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SGM11Z ago

That was my post on 8chan. No sense blaming anyone else. I take full responsibility and stand by it.

If you old goats wouldn't downvote new people into the -100, effectively muzzling them and putting them in jail on your so called free speech website it would have never come to that. This post simply describes what the old goats here have already done to many of us, myself included.

This post was made prior to the recent olive branches and attempts to work together. If we can all play fair, then I will play fair and I suspect the rest will too.

Stop downvoting people below -10 and give them a chance to behave. Stop posting threads about off topic bullshit. Or, better yet, ignore us and go about your business like you always did.

sguevar ago

Though I recognize that the some voaters may downvote based on the age of the accounts in question, most of us don't.

We downvote based on whether we found the input valid or not. I have seen many accounts, recent accounts that already have quite a few CCPs and SCPs on them.

The initial problem that you guys had with us was the unprecedented banning of voaters just because you didn't like what they were saying. The fact that you created a subverse so restrictive that you basically limited your own subscribers to not gaining SCPs nor CCPs and not only that, excluding them from the rest of the community.

You can say whatever you want here, but the moment we see you attempt to subvert the nature of our community you will have to suffer us.

The post you created was unjustifiable as it wasn't Voat's fault that your mods behaved in such an indoctrinated way and are unable to handle free speech with all of its good things and bad ones.

Stop demanding people not downvote you. Stop asking your fellow subscribers to upvote you.

They have the chance to say what they want. The fact that we may or not like it has nothing to do with them not handling the downvotes themselves.

This is not off topic bullshit: You are not the victims here. You are the instigators suffering the consequences of your inconsiderate and childish ways.

Once again - when I first came here I didn't ask for upvotes, I didn't complained about the downvotes I got. I didn't demand anything from this community. I adapted to them for I was an outsider. So are you. put it in your head.

Downvoting your comment right now for the lack of responsibility you took on the matter: You say I did the post but that was because of your fault. 0 responsibility taken.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out you entitled lame excuse of a patriot. Had to be a redshitter from the start.

SGM11Z ago

I'm not asking to not be downvoted. I'm saying it is not free speech when you muzzle someone with -200 CCP. I'm sure they get it at -10. No sense kicking a guy when he's down.

And not to put too fine a point on it but, not a redshitter. Hated that place. Was on GA the past couple months cuz it had good stuff. Never commented, posted, or went anywhere else.

Also, not leaving, fuck you.

sguevar ago

You may not be a redshitter but you sure acted like one that you are defending the stupidity of a person that looks to limit speech.

If 200 people didn't like the person justifying limiting speech then who are you to tell them not to downvote?

I take you understood the point I made, however the post you did on 8 chan was unjustifiable.Stop blaming others for your actions. Don't be a nigger.

SGM11Z ago

It's not 200 people downvoting a single post. It's 10 people going back into a person post history and downvoting everything ever posted because...well why would anyone take the time to do that? You tell me.

Or it's 10 people downvoting every comment in a thread when a person is just trying to have a logical debate. Free speech means you let people speak. It doesn't mean you muzzle them and put them in jail. That's the opposite of free speech, and that's what 200 downvotes does.

Old goats have free speech because with 20k CCP you can speak your mind and take a 200 point hit. But with 100 or less CCP you get quiet little obedient church you see mostly in this sub. Maybe that's the way you like it. Fine. I don't and I speak up. Don't like it? Fuck you.

sguevar ago

He has the ability to say what he wants.

He got downvoted because of his stupid logic and you call a logical debate? Are you stupid?

If you are basing your entire argument on this user account I would advise you to find me one that is not such a stupid example.

Otherwise learn how to give proof of your claims before you make them.

SGM11Z ago

The point is that there is no sense in downvoting someone to -93, even if you disagree and the person is retarded or jewish or black or 7 years old or from reddit or whatever the fuck reason your dipshit brain comes up with. Once they get to -10, they will get the point and understand....and sending someone to -300 is just stupid...unless the point is to effectively silence them, which is hypocritical if you are a free speech website.

sguevar ago

Well not exactly.

