OpposableGums ago

As a Voat old timer, I stand for the absolute freedom of speech. Therefore, we don't allow you to speak.

EDTQ ago

Wow we really have come to the land of the racist and the nazi's. (and i do not mean the Qanons, the patriots) I don't know if being here such a great idea. Isn't there any other way to have a troll block system? I would love to discuss and analyse the Q posts but with these insane trolls around this is not going to work.

InkTheVoteIn ago

Give them the Cold Shoulder.

Cyrus_Q ago

Fuck off dip shit, following the LARP of century. YOU Qultist are the stupid ones.

Maggotbait88 ago

What kind of arrogance do you have to have to come into someone else's house and tell them to make adjustments? Fucking niggers are feeling entitled today.

Big_Deplorable ago

some people seem pissed that there are 50,000 new users here. what did we do to make people so mad?

RumpRangerRick ago

Come to a new website.

Call the established userbase "loony locals"

Lick my balls, niggerfaggot.

Tastemyrainbow ago

Not my fault your a sissy in chastity getting gangbanged by Muslims

RumpRangerRick ago

I literally legally conceal carry a firearm.

They would die trying, bellend.

Tastemyrainbow ago

I carry also and hope to never have to use it. But you never know when some nigger might chimpout.

Trumpetor ago

Sorry, I responded to one. You are right, better to ignore.

ShaneE11183386 ago

This is exactly what they hoped would happen. That we would become split even more. We came in and this is there "home" does that mean we have to agree how they speak or act? No but we also cant critisize them for it. If you dont like how they act then pay no need but remmeber they are patriots too they are just a little different. And they are more like 8 chan where Q has his home. We will be ok but do not fracture more

Tastemyrainbow ago

Most if not all locals dream of feltch young Arabs one day

sqwigs ago

This is a terrible place for the patriots to meet. There are so many low life, evil, satanic people here. Is there a private section for us?

Tastemyrainbow ago

We will outnumbered these little feltchers soon

Tallest_Skil ago

How about you go fuck yourselves with rakes, you stupid fucking TRAITORS TO THE REPUBLIC? Why can’t you answer any of our questions, cowards?

NewOddKitKat ago

Maybe if we ignore them they will go home.

Voat IS their home. They're supposed to suddenly take in a huge band of refugees & not expect them to adapt to their culture? Kind of like, say, America? We can have our own little subculture here, & we can ignore content that we don't like. But it's disrespectful & arrogant to insist that the culture that was already here adapt to US when we don't show them the respect we expect them to show us. I can deal with people saying things I wouldn't say or agree with, & still maintain my own values.

Aces8 ago

I don't believe the VOAT goats who claim this place as theirs. They are liars if they pretend they themselves weren't first rejects of the leftist shit hole that is Reddit. Time to get over yourselves and wake up to the simple fact the ONLY reason we used Reddit was the sheer numbers of patriots that were there.

I came to VOAT more than a year ago and saw this place had ZERO traffic and 99% of the submissions were nothing but reposts from Reddit. I forgot my PW and only recently registered again in May and even then it was still super stale. Full of racist assholes who were unoriginal and STILL reposting shit from Reddit. Hypocrites.

Reddit coordinates an attack against all things Q related and next thing you know VOAT gets overrun with patriots looking for another platform to discuss Q and continue the Great Awakening.

To all of you OG goats...you better wake the fuck up and realize your rights are being infringed upon. Censorship across the web takes place on a daily basis and it's 100% leveled against anyone not supporting the leftist agenda. The best thing to happen to you is a bunch of hardcore patriots rolling up in here to drop some red pills down your throats.

adogrocket ago

all i know I that if I enter someone's home I am respectful. I will leave it there

CuriousernCuriouser ago

Could someone upvote me please so I can participate?

ijp2000 ago

I think we could be dealing with bots in /v/GreatAwakening they all say the same stupid crap. Its really weird. I think they are trying to make all Q followers look like racist jack asses.

BaldMiscreant ago

We're not threatened by you, we welcome all comers. We're not ok with a duplicate sub popping up, full of censors, and claiming that the site denizens are the problem. Kinda sounds like the immigration problem in Europe, come to think of it.

Sunbreeder ago

Wow. What a nasty little den of impotent little vipers we have run across here. Little racist haters that have had their little rodent warren shoveled open with some sunlight. It almost seems Q has called us here to shine that sunlight on this little coven of racist little bigots. Maybe this is part of the mission: to purge our society of this poison. Get this, all of you in this pitiful little band of true racism and hate: this movement is bigger than any of this tripefest we’ve stumbled upon here. We seek the same free speech as any of you. And if your goal is shut down OUR movement, then you don’t believe in free speech in its totality at all...which, of course, makes you out to be a totality of hypocrisy. If this Voat site truly favors zero censorship, then we patriots are here to stay. And this movement will eventually put a blinding spotlight on your racism and hate. Bank on it. WWG1WGA.

Ashlynn139 ago

How do you "up vote" or not? I'm. New here. I follow Q and don't understand this page. Thx

sparkiesfly ago

Yes I have seen some crazy stuff, ignoring is the best thing.

Melindasoo ago

Cant we all just get along?

QuietStorm ago

This filthy crap is not worth being here...Reddit was helpful...this is not worth it!

wgtt911 ago

been in this sub 2 minutes and haven't been banned for calling q fake.....

Lupinstorm ago

Yes, thank you mods. Don't bend to their pressure. There is absolutely no reason to expect every person and subverse on here to act how THEY want us to act. We had a flourishing 71k+ users because we kept sensible MODERATION in check that kept us focused on what mattered. Not CENSORSHIP. It's simply common sense rules to keep the community friendly and welcoming to the normies we're trying to red-pill.

This in-fighting is one-sided because the locals don't like that we're okay with moderation, sad that we're brigaded by our own side for wrongthink, everyone is free to use both this and the pre-existing subverse to their personal liking. There's no reason to try and change anyone. We were hated on Reddit for being too extreme, and now we're hated cause we're not extreme enough. Oh well, we're used to it. But again, I have to give my appreciation for the mod team which gets the brunt of abuse for simply keeping our conversations friendly and focused. God bless you all, even the ones who hate us, WWG1WGA.

Hand_of_Node ago

we're brigaded by our own side

The enemies of America are not on our side. Go back to communist reddit.

Lupinstorm ago

MSM levels of bullshit accusations. This is why we won't act like you. We expect better of people then baseless labeling someone who doesn't think EXACTLY like you as "enemies of America" and "communists". We were hated on Reddit by everyone but our own community. We don't care if you don't like us either. We had a rapidly growing community with common sense moderation. To call us "Enemies of America" because we think allowing open racism would harm the reach of the movement is ridiculous and the same shill tactics we've dealt with since this began. Immature children who can't deal with people with different ideals and can't have a civil conversation are the exact reason we don't operate like you. You bully people out your community for not thinking like you, we talk and converse and have friendly conversations.

xenoPsychologist ago

the burden is on you to not behave like somalians. you have to go back.

Lupinstorm ago

No. We don't. You don't get to be dictators on how we act. We're not going to become racists just because you don't like moderation. Sorry. There's literally nothing you can do about it.

xenoPsychologist ago

common sense? thats why your here right? exactly the same "common sense moderation" as the rest of the garbage back were you came from. you cant even tell right from wrong. youve mistaken poland for germany. this isnt going to go the way you spear chucking retards think its going to.

