Firefly777 ago

I'm definitely a patriot and probably a qtard too, but I will keep an eye out for the /s/ instead of the /v/ in the url. I guess it takes some time to understand this board and even more time to post things of interest.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'This week @tango_whisky_blunt gets the troll award for telling Putt to go back to Reddit LOL' was posted in v/TrollOlympics and includes this reply from @BUTTHOLE__EMPRESS:

We will be reviving the Troll awards.

Second place goes to Puttitout for his Q-Drop Troll lol

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veraaubert ago

This is a bit confusing

K12253102 ago

We are the government....How and when did we get convinced otherwise?

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'NeonRevolt now doubts Q and the plan?' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @ObamasPinkSock:

Is Atko part of your conspiracy, given the cancer-mods were removed within 48 hours and he agrees the new mods of /r/TheAwakening are doing good works?

Don't you think it's counter-productive to team-up with George Soros and Shareblue to attack pro-Trump online communities, seven weeks before the midterms?

This notification (#404) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. You can suppress pings from these notifications on request.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Withi this you guys guys have condemn yourselves here. There are still good ones within you but the ones that control your sub are not' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @ObamasPinkSock:

But those mods all ran away to 8chan because their feelings were hurt and they were then removed as moderators from /v/TheAwakening.

The one remaining active [O]wner of /v/TheAwakening has since then stepped up and the sub has turned the corner and is moving in the right direction. Even Atko agrees with that.

Cancer mods were removed... and you're sad... and are attacking the mods who are doing good works?

We have seven weeks before the midterms and this is how you're spending your time, attacking other President Trump supporting patriots?


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ibepokey ago

fuck the fagging. it appears to be a good thing to me.

bonus fuck you for Randy Travis.

thanks for all you do Putt.


bethers67 ago

where do you ask Q questions at someone needs to ask him if JFK Jr. is still ALIVE??

Peck181818 ago

WWG1WGA... Patriots forever... Patriots together🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸... bottom line we want our country back and we want those that corrupted it held accountable...

TheBookWasBetter ago

@mrpim , what is your take on all this?

MrPim ago

I don't believe anyone has ever asked my opinion on a meta topic of this current size.

I don't think the Set solution will do anything. It doesn't address the underlying issues. Not to criticize Putt. His options are limited.

Over all I wish this would end and some peace return. I'm not sure how to get there. There's problems w the TA mods. There are goats that aren't going to let it go. Ive been in the middle of it myself, but I think I'm going to step away from it if I can. It's been one of the hardest of the migrations. I want as many of the new users to stay as possible while integrating into Voat. I don't know how to get there, or if it's even possible anymore.

I wish we had a system, a sub for diplomacy. A place where specific users involved in disputes could be invited to air their grievances. No shit talking allowed. Pure, actual diplomacy where parties could resolve their differences. Each side electing their representatives. But there'd need to be a third party mediator acceptable to both, I guess that could be worked out. A different mediator for each dispute probably.

I kind of wish there was a way to make a sub actually private. Where only approved users could post. I think it should be open for all to read. I'm not sure thats even a good idea though.

IDK what to think or say really. Everything above is just a jumble of unorganized thoughts.

Thanks for asking though.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Thumbs up MrPim. Have a great evening.

Inaminit ago

I'm enjoying all the new content and activity:))

keksupreme ago

just deport these censorious scum...they want to shill for israel with no criticism? they can fuck off and shill elsewhere

nullifyNWO ago

<<< moving in the right direction >>>


nullifyNWO ago

Do you want to tell me what 'the right direction' is?

What is this, 'right direction'?

Who 'directs' here[PuttitOut]? Can i talk to him?

PuttItOut ago

You can talk to me. Go.

nullifyNWO ago

I sure like the cut jeans hot pants of the 70ies. Burka isnt my cup of tea.

debzquilter ago

I don't like the term faggots, and I'm not gay.

Xyz4u ago

2 is good. Competition is good.

Wwe vs wcw led to highest ratings Home Depot vs Lowe’s Target vs Walmart Oh you get the drift !

They fucked us over now they get double fucked back.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

This is great news. What about the search bar function? That coming back any time soon?

mrtruckajet ago

Well done my hat goes off to all those that came together. We are all in the same fight who cares where you get your info from. A dual sub does help make life much easier. WWG1WGA never forget that.

QrioCT ago

I know I am going to get pummeled for this post, but if crowd at v/theawakening and v/GreatAwakening has the same goal, why are we fighting each other? It seems that PuttitOut is trying to negotiate some kind of a cease fire with both sides, but you'all are still going at it. I myself is a newbee here(Voat) and at what used to be reddit sub, so I guess I don't understand the "Culture".

SparkS ago


Chempergrill ago

I promise I will never post another global sticky about Q drama for the rest of time. Forever and ever. Amen.

Gonna remember this one.

Adminstrater ago

There is no harm in having more than one subverse for specific topics. In fact it could be better to have more than one location for these types of discussions. I am just glad they have learned that this is Voat and not Reddit.

Tangent-love ago

Two branches become one.

Q predicted this.

Slidewizards ago

😎NEW LOOK😎 Q Code & Abbreviations made easy.

Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic

Slidewizards ago

😎NEW LOOK😎 Q Code & Abbreviations made easy. ️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #InternetBillofRights #TheStormIsHere #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStatePanic

17patriot ago

I dont have enough CCP. Q predicted the date of the Declassification of the FISA

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

This is good. Thank you.

WillGreeley ago Are we about to find out ‘WHO’ in the GOP/Republican Party is supporting the Dems or alternates to Trump????

WillGreeley ago DO ‘they’ not know the Global Plan? To send ‘all’ Sunnis to takeover the land of America????

guantanamo4traitors ago

Thank you!


MrShekelstein ago

v/theawakening cant be trusted no matter how "reformed" the mods might seem like.

for some reason we've started to see anti-Q shilling on the front page of voat just like reddit.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

This is bad.

jesojr ago

follow Q, there's only one source , don,t be fooled patriots , opinions mean nothing , it,s been proven time and time again

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

This is the way.

Shana ago

Hello Q,

I am a no-anon, because I am an elderly German woman and I do not know if I can trust you and the American President.

Our patriots lie murdered millions of times in the bottom of the former American camps along the Rhine.

Eisenhower and the American presidents who followed him have been guilty of a great debt then and in the last 70 years.

Why should I, as a German, hope for Trump and Q? What does it mean for the Germans when Trump says: America first?

Does he want to finally destroy the German people? The corrupt Merkel (installed by Bush/Kabale), the corrupt government, the corrupt judiciary and police kill the German people and almost every day one of our children is murdered. I would be very happy for an answer and please excuse my bad English.

customers ago

Halt die Fresse, Oma. Lassen Einer Turkoman dir im Arsch ficken

Mumbleberry ago

Are you lost? Op is the Admin here. He's not Q or a Qucumber.

jollux ago

/v/theawakening is untrustworthy and will remain so until it closes.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

This is correct.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'v/TheAwakening is now deliberately targeting 'old goats' - THEY WANT US DIVIDED' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @ObamasPinkSock:

OK, this isn't fair.

Full disclosure: I'm the CSS developer for TheAwakening.

I got nothing but fucked over by /r/GreatAwakening because of Reddit and GA's rules about not naming the Jew as our enemy.

I lost count of how many times I was banned at that shithole.

I was disgusted by the behavior of those old TheAwakening mods too.

From what I've seen, all of those censorship-addicted Reddit mods from TheAwakening fucked off to 8chan because their feelings were hurt... and they have all been removed as mods from TheAwakening.

Since then, the one active [O]wner from TheAwakening has, like Atko said, turned the corner and is heading in the right direction, which is why I chose to support the new Q sub... not because I have any allegiance to Reddit or any of those retarded mods, but because I want all Voat Q communities to thrive and I'll help where I can...

...which means creating new content and posting it both here and over at TheAwakening.

The midterms are less than 7 weeks away and I see no reason for President Trump loving patriots to be attacking other President Trump loving patriots.

Wouldn't all this rage be better spent on New World Order globalists who want white genocide?

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'So, What Does NeonRevolt, and a Mod From v/theawakening Have in Common? How about A Lot of Coincidences and Projection for Starters! Lets Dive Right In, Shall We?' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @divine_human:

thank for filling in more bits and pieces, @ype-o-Negative. the picture becomes clearer.

i thought about filling in some of my conversations but decided to leave it. not interested in the petty details, they are very much of a distraction.

however, its important to understand that it was an illusion to be-lie-ve that this movement wouldnt be infiltrated from day one.

as i see it, all the named players in the game - i wont name most of them here again, you all know the mods of the reddit Q subs and the self-proclaimed 'leaders' who created a huge following through their articles - are part of the same chaos crew.

if i hadnt served on the mod team of r/T_GA during its past 2 weeks, until i got thrown off on the tuesday before rystalnacht and banned from the sub only hours before it got shut down, i may have continued supporting FoT.

glad i saw the true colors. my presence and my questions about bans and removals made them show quickly.

FoT changed from a nice guy to an asshole on a dime, the moment i told him that i sense controlled opposition on the mod crew and spent some time checking the mod logs.

mind you, i knew that GA was comped. frickin agencies in there, sigh. it was a bit of a surprise to find that T_GA was, too. at that point of time, i wasnt sure whether that was controlled opposition or ego flaws. the reactions to my inquiry were played right from the DS textbook, but they could have also been typical narcissist behavior.

on crystalnight, i nuked my reddit history. suprise today: when i checked reddit to post something to my profile (same nick), i found a few of my comments from when FoT split from GA and founded T_GA. strange nuking, grin. seems like these comments were worth being kept (god in the machine?)

i will leave it with this. not going to play //their// divide+conquer game.

not interested in the petty details. they are all comped, all playing on the same team that tries to manipulate the movement and prevent people from certain discoveries (i.e., everything i said about the puppet masters behind the puppet masters got removed, on all reddit boards. go figure.)

some former r/GA mods seemed to have moved on to 8chan /patriotsawaken. to play the same game?

there seems to exist another new 8chan board now, /patriotsawoken (or something like this). adds to the deliberately created confusion, doesnt it?

i rather stick to lurking on the original 8chan, lol, and hope that voat will survive the total crash of the social media giants thats written all over the wall. soon in this movie.

how to move on?

so lets take every input with a grain of salt, no matter where it comes from.

lets stop following external leaders - mods are no frickin leaders of a community but its stewards! - and start following inner resonance only.

voat is gorgeous! it has transparent mod logs and honors free speech so the fascist structures get disrupted. community is the supervisor of their mods and assures that they stay the course.

thank you, goats, for establishing this place, i bow to you guys <3

@PuttItOut implemented a feature that brings both Q subs together.

what a gorgeous idea, i love it! may the infighting between users be stopped by this move. let the mods and movement gurus play their game, we dont need to follow.

by now, i am tremendously grateful for the BigBan.

for many people, there are lots of emotions swirling around. grief over betrayel and lost trust, anger about the power trips of others, sadness about a 2nd home having been crashed and the need to relocate and get used to something new.

i get it. ... 1 week grieving and sorting period is over...

now, we need to put on our big boys/gals pants and grow the fuck up. be sovereign. think for ourselves. we know the drill, now lets implement it. voat provides a much better space for it than reddit and all the other social media.

enough of divide and conquer! I Do Not Consent!


