KaputtmacherNL ago

Goats be like: have a downvoat.

KaputtmacherNL ago

Wouldn't it be better to remove the ability to downvote? You can recognize a bad or uninteresting topic by the low number of upvotes. An other option is to show both the number of upvotes and downvotes.

projection ago

I'll have you address me as 'Mr Cunt', thank-you.

Broc_Lia ago

Just fyi here's the context the idiot pasted the entire banlog into the sub hoping the userbase would rise up or something. It was ten fucking posts long, it's hardly surprising he was banned for spammy low effort shitposting.

Native ago

Kev...I've been on here just as long as you have...and you are a weird as fuck character...You are worse than Middle_Path whom I actually respect. Atleast he admits that he is fluid on politics, you on the other hand have no principles. You are one way one week and one the other week......

Your theory on it's face is a false dichotomy.

Edit: And i'm the goyim who doesn't favor the Voat immune system as effective as it is.

dbrodeen ago

The only downvotes I've sent have been due to my fat finger hitting the wrong arrow on my phone! Embarrassing!

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I warned you once, Triggly. You're about to make me do something I don't want to do.

2Qornot2Q ago

I really appreciate what you are trying to do here @kevdude I came here in peace trying to find a place to land where I can get my alternative news (aka not fake) with fellow woke citizens. But no, I land in the middle of some bullshit pissing match between mods, between subs, between Voat vs Redds, between upvotes and points and all the rest. This is fucking bullshit of the highest degree. Some of us just want to know what to expect in the next week with the REAL war going on. Some of us us just want to get information and help spread awareness. With the constitution in tatters, leaving ALL of us with a limited and censored voice, you want to quibble over this shit? WTactualFCK!!! I am your average guy next door just trying to keep my family safe and together. I’m trying to figure out how much supplies I might need in an actual emergency that might actually happen. I’m trying to understand Q like the rest of you - even if you don’t believe Q is real you want to understand. I just want to know what to pray against or for, if the end is near or WTF! But instead, as a real internet refugee I get nothing but days on end of whining, complaining, brigading, downvotes and conflicting stories of mods etc. Fuck off ALL of you. I’ll take my chances in the Fucking chn’s. Congratulations, you are dividing us. Own it. If you are a power hungry mod, own it. If you an internet asshole, own it. If you are a soulless shill, own it. If you are seasoned fixture at Voat, own it. You are killing the movement by your childish, prideful bullshit. I’m out. Signed, a desperate and innocent bystander

Christosgnosis ago

Don't want to spend much more time on this meta discussion as want to get back to Q related stuff, but how is it for a Voat subverse that a mod enforces submission guidelines?

It's straightforward to define the guidelines and make that easy for all to see or find, but how does the enforcement work?

What's the penalty for infracking the submission guidelines? What do mods do when Soros-paid shills come in and stomp all over the guidelines and thumb their noses while doing so?

imback ago

Voat won't exist as a non-controlled opp site, although I think it is already comped, for much longer if Q isn't real. Think big picture faggots.

Goathole ago

Here's another of your cherished v/ta users...........

As soon as we get enough CCP, my team and I will get you out of your hole and you guys can participate with the rest of us. Sorry it's taking so long.


The mods started BANNING AGAIN and these cucks start professing how how much they love them.

Broc_Lia ago

They banned a guy for spamming. I completely support them for doing so, that's not powermodding.

Christosgnosis ago

Native Voat goats have contended that v/theawakening mods came in and started doing everything in a a completely un-Voat way. I have no argument to that. However, Voat goats - based on their posting's and comments - pretty much took this as nefarious and hidden agenda motivated - and/or heavy handed control freak stuff - things that are anathema to the Voat resident culture.

Well, here I don't have so much as an argument as much as to say why are Voat goats jumping to the conclusion to suspect the very worst motives?

Can I get long time Voat goat members to entertain this consideration?