Lupinstorm ago

Exactly how IS this going to go then? How exactly do you think we "spear chucking retards" think this is going to go? That "Garbage back where we came from" had us hated by the rest of Reddit, but it also gave us exponential growth, what has your methods done to contribute to the spread of information that ours hasn't? What exactly do you think you've done that makes you superior to us? Not one of you oldfags has actually tried giving any reasoning for your attacks, just edgyboi slurs like it's gonna make us run away. We respond to logic and facts. Not feelings.

xenoPsychologist ago

youll see, somalian. youll see.

Lupinstorm ago

Sad we can't get along. If you follow Q then you should share most of the same Ideals as us, the only thing we seem to differ on is the usefulness of moderation and opinion on allowing open racism to represent us. In-fighting will not contribute to Q. God bless you anyways. Hopefully you and your subverse still put Q and the movement first before trying to enforce your ideals on others. Have a good night.

xenoPsychologist ago

infighting? you misunderstand your importance and value. somalians always think they wuz kangz and theyre the center of the universe. even when in someone else's country. all youre doing is representing the Enemys infiltration into everything else.

Lupinstorm ago

Exactly what value and importance do you think you offer that puts you in a position to dictate that? We were the ones that popularized the movement. I have no idea what you're even talking about with this Somalia talk or what you think you're accomplishing with it, or why you think you hold any justification to be telling us how to run a community. It's you who seems to have an inflated idea of your value and importance.

Voat is not a country. You don't get to dictate how everyone on here thinks. You're worse than Reddit trolls. Did you even ever look at our subreddit? It was a place of Patriotism and civility, of heart and respect, we had military vets giving there support and massive community thanks and praise for them, many of those in our community risked it all for America and you're trying to call them "representative of the enemies infiltration" without knowing the first god damn thing about us other than we support moderation of spam, which includes racism in our opinion. Whatever, hate us and label us, we'll do what we think is best and get rid of those who aren't contributing to the movement, more power to you, we'll send all those people your way. I'm an American, I'm a Patriot, I'm a Christian, I love this country, I love our military, I love our POTUS, I love God. I don't love nor see any value in generalized racism.

xenoPsychologist ago

no, we wont instate sharia law for you, somalian. go home.

LewisDodgson ago

You sound like a European politician!

Cheer4Trump ago

Sounds like a good plan Patriot, will do!

Salt-n-Light ago

I'm reading the comments from some of those from GreatAwakening and i have to say Toughen Up! Remember we are at War with an evil that has been around for thousands of years. Many, or most, of us believe these people (and i use the term 'people' loosly) kidnap, torture, rape and eat children. What do you think they would do to you if they got the chance. You're offended because someone uses harsh language? We are the ones that invaded this site. It belongs to them, and notice they are not banning people. Also someone around here (not us) is paying the light bill. That gives them the right to run their house the way they like.

cyclops1771 ago

We aren't threatened, you safe space faggot, we are protecting what WE have built, without you. All views are welcome, even those that aren't popular. You are not a patriot if you approve of censorship, you are a fascist wannabe.

Wrenovation ago

I agree - It's important we are all careful about who we "listen to" or read and respond to and who we do NOT. Trolls seem to be a bit obvious sometimes, and other times, especially for new(ish) folks to Q have a hard time telling them from legit Patriots here. Maybe we can help each other out as we continue to grow this movement. Peace and Principle, Patriots!

worlddownunder682 ago

Bunch of pricks come to voat and try and run the place, we have rule you niggerfaggots need to abide by

I_Love_Hentai ago

Fuck you niggerkikefaggot. Go create your own little safe space where all of you little bitches can all circlejerk eachother over something thats never going to happen

Maltherian1 ago

You bring reddit cancer with you and expect no retaliation. There is naive and just plain retarded. I’m sure the later in your case

furiousg3orge ago

Honestly, who in the hell do you think you are? You are acting like an entitled, hot chocolate drinking, puppy hugging, safe space needing lib. This isn't your board. We came HERE WE are the guests until we put in the time. If you don't like it then beat feet.

logjam ago

Disrespectful fucking post. Really sorry VOAT.

count2potato ago

Here comes the private subverse "CENSORSHIT BANHAMMER OF DOOM" Fucking faggits. I hate powertripping bitch tit having basement dwelling beta buck fucks like you.

go suck start a shot gun plebian.

RumpRangerRick ago

You niggerfaggots need to fuck off back to Reddit.

Get the fuck out.

DillySquilly ago

The Gatekeeping and immaturity here runs rampant I see..

Hand_of_Node ago


JediOnWelfare ago

It’s their house. If I’m moving in, I better learn the house rules. It’s only proper

theoldones ago

you're all niggerfaggots. yes i called you that. yes, this place is where are called that

and there's nothing you can do about it

you know every single user is free to look at your banlist and deleted paosts lists, right?


swolejusticewarrior ago

@SGM11Z fuck off faggot. Don’t you realize you’re shitting where you eat? You got cucked on another platform because your ideas weren’t left enough and now your here to shit the proverbial bed. Fuck you’re the worst of the worst. Don’t bother cleaning up here at voat. Just clean the world of yourself instead.

Hand_of_Node ago

Is this r/thecensoring?

Jonesin4maga ago

The vile slurs used in the name of "Free Speech" only mutes their insights. They would prefer to talk to themselves in a cave than to win. We are MAGA all we know is winning. Therefore we herby claim this land of bountiful resource from the savages. We will colonize and win this revolution. Assimilate or walk the Trail of Tears. The choice is yours. REASON WILL PREVAIL!

Hand_of_Node ago

Laughable retardation. Go back to reddit.

charlie1883 ago

What the hell is wrong with you. First, we came here and blasted their website with traffic. You must not realize how expensive it is to run websites with that kind of volume. Second, this is their culture. We can stay within the confines of this sub but do not act like we are doing them a favor. Adapt and learn, not bludgeon and extinguish.

xenoPsychologist ago

hey, check it out. a non-retarded somalian. good job being the one rational mind in your entire population.

SGM11Z ago

You are, of course, correct. I am speaking of the multiple posts (most of which have been deleted) that we showing up here talking about how many jews died in the holocaust and suggesting that Q followers should get into the Nazi ovens. There is no need to comment or upvote that kind of content on this sub and it should be ignored.

WhatAGreatAudience ago

I think it's worth pointing out that it's extremely likely that shillblue likely had voat accts primed and ready for this switch. As far as I'm concerned, the older your account is the more suspicious of your motives I am.

Fuck, would be so great if we could just turn off voats bullshit for just this subreddit.

time_traveller ago

Voat has always been like this, which is why it remains small as it is. I personally think that being so abrasive is counterproductive to them, but them fuckers can do whatever they want. However there is also the part where shills are also completely free to roam and disrupt any attempt at organization. Shillblue obviously knew that people would move from plebbit to voat if the plebbit subs got banned, so them having a contingent of subhuman trolls in waiting is a likely thing. Let's just ignore them as much as possible and focus on the research.

