SGM11Z ago

This is an example of what pisses me off

Maybe you agree with this post, maybe you don't. I don't care. But look at the downvotes. Why the fuck is this person now at -93? Free speech my ass. This person now has a muzzle, can only make 10 comments per day, cannot downvote and cannot send PM's. Probably won't be back. Maybe that's what you want on your "free speech" website but silencing someone you disagree with is the polar opposite of free speech.

Make your well informed, logical refutations all day long in comments, but shoving anyone, even a troll, below -10 CCP is not free speech. It's the same SJW bullshit that happens when Milo speaks. Shout them down till they leave.

The downvotes on the post don't matter. You can make your displeasure known in a cowardly way there, if you must. It's the comment downvotes that count. It's going through a persons past history and downvoting all those comments, too...just to make a point.

The only point I see to this is that bullies want to control speech on their free speech website. I fuckin hate bullies and hypocrite bullies are the fuckin worst.

sguevar ago

Already the post you chose to put in here is not giving you a good example of the matter:

Freedom to offend is not Freedom - Should I link the SCOTUS resolution about hate speech being free speech? You are free to defend yourself from the insult or ignore it.

Also did you check his lowest comment submissions trying to justify his stupid reasoning?

*The Freedom to Offend is Not Freedom submitted by OpposableGums to GreatAwakening

OpposableGums -17 points (+5|-22) 1 day ago

Patriots practice self-control. Enemy combatants practice division. Which are you?

permalink The Freedom to Offend is Not Freedom submitted by OpposableGums to GreatAwakening

OpposableGums -17 points (+2|-19) 1 day ago

Patriots practice self-control. They know freedom means more than just the 1st amendment.

permalink The Freedom to Offend is Not Freedom submitted by OpposableGums to GreatAwakening

OpposableGums -13 points (+3|-16) 1 day ago

funny. You want me to conform. But we practice freedom here.*

Seriously how do you practice freedom if you try to limit speech? Do you understand that point or is it too dang hard for you?

SGM11Z ago

That was my post on 8chan. No sense blaming anyone else. I take full responsibility and stand by it.

If you old goats wouldn't downvote new people into the -100, effectively muzzling them and putting them in jail on your so called free speech website it would have never come to that. This post simply describes what the old goats here have already done to many of us, myself included.

This post was made prior to the recent olive branches and attempts to work together. If we can all play fair, then I will play fair and I suspect the rest will too.

Stop downvoting people below -10 and give them a chance to behave. Stop posting threads about off topic bullshit. Or, better yet, ignore us and go about your business like you always did.

TurdLord5000 ago

That hole where the doctors folded your dick inside out is not a real vagina.

SGM11Z ago

What a thoughtful and intelligent response. Thanks for the downvote.

sguevar ago

I was the one that downvoted your lack of responsibility by blaming others for your faggot ways.

sguevar ago

Though I recognize that the some voaters may downvote based on the age of the accounts in question, most of us don't.

We downvote based on whether we found the input valid or not. I have seen many accounts, recent accounts that already have quite a few CCPs and SCPs on them.

The initial problem that you guys had with us was the unprecedented banning of voaters just because you didn't like what they were saying. The fact that you created a subverse so restrictive that you basically limited your own subscribers to not gaining SCPs nor CCPs and not only that, excluding them from the rest of the community.

You can say whatever you want here, but the moment we see you attempt to subvert the nature of our community you will have to suffer us.

The post you created was unjustifiable as it wasn't Voat's fault that your mods behaved in such an indoctrinated way and are unable to handle free speech with all of its good things and bad ones.

Stop demanding people not downvote you. Stop asking your fellow subscribers to upvote you.

They have the chance to say what they want. The fact that we may or not like it has nothing to do with them not handling the downvotes themselves.

This is not off topic bullshit: You are not the victims here. You are the instigators suffering the consequences of your inconsiderate and childish ways.

Once again - when I first came here I didn't ask for upvotes, I didn't complained about the downvotes I got. I didn't demand anything from this community. I adapted to them for I was an outsider. So are you. put it in your head.

Downvoting your comment right now for the lack of responsibility you took on the matter: You say I did the post but that was because of your fault. 0 responsibility taken.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out you entitled lame excuse of a patriot. Had to be a redshitter from the start.

SRS-Airbag ago

Downvoat spam, not opinions.