The Reddit subreddit, r/greatawakening , based on numbers that have been visible, had 71K subscribers and 1.7 million unique views and 30 million views of monthly traffic at its peak. It was on a very substantial growth slope since it was set up. As such it was drawing a lot of attention (not the good kind) from Deep State, DC Swamp, globalist MSM, Soros turds, which means it was a site under their cross-hairs for being constantly attacked - shills, bots, etc.

The team of mods were the front line of defense against this 21st century form of warfare. As such their tool of power in that war was the ability to suppress and cull the shill brigadiers.

In coming to Voat I suggest to you that that was the mindset they were operating in - that they needed to setup this new subverse on Voat to be prepared to wage this manner of warfare again, because they reasonably imagined that once this subverse membership started to swell and approach it scale of the old subreddit, then the enemy would be back.

The danger is if shills can get an upper hand then they can continually fill a forum with shitty post and comments and make it pretty useless - and then the membership starts to leave, the forum basically goes into death spiral, and the enemy wins.

Why assign the worst motives to people when there's a rather logical explanation?

mistahbang ago

Thank you. This.

Ceirwyn ago

This is what most refugees were trying to tell them, only to get Voat spiel thrown at them instead of an actual conversion. They read like 8chan's shill awareness thread. I'm pretty sure a large chunk that moved on the 8chan consider this place mostly a shill infested waste land.

I mean look how they twist everything Neon said as an attack on them and not a revelation on Shill presence. Old Voaters made everything personal.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Telling me how to voat, that's a paddling.

GlendaleBurbank ago

Thank you. I see posts with lots of positive replies, yet no up votes. It doesn't seem to make sense. Can we all play civil here? Thank you again.

Broc_Lia ago


theoldones ago


they come here to our space, tell us we're some sort of "old news", and you know what? some of are fucking pissed about that!

madhatter67 ago

But they are "official" still apparently

bambou1991 ago

The users need to man up, take the dildo out of their ass and contribute meaningfully. If they can't do that they'll never fit in.

mynewaccountagain ago

Probably sane. I can't remember.

fuckingmockies ago

I downvoat shit tier comments like, "Cool!" Or, "MAGA!" Or, "WWG1WGA." Put a little consideration into a comment. Make it worth someone's time to read. If all you have to say is a one or two word reply, I can only assume you're just putting it out there because you expect someone to uovoat it.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

I don't downvote people, ever. I only downvote shit I think is stupid. Correlations=/=causations

AndrewBlazeIt ago

We did already

Goathole ago

And trust me, once we get our 100 your comments will be downvotes into oblivion and nobody will see them.

This is not a mod, this is one of their users. And there are more than a few JUST LIKE HIM.

Goathole ago


lynnmar ago

You know if we want change and behave this way nothing can be accomplished. Let's all try to understand each other and get along. I am new from the censorship group & appreciate Voat for allowing so many of us to crash the party and let us in. We have LEARNED to not trust so bear with us. On the other hand I get that we invaded another groups turf. The plan should be for us to stick together and be heard as ONE. Stay United, they want us divided.

Dfens ago

Op is one of the worst of the shills. Avoid.

drebreeze1 ago


lynnmar ago

Thank you.

ExpertShitposter ago

I will only downvote when they claim niggers and jews are cool.

Goathole ago

Niggers and jews do suck. But hey, that's what my oven is for.

JackBeowulf ago

my DNA says i'm a viking.. besides i went to viking classes so I'M A VIKING. it will make/break you. oh if link not allowed just dump it. i posted for the ebook in case anyone wants. and yes i lost my stuff over there too (GA/RED ) but i recover off a ghost drive if need be. be a viking

Blacksmith21 ago

Hopefully things will normalize and settle down. It seems like that is happening.

theoldones ago

its over when the goddamn userbase says its over. we got called invaders in our house, and then now that they repent they expect to just escape all consequence?

Blacksmith21 ago

I don't disagree with you. I'm taking a proactive, wait and see approach.

