dooob ago

Add me ples

srayzie ago

I did

Fun_Crusher_XL ago

Please add @Fun_Crusher_XL - thanks!

srayzie ago

Ok 👍🏻

Bradox ago

please add me as well

Neskuaxa ago

Just to verify, if we would like to attention on something we post, or Q posts, could we use this to notify others of new content here?

srayzie ago

Do you mean on that thread? Or just ping people from that list? If you mean people from the list, it’s people that like to be pinged if Q posts. You can ping 5 per comment. Is that what you mean?

holaymackal ago

add also @holaymackal

please and thank you!

srayzie ago

Ok you’re welcome

11971108? ago

I'm a worthless pleb please ping me too

srayzie ago

Awww lol. Ok I will

fakebabitz ago

Please add me - @fakebabitz

srayzie ago

I added you

Mad_As_Hell ago

Any chance you could add me to the ping list @srayzie?

srayzie ago

Sure. I’ll do that now!

Mad_As_Hell ago

Thank you!

slevin_kelevra ago

please add @slevin_kelevra


Put me on there.

srayzie ago



Thanks man

srayzie ago

You’re welcome DUDE 😎

Synxsynxsynx ago

Throw me on please

srayzie ago

Done, I added you. 🙂

Synxsynxsynx ago


srayzie ago

Wow lol

Drain0 ago

Good ol Porkins...

pessimisticsteel ago

Please add me if you could.

srayzie ago

Ok I will. Thank you.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks Srayzie!

HST ago

I would appreciate being added to this list

srayzie ago

Ok I’ll add you!