WholeMilk ago

We wouldn't welcome shitskin refugees in the real world and we won't welcome you here. We will not adapt to suit you. We will not capitulate to you demands. Don't get too cozy I'm certain most won't be here long.

SGM11Z ago

We are not asking for you to adapt to suit us. We are simply asking to be left lone in our sub and if you do wish to participate to stay on topic. Nothing more.

WholeMilk ago

Follow the advice you have already received numerous times and chill the fuck out for a while, the fever will break and the immune response will settle.Those that are disturbed by "hate speech" should ask themselves why are they bothered by the ideas and speech of others. Is their constitution really so weak that they have to distance themselves from ideas they can't stomach?

SGM11Z ago

Its not the hatespeech that we're worried about it. Its the shitbombing post after post that is off topic cluttering up our post list. There are plenty of places here on voat and elsewhere on the internet where those ideas can be expressed. All we want here is a place to discuss a specific topic without having to filter through impertinent nonsense. Please and thank you. Good day.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

maybe if we ignore them they will go home

You came here seeking asylum from eddit. Show a little respect you ungrateful nigger, this isn't Germany and we aren't Angela Merkel, you don't get free rent just because you're brown goatfucker around here.

John_Denvers_Dick ago

We are guests in there house, show some fucking respect. Don't be fag.....fag!

sorosminion ago

Say hello to the millenial and younger losers, INCELS (gee, I wonder why ), mental defectives and psychopaths. these cretins hate you because you are "boomers", not to mention they are BATSHIT CRAZY. Most will die, kill themselves, end up in prison etc. The BEST they can hope for is minimum wage, 45 kids, massive debt and greater insanity. THIS is the company Q keeps eh?

james780 ago


die_reddit_die ago




Boax ago

Ignore the locals? You mean those of us that have been here for years keeping this place free of censoring boomerfaggots like you this whole time? Show some fucking respect you brain-dead drones. Q derp it up all you want, but keep your censoring nonsense back on plebbit. Kindly remove the niggerdick from your collective asses and embrace free speech.

Sweetwater76 ago

Hello All, How are we supposed to be fighting the Deep State when we cannot even get along with our fellow Patriots?

xenoPsychologist ago

isnt it weird to find out (((you))) werent the patriots all along?

SGM11Z ago

We are trying to get along. If they would stop bombing our sub with nonsense, all of this will stop.

Sweetwater76 ago

Roger that.

varialus ago

Welcome to Voat! I'm a local, but I'm not quite so "loony" as you put it. I tried my hand at running a subverse that encouraged normal people decency, but I didn't get much of anywhere with it. It's now disabled due to inactivity, but I just requested that it be enabled. I don't know how well your transition here is going to go, but I'm happy to have you all and I'm willing to play by your rules in your subverse. I've become accustomed to local Voat culture and I'm not accustomed to paying attention to what sub I'm in, so I may eventually accidentally get myself banned, but I intend to put a sincere good faith effort into getting on well with you all. Please don't judge me by posts outside of this subverse, lol! I do value absolute free speech and the culture associated with it, but I also value people who find crude language distasteful.

hang_em_high ago

Oh, tell us what to think shill. Fuck you nigger.

WokeByTheStorm ago

It sounds like some of the oldtimers believe they paid for voat...if donations are needed for our sub, i'll pitch in. Where do I go do that? I've always pd my way and have never expected a handout..but i don't expect a kick in the ass from locals.

ApoliticalProle ago

We are guests here, and it is rude to ignore your hosts. You don't have to agree with or like what they have to say, but we do owe them courtesy and respect for allowing us in after the ban. There are some who will attempt to discourage you as our presence threatens their sense of exclusivity, and that's fair. Had reddit never banned GA and other subs, we would never have interacted with these users, and both sides would have been content. But the fates have brought us together, and so we must make the best of it. As a group, a lot of us are going to need to toughen up. You will be targeted and hazed in some pretty offensive ways. If you can roll with it, and show everyone that a mean name a random on the Internet called you doesn't bother you, you will have passed. Once you have accomplished that, and begin to interact with other users here you are going to discover just how much you have in common with them. That is how the movement begins it's exponential growth. This exodus happened for a reason. It forced us out of our comfort zone and pushed us that much closer to the source. Perhaps we were a bit to complacent, happily collecting upvotes for a cheerleader's WWG1WGA low effort post, feeling good about ourselves while not really contributing to the cause. This is our opportunity to change that, to change our approach and understanding of what this movement is about. So move away from this /v and explore a little. This isn't reddit, you may get insulted over your views here, but you won't be silenced. Interact with other users here and once you get past the perfunctory triple slur greetings, you may discover they have something of merit to offer, however slight it may be. Don't hide in an echo chamber, we've been conditioned by reddit to stay within our containment for far too long. It is time for us to expand, both ourselves and our cause.

bob3333 ago

Found the Jew

Imtede ago

Think of how America was founded first kill half the Indians then civilize the rest!

thankful_4_tomorrow ago

Maybe they should build a wall to keep us out.

GumbyTM ago

No one is threatened by you. (You just got dumped by a website for fucks sake.)

We're mildly annoyed that you think it's acceptable to take sanctuary under the free speech which we provide then to cry like a bitch about that very same freedom.

We find this lack of self awareness insufferable and are engaging in hyperbole to help you see the light.

i.e. You were throw off a site for what you said and within hours are doing the same to others.

SGM11Z ago

I think you misunderstand. Our site was shut down because some people didn't like it. The news said it was for hate speech or some such other nonsense, but that simply is not true. The mods worked hard to eliminate anything against their rules. Now, we just want a place to talk about Q. We don't want to talk about niggers, kikes, homos, or how many jews got in ovens. We don't want to take over your established subs. We don't want to interfere or be interfered with. I'm starting to understand how the mormon polygamists felt.

Morbo ago

I think you misunderstand. Our site was shut down because some people didn't like it.

And here you are trying to shut us down because you don't like it. Do you not see this?

Fambida ago

We don't want to talk about niggers, kikes, homos, or how many jews got in ovens

Your mistake is in banning such. If you'd let the initial trolling of the newfags die down on its own you'd be fine, and niggers, kikes, homos, or how many jews got in ovens would soon not be a subject of discussion in this subverse. However, you instead brought over your hamfisted reddit style censorship and bannings, which has provoked a quite justified hostile response from the folks here that love free speech.

My advice: Sit down, shut up, and just chill for a day or two, without banning people or censoring shit. The trolling will slow to a trickle and you'll be fine. When you ban/censor people you are feeding the trolls, and you deserve what you get.

repoman ago

This old goat gets it, dipshit normie newfags.

Wrenovation ago

Very good points you made there, Fambida. While I may have a personal preference for one style of language or topic over another, and know I have the freedom of speech so important to us, I can't control what others say or what to talk about - I can just decide whether or not to participate.

GumbyTM ago

I get you, and although I'm not familiar with the details I'll take you at your word, the speech was just a pretense because others wanted to silence you.

My point is that will NEVER happen to you here no one will ever prevent you from saying what you want or telling you can't discuss. Of course we ask that you do the same.

Everyone understands that you all want to get back to 'life as usual' ASAP and that this seems terribly disruptive and anti-social but.....

Just consider this, maybe the free speech which protects you is very important to us, perhaps what is happening now is a form of 'hazing'. An over the top way to ensure that newcomers receive the free speech message right away.