Broc_Lia ago

I'm only downvoting karma farms. They've gotta learn one way or the other.

alalzia ago

only 9 people deserve downgoats in this sub

theoldones ago

it used to be up to 14 and until prven otherwise i suspect the mods here use alts

dordiewithq ago

Thank you KevDude.

I'm back after a few days hiatus. The transition from dreaddit was difficult, disappointing and destructive to what I think all patriots want... an open and honest exchange of information and a dialogue with fellow truth-seekers. The waters are much more calm.

Thanks to the moderators and everyone who got behind the concept of 2 coordinated subverses. Smart!!

... in the fight with Trump, Q and you all

Bfwilley ago

ONE stone cold down voat given, just because you asked so nicely.


wwwwwwwwwwwww ago

meh... I gave them a proper welcoming if they linger now so be it. Come here by choice not force. If we disagree with shit said we disagree.

rage_ELITE ago

I may be the biggest niggerfaggot here but at least I’m voat’s niggerfaggot now. You goats are okay too.

QRST7 ago

New fag here. Im a lurker so don't give a fuck about down votes. That being said old goats down vote the fuck out of my comment. Lets set a record pussies

SkippyThane ago

and dirty kikes

TrueTemper ago

Serious question, do upvotes or downvotes matter in this sub? Since it is private or whatever it is I don't think the votes count for anything anyway?

Mumbleberry ago

It's not anymore, they matter and count now.

AreWeThereYet ago


We say "niggerfaggot" because free speech. Censorship is bad. If you are offended you can pound sand...

We will "down vote" you if we don't like what you say.


Liberals: We don't want "foreigners" influencing our elections!

Liberals: Non-CITIZEN foreigners should be given the right to vote and have influence upon our elections!

The rationale of hypocrites is illogical.

Ocelot ago

Lol fuck off

RBwarrior711 ago

The shills seem to have left. The first few days there was no content about Q. It was a bunch of shills posing as veterans complaining they couldn't drop n bombs and other divisive language. Thankfully this sub is about Q research now like GA. Hope it lasts.

Ceirwyn ago

Oh there are still shills posting, but they've toned it down.

Paranoiaattack ago

The mods fucked up and we're not going to forget it. Give up, ditch this sub

DakotaJane ago

Agree. Mods can be assholes, but you faggots shouldn’t follow their lead.

Blacksmith21 ago

Maybe the ongoing Neon Revolt saga has something to do with the warring factions? He accused me of spreading "disinfo". He attacked @Srayzie and @Shizy (v/GA mods) with no explanation.

There is some bullshit going on here which is making many of us OGs highly suspicious to legitimately pissed off.


Why is there such a desire for upvoats any damn way? C'mon really? People gonna cry over them? It's like crying for karma! Really? WTF is wrong here. I can say WTF I wanna say with or without your fuckin votes. Cry? REALLY? I read shit like this and I do get worried for my country. Bitches crying over fucking fake ass currency votes when there is A WAR GOING ON!

Broc_Lia ago

You need 10 CCP to post and 100 CCP to downvote. The powerusers tried their usual tricks and realised early on that voat wasn't going to be as easy a mark as reddit.

TrueCat ago

I have wanted to post something, and I couldn't because I didn't have enough votes. Numbers don't really matter to me. I just want to be able to contribute. :)

Kehar ago

You're not alone. I will never have enough votes (at 0 now, and likely to stay that way), as I think you can't earn them on this sub? And it's not allowed to go onto other subs to get them? (To see what the guy below posted disparagingly about /jokes) After all the drama of crossing over, I actually like the new 8chan board better...at least I can post memes. At least we're allowed to comment. I'm much more into researching what links people have posted and commenting than starting new threads.

MadWorld ago

If you are being authentic and engage in normal conversations, I am pretty sure you will have more than enough ccp within the day! Please see this post regarding the ccp/scp limits: https://voat.co/v/Voat/2722975. You may also want to check out the other stickies in /v/Voat subverse.

