SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Submission deleted from v/theawakening by @high-valyrian for not being on topic - REPOST' was posted in v/GreatAwakening by @sguevar and refers to this submission.

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Vvswiftvv17 ago

This gave me a good chuckle. Many have come back and tried. All have failed. For us old goats it's painfully obvious when something like this starts to happen. It's almost comical. Like when you watch a toddler do something they think they are stealthily getting away with, but it's very obvious what they are doing? Same thing. But thanks for the heads up.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Submission deleted from v/theawakening by @high-valyrian for not being on topic' was posted in v/whatever by @sguevar and refers to this submission.

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Drain-0 ago

Read that but change patriots for comrades and you'd think you were reading some shareblue post. Word for word the same type of instructional / tactics.

Bodean1415 ago

No fn way, ole goats got the sauce, we just guide em along...

Type-o-Negative ago

Did you get my pings? They threatened a goat via messaging and they posted a pic of a woman getting her breast halfway sliced off.

PeachyPatriot ago

While we are on the subject (new here btw) Is it considered “illegal” to ask for upvotes? I just wanna post but don’t want to get into trouble. I feel blessed to even have found a second home who accepts us. We should be cool and all try to get along. Everything will be fine, unless people keep trying to make the opposite true. Just why?? That is all.

Mumbleberry ago

Yes, it is. usually results in mass DV'ing. See the v/Jokes thread they tried out as a voat farm.

PeachyPatriot ago

Thanks 🙏Makes sense. As I have been posting comments and being more active I’m finding it’s happening naturally anyway. Slowly getting the hang of this thang lol ❤️

Mumbleberry ago

Use of emoticons will garner DV's too, and get you called a facebook housewife/granny

PeachyPatriot ago

I am one of the two but I’ll try my best to refrain lol thank you no smile emoji here

Mumbleberry ago

Carry on!

TheNerdyCowboy ago

The harder their self proclaimed leaders try the more of their own they expose to be enriched with truth's that get censored elsewhere.

The truth always comes out eventually

youllrememberme ago

Hypocrisy.. You must have forgot about pizzagate and all the talk of being pushed to voat so they could make us all look like racist trailer trash. Like most people in here and in pizzagate, it seems they don't want to hear kike and nigger every other word. Yeah, there's some shilly mother fuckers like NR over there (you used to ride that dudes jock btw) but look at the fools you've cliqued up with. The same fuckers who used to troll pizzagate "for lulz". Power trip much?

Laskolurch ago

Bad parents? BS. These are Fascist Media Matters / Antifa paid Faggots. The goal is to take down Voat. This has nothing to do with Great Awakening vs Awakening. Time to smell the covfefe


I'm new here and all those people are cuntbuckets. I read the thread and comments.They have obviously not grasped the ethos of 'Q'. Unity not division. I can take some calling me a niggerfaggotkikeshillcocksucker, as long as that someone is working towards the same goal. The crash of reddit sub has been a fucking eye opener. famefags and control freaks the lot of them. I'll continue to hang on The Chans. And here if you will have me. I think neon revolt is a seditious cunt to this movement too.

PrimitiveScrewhead ago

What a bunch of turds. Why are they trying to control it so much? What are they afraid of? Apparently free speech isn't in their list of values.

Athenaethana ago

I can understand that you take offense to being called "old goats" but can you understand this plan was devised as a solutikn to a problem, the problem being that people in theawakening are getting downvoted and that the board is being spammed with hostility? Is there any way you could ask your people to tone down the hostility because as you said- devided we are weak, together we are strong.

Mumbleberry ago

"If you can't stand the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen" It's voats immune system.

iamapersondamnit ago

You're an idiot

Azurulia ago

How do people not see this is a bad thing? As they that blind?

I expected more from those who follow Q and are actively aware of others doing this and it being bad then. But i's not bad when these people do it?

They need to wake up, again! They are falling for the exact same trick, only with a different face.

MudDuggler ago

You'd think those coddled faggots would play nice after that initial piss poor attempt at assimilation. Then they walked it back and hope for unity started to show.......

Nope, not even. Those doushbags are still trying to subvert a community that isn't theirs in the first place.

I say this as a r/refugee. It's not that hard to assimilate. Its not that hard to show respect to this already established community.

Fuck those childish niggerfaggots.

(Haha, my phone already has the words nigger, faggot, niggerfaggot, and kike in its suggestion bar. Thanks Goats)

d00danon ago

I am an Old Goat-Lurker, no division here :o)

SandHog ago

Honestly, if I was a lefty shill I would constantly be posting shit like that over there in order to stir up chaos and division. The dumbest thing those cunts did was opening their own channel on 8chan. There are no post histories to look through. The audience consists of reddit/facebook boomers who are in no way prepared for the chans and the shilling tactics that are employed there. It's a shill's wet dream.

Every single decision that they have made since they got punted off reddit has been the wrong one. Surely it can't all be by accident.