You might find that responding to the next 'your all a bunch of nigger faggots' with 'you would know kike' might just let the locals know your OK with freedom and things would settle down.

Best of luck.

SGM11Z ago

You would know, kike. Freedom of speech is important to us too. We are all deep patriots, in the true sense of the word. Many of us are vets that are tired of our country's downslide to socialism. We appreciate differing views, really we do. We just want a place to talk about Q and not have to scroll through a bunch of trolls who just learned how to cuss.

GumbyTM ago

You would know, kike.

=D I'm so proud.

Look, I'm nobody but if you want some unsolicited advice on the quickest way to get

We just want a place to talk about Q and not have to scroll through a bunch of trolls who just learned how to cuss.

consider this:

Post the paragraph above as a mea culpa in GD, explain that you got off on the wrong foot, un-ban everyone and ride out the couple days of the 'welcome committee'.

If it doesn't work you can always break out the ban-hammer again but I've never seen that work here.

Although I'm not a Q believer you sound alright and I'd like to see you guys make it work here.

Fambida ago

Free speech means ALL speech, you bleeding cunts.

Imtede ago

they need to learn our language too!

ditzee ago

Thanks for the advice!

TheyBanEverything ago

I dont blame the locals not wanting a refugee crisis kek

Savage_Thundercock ago

Mossad plain as day

Americagb ago

I always say the same! Ignore the Left! Do not give them ammunition to respond too! After awhile they will have only themselves to to talk too! Yippee #WWG1WGA #MAGA ThankQ

looking4truth ago

How so? You came here as a guest and you expect the people who made this place to change themselves ,their speech, their ways for you? Guess what , you have to go back . entitled faggot.


I find their antics rather entertaining, personally.

SGM11Z ago

I don't care about the silly comments, but clogging up the posts is tiring. Scrolling past all the nonsense to find anything interesting is tedious.


When we were on Reddit we respected Reddit’s rules, no matter how backwards they were. We will show this community the same respect, no matter how backwards they are. Case closed.

SGM11Z ago

I absolutely agree. But I'm not contributing to any post topics that are racists or bigoted or off topic and I only ask that you consider doing the same.

Hand_of_Node ago

But I'm not contributing to any post topics that are racists or bigoted

WTF is wrong with you?

Wise2TheLies ago

There is no room for racism when you open your heart to patriotism. The Voat locals can go beat off because I'm here to chew gum and decide Q drips and I'm all out of gum.

Hand_of_Node ago

There is no room for racism when you close your mind to reality.

You sound like a real reddit user.

Morbo ago

You sound like a real reddit user.

His wife's boyfriend thinks so too.

theoldones ago

if that held true, you wouldnt be banned off reddit, (((fellow white)))

every single person on this site is going to call you a nigger, a jew, and a faggot whenever they want, and nothing you do can stop them, and thats how free speech works.

rumoret ago

Thanks for the advise....I love genealogy.

time_traveller ago

Great film and wise course of action. Focus on the research.


After a few bumps and hurt fags I think we might be alright here. I'll assimilate to a degree and I'll also push for less censorship as both ranting and anti-censorship serve me. Now on with the Q posting you nigger queers! smh...it just don't sound right YET

digitalentity1497 ago

Ignore the creators of this free speach platform you are sensoring brainless soyfaggots.

goytoynamedtroy ago

This is why boomers aren't welcome here.

IheartSwimming ago

You came here to escape the problem, only to realize you are the problem.

gustodog ago


mm_on_the_wall ago

This is the first day in months I haven’t been excited about Q. I’m so over the hostility on voat. Talk about Q and stop the bitching! Don’t bother attacking like an 11 year old that just learned a new curse word. You are only distracting from the important issues. I’ll check back in a few weeks after y’all get your panties out of a wad.

SGM11Z ago

Please don't let them scare you off. We didn't fold when the towers were hit so we're damn sure not folding to juvenile snot lickers!

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

I say the more the merrier, just don't shit in our pool and tell us it's a Baby Ruth. Lurkmoar is as true now as ever. And for the umteenth time, this isn't ready and the same shit doesn't always fly here. Fuck. It's not hard.

Smo-Guiver ago

This IS kind of an odd assimilation. I was a bit taken aback by the language on voat, but i also found a new "22lr" sub that was interesting enough that I joined. It has a whole 3 members, myself included. Anyway, just 2 more CCP's and I'm back to posting for the GA.

Hand_of_Node ago

There's a v/DIYGUNS sub too.

Fambida ago

Hey man, for gun stuff on voat I'd suggest /v/gunsreallyarecool. /v/gunsarecool is owned and run by a reddit cancermod called /u/henrycorp so we had to make an alternative.


there's a 22long rifle sub? solid!

Smo-Guiver ago

Yep, and it could use some more members too - there's only 3 of us. Funny thing is that I threw in a comment about 223 also being a "useful number" as a dig against the Skull and Bones society, but there was nobody there to "get" the joke. I guess I am truly a nerd.

ee_tard ago

You guys just get off on researching child rape. I find that disgusting...

ApoliticalProle ago

I'm not the one with a child rape preoccupation in my comments for an obvious throwaway account. Something to think about the next time you are furiously jacking off to lolis while justifying to yourself that "It's just art..."

Go fuck yourself. Leave them kids alone.

ee_tard ago

what are lolis kid fucker? I have now idea what you are talking about...

Svetlana ago

Well not just that, but there are truly children and people worldwide subjected to the horrors or rape and much worse. Is it so wrong to expose and try and be part of helping innocent people In horrid situations? If it was you or your loved ones we’d want to help them.

trumpsgoldenshowers ago


WWG1WGA_17 ago

There is a difference between researching WHO is responsible for horrible crimes, perpetuated by powerful weirdos, and HOW to commit the crime itself.

kgeig0011 ago

I asked a simple question about how many comments before I can post and got a "Fuck off" response...Is this a coordinated attack on us?

SGM11Z ago

Most of it is jealous people from another q board that was already here. Just ignore the idiots. You have to get 10 upvotes on comments before you can post. Keep posting, you'll get the upvotes.

kgeig0011 ago

Thanks for responding and letting me know the deal.

clovelace ago

@SGM11Z Kys larping niggerkikefaggot! Fuck off right back to plebbit ! Shill your bs someplace else! #1stAmendment

ARsandOutdoors ago

Fuck you

Lurkerwastaken ago

this is their home.... please give me enough upvotes so i can downvote... thinking back to previous American movements wasn't the government always infiltrating and trying to steer the ship or get everyone high?

Lundynne ago

Maybe if we ignore them they will go home

Mate, we fucking are home. You're the ones invading our site. You don't like it here? Leave.

SGM11Z ago

Oh, I like it here. I think I'll stay. I'll put my feet up on the coffee table, grab a beer from the fridge, and mount your sister. Nice to meet you, bro.

theoldones ago

we remember names and know who you are.

goytoynamedtroy ago

Only a kike jumps to incest as an insult.


Good one! When in Rome SGM,...lol when in Rome....You fag! lmao

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Try that in my actual house. Get a broadhead to your skull.

SGM11Z ago

I know Karate.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

I know Kung fu

SGM11Z ago

Some of my friends are policemen.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Some of my friends eat donuts, too.

