WanderingTaurus ago

They are purple due to your own settings and have visited both usernames.

Shizy ago

I love it!

LiberalBitchSlapper ago

You should drop it and move on. I’m not trying to be a dick, but this will perpetually continue. Or is this what you want?

Submariner_SS ago

Don't know about any of this bullshit, don't care! But whatever side you're on just know this, TIC-TOC-TIC-TOK! Time is very short now. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-press-secretary-34/ WWG1WGA!

Mah_Selectah ago

So in all honesty, what’s real and what’s not?

Submariner_SS ago

Got a feeling it's fixin to be elbows and assholes in DC, very soon! Here it is, [DECLASS][20]. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-press-secretary-34/ WWG1WGA!

Submariner_SS ago

"WHAT ARE THEY SO AFRAID OF YOU FINDING OUT?" At this point in the "movie" I really don't see this as a major problem or a roadblock to anything. It's all just part of the script being played out, as it must. Please don't misunderstand, it is good to know who and where these players are coming from in order to understand their motives. However, if they are, as you claim, trying to hide/confuse the truth, then they're pissing into the wind. Nothing they or anyone else post here, there, or anywhere else is going to change what is, and it is what it is. Enough is already known that it cannot be unknown and much more is on the way. The truth, in whatever form, will come out and it will be known by anyone willing listen. Be careful who you follow. Q. WWG1WGA!

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'/v/TheAwakening alreadly have 8 FUCKING PAGES of bans and deletions. Your mods are a bunch of ban-happy niggerfaggots.' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @Hand_of_Node:


There's about a million of them in that post. And all their mods seem to be back.


His buddy or alt made this crazy rant attacking @srayzie and the other mods at GA. I agree it's way beyond trolling. Everything about the "ban" and subsequent move to voat, then splitting off to 8chan, seems like a planned op for some nefarious purpose. You could spend 16 hours per day following all the traces and connections between the different accounts, but that's not how I want to spend my days.

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(Ref #101)

HumanPrimer ago

I think we can safely assume that all discussion boards are going to be infiltrated if not completely controlled by bad actors. It changes nothing really. "The day will come when they want be able to walk in the streets." There is an energetic shift in energy occurring on the planet... caused by us, human beings. Perhaps you have noticed that anyone (like these you have pointed out) who spit out hate, anger, divisive language and fear... well, they stand out like someone lighting a cig in a restaurant and we see them and then politely tell them to put it out. Soon, they will no longer be able to spew their caustic messages. The whole world is watching and so are we... you are proof of that.

Hand_of_Node ago

Obvious shill. What group do you work for?

Cybernetics ago

Which* is the correct grammar.

Hand_of_Node ago

You are correct.

BuilderAnon ago

they use trauma based mind control

I too would like to know how to induce trauma based mind control with my keyboard.

ESOTERICshade ago

@DrogeAnon how come you didn't delete this trash thread? Is this divisive trash thread considered "on topic" for you?


I've seen this tactic a thousand times by progressives. They accuse their enemy of the same crimes they are guilty of. And now look at YOU pushing (spamming) dope posts while accusing others of what you are guilty of. IT IS OBVIOUS.

divine_human ago

OK we need to talk about the shill Mods from GreatAwakening

OK we need to talk about this bunch of crap here.

you are aware that accusing the opponent of what you yourself are doing is one of the favorite DS methods, arent you?

none of your links provide evidence for srayzie shilling. i take it that you know what shilling is?

its what you do here. stirr shit, confuse community, distract attention, create separation.

ok, just wanted to make sure you get that your post content doesnt match the title.

your links show a person who seems to enjoy the use of smear words and be giddy at times. if you dont like it, you dont need to go there, stay here.

on the other hand, those who closely observed r/GA modding over months could see things happening that point to shills on the mod team. or are the power abuses just ego-trips? whatever the motives are, this strategy doesnt work on voat. open mod logs for transparency are priceless.

why not leave it up to people to choose where they want to engage? only 2 Q subs on vote? make it 10. make it sister subs that crosspost and have good relations.

decentralization is necessary, it makes the movement less vulnurable.

this is not a popularity contest. those who so heavily work on dis-crediting the other sub are obviously those who want to control the movement.

just let that sink.

RealAaronSwartz ago

If you don't see this as demonic https://imgoat.com/uploads/2217062e9a/148258.png

I can't help you.

divine_human ago

If you don't see this as demonic https://imgoat.com/uploads/2217062e9a/148258.pngPNG

I can't help you.

ehem... can you please explain what exactly is demonic in that silly chat? thank you for your help.

Shizy ago

That very same screenshot has been used for a few weeks by a group of shills/or bots. They also obsess on the same topics which makes them easy to spot. They also have a tendency to use recognizable names and pretend to be people they are not. Im now certain this "real" Aaron Schwartz isn't who he pretends to be!

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'My reply to NEON REVOLTs REPLY YO ME. Also my thoughts and a REQUEST.' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @Theperniciousjoo:

You tell me, shizy


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showbobandvagene ago

Sorry OP, You say that you started a vegan forum which implies you are a vegan, so therefore, you are mentally retarded, from now on i can no longer take you serious.

SimpleGardener ago


realnstuff ago

You don't even realize that your "decreased" mods, multiplied again. But you know whats right, right? kek

DrogeAnon ago

Thanks for the info.

srayzie ago

Are you still allowed in the discord break room as a J? Why not an M now?

kneo24 ago

Maybe they just wanted a bunch of OJ in here, with a little bit of D on the side.

srayzie ago

I think they have a buffet going on over there...


kneo24 ago

You know...