OsoCovfefe ago

I came from reddit, which I knew existed but did not join at first. Heard of Q about when Q began, used reddit to share. Was aware of the chans, that's how I learned of reddit...did not know of VOAT. Knew reddit was controlled, came here because Q. Been to chans a lot, much longer than here or reddit.

Had not seen the post you mention, and I daresay most of us refugees would NOT be a part of any such doings. We are/want to be simple and honest, no games, we are trying to FIGHT the damn games after all.

Ok, that all said, the chan board is moderated only for porn and gore, it is not supposed to be moderated but some of the stuff that meets ridiculous level is going to be kept out, as possible. I hope, I think we all hope, it will not be censored in any way other than useless porn/gore/shiite. I intend, now that I am aware of VOAT, to post here. And there. I was posting in reddit too, got banned yesterday from a Texaspolitics sub.

I don't know why there are tensions, I am not reddit or planning on attacking this place, I cannot imagine why anyone would. I'd wager the post you mention is a youngun, angst-filled or maybe still hating because reddit/censorship...hell I blame hillary!

Most of the reddit-refugees are prolly more honest, they don't wanna play silly games, is my bet.

Sorry for the inconveniences, but we all now know we all exist, and we all agree mostly on simply wanting honest government.

No games, plz.

looking4truth ago

They literally act like those entitled refugees invading europe

Alice89 ago

As a newfag I don’t have anything to complain about v/GA. Seriously. I saw people on the other sub asks for upvotes like they’ll gonna die, and I didn’t get it, because I was new on Voat. I just participate normally and in less than 6 days I have enough CCP to submissions and downvotes. I came from Reddit but never engaged much there because of the mods, and the truth is I never put much thought on that, for me it was just a place to go and see news about Q, like Twitter. When the exodus happened I was surprised and really disappointed with the mods of v/TA and others like Neon Paytriot Revolts, because I’ve never imagined the importance of control for them. Yes, here you see all the time words like faggot and nigger, but now I see it’s just words and a mechanism used to filter who could stand and stay here. It’s clear now they are trying to divided us and censored us. And if this is the case, Q knows it.

Puitruq ago

There is no reason to need ‘control’ of any subs. If everybody was here for the same party, it shouldn’t matter who is hosting it. So r/ga got shut down and banned. I saw a lot of posts/reminders/invites from goats visiting reddit telling us about the community iver here on voat (v/GreatAwakening), so I was already aware of the established community. Seemed to me like a look here was a natural move. Why the need to even create the second one anyway?

fishgutmartyr ago

I hope these assholes are as concerned about voting come November.

LastoftheBoomers ago

Soros pays them to do a job. You know the welfare check for being a disabled Neckbeard only goes so far.

Ps4Freedom ago

The Maxine Waters of the ga sub and one of their mods. She's not lying either. She'll target and follow until she can't.


Qfags be Qin'. Why would anybody even care?

Mumbleberry ago

The chan mods are dismissing reports of this (#6664) As can be seen here;

That is the post calling for the DV brigade, made by @SGM11Z. he admits to being the author here;

ReMs-71 ago

I don't know who it is, but there is somebody that came in the migration from Reddit that is trying their very damn best to bust up this movement. It looks like they are succeeding. The people here on Voat were very nice when we came in here and shit all over their front porch. I also knew that this is a new and different environment than we were used to, But now it feels like home. Whoever is firing up supposed patriots to Brigade us out of existence are not patriots. I sincerely hope they can be exposed and dealt with. WWG1WGA

WokeByTheStorm ago

These pricks are pissing me off. Making us looked divided..projection much. They don't fucking own me.

WanderingTaurus ago

Very stalkerish mentality and they are far too concerned with amount of "likes"/"upvoats" as if that is all that matters than actual good fucking content.

CaptnObvius ago

Let's not be nasty, but keep repeating until everyone understands, there are NO safe spaces. Its either free speech or censored speech, there are no other options. Both come with baggage, one has a few warts (free speech) and the other is more like untreatable syphilis (censorship).

guantanamo4traitors ago

Use this new link that I saw from a post last night that combines both "refugee" sites from Reddit into one single forum:

Notice the difference with an "s" instead of a "v". Apparently any posts to the 2 main forums will now be combined into this one going forward to make it easier for us to see everything in one place.


DamnLiquor ago

A complex topic like saving the world from the evil cabal will use many sources to get the information out to the normies.

I think Q reminds us to remember the real source is 8chan and don't put any credence into complete bullshit that comes from false idols like Peon Renault, RonnySwanny and CerealLame2... these are peckerwoods and should be treated as such.

Qs drops are becoming easier to understand so there is much less need for these fake 'translator/decoders'. This was always about thinking for yourself. If we are sure to remember the real source, we're always together and always learning.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Didn't this shit at /v/theawakening start up when they added the moderators that were previously removed for banhammer/censorship?

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Nothing good lasts forever.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'Withi this you guys guys have condemn yourselves here. There are still good ones within you but the ones that control your sub are not' was posted in v/theawakening by @sguevar and permalinks this submission.