SGM11Z ago

I'm not asking to not be downvoted. I'm saying it is not free speech when you muzzle someone with -200 CCP. I'm sure they get it at -10. No sense kicking a guy when he's down.

And not to put too fine a point on it but, not a redshitter. Hated that place. Was on GA the past couple months cuz it had good stuff. Never commented, posted, or went anywhere else.

Also, not leaving, fuck you.

sguevar ago

You may not be a redshitter but you sure acted like one that you are defending the stupidity of a person that looks to limit speech.

If 200 people didn't like the person justifying limiting speech then who are you to tell them not to downvote?

I take you understood the point I made, however the post you did on 8 chan was unjustifiable.Stop blaming others for your actions. Don't be a nigger.

SGM11Z ago

It's not 200 people downvoting a single post. It's 10 people going back into a person post history and downvoting everything ever posted because...well why would anyone take the time to do that? You tell me.

Or it's 10 people downvoting every comment in a thread when a person is just trying to have a logical debate. Free speech means you let people speak. It doesn't mean you muzzle them and put them in jail. That's the opposite of free speech, and that's what 200 downvotes does.

Old goats have free speech because with 20k CCP you can speak your mind and take a 200 point hit. But with 100 or less CCP you get quiet little obedient church you see mostly in this sub. Maybe that's the way you like it. Fine. I don't and I speak up. Don't like it? Fuck you.

sguevar ago

He has the ability to say what he wants.

He got downvoted because of his stupid logic and you call a logical debate? Are you stupid?

If you are basing your entire argument on this user account I would advise you to find me one that is not such a stupid example.

Otherwise learn how to give proof of your claims before you make them.

SGM11Z ago

The point is that there is no sense in downvoting someone to -93, even if you disagree and the person is retarded or jewish or black or 7 years old or from reddit or whatever the fuck reason your dipshit brain comes up with. Once they get to -10, they will get the point and understand....and sending someone to -300 is just stupid...unless the point is to effectively silence them, which is hypocritical if you are a free speech website.

sguevar ago

Well not exactly.

He is free to say what he wants. We are free to not like what he says,

Do you see my point?

I understand your stance but if you keep seeing dumb comments from someone that you don't like (what he said), the choice of ignore it or downvote it is yours alone to take. That is freedom.

So I don't agree with it one bit.

SGM11Z ago

I do see your point. Except that not everyone is free to say what they want. They are free to say what the community wants to hear, which is a very different thing. It is the very definition of the PC culture. You can say nigger faggot kike, but you can't say other stuff because if enough people don't like it, you don't get to talk anymore.

You can say anything you want with 2k CCP, but someone with 20 CCP needs to be careful and play by the rules and suck old goat cock or they get muzzled and put in jail. YOU have the ability to downvote them but they cannot even downvote you back.

Do theawakening mods have free speech? You can say they deserved it and their actions have consequences all day long, but that doesn't change the fact that their speech was taken from them. You can't claim to be all about free speech while you silence those you disagree with.

You are absolutely right that everyone has the freedom to block. Downvote freedom comes after 100 CCP. If a person never gets to 100 CCP or cant even get to 0 CCP because of a downvote brigade sending them to -100 or more, that person does not have any freedom. That is oppression and the polar opposite of freedom.

sguevar ago

I get your stance but then again I can share my experience.

I didn't suck any old goat's cock and I have over 2k CCPs.

So from my personal experience I find that to be a false equivalency.

Plus on your logic I would be limited too because I can't downvote more than what I upvote so even old accounts have restrictions.

The main thing here is that they can still say what they want. Maybe not that frecuently because of spam but I have been there. We all have. So I can't fully agree with you there.

FrozenFire74 ago

Gotta admit though, there are topics you don't talk about on this site unless you're prepared to get downvoated, regardless of how reasonable or civil you are. From my first experiences with Voat, users were very capable of discussing subjects that others didn't like without downvoating the user for an opinion you don't agree with. That isn't the case anymore, and has been brought up a few times in my time on this site.

sguevar ago

I can admit that yes.

FrozenFire74 ago

Would you disagree that this is a form of censorship? If a Goat went around talking about these controversial subjects, then they would eventually reach a negative CCP and would no longer be able to discuss the controversial subjects until they posted something that Voaters would agree with. Whether or not you agree with their claims shouldn't determine if they have the right to free speech on this site.

sguevar ago

If you want to modify the ability of a voater to be able to post despite the negative CCPs then I would agree with it. I don't think that is bad Idea. Probably creating a tab for downvoted posts like a DVALL or something that still gave them the change to talk their point of views I can agree with that fix.