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Hypercyberpastelgoth ago


divine_human ago

what a great idea! hilarious!

seems like a humorous caring commune daddy puts the fighting siblings and their sympathetic fan clubs into one room and tells them to work out their shit so they may soon return to aligning to one cause.

good job, @PuttItOut! i love it! and i love voat, its so much better than reddit.

actually very grateful that reddit banned us. great opportunity for people to put on their big boys/gals pants, flex their discernment muscels, and stop following external leaders.

bulrush ago

I don't let the drama get to me. I believe it will all work out in the end. I trust in the plan (from Trump) and The Plan (from God). Yes I think we were meant to go through this hardship. It's an important learning experience. What happens when a helicopter parents solves everything for their child? The child never learns to fail with grace, and get back up again. And they don't learn from failure if they don't fail sometimes.

argosciv ago

I shall also hold my tongue and let the newbies and relevant subs sort themselves out.

I have bigger things to put my time into anyway.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have bigger things to put my time into anyway.

Following me around and down voting all my comments is very important to you isn't it? Keep it up. I will wreck your wagon. You have been warned.

petevoat ago

I don't give a fuck about the v/theawakening subverse because they are still fucking suspect, fuck that.

pinoytambayan ago

Hopefully the newfags from these two subs will integrate as well as the guys at and realize that there is a lot of sympathy and support here for bringing the pain against the corrupt establishment.

Mumbleberry ago

Wow, a spam comment in a thread authored by the Admin. Don't know if brazen or stupid.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

This should be labeled Unsubstantiated and unverified, anonymous potential disinfo, not stickied. Pedo mods continue to dirty this sub.

think- ago

You are the pedo here, hon, not us.

Remember that you called Tony Podesta's cp photograph collection 'tasteful nudes'?

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'You can tell the main userbase is gone when an admin's announcement of website with hundreds of thousands accounts gets only 500 upvotes. Sad!' was posted in v/whatever by @AOU and permalinks this submission.

This notification (#253) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

Merlynn ago

Wot's all this then?

laterlosers ago

Pretty cool how those faggots are taking over voat.

fuckfacemcgee ago

@srayzie ..I'm super sad that I just noticed I'm not on the ping list.

riposte ago

I found the real Q.

riposte ago

lol. 10/10. Give us your tired, your poor, your mentally deficient... I believe u/tallestskril coined the term Qcumber, which I believe is better than Qtard for your future consideration.

I will always welcome new users to voat whatever their beliefs may be, as long as they can have a civil discussion free from censorship.

PuttItOut ago

It is better!

CrudOMatic ago

@PuttItOut what your new Q buddies are up to:

Mumbleberry ago

Pretty sure that anon is this newfag; @ SGM11Z

matthew-- ago

Just ignore the other sub completely. They never would have changed otherwise. Keep them in private mode.

TwistedSista ago

Q did it?! I'm not living in a jew managed prison as of today?!

sweet jesus! I see what you're saying!!

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Is this post technically carefagging or sharefagging?

I don't know what that means, so I guess I'm too old.

Scrooblemeyer ago

Maybe you should do a combined soapboxbanhammer and soapdoxbanhammer subverse. It would broaden the horizons of both those groups of autists and they might even make some new friends. Or start killing each other in the process.

PuttItOut ago

@freshmeat, care to weigh in? ;)

This is an attempt at humor

james780 ago

you better thank him qfags

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'Best Voat troll of the last week?' was posted in v/AskVoat by @BUTTHOLE__EMPRESS and permalinks this submission.

This notification (#237) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Not really a big fan of special treatment to a community that came in and: Violated every standard we have set up amongst ourselves, vitriolically condemned everyone that came before them, laid claim that they would be the new Voat conquering the savages that are the old guard, banned every decenter they could (even among their own tribe,) and still continue to insult Voat.

All because they were extra polite to the one person that holds the ultimate power, kissed the darkest part of your ass, while pretending to play sorry.

My memory might be shit, but I don't recall you putting so much interest into other invasions. Let alone so much effort into their integration.

I'm disappointed that you would set a precedent by rewarding this behavior here, while inadvertently spitting in the eye of the vanguard that helps keeps this place free of such idiocy.

twistedmac11 ago

This was my thought as well. I'm glad someone else said it.

PuttItOut ago

I see how you can feel this way. You're not wrong either.

DrSelfAppointed ago

No one deserves the 'you owe me one' here more than you Putt, but this is a tall order to swallow. This feels like some dangerous glass to walk on and I don't know how well I can tread it. It's your drive though, is it an ace, a par, or just strait up call it a day? Guess we will see.

PuttItOut ago

In golf we try to make every shot count. I'm trying to do the same with Voat.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Puttness #7' was posted in v/OneTruePutt by @PieceSeeker and refers to this comment.

This notification (#371) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. You can suppress pings from these notifications on request.

MaunaLoona ago

Does this mean user created sets are in the works?

PuttItOut ago

We already have them, it's just that they are a bit hard on the database and we are trying to save money so to keep things running half way ok we have them disabled.

freshmeat ago

Well, this is dissapointing

PuttItOut ago

If you're talking about my not responding yet then please be patient. Today was brutal.

If you're talking about this post then please ignore my comment.

freshmeat ago

Nah it's just sad seeing what SBBH is allowed to get away with. Look at how many of them are in here already happy with your decision.. If SBBH keeps you funded and that's why you don't do anything about their bullshit then that would make sense.

Otherwise this is crap and if you want Voat to be SBBH then just rename the site and have fun with Katz Expert Mumble Crensch MadWorld heygeorge. You just hand the site over to them and it doesn't seem like you care about anyone except hardcore loyalists like them.

As for the other comment you haven't got the chance to respond to, it doesn't really matter. Just seeing this last week, there is no chance this site is going to break free of the SBBH control without huge changes i know you aren't willing to make.

Either way thanks for the hard work you did into giving the site to SBBH.

PuttItOut ago

I know we will never see eye to eye on the sbbh thing and that bothers me because I have been honest with you the entire time.

No matter what I do you will find a fault.

I still want to work with you on solutions though, because I'm wise enough to know that critics speak the most truth.

freshmeat ago

I actually don't blame you because of how the internet has become and how you really don't have many options here without a backlash, but it is your website. You should be able to follow who is fucking with who and which people are acting maliciously. If you did something about SBBH and their cancer across Voat then they would immediately start a backlash against you and spam other sites how Voat is dead because reddit SJW shit.

I want you to succeed, and I hate seeing the people fucking the site give you the most praise. I honestly don't know what you can do besides step in and cut the fat off the site, and apparently you don't see how much of a negative impact SBBH has had on Voat.

I have faith in you but the only people who can give you money are pedophiles like the late Hecho and people who farm bitcoins like SBBH. In fact most of the people that had to move to a new chat after Voat chat was yeeted have plenty of bitcoins but they aren't giving money to SBBH's website.

Love you dude and i love Voat but I think you minimize SBBH's behavior.

PuttItOut ago

I may very well be minimizing it. I will take a step back and out of the bubble and look for biases. I know I've not realized a bias before and you may be right.

I will tell you that my life is very intense and worrysome at times and I often seek a little humor to get my mind off things. This is probably why I end up interacting with them often.

Regardless, I have a transparent relationship with sbbh, so nothing shady is afoot.

Btw, I never knew who was behind the chat abuse. I had no idea. You say you know but what am I to think about that when I don't even know?

freshmeat ago

I will tell you that my life is very intense and worrysome at times and I often seek a little humor to get my mind off things. This is probably why I end up interacting with them often.

You remind me of an old friend lol. I hope you are well bud. I understand shitposting is fun.

Btw, I never knew who was behind the chat abuse. I had no idea. You say you know but what am I to think about that when I don't even know?

it was beatle for the most part but then the rest of SBBH jumped in.

I don't know your beliefs but im praying for you anyways. You truly have one of the last bastions of freedom with voat before the internet has a massive shift.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

are you not going to address the vote farming?

Foffandie ago

So where does this combined subverse show because those only two subverses I'm subscribed to show on the bar at top. Newfag so I don't know.

PuttItOut ago

Hit the subscriptions menu, top left corner. You will see it in the "sets" section.

Foffandie ago

Thank you.

barely_not_a_sheep ago

Can someone please explain to me: in what way are these Q communications actionable info for a regular individual?

Translation: what useful thing for the defense of the White race can I do if I pay attention to this?

Even clearer translation: what use is all this?

I mean no disrespect. Simply curious.

Thank you.

Revodude ago

Time for everyone to get in formation and launch together into the fight. Make the internet hum with Q memes and comments across all the key sites. Everyone is itching to land blows. The time is now. Keep ramping it up every day for at least the next 60 days. Don't give them an easy way to ban you. This will be part of their plan. Watch your words. Don't give them an easy one. Fight! Fight! Fight!

RufusTFlywheel ago

Sensational fagging. Fuck you for using a false title "to get attention."

That would be and is HIGHLY ridiculed by regular users.

Why is it OK for you?

oplovesladybits ago

This is a free speech site. Get used to it. It is clearly designed to be humorous.

PuttItOut ago

Because we have the ability to laugh at ourselves and to have a good time every once in a while.

Also, I usually try to use funny titles. Sorry.

Nesano ago

Sets seem pretty useful.

GoodGodKirk ago

Thanks for the set! Quick question, can any user create sets?

Just exclude SBBH from all sets. Sweet, sweet justice for all those random sub bans.

ViperCarbz ago

Who gives a fuck what these Qtards are doing?