SGM11Z ago

My dad can beat up your dad.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago


And he could still kick your pappy's ass...

MisplacedMan ago

Rule 2 on this subverse (5 hours old at the time of this post) is just basically "We can ban anything we want." So the best course of action seems to be to ditch this place and head over to the already existing GreatAwakening and get some more good mods there to handle the influx.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Because they can't control the narrative at an established sub. Derrrr

Orien_Blue ago

Pump the breaks kid, that sub has a few thousand subscribers. The mods here rounded up 70K before the end. Stop trying to create discord.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

70 thousand subhumans doesn't mean all that much to me. The numbers game is for reddit and facebook, I'd rather have a single useful poster than a million normalcattle scum such as yourself.

MisplacedMan ago

How exactly is trying to get everyone on the same (literal) page creating discord?

Orien_Blue ago

Because you are coming to this subverse that already has a history together and trying to convince us to abandon it.

Hand_of_Node ago

It's a cesspool of censorship and reddit users. You've come to voat and declared yourselves our enemy. You're unlikely to have a good time here.

MisplacedMan ago

There's a reason why I'm trying to get people to participate in a subverse where they won't be censored. Therefore, I submit that it's the ones doing the censoring who are fostering the division.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

70k plebbitors. Maybe 700 worthwhile users after the influx madness ends. Been there, seen it. Boatload of refugees. They have to go back.

SGM11Z ago

The mods here are doing fine, although I wish they would delete all the off topic bullshit instead of just some of it. The posts here are already 90% chaff and useless. If your like your other sub, how about you stay there?

Morbo ago

You're so full of shit it keeps dribbling out of you cocksucker mouth. You would not have been as bold as you are here back at r/GA since you'd be banned posthaste and then cry like a little faggot about censorship. Well, trannyfag, you were banned at Rettardit and you think you're tough shit here on Voat because you locked down your off-brand sub. Come spout your shit outside of your safe space or better still, build you own fucking forum and watch us raid it. You will all be gone from here soon once Rettardit lets you back in. We've seen it all before. Ask the pedes how things went for them.

The mods here are doing fine

Day of the rope is coming...

CentipedeRex ago

Instead of passing around the collection plate and asking us to make a donation to their precious servers these 15 year old dumbasses cry because we invaded their safe space. Grow up little faggots. The big boys are here now and this place is ours. FUCK YOU.

Fambida ago

Honey, the "invasion" is welcome. It's the banning of people that we dislike. Free speech means ALL speech, and that's something you tweeny retards need to grasp if you want to have a good time here.

Otherwise, you're gonna get troll rolled pretty hard, and you'll deserve it.

CentipedeRex ago

Hey man, you are right. I didn't realize these are the same asshat mods from GA. I'm moved over to the right sub, now. I'm with you. Fuck these censoring fucks.

RoundWheel ago

All the mods seem to have checked out at 5 like they are punching a clock. Evening is peak Q time anyways. This plus their general idiocy stinks like crazy.

Anonomus911 ago

So this place is filled with shills, trolls and bots?

Morbo ago

No, just marxist trannyfaggots like you.

SGM11Z ago

I've given out too many upvotes (100 limit every 24 hrs) but if I could, I'd give to 100 upvotes!

Christosgnosis ago

If the native Voat goats will stick to their pre-existing v/GreatAwakening and then all the new Reddit refugees stay in v/theawakening, then everything will be hunky dory

The native Voat goats can hoot and snort over their racism and trolling bs to their hearts content just like they always have. They like it really stinky so they should just stay within their outhouse and all will be fine

PepeKShadilay1776 ago

Fuck off with your quarantine subverse shit. Q said (((they))) wanted to divide the movement and from what I have seen, they have done one hell of a job by forcing this migration to Voat.

Christosgnosis ago

Well take a bath, shave, comb your hair - put on some deodorant (well, lots of that) and you'll be welcome to come visit

Hand_of_Node ago

Get out.

Christosgnosis ago

Tender hurt feelings - nice!

theoldones ago

in this place, we have the freedom to be racist.

if you cant accept that, go back to reddit.

also you're a niggerfaggot

Foxxo_Deluxo ago

>be me

>shitty unironic Reddit user

>go there not because there's hardly any competition, but because I love it so much

>then everything changed when the admins attacked

>took down my favorite sub

>spit out my Monster Zero Ultra in astonishment

>Start panicking because it now means I'm going to need to go the r-racist 8chongs!

>shit myself because I don't know how it works and am too dull to figure it out

>but then a light shines in the darkness

>discord guy made a sub universe or something on this goat site

>don't care going to go anyway! Anything to get away from the FUCKING RACISTS >:(

>show up and make an account

>can't make a post. Something about a score lock


>literally shaking from the unknown

>make a comment revealing that I am a Reddit refugee

>get called a niggerfaggot

>I choke on my Soylent

>how dare he say something so rude! Doesn't he know that there are based gays and black guys out there???

>proceed to lecture them on how to run their site

>"that'll show them! >:)"

Christosgnosis ago

not a new comer to goatville - my account is 1.3 years old so I know how it is

why being so sensitive? is like got some kind of hurt feelings or something

was this being too harsh for Voat social norms?

native Voat goats can hoot and snort over their racism and trolling bs to their hearts content

They like it really stinky so they should just stay within their outhouse

wooqy ago

It doesn't bother you that you will not be able to post, only to comment, because we in a private sub that doesn't count sitewide on voat, only here? Think Mirror. Why not sub to both and see what's going on in both subverses.

Christosgnosis ago

yeah, it's a bit shitty, but am going to give it some time to see how things go and if it will start to loosen up at some point

the r/greatawakening to to where it had a very high noise to signal ratio - I get that people are looking to get a better handle on that

so I'm going to go along with them to let them experiment

I probably will bounce over to v/GreatAwakening now and then - but I can only stomach so much of their racist slur and troll bullshit - makes for a bad diet

1southernbell ago

That's what they want. They want to run you off. STAND YOUR GROUND AND IGNORE THE CRAP.

Hand_of_Node ago

You're going to help us gas the kikes and chase the niggers back to africa? Good, glad to have you aboard.

Fambida ago

I don't think you're really grokking the whole free speech thing that makes voat a haven for free speech needing people such as yourself. We are dedicated to free speech for everyone about everything here (although there is a right wing bias due to censorship elsewhere driving people here). This means that banning people for any reason other than spam is pretty frowned upon.

Without said free speech, you wouldn't have this hooting snorting rayciss trollhole to flee to in the first place. Try showing some respect for the norms and mores that allow you to even be here.

TheDirtyOne78 ago

I do have to wonder why it absolutely MUST be taken to the extreme in every case, though. Isn't it enough to know you have it here? Something overdone loses impact, and trust me, the whole "niggerfaggot" thing is definitely overdone. I've been a v/pizzagate lurker for a year and a half so I'm a little more used to it than my displaced compatriots. I'm just curious so indulge me. I couldn't care in the slightest and I don't think the movement is going to suffer because people on the internet say bad words. Anyone who thinks that has never listened to how twelve year olds talk in COD and Fortnite chat.

Fambida ago

It's not that it has to be taken over the top. People however still choose to. It serves as a kind of immune response vs invaders.