But they sure will have to deal with the trolling of their views, the insults and offenses they get. Because free speech comes with all its good things and its bad things

I wouldn't agree with you telling me I can't downvoat something I don't like just because I didn't commented on the post.

If I saw you talking bad about Christians for example, as you did in the past by grouping the ones that call themselves Christians but are not as per the Word of God I will downvote you and call you out for your false claims and doctrines.

If I saw someone encouraging sodomy because they feel entitled to for their free speech. I will downvote that as well because sodomy is one of the main reasons why society has gotten in the wrong track since biblical times.

I will not promote their banning no, but would downvote them because of their false rhetoric and deceptions.

As I said it before on a different post: God gave everyone the free will to chose their own path. Whether they want to love him or not, whether they want to believe in Jesus or not. That is a choice that individuals are free to take. Yes they will have to face the consequences both in this world and on the Day of Days, when the Lord comes back to us. But they are free to chose as that was what the Father intended. I will rebuke the foul ones, the false doctrines and so on and so forth, but I will not impart judgement (banning for example) on them because that is God's task, not mine.

FrozenFire74 ago

But they sure will have to deal with the trolling of their views, the insults and offenses they get. Because free speech comes with all its good things and its bad things

People can deal with trolling if they come here to find free speech. Downvoats do fundamentally limit free speech due to the fact they can be used to silence users and restrict their Free Speech.

If I saw you talking bad about Christians for example, as you did in the past by grouping the ones that call themselves Christians but are not as per the Word of God I will downvote you and call you out for your false claims and doctrines.

I have a problem with organized religion personally, so differentiating Catholics from Christians is a pointless argument from my perspective. I love the word of Christ from what the Church has allowed to be considered canon. Regardless, I bring up the point that downvoats are equatable to censorship, which I will never support. Spammers are paid to create chaos, not to interact in a Free Speech environment. As for just downvoating rather than responding to my point, I bring up what you brought to the table:

Because free speech comes with all its good things and its bad things

And that same comment applies to people endorsing Sodomy. Free Speech is not sacred in the religious circuits. The bible does testify to the Good Samaritan, which should prevent a follower of the Christian belief from inflicting their views upon the non-followers. Your obligation is to speak your peace, not to silence the non believers, which is what downvoating is.

sguevar ago

You quoted what you thought you could argue against.

But you didn't quote what I said that showed that your answers here are pointless.

So keeping the discussion forward has no further use.

Have a good night.

FrozenFire74 ago


I wouldn't agree with you telling me I can't downvoat something I don't like just because I didn't commented on the post.

Contradicts this:

But they sure will have to deal with the trolling of their views, the insults and offenses they get. Because free speech comes with all its good things and its bad things

If you agree that downvoats can be equated to censorship. Once your CCP goes negative, then your ability to express your Free Speech is restricted.

sguevar ago

You keep failing to quote the essence of the message. I said the following:

If you want to modify the ability of a voater to be able to post despite the negative CCPs then I would agree with it. I don't think that is bad Idea. Probably creating a tab for downvoted posts like a DVALL or something that still gave them the change to talk their point of views I can agree with that fix.

It doesn't contradict my stance at all because I already stated that I would agree with a fix. Your argumentative skills are not that good if you try to argue what you conveniently picked out of context.

Take for example what you said here:

And that same comment applies to people endorsing Sodomy. Free Speech is not sacred in the religious circuits. The bible does testify to the Good Samaritan, which should prevent a follower of the Christian belief from inflicting their views upon the non-followers. Your obligation is to speak your peace, not to silence the non believers, which is what downvoating is.

I don't agree with that at all. I don't agree that downvoting is censorship but I do agree that it can limit in some level free speech. Which was the reason why i propose a possible fix for the matter.

And in all your counter arguments you also failed to quote this too:

As I said it before on a different post: God gave everyone the free will to chose their own path. Whether they want to love him or not, whether they want to believe in Jesus or not. That is a choice that individuals are free to take. Yes they will have to face the consequences both in this world and on the Day of Days, when the Lord comes back to us. But they are free to chose as that was what the Father intended. I will rebuke the foul ones, the false doctrines and so on and so forth, but I will not impart judgement (banning for example) on them because that is God's task, not mine.

