put into positions where you have to defend yourself. You've been laying the framework here for a long time and had a unique opportunity to watch the progression of events on the Reddit board, and watch it unfortunately fail. You know why. We all do.

Stay strong in your convictions. I have faith in you.


TheBRAINz ago

On this verse they cripple the entire sub by changing the ccp restrictions. This prevents their users from gaining the ccp they need to participate in the site (you can get a million ccp in a sub where the minimum has been set above zero and none of those points will ever stick). So users can't post more than 10 comments, can't start threads, can't downvote, can't PM, and have to constantly fuck with captchas. Frustrating for anyone.

You nailed it bro. Kinda looks like an intentional effort to frustrate the refugees so they give up trying to regroup?

shygrrrl ago

I like reading Neon's stuff, because it's often well-written, but he always mixes truth with things that are not accurate.

So I'm actually not surprised that he would make these silly accusations.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Srayzie, for what its worth I was asking them why they didn't just go to your sub in the forst place.

This was before we figured out they were Eddit-style ban happy mods.

And here

Made my gaydar go off a bit, that we already had an established community, and then heres some brand new fuckers tryna co-opt and divide instead of filing into the existing sub.

I dont talk to you much, but I was the goat who thanked you for leading me to the preview site via twatter when we went down a while back.

shygrrrl ago

You are awesome, @srayzie!

Blacksmith21 ago

@srayzie - I asked @NeonRevolt what thew reasoning was behind directing r/efugees to V/TA versus the established v/GA. Respons:

ℕ𝔼𝕆ℕ ℝ𝔼𝕍𝕆𝕃𝕋 @NeonRevolt @Blacksmith_21 Don't know what else to tell you. It's the truth.

You can, of course, choose to trust different people and go elsewhere. That's your prerogative.

I may be publishing an article regarding some of the things I've seen over the past 72 hours; things which the larger QCommunity is not aware of - like how the sub over at reddit was systematically attacked and sabotaged by the deep state, and how these users are vying for power by sabotaging our efforts now.

But again, you are free. You can decide if you want to trust someone else's word over mine.

It is going to be a rough transition. But generally, when you're being attacked like this, it's a good indication that you're headed in the right direction.

Alice89 ago

Idk why but Neon always sounds so full of himself...

Blacksmith21 ago

Somewhat. Good insight and investigation on most things though, from what I've read.

Alice89 ago

Yes, I like read his articles. I not always agree with him, but he do a decent work.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Well written. I was never sure about neon. This kinda confirms he's full of shit. Either that or just in it to sell merch and doesn't really care about Q team.

Alice89 ago

@srayzie thank you so much for this post! I’m disappointed with Neon and I can imagined how upset you are for all this mess. The way he talks about v/GreatAwakening and FoT it’s not right. I'd like you to know that from the beginning I felt more welcomed here than in the v/theawakening. They’re digging their own grave.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

You will never agree with Anyone 100%. Those who pretend they do. . .are not being honest with themselves.

Nothing wrong at all with Agreeing to Disagree! So many don't just Want their Way, but expect others to lie and adopt their opinions!

Pretty assuming and entitled to think they can come over and have the upper hand on someone else's platform.

I would think that wouldn't play out well if the situation was reserved and you were demanding what they are Demanding of you.

Obvious bullying tactics. . .no different from what we are fighting against. @srayzie, @Shizy, @MolochHunter I wouldn't Stand Down either!

think- ago

I’ve been getting threatening/blackmail type messages in my inbox of people demanding to be a mod. One was showing screenshots of his 8chan posts, as we spoke, where he was saying “v/GreatAwakeming was compromised, we should move some place else.” He wanted me to let him help me. I said no. He told me he was going to tell the others. He warned me in the end that I was making the wrong decision.

WTF?! Just ignore these assholes. You go girl!!!! Stay strong!!! xoxo

vonHugenbuben ago

I am sticking with you @srayzie and v/GA. You have been working your ass off these last several months and you have shown us through your actions to be forthright and trustworthy. Neon's BS might work on the dullards over at Reddit, but goats are more intellectually honest than that. Don't let "PeonRevolt" get you down. 👍

joecamoe ago

My username is code for Hillary Supporting Spy For Soros....

Is that a problem??


Straight forward. Honorable Verbiage. Nothing bad could credibly be said about what you just did. Thank You.

CelticCoyote ago

Thank you Sprayzie for allowing us to join your board. I'm not here for the internal politics of any board, I'm here to learn more about how to take our Country and the world for that matter back from the deep state. I've been a patriot for over 60 years and I'm tired of the crap the deep state has been dumping on us since the beginning of the 1960's, the lies, the treasons, the pure bullshit. I want the country back that we had in the 1940's and 1950's - polite, clean, healthy, respectful. Keep up the great work you are doing. WWG1WGA! Semper Fi!

mistahbang ago

Ok, so unfortunately I do not have enough CCP to message you srayzie so just going to be transparent and post the message I wrote to you here in hopes that you see it.

Hey srayzie,

I was one of the mods of r/greatawakening. I wrote a comment to your latest post in response to Neon Revolt. Just wanted to open up a line of communication with you here if you ever get a chance to read it.

Please define the word unorganized and you will probably find a picture of our sub.

But hope you bear with us. Feels like the god damn Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1 lol. Hogwarts is compromised and we can't go back to school.

Look, theres a fire starting. And you just happen to be the kindle in this situation. Maybe NeonRevolt is infiltrated himself as one of your subscribers were mentioning. Who knows. Most likely no one is. We are just having paranoid parts of our minds amplified, mostly likely an intentionally amplification too.

I am pretty sure AI is in use in this cyber war. It knows how to create division easily because its the internet. People crave it.

AI or not programmer, shill, troll, will not see coming is unity. That's the funny thing. We are so use to being divided that we forget that we are in a movement that accepts all forms of thought, race, religion, etc. except for that which harms our children or limits the freedom of another.

EDIT* Adding this next part here in since all of you will be reading it ;) **And I know many of you will scream, "HYPOCRISY!!" but we got the logs. It was pretty damn hard to tell at times between a poster who felt they were making a genuine contribution even though it was repost, off topic. I understand they must have felt slighted. Especially since we all know what the movement stood for. And I know that sort of betrayal can hurt or more likely, anger that individual. A feeling of condescension. That their research, their efforts, were not cared for. Was not worthy enough. This was not the case. And I ask for forgiveness from those we have wronged in the process of trying to create a better selection of content for the subscribers. **

Let history write that we stood unified during this trying time. During this time when we cannot tell between friend or foe. That we gave up egos for the sake of something bigger than all of us. You said you were going to be there at the finish line with Q. I want that too. I want to be next to you.

In this case, I do not need to look into your eyes to know that you are true. Look at where we are. Would anyone want to do this to themselves? To believe that corrupt politicians are raping and murdering kids? Trafficking them? Ask yourself, would anyone wish this sort of knowledge upon themselves. This is a burden. We are sharing a burden. And we are hoping to lift this burden off everyone's backs. Including the ones who did not know they have been carrying it.

Thank you and I would greatly greatly appreciate it if you added me on Discord (mistahbang) where I can create a separate room between you and other mods of Q related subs so we can be all be in good relationship with one another and have a reliable line of communication as this journey progresses for us all

I hope you consider this proposition because I know your input on anything would be very invaluable to us as well as our movement.

And one very last thing. I know you are probably hurt srayzie. Having to hear this from NeonRevolt. Being someone that spent countless hours moderating and securing trust with your subscribers. Like look at you guys, its almost cultish how much love and support you guys show one another. Creeping me out. But yea what I am trying to say is no one is the bad guy. I am sure everyone has what they believe is the best intentions. Please believe me when I say that we wish to mend things and not leave any rocks unturned.

Cheers! WWG1WGA!!!

SandHog ago

Thank you and I would greatly greatly appreciate it if you added me on Discord (mistahbang) where I can create a separate room between you and other mods of Q related subs so we can be all be in good relationship with one another and have a reliable line of communication as this journey progresses for us all

You faggots and your secrets. Why should anyone trust you at this point? Colossal fuck up after fuck up and yet you somehow still think people should give a shit what you have to say? That people should follow you anywhere? You guys act like being a mod on an internet forum confers some special celebrity status or something. It doesn't. You aren't on reddit anymore. Oh, and by the way if you want to ping someone you do it like this: @srayzie @Shizzy @MolochHunter

Learn to voat or fuck off to 8chan. I was sick of you mods and your shit before I ever left reddit and now you are here with same faggotry that made me bail on GA the first place.

kneo24 ago

And yet the CCP restrictions are still in place over there on that sub, making it your own isolated hug box.

mistahbang ago

Hey, everything I said was out of complete sincerity. And I am here next to you, where I am considered an enemy and a threat but coming as someone who asks for forgiveness and unity.

kneo24 ago

Yet how am I supposed to believe that? The CCP restrictions are still in place in your sub, and members from your team have decided to come over here and pretend to be nice, when in turn, they're really being douche bags. You have about maybe 7 more comments for the day to make due to your negative CCP.

mistahbang ago

Its cause you weren't there. Hours of discussions by mods who were very dedicated. Think about this. A team was set up to manage a 70000 subscriber sub when we were tricked and number was actually 300000. Thats why we had what appeared to be a lot of mods for a medium sub. And you know what? Since some people were making a fuss I personally looked into it and also spoke with one of the most loudest of accusers. I found posts any logical mod would delete. For example, we stopped being as diligent and one of our rising posts here is "colbert joins qanon team." Would you be okay with this post? Would you be okay with posts like this coming in every minute nearly 24/7? Thats what we were dealing with. From an outside perspective, they saw a lot of bans and deletes for a sub our size. When in fact, it would have been proportionate if numbers were accurate. Please consider what I am saying here. We all are going a little nuts and need to come back to reason. I have full chat logs with one of the main accusers. No reply in those conversations when I asked for evidence. Everyone keeps saying they have evidence. Then I politely ask that it be placed on the table. WWG1WGA

kneo24 ago

Again, you keep ignoring the fact that the CCP restrictions are still in place in your shithole hug box. You won't even address. Now, why is it that someone from your mod team (not you) has come here to be purposely antagonistic? You ignored this too.

You guys know those posts would be downvoted into oblivion if the CCP restrictions weren't in place. You can't even begin to pretend to be ignorant about it, since it has been mentioned to your mod team numerous times. Those posts that you hate wouldn't hit the front page on your subverse.

You are on Voat. You aren't going to dazzle anyone with bullshit. I gave you two chances before I stopped being neutral to you at the very least. Either address actual concerns that are being brought up, or keep acting like a rat kike. Your choice.

@Crensch @sryazie - Thought you two might be interested in this.

mistahbang ago

We are changing the settings. Going to take another day. Did not configure correctly. Did you see our stickied post? We addressed them. And in regards to a fellow mod being antogonistic, we never even got a chance to prove ourselves and yes we are human, the attacks and threats get to us. And yes you accused us of bringing old ways but we were on auto pilot coming from a sub that demanded a lot of attention and time. So we thought same ol. Keep your head down and back to work. But when we received the community backlash we immediately recuperated and discussed the issue and came back with a statement. But like I said we didn't get a chance. We were all labelled and demonized here and targetted. I know I made valid points. And I will repeat them. WWG1WGA. It is about unity. It is about the children. It is about fighting for freedom so websites like voat can be around forever. And you guys can't do that alone. We can't do any of this alone. They want us divided. If we did not understand something correctly, talk to us. I am here reaching out to you guys because I feel this growing division is that serious. And I wish it could be as simple as the mods all stepping away and order restored but that is no longer an option. Because there are those who are accusing us of manipulation and corruption which opens up the possibility that they are exactly what they accuse us of. And if we were to leave at this point, it might be handing off more credibility to those who actually wish to derail the movement.

kneo24 ago

Also, do you really think the complete change in your writing style has gone unnoticed? You glow brightly.

kneo24 ago

We are changing the settings. Going to take another day. Did not configure correctly. Did you see our stickied post? We addressed them.