This notification (#267) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

HouseHawkwood ago

Did my part, called OP a faggot.

scoopadoop ago

This is really ducking rich. They move here AFTER us but say that it it THEIRS and they are going to take it BACK. Like they had it before or something.

pipilongstockings ago

Putt, build that wall!

MolochHunter ago

@Puttitout can you put a sticky on /theawakening that just says 'CIAGlowinthedarkNiggerFags' until they come to the table and give you and us serious undertakings not to undermine us ?

Labreu ago

Don't fall for this. Stop paying attention to v/TA concentrate on v/GA and the organic growth here.

AperionPatriot ago

Amazing. Take an upvote.

SandHog ago

I'll warm up the car.

Alice89 ago

The best idea ever lol

TonyVilla89 ago

I'm one of those who came from Reddit recently and I must say... what the mods are suggesting here is very reminiscent of the Reddit Leftists who organize to censor and shut down subreddits that go against the narrative. It sounds like they're suggesting we infiltrate rather than join. Take back VOAT? There's nothing to take back, we never had it. This is how VOAT functions.

Le_Squish ago

So you rescind your earlier comments?

TonyVilla89 ago

Yes, I take back past comments in regards to colonization and shit. That was day one and two of arrival. I hadn't quite removed Reddit's cock from my ass and the effects of the hazing was talking. Then as time passed I saw this sub calm down and actually post topics related to the sub.

Plus, I think seeing the mods submit amused me. Now this talk of infiltrating... it's petty. They should just contribute like normal instead of trying to create this ideal group of supporters.

Le_Squish ago

Are you ready for a training oven? Maybe we could start you with some rope.

MolochHunter ago

Right. So even though they intend to 'transition away from Voat' - they still intend to fuck us over before they leave

do any of these people have any focus whatsoever on the task of supporting Trump draining the swamp?

Steelerfish ago

A typical socialist/swamp tactic. Aka. Scorched earth.

krytter4 ago

Just wanted to add I posted something yesterday in both. I wasn't aware of one when I began, so I added both to be sure I'm linking the the one with the most valuable content. I don't really care which; however, on GreatAwakening all I received was upvotes. On TheAwakening I received 5 Downvotes. No comments to discuss what they 'didn't like' about the post. It had to do with audits of the Treasury. Who doesn't want to see that happen?

Not being a crybaby or anything, I just wanted to point out the truth of what's being said here. It doesn't make sense. Who cares who's old, who's new. We all have a point to get to - we want the truth and we deserve as much. We don't want censorship, and we don't want to be politically correct anymore. We want people held accountable for their actions. We want things fixed. We're sick of stalemates holding up America for years and years.

If you're for any and/or all of that, I'm with you Patriot. Regardless of who/what/where/when. It's not about party lines it's about believing in America.

MolochHunter ago

nice anecdote, thx for sharing it

petevoat ago

Man, these asswipes don't respect the local wildlife.

Please goats, new and old, tear them a new one!

hitekhobo ago

They’re like Hillary, didn’t think they’d be banned. Delete ‘the_awakening’ and have them post under Great_Awakening... simple

digitalentity1497 ago

Sounds like jew tactics to me. I wonder how many are blind to see this?

Dortex ago

Okay, but why haven't we stopped the mods from commenting and submitting? It's not like we don't know who they are.

rabernet ago

I came over to Voat from reddit and joined TA. The longer I'm here, the more disillusioned I've become by them and their antics/tactics. I don't know enough to know what I don't know (LOL), but I don't like the feel of things one bit. While I subscribe to both, I lean more to GA. I just came here for a place to discuss Q and the great things our POTUS is doing for our country. While I enjoy a good rubber necking trainwreck as much as the next person, it's getting tired and played out. GA - you're doing a great job. I also saw the post on 8chan and was left shaking my head. Bottom line, I'm on the Q team, not the team with some sort of vendetta agenda (unless it's against the Deep State, but certainly not amongst ourselves).

Womb_Raider ago

I already addressed this... only veteran voaters would use the phrase "old goats", this content looks manufactured by voaters to drive hysteria. Fake news.

Eleutheria ago

Time to dust off the ol' DV rifle. I've been sidelined by Gab simply having a slightly better mobile experience (mostly a cubicle shitposter) and reading everything other Goats have recommended to me.

But if they want blood, they've got it.

MrIgnition ago

It's like they want to get removed

ObamasPinkSock ago

OK, this isn't fair.

Full disclosure: I'm the CSS developer for TheAwakening.

I got nothing but fucked over by /r/GreatAwakening because of Reddit and GA's rules about not naming the Jew as our enemy.

I lost count of how many times I was banned at that shithole.

I was disgusted by the behavior of those old TheAwakening mods too.

From what I've seen, all of those censorship-addicted Reddit mods from TheAwakening fucked off to 8chan because their feelings were hurt... and they have all been removed as mods from TheAwakening.