I will call out sodomites. I will downvote their degeneracy. But I agree that a fix could be helpful to answer your discomfort. However limiting downvotes is not the right approach either.

FrozenFire74 ago

It doesn't contradict my stance at all because I already stated that I would agree with a fix. Your argumentative skills are not that good if you try to argue what you conveniently picked out of context.

  1. I have yet to take anything out of context, nor do I have any interest in doing that. I respect the arguments that people present to the best of my abilities. If you're going to make the claim I'm taking your comments out of context because I don't answer a specific point you present, then I will answer what I see as an irrational demand.
  2. Your 'fix' for this situation only allows for people with unpopular opinions to be collected into a specific sub, which isolates the posts from what is considered acceptable; this is akin to forced segregation of races but for ideals instead. I disagree with forced segregation. This segregation is a continuation of limitation, which is synonymous with restriction. This does not mean that I support forced integration either, as I think that if the community has a problem with a post, then they can downvoat it, even if they refuse to dignify that person's opinion with a response.

What I would like to see happen is users that have proven themselves to be active members with significant CCP to be protected from Downvoat brigades for their unpopular opinions. The reason for Downvoats is to prevent spammers from being able to make posts to this site, which is why negative CCP accounts are restricted/limited in their daily allotments of comments, and banned from submissions until their CCP reaches at least 10. This should not be applied to regular and active users who have contributed to this site but have an unpopular opinion, if this site is dedicated to unrestricted Free Speech.

That being said, preventing 'vetted users' posts from being voted on by the community is an equal restriction of free speech. If the community has a problem with a particular post, then that post can be downvoated or ignored, but those actions won't reflect on the CCP of the Vetted User. I explained this in further detail on Ideas For Voat

I don't agree that downvoting is censorship but I do agree that it can limit in some level free speech.

Censorship is limited free speech. You can talk about only what is considered acceptable or face repercussions if you don't. Limited = restricted. I'm for unrestricted Free Speech, no limits on it whatsoever, and I believe that Atko and Putt want the same thing. They don't agree with everything said on this site, but they will fight for your right to say anything.

And yes, I'm not going to reiterate your Christian beliefs, as I already stated that I don't ascribe to your religious beliefs, it's irrelevant to the discussion of Free Speech, as Religions fundamentally limit your decisions in life. Most of the time I can agree with their reasonable restrictions (Thou Shall not Kill, Steal, etc), but not so much the more questionable aspects. At what point does Jesus give you the right to inflict your religious beliefs on the people who don't ascribe to your beliefs? You were supposedly taught not to judge those who act in a manner the bible condemns, which would mean actions based on those unholy judgements are blasphemous.

sguevar ago

Roman 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

You did take arguments out of context on all of your previous answers.

Limited speech does not equals to censorship and the fact that you keep equating those two notions makes me see that you are too proud to handle the debate in question. Censorship = no speech at all.

At what point does Jesus give you the right to inflict your religious beliefs on the people who don't ascribe to your beliefs? You were supposedly taught not to judge those who act in a manner the bible condemns,

Glad you ask this question:

Romans 16:17-18 Ephesians 5:11 Ephesians 5:6-13 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 1 Timothy 5:20

And so on and so forth. Rebuking false doctrines, sodomy and false prophets is part of evangelizing people so they can know the Word of God.

You son, are too proud, whilst you say you respect other people's views by engaging them in a civil manner you select what you like to debate against conveniently instead of the whole deal. And in what regards to the religious stance you tend to use Jesus name in vaine which is despicable.

Once again you have been rebuked and this will be my last answer to you for I am tired of dealing with such a prideful man that keeps on using God's Word in vaine.

SGM11Z ago

You see there? That's what a reasonable discussion looks like. We don't have to agree. We also don't have to downvote anyone to -100 so they can't speak.

Now, try starting a thread in v/whatever about the virtues of a Jewish Israel State and the many valuable contributions of blacks in America and see how many downvotes you get. Imagine starting that thread with 10 CCP. How many comments could you respond to? How much of an intelligent discussion could you have? If this were truly a free speech website, such a thread would spark vigorous discussion. Give it a try and prove me wrong.

sguevar ago

Why would I try to post about something I don't agree with and that I find it to be a lie?

