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DrogeAnon ago

This is offtopic - how hard is this?? The topic is Q, not pointless political drama generated by either shills or trolls. We DON'T accuse or care where you go or what you do. We're just focused on managing A feed, not "the" feed. However, due to antics from clowns everywhere - like this sort of finger pointing nonsense - others who are not us are pointing to us as a 'safe place' to go for Q news because we avoid drama, even though people are always trying to drag us into it.

This post will be removed shortly. OFFTOPIC. I'm sure there are a million other subverses that will welcome this post since it trashes us, as usual.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'THEAWAKENING IS BACK TO HANDING OUT USER BANS AGAIN' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from @kneo24:

Go back and re-read what they said.

Have a complaint to make about the mods? We won't remove it (just as we didn't on Reddit) if you put some effort in and actually make it worth people's time to read.

They're a liar about not deleting good faith criticism of the sub. That topic they deleted was a good faith effort, even if they don't like it. It's hard to take them at their word when they delete any and all criticisms of themselves. A sub should allow [meta] discussions. By removing, you only invite people to keep making them.

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JollyFeed ago

Hey DrogeAnon, when are you and the mods going to stop rigging the CCP?? Don't you have other things to focus on, like, not being a hack?

DrogeAnon ago

But... I like being a hack ;_;

JollyFeed ago

Do better.

Type-o-Negative ago

Wait, I bet you were the one that wrote the rules. It is okay, I understand, typing more than two words must be overwhelming for you.

Enjoy the Show - Q

Type-o-Negative ago

Wow someone is triggered, it isnt off-topic faggot, IT CONCERNS THE NIGGERFAGGOT MODS THAT RUN THIS BOARD!

I welcome you to remove it, just confirms what I already said and it will be logged by the mod that removed it and IIRC, you are the top contender on most posts removed log in the ABOUT section on the right side of the board, so the subcribers know who the cucks are. Have a great night, won’t you?

DrogeAnon ago

If, by "triggered" you mean, bored by more sad stories about how we're all comped and etc. etc. etc. zzzzz... then yes, I'm "triggered". It IS offtopic. Read the sidebar and the rules, pal. Where does it say "ontopic: posts about niggerfaggot mods". Here's a clue for you: the topic here is Q drops, not non-Q conspiracy about random anons on internet boards.

Type-o-Negative ago

Why didnt you reply to jollyfeed faggot?

Either You are fucking stupid or you have a reading comprehension issues because I mentioned Q & post numbers though out the whole the research piece. Pretty soon here, I will be able to downvoat you and trust I plan too at every possible turn you fucking slimeball PoS Traitor.