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70times7 ago

My mouse must be glitching. It keeps downvoating every post in that sub.

totes_magotes ago

There's a script for that.

Womb_Raider ago

SBBH endorsing scripted downvoat brigades? Nice. Classy group.

freshmeat ago

"hurr durr jus trollin"

They have been admitting this a lot lately and without irony. Really sucks how much they fuck this site up without any help from up top. Also notice it's mumble who is posting this.

NotHereForPizza ago

Man, if you think that's bad, go look at that sticky on the front page.

It's EXACTLY what you'd expect

Rotteuxx ago

Where's the list ?

MadWorld ago

I wonder how many new users have figured out the shills/jews from /v/realProtectVoat crew... Probably not too many. Both rPV and TA subverses are highly likely to share the same goal on Voat.

freshmeat ago

You mean the larping PG mod who was outed as a shill wrote a meth-infused post lying in every way possible. That was already debunked as lunatic ranting bullshit. Same amount of botting as what's going on this weekend.

MadWorld ago

"Debunked", lols... Anyone with half a brain can tell you're full of shit, just by looking at the sidebar of rPV. Come join Putt's thread here: I am pretty sure Putt is on the top of your "shills" list.

Good luck shill!!

freshmeat ago

Yeah you retards call me sanegoat and amalek and you call me full of shit.

You guys lie and get away with it.

MadWorld ago

Hi sane, hi pissant, hi myg, here is your archive

[–] freshmeat 4 points (+17|-13) 14 hours ago

I wonder why all the responses to your faggot ass comment are all SBBH.

Give the keys back over to Atko and fuck off, you SBBH cunt

[–] PuttItOut 4 points (+23|-19) 14 hours ago

Go back to gab sane. They have real free speech.

freshmeat ago

Waiting to hear back from putt first.

Womb_Raider ago

I've only mentioned the list twice in comments... I like how Rotty here is concerned with its contents, I suppose they want to see how accurately we can detect their fraudulent accounts.

Rotteuxx ago

For what ?

freshmeat ago

If we should have a discussion with a site-wide sticky about SBBH/PV behavior, or if you should remain nameless and we just give new users a general warning. You guys started the flame war but I dont want to sink to your level, I want to see true goats give their opinions without any SBBH brigading or bullshit comments dismissing everything.

ExpertShitposter ago

Shut the fuck up. nigger.

Rotteuxx ago

You guys started the flame war

Yeah, we rolled in here from reddit calling @Srayzie a shill and her sub compromised.

We so started this. Go back go drinking

freshmeat ago

Your tranny mod who you had to tell to fuck off for a year for exposing himself.

SBBH is pathetic dude, im not even joking at this point.

Rotteuxx ago

I thought @FuzzyWords was the one you outed as a sjw tranny... ?

Womb_Raider ago

Don't you think it's interesting they deleted their account after that information came to light? Says a lot that they were close with Voat's administration even in the early days...

Rotteuxx ago

Like over a year after or something ?

Womb_Raider ago

It wasn't a year after...

Rotteuxx ago

Well unless it's directly after one can hardly claim that it's the reason now, can they ?

Womb_Raider ago

They deleted their account in shame.

Rotteuxx ago

How long after ? Shame doesn't take weeks to affect you like that, it's strongest when it's fresh

Womb_Raider ago

It wasn't long. Sane made the initial claim, which seemed weak. Some time went by and Sane presented evidence, I'm sure it's floating around. After that surfaced Fuzzy was gone.

Rotteuxx ago

Sane "doxxed" Fuzzy on 1/5/2017

Fuzzy deleted on 1/10/2018

A year and five days later

Womb_Raider ago

Citation please. Sane's initial dox and his evidence were not the same post.

Rotteuxx ago

Like you just told me, I'm sure it's floating around

Womb_Raider ago

Show me the dox, you just stated the date in plain text. That means you have it. I don't (right now) but I can find it. You do.

I suspect you're lying about the dates or you're using the "weak" dox, the one that had no evidence.

Rotteuxx ago

Took me 10secs on searchvoat to find the only dox attempt I know of and that has "Fuzzywords" in the post title. Nothing relevant with "dox" in the post title.

Womb_Raider ago

Putt has bent his will to theirs. I'm surprised you don't think so.

freshmeat ago

He seems like he is coming to an ultimatum and I have hope he makes the right decision, not a whole lot tho. But i think he sees the problem with the site if he wishes to remain a neutral authority

Womb_Raider ago

I think he's depressed and they are a majority of his friendships, based on his site-wide interactions. I shouldn't try to diagnose the man, but I am. Why else would he go along with their charade unless he's being incentivized financially? He can't think it's funny to trash his own website, can he?

13902734? ago

You need to be on your meds or something. You are so far out there it is no longer funny.

freshmeat ago

what (((meds))) should i take kike

13903389? ago

A chill pill. Honestly - lay off the booze, it's clouding your reasoning skills or what is left of them.

freshmeat ago

diagnose me more

13904198? ago

You're a dick.

Womb_Raider ago

I think the entire sub is their creation, frankly. They're trying to get people to agree with their targeted downvoat brigades, conditioning people into liking censorship.