Since then, the one active [O]wner from TheAwakening has, like Atko said, turned the corner and is heading in the right direction, which is why I chose to support the new Q sub... not because I have any allegiance to Reddit or any of those retarded mods, but because I want all Voat Q communities to thrive and I'll help where I can...

...which means creating new content and posting it both here and over at TheAwakening.

The midterms are less than 7 weeks away and I see no reason for President Trump loving patriots to be attacking other President Trump loving patriots.

Wouldn't all this rage be better spent on New World Order globalists who want white genocide?

GreyAlien ago

"the one active [O]wner from TheAwakening" see i was gonna believe this til i just went to check and the 4 mods jumped back up to 8-9, the one that personally banned me is now back. so now imma have to take that with a grain of salt that they are on right track.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Nah, there are only three [O]wners and one is taking the lead to sort this out.

We gained some janitors but I don't know anything about that and I've only briefly spoken to one of them.

I also accepted a CSS [D]eveloper role to help with designing a style for The Awakening.

As far as I can tell, they are all behaving themselves perfectly.

The moment they step out of line, I'll be the first to attack.

We should both pay close attention to The Awakening mod logs.

GreyAlien ago

yeah you i know are nothing more then a designer, i went from concerned to on the fence about them when they removed alot of the mods, seeing them put back into place makes the fence wobble is all.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Yeah, I'm watching them closely too.

Morbo ago

And you said we should go easy on these new guys since it was early in the transition for them and they just needed to settle in. Well now we have cancer trying to kill us. Great. They should have been sent away from day one but there were too many sympathizers here who said to give them a chance. Still think they deserve a chance @srayzie?

srayzie ago

No. Untrue. This is not my sub. This is their sub who has chosen to stay with them. Initially, the plan was for us to welcome them and they would be open to that. Most of these people are good patriots. You shouldnt judge the whole group because there are some that don’t act like they give a damn about this movement.

The ones that in v/GreatAwakening are doing much better than I expected and are loving their freedom. It wouldn’t have mattered if I welcomed them or not, they would still come and do what their gonna do.

Just because some of these people seem to forget the whole meaning behind this movement... that
((( they ))) want us divided, together we are strong. Even after having their forum taken away, as well as their free speech, you would think that more than ever, we would unite.

The truth needs to be spread. People need to unite if they are willing. The strong will make it to the finish line, that's where I’ll be. For the ones that already seem to have forgot... if they are weak now, imagine when arrests start happening, if internet goes off, if there has to be martial, if they can’t survive this, they won’t survive what’s coming.

Shouldn’t we still do what’s right?

Morbo ago

Shouldn’t we still do what’s right?

That's extremely subjective. Your version of right and my version of right do not overlap apparently. You took a handful of jellybeans. Enjoy the cancer.

an_angrier_dave ago

"they will be much more reluctant to post or comment vulgarity, off topic nonsense, or insults."

Why the big deal about language anyway? When we say: "We want our fucking country back", I'm assuming it's from SJW censorious fucks as well. This language policing needs to stop. If it's a shill, ignore it. By now everyone should know how to identify one.

Alice89 ago

For me it's incredible they subtly try to censor us, wanting to change how people should behave here. It’s stupid and dangerous.

Abby_Normal ago

I don't know how many fucking times Q has to point out to ALL of us....THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED.

All I see happening between ALL of these forums like Reddit - Voat - 8 Chan - even the YouTube & Discord communities is DIVISION.


I am so sick and tired of having to sort through all the constant drama just to find good Q analysis. I find all I want to do now is lurk because of how thick the drama shit has become. Seriously folks when the flying fuck are people going to wake up....

Until we all start seeing more comments calling for an end to the drama and refocusing our sights on Q analysis THESE COMMUNITIES ARE NOT AWAKE.

Anyone else ready to stop with the bullshit and FOCUS??

voats4goats ago

They're not just dividing subs, They dividing users as well registering under similar names to get upgoats thinking they are upgoating one user when in fact its another.

Of course i report that shit and get trolled and victim blamed "why didnt i register every conceivable combination of my username?"

realnstuff ago

Those faggots are mentally handicapped, I guess pseudo awake? I want free speech but please censor some of the free speech of others, for Q naturally.  

Those are nothing but spoiled kids. Like he told me I'm a faggot!!!! Now mod please ban and delete.....

Riva ago

Are they muslims?

mzjulesaz ago

People need to grow up. We all need to play nice and get on target in support of GEOTUS and Q. Can't win the war with all of this infighting!

linthat22 ago

You know what's getting tiring? All this bullshit. Fuck Voat and fuck all this stupid drama. I'm going over to 8chan.


That is seriously fucked up. Better be glad your anon reddit/mod assholes. I'd squeeze your head like a sponge in real life. That also proves they truly care nothing for the mission. Dead weight traitors.