Your sticky was bullshit. One just simply states you're undoing all the bans, nothing about CCP restrictions. The other one links to that faggot Neon Revolt, and while it does mention the CCP restrictions, it's still entirely antagonistic to the Voat community. You're calling us all shills because you guys came over acting like massive faggots.

Secondly, you other faggot moderators keep saying Neon Revolt isn't on your team, but he keeps writing posts as if he is. He isn't saying, "Hey here's a message from these guys", no the post starts off indicating he is one of you guys. You kikes aren't going to fool anyone.

You keep asking for second chances, third chances, more chances. What little humility you guys show, you keep fucking it right back up with bullshit where you attack the community at large.

And in regards to a fellow mod being antogonistic, we never even got a chance to prove ourselves and yes we are human, the attacks and threats get to us.

Bullshit, you fucking kike. You were given a chance when you first came here. Whatever excuse you have for your fuckups are irrelevant. You do not enter communities thinking you can do whatever you want. If you were even remotely awake on the world around you, you would know this is not okay.

You all have had further chances to prove yourselves and you keep ruining them. I potentially would be much nicer to you if there was anything coming from you or your team that would indicate you weren't full of fucking horse shit.

Because there are those who are accusing us of manipulation and corruption which opens up the possibility that they are exactly what they accuse us of.

Well it's easy to accuse you guys of that since you continually present yourselves as manipulative and corrupt.

The fact is, a Q community already exists here. If you want to show goodwill, tell everyone to visit v/GreatAwakening and relinquish your control over your sheep. If these people are truly awake, mean and "racist" words won't hurt them. They will blend in and be great contributors. Chances are, you won't relinquish control. And for the record, I'm often antagonistic to @srayzie, so I'm not telling you to use her house just because I like her, I'm telling you to use her house because she had credibility here, something which you and your team will never have any of at this point.

Third strike, kike. You're done. Back to the oven for you.

mistahbang ago

When our roles are finished we will disappear anonymously as anonymously as we came. There is no fame or recognition to gain from this. Are we all not doing our parts? No dazzle. No bullshit. I stayed up reading your guys' posts and other conflicting groups who keep throwing these accusations around. And part of it is because Q stopped posting. Guess what. Qs watching. Q wants to see if we are growing and learning. And a huge test for us to pass as a group, is to show our unity through all this. I want to set the stage. I want every one of us to win. I want you to get the nice house and fill it babies you never have to worry about their safety.

kneo24 ago

@srayzie I misspelled your name the first time.

FractalizingIron ago

Thank you so much for posting, Srayzie.

I noticed your attitude and approach when you welcomed The Reddit Refugees. I was a reddit refugee. I was also a member of longtime subscriber to r/GreatAwakening, r/The_SwampWatch and r/The_GreatAwakening.

It is saddening to see people we think of as patriots and whom we admire behave in such a shoddy manner towards fellow patriots. I'm talking about Neon Revolt here. Do we learn nothing from the Mainstream Media? With a large audience, with a public following, comes responsibility. Neon's conclusions and assertions employ a smattering of information but combine it with prejudiced and damaging conclusions.

The question is, why? Why? Why at this juncture should people like certain reddit controllers (mods) and others seek to become gatekeepers to Q? If there is ONE thing Q is teaching us, its to think for ourselves, and do our own research. Meanwhile, NR managed to use his considerable influence to tell readers "This is the conclusion you should believe".

The real solution to shills and trolls is to maintain a high quality and community solidarity, and then diversify and decentralise. If there were 70K (or 300K) subscribers spread across 15, 20, or 50 active and effective Q subs on REDDIT, or on VOAT now, the real shills and trolls simply would not have enough time to inflict trouble via guerilla tactics. Centralization of power is a honey pot for trolls and evil alike.

I commend you highly on your attitude and approach. GreatAwakening will be my first port of call on VOAT in the future because of this approach. Wishing you and all subscribers here the very best of Q.

Palindromedan ago

I hope you get the reply you deserve. I came here at the time of the ban, however I had already quit the Reddit site due to the mods being absolute Nazis. I came to this board first and was impressed by your welcoming and informative posts. Then everything became a shit show, but I think I’ll stay here. I don’t like suppression of free speech and I feel the Reddit mods are real high on their horses.

ChristusRetter ago

I appreciate your attitude and openness and your approach seems to be a good one. I am a newbie from Reddit GA. I don't quite understand how all the mechanics work with comment contribution points, but I will figure it out.

I wish that there would not have to be two separate Q sites, but I understand why it is happening. If things are handled as you describe them, then I prefer to remain here. I will keep an open mind and see how things play out.

I have read some of NeonRevolt's work, but I do not consider myself a big fan of his.

My attitude is enjoy this community while it is around. The way I understand Q is that the Deep State will eventually take down (ban) all Social Media platforms (including VOAT) except for Q's platform (which is protected by the military) because of their desperation to win the Nov. elections. In my opinion, we are in the midst of an epic battle and it will get ugly before it gets better.

Seakiss ago

It's all been a Fucking set up... Force reddit onto voat.. Voat exposed for nigger jew faggot.. It's all over..

Seakiss ago

Reddit gets forced on to voat.. Voat gets exposed as a racist right wing think tank.. Doom.. Who took you there.. Fucking wake up..

Bigglesworth45 ago

We got you fam. I have read neons shtty site and always walked away with a this dude uses a lot of words but doesn't say much feeling. It makes me wonder if the whole Ian thing was a part of an orchestrated attack on you. IDK maybe the tinfoil hat is too tight, but then again did not Q say there are no quincadences? So anyway keep up the good work.

mistahbang ago

I know I am intruder amongst you guys but would greatly appreciate it if you hear me out. There will be finger pointing. Everyone feels a sense of loss. r/Greatawakening might not have been your preferred sub, hell or even a sub you liked, but it still served as an indicator of how quickly our movement was growing and an overall sense of the direction.


Guess what? The enemy is not shills or trolls. I especially believe people here on Voat can sniff that stuff out a lot more efficiently than us users from Reddit. Especially here in v/greatawakening, you guys would be the "fringe among the fringe" if the media was to give you guys a title.

The enemy is division. And the corrupt consider us one of them when we are divided. They become happy and satisfied. When we are busy pointing fingers, allowing our resentment to grow unhindered.

And srayzie, I have respect for you. Look at this shit. 3 mods and you guys held it down. Please don't lower that respect by saying "You all do what you want, I'll be at the finish line with the Q team."

I know you are speaking out of emotion at the time of this writing and rightfully so. The injustice probably left you speechless. Neon Revolt, a blogger you appreciated and followed, has accused you of intentionally creating division.

Your faithful unified group of subscribers stands behind you as apparent here in this comment thread. Just as there are people that stand behind our decisions. Somewhere along the way, we came into disagreement and judgement. We all have a healthy dose of paranoia. That's the reason why we are here in the first place. But that is exactly why we also have to be more careful of who we want to create conflicts with.

I understand that us mods at r/Greatawakening have done this very thing indirectly.

As Q stated, r/Greatawakening was not 71,000 subscribers. It was 297,000. And now that we understand this number, please know that the rate at which posts and users were storming in was unprecedented. Something we have to continually adapt as numbers doubled, sometimes by the day.

If you ask me to trust you just as I ask all of you to trust me, that WWG1WGA is not just a catchy phrase, but something that I am allowing to inherently manifest within myself, I ask that you tell me where to go, and I will go. As we all shall.

This is the bumpy part. This is the part before the peak. When your stomach turns. When friends turn to enemies. When enemies become invisible. When we go back to tribalistic methods of thinking. When we forget the big picture.

One thing I would like to take this time to remind everyone and as Q has said as well.

This is about the children.

This is about our future.

This is saving the world.

Just as you might have become ostracized among family and friends, for following Q, for sprouting "conspiracy theories," we were there with you. When you felt alone and overwhelmed with this information, we were there with you.

Say it. Just tell me to believe you. To trust you. To love you. And I will do it without hesitance.

Because even if you lie or trick me, it does not slow down the inevitable great future that is upon us all.

I want to be able to see you all at the parade, put my arms around each and every one of you, and say, "HEY WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE MADE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!"

I don't want to have any resentment, any anger, any vengeance, any ill towards any of you.

And I hope you want the same for yourself.

Much love. And I don't know about you guys, but it breaks my heart to see us do this. Cause I know if I was to ever spend in 5 minutes with you in real life, all would become okay as we recognize that our energies are one.

Thanks for hearing me out.


kalgon ago

Who's that neon fag and why is he even remotely important?

Tobioshi ago

Maybe Neon Revolt is infiltrated.

lethak ago

I am glad you posted this @srayzie

I am one of the "reddfugee", been following Q related events from the early days of r/GA and this division is boggling me.

After lurking and poking a bit around, I do find voat less easy to get into, and less welcoming than Reddit was back before the masses invaded r/GA

Since I have witnessed firsthand r/GA inconsistent banning of some users and topics, I got disinterested of internal politics and got closer to 8ch.

SO.. my conclusion for all of this is to stay true to the source, stay true to the reason why everybody is into this fight.

Forget about internet points, forget about what does not really matters, and like you said, Family don’t always have to get along so, lets just remember WHY we are all following Q and the draining of the swamp.

srayzie ago

Amen 🇺🇸

sniper98g ago

So.. I had no idea who any of you assholes were until this shit started.

I wanted to check out what was going on, so I went over to /v/theAwakening and checked out Neon Revolt's post, which was the top sticky. That alone told me he's a massive faggoty shill. He sounds like a sniveling child trying to explain why it's not his fault he stole something.

Great response @srayzie, this place seems pretty legit.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I didn’t know you either asshole lol

CentipedeRex ago

Neon has been compromised or fooled. Thank you VOAT old timers and strayzie. MANY of us new arrivals appreciate what you have done and we are with you until the shills overrun us all. Stand your ground and HOLD!

Tee1020 ago

Pretty much nailed it. We cant have nice things without someone trying to get them taken away. Neon was just trying to ego boost after Reddit revolted.

MrDarkWater ago

Good enough post. But I don't think you are accurately representing neons concern regarding those users. I'm still reading his last blog, after reading this post first. I agree, everything was a big cluster fuck, but I don't think neon is compromised. I still like the work he does. Shady? No. I don't think so, he's does have a financial stake in all this though. People harassing you about bring a mod? That's the shady person.

Seakiss ago

Just get it together patriots.. Peace love.. Leftards are our enemy..

lnsip9reg ago

I don't know the truth, but I will listen. I will continue reading NeonRevolt, but I will also give this place a try. I've lurked on the chans, so the language doesn't bother me here on Voat. r/greatawakening above all was convenient, it's how I was able to find all these other sources. But ultimately I made my own analysis if whatever interpretation still fit w/ the Q-drops. Ultimately even Q is a mortal human with flaws. But Q has been worth listening to, NeonRevolt, you, etc. Free speech, open dialogue, and now on Voat beautiful transparency. This is how you reach truth. Thank u for doing your part. I don't trust you, but I trust little. But I listen, you might have truth!

CyntaxX ago

I came in from v/TheAwakening with all the other refugees. And joined v/GreatAwakening because it's not about whoever has the better forum. The more ideas and theories that get discussed the better. Even ones that question if Q is real or not. It's healthy so that we all don't go full retard.

I have since left there and stayed here. I wasn't aware of all the bullshit going on behind the scenes with v/TheAwakening as I'm not yet fully competent with voat yet. But people are taking some shit WAY too seriously and trying to find any sliver of doubt in others to slap the 'shill' tag on them.