Kehar ago

Thank you so much, MadWorld! Been nursing a cold, so away from the computer for a bit. I will give that a read ;)

TrueCat ago

You have one. I think you have to post in other areas to get enough votes to post. I finally reached 10 just now. I posted in v/conspiracy, which I really like.

QisaQueer ago

Shills use downvotes to silence people they dont like. 10 comments a day is ridiculous.


That's why I don't play by other's rules when it comes to my freedom. I don't hunt and fish for "sport" either I hunt for meat so I'm not in their population of corralled "law abiding" sheep. Just get 5 accts with 5 different personalities and comment 50 times a day. Do you ACTUALLY care about this anon character you have made here? Couldn't you get your patriotic message across no matter the name?

QisaQueer ago

Oh. I agree completely. God bless you.

MrPim ago

New users need a certain number of points to fully unlock the account. Your account right now is pretty limited. That's why new people want upvoats.

Thrus2 ago

Then put in comment on topic or useful to get them, the rules are in place so they don't jump straight to having all of those unlocked and are limited. Putt has flat out warned that that is the case in a recent sticky. The change on the sub and it showing up in /all now means they will get them as they contribute here or they can get them in other subs joining in on the rest of voat not just one area. The more activity the faster they will get there.

MrPim ago

I wasn't defending farming. I think I'm pretty familiar w Voat and it's rules and culture.

N3DM ago

As a longtime user, you should know better than to post this kind of faggotry.

MinorLeakage ago

I tried to say this earlier today. We're supposed to be about free speech. We're not a bunch of Reddit-tier brigading faggots.

If they post something you want to downvoat, go crazy. But don't brigade the entire subverse. It makes you far more pathetic than even they are.

Ceirwyn ago

"We're not a bunch of Reddit-tier brigading faggots."

Apparently some are.

mynewaccountagain ago

Then why does PV exist?

MinorLeakage ago

I have no idea. I'm not a sub, and to be honest, I've never visited. If they're doing the same thing, then they are pathetic cucks as well.

Womb_Raider ago

Putt ignores downvoat patterns when they come from SBBH. I find that of intrigue.

R3VO1utionary ago

As a relatively frequent poster on the banned Reddit sub, and as someone who lost 9+ months of Q work personally, (I'm not one of those 'been here since day 1' people, I found Q somewhere between December 15 and Christmas 2017, then Reddit shortly there-after) I'd like to thank the VOAT Goats and @PuttItOut for the platform that's been made available to us. I'm definitely not one for drama, all I want to do is support Q and continue to WAKE people up! I think a lot of us took for granted the number of eyes we were helping to bring into the Q movement, I know I did. I wish I'd taken Q's advice and archived more often.

Thank you VOAT!

Semlow ago

Hi R3VO1utionary, I appreciate your Q work very much. And I thank VOAT, too, for their support in spreading the truth, bypassing the MSM filters.

I wish I'd taken Q's advice and archived more often

For some threads you still can use this recovery method via google cache: Search using Google with three search terms, i.e.: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/ drops 1891

The link, 'drops' and the drop number, here 1891. Then find the search hit with the reddit url and the correct drop number. Don't click that link, just the triangle behind (down arrow). Recovered!

R3VO1utionary ago

Thank you!

Patriotic ago

You can search 8ch from this site, seems to take a day or two at times for posts to show up https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

DJB ago

dude. thank u. they downvoted the shit out of serialbrain2 as well as im sure others

DJB ago

the same butthurt pettiness shown by mcstain in downvoating obamacare, and the same lame tactics shown by little marco in making his little hands joke

C_Corax ago

Understand that SB wasn't downvoated for wrong opinions, he/she was downvoated for trying to play the system. We have to be harsh with it or (((guess who))) will be flooding in and try to take over? CCP is power and power has to be earned.

DJB ago


Mumbleberry ago

As they should. For organizing at least two opvoat farms.

jaybee333 ago

T. Your attitude is fair. Q team would not and I am sure, are not, impressed with the division that is exhibited between Patriots.

