AuthorUnknown ago

"In the end, I feel that RonSwansong is NeonRevolt and that FoT is actually on the same team as RS, all doing their best to splinter and divide us. There are just too many coincidences to just add up to think otherwise."

So... your evidence is that both NR and FoT use the incredibly common chan spelling of the word 'more'?

How exciting!

So, what is your theory about RS talking smack about FoT, (now that you think FoT is on their team?)

Never mind Q. This is totally fascinating. /sarc

Type-o-Negative ago

"You know what is interesting? Both FoT and NR spells the word more as moar."

Oh would you look at that, Voat even thinks its misspelled

Gosh I guess I will help spoon feed this for you. You should be thankful I am sharing my expertise and time with you today.

If you find something interesting, it attracts your attention, for example because you think it is exciting or unusual.

Where you able to keep up this time?

That was the definition of interesting.

There are 2 action verbs and one of them is think, you still with me?

Whens the last time you thought of something and someone nearby turned around and yelled, I "didn't do it and stop accusing me of it."

Are you that mentally challenged ?

Every friggin time, your side does the dumbest shit especially when they thought they had the winning blow, it backfires

Think is not accusing someone -* this the main key objective*

It is a process inside your head.

Did you know thinking is invisible too?

Did you know it allows one to make informed decisions?

Do I need to go over any in of the above, and regurgitate for you ?

Okay good. Now read whole thing from start to bottom. with a little bit more attention

If it gets too overwhelming for you take a 15 minute break as many times as needed.

Are you capable of doing all this by yourself @FartsOnToast ?

I am glad I could help and have a pleasant day.


No doubts from me about that Sir .

AuthorUnknown ago



Oh, the irony!

(For the record, I wasn't saying I was confused by any part of your post. On the contrary, I was sincerely laughing at the circular reasoning within it.)

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'NeonRevolt is RonaldSwansong?' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @Skulati:

I'm still trying to figure it out myself, hence the questionmark, but here is the lead.

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0perationchromite ago

I don't care about your beef with the mods here, nor should you if your true goal is to stop the Fascist take over by the deep state. Here are the facts we came her and was assaulted by trolls and disruptor. The people at your greatawaking board had the voting rights to help clean it up instead many from your board were with the disruptor. The mods have done what they have done to end the disruption. The content here serves POTUS and q mission to red pill the world. As for white hats or black hat. We have learned a white hat can turn at anytime but by doing so they out themselves by there actions. Once you are awoke you can not be put to sleep again

Type-o-Negative ago

I guess you didnt read the post as I was put in the middle of this bullshit. I wish I could call you a faggot, but you are not worthy.

omnipresenthuman ago

Question for the Op . How is the 14 man team comped. Please tell me with details per each mod. I am curious about the proof you have. I personally would not want to work with comped mods. Or any person that may be comped. I have to point out that screenshots are easially faked. Easy to set up discord account and fake conversation. Don't even have to go through all of that. Do you have post links? Archives? Something with numbers. I have a back clone up of r/greatawakening as well as some other specific subs. I am unable to capture all data but I do have a lot . Instead of everyone Pointing the finger at each other. We need to get this shit straight, and move forward. What ever side people are on, this has not been the way to handle things so far. Put the movement before our personal issues. If there are problems, fronting each other off in public is not the honorable way to go about it.. That would be like "dry snitching". People do not want to come to a sub and see a bunch of he said, she said crap. Anybody who cannot respect that and cannot understand why should check their club card. Now you'all got me doing it. Only to get this shit straight. Hate is not what this movement is about. Hate each other someplace else. Take it over to Reddit. Plenty of hate going on there. It does get pretty old after awhile getting accused of being comped. I really don't give a shit. I've never been comped in anything in my whole life. Whatever

Trumpetor ago

Sorry to see you spent so much time on your post.

Type-o-Negative ago

It needed to be addressed for the sake of transparency.

AuthorUnknown ago

What would be great is if all your backstabbing, drama, & intrigue (as well as your amateur doxxing efforts) would disappear... for the sake of transparency, ya know.