So with that, fuck any niggerfaggotkikecuntgookspics that want to divide us. How'd I do? Not used to being able to say what I want, I only recently had my chains removed.

Simonsaysgoat ago

I wish this whole thing was easier to follow. There is so much to read and stay on top of. I dont have the time to keep up. Is there a summation of events somewhere? Hiw do you know what's true or not? Do you guys verify every detail? I'm very curious because something keeps telling,me Q is the real deal.

DayWalker ago

I think this whole situation is already blown way out of proportion and I think it would be best for everyone try to calm down. People are getting too worked up and it's understandable but this kind of situation can be easily exploited by shills and others who just don't like "the qfags" and I'm sure they're around already trying to stir more shit up.

abyssmal ago

Sigh, @srayzie, must we have the feet of clay talk again? No superstars. ever.

SnapAwake ago

Love this. Well done sister.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Neon is a faggot ego fucking maniac and the more I read his shit the less i fucking like him. Keep doing you

C_Corax ago

I sympathize. An exceptional amount of shit got leveled your way, that you neither asked for or deserved. In part because of the Voat immune system where we have to be suspicious and we have to get hostile in order to keep the place pure. You've been here long enough to know how that works and what underhanded schemes have been played to rig the game.

But I also have a compliment in this. I browse /v/all daily(this is not my first account btw) and I had no idea about the Q or Awakening movements till a few days ago. That means you've been running this sub perfectly where it didn't attract attention when it didn't need to. That in my book translates into you knowing what you are doing:) And that is in sharp contrast to the Reddit clowns that couldn't even predict they would be removed.

To all you newcomers that might read this

I have no particular care for the Q and Awakening stuff, but obviously you do. From an outsider perspective where I might see things clearer these folks here are the ones you can trust! They have their heart in the right place. I did not get that vibe of off the (((other crew))) at all! 8chan which I otherwise like isn't going to solve anything. It's just a platform, it's the people running it you need to be concerned about.

And fuck that little Jew cunt @neonrevolt. He was the first I had an argument with when you folks started flooding in. I got nothing but retard vibes out of him and being here on Voat I'm otherwise pretty well accustomed to that!

kneo24 ago

You know what I'd like to see? Screen shots of the threats, of the faggots telling you to mod them "or else". I believe they're real; it's name and shame time.

Durm ago

I have information about these two people.

SemperFortis99 ago

So... spill it!

ExpertShitposter ago

You chose @Trigglypuff for designer? I hope you like swastikas and iron crosses.

kneo24 ago

Haha, @sryazie gave @Trigglypuff the D.

ExpertShitposter ago

Always knew @Trigglypuff was gai, but now we know @sryazie is a tranny. Eint that right shizzy?

NotTheMeanest ago

Spot on summation of events - if this whole refugee thing has taught me anything, it’s that assimilation is the way forward - none of this keep-doing-what-you-were-doing-in-an-echo-chamber type thing.

ProofMR2 ago

tldr any of it the subs are destroying themselves to squash all conversation. I called it before TGA got that huge boost and im sayin it now. look closely at whats goin on.

SemperFortis99 ago

/r/ T_GA was set up to reestablish focus and disciplined Qresearch! Especially, since SOME of the /r/GA Mods were comped!

valk2 ago

Just wanted to say thank you again for the work ya do around here. Hope you have a great night.

ImPhilippe ago

The great awakening of perpetual vague statements and its happening lmfao.

kekstar1337 ago

@srayzie Thank you for posting this. As a refugee and chanfag I'm ashamed of the way this reddit wave has handled itself. Been on and off v/Pizzagate since the start even been to v/GreatAwekening before this. Plebbits userbase is very very freshly woken and alot of people are still easily to lead astray. To any Reddit Patriots readin this. This is GOLD information here, think for yourself outside the box. Stop beeing niggers and kikes and assimiliate. You are worse the the Islamic pest ridding my country as we speak.

Edit: Did feel funny how some major posters on r/greatawekening allready had accounts with CCP and was ready to lead everyone along.

LastoftheBoomers ago

I am definitely a VOAT FNG. Came aboard with the r/rectum purge. In the short time of being here I have not read anything that makes me think I'm on the wrong board. I prefer v/GreatAwakening. Definitely seems to be my tribe. Not interested in discussing upvote faggery or squealing about shills. WWG1WGA

Ancalagon15 ago

Hell I'm a newfag here and lurked about two days before submitting my first comment and even I saw the post that @Srayzie made asking people if they wanted on the ping list, so no way Neon Revolt missed it. He has definitely cast aspersions on his character and the more I read, the more I don't like it. I find this board to be on the up and up and definitely feel more comfortable here than at the awakening. Also, thank you mods for the shit you all have to put up with, it is greatly appreciated!

WhiteDragonMage ago

I really don't know you as I am new here but I stand with you. I have long known of GA's fuckery and was victim to their censorship numerous times. Yes all comments and posts were relevant to Q. Through numerous discussions with the mods I knew they were letting their egos take control. They like to control the narrative and then let users like neon, sb2, and praying medic run free and do what they wanted and never subjected them to how they treated the others. It was due to these actions that I and others basically stopped contributing to their sub. we created our own called the_greatawakening and made a much better sub. content was on point and we weren't flooded with cheerleaders.

Neon calls out several mods, FOT for one, who I have known longer than any other mod on reddit. Stand up person. Never deleted one post or comment and was always up front with us about what was happening behind the scenes. FOT has been around before Pizzagate and therefore I have dealt with them longer than any other mod on that site. I informed him today of the neon article and in the heart of transparency and honesty they stickied the article so everyone could see and know what was going on. those are not the actions of a controlled mod. those are the actions of someone who has their heart in the right place and wants the truth like the rest of us. So yeah fuck Neon. I am done with his bullshit. I have called him out several time for posting information that was not verified. basically all he is doing is taking everyone elses work, writing articles and then if someone researches and find something wrong fixes it. he lets everyone else work for him taking advantage of and monetizing other peoples work. don't give him anymore of your money. in the end i am glad all of this has happened as we wont be censored here and in the end when the flee to 8chan Q will see exactly what they are doing and how they do it. no more hiding for them its all in the open. anyway don't let it get you down some people just can't kill their egos.

Boban_Rajovic ago

Never deleted one post or comment and was always up front with us about what was happening behind the scenes.

What a load of fucking bullshit.

FartonToast is a huge shill.

I've complied plenty of proofs of his and other r/CBTS (I mean, r/GA mods, same shit anyway...) fuckery. You can check it out in those posts and comments in those posts that I've made.

Just stop defending the r/GA shill mods. Any of them. Plenty of proof about them out there, if you defend them then you're either overly emotionally attached to mods (which is lol) or you're straight up shill. No other way around it.

WhiteDragonMage ago

ok you just wasted my time looking through that. FOT isn't even mentioned from what I saw and none of the information is new to me. i am not emotionally attached to anyone. FOT is the one who called out Drogeanon and Howionic. you even recommend TheSwampWatch and which was created by FOT. I am sure FOT did delete posts while moding at GA. That was a requirement from the head mods. FOT proved himself different once they created a new sub and ran it completely different The_GreatAwakening. it was definitely better. so excuse me if I have a problem with Neon (fucking paytriot) starting drama and sending the lemmings into the hands of the mods who didn't run things right in the first place. from the looks of it you have contributed nothing of interest to me so i would be perfectly fine if you fucked off and didn't waste anymore of my time. and just for the record i hate the mods at GA always have

Boban_Rajovic ago

There's plenty of him, you just confirmed that you didn't look through shit.

FOT is the one that worked with them all the time until they decided to kill r/GA and make his sub the go-to when it happens. What's the better way than the good old way just like what happened when they killed r/CBTS? You paint the "old" mods as shills and bad and you present yourself as the good ones, but you're the same fucking bunch.

FOT is a sack of shilling shit just like the rest of them. The proof is there, you not wanting to accept it is a different story. Keep on sucking that shill off.

WhiteDragonMage ago

You have to be the most pathetic user/shill I have ever encountered. What the fuck are you so angry about? You tell me not to get emotional over mods what the hell do you call whatever it is your doing? Hypocritical, pathetic, and reeks of assholes. I really don't care that much about the mod situation. You on the other hand have -3 CCP and 5 posts about Reddit mod drama. Bahahaha you are a waste of space. Its over let it go. All i did was share my experience with FOT and you attack me and then throw a pile of what you call evidence (all of which I am well aware of) and then you yourself sent people to FOTs subs and even sited his evidence that he used to call out Droge and Howionic. Hypocrite!! I really don't give a shit what you have or how you feel about the matter. You have proven yourself and your user history shows just how pathetic you are. Apparently you need to go lurk in some sub about mod drama because from the looks of it that is all you care about. This shit is about Q btw not mods. I saw Neon attacking the mod here and FOT and I personally don't think that anything he presented in his article could be considered evidence of anything. See something Say something. I called like a saw it. you don't like it and i really don't care. you are the definition of a shill

Boban_Rajovic ago

At this point I'd bet you're a yet another alt of the reddit mods. Your way of accusing and slandering with nothing backed up is a clear sign that you're not some genuine user over here. You came to defend FoT, which is balatantly obvious after you said that there's no proofs of him doing shady shit on r/GA.

But that's what you shills are all about, projecting.

Also another sign would be you little attack on my virtual points over here, which is quite interesting for 2 reasons. One is that you're basing stuff on upvoats instead of content and the second one is that a shill has been plowing this sub for a long time here and when I pointed out that e's just spewing unverified and blatant made-up stuff he employed his alts and downvoted me for about 80 points in a matter of minutes.

Again, nice projecting. You're quite possibly the shitty Fart himself, trying to pry people over to your shitty ass subreddit which is supposed to be the go-to after the little scheme with r/GA.

People like you are the reason why we still read and research on Q drops. You shitbags are giving all credibility to Q. A beautiful timeline.

Muntanolva ago

I was banned from T_GA by Fart for calling out SB2s illogical inconsistencies. I broke to rule, but he didn't care. Said I was causing division.

FractalizingIron ago

This. I can affirm all that WDM is saying. Longtime resident and contributor to GA, then subscriber to TGA and TSWatch.

FOTs actions, and fruits speak for themselves. I wish you could see the quality of the Sub premise, the approach, and the quality of the content that came across our doors. The Sub grew from a meager 100 subs on day one to 4000 subscribers within a month. MANY longtime residents of GA came because of real concerns about the modding and spirit of the mod team at GA. Sad to say it, but that's just a fact.

I have never thought the mod team at GA were compromised by cabal forces (unlike NEon who is very ready to throw that accusation without the flimsiest of evidence at FOT) but it is clear some of them have ego and power issues. Their behavior on VOAT in the first 72 hours of the great migration show this to all who care to see.

I'll never accuse them or attack them, for as Sraysie says, Q family. Yes, I hold to that. But my friends, one day you may well shed tears over how you treated fellow patriots who serve the same noble cause.


MolochHunter ago

I dont know FOT from a bar of soap - I never use Reddit given their xing of pizzagate -but the stuff people have posted around here of FOT seems to be 100% in the interests of transparency

I remain unclear what beef Neon would have with him, and Neon certainly hasnt to date reached out to us here

WhiteDragonMage ago

yeah i don't know what his beef is either. Neon did contribute to TGA several times so i am unsure where the sudden distrust comes from. To me it was a sad attempt at deflection. "oh we fucked up but look at how shady these people are". Why are they panicing? Its not like we didn't know this was coming. Pizzagate and CBTS were both shut down and we endured fine. i believe this had to do with money and that if they lose control their money will go away (i have suspected GA mods of monetizing it for a while). it really is the only explanation for their actions.

Alice89 ago

I don’t know the real reason, but FoT was a mod of GA and stepped down in protest for compromised moderation. He explains everything on r/DrainTheSwamp. Maybe this is why Neon doesn’t like him.