He is free to say what he wants. We are free to not like what he says,

Do you see my point?

I understand your stance but if you keep seeing dumb comments from someone that you don't like (what he said), the choice of ignore it or downvote it is yours alone to take. That is freedom.

So I don't agree with it one bit.

SGM11Z ago

I do see your point. Except that not everyone is free to say what they want. They are free to say what the community wants to hear, which is a very different thing. It is the very definition of the PC culture. You can say nigger faggot kike, but you can't say other stuff because if enough people don't like it, you don't get to talk anymore.

You can say anything you want with 2k CCP, but someone with 20 CCP needs to be careful and play by the rules and suck old goat cock or they get muzzled and put in jail. YOU have the ability to downvote them but they cannot even downvote you back.

Do theawakening mods have free speech? You can say they deserved it and their actions have consequences all day long, but that doesn't change the fact that their speech was taken from them. You can't claim to be all about free speech while you silence those you disagree with.

You are absolutely right that everyone has the freedom to block. Downvote freedom comes after 100 CCP. If a person never gets to 100 CCP or cant even get to 0 CCP because of a downvote brigade sending them to -100 or more, that person does not have any freedom. That is oppression and the polar opposite of freedom.

sguevar ago

I get your stance but then again I can share my experience.

I didn't suck any old goat's cock and I have over 2k CCPs.

So from my personal experience I find that to be a false equivalency.

Plus on your logic I would be limited too because I can't downvote more than what I upvote so even old accounts have restrictions.

The main thing here is that they can still say what they want. Maybe not that frecuently because of spam but I have been there. We all have. So I can't fully agree with you there.

SGM11Z ago

You see there? That's what a reasonable discussion looks like. We don't have to agree. We also don't have to downvote anyone to -100 so they can't speak.

Now, try starting a thread in v/whatever about the virtues of a Jewish Israel State and the many valuable contributions of blacks in America and see how many downvotes you get. Imagine starting that thread with 10 CCP. How many comments could you respond to? How much of an intelligent discussion could you have? If this were truly a free speech website, such a thread would spark vigorous discussion. Give it a try and prove me wrong.

sguevar ago

Why would I try to post about something I don't agree with and that I find it to be a lie?

Yes I would probably downvote a post like that because I find it to be deceiving.

SGM11Z ago

And if the OP had -10 CCP? Would you pile on and drive them into a deeper hole or just ignore it because it is nonsense?

sguevar ago

I don't care about the OPs ccps. I care whether I find the post to be truthful or not.

So I don't agree with your stance.

Also the person that posts that knows what he is down and yea the vast majority don't like a stance like that and will probably downvote it.

But he gets to post it still. Not at the same frequency as old voaters but still has his chance.

SGM11Z ago

But he gets to post it still. Not at the same frequency as old voaters but still has his chance.

One chance, most likely, because OP's comments would be downvoted and OP would lose the ability to post. No free speech for you!

Look, I really don't care if you guys wanna be the nigger faggot kike center of the internet. Just don't pretend it's about free speech, because it's not unless you let everyone speak. Seems like a simple concept to me.

And I'm not saying to let everyone speak, either. This system is a really good one to keep out spam and bots. And you should keep out spam and bots. But when you silence real people while claiming free speech it's just more hypocrisy that you're supposed to be against.

sguevar ago

Well not really.

If I go to Reddit and post Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness.

Or the Holocaust was a lie. Both claims are truthful because of scientific and technical data backing them up.

But I would be censored and banned as well.

Whilst the kike that wants to be posting here the type of post you gave as an example, would not be censored nor banned.

Yes he would be downvoted, he would be trolled but he will still have his chance and his post would not be deleted.

So is not hypocrisy. You get to speak.