Type-o-Negative ago

T _ _ _ _ you sound butt hurt, compile some evidence on this "backstabbing, drama and oooo intrigue." You know what is really funny RonSwan GAVE me all this info on FoT unsolicited in Discord and accidentally doxes himself in the process...You fucking people are stupid, he gave me all the info to make a case. Go talk to Ronnie and ask him why the fuck he did that. Oh yeah, T _ _ _ _ only lives about 160 miles from me. Talk about a small world.

Now, done wasting time with you, be gone!

Sirnotabot ago

The FISA drops and you are playing "who has the bigger penis." .... Qanons don't give a shit about drama so long as we have a place to get our Q fix. That was 8chan and Reddit for me. The mods were compromised ... ok ... we lost Reddit ... it just strengthened our resolve. If mods are being compromised and groups are getting shut down, we're over target. Now there are three places we can go, 2 on voat and 1 on 8chan ... we can get our fix, it's not fucking exclusive to one place. If one gets compromised again ... I don't give a flying fuck, because there are backups ... there always will be. So quit fueling this division bollox ... stop trying to split the community ... I don't care if you are right, I don't care if you are wrong. Both sides have compelling arguments ... but I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ... this is bigger than you and couple of feuding mods. Stop the division ... stop the repeat fucking posts over all three boards while you circle jerk over who the real mods are .... the community don't care. If Neon Revolt turns out to be compromised ... we go elsewhere ... if you folks turn out to be compromised ... we go elsewhere .... it doesn't matter. FFS .... Now I'm fucking ranting when all I want to do is focus on the carnage in DC ... FU.

Type-o-Negative ago

I see projection runs high in your reply.

Sirnotabot ago

Your response shows me you don't have a clue. Asking you to stop with the fucking drama and constant spamming of it on every board as if the majority give a fuck .... is not projection. Projection is accusing someone of doing something you yourself are doing ... I don't think projection means what you think it means. This is bullshit that could be dealt with in one post so the rest of us can focus on what we deem to be important ... it doesn't need multiple threads in multiple communities every day. There's no projection there,

Type-o-Negative ago

Shut the fuck up you little tard, if you want to go baby sit, go back to Reddit fuckstick.

Sirnotabot ago

Great comeback .... Incapable of argument or reasoning, unfit to be in charge of anything. Easily triggered when presented with a fact. "Member for 4 days" tells me to go back to Reddit ... so pretending to be something he isn't, projection, or a sock puppet. Hypothesis - More than likely a virgin still living with parents.

Type-o-Negative ago

Wait, where is the evidence that they don’t do these acts? Got none, that is okay fuckstick, everyone can see through their charades on gaming the voat system (twice!) and looking in the ABOUT section under the mod list of all the actions they took to censor people. Until you can bring some sauce about how they dont divide people (Q mentioned this recently) shut the fuck up and quit with the overplayed saul alinsky tactics fucktard.

Sirnotabot ago

I can't deal with your level of retardation. I can feel my IQ dropping while I attempt to read your responses. You still haven't addressed my points and keep pulling shit out of your ass, putting in your mouth, and spewing it out as if it makes some kind of sense. Let me say it again. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR DRAMA. THE MAJORITY OF QANON DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR DRAMA. WE ARE HERE TO DISCUSS Q DROPS AND QANON. ANY PLACE THAT GIVES US THE OPPORTUNITY TO DO THIS IS OUR HOME. ANY PLACE THAT DOESN'T IS COMPROMISED AND WE MOVE ON. We don't care. Your fucktardary between different groups and mod and boards resulting in dozens of threads and posts of fucktardary is not welcome. FUCKTARDS aren't welcome in any Q discussion. So FOCUS ON YOUR LITTLE CORNER OF THE INTERNET, BUILD IT, PEOPLE WILL COME. BUT THEY WON'T COME TO WATCH YOUR LITTLE MASTURBATION SHOW AS TO WHO ARE THE LEAST COMPROMISED MODS. WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK, AND NOT GIVING A FUCK ABOUT ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE SOURCE MATERIAL AND THE DIGS IS WHAT UNITES US, NOT THE LEVEL OF FUCKING AUTISM AND IMMATURITY THAT SEEMS TO BE PREVALENT IN THE MOD COMMUNITY. THE MASSES JUST DON'T GIVE A FUCK AND JUST WANT TO FOCUS ON WHAT'S IMPORTANT. If you can't get this into your solid fucking head, just fuck off back to whatever board gives you the biggest erection. The attacks on other boards is just cancer ... and you are spreading it. If you have issues, work it the fuck out, or don't ... but keep it limited to one or two threads, and stop fucking spamming.