Boban_Rajovic ago

That's all a scheme, a play. That's what they do. And now people from r/GA will flock to his little shitty sub, which is controlled by the same people as all these big Q subs.

He participated in the compromised moderation, as he's a shill like his buddies. Plenty of evidence for that which you can find here:

I made voat account just for making those compilations as I thought it would be handy when they kill r/GA sub. And voila, they're so predictable it's painful to watch.

Alice89 ago

Thanks! I’ll check it out!

Boban_Rajovic ago

There's one user promoting FartOnToast on this sub trying to pull people to his little shitty subreddit. And the guy is now all out downvoting my comments. This is one of the signs on how to spot a shill lol

Don't believe any of the r/CBTS (I mean, r/GA, same shit) mods. They were all on it together. This banning of r/GA is planned right before midterms and FOT did a little scheme to pry people to his sub, to continue the same shit they constantly do (CBTS > GA > DTS).

Once you start observing their actions, their tactics are the same all the time lol

They censor, they attack character, they never deal with facts or proofs.

Muntanolva ago

FoT banned me for calling out SB2

Alice89 ago

I really dont’t know much about FoT, but that’s fucked up.

TheBRAINz ago

The Neon article tries to paint FoT as trying to secretly infiltrate and subvert the movement. The problem with that assertion is that FoT actually CHOOSE to step down as a Mod in protest of the ongoing r/GA mod issues. We all know bad actors work very hard to GET INTO positions of influence to control, manipulate, and influence the narrative, yet FoT voluntarily LEFT a position of influence as mod, at the largest single forum of the movement! This makes no sense. It looks more like an attempt to gas light FoT, perhaps at the request of same comp'd mods who run the new voat subverse that was heavily plugged in Neon's article?.

Embee4488 ago

This is a great post, and actually, is true of life. There are always going to be takers who do the least amount of work possible, and have no problem letting others refine their laziness. As for monetizing something as critical as Q, it baffles the mind. If you are awoke, then you know what's at stake. How in the world does profiting off the future of freedom even enter into your head? Then I remember that Jesus actually came across those who openly set up tables and were selling their wares in the synagogue, so nothing is new under the sun, as the saying goes. I do have a question as a relative newbie. Should my name be the same as I use on Twitter? Lastly, thank you to all of you who work so many hours to keep us informed. I read well into the night, and spread the word among clients, family and friends, so your efforts are not going to waste. God bless you all.

SemperFortis99 ago

Good day Patriot! I respect everyone's opinion, but prayingmedic never pushed his opinion on /r/! That was the result of multiple subscribers, requesting his content! He is not anonymous and shows his face on multiple videos! Just want to make things clear!

WhiteDragonMage ago

fair enough. i never made any claims or said anything bad about PM. i appreciate everyone who puts time and effort into helping people grasp what is unfolding. sorry if it came off that way. all i know is there is a PM account and when those posts were made they were automatically stickied. i dont recall PM ever making comments but could have. either way i wasn't talking bad about PM or SB2. i don't believe either of those users would pull something like this. i only mentioned him to point out that certain people were put above and treated differently than others. so again my apologies if it came off that way.

SemperFortis99 ago

Thanks cool!

srayzie ago

Yeah I don’t know FOT. I know it’s unfair to throw people under the bus to suite your purpose. What Neon did today was the opposite of what Q would want. All he had to do was say the apology to Voat like he did. That would have earned them some respect. Making an honest attempt and saying sorry and change.

Neon is now going to lose a lot of Q followers, and their apology now looks fake because it was just a way to “nicely” get their message out saying, they aren’t the frauds, the other sub is.

WhiteDragonMage ago

in the end the truth will come out. as long as a person possesses the ability to think for themselves it is obvious. the problem with the GA was that a lot of those users lacked that ability and therefore just did what they were told. they don't know how to research and they don't know what to do if someone isn't there guiding them. so basically that is the reason they follow the others around. pretty sad actually

JackBeowulf ago

@ white -that is a false statement, no facts and very presumptive. I had a good retort, but decided never mind. the inference i draw from your self righteous conclusion for GA/RED refugees = you're just like all the uptight VOAT azzholes. a member in good standing of circle jerks. lol. PS- i know, i'll never get an up vote but i can't stand the VOAT diatribe of circle jerks that are so self righteous and ATTACK newbs. pathetic.

WhiteDragonMage ago

whatever you say. i spent plenty of time on the GA and i saw how people were. the assumption from you that i am referring to noobs is incorrect. i definitely was not inferring that about everyone but yes some of the people from there did not know what to do without that sub. those people did not know how to use 8chan nor did a lot of them even know how to use a search engine properly. i know because i made sure to take time out of every day to help those asking questions and find information for them to help them along their path. i made sure to help out the newcomers and point them in the right direction or give them encouragement to continue their search for truth.

i understand my mission here and that is to help wake other people up to the evils of our world and i have more than exceeded that. i provide countless hours of research to help connect the dots and i definitely don't need to provide you with evidence of shit. this isn't some sort of investigation i was just sharing of my experience and how i saw things. if you think that everyone on that sub is capable of using a computer and doing research or even figuring out where everyone went after the purge then where is everyone? they aren't here because they don't know or they can't handle the free speech. Q said GA had 297,000 users and we are definitely no where near that here.

seems like based on what you said that you aren't integrating well here. im definitely not uptight about anything and in fact would just point out the hypocrisy of what you just said because you are the one talking shit about VOAT users. so who is uptight? who is name calling? who is attacking? what is pathetic? me calling it as i saw it or you being unable to integrate into a new community?

JackBeowulf ago

LOL, well nice backtrack. Now go back and read what you posted. You inferred GA/R refuges, you didn't say specific. So i called you out of your chit and yes you do seem uptight and thin skinned. PS- this is the average VOAT poster - mindless retard who only knows attacks. In addition, what i've posted against is because you/VOAT/old timers acting superior and attacking under the guise of cultural has run off about 50,000 peeps. I call that dumb and ship of fools.

see example of average poster and their response . **MotoandGivi 0 points (+0|-0) 3 days ago - go back to you childmolesting christ niggerfaggot. braindead worm. **

WhiteDragonMage ago

please refer to my previous comment. i am not getting wrapped up in some stupid argument about this. i have moved well beyond this dumb ass drama between mods and subs. you attacked and i responded and shredded apart everything you claimed all based on assumptions and name calling. just because i didn't name specifics doesn't mean you can just come at me with your assumptions and tell me what i meant. you are wrong bottom line and someone who sticks to their guns when called out for being wrong is just a sign of being a closed minded person. i have no problem admitting when i am wrong. you however obviously do and that is weakness.

second time you have accused me of being an average VOAT user. what a joke that you compare me to someone using slander when i do not use any of those words to get my point across. well guess what I came here when everyone else did from reddit and i definitely did not compromise who I am in order to fit in. i was the same person then as i was now. i call it as i see it and there is not one word that i stated after i reread it that i don't stick by. in fact i did not use one word that you did not call me to begin with. everything i stated is a fact based on my experience and if you didn't see it or didn't notice its because you weren't helping out those in need. you probably skipped over all of the posts people made asking for help as did 95% of users in that sub. i meant no harm and i would have no problem telling a person who didn't know how to do research or use a search engine properly that they suck at doing it. so i really dont get what you are so offended by. you really do have to be one of the most hypocritical people i have ever encountered though. you are a joke and if you hate it here so much why do you keep coming back? leave i am sure no one will miss you. kindergarten is closed time to put on your big boy pants.

DrogeAnon ago

How are we 'closed off'? We can't post and can barely comment here. As Neon said. We've also barely had time to sleep, in the commotion of trying to get our feet on the ground here, and on the chans. As far as I know, no one's 'ignored' you or anyone. All the messages I've received here have been telling me to fuck off - not something I give a flying toss about but funny, nevertheless. Calling us 'shady' and 'divisive' is just more of the usual false accusations we're used to having slung at us.

The narrative going around here seems to be that we're all comped (the usual rubbish) and we're trying to divide the movement - rubbish as well. Go here, go there - do whatever you want. We're not responsible for anyone or anything except keeping a feed of some kind live for people who are interested. We've never been about famefagging so you don't hear about the people behind our sub and general crew except when others slander us with classic fake news half truths and outright lies. We're all Patriots just like the rest of you. We wouldn't be here spending every spare moment uncompensated if we didn't believe wholeheartedly in the message of freedom from Q.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

considering there's 14 of you now why not just sleep in shifts?

Crensch ago

How are we 'closed off'? We can't post and can barely comment here.

Read both of those together a few times.

As Neon said. We've also barely had time to sleep, in the commotion of trying to get our feet on the ground here, and on the chans.


As far as I know, no one's 'ignored' you or anyone.

She literally showed you evidence of that happening, no?

All the messages I've received here have been telling me to fuck off - not something I give a flying toss about but funny, nevertheless. Calling us 'shady' and 'divisive' is just more of the usual false accusations we're used to having slung at us.

That are being slung at srayzie by a mod of yours? Turns out, you fucks ARE shady. Why was it such a problem that your antics were recorded in the public modlogs? Is that why you went to 8ch?

Because if you're used to having false accusations slung at you, there's no real other reason, right? What goats have done shouldn't really bother you, right?

The narrative going around here seems to be that we're all comped (the usual rubbish) and we're trying to divide the movement - rubbish as well.

Says the spokesman for the guys that literally divided the movement? Could have joined up, but didn't... why?

Go here, go there - do whatever you want.

Actions - words - volume.

We're not responsible for anyone or anything except keeping a feed of some kind live for people who are interested.

You couldn't have checked the modlog of the already-made subverse to find out it's safe for you to do that here? Did any of you think any of this through? At all?

You talk about all this time and effort and not sleeping - what the fuck do you even do? Certainly not make a backup plan or even take the time to think through one when you're forced to.

We've never been about famefagging so you don't hear about the people behind our sub and general crew except when others slander us with classic fake news half truths and outright lies.

Apparently NeonRevolt is one of you, and he's a massive fuckup, which really meshes well with the rest of you, I see.

We're all Patriots just like the rest of you.

Words are cheap.

We wouldn't be here spending every spare moment uncompensated if we didn't believe wholeheartedly in the message of freedom from Q.

So are lies about not getting paid.

Welcome to Voat.

DrogeAnon ago


Hand_of_Node ago

Thanks. BTW, saw that place where you deployed the rare correct version of "begs the question". Almost brought tears to my eyes.

Crensch ago

Not many know that correct usage, do they?

Hand_of_Node ago

Back in the day the dumb ones would build their vocabulary by listening to radio DJs. This is worse.

Crensch ago

Text/twit/netspeak ruined 3 generations of vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation.

Rotteuxx ago

Thx but I need a shit load of coffee before getting into this. Loved your post btw.

SandHog ago

Funny considering NeonRevolt is flinging absurd accusations at this board (srayzie in particular) as being tied up in some nefarious cabal with FartOnToast with the 'smoking gun' being an alert for when Q posts. Is Neon a member of your mod team?

I'll ping the mods and maybe this can all get sorted out because it needs to happen. @srayzie @Shizzy @MolochHunter @Crensch

srayzie ago

I’m not saying the people are comped. The reason you can barely comment is because your mods set the CCP up. Mine are at zero. If anything, some of your mods are. Is Neon Revolt one of the mods? If not, he’s vouching for them.

You never got the impression that the mods were compromised? Why does that keep being reported? I stayed out id it because I think people tend to usually think the worst when it comes to mods. But the last couple of days, all they have done is things to cause division. That is not normal. 13 mods? Soooo not normal.

srayzie ago

Which part?

SandHog ago

The part where they pinned the neonrevolt article at 09/14/18 (Fri) 14:32:08. Then he plays dumb here, like 'who us? Causing division?'

