Doctor_Manhattan ago

I find this 10 CCP crap for posting very annoying. I'm a new user, i have 3 CCP, i want to make some submissions of my own. I'm not a super involved user, so the stupid site is forcing me to crap post that i don't really care about just to get these 10 points. On top of that, people can down vote you if they don't like your politics -_- ..... That's a real concern, since this homogenizes the users. Seriously, it's should be the local mods that should be more responsible for spam control. And lol, i managed to start a section of my own, but i can't post in it....

To summarize. 10CCP limit is too draconian, and this homogenizes the users. You can't spam control with just one stupid rule.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

No. No. No. Just no.

FrozenFire74 ago


bman0321 ago

These reddit brigades could up voat farm. For this to work, there needs to be other factors like some kind of weighted sum. Off the top of my head, minimum account age, submission variety, banishment by certain moderators, what the content of comments are, and a voat tribunal.

FrozenFire74 ago

They could definitely Upvoat Farm, but that would be an easy process to observe. A new user netting hundreds of CCP in a weeks time is very indicative of farming. Of course, Age should also be a factor in this as well, so multiple parameters should be incorporated. This would prevent Spammers from growing new accounts rapidly to get to the Super Goat level.

I'm not so keen on age influence the weight of an upvoat or downvoat since it would allow some of the oldest accounts to target users with unpopular opinions quite rapidly, but the idea of an account being at least one year to two years old with a high level of CCP points would seem a reasonable candidate for Super Goat status.