SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'As a long time Voat user I ask my fellow goats to chill with the downvotes.' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @Broc_Lia:

Just fyi here's the context the idiot pasted the entire banlog into the sub hoping the userbase would rise up or something. It was ten fucking posts long, it's hardly surprising he was banned for spammy low effort shitposting.

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Anson ago

cool i blocked those 2 subs today.

Le_Squish ago

You were spamming though, brah...

N3DM ago

"spam" is a pretty vague descriptor

Le_Squish ago

Obviously, I mean the non-edible kind.

N3DM ago

Sure, but these days it can be used to just mean "stuff I don't like", which isn't sufficient for a ban

Broc_Lia ago

Have a look at what he actually posted. He copy pasted the entire banlogs and submitted them as discussion over the course of ten posts. It wasn't like he made a single well worded post criticising the mods, he spammed their discussion with needlessly lengthy copypasta.

N3DM ago

If you want to control how people discuss the sub, create a meta

Broc_Lia ago

He wasn't even discussing the sub though, he was just flooding their front page with copypasta. How is that a discussion?

N3DM ago

Please don't take this as dodging the question, but we can't really have a meaningful discussion about the content and frequency of these posts, BECAUSE THEY WERE DELETED.

You'll have a much easier time making a case with evidence.

Broc_Lia ago

They're all perfectly visible in the banlog, just go look.

MrPim ago

I object to the slagging of Twisted Sister activism. Dee Snyder did a damn fine job testifying to congress.

Pulverizor ago

Fuckin' A. True goat.

MrPim ago

I wasn't even a fan. But Dee brought it and delivered to the front door. Instantly liked that dude.

Broc_Lia ago

I actually kind of agree tbh, those submissions were off topic and pretty spammy.

Inaminit ago

The Mod sez come talk... So talk and quit bitching, why be unreasonable?

theoldones ago

talk and say what? i said my peace in the original post and everything since has been tit-for-tat

Inaminit ago

Well fuck a stump and take your discussion private; Goats don't appreciate whiny niggerfaggotry, Dolt.

theoldones ago

you fuck a stump, i'll hold to principles

GoBackToReddit ago

Looks like they are slowly adding back all their mods as well.


Goathole ago


Broc_Lia ago

Might be the first legitimate ban they've handed out.

Goathole ago

Yeah putt and kevdude were defending them too. I think it's naive to let them off so early.

Broc_Lia ago

Well, they were defending the userbase, which I support.

The mods are clearly shitheads, but this one particular ban was warranted. Praise where praise is due.

Goathole ago

Yeah you're right, Pol Pot did some good things too. Let's celebrate him this year!

Broc_Lia ago

Who's celebrating anyone? I'm just pointing out that OP is full of shit. We don't need to invent wrongdoings for these guys or bait them into (legitimately) banning people, they've already done enough.

theoldones ago

@PuttItOut, i believe just a few days ago you were giving them props for not being so heavy handed in their moderation anymore, yes?

PuttItOut ago

I don't recall that unless you are talking about generic statements I've made about things improving?

MrPim ago

I'm going to go off topic to publicly apologize to you for ping and post spamming you the other morning. It's good to see you active again, which is what I wanted.

PuttItOut ago

I know. I've realized my faults and the criticism was valid. I need to be present and am working on making it so.

Broc_Lia ago

Just to point out, in this one particular case the ban was completely justified. The guy made ten posts copy-pasting the entire banlog into the forum, as if he couldn't just direct people to the link to show them what was going on.

theoldones ago

this whole thing is a dumpster fire that refuses to go out. thank for at least keeping abreast of the situation, sorry to have to ping you :(

KosherHiveKicker ago

Things just started to calm down and now a few of their moderators are firing up the Reddit-Faggotry again?

Broc_Lia ago

Your post was on topic and @DrogeAnon is out of line.

Did you actually read it? Also, it wasn't one post, it was ten.