TNLunatick ago

I sure as crap am not impressed. Do better people.

totes_magotes ago

Kind of destroys @Womb_Raider's whining and crying about automated scripts because he doesn't know what a fuckin' joke is the same way he doesn't know what a fuckin' rate limiter is. But he can cry all he wants. It won't stop the doughnuts. The fingering will continue until his morale improves.

Womb_Raider ago

"Lol I'm just kidding!" - @SaneGoatsiSwear/@totes_magotes, the same gentleman who employed a text spam script on voat and admitted to doing so with zero punishment to himself.

You can call it a joke if you like, but you have employed scripts here before.

totes_magotes ago

You have no clue what a "rate limiter" is, do you? If you do shit too fast, it temp bans you from the site. Guess what a script is going to do? BAN YOURSELF.


Womb_Raider ago

If you are unaware of the rate of limitation. If you have insider knowledge of the rate limiter, you can just set your script to run just slower than that value.

When you set up your scripts in the chat, you had to troubleshoot until you got the rate correct. Every time the rate was changed to limit your spam, you made corrections and continued forward within the day. Don't play dumb and then accuse the same. You're a scummy human being.

totes_magotes ago

Are you crying? You sound like you're crying. Cry some more, faggot. Conspiracies abound for everything you don't like. You sound like one of (((them))). Or is it {{{them}}}. Chin up, goyim. It's not all farts and sunshine.

Womb_Raider ago

You fail to address the accusation. You bleed guilt.

totes_magotes ago

Your tears are so tasty. Cry some more? Please? I'm almost there.

SurfinMindWaves ago

"Do you know who you're talking to?"


totes_magotes ago

Fuck yes. I'm making this my desktop wallpaper.

Womb_Raider ago

I want more to archive, so keep the admission coming and I'll finish too.

totes_magotes ago

You cry like a Jew. What are you even doing here?

Archive this, faggot.

Artofchoke ago

That's not our M.O, harassing the users cause we hate the mods. False flag.

Ceirwyn ago

More like gov Clowns giving decent locals a bad name.

Octoclops ago

I think it's a bit of both. I don't mind hazing the new people, obviously anyone easily offended is just wasting their time here anyway. But some go overboard with it and give the impression that voat is 90% calling each other niggerfaggotkike all the time. It would be better to also show them the other things you can't say on reddit, namely the truth. Even if we chase somebody back to reddit, they should go back knowing it's full of lies.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

If you're not tough enough for a lil internet harassment, you're too weak for voat. TIME TO LEAVE.

(Not you of course. You may not believe in free will or God, but you're consistent on voat and have raccoon babies. You have no idea how much it bugs me that you think everyone is an automaton. Your choices have meaning and real effects in lots of lives!)

Artofchoke ago

I love you, BoraxTheFungarian. ♡

I collect downvoats like dandelions, so I get that it can be a bummer, but fuck me, get a constitution, guys.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Nah. Downvoats for everyone. Please downvoat this. I'm downvoating everything is this thread now.

Dfens ago

True. Down votes are expensive on Voat because off the 100 ccp minimum. The shills hate it when you vote, so do it. Your giving them the finger every time you vote.

N3DM ago

Don't tell us how to voat.co while demanding that we not tell you how to voat!

AndrewBlazeIt ago

But trying to farm upvotes in v/Jokes and shit is totally acceptable, rite?

N3DM ago

What's your favorite joke?

Kehar ago

Zwei Jäger treffen sich. Beide tot. :)

N3DM ago

Not a big Jager fan, personally

Kehar ago

Ha ha ha ha ha! I hate licorice :p

The translation is a word play in German--"Two hunters meet each other. Both dead." Because sich treffen (transitive verb) means both to meet or to shoot. So one immediately thinks (if one is German) that they are meeting each other, but reading the second sentence, realize it was the other meaning....

Nutkase ago

Nigger and a faggot walk into a bar. Nigger stabs and kills faggot because he's a nigger and gets aids from the blood. Now he has the aid(s) he needed!....

I know it sucks.