Yes I would probably downvote a post like that because I find it to be deceiving.

SGM11Z ago

And if the OP had -10 CCP? Would you pile on and drive them into a deeper hole or just ignore it because it is nonsense?

sguevar ago

I don't care about the OPs ccps. I care whether I find the post to be truthful or not.

So I don't agree with your stance.

Also the person that posts that knows what he is down and yea the vast majority don't like a stance like that and will probably downvote it.

But he gets to post it still. Not at the same frequency as old voaters but still has his chance.

SGM11Z ago

But he gets to post it still. Not at the same frequency as old voaters but still has his chance.

One chance, most likely, because OP's comments would be downvoted and OP would lose the ability to post. No free speech for you!

Look, I really don't care if you guys wanna be the nigger faggot kike center of the internet. Just don't pretend it's about free speech, because it's not unless you let everyone speak. Seems like a simple concept to me.

And I'm not saying to let everyone speak, either. This system is a really good one to keep out spam and bots. And you should keep out spam and bots. But when you silence real people while claiming free speech it's just more hypocrisy that you're supposed to be against.

sguevar ago

Well not really.

If I go to Reddit and post Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness.

Or the Holocaust was a lie. Both claims are truthful because of scientific and technical data backing them up.

But I would be censored and banned as well.

Whilst the kike that wants to be posting here the type of post you gave as an example, would not be censored nor banned.

Yes he would be downvoted, he would be trolled but he will still have his chance and his post would not be deleted.

So is not hypocrisy. You get to speak.

SGM11Z ago

Yeah...that's why I like it here.

You don't get to speak under 10 CCP...and we have people here who have been here for a week since the Great Migration of 2018 that are -100...because they said something the herd didn't like. I got there just for being uppity and not taking any shit from MrPim, which is supposed to be celebrated here. So, maybe no hypocrisy from you, but there are 10 or so who are full of it.

Just because you don't ban doesn't make you "free speech". It's a great start, but you have to let real people say anything, anytime to be truly free speech. You got a smart system here to keep bots and spam out. All you need now is those few users to allow free speech and you're golden.

looking4truth ago

why do you GA guys act like those entitled refugees invading europe? You have no self awareness.

" Once we all have the ability to downvote we can begin to regain control of our subs ." wow you just got here though,what subs? the entitlement is real


Engrish much?

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Ha! That’s funny, well played sir.

sguevar ago

Rofl touché

ObamasPinkSock ago

PatriotsAwoke has nothing to do with this sub.

PatriotsAwoke isn't even a Voat sub.

You can't blame this sub for things that happen somewhere else on the internet.

Crensch ago


We can, in fact, blame the mods for that.

ObamasPinkSock ago

But those mods all ran away to 8chan because their feelings were hurt and they were then removed as moderators from /v/TheAwakening.

The one remaining active [O]wner of /v/TheAwakening has since then stepped up and the sub has turned the corner and is moving in the right direction. Even Atko agrees with that.

Cancer mods were removed... and you're sad... and are attacking the mods who are doing good works?

We have seven weeks before the midterms and this is how you're spending your time, attacking other President Trump supporting patriots?


Crensch ago

But those mods all ran away to 8chan because their feelings were hurt and they were then removed as moderators from /v/TheAwakening.

Prove this.

Just because a username changed doesn't really mean shit - nobody knew those usernames from any of the new thousands of usernames.

The one remaining active [O]wner of /v/TheAwakening has since then stepped up and the sub has turned the corner and is moving in the right direction. Even Atko agrees with that.

I don't care what Atko agrees with, and I don't see his username on that link.

Cancer mods were removed... and you're sad... and are attacking the mods who are doing good works?

Typical Reddit cancermod tactics. Shuffle the usernames around to appear to be an innocent party to unsuspecting Redditors.

Shit doesn't fly on Voat, and the new mods have not changed the sidebar to send users to a cancermod controlled site, have they?

Which suggest they are the same group.

We have seven weeks before the midterms and this is how you're spending your time, attacking other President Trump supporting patriots?

Talk is cheap. Misleading people is what you and your buddies are doing, and you will be hammered until there's nothing left but a crater.


The above question and this one don't work here. Welcome to Voat, retard.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Prove this.

Doxxing is against Voat's rules and you know it.

I can start making baseless accusations about you too, if you like? (but I won't)

Typical Reddit cancermod tactics.