I love this place.

Anson ago

I promise I will never post another global sticky about Q drama for the rest of time. Forever and ever. Amen.

Yes, please don't the Q stuff has struck me as kinda gay, and it's morphed into some weird media outlet for Trump, and the inertia from the hype has people seemingly thinking he's predicting these things without Trump telling him. It's clear that Trump has made contact and so on.

Still. Kinda gay. And I'll stand far away so that only the best of the best info gets to me, and so far, zero Q posts have ever mattered to me (not that I have ever read them, but people talk about them and they don't matter, or it's nothing I didn't already know. At least so far).

TheBuddha ago


Two house, both alike in dignity. In fair Verona, where we set our scene.

Have some fucking culture, heathens.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Thanks, that makes it easier for sure.

SteaksUSA ago

Why does @PuttItOut care so much about this? Fuck those Qtards, stop giving them attention.

PuttItOut ago

We > Thee

a100167 ago

lol best sticky title yet

chocolatepatriot2 ago

theawakening has the same mod's they are the same -control freaks, wolves in sheeps clothing. Maybe Hillary has turned the corner and changed too. 2 houses 2 purposes. Think for yourselves folks

Mumbleberry ago

Lemmy lives!

Will0890 ago

Political faggery upon what??? Get us to jump on some other band wagon...for what??? So you can chimp the fuck out like a nigger and try to induce OMG world AND internet sky is falling media type scare tactics. Dude, go FYS then choke on your 2 inch clitterdick.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'SESSIONS - Madison was clear - Freedom of speech is the only effectual guardian of every other right.' was posted in v/CalmBeforeTheStorm and includes this reply from @Silverlining:

Stickied plaster or Banned Aid Solution? Barm for the Balmy Army!

Latest VQAT Q Drop! #99282.b (QHATPUTT? IT'S HAPPENING!) (whatever) 9/18/18 by @PuttItOut

This notification (#219) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

Inaminit ago

Pax erit in valle...

scrimmmy ago

Discord is for working out your molestation issues in a healthy and safe way you insensitive brute.

scrimmmy ago

Carefagging. And did you just quote Randy fucking Travis? I love this place.

Submariner_SS ago

"So here we are, with two houses but one purpose." Two houses are better than one. You are clearly someone with clear and strict convictions. Have an upvoat! And as always WWG!WGA!

Qfan2020 ago

Thanks! Carefagging appreciated!

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Nice solution.

toobaditworks ago

Putt = Q confirmed.

Eyez_wideopen ago

I didn't want to download. I just clicked on the title. It should have an option to download. I don't want to see more of these kinds of automatic d/l.

qwasx ago

lol, wtf did you just download. Have fun with that

Crensch ago


The girl can stay, too.

dassaer ago

LOL; Yes, that living breathing accoutrement really brings it all together. From the understated simplicity of the well thought-out eye catching styling. Coupled with brilliant hand-crafting and superior finish. Superb in its dedication to detail. Unmatched as an example at the pinnacle of creative will. Using only the best of materials. Impossibly clean sharp and versatile to the demands for day to day wear. This mastery of culture represents a last word in creating a fantastic product that is as impressive to the world as it is practical to one's self. The final solution for apparel in the quest for correct finesse has never been closer. What will you wear.

Btw, Is that "Swastika Cola - Best Cola" she sipping??.

Crensch ago

To append:

You have a talent for that kind of writing. Use it here a lot and you'll not only make a name for yourself, but introduce a style of memeing here that I've not seen around often. I would love to see more.

Crensch ago

I don't know you, but I like you. You can stay.

The final solution for apparel in the quest for correct finesse has never been closer.


Btw, Is that "Swastika Cola - Best Cola" she sipping??.

I think they call it SwastiKola.

dassaer ago

I approve your validation, /shits then giggles...

Neskuaxa ago

Thanks @puttitout. I've been off and on this place the past year, came over full time once Reddit shit the bed. Should have come over sooner, but ah well. Glad we have an admin that can be accommodating. Had a good laugh at the Q Parody.

Anti_Idle ago

You should nuke theawakening, there was already a quality sub here for the exact same purpose. That means the new sub is 1) pointless, and 2) an infiltration by powermods. So what if the powermods are 'acting' better now. They're still powermods.

Dismal_Swamp ago

Michelle Obama has a penis.

TrinidyKiddII ago

I'll wait for NR's blessings before jumping on the Ra-Ra wagon after all the shitstorm and drama we GA refugees had to endure. Its going to take some time to regain our trust, so please understand the need to be cautious. Cheers!

divine_human ago

best is to follow your Self.... only...

PuttItOut ago

Don't trust anyone is always the best approach. But hopefully, over time, trust can be established.

CrimsonFuckr ago

I trust your judgement

SuzanneG100 ago

Trump is making the government accountable might even make the UK government accountable too and the funniest thing is someone told me he is using an executive order that Obama signed because they never thought Hillary would lose. God Bless President Trump Amen

TrueDub72 ago

We need to flood social media with memes. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!

Memes are their Kryptoniteand they are very very fooking powerful.

Example: The Tony Blair selfie meme with the nukes going off in the background,

Perhaps the Michaelangelo as far as memes go and EVERYONE knows it including the normies.

So lets knock that one off its perch..NOW! .

Sarcastatron_9000 ago

Now I know what it feels like to be an old lady who has no fuckin' clue what those damn kids are talking about. I understand precisely none of what this post is about. Now get the hell off my lawn, pull your pants up, and for heaven's sake turn down that music. In my day we had some respect.

PuttItOut ago

You'll fit in fine here.

Sarcastatron_9000 ago


KryptoKoins ago

This site is the shit If not for the Reddit Q ban I may have never made it here. Free Speech is Everything to a free society and Guns

vandilx ago

Putt, you're a good human being.

auto_turret ago

Carefagging.. that's great. I've gained new knowledge today, my vocabulary is just a little bit wider. I can now use the phrase "Stop being such a carefagging carefag, carefaggot!"

Salicaz ago

Haha good work. Seriously though I've shat on them somewhat with a few posts but that was just hazing. I don't believe in their deity but this I don't mind helping them with.

ThoseFeels ago


You as a human are a battery of energy and potential. Your potential as a change agent, even as a single individual is limited only by your imagination, especially in the information/technology era.

Where is your mental/emotional energy being expended?

Was this your conscious decision to expend your energy in the ways that you do, or -if you were to look at yourself from a distance- would you see that you were lured into expending energy and emotion on "Q"?

shrink ago

Make sure to sign any executive orders with this very specific pen, patriots! Chuckle at my facetious statement while I direct you in a dead-serious fashion to someplace at which I actually do want you to spend shekels!

CouldBeTrump ago


They set it up that way as soon as they came here. Did they fix it when I wasn't paying attention?

TheBookWasBetter ago

Forever and ever. Amen.

You must be a catholic.

Paytriot ago

I will decode Trigglypuff's post for three sheckels.

ExpertShitposter ago

And /v/AestheticFascism.

Right after i re upload everything atko wrecked with his shit imghost.

madhatter67 ago

You are a wonderful man.....if I were a faggot I'd kiss you

Goathammer ago

Q predicted this.

iamapersondamnit ago

And the great bitch slap girl fight of 2018 between the mods of the q boards is over. The time of oven mitts is upon us, kek be praised.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'Downvoats are enabled on "theawakening" now' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @MadWorld:

"Debunked", lols... Anyone with half a brain can tell you're full of shit, just by looking at the sidebar of rPV. Come join Putt's thread here: I am pretty sure Putt is on the top of your "shills" list.

Good luck shill!!

This notification (#213) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

harry_nash ago

Ok, sorry, the title is sensationalized and complete gibberish but I had to get your attention somehow.

Out-fucking-standing! You got mine.

I don't care one way or the other about the Q drama, but the /v versus /s solution sounds like a good one for this situation and may prove to be useful as Voat continues to grow.

MadWorld ago

Sets are great! It unites fragmented subverses into one single name, sorta an alias to group them all.

Saufsoldat ago

I just wish blocking a sub would prevent it from showing up in the "most viewed in past 24 hours" list in the side bar.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'The First Sign of Custom Sets Comes to Voat' was posted in v/OneTruePutt by @PieceSeeker and permalinks this submission.

This notification (#208) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

auralsects ago



madhatter67 ago

Ahhhh last the voice of reason....but come on....feel the love

fuckingmockies ago

Oooh niggardly as in frugal and fried chicken as in niggers.

Well done, sir.

*tips fedora*

NotHereForPizza ago

Ahh, a thread full of panic.

What's wrong, guys? Have I been making too much noise?

Should I be right more? Or would that freak you all out?

Don't worry, we're only just getting to the good part!

Enjoy the show!

Womb_Raider ago

You people are so obvious

novictim ago

Sounds fantastic, Putt! You are a good man and a patriot.

MolochHunter ago

Has there been any resolution to goats not accruing CCP on theawakening posts? That should be reiterated to those using the aggregated board...

Womb_Raider ago

Oh yeah, a glitch. It affected a whole... one account. Nice. Did you try wiping it with a cloth?

heretolearn ago

A+ title

C_Corax ago

I hope some of you Q folks take the time to reflect on this whole thing. On an internet that largely wants you silenced that is no small branch being reached out to you. And for some of you a branch you didn't deserve.


AmaleksHairyAss ago


Attac ago

Good. Don't do it again you fucking faggot

koolchange ago

Thank you! Wwg1wwa

goatboy ago

Is the /s/ for sarcasm?

dordiewithq ago

Thank you PuttItOut

Glad the chaos has settled and Patriots are coming together with Trump and Q to fight Evil in all forms.

Thanks also to the moderators and everyone who got behind the concept of 2 coordinated subverses. Smart!!

... in the fight with Trump, Q and you all

Broc_Lia ago

So long as they stop the upvote farms and being so mod-heavy I don't really mind them. They'll learn the ropes eventually.

digitalentity1497 ago

Well, this is something nice. I'll pass the message to Q.

PuttItOut ago

We have an inside man! Nice.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'President Trump: FBI DOESN'T want to investigate Kavanaugh allegation' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @Qrusader:

@Digisphere pls. read this v/whatever/2728148

This notification (#202) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

Ina_Pickle ago

You're awesome Putt. XD. That title had me cracking up.

ImPhilippe ago

I hate qfags

thelma ago

Does this mean I'm going to have to turn into a faggot.