Type-o-Negative ago

Hope you have a passport because they may be based in Israel.

james780 ago

if you do this get the fuck off voat build your own website seriously

"This would be a quick way to increase a users CCP rapidly. It can also be used to downvote and take away CCP. If 20 patriots did this to the more offending old goats we could reduce their CCP by thousands in a very short time. If 100 patriots did this, we could give them a taste of their own medicine and take away their ability to downvote brigade any of us for quite some time. Out of the 7000 patriots here, are there 100 of you willing to take control and run our subs the way we want?"

lvbuckeye27 ago

Q himself stated that the Reddit mod team was compromised. That's good enough for me.


divine_human ago

he didnt. he said that reddit is comped, not which sub or mod crew.

yougettogotogitmo ago

Q drop 1489: FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]

Since r/greatawakening is the only sub he ever linked to, probably safe to assume that’s the sub he was talking about...

divine_human ago

well, Q kept linking to it anyway. didnt link to T_GA. i assume all subs were comped, and the main reddit admins anyway.

Zanbato ago

how abuot just dont visit that subverse if you dont like it "

realnstuff ago

Would you ignore terrorists that pray death to all non-muslims?

GlendonHawke ago

Same story different platform theses faggot ass shills want to control the information that’s released they want to feel self important and are throwing a tantrum because they have been challenged I’ve noticed a few fence riding faggots who state they “are going to participate in both subs” well I say if you participate in the shill sub you’re not welcome here ...but hey what do I know I’m new too

NumbDigger ago

They're trying to be H.I.V. For our immune system? What a bunch of fags.

Chainsaw-Politics ago

I think that most people that came here just want to talk q and follow the WWG1WGA mantra fully, believing in unity and good discussion and willing to cooperate with the new culture they find themselves in.

There are a -few- trouble makers trying to make life hell on all q followers and I gotta be honest its working. I immediately chose this sub for its distinct lack of drama.

For fucks sake this whole us vs them narrative belongs to the criminals that conspired to put patriots in this position to begin with.

Call out the bullshit where it exists but if we are just going to throw everyone into a box and label it ala group identity I'm out.

Labreu ago

Is that a threat or a promise? If you're out, good bye...

divine_human ago

For fucks sake this whole us vs them narrative belongs to the criminals that conspired to put patriots in this position to begin with.

there ye go... divide and conquer is //their// game. lets stop feeding it.

Call out the bullshit where it exists

this. and on we go...

DanHalen ago

I believe Voltaire once said something about slaves revering their shackles...

madhatter67 ago

Did he ever say anything about revering shekels?

DamnLiquor ago

muh shackles

madhatter67 ago

Fucking idiots, they are going to end up on Q's shitlist with the constant divisionfagging and drama, I hope it doesn't come back to bite them on the arse

I do love how they describe themselves as patriots while they plan to fuck over people committed to the same cause as they purport to be

Qrusader ago

As Q stated: THE WAR IS REAL

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

Sounds to me like they want a blog, not a forum. Then they could moderate their content the way they wish.

Why can't they pick the right tool for the job?


Is that guy 14 or something ? hahah, what a complete faggot.

heygeorge ago

Lol! @srayzie, these guys are so lame. There are enough fallacies in there about Voat works that I wouldn’t sweat it.

Just my 2 cents... You’re feeding the trolls and creating a divisive post.

Paytriot ago

If goats want to starve the CCP farmers, all we need to to is flood them with new alts.

heygeorge ago

Who at this point is farming CCP? If they wish to, they can quickly earn it through regular posts and comments.

Paytriot ago

Redditholes (those following powermods as opposed to newbie redditfags) are attempting a coup.

Goats will hold the fort, but it never hurts to have a few alts ready to infiltrate their ranks for shitpoasting greatness. I tried to give SBBH a heads up to get ready for fun and games, but apparently you don't like that idea. Don't think @Mick would approve of your "ben for bad behavior" as opposed to "ben for the sake of bens". You're kinda acting like a reddithole in that regard.

heygeorge ago

no u

MolochHunter ago

theres a difference between being divisive, and OBSERVING divisiveness

heygeorge ago

That’s a very solid point. There is still an element of promotion stemming from posts of this nature, imo.

iGotPepperUBringSalt ago

Someone should kill these kikes.

fuckfacemcgee ago

Creating a new sub about the exact same subject and attempting to maintain control is suspect as fuck. Openly creating division, scheming infiltration, and using co-intel pro tactics speaks VOLUMES.

You need to ask yourself why. Why would anyone attempt to control a narrative or a platform used to distribute information? Why try and dissuade people from viewing any kind of content? Control is a hell of a drug, information is free. These people are so obvious it's laughable. Same old tricks.

fuckfacemcgee ago

srayzie ago

Yep. Totally agree!

Type-o-Negative ago

When Ronald(McDonald)Swansong told me FartsOnToast was a mossad agent. This came to mind:

Think Mirror - Q

GlendonHawke ago

Controlled opposition imho

Clinker ago

I don't agree with that one person on 8ch that told people to come here and downvoat posts they don't like.

This drama sucks. I come here to read about Q not this infighting stuff.

