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Qtastic ago

No fuck those guys.

kneo24 ago

You are welcome to exile yourself from Europe then and head back to Somalia, or in this case, exile yourself from Voat and head back to Reddit where you're more at home with the censorship.

Or, you could embrace free speech and trust the community to do what people always want communities to do. Stop trusting authority figures to do everything for you.

Qtastic ago

You're welcome was most unwelcoming, back on reddit this shit would have never happened and we could research in piece.

Why do you care? If q is such a larp why don't you just leave us alone?

kneo24 ago

Why do you care?

Would you care if suddenly a bunch of third world immigrants came into your neighborhood, started destroying everything and raping your women? Of course you would. You care because they aren't assimilating. They are bringing their culture into a foreign territory and trying to take over, change the demographics and culture.

I, and many other Voaters care because you guys would rather have retarded censorship than free speech. You all are so incredibly hamstrung here, dependent on people who wish to exercise control over you. There's already an option to do research in peace - it's v/GreatAwakening. You can freely upvote, and most importantly downvote. You don't have to deal with over zealous mods deciding for you what is appropriate and what isn't. You can do that yourself with the downvotes and block buttons.

After reading this post, you can make the decision to be a sheep, or be a goat. Reddit always needs their sheep.

Qtastic ago

We're not the immigrants, were the conquerors and you are the natives. Get used to it, I have a blanket for you if you want it.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'the treatment of old goats. RE: first impressions are everything' was posted in v/theawakening by @theoldones and permalinks this comment.

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'As a long time Voat user I ask my fellow goats to chill with the downvotes.' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @KosherHiveKicker:

I don't support brigading, or collective punishment. But it is a fact that SOME users of /v/theawakening did share the same shit attitude as their moderators as well.

Here is just one example.

–] @Qtastic 1 points (+1|-0) 11.1 hours ago

We're not the immigrants, were the conquerors and you are the natives. Get used to it, I have a blanket for you if you want it.

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james780 ago

lol cuck ahahahahhaahahahhah

freedumbz ago

Savage born in the middle of bumfuck nowhere in the winter here. Bring it, fag.

GreatCoons ago

Lolno. You're an Indian slave labourer working on the world cup stadiums in Qatar. You'll be exploited for all you're worth until you drop cold from shitty work conditions. Get used to it. Or don't be a nigger and actually adapt to the local culture. Or fuck off back to plebbit.

bman0321 ago

Wow, what an incredibly racist and derogatory thing to say. You get your feelings hurt and you go right to biological warfare and genocide. How's that free speech taste?

iGotPepperUBringSalt ago

You are a dirty kike.

You will be exterminated.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

this faggot will be gone in a week

IrbyTremors ago

Less than

Qtastic ago

Funny all the (((shills))) that are brigading our sub...

kneo24 ago

Hey sheep, it looks like your mods are calling you away to another place where they can censor without push back. Let them do the work of filtering Q's message for you. No need to think for yourself.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

Kikes wouldn't call you a faggot, retard.

kneo24 ago


You won't conquer anything by staying in your own pathetic hug box! I guess you are content being a sheep. Have fun with that. I'm sure your wife's boyfriend from Somalia gets a kick out of your bitch attitude too.