Awwww, but I don't want to be a fag.

PuttItOut ago

It's too late. Don't fight it.

TheAmerican ago

You are Q

alalzia ago

You are a cool dude and i owe you a bunch for providing me a platform to shitpost , you said that i owe to you to let qfaggs in peace and it is true .

lbruiser ago

@Puttitout, you sticky when you want to. easy to ignore for those who don't want it.

chags ago

you sticky when you want to

Sexual innuendo, that's what this is.

lbruiser ago


chags ago

I hope you're blinking in a non sexual manner, or it's harassment. Where's Voat Code of Conduct? I need to see in which item I'm a victim here. Blinking to another user in an informal internet conversation... THIS IS RAPE.

dmusered ago

That has saved me a lot of clicking. Thank you for caring @PuttItOut you old slag. I think you have set out the way forward nicely.

Nadeshda ago

:) this did make me smile, it’s defo carefagging imho...

DrPenguin ago

I'm not a Q guy but those guys are the best investigators on the net. I welcome them 100%. Set up shop boys. You're home.

gabara ago


fuckmyreddit ago

@Puttitout, great idea. Newfags can go to their safe space while acclimation to goathood. Cranky goatfags can go to their own rooms when they feel like throwing tantrums. Hopefully everyone will transition into AdultGoatHood at some point.

You can post global stickies all day for a year because you're the only sensible, logical person here.

iahkaferoaster1 ago

Make it easier to get comment conntributor points.

iahkaferoaster1 ago

Who are the dickless blue waffes that keep down voting me? I wanna know who to tell fuck off to.

CouldBeTrump ago

It's easy site-wide, but your mods in v/theawakening have switched settings so that upvoats in that subverse don't count towards your global CCP total. If you contribute usefully to conversation outside of that subverse, or if your mods change settings withing that subverse, you'll start building CCP. Welcome to voat, niggerfaggot, enjoy your stay.

ExpertShitposter ago

Our shared account.

No one. Hes just a MK-ULTRA victim.

When the reddit scum donates more buttcoins.

Freshmeat likes it so its clearly for homosexual gay redneck people.

Subvert subvert subvert!!

SeanBox ago

I literally just registered a company today called “BUTTCOIN”. I’ve already got a logo and everything. I’m going to send pictures of pretty girls in bikinis and lingerie into the prison system. I’m even going to have rare buttcoins I distribute by doing limited runs of certain pictures.

ExpertShitposter ago

I'm going "long" on that coin!

SeanBox ago

Its gonna work. It’s a catchy name. It makes it seem collectible which makes them want to buy more —->profit.

SylviaStone1 ago

k, that works /s/ - thanks for the help

BrownRecluse ago

Thank you for the merge and the sticky with links to tools and all things Q! Carry on Patriot!


BuilderAnon ago

Omg its VAnon!

Dr_Phil ago

Are you able to to discuss this VQAT Q Drop! #99282.b ?

zyklon_b ago


IsaacJan ago

At least you aren't depression-crying like you were months ago.

PuttItOut ago


ShiftyCoyote ago

My friend, you will be offered some crazy shit in the coming months, I gander. I want to believe most people want good, but unlimited money is a very persuasive thing.

IsaacJan ago

Now I feel bad.

I appreciate Voat, it's a great site. My first introduction to you specifically was right when I was settling in after switching from Reddit and I was extremely disheartened when I read your post basically shitting on your users for how they talked, which scared the living fuck out of me because I liked this place and every forum I had been in previously got FUCKED by their retarded admins.

I'm glad you're more optimistic about these things. Don't ever fucking turn. DONT.

TheBuddha ago

Thank you.

Full disclosure, I'm biased. I think they're lunatics, but they sent some good guitar goats and we had an excellent thread and @PuttItOut facilitates that.

I'll take more guitar goats. I'm easily bribed into good behavior!

VapidGopher ago

Qfag believer here. Idk why I'm laughing at this post so much, but I'm loving the Voat community even if they can be sarcastic fags.

kestrel9 ago

sarcasm at it's best is one key to free thinking and many happy keks (not the toxic leftist bastardization of it, i.e. 'snarkasm' which is just vile ridicule aimed to censor and control people).

kneo24 ago

Being able to laugh at things you like means you're not taking it seriously to the point where it's not above criticism, and that's a good thing.

TwistedSista ago

'anything you can take seriously, you can be controlled by' ~ Benjamin Franklin

kestrel9 ago

Putt, this is for you and for all who work tirelessly to preserve the spirit of WWG1WGA and freedom!

Congratulations, our deepest gratitude, Voat has once again broken the ice!

bluedeath ago

Well handled.

ExpertShitposter ago

Let me tell you something puttitout. Qtard baby boomers are awful civic nationalists and that is very shameful. I will have no choice but to educate them about propper right wing ethno nationalism via Hitler memes. I bet these soyboys don't even mown their lawn or drink monster energy drinks like propper 33yo childless boomers like me. Fucking Qfags. But anyway, when i and the rest of the squad from v/RidersoftheReich and SBBH educate them on the real trufes of our times, that's when they will be on the right path. Of course, some of them will commit suicide by then, but that is a price i am willing to accept.

PuttItOut ago

I'd be a fool to ask you to change a single thing.

GoBackToReddit ago

So here we are, with two houses but one purpose.


..and I'm sure it won't stop there...

Even after they claimed they limited votes as a favor to voat (source).. while still being the victim mind you.. attempted to farm votes in unrelated subs (source) and then alluded to you and/or Atko being the reason, via a "software issue" that they could not change their settings (source)... again, without taking responsibility for it.. just more of them same "we are sorry that it's not our fault because reasons" .... banning people like crazy then saying it's because their ex abused them.. I mean really...

They smile to your face and spit on the ground you walk on. The people that can deal with the fallout without being coddled are the same people voat has always accepted. Everyone else can and should piss off imo. That has been the Voat way for what, 3 years+ at this point? The only reason that would ever need to change is to "clean up" Voats image.. is that what this is?

For the record, people and posts in v/GreatAwakening are safe from me (like that's some kind of actual threat) but these other subs are power grabbing vote farms and I will react as such. The same as I did when T_D was banned and a bunch of power grabbing vote farms started popping up.

twistedmac11 ago

Don't forget v/calmbeforethestorm

Vindicator ago

I believe that sub was created right around the same time as v/GreatAwakening -- when Q ditched 4chan due to powermodding and moved to his own board on 8chan.

VapidGopher ago

It really says a lot about Voat and how damn caring the admin is to put so much effort into amiably resolving this sub drama. It also shows how much he cares about all his users, the oldfags and plebbit noobs (myself). I wish Putt and Voat all the best and hope this platform gains enormous traction, because for once it's nice having grown up admins that really do care.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'Important podcast from Dan Bongino regarding what this FISA unredaction really is.' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @Mumbleberry:

Hey double postering dude, read this;

This notification (#200) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

xenoPsychologist ago

the good ones stay, and the ones who only want to destroy our home get sent packing. hopefully there will come a time when its not necessary to keep people from wrecking your nice house. hopefully.

PuttItOut ago

Nah, it will never stop, but we get a bit better at handling it each time.

xenoPsychologist ago

we can develop surgical precision! only devastating the exit-only holes that deserve it without any flak violating those who dont!

293948172 ago


OneUnderNone ago


daskapitalist ago

I think it's a fantastic way to showcase a new feature (sets) in a relevant manner to current events on Voat. Keep up the good work!

ShiftyCoyote ago

Absolutely right - shows genuine interest in ones' product. Sets are brilliant, and I'd wager you'll see Reddit incorporate it soon.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Forever and ever. Amen.

Seriously? No Latin? I thought Voat was supposed to be hardcore.

PuttItOut ago

I never said I wasn't a disappointment.


Wait how do you make a set? I'd like to make one that added pizzagate in with the other two.

chags ago

I know you're being sarcastic (right?), but there was a time in which we could. Then bad times came, resources became a problem and a new technical thing (api, framework, whatever) had to be created, and priorities were prioritized. So we can't create sets but we have a site to shitpost.

Doodle_and_me ago

ThankQ Putt. Much appreciated!

Phil_Free ago

Hey, man -- looks/sounds good. Gotta habit that must be fed, now --

Carefag? hey, ya' gotta do what ya' gotta do. ;) Yeah, C'mon.

McFluffy ago


how do you even pronounce that?

kestrel9 ago


Crensch ago

With a Russian accent.

Neskuaxa ago


Phil_Free ago

like "coat" . . . but with a " v " in front of it. " V-COAT" ;D

PuttItOut ago

Carefully and with a serious look.

If you can do it without so much as cracking a smile you win.

lord_nougat ago

Would I have to creepily maintain eye contact the whole time as well?

PuttItOut ago

Does it count if you don't?

lord_nougat ago

Good point. I mean, maybe. If you're a hot girl. But I don't identify as such today.

BigFatDaddy ago

Putt is a carebear sharefag. You heard it from the man himself!

But good on you Putt. You handled this migration well, and the servers hardly crashed at all!


Hail the Voatfuhrer!

Trfsrfr ago

So does this mean that ALL of the posts from each site will be visible there? Or is it selected, and if so, by whom?

PuttItOut ago

The set displays the content from the two subverses as if they were one. They are on completely equal footing.

lord_nougat ago

although one may be slightly more equal than the other!

Phil_Free ago

Hey, man. I'll give that a thumbs up. Some of us have a habit that must now be met --

Keep those Q-tips coming. Pro-tip: don't stick 'em in your ears.

Ps4Freedom ago

Can you take it away if they don't behave? They are eating everything.

OneIssue ago

Dumb idea. 'theawakening' is meant to divide the community. Also, anything posted there doesn't count toward anything. The mods purposely disabled that.

PuttItOut ago

They have changed this setting. The sub is now functioning without point restrictions.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'The Mods Here And Their Inner Circle Are A Bunch of Liars - Change My Mind' was posted in v/theawakening by @kneo24 and refers to this comment.

This notification (#285) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. You can suppress pings from these notifications on request.

kneo24 ago

Oh, they changed it. You mean they were lying when they said none of their mods changed it wrongly the last time? Shocked, I tell you, shocked!

OneIssue ago

Did they delete the forum? no. They're dividing the community.

Ina_Pickle ago

With the creation of this set, Putt has in a single stroke ended their tyranny.

divine_human ago

brilliant move! i see the wink in big daddies eyes as he puts the fighting kiddies in one room. so love it! i am putt fan now ;)


I promise I will never post another global sticky about Q drama for the rest of time. Forever and ever. Amen.