One point I feel needs to be made though, is that if you don't stresstest your freedom of speech, it can disappear in an eyeblink and you wouldn't even know until it was too late.

Christosgnosis ago

just because we exercise the right of free speech doesn't mean we have to sink to a low level of behavior when doing so

the real value of free speech isn't to spout potty mouth shit and fucking racist slur insult shit

the real value is using it to criticize and call out those in power when they're doing evil shit and otherwise getting a way with it

it's real value - the value that makes a damn about anything in the lives we live as human beings on this planet - is exercising it to hold shithead evil fucks in check

there's a segment of folks on Voat that expend their free speech instead by just pissing and shitting on it

sure I can live with that, but if folks have the freedom to be crude, disgusting, and obnoxious, then I can likewise exercise free speech to blather hall monitor, panties-in-a-wad criticism of that

Fambida ago

I honestly don't disagree with anything you said. Twats are the price we pay for freedom, and if you choose to join them, so be it.

AnthraxAlex ago

The dude is a fucking jew. He doesnt care about speech rights he wants to kill all white people. Q Larpers are all unanimously fags. Any fucking witch doctor who speaks in riddles and has to be decoded by divining chicken bones is a fucking charlatan quack and the people that follow them are sub humans with retard levels of IQ. REAL SHIT IF Q HAD ANYTHING REASONABLE TO SAY IT WOULDNT BE A FUCKING RIDDLE THAT HAS TO BE INTERPRETED BY JEW CLERGY FOR THE PLEBIANS.

Hand_of_Node ago

Agreed. There is some serious mental midgetry going on in anyone who believes in those riddles.

Christosgnosis ago

you realize that those bastards in the Afterlife - the spirit guide assholes - are going to make you come back in your next life as something you despised in this life

its their fucking karma racket shit that they push on everybody

AnthraxAlex ago

Oye Vey gotta turn a blind eye to the jew in this life or you'll be shoaed into a jew for the next.

grandpa_9 ago

Easy enough to ignore 'em.

Malayar ago

You are all a bunch of niggers. You're no better than the reddit faggots who sent you packing. The _pedes is a graveyard and your hugbox will follow suit if you continue your censorship.

Anonomus911 ago

And EVERTHING you just wrote added NOTHING substative to the discussion.

You come off as no better then a troll.

IheartSwimming ago

You're a troll

Substantive content ^

Hand_of_Node ago

And YOU come off as no better than a redditor. Go back, you homosexual.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

And EVERTHING you just wrote added NOTHING substative to the discussion.

That's funny, I can say the exact same thing about your hysterical pearl-clutching, which is all you seem capable of doing in this thread. Free speech means all speech, including the stuff you find distasteful. Now go jump off a bridge onto a tranny cock, niggerfaggot.

Tut560 ago

Have your "free speech" (calling each other names because u can & your vocabulary is limited to "N" & "faggot" but why on this sub? Do u have no other life than to harass this sub?

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

words that hurt my feelings are harassment

Wew, I can still smell the reddit stench on you. You should clean yourself up, we've got a nice shower waiting for you here...

LostLarry ago

Lets not rest. Lets find another board and lay low there for when the time comes to move again. I need upvotes!

Morbo ago

poal.co ---- now run you faggots, run!

Foxxo_Deluxo ago

"oy vey! I'm being bullied please help goyim! Hide out while you can and let this shoah blow over!"

followTHEpooper ago

"Patriots" is such an appropriate word. The US was founded by those you'd probably consider patriots who invaded another land, harmed the local people, and pushed their own rules and religion on those who already lived there. You'd think people would learn

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Go home hahahah this is their home. With you come many who like to censor and they have a system to weed those out. It does a decent job.

Ignoring them and engaging in discussion rather than insults is the way to get them to see you are a welcome member

Anonomus911 ago

They don't sem capable of having an intelligent conversation. Just chilish insults is ALL I've seen from them so far. I'm not impressed

TyrannyinTX ago

Welcome fellow Patriots and Q followers! WWG1WGA! We will not be silenced because of fascist social media platforms. We grow stronger every day!

Jappletime ago

We are all gonna need patriot costs before this is over.

soulssong2u ago


ProudQGirl ago


NonJuan ago

Exactly. Patriots are here to work, not play with trolls.

SVOctopus ago

I'm staying. WWG1WGA

Ocelot ago

Fuck off, kike.

Anonomus911 ago

Perfect example of what he's talking about. No substance, just the insults of a 6 year old mentality.

repoman ago

So, basically voat is just like 8ch which btw is where Q chose to post? Do you sense any irony in trying to make voat into some politically correct safe space when Q himself chose the wild west of 8ch for his own board?

If the newfags cannot demonstrate tolerance/indifference to random acts of hatespeech, then the newfags can fuck right off back to the reddit hugbox.

Welcome to voat, gypsy dildo punks.

Charles_Ponzi_ ago

Fuck you kike. You are a whiney little bitch and your little fe-fees done mean shit.

Refugee-From-r-GA ago

This is so fucking stupid. Our feelings aren't hurt; the comment just added nothing to the discussion. Totally useless.

Hand_of_Node ago

Take your homosexual self back to reddit. We don't want your censorship here, and will not tolerate it.

Rebelghirl ago

ah well. change is part of life. ;)

xenoPsychologist ago

then change.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

So is stability if you follow the right strategies

kommisar6 ago

Having spent a little time on /v/GA and a lot of time on /r/GA (after getting perma banned on /r/T_D), I think the /v/GA way is superior. Way too much moderation going on here... try the dark side, you might like it better than the control freak reddit way.

Anonomus911 ago

Then go over to the other sub. Lets see which one ends up with the 70k (297k) folks headed this way. I' m betting most will tire of all the insults invading every post real quick.

kommisar6 ago

On the other hand I pulled a 4 day ban on /r/GA for trying to discuss whether Q was real or psy-op. A legitimate opinion respectfully expressed and yet I was silenced.

Countrygirl007 ago

What insults? I haven’t seen a thing. WWG1WGA ThankQ

IronicMetaphors ago

Here for the upvotes. Been active since CBTS

TonyVilla89 ago

We're here to spread the good word Q... not assimilate to VOAT culture.

Sorry, but discussions about Q take priority over the freedom to call people KikeFaggots n shiet.

wgtt911 ago

Q is fake... get a life nigger faggot kike

Hand_of_Node ago

You should probably go right back to redditard.

Foxxo_Deluxo ago

complains about being censored on Reddit

Complains about everyone calling everyone niggerfaggot and kikenigger

Absolutely disgusting.

viperguy ago

What I wish to know is what they consider "racist speech"?

I suppose some of those comonly cited voat-words above (which exist solely to prove censorship-free world on voat and actually has little to do with Jews) do seem a little brash though.

Is providing links to Black African IQ average from prestigious science journals "racist speech"?

What is "racist speech" anyway? It thought free speech is free speech and all ideas should stand on their own merits in adult debate.

Foxxo_Deluxo ago

"hate speech" is just a communist slang for "words I don't like." It doesn't exist.

TonyVilla89 ago

Who gives a shit? This sub is about Q related content. Is there not subs on this site that focus on blacks and other races? You have all these options to choose from. Why does every sub have to be a place where you let out your frustration with blacks and jews?

flyratfly ago

Right! I'm here to research Q and learn more, not be bombarded with racial slurs that do nothing to help the nation or anyone.