Artofchoke ago

This could be a unique circumstance, that guy is persistent and volatile. Please make sure you get all the context before making a declaration. <3

theoldones ago

the baby-killer arrives to question our morals, i see

how many children have you helped murder since we last spoke?

Artofchoke ago

Sad to see you have to be so persistent. It could be related to autism - my brother has it. Autism makes it tougher to let go of something - to agree to disagree without carrying a weight of anger and bitterness that spills over into every conversation. Can you see why you might tempt a person to ban you when you behave that way?

You've called me a LOT of insulting things. I'm not following you around discussing it every time I see you. I don't particularly hold your views again you; I just think you're wrong. Do you think you could work on that?

theoldones ago

whatever, baby killer

Artofchoke ago

That's no good faith, Sir.

theoldones ago

neither is the murder of children

d-_-bored-_-b ago

Get a room already guys

N3DM ago

And leg wrestle to see which of your mothers will join.

Vladthepowerful ago

Are you high? That post was so far off topic it stank like @theoldones mom's pussy (I almost couldn't fuck her last night it reeked so that woman a douche for THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS HOLY!!!)

WanderingTaurus ago

Then use downvotes rather than bans. It is that simple. Bans show trying to suppress/hide info. People should be smart enough to decipher shit for themselves, or for fucks sake at least have the opportunity to do so. Quit treating sub visitors as sheep or children!

theoldones ago

you have powermods in that sub. the topic is the powermods. one feature is powermods is they love to ban things that are "off-topic"

hi, drogeanons alt

Broc_Lia ago

They do have powermods in that sub, but being honest for a moment he's completely right. Submitting the entire ban log in sequential posts is off topic and spam.

theoldones ago

"off-topic" my ass. it shows the sheer absurdity this climbed to

MrPim ago

Submitting the entire ban log in sequential posts is off topic and spam.

That is spam, and spam is banworthy.

theoldones ago

if it was spam, it wouldnt be on record

Vladthepowerful ago

So send him private message. Why you gotta show your ass to the whole world and muck up our sub? You don't have to go there. You choose to go there, post irrelevant BS and then cry when it gets banned. You're egging this shit on and it's you that looks foolish, not the mods. We're all trynna get along now and you over there stirring shit up, getting shit all over you, smelling like shit, and crying about it.

Find something else to do with your time. Isn't there a tranny sub around here somewhere so you could get a date?

theoldones ago

i did send him one. you should read it sometime once you sign into that account again

Mumbleberry ago


theoldones ago


smile for the hidden camera!

"good faith discussion."

IE grovelling like you sucking your wifes boyfriends cock. no thank you. YOU kneel to this websites users. not the other way around

DrogeAnon ago

No one kneels to anyone. Full stop. Play games elsewhere, clown. Blocked. If you actually have a good faith appeal, send it to the sub mail.

N3DM ago

Full stop.

Hey! I just posted about you earlier today, without even realizing it!

Diggernicks ago

Back to reddit nigtard.

JesusRules ago

Reminds me of cunts getting there periods in junior highschool

theoldones ago

ok, why are you asking us to kneel to you then?

DrogeAnon ago

Just for fun: point out where you've been asked to kneel. You can't. Thanks for playing!

Artofchoke ago

That's a really hard guy to get along with, I get it. But ban is the final solution. Are you really at that point?

Vladthepowerful ago

Just look at this douche's comment history. All he does is cry about the awakening like we stole his fav bankie or something. Ban the asshole already.

boredTech ago

Just block him. May take 15 to twenty minutes and you don't have to read his stuff any more. Right to ignore.

Artofchoke ago

We don't do that here. If I can say that, you can too.

theoldones ago

asking for someone to banned on voat

theoldones ago

"good faith discussion."

bullshit you want good faith. you want submission

this is you right now:

DrogeAnon ago

Yeah yeah it was painfully obvious to anyone who bothered to watch your little campaign that this was always your goal. But I made it clear that you're banned for ignoring our request to stop spamming our sub with low effort crap. Have a complaint to make about the mods? We won't remove it if you put some effort in and actually make it worth people's time to read. But if you just want to clutter our feed to slide our board? Seeya.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'The Mods Here And Their Inner Circle Are A Bunch of Liars - Change My Mind' was posted in v/theawakening by @kneo24 and refers to this comment.