If Q turns out to be everything that qfags hope it will be, then the only way you could follow through on this promise is if you get seth rich'd. by the deep state as retribution for running voat.

PuttItOut ago

I'm powerless to stop that outcome but I won't hide in fear of it.

TheMatrix ago

Nice functionality addition.

bdmthrfkr ago


PuttItOut ago

You are a very valuable goat. Consistently contributing positively to the community. Thank you.

Thank you for being a bad mother father!

kneo24 ago

bad mother father!

wut. You might as well have called him a bigger maggot.

Blacksmith21 ago

The hazing is dying down. The cream is starting to rise to the top. The BS seems to be normalizing. This may just work.

Regarding Neon Revolt - Yeah, NR does good work. My beef is that for whatever reason - nefarious, oblivious, or sanctimonious - NR went after the v/GA mods with ZERO evidence. And then claimed I was spreading "disinfo" when I challenged him. It is what it is, I'm dropping the subject, in the interest of unity.

Fingers crossed.

70times7 ago

They threaten his shekels.

dassaer ago

"They threaten his shekels, Shits and giggles", there fixed.

The_Crusader ago

Wait, why do they have two seperate subs again?

Evileddie13 ago

Why does everybody like this startreck guy so much?

Phil_Free ago

Because John de Lancie was (is) great, that's why. ;)

sexylarrytate ago

I upvoted all the comments I could here in celebration. Thanks

Carlosone ago

Wake me up when the revolt begins

ModB ago

Fantastic! It's like an arranged marriage.

baphometsrage ago

The old goats and a bunch of new virgins... wait, putt is mohamed confirmed

Ina_Pickle ago

best comment imo

GoyimNose ago

Holy fuck this is super queer

Phil_Free ago

wait what - you're a super queer? Sorry 'bout that.

Crensch ago

"Hi, I'm NeonRevolt and I can decode this for you all if you buy my hats. Remember, having someone I don't like on a ping list means you are shady and compromised."

Brandanon ago

You're way off base buddy. He's helping just like everyone else.

Crensch ago

You're way off base buddy. He's helping just like everyone else.

This kind of argument isn't going to fly here.

Welcome to Voat.

TrinidyKiddII ago

A shirt & hat I can use, but not a JC bullshit shill book or AJ's snake oil! If you can bring chunks of meat to the table, I'll hunt with you. In the mean time NeonRevolt is worth his salt, so lets see what you have to offer! Sick of this division shit!

Type-o-Negative ago

Would it surprise you if I told you he was one of the main culprits of the division?

Heads Up:

NeonRevolt has a crypto-miner on his is website. So basically you have to buy shit from his generic corporation gear usually bought with CorpBux Coupon for eligible employees, and let him use your computer resources for him to make BitCoin for nothing. What a guy!

Crensch ago

NeonRevolt is worth his salt

Yeah, that ship has sailed. My submission wrecked his shit and showed the world that he is, in fact, not worth his salt. The comments by other goats were much, much more of a scathing indictment of his value.

Do yourself a favor and remember the usernames wrecking NR there; they're heroes fighting tooth and nail to free Redditors and other unsuspecting Q followers from a group of mods that are corrupt like AJ and Corsi.

If my words got through to you, consider thanking them. If my words did not get through to you, consider avoiding them, because whether or not you recognize what's happening to Neon, he's tanking faster than Nike in a red state; and that result is not surprising in the least to anyone that knows of them.

madhatter67 ago

You are clearly a compromised glowfaggot shill for not supporting his paytriot patreon

Skeeterdo ago

"I also sift through all the shit and porn to bring you gold nuggets because reading about child eating, human sacrificing pedo's, and satanic cabalist isn't that bad."

Crensch ago

"I choose my words carefully."

SandHog ago

The ego on this fucking clown. Jesus.

'Come watch me stroke my own dick. Don't forget to buy a hat!'

shrink ago

...does he say all this ironically? Like is it a charade for the retards who'd be so gullible to believe this shit? Or is he so genuinely delusional that he believes this himself?

Helbrecht ago

Holy shit. How does he stand upright with that big fuckin head?

dassaer ago

So he doesn't have to sit in all that sh*t constantly running out his arse...

kestrel9 ago

Did NR popularize the term 'cabal' before or after Al Gore created the internet?

Skeeterdo ago

"The Jewish cabal is out to get me." A remark repeated by Nixon several times in private conversations.

I don't know but this guy is beyond ridiculous.

Doesn't cabal come from kabbalah?

kestrel9 ago

Doesn't cabal come from kabbalah?

Yes I believe that is correct.

I don't know but this guy is beyond ridiculous.

He's painted himself into a corner imo. For what it's worth I believe he misinterpreted what Q meant by 'tracking sites', meaning that I believe Q was referring to BIG CENSORSHIP related platforms: Twatter, YouTube, FB, and reddit...

kneo24 ago

Needs more fedora's.

kestrel9 ago

So the red carpet socks weren't really green because there were no socks! Tricky

knightwarrior41 ago

I promise I will never post another global sticky about Q drama for the rest of time. Forever and ever. Amen.

i still think that Q is a larp

Phil_Free ago

And I do not think that. Soo sorry.

Tallest_Skil ago

You are objectively wrong, though.

knightwarrior41 ago

And I do not think that. Soo sorry.

dont be sorry its okay to disagree :)

Phil_Free ago

S'allright -- we're good, mah' niggah ;)

knightwarrior41 ago

S'allright -- we're good, mah' niggah ;)


elitch2 ago

Good one! You had me ready to call you a faggot.

Really fucked with my world view for a moment.

justalittlecancer ago

hey, you niggers aint half bad, put er there faggot

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Q: Is this post technically carefagging or sharefagging?

A: Both (not complaining).


RedditIsTheBest111 ago


Crensch ago

What does this mean for the 1488 Airborne Division? Do we still get to drop bombs on faggots, or is this a ceasefire?

I've never before seen the goats this mobilized to kick ass, and against so few usernames. I've never been prouder of my fellow old goats, and I want to be able to follow through with them to crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of the front holes.

For a goat, that is what's best in life.

ExpertShitposter ago

It means at least one educational Hitler info bomb per day. We must separate the wheat from the chaff.

Type-o-Negative ago

Muh Führer

FridayJones ago

Your Gen-Z ass is so weak you'd probably just smack 'em with your purse though.

Neskuaxa ago

What even quantifies Gen Z? What year is the cut off between Millennial and Gen Z?

ExpertShitposter ago

I eint a fuckin zoomer. Im 33yo boomer.

FridayJones ago

That puts you in "Generation Next" with the rest of the Y trash. Boomer cutoff is 1961. You're from the first wave of the "Participation Trophy" "All Our Kids Are Above Average" "My Child is an Honor Student At Che Guavara Elementary School" Specialtards. You probably would up on Voat because at some point you read "The Fountainhead" just in time to stop yourself from accidentally helping Mankind for free like some sucker. Another few decades and you might have been doing something useful, just to have it all snatched away!

ExpertShitposter ago

Hell no. Baby boomers cut off at 61. But i'm not baby boomer. I'm 30yo boomer. I take sips from monster energy drink, and mow my lawn, don't you know?

Gen Y is called lost generation. And its awesome. Gen Z is the last gen that had at least a portion of their childhood without socialmedia, cellphones and internet. So we got to see how that life was. We also got to feel the 90's, the best and last time on earth that wasn't fully degenerated to death. 90's were the best leme tell ya.

Not all shit trends spread across all of the world at the same time, so i didn't go to now jew school in jewyork.

FridayJones ago

Can't we just agree that my cohort totally rules?

ExpertShitposter ago


kneo24 ago

Do we still get to drop bombs on faggots, or is this a ceasefire?

I say we keep a careful watch. If people assimilate accordingly, everything is good. If not, drop away.

13903596? ago

Lamentations of their frontholes. Rofl.

alele-opathic ago

This is the best use of sets that I can think of - as migration aids. Good to see Voat has the technical upperhand in this battle - I can't wait to see Reddit burn.

Will we be able to create our own sets soon?

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

This is how you get migration AIDS

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'The First Sign of Custom Sets Comes to Voat' was posted in v/OneTruePutt by @PieceSeeker and permalinks this comment.

This notification (#209) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

MadWorld ago

You are drunk, SearchVoat XD.

TheBuddha ago

It's an awesome new feature.

MrPim ago

The original idea was for you to create your own sets. You'll have to ask Putt if and when that is still coming.

Womb_Raider ago

I’ve admitted I am biased though.

Oh, that I wish this were true...

gabara ago

HA HA! No one wants to talk to you!

kneo24 ago

I talked to him once. He stopped crying for about two seconds after I was done.

Womb_Raider ago

SoapboxBanhammer [M]

Keep skittering, cockroaches.

kneo24 ago

I was modded yesterday. What's your point? I still almost never shitpost there, though it is fun sometimes. You should try it. You might have fun. Did you have fun once and it was terrible, so you never tried it again?

Womb_Raider ago

I don't consider lying a fun hobby, I'm surprised anyone does.

kneo24 ago

Really, because you just lied right there. Does the cognitive dissonance hurt your brain, or are you not intelligent enough to even notice it, so you'll keep exhibiting the Dunning-Kruger effect and keep spouting off like your ideas are actually worth more than the time I've spent on them?

Womb_Raider ago

Ask yourself this: why did @kevdude try to purge his account of his SBBH submissions?

It's almost as if he felt some sort of negative connotation and wanted to shed that. It's almost as if he wanted to escape scrutiny... which only means SBBH is worthy of scrutiny and his actions show it. Do you know how burdensome it must be to manually remove 400 submissions made over years? Quite the effort to make.

You can play stupid if you want to, but you sound a lot like gabara.

kneo24 ago

Or, maybe it's completely irrelevant of why @kevdude purged his account of SBBH submissions. When I left Reddit, I purged my entire history there, and it wasn't for a nefarious reason.

This is also a distraction for the fact that you lied. And now you're trying to distract from said lie by bringing up something irrelevant for when I called you out on your lie. It's almost like you're playing from a script. How many shekels are (((they))) giving you now?

Womb_Raider ago

Please tell me what I lied about, sir? I see no dishonesty on my end. I just see you trying to defend members of SBBH and making yourself obvious in doing so. Keep it up.

kneo24 ago

Ah, so you are too stupid to let the cognitive dissonance affect your brain.