Morbo ago

Are we hurting you precious fee-fees shitnigger?

flyratfly ago

What do you gain from this immaturity?

Morbo ago

You don't understand why we do this. It's not immaturity, hatred or having no life. This is a test and most of you are failing it. Think true Patriots. You have more than you know.

Hand_of_Node ago

The definition of a clueless normie. You don't care about censorship or free speech. All you care about is your cult.

flyratfly ago

You know nothing.

Hand_of_Node ago

Is this your first cult? I've watched cults come and go for 40 years, some from up close. At least you don't have to wear orange clothing, but that's about it.

Foxxo_Deluxo ago

When in Rome do as the Romans do. Stop complaining about "muh racism" because you're too scared to visit 8chan.

Refugee-From-r-GA ago

We care about "muh racism" because it WILL BE USED TO SMEAR THE MOVEMENT!!

What don't you understand? It's like talking to a fucking brick wall! If you don't like it get the fuck out!

HouseHawkwood ago

It’s already being fucking smeared. If someone is going to be scared away by the racism card then they aren’t going to be on there Q bandwagon.

Reminder that Q chose the Chans and not plebbit. If he wasn’t concerned about his message getting out ona board with unfettered free speech then why should we?

flyratfly ago

Yeah, voat great awakening is an embarrassment to the truth movement :/

ruck_feddit ago

Nothing supercedes free speech here, KikeFaggots n shiet.

repoman ago

I would upvoat but I don't want to get memoryholed by the free speech overlords of this sub

modsRa55holeN1GG3rs ago

careful they handing out the bans like candy.

ruck_feddit ago

Oh. God. No. Please don't ban me from the redditfag copy of our already great sub!

And, that's the point. They're handing out bans like candy. That's just another example of how refugees can fuck everything up. It's almost like their freedom to discuss Q (which I support, you should too) rides on the back of Voat's free speech promises? It's almost like that other place didn't support their free speech, but we will?

throwaway14 ago

just proves our point

Morbo ago

Like I fucking care if you niggerfaggots ban me from your safe space. You forget that you are here because YOU were banned from Rettardit. You'll all be gone in a week or two.

maxoverdrive ago

Fuck off, nigger.

CentipedeRex ago

You think we don't know how to swear and curse. Go fuck yourself little fagglings. The big boys are here.

dunklederf ago

yes, ignore the people who made this the refuge that we all came to in our time of need. they are expected to just be welcoming to the massive influx of uninvited guests and THEY have to change THEIR ways, to suit OURS.

pretentious cunts.

TheDonaldTrump ago

Good job gassing this niggerfaggot !

The1stLantern ago

Whatever would we do without such quality posts as "It smells like cock breathe in here"? Clearly the mods are already power mad removing such valuable content.

Foxxo_Deluxo ago

Fam I just want to let you know that I left plebbit during the first purge, never really used this site because of stability issues, chilled on a few gaming sites to and checked this place out again after the new wave.

You're absolutely right and OP is an absolute faggot. You can't seek refuge and then demand the people who are hosting you change to your ideals. That's literally what the sand niggers are doing to Europe.

TLDR OP is a faggot crypto muzzie and this Anon is right.

jqueso ago

This guy gets it. The others, not so much.

Q_sent_me_here ago

I agree with you niggerfaggot.

sorosminion ago

Ha ha ha ha ha ha. IDIOTS destroying themselves! NOW THAT'S A PLAN!

SpaceForce ago

You dont own this website. fuck off.

modsRa55holeN1GG3rs ago

how can you be so hateful?

VapidGopher ago

Dropping the red pills already for voat noobs like me, I do appreciate that. I really like the public logging feature so we can see when mods are censoring!

astitious ago

You make censorship seem like such a reasonable and welcome prospect.

alfreeman ago

Voat is fucking full of nasty, hateful people. Color me disappointed. I'm earnestly trying to give this site a shot, but damn, all I see is seething hateful comments from the aptly named goaters. Just because you have the freedom to say anything doesn't mean you should. With freedom comes individual responsibility to govern your fucking selves. Saying nigger and kike every other comment is not edgy or brave, it's just juvenile. Nevermind that I feel like I'm talking to a fucking brick wall.

waringi ago

Decades ago I was never the type to say nigger or faggot in public or private. Then it was banned in the workplace. That's fine. I don't need it... then niggers and faggots start causing all the problems at work. Can't say anything about it in public. Today, you can't say anything about it in your private life either without losing your job and your safety. Now they are not only causing problems at work but in everything else too. You better believe I'm going to call out the ones responsible. Unlike you fags who are just as bad as those who say all men rape when its only those of a certain color, etc.

JediGirl_33 ago

Agreed.... seething with sewer rats!

UncleSnake ago

Dont worry man, you have to remember that it is very possible that some of these people are literally 12 years old. No way to check ID online. I'm sure the vast number of these trolls are edgy children that spend most of their time on 4chan.

callthehambulance ago

You're more than welcome to fuck the hell on off - your presence is neither needed nor desired.

alfreeman ago

No shit Sherlock. The feelings mutual. Besides, you're only strengthening our resolve to stay, if only to spite you fuckers. Now go cry in a corner cause I'm about to censor your ass out of my life with the block button.

callthehambulance ago

Aw, diddums.

I genuinely don't care if you cucked little Jews are here or not, but it's hilarious how you fucktards are bringing your Reddit spasticary over here.

"Hurrrdduuuuueeerr, Iimmmaaa GONNA BLOCK YOU!!!"

Best part of you ran down your Mums chin

TheDonaldTrump ago

What are you?Nigger,kike or christcuck?

Buff_Awesome ago

lol You thought it was just going to end at people spamming niggerfaggot? You've been told before and I'll tell you myself: this place isn't for the weak.

alfreeman ago

Weak? I've been called worst by better. This place isn't for adults. We're not leaving tho, so kindly fuck off.

callthehambulance ago

Your Mum should have aborted you. Your stem cells would be better use to society than whatever it is you've grown into in adulthood

Buff_Awesome ago

  • * inhales * AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! You were saying faggot?

Fallout18 ago

The movement isn't for the weak. Considering the things we discuss e.g. pedogores, I'm sure everyone will manage some goading from the elders. Freedom comes in many shapes but always requires freedom of expression. Get some perspective and acclimatise. WWG1WGA

Buff_Awesome ago

  • inhales * AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! You were saying faggot?

goytoynamedtroy ago


BaldMiscreant ago

There's fewer actually hateful people here than you think, what you're seeing is called hazing, and it's designed to separate the wheat from the chaff(you).

jewsbadnews ago

The internet has always been this way until the corporations and commies came. Fuck off, kid.

rigorousintuition ago

Much like 4chan - people here use offensive language mostly sarcastically.

This scares away weak minded people who can not read words without being triggered therefore the discussion becomes more objective and pure. If you are afraid of bad language then a place of free speech and expression is not for you.

Back to Reddit you go.