Also the right way to remove cancer mods.

you will be hammered until there's nothing left but a crater.

Fascism in the name of free speech, hey?

The New World Order globalists and Mossad are attempting to destroy America and western civilizations... and you choose to attack President Trump supporters...

Are you gonna attack every other Voat user in case they are secret bad people too?

The above question and this one don't work here. Welcome to Voat, retard.

Free speech is a two way street, even if that makes you sad.

Crensch ago

Doxxing is against Voat's rules and you know it.

Then don't expect anyone to believe you.

I can start making baseless accusations about you too, if you like? (but I won't)

Please do. I'd love to see how that works out for you.

Also the right way to remove cancer mods.

Nobody here believes you.

Fascism in the name of free speech, hey?

You want to limit my free speech by calling it fascism?

The New World Order globalists and Mossad are attempting to destroy America and western civilizations... and you choose to attack President Trump supporters...

I don't believe you're POTUS supporters. Where does that leave us?

Are you gonna attack every other Voat user in case they are secret bad people too?

I'm going to attack anyone I damn well please - and I usually only do that when I have a good reason to attack them.

Free speech is a two way street, even if that makes you sad.

Psychological projection doesn't make the other person have the qualities you hate in yourself.

I plan to support and donate to Voat and make this my new home because free speech has never been more important than it is now.

More jaw-jackin' about bullshit. Did you plan on writing anything of substance?

If you want to team up with the Jews and Shareblue to attack Q communities, then that is you're prerogative.

Yeah, try to make that one stick here - you'll get laughed off the site.

ObamasPinkSock ago

I don't believe you're POTUS supporters. Where does that leave us?

It doesn't leave me anywhere.

It's your God-given right to believe any crazy shit you like.

you will be hammered until there's nothing left but a crater.

Best of luck in your attacks against pro-Trump Voat communities. I wonder how many you can destroy before the midterms? /s

Crensch ago

It doesn't leave me anywhere.

It leaves you impotent in your apparent quest to stop me.

It's your God-given right to believe any crazy shit you like.

And it is your right to lie about where you stand on things.

Best of luck in your attacks against pro-Trump Voat communities. I wonder how many you can destroy before the midterms? /s

v/GA is working out just fine. I will continue to destroy the mods of this place, NeonRevolt, and anyone else that decides to shit in my goat pen.

ObamasPinkSock ago

It leaves you impotent in your apparent quest to stop me.

Wrong again.

You aren't the center of my life, I'm not in a quest to stop you and I couldn't care less what you believe.

I'm sorry you think you're so important that everyone is attacking you and you are surrounded by secret agents.

At this point I'm just poking you with a stick to hear you squeal.

Crensch ago

You aren't the center of my life

Never said I was.

I'm not in a quest to stop you and I couldn't care less what you believe...

Then why did you respond to me defending the mods here?

Weak minds like yours will never make it here.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Because you're fun to talk to and other people read these comments.

Crensch ago

Because you're fun to talk to and other people read these comments.

Other people that will see me wipe the floor with you.

Great job showing off your incompetence, and ensuring your mod buddies' mistakes are on full display.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Can you remind me why you hate me so much?

Why you want to "hammer me until there's nothing left but a crater" and "wipe the floor with me"?

I only ask because you don't actually know anything about me other than what's in my profile history.

Have you been eating angry pills?

Crensch ago

Can you remind me why you hate me so much?

I don't hate you. You're annoying.

Why you want to "hammer me until there's nothing left but a crater" and "wipe the floor with me"?

Because you're wrong. Constantly.

I only ask because you don't actually know anything about me other than what's in my profile history.

That's all I need.

Have you been eating angry pills?

Have you swallowed a nigger cock full of tone fallacy lately?

ObamasPinkSock ago

I don't hate you. You're annoying.

Yet you want to "smash me until there's nothing left but a crater" me and wipe the floor with me... Hmmm...

Perhaps you should just ignore me rather than having a chimp-out / violent fantasies?

That seems like a healthier solution.

Crensch ago

Yet you want to "smash me until there's nothing left but a crater" me and wipe the floor with me... Hmmm...

Your point?

Perhaps you should just ignore me rather than having a chimp-out?

This is Tuesday for me. Maybe you should set down your purse?

That seems like a healthier solution.

Might want to look into your own health, soyboy.