VetGoat84 ago

So a bunch of MODs: reddit beta male , a SJW, JIDF, ADL, and the SPLC walk into a free speech platform. . .

Ps4Freedom ago

beat down my freedom fighters

harnessed, then gently broke

to the yoke/joke of an old goat.

I dunno I'm terrible at jokes but I hope this is what happens.

N3DM ago

Is that just one person? Do they do Crossfit???


SurfinMindWaves ago

The punchline is always "Niggerfaggot".

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

(((My fellow goats)))

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Some might be niggers, but the majority of them are israeli jews.

Txgeezer ago

Great point. Thanks for your support on this 'issue'!

that_guy_pming_tits ago

<<<<< Can you confirm you are not a bot? Captcha = up arrow to left.

Chokaholic83 ago

lmfao fuck you, downvoted just for tricking me.

that_guy_pming_tits ago

Chokaholic83 = bot, can't clike "up" arrow correctly. Downvote all posts!

PuttItOut ago

I'm glad to see this post and I hope Voat will make the distinction between the users and the moderators too.

Regardless of the details of how things went down, the users were ultimately the ones who paid the consequences.

It looks like things are working out though and moving in the right direction so I'm hopeful.

Wes1274 ago

Can we do something about the vote farming on the vietnamese hate spammer?

PuttItOut ago

@Cynabuns told me she's about ready to drop the hammer. So stay tuned.

Ps4Freedom ago

I'm glad they made good with you.

mynewaccountagain ago

What if we have beef for @kevdude and PV/SRS trying to run voat? They're likely the ones giving downvoats.

BuilderAnon ago

You’ll find downvoats came from the regular users in general over arrogant self entitled attitudes that were brought here. You can point fingers but really what happened was the Voat community pointed theirs at this sub and it’s users and while pointing leaned forward and hit downvoat. The more refugees trashed Voat the more users downvoat. It’s the immune system. Voat accepts immigrants on merit. No free handouts. Earn your place or be forced out by the locals. That’s what happened here. People here appear to be trying to remind the punch drunk locals that the fight is over.

mynewaccountagain ago

That doesn't change the fact there are active downvoat brigades

madhatter67 ago

It's far easier to get upvoats than downvoats here....hang around, contribute and don't be a dick and you'll be fine....you only need a few to be equal to everyone here....if you are just here for internet points you are likely in the wrong place anyway

BuilderAnon ago

 @kevdude and PV/SRS trying to run voat? They're likely the ones giving downvoats.

I was addressing your assertion. You were asserting that specific individuals were responsible. I'm aware that the whole of voats user base is downvoat brigading users here, they don't like you.

mynewaccountagain ago

Why don't they like me? I'm sorry for any jewy behavior.

I've been here for years and hopefully my current account name could give you a clue.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I don't support brigading, or collective punishment. But it is a fact that SOME users of /v/theawakening did share the same shit attitude as their moderators as well.

Here is just one example.

–] @Qtastic 1 points (+1|-0) 11.1 hours ago

We're not the immigrants, were the conquerors and you are the natives. Get used to it, I have a blanket for you if you want it.

BohemianConusLure ago

Oh good we have q new sub without you Canaanite buttfucking niggers lmao

BohemianConusLure ago

You guys are nothing but identical to Phoenicians http://magaimg.net/img/65o0.jpg

We don't have enough blankets unfortunately. Doesn't matter though

Deqlassified ago

Honestly what kind of interaction is expected when this sub was trolled constantly with pictures of ovens and everyone being told they need to get in their jew home?

Seriously, for a place that wants to proclaim thick skin and free speech, why would you post this comment like it's some example of behavior that's not totally normal on voat all the time?

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Oy vey!


What about collective punishment of the jew?

KosherHiveKicker ago

What about the collective punishment of White Europeans under ((( Multiculturalism )))?


What about it? Millions of Jews will hang for it. COLLECTIVELY


What about it. Millions of Jews will hang for it. COLLECTIVELY

KosherHiveKicker ago

Exactly. Reread my previous post. You replied before I could add the last paragraph.