This brings up a point. They have stated that they're in their discord 24/7. The only reason to do that is coordination, but before that, the parent of this thread chain claims:

No one in their right mind would call what we do 'organized' but have fun with that little story xD

Coordination in context of what is going on here takes some level of organization. They constantly speak out both sides of their mouths.

@crensch @trigglypuff

kneo24 ago

Please fall for the obvious D&C ploy going on here. It would be the final nail in your guys coffin.

SimpleGardener ago

You are welcome.

timurr ago

This voat thing is really a crazy place. :-)

ianrome ago

No kidding, pretty savage.

SimpleGardener ago


qisfake ago

I hope you all know how hilarious it is that a fucking LARP has you all so flummoxed. How do you read that tome much less write it and not think there's a serious mental illness here.

Theperniciousjoo ago

comment has zero to do with the context of the post.

name checks out.

the face of a true bot

RealAaronSwartz ago

Bingo my friend - the more we spot them the more the big lie falls about and we all realise THERE ARE WAY MORE OF US IN AGREEMENT THAN THEY WANT US TO BELIEVE!

Theperniciousjoo ago

haha. right on. just be on the lookout for consensus cracking here as the few seem to have multiple sock puppets. stale psychological tactics imo.

we all miss you, aaron.

qisfake ago

Post is about mod drama/comment is about mod drama

Yes, Q is fake. Sorry if that's difficult for you.

Do you know what a bot is? It's an actual thing not shorthand for "anyone who disagrees with me."

HumanPrimer ago

All you guys need to go to the Jerry Springer board. Childish attacks on people, playground antics. Do any of you have a clue what is at stake in our world? Such arguments are insignificant rants. I beg you all to be civil or be quiet. It is distracting from what is really important and completely unnecessary. Gees. Have I joined a group of kindergarten kids? Please be civil in your discourse. Your rants define you.

VoatsNewfag ago

is this the kind of comment we want to be associated with?

Do you rather want to be associated with the guy, who when told that he's not god, replies with "you'll find out how wrong you are"?


divine_human ago

nice compilation, thanks for the link.

SimpleGardener ago

Well yes I do absolutely. I love good aliens.

Shizy ago

Oh no! You got called a spamming whore (because you are) and suddenly that means I hate God? Do you realize whore is used frequently in the Bible? I do, because I actually read it!

This is a shill post by a shill who has been identified and is butt hurt as a result! You're a joke pal and so is your weak "proof" of the ridiculous shill like accusations!

@srayzie here's another punk claiming we are the same person! @bopper they also mention you, but of course they're too weak and pathetic to actually ping you and deal with you directly. This sounds like an RIPJem aka softspeak alt!

eronburr ago

You're all petty shills looking for attention to distract people from just deciding for themselves.

fuckoff attentionfags

Shizy ago

And yet you felt compelled to insert yourself into the situation! 😂! I actually want the shills to leave me alone, so you can have them.

eronburr ago

It's one thing to walk into a crowd to listen and question, it's another to call people to form a crowd.

Freedom of speech gets lost when people don't stand up for others being silenced. Standing up for that can't be done unless you enter into the mix.

You can sit idly by but watching the shills upvote people into running around, and not trying to clarify truths is what lets them win.

srayzie ago

Oh no! You got called a spamming whore (because you are) and suddenly that means I hate God? Do you realize whore is used frequently in the Bible? I do, because I actually read it!

Oh Shizy 😂 You kill me. I think it’s S. Look at the posts and what their saying. Just don’t give them attention. They have a whole new sub to bug now.

Yes, but we should not say the S name because it seems to make it worse. She can make this her new home. @Bopper

Shizy ago

Good idea! Instead of saying S though, I'm gonna use skank or shit. More fitting! 😂😂😂

bopper ago

Well it's not every day I get this kind of attention, let me savor this.

Is this that Sarah person again?

Hand_of_Node ago

It tacitly admits to being the Sarah person in its reply.

bopper ago

Oh, thanks I didn't see that.

Shizy ago

Sure sounds like it!

SimpleGardener ago

Sarah means NOBILITY something you could never understand because you have none.

bopper ago

Roger that.

kneo24 ago

Sarah spelled with an H is also the Jewish way of spelling it.

SimpleGardener ago

whore - Wiktionary https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/whore Jump to Etymology - From Middle English hore, from Old English hōre, from Proto-Germanic *hōrǭ, from Proto-Indo-European *keh₂ros (“loved”),

SimpleGardener ago

You don't realise the etymology of the word whore is BELOVED and **CHERISHED"

also don't ping yourself to give authenticity to your lying. We all know you run those accounts.

I don't believe Jenny is dead so I am not "RIPjem" that was nothing more than a CIA operation to scare people into thinking they will be killed.

Shizy ago

It means prostitute/promiscuous woman you dumb fuck! Wow you really like shill disinformation!

srayzie ago

Shizy, don’t feed S silly

bopper ago

Is S gay, or what?

Shizy ago

I suspect S is so foul it would take anything that showed an interest! Even smelly homeless people have a shot!

srayzie ago

S leans more along the lines of what you’re into

SimpleGardener ago

Are you a DARPA bot because you sure do sound like one

Shizy ago

Are you mentally retarded because that's how you sound!?

RealAaronSwartz ago

That's exactly what the CIA would want everyone to think. That TRUTH is crazy so it's ignored.

Shizy ago

What are you even talking about? That comment doesn't relate to what has been said. Are you a part of the retarded bot army too? Never mind, I really don't care. Keep talking with your bot buddy