Hand_of_Node ago

"Oh, I like it here. I think I'll stay. I'll put my feet up on the coffee table, grab a beer from the fridge, and mount your sister. Nice to meet you, bro." - SGM11Z

For anyone wondering who this is.

@Crensch, @Trigglypuff, @Rotteuxx, @srayzie, @sguevar

SGM11Z ago

Wow. Copy and pasted in two places in the same thread. Must've struck a nerve...

srayzie ago

Just so you know, only the 1st 5 will get your pings. You can only do 5 per comment :)

Well, I think @SGM11Z needs to go back and read some Q posts. Go to qmap.pub and put keyword “divided”. I would suggest you read it again and again until it sticks. Either that or don’t waste your time on Q forums pretending to be a patriot.

sguevar ago

I thought the 5 ping was for the post XD Mb. Thanks for the tip.

srayzie ago

Oh that’s ok. You’re welcome :)

SGM11Z ago

You are right about that. Looking back now, I see that I was frustrated by the constant attacks by a few of the old goats here. There are still too many off topic posts in these subs and too many downvotes against refugees but things are getting better.

I suspect that most if not all our fellow patriots share your view and that is why my post gained so little support. And as we all can see, no one is following it. It was never my intent to divide patriots but rather unite against those few old goats who have nothing better to do with their day than spam these subs and downvote refugees for no reason other than to try and scare people away. I should have just waited for things to calm down and let it settle naturally.

I apologize to you and the good patriots of Great Awakening for all the drama I caused.

Rotteuxx ago

-Comes onto Voat -Immediately attacks @Srayzie -Immediately claims /v/GeatAwakening is compromised

Yeah, you can cry about old goats being meanies all day long, you faggots started this and asked for it. No you want to play victim ?

Fuck that shit, you reap what you sow. Your unity claims are fucking bullshit, everything you reddit Qfags have done while migrating here has been divisive towards your own movement.

SGM11Z ago

Sorry, not an alt. Just a concerned citizen. Never attacked srazie (kinda like her, really), never attacked her sub (kinda like it, too).

Not a victim, either. Never will be.

Hand_of_Node ago

Oh, I like it here. I think I'll stay. I'll put my feet up on the coffee table, grab a beer from the fridge, and mount your sister. Nice to meet you, bro. - SGM11Z

Tell us again about your intent.

SGM11Z ago

You should really read that in context Here

You can't take it as good as you get it or does sarcasm just generally fly right over your head?

Hand_of_Node ago

The thread you linked is filled with utter cluelessness by the redditards. There's a reason reddit-tier became a meme, and it's not due to admiration.

While I didn't see your specific comment in there, responding to "concerns" with sarcasm after invading someones home with extreme faggotry and cluelessness is probably not the recommended approach. It is a good way to make your sub and members hated, though. Some of the ones who fled are still talking about it over on 8chan.

IMO, you should have emulated the approach the banned gun people took.

SGM11Z ago

Here is a small sampling of the comments I was responding to in your quote from me:

<Fuck off dip shit, following the LARP of century. YOU Qultist are the stupid ones.

What kind of arrogance do you have to have to come into someone else's house and tell them to make adjustments? Fucking niggers are feeling entitled today.

Lick my balls, niggerfaggot.

How about you go fuck yourselves with rakes, you stupid fucking TRAITORS TO THE REPUBLIC?

The enemies of America are not on our side. Go back to communist reddit.

Bunch of pricks come to voat and try and run the place, we have rule you niggerfaggots need to abide by

Fuck you niggerkikefaggot. Go create your own little safe space where all of you little bitches can all circlejerk eachother over something thats never going to happen

Here comes the private subverse "CENSORSHIT BANHAMMER OF DOOM" Fucking faggits. I hate powertripping bitch tit having basement dwelling beta buck fucks like you.

go suck start a shot gun plebian.

You niggerfaggots need to fuck off back to Reddit.

@SGM11Z fuck off faggot. Don’t you realize you’re shitting where you eat? You got cucked on another platform because your ideas weren’t left enough and now your here to shit the proverbial bed. Fuck you’re the worst of the worst. Don’t bother cleaning up here at voat. Just clean the world of yourself instead.

We wouldn't welcome shitskin refugees in the real world and we won't welcome you here. We will not adapt to suit you. We will not capitulate to you demands. Don't get too cozy I'm certain most won't be here long.

You came here seeking asylum from eddit. Show a little respect you ungrateful nigger, this isn't Germany and we aren't Angela Merkel, you don't get free rent just because you're a brown goatfucker around here.

@SGM11Z Kys larping niggerkikefaggot! Fuck off right back to plebbit ! Shill your bs someplace else! #1stAmendment

Some of those are just OK, at best, but most are boring, repetitive, and not at all funny. At least I put some effort into my comment and seemed to get an actual rise out of some old goats, unlike the above amateurish gibberish.

While I do appreciate your concern, I couldn't care less if you like me or if I "assimilated" here according your opinions. When I get fucked with, I fuck back. If you don't like it, don't fuck with me.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I appreciate that. I STILL get ones from other subs come attack us. I just tell everyone to block them. Downvote and block. You guys are going to get it more right now. But it never stops. That’s the price we pay for free speech.

Rotteuxx ago

"Subject to removal as unmentioned by Q"

WTF is this shit ?

It's clear they don't want community discussions in their sub. "By submail"... never in the open ! Muh authiority !

sguevar ago

Yup pretty much. Well as I said on that post, that will be my last post on there.

At least we got the user that created the 8chan post.

Salicaz ago

Post in a sub not controlled by faggots then.

sguevar ago

Point taken, but the main idea was to bring light to their subscribers. I couldn't care less about the mods.

It reached a good 100 plus ones. But well either way had to denounce it still... my voat civic duty.