I don't consider lying a fun hobby, I'm surprised anyone does.

This statement assumes that every post in SBBH is meant to be an outright, ugly lie, and it's easy to infer the "outright ugly lie" part by the context of your posts.

Womb_Raider ago

You're choosing to inaccurately interpret my words and then you call it a lie. That is a failure of cognition on your end, not a failure of honesty on mine.

kneo24 ago

Oh please. You're outclassed here. You wouldn't try to paint someone purging their submission history as a negative thing and not mean that the lies are inherently terrible or bad.

Ever play a game? How about a board game, or a video game? You assume the role of something you're not. That's a lie. No one really calls it that because it's assumed there's no ill intent behind it. This is what I mean. You must have had fun once and it was awful.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm not outclassed, you're being dishonest and attempting to pin that on me. It's a laugh.

SBBH (the sub) and SBBH (the group) are distinct. There is overlap, but not always. There are accounts like yours that interact less with SBBH (the sub and/or group), it's made difficult to determine by design.

Kevdude calls it a glitch, but this has never happened to another user. A single, specific sub eliminated from your submission and comment history but no other removals? Pretty convenient story. SBBH is in the business of lies and manipulation. Sockpuppet accounts. Downvoat brigades. Script employment. They even seem to have the blessing of the administration.

The effort you're putting into this defense tells me you're more associated with them than you would have me and others believe. Why so vested?

kneo24 ago

I'm not outclassed, you're being dishonest and attempting to pin that on me. It's a laugh.

Yes, it's a laugh because you're too stupid to understand when you've lost.

Kevdude calls it a glitch, but this has never happened to another user. A single, specific sub eliminated from your submission and comment history but no other removals?

I don't care what he calls it. It's irrelevant. Stop trying to make this about @kevdude. If you didn't notice, I took you at your word earlier when you said he deleted his submissions. Of, you didn't notice because you're too stupid to see when someone is being charitable and giving you the benefit of doubt.

SBBH is in the business of lies and manipulation. Sockpuppet accounts. Downvoat brigades. Script employment.

None of which you have effectively proven.

Remember when I told you this the following in a PM?

Or they're just shit posting. I think you're reading too much into that. The winning move is to either ignore it, or shit post back at them. I get that some users don't realize that at first, but if a user just lurks enough, or goes through their posting history, they'll see how silly they really are. It's not that hard to do a cursory investigation.

And you responded with?

I feel like people are too low attention span to notice. I hope I'm wrong.

And suddenly this narrative change from you in 5 days? Did SBBH not ban you enough? Did they ban you too much?

Why so vested?

Getting you to dance is so much fun.

Womb_Raider ago

"Stop talking about kevdude, it's an inconvenient fact" - you.

You are a dishonest individual and this account is going to be scrutinized in the future. Take care, champ.

kneo24 ago

"Stop talking about kevdude, it's an inconvenient fact" - you.

Look, another lie from you. I guess you lie because you like to torture yourself?

You are a dishonest individual

You're going to go with the "no u" defense? lolololol

and this account is going to be scrutinized in the future

You wouldn't be the first person. How much do you get paid to do that?

Take care, champ.

Before you go, I found you with your friends.

gabara ago


TheKingOfMonsters ago

Then why do you stay? Are you a fool?

Womb_Raider ago

77 submissions to SoapboxBanhammer

12 submissions to TheAnimeReich

7 submissions to ShitpostersTavern

5 submissions to CouncilOfShitposters

4 submissions to RidersoftheReich


This user is moderating:

CouncilOfShitposters [J]

HircusCircus [O]

MemeTemplates [O]

pr0n [M]

RidersoftheReich [O]

ShitpostersCove [O]

SRSWomen [O]

Hmmm... there is a pattern emerging here, but I can't quite place it.

Nomad61900 ago

I love it. Great compromise and the Voat immune system worked. :)

Draurgothoth ago

You know what I always say - Qute as a Qpie doll and twice as childish.

heygeorge ago

  • Sharing is caring! We can all certainly agree you are a gigantic faggot.

  • I don’t believe you.

PuttItOut ago

  • I did it for you
  • Let's make a bet then: I'll give you a badge if I ever do, but if I don't then I want to be paid immediately afterwards.

Reddiggoat ago

I'll take that bet too, the money will be ready immediately after the end of time.

heygeorge ago

  • Ha! I’ll take that bet. And maybe better?

  • I’ll give you a badge if you fix our stickies and the smail.

  • And I bet you will make a Q group related post before that happens.

PuttItOut ago

You're on

TheBuddha ago

In ten years, we will look back at this and laugh...

...because it will explain why you never made another Q post!

TwistedSista ago

We'll be laughing with Q! (q predicated this) sorry Buddhie, even you can not escape teh awesome power.

HateCumbuckets ago

Gotta ask the real question here. Did you fix @heygeorge stickies?

LordOfTheRope ago

What the hell is going on?

knightwarrior41 ago

What the hell is going on?

i second this notion or rather, question

Skeeterdo ago

Hey good idea putt and well thought out. Way to keep the Q community in one piece.

I wanted to ask you. Is it possible to restrict accounts posting by account age? It'd seem like a cool feature.

Le_Squish ago

We gotta wait for the voats upgrade.

Skeeterdo ago

I hope that's the case. Maybe one day it will come.

Le_Squish ago

Putt accidentally took saving civilization as a part time job but I think he'll get around to implementing it eventually.

doginventer ago

“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust up them” (or something like that)

Cheers again and again Putt

Le_Squish ago

The one buttplug to rule them all?

doginventer ago

Every ring is precious !

think- ago

I'd opt for 'carefagging'. :-) I hope the Qties will appreciate it. ;-)

Although I'm not a Qcumber, I appreciate how much you care, Putt. :-)

@EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Shizy @Vindicator @MolochHunter

MolochHunter ago

fagging is any act of consideration or assistance

should i collapse with a heart attack, i dont want none of you cunts electro-fagging me with those god damn defibrilators

think- ago

Are we allowed to try mouth-to-mouth respiration?

@srayzie @Shizy

MolochHunter ago

apparently there's an old traditional penis-to-vagina technique that has a remarkable power of revivification

who knew?

shygrrrl ago

P.S.: 'old traditional penis-to-vagina technique'? I have actually no idea what you're talking about..... ....PM with details, please.

Shizy ago

Details? You know what you meant to write was pitctures! Gonna help her out @MolochHunter?

shygrrrl ago

If it's a good text, I'll accept written descriptions....


MolochHunter ago

sure, @shygrrrl it goes something like this

shygrrrl ago

Didn't you say 'penis-to-vagina'?! You accidentally clicked on 'tongue-to-butt'....

shygrrrl ago

@Shizy, we need to get @MolochHunter a book about anatomy!


srayzie ago

@MolochHunter is a freak lol

shygrrrl ago

@MolochHunter seems to love employing his tongue in various ways.....

That's promising...........

MolochHunter ago

lol not much good itll do us, unless you can find some way to Fed-Ex me ur pussy

shygrrrl ago

LOL - or you find a way to Fex-Ex your tongue.... ;-)

MolochHunter ago

hang on.. lemme see what I can manage with emojis

🍑😝😝😝😝😝😝😜still there? 😝😝😝😝😝😝😛👌 😝😝😝man this ... this is hard 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝 ur tongue's not meant to do this much work 😝😝😜😜😜🤪🤪 there. 😊 how was that? 😘

shygrrrl ago

Hahahaha, I'm rolling on the floor......(but hey, I was meant to anyway, lol)....................brilliant.

Best oral sex I ever had!!! 😊😊😊 😘😘😘😘

@srayzie @Shizy - we already suspected it - @MolochHunter is a sex god!!!

(But hey, not sure whether I want to share him with you...... 😛 ).

Shizy ago

You two need to get a room! Or at least make this thread NSFW!🤣😂🤣🤣

shygrrrl ago

LOL ;-)

MolochHunter ago

thank you, thank you ma'am

I think you'll find this deserves its own post

shygrrrl ago

I think you'll find this deserves its own post

Öh, absolutely.... 😘

MolochHunter ago

You know it babez

MolochHunter ago

you absolutely do, send pix!

shygrrrl ago

You fancy more pics of Kermit and Miss Piggy?

MolochHunter ago

bring the bacon, baby

MolochHunter ago

lol omg the one with the go-go gadget frog tongue 😂

noi noi c u tomorrow

MolochHunter ago

Harnie, this is the foreplay bit

shygrrrl ago


shygrrrl ago

So the ladies of Voat do have to wait until you'll have a heart attack until we can try this mysterious old technique?

MolochHunter ago

yes. wait -

maybe we should run some drills

Phil_Free ago

What about Qtip.

Qtie just doesn't have the right ring ..

lord_nougat ago

Just the tip?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

I'm a Qfag I believe in him and the efforts of some of the Q goats, so I dont know why I'm helping you, probably because you are mostly all fucking awesome, So here some free Ammo,:- Quollinder Hat wearing Qustard brains Quricculum Qustomised for Qurious Qucks Q a Qustodian and Qurator for Qultivating Quackery Again I truly believe in Q and his Movement but if you cant laugh at yourself and others what the fuck are we all fighting for? And why are you on Voat?.

Reddit_traitor ago

all i got was blonde hair and blue eyes

TheBuddha ago

I got bingo!

Alice89 ago

I truly hope this works! lol

Russianbots ago

Never Forget (((They))) want us divided.

P8prclip ago

I always wonder if/when (They) the ones who will ultimately be imprisoned/executed are gone, will the shills that they have paid  be exposed and arrested themselves?  If so what happens when (We) start poking around their secrets?  Dirty money? Pedos themselves? ...

qwasx ago

just says jews faggot

lord_nougat ago

Just should shut the fuck up because saying 'jews faggot' is nonsensical and weird. You jews faggot!

TheBuddha ago

It's kind of weird that the people who most want to control speech on Voat also frequently have the worst grammar. Like, please! They can't even type coherently, and they want to tell other people how to do it.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

It's cool that we have some new blood, but at the same time it's almost a direct replay of the_donald/thepedes drama.

The hazing ritual, as old and tired as it is, really is an effective (and admittedly hillarious) immune system against the sort of farming and brigading we have seen attempted both times.