Third, I want to address why we didn’t go with /v/GreatAwakening.

MANY have complained that we already had a preexisting subverse on Voat; that we weren’t integrating properly, and were in fact, attempting to divide the #QArmy.

I alluded to this in my previous articles, but now I intend to explain in full why we chose to create a new subverse.

Working with 8ch moderators, and r/GreatAwakening mods, we uncovered a trail of accounts that seem to be coordinating in a massive plan to subvert the Q across all platforms, at every turn.

We believe this group uses a number of sock-puppet accounts mask their efforts, but with a little bit of sleuthing, the patterns became quite clear to us.

And we believe that these deep state actors were ready and waiting for us to fall into their trap at /v/GreatAwakening.

srayzie ago


DrogeAnon ago

Soo not normal here maybe. On Reddit, with 11 to 14k active during daytime and everyone camping NEW so having to try and maintain incoming at all times, it wasn't enough given we're all spread across timezones etc. Neon is not a mod and never was.

I know we are not compromised because we're all always in discussion on Discord, day and night! We check each other's actions via the mod log (on Reddit at least) and questioned any calls we thought were off. Who has done 'things to cause division'?

srayzie ago

Oh nice. You’re a mod!

According to your own words, you said that you’re always together in discussion on discord chat day and night.

So 13 mods for a sub that has less than 7000 subscribers and you all spend day and night together. You are making it sounds like you guys are on a serious mission. A very organized mission. Very interesting. This transparency is screwing up your mission. It has been exposing you guys. Not the people. You MODS...

I really should thank you guys. What you actually did for me was quite beautiful. After you guys passed over my messages offering help and dug thru my stickies and links trying to come up with something that you could use to make me look compromised, using your large dedicated team of 13 “mods” that work together 24/7.... all you came up with was 2 usernames on my ping list seemed fishy? 😂 Now that I’ve calmed down, I’m seeing the beauty of this little operation. Maybe this wasn’t so bad.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Crensch @Kevdude @PlankO

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

maybe I'm jaded because I've seen a lot of doxxing and raids and other ops organized on discord but what he described sounds extremely bad. Discord might just be a chat service but it's involvement in things is very rarely a good thing

DrogeAnon ago

Lol... so this is how you do it? It's a lot of fun watching you work!

No digging thru stickies. No ignoring your messages. We all got too much more important things to do, sorry bud. If you'da messaged, I'da answered. No one in their right mind would call what we do 'organized' but have fun with that little story xD. At best, we're passionate and we care. Like you claim to, as well! We're all Patriots, right? WWG1WGA right? Right?

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'The Mods Here And Their Inner Circle Are A Bunch of Liars - Change My Mind' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @kneo24:

They would claim that "no one in their right mind would call them organized".. Like you, I agree with your assessment that they are organized. But, you see, you might see this them being humble, I see it as them trying to downplay everything they've done here so far - not as an act of humility, but trying to fly under the radar as much as they can hope to do so.

For the record, I don't think they're compromised, I think with they just enjoy control, and with ties to NeonRevolt, also like Money. With control, it's easier to get money.

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SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'OK we need to talk about the shill Mods from GreatAwakening' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @kneo24:

You know...

This brings up a point. They have stated that they're in their discord 24/7. The only reason to do that is coordination, but before that, the parent of this thread chain claims:

No one in their right mind would call what we do 'organized' but have fun with that little story xD

Coordination in context of what is going on here takes some level of organization. They constantly speak out both sides of their mouths.

@crensch @trigglypuff

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(Ref #97)

srayzie ago

Yes, you had to be clicking on my links to find my ping list. I reached out several times to help you guys. One out of 13 would have saw that.

Oh you know what I mean by “organized”. 😉 I don’t mean uncluttered.

Yeah pretty passionate for all of you to be on discord 24/7 to talk about such important topics like, what users should be banned and which posts to delete next.

Yes, I am a true patriot. You’re very welcome that I reached out and tried to help you guys and treat you like family. Feel free to tell the 12 other mods hanging out having a midnight snack break in the discord room, plus your leader Neon Revolt, who must be writing his next hit piece on us, that I’ll be patiently waiting for an apology. WWG1WGA!

DrogeAnon ago

Great! We're all fellow true Patriots then! Thank you for your warm welcome and I can assure you we really feel so much like family! It's wonderful how you pretend my words meant that we're all so dedicated we're all up 24 hours - that's a next level hidden compliment I must say! : ) I wasn't aware Neon Revolt was our leader or even affiliated with us but thanks for informing me! Admittedly, I need to go and look up what a ping list is and why we'd click on your links but I just know it must be important!

It's easy for everyone to see how genuine your statements about "Q family" are by the sincere way you've taken me at my word and reached out in the truest spirit of reconciliation! Thank you, friend srayzie! Let's make this a regular "thing"! WWG1WGA!

Shizy ago

I think some of you scarcasm dripped on me.......I hope it's not contagious!

@srayzie, you really tried to help the new people. You were even genuinely excited and happy to have them here. How those mods attempted corralled their "people" off away from us Q followers here. Then neon Revolt's backhanded hit piece on you and the GreatAwakening sub was just low down and dirty, but a backhanded attempt to further keep people away she were venturing off their plantation.

You did you best. They made their choices.

Crensch ago


That's ALL they found. After their digging, that's it. 2 usernames on a ping list. 24/7! DISCORD!

And somehow this username didn't catch your multiple messages to the mods and NR?

Fucking well played, srayzie.

srayzie ago

Thank you. That didn’t hit me right away. After I calmed down is when i thought.... wait a minute.

Crensch ago

@DrogeAnon, you might need this.

MolochHunter ago

Im unclear how you can claim, in any capacity, that there isnt some degree of compromise in the Reddit refugees given Reddit axed every god damn sub that fights political corruption

To me its exactly like open borders. 500 000 genuine refugees will move over the border, and the globalists will hide their 30k jihadis inside that group. EVERYONE, native voaters and reddit refugees should PRESUME a level of compromised infiltration attempt here (this is why Srayzie has exclusively added long term voaters here as mods so you can check our full history of posting )

what's silly is you identifying yourself as / with a large block of people

you are an individual coming over from Reddit. There's only so much you can vouch for anyone else coming over - and if you re-read Srayzies post, she isnt maligning you as a collective block of people, she's just defending her reputation against individuals within the block who have slandered this sub without the first courtesy of correspondence

SandHog ago

You have done nothing but cause division. Both on reddit and now here. This is pinned on your fucking 8chan board from early friday afternoon.

SandHog ago

Haha, yeah I've been following it. See my post where I pointed out he is lying about causing division?

So history lesson:

Droge is the little cunt troll that got promoted to mod on r/GA by HowIonic. Caused a mod split that's where FartOnToast comes in. He was another mod that objected to Droge being modded because he was a troll that dumbass HowIonic was SURE she could 'reform' by modding him. Dumb bitch. Eventually Fart stepped down and made a new ga sub because people were getting banned and flaired as 'untrusted' by Droge and HowIonic. RonaldSwanson is another twat. I think the whole lot of them are merch monsters at best maybe lefty fags at worst.

srayzie ago

Dang. So you’re all familiar with it. Nice. I’ve been reading so much that I can’t keep track... so do you think the attack on FOT was a lie? Do you think the mods were/are comped?

Palindromedan ago

I was on the r/GA board from 3k subs. I lurked for a long time before joining. Things took a SERIOUS downhill turn around the time the FOT/DrogeAnon BS started. FWIW that sub had on average 6k active, and at the most 11k a COUPLE of times near the end. They can say what they want but I personally had my Q drop post taken down for some bullshit unknown reason. They can say what they want about boo hoo can’t make everyone happy about the content but I posted a link to Q’s most recent drop and they flagged it and took it down. I had beat out the resident fan favorite u/Immaduck and they took my post down and Immaduck reposted it. It’s not about my ego or getting credit it’s about the Reddit mods being bullshit. HowIonic never legitimately addressed users concerns that she placed a troll in a mod position. It was just “tough shit”

SandHog ago

Funny that you mention Immaduck. I had a user message me, someone I would occasionally chat with, about that very same thing happening to them. Same tactics are employed on td. Mod alts get most of the stickies (think John Crissy) to build up rep and visibility in the community so there is no chance of them outting the mods subversive actions. Slimy cunts.

Palindromedan ago

@sandhog What a pack of fucking assholes

SandHog ago

Yep. I noticed it after I would be the first to post some breaking news and then 10 minutes later someone else would post the same thing and get an immediate sticky. Started looking at post histories on some of those accounts and they never made any comments and every single post they made had thousands of upvotes. Every single one. Talking about td specifically here.

Palindromedan ago

@SandHog I wasn’t on TD but I know what you’re saying. Things really got bad on GA after the first big MSM push. A lot more interest, a lot more subs. That’s when I started seeing assloads of mods, ridiculous censoring and then “favored” posters like Immaduck getting stuff stickied left and right. I was literally on my way out - had quit visiting the board when Reddit took it down and I was like good fucking riddance.

SandHog ago

It went from really good to really bad, really fast and it all centered around one person. I stopped posting there a week or two after the split because it turned to complete garbage. Reddit was intentionally designed to foster fuckery. There is no mod accountability at all. People can't even tell when their posts are hidden unless they know what to look for. So marketers and politically-driven ops have free reign. Probably half the stuff over there is promotional in nature.

Palindromedan ago

@sandhog, I had no idea they were hidin posts! That explains a lot though.

SandHog ago

You can't really tell unless it's your post or you commented in it and then went back and checked up on it. That whole site is AIDS. Hiding shit is the norm across the entire site.

Palindromedan ago

@sandhog Glad to be done with that shite.

SandHog ago

I think neonrevolt is full of shit about all of this. Looks like FOT addressed his side of it. From what I saw FOT didn't do anything wrong (he stepped down as mod in protest of Droge) and he had evidence whereas the other crowd suppressed it and banned some people for going to the splinter sub early on. They also tagged some people with 'untrusted' flair that I didn't think appropriate based on my observations between the two subs.

As far as them being comped I don't know. I do know they acted shady there and throughout the transition period here and I don't trust them for a minute based on the things I have seen. Droge coming in here and playing all innocent like he dindu nuffin is ridiculous. Why do they still feel the need to constantly fuck around in a private discord? Everything about it stinks to high heaven. They are just carrying reddit psyop shit with them by doing this stuff. Why are they coordinating attacks against this place? Whatever the reason is it isn't beneficial to anyone outside of themselves and it just fractures the community as a whole. It's like they are trying to set themselves up to be Q Generals or some shit.

srayzie ago

Oh the Droge I’m talking to? Wow.

SandHog ago

Yeah. Shame I didn't keep a detailed record of their shenanigans like I did with td. This post getting removed over there kind of annoyed me though.

srayzie ago

Lol yep.

Crensch ago

Soo not normal here maybe.

Where speech is free?

On Reddit, with 11 to 14k active during daytime and everyone camping NEW so having to try and maintain incoming at all times, it wasn't enough given we're all spread across timezones etc.

Wouldn't need that much if you'd stop curating content to fit your narrative.

Neon is not a mod and never was.

He sure writes as if he is one.

I know we are not compromised because we're all always in discussion on Discord, day and night!

"I know my group isn't comromised because I talk to my group."


We check each other's actions via the mod log (on Reddit at least) and questioned any calls we thought were off.

"Our internal audit of ourselves has come up with zero leads on mods being compromised."

Who has done 'things to cause division'?

You. Your very first act here. Your hiding yourselves away. Your acting like you aren't in someone else's home. Your deletions and bannings that you thought you could hide.

And now your really really pathetic showing of humanity here trying to argue your position instead of admitting complete fault, shutting up, deleting your subverse, and posting what you want people to see to the one that was here when you got here.