Let's just stop talking about it - it will work itself out.

SandHog ago

The thing is that this is bigger than this sub vs that sub. It affects the whole site which is why all the old goats are up in arms about it. Just skip the drama threads if you want to. I suspect that all this will be resolved before too much longer.

RockmanRaiden ago

So instead of researching and redpilling normies, they're advocating the sabotage of their peers. They are the enemy. Fuck em.

Type-o-Negative ago


You sir, have won the Internet for today.

guitarchump ago

I'm pretty sure those are just shills trying to divide the movement

L3D ago

I have always been telling that downvotes and downvoters should be more monitored.

VisKyns ago

where did i put my oven?

13914227? ago

hehe people are actively plotting against me. And my mother said I'd never amount to anything. That dumb ass says I'm actively downvoating him but there's no way to tell who's downvoating.

Paytriot ago

Am disappointed none of my alts made the list.

OldRambler ago

Didn't Q imply that we should be spread out in Q2168 ? If they're not happy here then they should create their own Q research board. I'm sure Neon and his "expert team" made enough money peddling Q products to host their very own faggot home.

Mumbleberry ago

pairadocs ago

When I first arrived at v/theawakening I saw the farming posts and posted my replies (3), also asking for points. Then an "old goat" pointed out the farming issue to me and that is when the lights went on. At that point I re-evaluated my whole mindset and believe I have become a contributing member. I am ashamed of those posts and deal with my own desire to delete them. However, I have left them there as a reminder that we all start out with naivety and need to awaken to our own shit. So I am sympathetic to folks that made stupid comments in boot camp (v/theawakening) but have since turned around. But this is besides the point of this submission.

Mumbleberry ago

Did you just use the wrong account to reply with?

pairadocs ago

I don't think so. I only have this account. I was making a comment about labeling someone who may have made a stupid comment when they were new. It may have seemed off subject but that seemed to be what some had done.

Mumbleberry ago

Ok. Seems Oldrambler has slunk off in shame.

OldRambler ago

Still here. Unfortunately, I made some mistakes the first few days on voat. Read a comment from an old goat , Ina...something, and I had a rude awakening. I learned my lesson. Peace.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

in true reddit fashion he has deleted his post like a faggot

Mumbleberry ago

What a turd chewer!

jzerocoolj ago

is that not the correct course of action? if you were duped into supporting that faggotry and saw the error of your ways, shouldn't you remove that post?

asking for a friend as I totally wasn't tricked into be a vote farming faggot the first day I was here and totally didn't delete that post after I realize how faggoty that was

Le_Squish ago

Nope. He could have edited in an apology and left the post as a learning too for others.

Mumbleberry ago

You I like.

HomerChimpson ago

I have him tagged as participating in a vote farming attempt a few days a go.

OldRambler ago

Sorry about that, it won't happen again.

OldRambler ago

Yep, I was duped. Sorry.

Mumbleberry ago

Being man enough to admit it and apologize goes a long way in my book.

Mumbleberry ago

Nice catch

Blacksmith21 ago

Get some sleep @srayzie!

fspu ago

Tired. Of. The. Drama.

Le_Squish ago

Defending freedom takes effort, don'tcha know?

dunklederf ago

no, i feed on this shit, it nourishes and sustains me


MolochHunter ago

& thx for your part in it.


White_pride_cis ago

Yep. This is getting tedious.

Swiperfoxxx ago

Youre right. This sub is pointless with its moaning and groaning. Join us at v/theawakening ! We own voat now anyway.

White_pride_cis ago

Who is "we"?

Type-o-Negative ago

The 8 to 10 mods that came from Reddit.

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

We're way past tedious now. De-classification confirmed and events moving forward in a way we've all been waiting for since Q first appeared, yet all these idiots are interested in is indulging in forum drama.

Labreu ago

That is precisely the point.

divine_human ago

nothing but distraction. they are on the same chaos crew.

realnstuff ago

The question is if all of those shills get also punished? The NSA is still collecting data like there's no tomorrow.

MrDarkWater ago

Ok. And I saw they same scheming over here yesterday. Can you lousy motherfuckers drop it.

And fuck points

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

And I saw they same scheming over here yesterday

prove it, faggot

MrDarkWater ago

I'm still looking for it. A thread announcing that v/TA had unlocked downvoting. It may have been in v/whatever also.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

i see you opened your mouth without thinking in typical reddit fashion

MrDarkWater ago

I don't think that's accurate, faggot.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

then post your evidence you stupid bitch

MrDarkWater ago

(this)[] nigger.

Now let's drop the back and forth, team shit. It's a waste of effort

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

lmfao, and where exactly is that telling anybody to go downvote bridage?

MrDarkWater ago

Do you want me to wipe your ass too, little Jimmy?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

typical redditor links something irrelevant and says, "LOOK HERE I'M RIGHT"

MrDarkWater ago


dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Downvoats are enabled on "theawakening" now (whatever)

submitted 1.2 days ago by Mumbleberry

This also means the upvotes will count. And posts will show on v/all

that is the entirety of the post you linked

care to point out where it's calling for downvote brigades?