Hopefully the newfags from these two subs will integrate as well as the guys at /v/milliondollarextreme and realize that there is a lot of sympathy and support here for bringing the pain against the corrupt establishment.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

6 months

DietSodaLuvr ago

What is the theme of that sub? I went on it and it was just a bunch of memes with no central theme.

TheBookWasBetter ago

What exactly is million dollar extreme? I get they were banned from reddit but I just see shitposting and general faggotry. Am I missing an underlying recurring theme?

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

AFAIK it was a show on Adult Swim that leaned hard right and had a signficant following.

As we know, right wing shotposting and faggotry is not permitted on plebbit.

TheBookWasBetter ago

ahh, thank you much. Milliondollarguys please continue the shitting and fags.


One day we will be able to kill redditors.

nullifyNWO ago

Dont bash people with BRAIN TUMOR. (islam, socialism. multiculturalism=socialism 2.0, catholicism, atheism)

RianRoundheadJohnson ago

Pretty sure the leading death cause of redditors is suicide

sorosminion ago

LOL Gonna kill who? How? by memes? Jeeeezez you hillbillies are dumb! Yeah, AS USUAL, the entire fucking internet is laughing at you morons! Q predicted you are mentally defective idiots , gullible and STUPID beyond belief! How long until you cowards ADMIT you were fooled? Poor yokels! EVEN TRUMP LAUGHS AT YOU!!

Type-o-Negative ago

You should have named yourself SorosBitch because that is what you are.

Tzitzimitl ago

is there any difference between bitch and minion?


The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”


The hazing ritual, as old and tired as it is,

It's happened like two or three times. It's actually a pretty fun way to get useful idiots to glow in the dark. Voat doesn't act this way to individuals happening upon our site, only in response to organized mobs telling people what they can and can't think or say. I would never have understood why they call so many people cucks without taking the time to see from their perspective.

I still have no idea what MDE is...

Pronebone45 ago

“I still have no idea what MDE is...” I’m glad I’m not the only one, and my dumbass subscribed to it yesterday.

spaceman84 ago

Then GTFO nigger

Ina_Pickle ago

I don't think MDE even knows what MDE really is. People have asked them, but they just blow the question off with "you have to be MDE to get MDE"

spamyak ago

Copying my response from before, here's some vids from MDE:

idk ago

That guy sure looks a lot like a mass shooter.

TheTrigger ago

It's okay. Boomers wouldn't get it, even if they tried. Don't feel too bad.

Ina_Pickle ago

Well apparently genx doesn't get it either. WTF is that noise?

JastheMace ago

Mandatory Daily Enigma....with covfefe

Ina_Pickle ago

I think you guys have managed to out spaz SDBH. This scares me. It should scare you too, but I know it won't because the inmates never realize they're insane.

Ps4Freedom ago

me dumb ejit?

smackdownfletch ago

Never saw the show/vids but I've followed them for a year or so. Their shitposting skills are top notch.

CentipedeRex ago

It isn't the same because this is the second time we've been burned by reddit and we are aware of the censorship. Also, you goats did a better job of communicating with us. Everyone gets a pat on the back.

Skeeterdo ago

I find it cringy myself to run around calling everyone niggers and faggots but I've accepted it as a necessary evil and it's quite hilarious to see a site explode with the most "insensitive, vulgar and outright disgusting" insults. It's quite effective and I can't recall a website community ever doing such a thing.

TheSavageCabbage ago

It's quite effective and I can't recall a website community ever doing such a thing.

You must be new to the internet. Lurk more.

6million ago

you'd think browsing 4chan for 12years i'd be at least called a nigger once

AreWeThereYet ago

I only talk like that to people I know and like. I guess I'm just weird that way...

I also NEVER eat food from someone's house unless I've been to their house, (And they're not filthy hovel dwelling cat hoarders...)

N my personal space bubble... It's exactly 15 & 3/4" on all sides. It's been measured - not sure if it was out of thoughtfulness or they were just making fun of me.

I'm off topic aren't I?

Shizy ago

Yay! You're officially a niggerfaggot now!

Ps4Freedom ago

Those are just terms of endearment. Like bro or braah

ScreaminMime ago

or... "nigga"?

Ps4Freedom ago

How could I leave that out!? First it was nigger, then nigga, now it's nigger again apparently. LOL

JastheMace ago

When can we use 'colored folk' again?

kneo24 ago

No, we're not niggers. We are nobodies "nigga".

dassaer ago

S'pose your not a faggot either??.

kneo24 ago

Ps4Freedom ago

or cigs

fuckmyreddit ago

What's he doing here if he's not a fag?

Fuckyounigger ago

This is my understanding. We SAY the word nigger or a sentence with that word in it, and they then proceed to want to PHYSICALLY harm us because of that. Then we point out that they are just niggers at heart and they cry like little faggots.

Jimzay ago

I'm new here but why the faggotnigger cant I upvote more than once in this pile of fuckshit

Shizy ago

Because your CPP is too low Jimzay. As people upvoat your comments and that number rises you can upvoat more. Until then keep up the good work faggot!

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

cuz you're a faggot

MinorLeakage ago

Just keep commenting! You need CCP to give CCP.

Jaegerjaques ago

Leftists think violence is a casual tool to punish wrongthink, which is the worst crime imaginable to an indoctrinated liberal

Helbrecht ago

Leftists also say words are violence. And silence is violence. Conclusion: who gives a fuck what leftists think? Fuck em

TheTrigger ago

Well, they make me want to impart some violence violence.

Tzitzimitl ago


JastheMace ago

Makes me want to watch that clip of 'One Punch Boy' laying out that faggot again

dassaer ago

Kike think...

fuspezza ago

It's nice to see Putt has a since of humor lol

Chiefpacman ago

I’m just glad that they’re giving you new energy for this place. Havent seen you excited like this in a while.

Good idea with giving the option of merging the two subs. Perfect idea.

lord_nougat ago

I never even saw the value in the idea until just now! And yeah, that's just clever. Onya puttkins!

Le_Squish ago

I think sometimes Putt looks out at the other farmers and thinks it might be nice to add some chickens and cows to the mix but in the end, he just needed some more goats.

Inaminit ago

bopper ago

Reddit_traitor ago

who is KEK?

Kekalicious ago

Reddit_traitor ago



What is WP? Who A H? Was he wrong?

Phil_Free ago

I am Spart-- I mean, -I- am KEK.

odinist ago

I thought the only fagging that happened here was niggerfagging? Do you have extra fagging abilities since you're an admin? WE'RE GOING TO NEED SOME TRANSPARENCY HERE ABOUT EXACTLY WHAT KIND OF FAGGING WE'RE ABLE TO DO ON THIS SITE, DUDE.

chags ago

There's niggerfagging, kikefagging, shillfagging, retardfagging, memefagging, kekfagging, newfagging, oldfagging, carefagging, sharefagging. You, e.g., are and oldfag (3.4 years) carefag (donated to voat) , memefag (posts a lot to /v/funny) and sharefag (lots of SCP). Then there's the hidden levels of secret fagging we mortals don't know about.

odinist ago

I feel like those all need profile badges...

think- ago

We care- and sharefag now, that's the Reddit influence I guess... ;-)

RumpRangerRick ago

Is this post technically carefagging or sharefagging? It's one of them I'm certain. I’ve admitted I am biased though. I see more good than I do bad in this situation.

I dunno, Putt, but I think I may have to love you, all homo-style, if you catch my drift...

PuttItOut ago

I'm always watching my 6 when you are around.

Atticus_Lowry ago

As long as they keep their faggotry in their respective corners we'll be fine.

CantBuySkills ago

Love you putt. Qtards and sharefagging 😂 I hope this is a good idea... the thought is appreciated and you are correct, the crossposting is annoying.

sakuramboo ago

So, when can we create our own sets?

lord_nougat ago

When you've proved yourself worthy in trials of fortitude and combat!

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I’m glad you said the title was gibberish because I was worried and wasn’t sure whether it was you or me with the problem.

13903313? ago

Now gonna wait in here patiently for @freshmeat to get in here to start whining about having a sitewide discussion about the rulers of voat - sbbh. Poor sdbh always gets left out!

MadWorld ago

@freshmeat, the shill/jew/SRS that calls/accuses everyone else SRS lols...

13908816? ago

Yep. He is also a huge SJW!

mynewaccountagain ago

I find it terrible that sdbh, sbbh and pv have voating brigades to suppress people.

13903707? ago


heygeorge ago

I can’t believe you sbbh carefags are already in here shitting this place up. ;D

ExpertShitposter ago

Pls log out of the @puttitout account, i need to make an eddit.

13903493? ago

I get paid shillings for it!

asymptote_12 ago

U sure they're not sheckles?

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Can you exchange the shillings for shekels?

13903556? ago

I can't remember what I can exchange it for but I know shekels are the highest form of currency and waaaay out of my league.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

I had a shekel once. Then a jew robbes me of it.

kneo24 ago

I bet they complained about it too, wondering why they couldn't rob you even more.

13903584? ago

Sounds like something @freshmeat would do.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

@AndrewBlazeIt saw the whole thing and said if I ever go to court he testify in my favor. @BourbonExpert and @expertshitposter said they'd be my acting counsel and @Le_Squish and @Needlestack could be the Expert witnesses.

Le_Squish ago

"Judge, my client, the defendant, dindu nuffin."

13903732? ago

Open and shut case! You now owe the defendant six million shekels!

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

fuckmyreddit ago

Six gorillion shekels.

VetGoat84 ago

Does this address the compromised censoring cantankerous cowards of MODs they have at v/theawakening?

kestrel9 ago

It doesn't have to imo, they never planned on staying here.

PuttItOut ago

The best sub will win.

Vindicator ago

The best sub will win.

This is why I love Voat. :-)

I've been trying to explain how to add both subs to frontpage Sets to new Q-goats. Glad you did's somewhat hard to explain, especially to those unfamiliar with the Voat navigational labyrinth.

VetGoat84 ago

Congratulations v/GreatAwakening! You did it!

bopper ago

I was banned at the newer sub for making this comment, and I quote, "Son you are mighty confused."

True story.

madhatter67 ago

It's not the newer's the official sub! Get it right! I'm sure we said it in his drops somewhere

Neskuaxa ago

FTR, Q has not specified a specific Voat Verse yet, and I doubt he will. Anybody else claiming that for real (I assume you're being sarcastic) must've gotten that assumption from which is not run by Q.

madhatter67 ago

Yeh I's just been really bugging me they still have "welcome to the official greatawakening" in their subverse blurb....petty I know....but galling all the same

Neskuaxa ago

I don't disagree.

fuckmyreddit ago

Don't feel bad. I was once banned from Juicetown for being a Jew. They let me back in when I explained I was like a double agent spy and I was on their side when it came to khazerian mobsters and uberzionism.