Literally everything you've done has been divisive and shady.

aekotra ago

Neon literally has a blog post where he tries to lay claim to the word "cabal" and how he was solely responsible for popularizing the term. What more do you need? Ignore this chuckle fuck.

Alice89 ago

This is so true lol

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Lol. He’s said quite a few things like that.

NellerBean ago

Appreciate Neon's decodes sometimes but in general, since he came out with that temper tantrum that things aren't happening fast enough (plus the merchandise) and now pointing everyone to a totally compromised "we'll censor you at every turn" sub, I take everything he says with a grain of salt and now just watch and wait to see if he turns out to be another AJ.

13846599? ago

It's sad that you even have to do this.

srayzie ago

I know.

13846734? ago

Who are the two users? I bet @fuggbennis is one of them, was u/fuckpenis taken?

fuckpenis ago

was u/fuckpenis taken?

It is now!

MolochHunter ago


13847076? ago

It's such an intimidating user name. It reminds me of a singularly focused drunk girl at a bar

Voopin__Voopin ago


CokeOrPepe ago

The Q saga continues... I trust you.

srayzie ago

That means a lot to me. Thank you

ordinarymike ago

Glad you are here doing what you do, srayzie. We need more like you out here. thanks.

srayzie ago

Thanks <3

DanijelStark ago


You are doing perfectly great ... and as a former member and contributor to The Great Awakening on Reddit , I can say you have MUCH bigger heart , and mind , than all the mods that were on GA board there together , and now on "the awakening" . Also , thats a VERY low blow from Neon Revolt , I havent expected they would fall so low and go AGAINST everything that Q and Q movement actually is - exposure of truths , freedom of flow of information , true unity through being unified within , individual research .

The former GA mods dissapointed me with their behaviour - and yes , I read and commented on your first message to all the "refugees" from Reddit here - and thats what made me choose only one group / subverse to be in . The one with much bigger hearts and minds .

I havent even had any problems with "the awakening" group here ... but if theyre so forgetful about what Q is all about - then I have nothing to do there .

SemperFortis99 ago

Fuck an egg right! WWG1WGA! THOSE MODS...over there have ego trips or are just shills!

srayzie ago

I’m gonna give you this ribbon 🥇 for being my favorite commenter of the day lol. Thank you! ❤️

@shizy don’t be jealous. I love you too haha

DanijelStark ago

Haha , thank you ...

Keep doing the great work . We are all here together to reach the "critical point" as truths outpour into the public ... from that point on , there is no stopping or even slowing it down . And that is literally weeks or even days from now .

I do not have much respect for those who conveniently "forget" what the Q movement is . After reading this about Neon Revolt , it surprised me even more ... but it only made me more decisive to burn some bridges and do not look back .

I will support those who show respect , who are honorable and uphold the true qualities and freedom ...

goatboy ago

You wanted the [D]!

yougettogotogitmo ago

@srayzie your posts are the reason I found greatawakening and avoided the reddit mods fuckery. Thank you, I have found your subscribers incredibly kind and welcoming and they provide a great venue for debate which is imperitive. Thank you for what you do here and thank you for your warm welcome of us refugees. We are truly grateful to get the chance to know another branch of our Q family.

SerialLarper ago

Thanks for your work @srayzie

PacaGoat ago

Ma'am, I appreciate what you do. have posted over and over, both here and /vtheawakening that all of this is what our enemy wants....division. I have found tone deafness and in one cause caustic reply. I've been here a few months, at the reddit sub and 8Chan and on Gab. I have been floored by the arrogance of some people. As if we are the real thing and you're not. I always knew Voat would be the refuge but I hoped we could all just assimilate. I am also floored that no one from there ever attempted to preplan their move to here and get things in order to ensure a smooth transition. And work in harmony even before this happened. Laying the ground work. After all We do (supposedly) have a common cause. I for one am geting done with talking. I'm just gonna do what Q wants us to do. Enlighten the world and bring change. Here is how I view folk that purport to support Q. How many times do They say "I, me, my." instead of we. view such with caution. And stop trying to please folk that aren't listening. Do what you have to do to keep this sub working with the help of your helper mods. And enjoy a nice cuppa of Covfefe. Two scoops 😉

SemperFortis99 ago

Well... I am a Squid. ...I require 10 scoops, before I walk out the door! Please realize that the some of the main mods are comped! Their unprofessional attitude led to not reading the rules of /v/, which caused most of their users to not meet the required 10 llc. Their actions (Mods) are not professional! Oh and I am talking about /v/the awakening!

PacaGoat ago

Glad to met ya squid. I'm also a squid. And yeah, I don't know if their mods are comped but I do find it odd that NO ONE prepared for what everyone knew was coming down. None of this should have happened. So.....there's a dead cat on the line somewhere.

SemperFortis99 ago

Glad to meet another Squid! Or a bird! I was a potential ' Brown' shoe! I just don't trust NeonRevolt anymore...sad! But he outed himself!

PacaGoat ago

I'm very cautious. Talks slit about how many followers he got off all of this over on Gab. I wondering if he is in it for his own gain. And yes sad. White shoe USS JFK

SemperFortis99 ago

Sir/Chief, I have followed NR for a while. He will belittle anyone that disagrees with him. Before I started my rant, I reviewed ahead, the comments, and there it was. There is always a lot of well thought out logical statements, then whimsical proofs, to drive home his opinion. Just talk of a used car salesman, who is a master of bait-and-switch! VQ1

PacaGoat ago

I do see that. Not impressed with it either. To many are still steeple and follow blindly along cause you know, celeb.VA46

SemperFortis99 ago

Yes, there is not a lot of critical thinking, sometimes, going on! Quantity doesn't always equal quality! I see that you, most likely, experienced higher 'G's then me. “Vincere Vel Mori”

PacaGoat ago

Reposting mostly from others I do my own research and make up my mind. There are plenty of resources out there. Well.....not to many. Lol, not as had as Dilbert dunker 😏

SemperFortis99 ago

Sir, there is quite a bit, but, most times, time is of the essence. Then you go to subs or chans, thinking it maybe more efficient. No...too much deflections or distractions. Conclusion: Always do your own research. Seek out quality discussions to expand new enthusiasm! Repeat!

PacaGoat ago

I do that. I go to here, normie news sites the Chan's and post them on my gab channel. Same name. I have been holding off for now posting on here. For now. To be honest I am trying to dig on a 2013 news article. Lyndsey Graham WARNING about nuke attack at the same time Obama moved 3 nukes from Texas in a dark op. No sign off. So I'm lurking and keeping my few owers over there updated on deeper news and digging. If I only hand two more arms. Lol PS a possible nuke was detonated and a general fired. Think he refused to comply with obama

SemperFortis99 ago

That is an important dig! A local paper maybe key.

srayzie ago

3 scoops!
Thank you

Crensch ago

I'm glad you got this out. Those guys are fucking niggers, and I hope Q outs NR AND the R-mods.

NotTheMeanest ago

You should be proud of how you have handled yourself!! I read and appreciated a number of things you wrote in /theawakening and here as well, and I think you have been as transparent as possible for an anonymous forum!! ThanQ!!!

srayzie ago

Thank you! Xo

TirsohCartoons ago

I want there first. It was a horrible experience. I found this, and it was far better. Shame on neonrevolt for sewing division. None of us would be here if we did not feel it was well worth our time. They can run their sub into the ground or turn it around. Does not matter to me. We can focus on Q and research here, rather than crazy stuff that only distracts and gets in the way. That is just fine by me.

SemperFortis99 ago

Neon Revolt has just showed his/her true colors....either someone selling out or a shill! Neon Revolt, how dare you trying to call out FartOnToast (FOT)! FOT is a true Patriot! Your nothing but a PAYTriot! Go back to sucking Corsi's dick... yah SHILL!

srayzie ago

I’m gonna pretend to not be laughing at that Corsi comment. 🤭

SemperFortis99 ago

Yes, but I can hear you from here (Central Florida), Ma'am! US Navy Sailor, 'waiting til I see the whites of their eyes'!

nzmc ago

@srayzie i like what you did with this voat, we have a queen as a mod which is interesting social experiment after all failed cbts_stream and other reddit creations wish you luck with maintaining all of this ! 😇

srayzie ago

Thank you so much

Azurulia ago

If people demand or even push for mod for something as important as this movement, that should be a HUGE red flag, imo. Those aren't people who want to contribute, those are people who want power. Who have an agenda or want to feel special in some way or be in control. These are the last people that should ever be given mod status if you ask me.

I think you are being very responsible with your approach. You are aware of the gravity of the situation, and as Q says, "THIS IS NOT A GAME!"

I don't know what exactly is going on over at the other awakening board, but from what I have seen, it's a real mess. It also has a lot of mods. That a lot muddies accountability. Controlled opposition is a thing, as we have very recently been given a demonstration by Alex Jones. These sorts of people know how to play their cards, to censor just the right things and people as they show up that can prove to be a real threat to their hidden agenda.

A compromising threat like that must be avoided at all costs. All it takes is one insider to bring the castle down. Something those running the subreddit didn't take serious enough.

With that said. This board has been around for a while, before any of this reddit banning went down. It's already been established and run by someone who is clearly responsible and knows wtf they are doing. I trust this place waaaaay more than I do the other board, and if power hungry control freaks have a problem with that? They need to take a look in the mirror and ask themselves "Why am I really here?"

This is big than anyone one person. This is bigger than any one group or even multiple groups. This is a WAR, and we have been forced to retreat and regroup. If you feel the need to make things about yourself in such a critical time as this, then the movement as a whole is probably better off without you in it anyway.

srayzie has her shit together here is clearly prepared (or at least ready lol) to help us who have been displaced. In my opinion, this should be the board we primarily us for the foreseeable future. It's clean, it's positive, and we know it's secure for the time being. And that is more than we can possibly ask for in such a pivotal time.

We were kicked off an entire platform. Nobody is going to get to have everything the way they like it, that's just how it is. Let's count our blessing and make the most of things.

srayzie ago

Thank you. It’s very creepy. I could see one of them changing tactics depending on my responses. Too bad for them that many of us already know what the deep state pulls and what to watch for.

Steelerfish ago

And that statement, Srayzie, is the reason to have faith. You don’t receive flak if you’re not over the target. Thanks for your hard work.

Azurulia ago

Right. The hearings for Bret Kavanaugh have been a very clear display that they have absolutely no shame and will stoop to any low that it takes to regain power.

Complacency is our biggest security risk. If anyone here thinks they won't bother with a small board like this, they are very wrong. The Reddit purge has mad it very clear that Q is not only a legitimate threat, but a very big one. They won't give us any time to catch our breath.

So better stay safe than be sorry.

MolochHunter ago

i know, rite? the stupid cunts are going through Kavanaugh's yearbook saying 'what does this comment imply?' 🤪

Azurulia ago

They are so desperate that it is just pathetic to watch.

Dyamba ago

You have my utmost respect and gratitude for what you are doing. Keep standing tall! <3

srayzie ago

Thank you! <3

srayzie ago

Thank you. Well said.

QualityShitposter ago

Agreed. Do I still get snuggles for upvoats?

Shizy ago

Excellent post @srayzie! It just really sucks that you had to make this. It didn't have to be this way, but we will just keep moving forward and embrace all the new people who didn't blindly follow along and made their way here!

srayzie ago

I know! Thank you Shizy

SandHog ago

I think that they wanted to cash in on the Q phenomenon and turn it into a merch/click farm on Voat. That sort of shit happens on youtube all the time. Channels will network together and support each other while attacking any competition for eyeballs when it comes to their niche. It's possible that they are simply retarded and inept but I think that's a stretch at this point.

Everything they did pointed towards compartmentalization and isolation. Then a bunch of different platforms pointed to it. More scrutiny would be advisable.