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GoBackToReddit ago

Have a complaint to make about the mods? We won't remove it (just as we didn't on Reddit) if you put some effort in and actually make it worth people's time to read. We welcome those posts too because they either expose bad actors in our ranks or expose processes that need improvement.

Your public removal log tells a different story

if you just want to clutter our feed to slide our board

Again, with 3 posts in a hour max? Did you know that's the fucking posting limit per sub? You're fucking retarded.

Broc_Lia ago

Did you know that's the fucking posting limit per sub?

Pretty sure it's not, I've posted more than that before.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

Why dont you let the people decide if its worth their time to read?

Broc_Lia ago

That argument doesn't really work. Mods/janitors can and should get rid of content that's clearly off topic, posting the whole ban log clearly isn't about q or the deep state.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

Wouldn't it just be a meta post?

Broc_Lia ago

One might be a meta-post yes. Ten of them? Spam

kneo24 ago

Go back and re-read what they said.

Have a complaint to make about the mods? We won't remove it (just as we didn't on Reddit) if you put some effort in and actually make it worth people's time to read.

They're a liar about not deleting good faith criticism of the sub. That topic they deleted was a good faith effort, even if they don't like it. It's hard to take them at their word when they delete any and all criticisms of themselves. A sub should allow [meta] discussions. By removing, you only invite people to keep making them.

Broc_Lia ago

Have a complaint to make about the mods? We won't remove it (just as we didn't on Reddit) if you put some effort in and actually make it worth people's time to read.

Copy pasting the ban log into ten posts is not putting effort in or making it worth people's time to read, it's a shitpost.

They're a liar about not deleting good faith criticism of the sub.

That wasn't good faith criticism, not by a long shot.

By removing, you only invite people to keep making them.

Sure, other spammers exist, they should ban them too.

kneo24 ago

I disagree. Copying and pasting the logs is good criticism. You also conveniently ignored them out lying about allowing good faith criticism with the link i provided. You are nitpicking at the smaller picture here.

Broc_Lia ago

I disagree. Copying and pasting the logs is good criticism.

We'll just have to disagree on that. If his object was to draw the userbase's attention to the heavy handed moderation, he could just as easily have included a link to the banlogs (others have) and achieved the same thing.

Taking up a slot on their front page to air your grievances is one thing. Needlessly taking up ten slots? That's spam. It's manhood101/sanegoat type behaviour. It shouldn't be tolerated by anyone.

You also conveniently ignored them out lying about allowing good faith criticism with the link i provided. You are nitpicking at the smaller picture here.

I'm discussing the OP's post. I explicitly said I don't dispute that they have powermods, but he was spamming and completely deserved to be banned.

theoldones ago

mod criticism. odd then, that's "off-topic"

boredTech ago

mod criticism really belongs under v/protectvoat

Seventh_Jim ago

I'm going to be civil here, because I don't think you're a completely hopeless faggot. Responding to the vitriol like you are is not going to have an optimal result for you, and if that is the tack you're going to take in a mod position, you will end up leading a walled garden rather than an organic community.

Voat as a culture does not trust moderators, and much like the ideal sane people hold for police, you are expected to have better behavior than the average user, in line with the expanded powers granted by your position.

Without looking, I think you were probably in the right for banning the person you did. That you are emotionally invested in defending it on a separate sub is concerning. I get that it sucks having people shit on your reputation by saying shit that isn't true, but go ask a cop about it sometime. Because thats how we see you when you act like this: a cop that thinks the meager additional authority makes him powerful. It'd be cool if your community can integrate here, but you should remember that until you're invested in the culture a fuckton more than y'all are now, you're at best unasked for and unprincipled guests who would have been here much sooner if you actually gave a shit about freedom.