MrDarkWater ago

The comments, faggot.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

are you talking about all the comments telling people not to brigade?

you're a stupid nigger holy shit

you still haven't provided one shred of evidence for your claims

in typical reddit fashion

MrDarkWater ago

Yeah I'm sure nobody followed through with the plan. What great people.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

admit you made shit up based on feelings, you stupid bitch

MrDarkWater ago

That's the opposite of what happened. You're are lying like a Jew. You certainly argue like one.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

still zero evidence presented

i'm about done here unless you put up

MrDarkWater ago

You're done because you keep ignoring what I linked. Stupid faggot

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

I ignored what you linked? I pasted the entirety of your link's text in the comment chain. How fucking retarded are you?

Then you follow up with "the comments" yet fail to specify WHICH comments. I see nearly all comments saying to NOT brigade.

You. Are. A. Stupid. Nigger.

MrDarkWater ago

the first thread of comments shows me all i need to make the comment i did. if you choose to selectively ignore the source of my claim, "scheming", than thats not my problem. you seem so hell bent on proving me wrong, or having me admit you bested me, but the simple fact is, you are seeing what you want. and you are ignoring the basis of my claim. i dont care about that sub or this. i dont care about safe spaces or internet power exchanges. some people are focused on qanon, and some people are worried about the feud between this group and that.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

the only evidence of your claim is "comments"

that's a weak as fuck argument and you're a fucking loser faggot

MrDarkWater ago

It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Yeah, I didn't think you were gonna provide any evidence. Done with you

MrDarkWater ago

Arguing like a Jew. Go fuck yourself

fellowkikepeople ago

So they're conspiring to abuse a system in their favor and to destroy their perceived 'enemies'?

That's incredibly ironic.

abyssmal ago

r/SRS taught them well...

C_Corax ago

Don't worry about it. Putt already said he has code ready to deal with it if it becomes a problem. They think he's going to ban them one by one manually if it comes to that and they can overwhelm him? Shit don't work like that. Neither the site or your sub is in any way in jeopardy.

I've already said it a few times, but division is a good thing. Let the bad apples slander themselves. The only one they will ever harm is themselves.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

division separates the wheat from the chaff, why contain it?

Mumbleberry ago

Well said!

Type-o-Negative ago

What's this about? Asking for a friend.

Mumbleberry ago

Talking to one of these bots; 3-4 weeks ago

bb22 ago

Congrats on making their shitlist.


I want to be on that list also, please be inclusive.

bb22 ago

We have to step up our game I guess if we really want their attention.

theoldones ago


this has gone from hosting refugees to hosting cancer that hates the host. i dont mean to be pushy. i would suggest though, having a very hard chat with theawakening mod team on what is, and is not, acceptable behavior on this website. they have repeatedly abused our good graces and still hate us, and still want to see us gone

they want YOU gone.

why are you helping these people?

Type-o-Negative ago

That is why I wrote up that huge ass post. To warn everyone who these people are. I hope it wasn't done in vain, as I just got a brand new video game and decided to write that first before even playing tearing the plastic off.

PuttItOut ago

Trust the plan

srayzie ago

Trust the Plan.

Yes! Love it! WWG1WGA

Vindicator ago

LOL. ...Two days later, Q officially names Voat as the 8chan fallback for the Q Army. Well played. :-)

argosciv ago

!!!!!!! I love you guys! @PuttItOut

Broc_Lia ago

I do!

VisKyns ago

looks like its gamer time

an_angrier_dave ago

Honestly, they could be shills.

Ps4Freedom ago

Honestly, this is the MO of one of their mods.

NoisyCricket ago

Which is entirely consistent with the MO of shills.

Ps4Freedom ago

Agreed. How do you fire mods?

NoisyCricket ago

No idea. I profess great ignorance in the inner workings around here. I get the impression that it's up to PuttitOut. But I really have no idea.

heygeorge ago

@PuttItOut, see above! It’s important and really about what’s good for the site and definitely not about our bet.

bb22 ago

True, the Q people are not the problem, it’s the fucking reddit mods that followed them over here.

Rigel ago

Are they the same as the 8chan mods?

bb22 ago

From what I understand, the mods on the Q part of 8chan are trying to coach the Reddit mods into not being such censoring faggots. As petty and ego-tripping as those assholes were, I have doubts about the effectiveness of that, but then again they haven't deleted my posts calling them niggerfaggots yet.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yeah kill the mods



Battlefat ago

I’m convinced the adage “give an inch, they take a mile” was describing children. We are dealing with incredibly spoiled children

Bodean1415 ago

Never happen, old goats got the sauce!!!?

eronburr ago

There's no misleading on this post /v/theawakening/2729476/13919913

They're trying to get between Q-followers and Q. This should be a MAJOR RED FLAG.
Shills shepherding.