JackBeowulf ago

NEON ? maybe, but i know this when he first started it was small and he had good written articles. Decent message and ton of his/her time. The merchandise was to make money to pay for site and upgrades for when they came after the site and crashed/doxxed them ? ect.. I'm sure you know it costs $$$ to do good sites.

as far as trying to control the regular people that read and follow NEON's writings, I can't speak for all of them, but most of us follow his site as lurkers and use his writings to help decode Q and use it to compare with the other stuff. It helps, the style and info given out there is good. as far as ego, who cares, everyone has one.. so just like life don't let everything be a zero sum contest. heck us regular Reds also follow SB2/sundance/medic/and others.. its a tree with plenty of leaves. If regular citizens wake up; IMO it doesn't matter who did it. Now i don't speak for that site or any of them, JMO.. they are good people and mean well.

One observation for VOAT, you people here are UPTIGHT... free speech, free speech, lol.. I sure hope i didn't crack any heads or make you miss a plane. LOL, or was I MEAN to you at the airport, or a funny that day and out you on the NO FLY. This is going to be fun.

PS - I'm retired now so yes i can talk some shop, but not too much as my family still works at TSA too.

Drain0 ago

Isn't @neonrevolt (<-- That's a link to his Q merch) the exact type of person that Qanon warned about in 1295

robertawearefree ago

What i wuz just thinking!

robot7247 ago

He's getting rich off that marginal swag, it's weak.

DawnPendraig ago

What about the hidden crypto miner in his qclock app?

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Doubt he's getting rich lol

JackBeowulf ago

agree, not getting rich.. IMO, he/she only started selling to raise money to pay for his site and bandwith/expenses and everything. that site was attacked and went down, banned ect. so they had to rebuild and i'm sure it was expensive,.. some of you are attacking without all the facts. Heck just go over and ASK, wht about you and shirts. i kind of think its okay, capitalism at its truest form. I don't think NEON has a G/Soros backing so they had to come up with some way to pay expenses. i'm not shilling for them because i know them. i;m just saying, get all the facts..ASK, see if you get an answer.

CaptnObvius ago

shekels is shekels

robot7247 ago

Fuck, edited for a typo an took out not. More coffee needed.

GranimalSnake ago

No one legitimate should be selling Q merchandise or profiting from Q.

The truth is free for those willing to learn.

LaeliaPurpurata ago

Okay--I'm beginning to see THE LIGHT now!! I have read his posts sporadically, and saw that he sells the shirts and a small (?) went off in my brain, but I just ignored. But you are absolutely right!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Many say that

No one legitimate should be selling Q merchandise or profiting from Q.

The truth is free for those willing to learn.

then attack others or make false claims while pandering after these people who sell merch and have a Huge following,

Yet those who attack legit people making their own income always are well protected and allowed free reign. Just how it is.

This world is Filled with these dichotomies because the Great Deceiver operates best with mass confusion and no real foundation of guidelines. It's a field day for him.

We were told it would be this way. No one is trustworthy, no subs completely genuine, We all have to gut it out and hope to interact with the true Good ones once in a while. They do come along.

Always vet your own info and never trust Anyone.

Genuine Truth is Extremely unpopular because it doesn't stroke people's ego and in telling it you are generally hated and reviled.

Those with something to gain always rope in people who "think" they are not played or believe they understand how the enemy works. This is just the virtual world. Wait till the Reality is unleashed on a population who believes they "have a grip," and don't know the First thing about Real Warfare, preparation and security. I don't so this lightly. I feel very bad for these people who are so fooled and enchanted by popular people rather than cold hard facts.

That's just the simple truth of it.

When you engage on a platform that only has rules to suit certain people. . .it's actually anarchy.
What I have learned is. . .we are all free to engage or Not engage and must accept the fallout.

I do agree with your statement, the funny thing is, others who have stated this. . .Always show otherwise with their Actions!

What live in One crazy upside down plane of existence!

GranimalSnake ago

Strange times indeed.

pilgrimboy14 ago

Truth is free. Shirts aren't.

think- ago


SandHog ago

There is no transparency from the reddit mod squad because they don't want to be transparent. That should tell anyone with half a brain everything they need to know. Personally, I think NeonRevolt is on the mod team based on how he phrased certain things in that article. I can't help but wonder if this is him.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

So they're up to 14 moderators now. Christ.

MolochHunter ago

who moderates the moderators then?

SandHog ago

Merchants gonna merch.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Yes! Come on in Mr.merchant, Lets just iron out the legalities a bit:

Credit to @drselfappointed

DrSelfAppointed ago

I get the warm and fuzzies when my memes get used

SandHog ago

It's like going to the dentist but a lot more fun!

Hoonsuit ago

Thank ya @srayzie for your posts, I look for them all the time. The ones annotated for newbs are right up my alley. Please keep up the good work, it's appreciated.

srayzie ago

I love to know that people actually look! Thank you

ChoiceFathom ago

I haven't been very active on this site, but have lurked since the start. I imagine that having all this bullshit dumped on you out of nowhere and the responses you've had to deal with, and asshats actually demanding to be mods... hasn't been fun. You've handled it well the way I see it. We should all be banning together. We have the same goal. WWG1WGA!

srayzie ago


BuilderAnon ago

How the frame job worked.

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

Why are 8chan mods going along with creating a safe space on their site? Is 8chan compromised too?

SemperFortis99 ago

8chan, is not playing follow the leader. We, as Patriots, must decide who to follow! Neon Revolt is not to be trustrd! Lots of logical ideas, in the beginning of NR post, but a lot of fluff and personal predictions, after words! This format has become popular, but only distracts from 'Q's message! Many long winded analysis can be, either, true or false! Always analyse the content and never take anything at face value!

Seakiss ago

Well praying medic thinks Q had planned for this.. Owner of 8 chan is ex military and on d side and they have built it up to handle the influx.

C_Corax ago

'Praying medic' as in the Twitter user? I had Twitter set up to update me on every mention on Voat yesterday and I ran across him/her(?). It did not strike me as an informed person if I'm honest..

This is a picture of Fredrick Brennan aka HotWheels btw. The guy that made 8Chan and one of the greatest proponents of free speech in the digital age. I think both @Atko and @PuttItOut would attest to him being an inspiration in creating Voat.

Unfortunately Brennan had to pass on 8chan a few years back, health/time/money issues I presume. It's not been the same since is all I can say.

MolochHunter ago

id give him another look. praying medic is pretty forensic and dedicated

C_Corax ago

Fair enough, I'll have another look. I did come across some exceptionally retarded people so I might have mixed things up a bit.

LurkMaster ago

I wonder this too. Why is 8chan doing this?

Dobs60 ago

Stand your ground. Do what you know is correct. Shills will abound. They want us divided. WWG1WGA. Oh, and thank you for welcoming this wandering old fart who has very little social meda experience.

Lakotas ago

As long as everyone stays off my lawn, then I will be perfectly content here. ;)

madhatter67 ago

You'd be surprised how many old farts there are on voat.... That's why we're so grumpy!....reddit is for the kids ;-)

JackBeowulf ago

hard to believe that, seems like a lot of Millennials and 13 year olds in here. To me it does.

robot7247 ago

Old fart reporting for duty.

madhatter67 ago

Welcome patriot ....we pretty much are Reddit's ornery old uncle here

Dobs60 ago

I here tha... Oh had to turn up my hearing aids(lol). I here that. i am not just grummpy but social media ignorent. I think us old farts understand truly what it means when we say WWG1WGA. Even when we dissagree, even more so

srayzie ago

Good to have you old fart

Dobs60 ago

Glad to be here

WanderingTaurus ago

I have been a mod back in the day- It is virtually impossible to know what everyone's true intent is when they join a forum, especially only over a short amount of time and they are not going to lay out all the cards on the table always and say "Hey, I am here to fuck shit up" and will often blend in, get to know the folks, pretend to be a part of the group and then infiltrate.

I haven't seen the video by Neon, but you even putting this all out here puts you ahead of other mods of subs I have been in over the years in various places.

SandHog ago

The nice thing about Voat is that the mod logs are publicly available to everyone so it's much easier to spot any mod fuckery.

MolochHunter ago

indeed. Intersectional Patriotism is the last fucking thing we need

SandHog ago

That's some funny shit right there.

WanderingTaurus ago

Well, people are either for free thinking or they are not. It shouldn't take an online persona not personally know to us (in general) making a comment to make up our minds on any issue. WE should be coming to our own conclusions on everything based on information/evidence from various sources (not just one due to bias).

This whole movement is still just proving that in the end people are still sheep and are not fully committed to sticking to their own convictions due to FOMO.

MolochHunter ago

I'm not sure the successful distractionism (if thats a word) is inherent in the knowledge of the body of evidence regarding the corruption needing to be cleansed.

Its more just a case of people losing sight of the real fight in defending their honor, reputation and ego constructions

GoodGodKirk ago

I've said it before, NeonRevolt got me back in June with the dates "the happening" should occur. Nothing happened, he just stirs the shit and gets people hyped up over nothing.

Something wrong?! Oh, it's new information presented and I'm only human with the ability to change opinions.

Get the fuck out of here, this last post of his is the final straw, he's a fricking shill selling Q shirts and trying to make a quick buck. Fuck him.

robot7247 ago

qmap is the intake for v/theawakening shitshow though, is the source.

Hand_of_Node ago

I don't know those people, but their behavior seems sketchy.


Who cares what neon thinks. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone. How long did it take you to write this post? IMO you wasted your valuable time when you could have been doing something else. Quit trying to be such a people pleaser. If Mr. Revolt doesn't like this sub then he doesn't have to come here. 🙂

srayzie ago

Because if I didn’t say anything, people would say I must have been guilty. Plus, if they don’t hear the other side, then they will always wonder. If people think that we’re infiltrated, then they go where? To the ones that really are infiltrated. It was worth it.

vintagedaisy ago

Thank you for your transparency and for welcoming us in. For now I’ll keep a foot in both camps knowing that the integrity and honesty of each each will be borne out over time. Best case scenario - both have quality content and honest debate and are just different flavors of the same brand of ice cream. Some people only like vanilla while others can handle the rocky road :)

srayzie ago

I like your way of thinking <3


I see your point.

Hand_of_Node ago

Sounds like an op to destroy the sub. Reddit has a history of replacing mods with their own people. Not saying they did that here, but it sure sounds like everything they did was an effort to break it apart and scatter the subscribers across the internet.

rpn68 ago

Well, there is a gaggle of neckbearded topminds now sworn to eradicate the letter Q from Voat.

Reminds me of when some asshat EverQuest bard would train a bunch of hill giants to the zone, leaving everyone else to clean up the mess...

Skeeterdo ago

Reddit has a history far worse than that. An entire Web of fuckery, subversion, SJW commies and what they call "hate speech."

Nobody...ever..was able to purely discuss Q drops on such a platform because Q implies horrors people can't fathom.

They came to a fucking die hard free speech platform and... worried about shills.

Shills have no power without Truth. You don't have to ban them. They get beaten, their only power is spamming like the slide threads on half chan. We ban spam here. That's it.

This entire thing reeks to shit. And fuck reddit. The boomers and reddit smut came here and saw some crazy shit. I'm still laughing at the experience some of you guys had.

Omegamizzle ago

Your second edit is the point the newcomers (me included but i adapt well) need to grasp. If the insane level of crimes committed by these people can be emotionally trumped by “mean” words during our fight, we are fucked.

Res_Publica ago

Something your whole Q community seems to struggle with. I’m not a Q-ist, full disclosure.

But a lot of people think Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, right? Jesus still hung out with her. And he wasn’t afraid of lepers, or even demons, right?

Words are words. If I say “nigger,” it’s not going to change anything about you to observe me doing that. If anyone is afraid of anything, it’s that they’re afraid me saying “nigger” is going to make YOU a bad person. But only YOU are in charge of what kind of person you are, and maybe I’m not bad, maybe I’m just casting off the shame they use to try to shackle us and keep us walking single file.