GoodGodKirk ago

This is it exactly for me. Theawakening, to me, is about power and division. The mods enjoyed the power back on reddit and want the same here, but infiltration of a board while bashing the locals and making plans in other forums to takeover aren’t exactly welcomed.

Just leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth and makes me embarrassed to say I follow Q.

Not everyone is like this though, but the loud mouths pull attention to themselves and rise the board up against them.

Seventh_Jim ago

I'm staying out of the Q thing. It looks like a rhetorically useful LARP to me, so I won't oppose those on my side, and @DrogeAnon states his case well here, as well as updated it to be more professional without backing off his claim. Respect to a man that can own a fuck up, especially while sficking to his guns.

Putt vouched for these guys and they're acting somewhat ok. Given that the admin has skin in the game, I'm inclined to trust his judgement.

GoodGodKirk ago

Maybe in the future when I stop seeing takeover attempts posted on other sites or when I see mods from that sub calling out against these types of actions. Until then, I still see them as shills trying to fit in.

I don’t mind alternative subs, I do mind their attempts to blast the GA community with false reports of infiltration.

I love alternative viewpoints.

Broc_Lia ago

That you are emotionally invested in defending it on a separate sub is concerning.

OP @mentioned him, what did he expect?

Agreed with the rest.

Vladthepowerful ago

keep up the good work @DrogeAnon.

Nobody wants to see this shill's bullshit...they're just too scared to say it because they don't want to be downvote brigaded by these sore old goat pussies.

MrPim ago

Old goats fight among ourselves too. If there's a valid complaint the old goats will bitch slap any other old goat. We don't fear any of that shit.

DrogeAnon ago

I'll use my remaining comment today to thank you. I trust the legit Voat users don't actually play fake bully games like this and will see we've made every attempt to stay transparent and open to legitimate input. I hope our community shows up again soon to support. We're here to act in good faith despite the constant posts you see around here that make totally false claims about our intentions. Thanks for the feedback!

Vladthepowerful ago

As soon as we get enough CCP, my team and I will get you out of your hole and you guys can participate with the rest of us. Sorry it's taking so long.

boredTech ago

I really wouldn't try that. A sudden artificial drop in points is considered manipulation. Now, if he's saying shit that you disagree with as it comes your way, nail it to the ground. Also, don't upvoat farm.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'As a long time Voat user I ask my fellow goats to chill with the downvotes.' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @Goathole:

Here's another of your cherished v/ta users...........

As soon as we get enough CCP, my team and I will get you out of your hole and you guys can participate with the rest of us. Sorry it's taking so long.


The mods started BANNING AGAIN and these cucks start professing how how much they love them.

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GoBackToReddit ago

Replying to a 15 min old account at the time...

Sounds like samefagging.

theoldones ago

"remaining comment today"

that's becuase this site hates you because you do this

@Vladthepowerful is one your alts, isnt it

Broc_Lia ago

that's becuase this site hates you because you do this

Speak for yourself. Honestly I'm more inclined to hate you for spamming in this particular case.

Vladthepowerful ago

Its not the site...its a few of you oldfags that think its funny to downvote anyone you don't like. The rest of us love our mods. Its not our fault your mother never loved you. ...and pretty sure puttitout can tell you that this is not any mod's alt...just a concerned Q follower that is tired of your shit and not afraid of downvotes...I don't comment and just like to read but you got me off the bench...thx for that, I guess.

theoldones ago

"26 minutes old"

hi @DrogeAnon

GoBackToReddit ago

clutter our feed to slide our board

At 3 posts an hour?

theoldones ago

i only made a post when he deleted one. if it was clutter, it coincided with him removing the last one

GoBackToReddit ago

That's made pretty clear by the removal logs.

Wants to fight the deep state, can't deal with one users opinions.

theoldones ago

this website and its users ignores all your requests.

any questions?