Type-o-Negative ago

"I can feel my IQ dropping" It wasn't that high to begin with.

Sirnotabot ago

Obvious now that I'm attempting to reason with a child. My apologies. I'll refrain from discourse until you've matured.

Commerical_Storage ago

lol..well said ...WWG!WGA...and keep ya sense of humor ...ya gotta admit ...the mods are fuckin funny!

adogrocket ago

if you read everything you can't be splintered. But the politics is draining energy from important work

WeWillWin233 ago

Think for yourself, be careful who you follow!

chocolatepatriot2 ago

I find it funny that you posted this at

JackHoff ago

So lies, manipulation, deception, and more lies! What's wrong with these assholes?

DrogeAnon ago

This is offtopic - how hard is this?? The topic is Q, not pointless political drama generated by either shills or trolls. We DON'T accuse or care where you go or what you do. We're just focused on managing A feed, not "the" feed. However, due to antics from clowns everywhere - like this sort of finger pointing nonsense - others who are not us are pointing to us as a 'safe place' to go for Q news because we avoid drama, even though people are always trying to drag us into it.

This post will be removed shortly. OFFTOPIC. I'm sure there are a million other subverses that will welcome this post since it trashes us, as usual.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'THEAWAKENING IS BACK TO HANDING OUT USER BANS AGAIN' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from @kneo24:

Go back and re-read what they said.

Have a complaint to make about the mods? We won't remove it (just as we didn't on Reddit) if you put some effort in and actually make it worth people's time to read.

They're a liar about not deleting good faith criticism of the sub. That topic they deleted was a good faith effort, even if they don't like it. It's hard to take them at their word when they delete any and all criticisms of themselves. A sub should allow [meta] discussions. By removing, you only invite people to keep making them.

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JollyFeed ago

Hey DrogeAnon, when are you and the mods going to stop rigging the CCP?? Don't you have other things to focus on, like, not being a hack?

DrogeAnon ago

But... I like being a hack ;_;

JollyFeed ago

Do better.

Type-o-Negative ago

Wait, I bet you were the one that wrote the rules. It is okay, I understand, typing more than two words must be overwhelming for you.

Enjoy the Show - Q

Type-o-Negative ago

Wow someone is triggered, it isnt off-topic faggot, IT CONCERNS THE NIGGERFAGGOT MODS THAT RUN THIS BOARD!

I welcome you to remove it, just confirms what I already said and it will be logged by the mod that removed it and IIRC, you are the top contender on most posts removed log in the ABOUT section on the right side of the board, so the subcribers know who the cucks are. Have a great night, won’t you?

DrogeAnon ago

If, by "triggered" you mean, bored by more sad stories about how we're all comped and etc. etc. etc. zzzzz... then yes, I'm "triggered". It IS offtopic. Read the sidebar and the rules, pal. Where does it say "ontopic: posts about niggerfaggot mods". Here's a clue for you: the topic here is Q drops, not non-Q conspiracy about random anons on internet boards.

Type-o-Negative ago

Why didnt you reply to jollyfeed faggot?

Either You are fucking stupid or you have a reading comprehension issues because I mentioned Q & post numbers though out the whole the research piece. Pretty soon here, I will be able to downvoat you and trust I plan too at every possible turn you fucking slimeball PoS Traitor.

everlastingphelps ago

You're still lazy for begging for CCP. THIS is how you get CCP, not begging for it.

Have an upvoat. (Except you have to post it somewhere that you can actually GET CCP. I think this qualifies to get around the v/greatawakening rules against not starting beefs unless you have sauce to back it up.)

Type-o-Negative ago

Thanks for the advice.