True story.

Battlefat ago

Fair is fair, fuck the shills, united we stand, I forget the rest

antiliberalsociety ago

Gas the Jews

Tallest_Skil ago

Why not just ban the redditors who made their own safe space and force everything into the old containment board?

YugeDick ago

Because, Tallest_Shil, banning is censoring and that's what makes those redditors and their safe space bad in the first place. Haven't you learned anything?

Tallest_Skil ago

banning is censoring

Voat has absolutely no problem with censorship. Since this is the case, why are we not censoring things which are OBJECTIVELY FALSE? And I’m not even talking about Q-LARP at this point.

Haven't you learned anything?

Why do you support lies over truth?

YugeDick ago

You're always good for a laugh bud. I haven't talked to you in months. Nice to see your still so easily triggered.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong and that you have no answer to any of the questions.

Mumbleberry ago

"Carefagging" lmfao. I believe it fits.

nullifyNWO ago

Haaaahaha, good point.Putti is a woman!

jiews ago

Who do you care fag?

dassaer ago

Lol, you said #carefag

Mumbleberry ago

That's private.

Reverse-Flash ago

Fine, why do you care Private Fag?

TheAntichrist ago

I promise I will never post another global sticky about Q drama for the rest of time. Forever and ever. Amen.

We'll see about that.

nullifyNWO ago

Never say never.

I bet it's in the book. does anyone know where in the book this is?

GritD2 ago

Hil and Oblamea get arrested I better see a sticky!

Thoth2017 ago

Damn right!

DrizzMcShizz ago

He did quantify the statement with about Q "drama".

JastheMace ago

lol, this new one isn't Q drama, this is real!

shrink ago

What I want to know is this: how is theawakening "moving in the right direction?" The mods showed and proved they fully intended to use the familiar reddit style of moderating. Those mods are untrustworthy, permanently. It doesn't matter if they claim to do better, they shouldn't be trusted, and they left anyway. They were stuck in their mentality so solidly that they lasted a day before insisting everyone migrate again. Which raises the question, who is moderating that sub now? If it's the same mods, that's bad. If it's new mods, why did the old one hand it over, and who are the new mods? Why remain on the newly made subverse for Q in the first place, seeing as how the intention behind it was revealed by the mods' behavior?

supportsheep ago

I believe they were controlling both subverses to create a fake choice. The free speech system at voat was exposing them. They are using multiple layers of deception, like an onion.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Then hopefully people post it over at /v/GreatAwakening like /v/Pizzagate does with /v/PizzagateWhatever

Kekalicious ago

Then they get down-voted into oblivion. We know the game.

laterlosers ago

Reddit faggots gonna reddit faggot.

GlendonHawke ago

Why doesn’t this have more upvotes? I will not be subbing to the duel thread as I have no interest in hear what those who would silence and manipulate have to say. All that does is open oneself up to possible misinformation

anhro23 ago

No one has responded to you. Typical cowards.

MolochHunter ago

Lol project

antiliberalsociety ago

Any admin that uses the term fagging is a patriot in my book.

nullifyNWO ago

That's a nice way to draw attention :-)

voatcensors ago

we already have censoring kikes running voat. the SJW kikes on reddit already censor dissenting views. the whitepower faggots on here are really kikes in disguise because just like the kikes call everything they disagree with "anti-semitism, the whitepower faggots borrow the same strategy and demonize everything that hurts their frontholes. this site is really no different than reddit in operation. that's why my commenting ability was CENSORED when i logged on today.

TheSavageCabbage ago

You weren't censored. You can only make up to 10 posts on your first day.

I know this because yesterday was my first day. That limit may extend past the first day, but I dunno. I haven't made it that far yet. I'll check back in and let you know.

DependasaurusRex ago

Many of these people are trols and shills. It is best not to feed them and waste your time. Trust me, they are much more prevalent than they seem at first, but you will come to recognize them in time. There are many that I refuse to DV because it is what they want.

TheSavageCabbage ago

Ah gotcha. Thanks man

DependasaurusRex ago

No worries. Just things to look for. They pop up out of nowhere just to cause issues and make a name, or pretend they are being censored. Never feed the trolls.

Kekalicious ago

From a member with 2.5 hours. Not even gonna insult you nub.

DependasaurusRex ago

Not a nub. Likely a Sanegoat alt or some other troll. When they are down enough ccp, just ignore them. They aren't worth the time, for one, but there are those that try to hit all time lows. Don't feed the trolls.

Kekalicious ago

it's times like this that I truly miss Amalek.

TheCool ago

Any admin who uses the term "fagging" deserves to have their site shut down.

I've reported Voat to Cloudflare for hosting child pornography. Is it a lie? Yes. Do I care? No. Hope @PuttItOut can find some new servers quickly!

goatfarmn ago

what a fag, newfag needs to suck more cock AND be less gay, sit back stfu and if it looks sketchy/porn related, dont click and keep sucking dick niggerfag.

TheSavageCabbage ago

underrated post

TheSavageCabbage ago

I've reported Voat to Cloudflare for hosting child pornography.

Imagine not being on 4chan and still baiting this hard

AmaleksHairyAss ago

troll harder, nigger

Anon2107 ago

I support this site, support Q and support Trump. I also support the red wave. But Q has said they are trying to divide us in every way. There are people like myself who are black and following and supporting this movement right along with you. You dont need to use the word nigger any time you disagree or dislike someone on here.

TheSavageCabbage ago

If you think "nigger" used in this context is a racial attack on black people, you're probably just another dumb nigger.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Fair enough, nigger. I get that using it as a pejorative, as opposed to a term of endearment, is particularly problematic. But you'll notice I use it neither with heat nor with reference to skin color. If you're too sensitive for even that maybe Voat isn't for you.

Anon2107 ago


goatfarmn ago

obama fucked the american people in only every way. trump hasthe vision our forefathers had. trying to rectify the cluster fuck since the great depression and shuck the cityfags who cant do any better for themselves and wont start at the bottom and DESERVE to start at less than minimum wage. hold on to your shit and bad mouthing the leader of the free world isnt kosher, niggerfag. i have all the faith in the world the swamp will be drained and the bullshit in dc will be nullified and america eill be great again.

bb22 ago

Are you one of the Reddit faggots that literally just had your sub shut down? Why don't you go back to your retard buddies there and talk about how great censorship is you fucking nigger?

Btw falsely reporting crimes can be a crime in itself, you know.

iamanoldguy ago

The thing that gets me is that he actually got two upvoats.

TheSavageCabbage ago

The thing that gets me is that he supposedly thinks Cloudfare will do something

bb22 ago

The Reddit faggots must finally be starting their massive vote farming subversion.

TheSavageCabbage ago

Introducing votes/points into message/image boards was one of the worst mistakes of the last twenty years. I'm starting to think it's single-handedly responsible for the AIDS epidemic.

At the very least, it gave birth to a new generation of faggots.

bb22 ago

Actually the way Voat does it, it seems to work fairly well at keeping the shills out. But on other sites I absolutely agree, points and flags and "thanks" features are all cancer.

TheSavageCabbage ago

Seems like most of the Voat userbase either came from the chans, or were the redditers that didn't suck enough cock on a daily basis to fully qualify as redditers.

For the time being, Voat seems safe from the rampant "look at me" faggotry that is destroying the web.

CrudOMatic ago

Is it a lie? Yes. Do I care? No.

So... a typical leftist faggot. How did the report to the ADL go?

I-Am ago

You realize Cloudflare is not a hosting service you fucking faggot? Also, Voat ridding itself of that NSA front of a company would be the best thing for it.

bb22 ago

He's basically a fucking vegetable who needs to be wearing his retard helmet. Of course he doesn't know what Cloudflare is.

HST ago

Oh man what a jew load of shit.


Any fag admin who uses the term Qtard is a friggin dork.

Harbinger88 ago

"Friggin dork"? Do you identify as a 4 year-old child or are you just simply retarded?


Im a classy gentleman you fag.

CrudOMatic ago


What flavor of boomer cocksucker are you, anon? The kind that sold us out to illegal beaners? The kind that social safety-netted us into paying for your fucking retirement SS checks? The kind that allowed trannies into kindergarten classes? Or are you just the average small-souled bugman libertarian who bases his identity on the shit he buys instead of his people's heritage, blood & soil?

Camulos ago

Pull your uncles dick outta your ass before you go shitposting son.

Shizy ago

What about a fagtard? Or a fagQ? Maybe that's too much like a fuck you?

BearDolphin1488 ago

In going to find out where your dad is and I'm jerk him off,you faggot


I have never been prouder!

Reverse-Flash ago

Upvoat for being a hilarious faggot.

justalittlecancer ago

This faggot called him a dork lmao

MinorLeakage ago

What about Qfagging?


That's totally different and you know it.

I_like_paint ago

Grow a pair you fag.

Reddit_traitor ago

q predicted this

Slidewizards ago

😎NEW LOOK😎 Q Code & Abbreviations made easy. Need Help "An Account must have a minimum of 10 CCP to create a submission"

HillbillyGoat ago

Yeah, like 1000 drops ago. It was accepted as canon.

antiliberalsociety ago

Crumbs make bread. Wait, dough makes bread, crumbs are the left overs! Q!!! Why you...!

You win this time Q.

xenoPsychologist ago

crumbs can make a meatload. or bread the fried chicken.

dassaer ago

Yeah, just what we need MORE fried chicken!!...

xenoPsychologist ago

i do suppose we have enough. fried turkey then?

Crensch ago

Mmmmm, meatload.

xenoPsychologist ago

oh. thats quite a typo. they slip by me once in a while. might just leave it like that. some folks like a good meatload.

kneo24 ago

I would prefer the meatloaf over the fried chicken. I'll take 1 meatloaf please.

xenoPsychologist ago

there seems to have been an error, as your meatloaf is in another castle. thats never happened here before.

kneo24 ago

Fine I'll have the fried chicken.

xenoPsychologist ago

thatll be about tree fiddy.

kneo24 ago

I'm sorry, Reddit wants their joke back.

xenoPsychologist ago

i suppose they can have it, since they dont have any good ones.