Canbritanon ago

You can't grow up without facing adversity, and we've got entire cities filled with people who've never faced any adversity in life.

They went to school, their parents paid for college, they got hired in some liberal "feeling-sensitive" tech business.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

You're thinking about the LGBTs and the slippery slope from gay acceptance to tranny acceptance to pedophile acceptance.

"Give them an inch and they'll give you all 8 inches".

bb22 ago

My older relatives always say “give them an inch and they’ll take a mile” in regards to niggers.

Then I also have an uncle who once said he gives the nigger children less candy on Halloween. I thought that was a bit mean-spirited but then again those same kids likely grew up to be welfare queens so it all evens out I guess?

bulrush ago

I agree. All of this bad behavior links back to bad parents creating badly coddled children. IMO the source is liberalism combined with low IQ. Gullible people believe any "pop psychology" thrown at them even when it's not real psychology.

elitch2 ago

Even real psychology has a reproducibility crisis.

Something on the order of 70% of all psych papers are irreproducible bullshit.

OsoCovfefe ago

Yep, I've read doctors discussing it and they agree it is mostly made up. Have doctors in the family and ...yep.

GuantanamObama ago

Newbie here. I don't understand it either. We refugees are guests in your home, and for that I am thankful. We should act accordingly. I would bet most of the group is in agreement with me but sadly the most outspoken are very loud.

Tangent-love ago

We don’t want you to be a guest. Stay and make this your home. There is always room for people who are genuine. That is what makes Voat work.

angelCole ago

I agree. I had no interest in going to 8chan to post. They did and are doing exactly what Q warned us against, being divided. Pisses me off no matter the reason.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

We refugees are guests in your home, and for that I am thankful. We should act accordingly.

see you're someone who was raised right, all we're asking for here is manners like this really

MolochHunter ago

we dont ask anyone to come here and suck our dicks

just come in Good Faith and participate

without the ego of having once been a 'reddit moderator' wooooo

GranimalSnake ago

Ego and the need to control.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

have you come to realize you were being controlled on reddit by the same people who are trying to control your group now?

GuantanamObama ago

I really wasn't that involved in the subreddit... just curious and interested in learning more. I have hated reddit for years though, and have watched it slowly die of SJW-AIDS. All good things come to an end!

GranimalSnake ago

Most of us saw it right away. Control was the dead giveaway.

No one needs to control us.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

how the fuck do you get 1880 ccp in 7 days

Crensch ago

I've liked the comments of his that I've seen. I would imagine the other goats do, too.

@GranimalSnake @I_Love_Hentai

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

yeah, it looked suspicious so i went through to see if there was any vote farming going on in his profile but i didn't see anything out of the ordinary

GranimalSnake ago

Thanks. I'm a stay at home dad and non-combat Vet with a lot of free time to fight where and how I can.

I_Love_Hentai ago

I think you already know the answer to that.

GranimalSnake ago

Stay at home dad, disabled non-combat Vet with a lot of passion. Cheers friends.

bb22 ago

People talk shit about Alex Jones but he was right about atrazine feminizing frogs. He also says many liberals have smaller brains because of some developmental issues revolving around parents. He probably screwed up the details as usual but there is probably some truth to that.

bulrush ago

People talk shit about Alex Jones but he was right about atrazine feminizing frogs.

Correct. Atrazine didn't turn the frogs "gay", they caused frog testicles to create eggs. That is some frankenshite right there.

He also says many liberals have smaller brains because of some developmental issues revolving around parents.

Yes he was close. Liberal parents tend to be very ignorant about child rearing, don't challenge their children so they can develop coping skills, create narcissistic children with too much praise (which should be balanced with constructive criticism), and teach their kids to be very bigoted (which means close-minded.) Liberals also tend not to challenge their kids to help executive functions grow, like being able to think ahead before acting, or create and execute a multi-year plan.

Not every Democrat is a bigot, but most bigots are Democrats. That says a lot right there. And that's been true for 150+ years in the US.

NoisyCricket ago

I don't know about smaller brains (not disagreeing). But several studies have confirmed that liberal brains never complete maturity. Their brain chemistry never exits puberty. They basically go through life with the maturity of a high schooler. Which is why emotionally manipulative inputs are so controlling for these people.

Understand that when you are talking to them you are talking to a teenager.

Shizy ago

Anyone who has a child can easily see that the way children act are very much like liberals! They feel entitled to your shit, expect you to take care of them, don't want to work, and it's your fault for hurting their fee fees if you expect them to do something for themselves. I call my kids democrats

bb22 ago

Makes a lot of sense. Now the question is what mechanism causes this to happen.

Phantom42 ago

The lack of a solid program to ensure Gene pools remain clean and crack babies aren't occurring due to degenerate actions of the parent.

NoisyCricket ago

Good question and one to which I don't have an answer.

Jappletime ago

They Will Not Divide Us !

sound familiar.........

Paytriot ago

This could get good. Goats playing capture the NeonRevolt flag.