How to speak fluent fag, a 5 step guide to reddit (milliondollarextreme)
submitted 6.4 years ago by templar_
have you ever wondered how those darn liberals are always destroying bigoted nazi xlompf supporters on reddit? no? well i'll teach you anyways.
start with:
let's unpack this
who hurt you
How about..... no.
as a _____,
how do I delete someone else's post?
it's almost as if...
maybe, just maybe...
you do realize...
call them:
sweet summer child
homophobic, transphobic, anything-phobic, arachnophobic
Men's Rights MGTOW Red-Pill Pizzagate Trumpanzee
buddy, bud, friend, yall, folks, kiddo
accuse them of being:
a homosexual
in their mothers basement
a russian bot
a troll
when challenged:
tell them they are commiting a logical fallacy. ad homonem, strawman, appeal to emotion, doesn't matter which.
check post history. posts in x? nice, how did I already know?
tell them they are trying to gaslight people. don't even bother searching up what that means, just say it.
end with:
losing or gaining back your faith in humanity
Wow. Just wow.
Let that sink in.
put "quotes" around random words like "so" to sound "sarcastic"
end with a /s to show you are sarcastic
write everything in lowercase to appear nonchalant
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N3DM 6.4 years ago
To be honest
To be fair
I found the [x]!
uses the phrase "dead ass"
uses the phrase "low key"
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N3DM ago
To be honest
To be fair
I found the [x]!
uses the phrase "dead ass"
uses the phrase "low key"