Omegamizzle ago

Adapt or die. Thats where the movement right now. Im a 75 percenter on Q. I have a hard time believing all of Trumps issues are on purpose and that theres a bunch of people serving satan....

DawnPendraig ago

OT but re the Satanist angle... Listen to this ex elite banker talk about what he saw as he moved up the ladder. Watch his fear and grief as he describes it.

They think they worship Lucifer - light bringer. Wisdom. They don't tell you what will be required as you gain more power and money. Step by step you get lead deeper until you realize it's too late.

jonnyquest ago

That's not even what it is. I think they're afraid that they're going to LIKE IT when you say nigger. And they're going to want to say nigger. And they just can't fucking deal with that.


It harkens back to the old adage "there are no girls on the internet", this means, that nobody gives a fuck if you are a female because on the internet the only thing that people value is what your argument is. If you are black and your argument sucks, then your argument sucks, it doesn't matter if you are black or not. Same goes for whites, gays, trannies, Jews, Hispanics, Asians, etc. Nobody here gives a flying fuck who or what you are IRL, as long as you support the movement and have something to contribute.

Res_Publica ago

I could say nigger all day long, and if I saw a black guy and a white guy have an argument where the black guy was right, I’d say that nigger was in the right.

Using bad language doesn’t affect my subjective reality.

NotTheMeanest ago

Shills have no power without Truth.

THIS. A gorillion times.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Oy vey!

Enok-Stroth ago

I Don't really know what is going on, and why it seems everyone is so distrustful. Thanks for having us here. I think I will fit in better here. I will still keep my eyes open to most all things Q. But I never been much of a follower of personas. Heck i can barely remember names. I find them unimportant. So long as the content is engaging that is what I go for. Hell I will even read off the wall bat shit crazy talk if the person can actually keep me engaged in it.

JackBeowulf ago

human nature to distrust, built in and when adding life experiences of being screwed over, just adds a layer. I just hope most of the rest of the 300,000 show up.. heck to at least push back on the punks on VOAT. lol...

Keneo77 ago

Thanks, I think the same.

lnsip9reg ago

Hah, I scroll down and find someone who approaches new ideas just like me! Awesome

SnapAwake ago


MolochHunter ago

we occupy a distrustful space. The Province of Distrustia , northern Kekistan

shygrrrl ago

we occupy a distrustful space. The Province of Distrustia , northern Kekistan

But in FreeSpeechLand.

Strelnieki ago

The Marx Bros flick "Duck Soup" comes to mind.... Slavenia & Freedonia.

Sustanence ago

Come on....

You truly expect the average user on voat to have even heard of the Marx Brothers let alone seen the movie?

Good reference though. Have an upvote.

Strelnieki ago

You did! Every dark cloud can have a silver lining.

Sustanence ago

Yeah, but I'm old enough to have seen black and white movies in the wild.

I also have them on DVD. I'm a big fan of both Groucho and Harpo.

Enok-Stroth ago

I'm totally okay with that, don't trust me, and I wont trust you. Always keep grains of salt handy. With each bit of information you consume, don't forget to add the salt.

Don't got to trust each other to engage in dialogue with one another. MoloHunt you got a flag meme ready for The Great Province of Distrustia? We trust that our distrust will lead to salvation.

GoodGodKirk ago

I think there's confusion, which neonrevolt thrives on. It's not about what's right, it's about what's reported.

I bet there's not even a correction from him. CNN like even.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'd like to see a correction. A lot of people follow NR. I don't want to see them follow his lead....down a dead end or out the back door.

Enok-Stroth ago

I haven't really followed the guy, so I can't speak on his character. But from what I seen he has seem to garner quite the following. Anyone with a large backing, automatic definitely don't trust the guy. Doesn't mean he is bad. Just the opinion I hold.

JackBeowulf ago

just asking, why not trust ? if you have not read his stuff ? i know some about profiling and psyops. He isn't too bad and no major alarms from him.IMO. i think they are just trying to be careful and control the damage that happened. and the more that will come. like someone with common sense posted yesterday. a clash of different cultural, or maybe age. I do know this, they wanted to keep the potty mouth PUNKS off theawakening. you can't keep 50,000 to 250,000 people together with that kind of language and personal attacks. Most normal people won;t deal with the immature drama. A suggestion, just an idea. go read some of his post and see if he is a controlled opposition agent, a larp.. then come back and gives us YOUR SKIPPY REPORT. As long as it doesn't come with stupid language, i'll listen and consider. of course if you're like the potty mouth punks tht are closed minded. Never mind.

GoodGodKirk ago

He’s got a few good posts, but they are few and far between. I wouldn’t be so against him if he wasn’t always begging for donations and asking people to buy merch from his store.

NotTheMeanest ago

Yeah, that put me off too, and always with the Gab Gab Gab.

Enok-Stroth ago

I see, well everybody gotta eat. But there are ways not to be a "paytriot" as I've see the term thrown around lately.

GoodGodKirk ago

Sure, you have to get paid, but not off this. Is Q asking for payment? And he’s actually doing something.

NR is the CNN of the Q movement.

Crensch ago

I Don't really know what is going on, and why it seems everyone is so distrustful.

Short version.

Enok-Stroth ago

Thank you, I did already read Neon Revolts little speech. As a matter of fact I saw your post lol. I just don't understand, why the hostility and paranoia. Look we already know that where ever we go there will, be those that are not truly there for the cause. I think this platform is perfect because it allows everybody to actually see what is going on. You know transparency. Why would they just leave so fast from this site? I think people have forgotten what it is like to be in an environment that promotes our rights.

Trying to discern anything after being here for less than a week on who is what is jumping the gun. I have yet to see how either sub will operate when a new drop comes. How can they be so quick to make assertions that they have made. Rule #1 Trust none of these people. But hope all of these people share similar ideals to your own. That's how I've been doing things.

JackBeowulf ago

my bad, didnt see this before the other. still dig deeper if you can stand it and have the time. some good stuff there, especially the early stuff.

TrishaUK ago

Generally in my humble opinion, is that people hightail out of a truthful environment is because they can't take the light exposing them. Think about it, in the light deception and shillary is seen more clearly and obvious to those of us who know the truth! @srayzie

ApoliticalProle ago

The biggest impetus they have for leaving (according to them) is the trolling with niggerkikefaggotjew that is turning some users off. So they are going to go to 8ch instead.

The gore and porn will be filtered, but supposedly not the words or speech. I don't trust any of that, not after seeing what they have been up to these last few days. It will be a curated board on 8ch that will censor damn near everything they don't like. If the mods from /r/GreatAwakening were looking to destroy the Q Anon movement and the credibility of the platforms it inhabits, they are doing an incredibly good job of it.

Crensch ago

Trying to discern anything after being here for less than a week on who is what is jumping the gun.


Politiskep ago

Neonrevolt is a niggerfaggot kike disinfo agent on par of Alex Jones as far as I'm concerned.

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

At least Jones is funny. NR is just dull.

NellerBean ago

Indeed! AJ can be hilariously entertaining. Some months back we laughed so hard when he came back from Hawai'i and did his over-the-top emotional facial expressions with a beet-red sunburned face! Much better than any comedy routine.

GoodGodKirk ago

hear hear.

FeCpig ago

Thanks for the communication!

Wahwahweewah ago

You're doing great @srayzie

srayzie ago

Thank you

NewSouthernBelle ago

New here. GA refugee. Being a mod is tough. I admire the fact that you guys take it on. Thanks for your hard work.

NamelessMofo ago

I second @Wahwahweewah's sentiment. Honestly I'm really disappointed at the way the whole reddit ban thing has been handled. Q himself said they want us divided, and oh look? They're getting exactly what they wanted.

WE HAVE TO STAY UNITED. WWG1WGA, MAGA, Drain the swamp. This is not an easy task, the luciferians, satanists, pedophiles, & pedovores have had decades, even centuries, to entrench themselves and as Bannon said, they are not about to give up without a fight. The only way we can win and restore our nation is through a united front.

I remember studying Lincoln, and as much as he was against the civil war, he fought it because his #1 objective was to preserve the union. He was not willing to allow the nation to break up, because he understood that there is STRENGTH IN UNITY. There have been rumors that Lincoln was part of the 13 bloodlines, but he rejected the bloodlines' plan for America, which was to split the nation into 2 smaller nations so they would be easier to control.


JackBeowulf ago

actually not that divided.. unless the monkey business keeps going. If the drma queens and inter clowns let go of the egos and post just the facts. well then the crowd will decide who and what to follow. IMO, you really don;t want EVERYONE all together on same site. you want some compartmentalization., you want some competition, ideas, facts from the best out there. I'll read them all, and so will most regular people. The regular people won't fall for larp "go jump off bridge " crap. if they see something they don't like, they will move on to other sites/ideas/facts. But IMO, will build up their anger and stand up for principles, values, right, and demand changes.

Skeeterdo ago

I must say, i've came in this sub off and on, even had a few good convos. Dissenters and obvious users shitting on Q weren't banned. They were talked to or downvoated and all was fine.

You have done a good job in my opinion so far.


srayzie ago

Thank you!

libertarianleeluu ago

I've followed Neon for 4 months or so. I was extremely put off by his last 3 articles. I remember v/GreatAwakening from back when r/CBTS was banned. Nothing but respect for the mods here at v/GreatAwakening.

MolochHunter ago

Thanks for the intro, @Srayzie, and well said. Your extension of goodwill to the influx has been demonstrated time and again. Any acrimony is therefore a reflection on others.

Hi everyone, I'll be here all week.

Don't try the shrimp, its putrid

Blacksmith21 ago

It's 'cause @Srayzie won't pop for anything better than gas station sushi.

MolochHunter ago

she gets her Iron Intestines from battering down cunts like us

Blacksmith21 ago

She has the gut of a billy goat.

Stroll down memory lane. Was looking through some of my old research and came up with this gem:

MolochHunter ago

hey wow. I missed that back in the day. Welch's pappy a pedo

Blacksmith21 ago

If I recall right, that was his grandfather. Pappy founded a film production company in 1953 called "Forever Young Productions". Was still a valid NC corporation when I last looked. 65 years later.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm glad you've joined the management team @molochhunter

MolochHunter ago

Cheers mate, I'm just working out how to put the sticky label ' righteous dude' on your username now

srayzie ago

Your intro was pretty rememberable 😂

GoodGodKirk ago

congrats MH, you're flair gives away the promotion!!

Glad it's you.

MolochHunter ago

Promotion ?!?

and here I was wondering what I'd done to deserve @Shizy & @Srayzie 's wrath

GoodGodKirk ago

now you really are a molechhunter, deleting rheir BS posts.

Shizy ago

Haha! You're our Jack Tripper you lucky dog!

MolochHunter ago

how did you know my former identity? who doxxed me ?

Shizy ago

Oh my God that is hilarious!!!! I LOVE me some Jack Tripper!

alcogiggles ago

NEON is shady and isn't very smart. In fact, studying his writing, I bet my life he's probably around 12-15 years old. Remember when EyeTheSpy got caught as a teen living in mommy's basement? He fooled a lot of people. Not me though. These people are stupid.

And another thing, shouldn't NEON be banned from VOAT since he literally broke the rules by instigating an upvoat farm on his blog? Shady.

Commerical_Storage ago

Fuck up ...U catty bitch blouse..why yall so fucked ..NR is ok..Id rather read NR than you what happened WWG1WGA ? nuthin says we have to be compatible ..just patriots..this is about MAGA isnt it? jeeze ya'll need to chill

alcogiggles ago

Shutup stupid. NeonJew did some shady things. His reputation is done. Go back to where you came from before I throw shekels at you and make you do tricks.