T1tus ago

holy fuck does no one talk shit and troll on voat?

KosherHiveKicker ago

Perhaps you should visit /v/soapboxbanhammer.

JackBeowulf ago

kind of funny, but for the record i didn't do that. i did push back and guess i pissed some of the old goat azzholes off. so being stubborn not leaving. downvote away.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

To be fair, I highly suspect many of the comments like that were from trolls who knew they could make a 7 minute old account and sit back for the lulz once all the newcomers go blamed for their shit.

MinorLeakage ago

So downvoat comments like that. Why downvoat them all for the actions of some? It's exactly the mentality we should be against. Judge people on their merits.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I'm not.

I specifically stated I don't support collective punishment via blanket brigading.

MinorLeakage ago

Well I'm going to have to learn to read I guess. Comment still stands though.

N3DM ago

Judge each person on their merits.

Slight clarification. Also, does this apply to Jews?

Crensch ago

If we notice them being Jews, they've already lost this game.

PuttItOut ago

I fully realize that there was a lot of display of pride and arrogance.

All I can say is good luck with that approach on Voat.

Broc_Lia ago

Yeah, there was a similar thread back when TD tried to move in. They called themselves "the Dom reddit" and decided the rest of voat would have to conform to their culture because numbers.

Xenophobic ago

This is why I prefer v/greatawakening

Crensch ago

Coming from you, putt your second sentence is pure comedy.

KosherHiveKicker ago

It goes a bit farther than just attitude...

Here is a thread on reddit where they discuss how to manipulate Voat.co on multiple levels.

You now know what to do: walk around VOAT OUTSIDE of theawakening sub and comment here and there to get these points.

EDIT: here is one VOAT comment where I will need your upvotes: https://voat.co/v/Mathematics/2625872/13816033

Thank you

PuttItOut ago

Let me explain why this is good in terms of SaneGoat. If it wasn't for SaneGoat exploiting Voat, Voat would have never closed various loopholes. The abuse of the platform resulted in a better platform.

So when manipulation occurs, ultimately the end result is that they are simply giving us the data we need to close down yet another vulnerability; they are helping Voat but they have no idea.

sheepsexplode ago

You are wise beyond your years. Patience.

middle_path ago

Let me explain why this is good in terms of SaneGoat

The fucking legend lives on! I feel bad for new users. They'll never experience his grace.

fuckingmockies ago

I frequently delete my account and start fresh. Sanegoat, Amalek, She, etc are how I verify that I'm an old goat when users she the short life of my current account and give me shit.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I understand.

Thank You for doing everything we know, and don't know about to keep the Goat Pen going as well.

PuttItOut ago

Thanks for having patience and understanding.

Mumbleberry ago

Don't forget the one in v/jokes, made with the same intent; https://voat.co/v/Jokes/2720086

KosherHiveKicker ago


I wasn't aware of this one as well.

LostandFound ago

At least he didn't roll over like a bitch

KosherHiveKicker ago

By doing what exactly? Intentionally shitting on Voat.com core values, and intentionally importing reddit-esque bullshit culture?

LostandFound ago

It was kinda funny though

Gives Blanket

BigFatDaddy ago

Man, to hell with those faggots. Burn their sub to the ground.

Fitzgerrald ago

I find this offensive. Have an upvote.

13903793? ago

Nah let them rot.

BigFatDaddy ago

No No NO!

The answer is ALWAYS Kill It With Fire!

ArmourFou ago

He seems so happy. Now I want a flame thrower.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Wait, you get an upvote. Way to represent!

boredTech ago

Part of it may be that people are x-posting on the two subs. I know that starts to irritate the /v/all/new guards.

Artofchoke ago

It did annoy me, so I blocked the one sub. No big deal. Not remotely a reason to harass the users.

PuttItOut ago

I'll try to alleviate this a bit. soon :)

Mumbleberry ago

That would be a classic reddicunt thing to do.