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GoBackToReddit ago

So here we are, with two houses but one purpose.


..and I'm sure it won't stop there...

Even after they claimed they limited votes as a favor to voat (source).. while still being the victim mind you.. attempted to farm votes in unrelated subs (source) and then alluded to you and/or Atko being the reason, via a "software issue" that they could not change their settings (source)... again, without taking responsibility for it.. just more of them same "we are sorry that it's not our fault because reasons" .... banning people like crazy then saying it's because their ex abused them.. I mean really...

They smile to your face and spit on the ground you walk on. The people that can deal with the fallout without being coddled are the same people voat has always accepted. Everyone else can and should piss off imo. That has been the Voat way for what, 3 years+ at this point? The only reason that would ever need to change is to "clean up" Voats image.. is that what this is?

For the record, people and posts in v/GreatAwakening are safe from me (like that's some kind of actual threat) but these other subs are power grabbing vote farms and I will react as such. The same as I did when T_D was banned and a bunch of power grabbing vote farms started popping up.

twistedmac11 ago

Don't forget v/calmbeforethestorm

Vindicator ago

I believe that sub was created right around the same time as v/GreatAwakening -- when Q ditched 4chan due to powermodding and moved to his own board on 8chan.