TheDirtyOne78 ago

Probably the best way of putting it I've ever seen.

alfreeman ago

It's going to take more than bad words to run us off. Nice try though. Sarcasm? No, just trolling. Nobody is afraid of trolls, it just makes for a shitty experience. And where is there any discussion that is "objective and pure" on Voat? Please, where?!? It's the same juvenile shit everywhere I look. But maybe now there's a chance for that with us here.

HouseHawkwood ago

This guy gets it.

DillySquilly ago

I couldn't agree more...the maturity level is ridiculously low.

BaldMiscreant ago

Oh, it's higher than you suspect. What you are experiencing is The Great Filter- those who fuss and fluster over words will never be able to sustain an honest dialogue with anyone here, so it's best to grind you out up front. Suck it up, buttercup.

Fallout18 ago


GoogleStoleMyBike ago

I'm earnestly trying to give this site a shot

Give yourself a shot...in the head, you fucking kike.

Poonraider047XIII ago

Fuck off nigger!!

wgtt911 ago

i know.. nigger faggots everywhere...

TurdLord5000 ago

Suck my dick, faggot.

Hand_of_Node ago

No one here wants your faggotry, or your censorship. Feel free to haul your ass back to reddit where you belong.

You could have had a place here if you hadn't brought your reddit censorship with you. But now, no way are you going to stay.

LightlyToasted ago

This is why the general public was cautioned away from /qresearch/. I fully understand your reaction, however, the commitment to free speech and thought here is sacrosanct.

I assume you're an adult who can accept different views and ignore mean-spirited provocateurs. Similar to 4chan & 8chan, Voat dissuades participation of the thin-skinned. Learn the culture, give the site a chance. If you do not wish to participate, new subs similar to r/GreatAwakening are popping up on Reddit -- for at least a while.

alfreeman ago

If we were thin skinned, we wouldn't even be part of this. What gets me is you guys throwing fucking Tourette-like hissy fits and having fainting spells because we're calling you out on it.

LightlyToasted ago

kek! Here's your $0.02, don't spend it all in one place.

theoldones ago


sqwigs ago

Too bad you flunked out of school.....you could have learned how to spell more than one word!!!

Astupidname69 ago

Jiggaboo mooncricket pavement ape rape ape shitskin melon muncher

theoldones ago

"herr durr u dumb"

miss me with that gay shit.

Hand_of_Node ago

These niggers need to be tarred and feathered before we kick them back to reddit.

Tut560 ago

Really? Why? What is the purpose of that?

XGemInaV ago

their dads didn't love them and their screaming for your love and attention.

theoldones ago

because i can, that's why, and i dont care what you think of me saying it either

you. are not. in kansas anymore.

Greydle ago

I've never been to Kansas.

theoldones ago

kansas in this example, is reddit.

its a wizard of oz quote. you uncultured fuck

Greydle ago

I understood the analogy. The fact remains, I have never been to Kansas. Let's talk more about Kansas. Have you ever been to Kansas theoldones? I wonder what the weather is like in Kansas. What do you know about Kansas? That's what I'm interested in.

theoldones ago

no, fuck you, we're talking about reddit.

you got banned there, and now are no longer there

you fucking nigger

Greydle ago

Oh, well if you are ever interested in discussing Kansas or starting up a Kansas related discussion group with me, let me know. So good talking to you, friend.

time_traveller ago

Don't feed them by paying attention to them. Just focus on the research. Don't forget the enemy also wants to shut down people's research and awakening, and they do that by persecuting, frustrating and tiring people out so they give up.

Tut560 ago


Fallout18 ago

That so so weird. That was exactly what I was going to type.

KeepUrFork ago

It feels like kids running around saying bad words because they can. It might be free speech, but it's unintelligent and bad manners. Don't you teach your children to not say certain things?

throwaway14 ago

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it." Thomas Jefferson

you're not a real patriot you stupid nigger, kill yourself

wgtt911 ago

but my nigger faggots like it.. it's like chasing after a fake named Q

Anonomus911 ago

It's not even well done. It's like they just learned these words but aren't adept at forming complete sentences. I was a sailor so I kmow how to use colorful language. These folks suck at it.

crazy_eyes ago

everybody knows sailors are faggots, why else would they call themselves semen?

Anonomus911 ago

Folks are coming here to discuss Q. Not to have to listen to a bunch of whining adolescents scream 'muh rights' to derail every post.

Tastemyrainbow ago

Like 'muh dik' and shit

TurdLord5000 ago

Here's that picture of my penis that your mom asked for: https://imgoat.com/uploads/d5e957f297/146160.jpg

Boax ago

The fucking irony that these boomer faggots are drowning in.... it is literally the FIRST FUCKING AMENDMENT of the constitution you claim to be crusading for.... if you advocate any sort of censorship of speech online you are a jew rat fuck who needs to be gassed... like yesterday at the latest.

save_sam_hydes_face ago

The boomers from this community are amusing to watch but you lot of "goats" are fucking hilarious. Hard to tell how many of you are legit or how many are antifa faggots. Like, I have no problem with the word nigger, kike or faggot (especially faggot, it has nothing to do with being gay). But the way you guys talk about it, you'd think you've never had a single real life social interaction with an average person. Sure, normies are cancer. Normies are npcs. Okay. But can you even talk to one? Seriously? Because acting like filling every conversation on a forum geared to a specific thing which is all a subreddit is, with overt bigotry for shock value cos muh free speech and then being moderated on that and only that, has anything to do with the 1st amendment or even free speech whatsoever, makes you a retard. It is barely even censorship, you stupid nigger faggot kike. Seriously. You aren't being censored, you've just been told that the people that are here to use this specific forum don't agree with that logic and don't want you flooding the forum with it.

How dare they.

Boax ago

It isn't for shock value... it is a litmus test you dumb niggerfaggot

AnthraxAlex ago

The boomers need to all be bludgeoned and drowned. They are straight up communist rat fucks. Absolutely the most destructive generation ever conceived.

rumoret ago

Born in 1957 and I am far from being some fucked up Red Diaper Doper Baby! Don't shit on an entire generation because these Communist Traitors were allowed to infiltrate into our Republic!

Refugee-From-r-GA ago

You could either (1) convince them that we're right, or (2) viciously murder them.

Which one did you think was the rational answer? You're a fucking shithead

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

I choose 2, starting with all the jews after the mandatory DNA test. Then the niggers. Then the boomers.

Maltherian1 ago

What about the wet backs? I would be awfully sad if they weren’t invited to that party

gustodog ago

yes, ignore the people who made this the refuge that we all came to in our time of need

They created this site? No.

Awake2Truth ago

Free speech and hysterical childish name calling are not the same thing. When our very right to speak is at stake, we should at least make our voices rational and interesting by not sounding like dumbasses!

ObamasPinkSock ago

You couldn't be more wrong.

Free speech is a two way street.

If you are injured by words then you need desensitization, not more Reddit safe spaces.

Awake2Truth ago

Thank you for sharing your perspective. I will give it some thought, especially in relationship to the boards. Have a great day.

callthehambulance ago

Offence is taken, not given

flyratfly ago

I completely agree.

liberal_cat93 ago

And we will when we talk to the opposition. For now we talk freely and openly, given that this an online forum!

freedumbz ago

Here's how free speech works: You support all of it, or none of it.

Fallout18 ago


throwaway14 ago

you can check the logs, but your mods here clearly don't agree

Fallout18 ago

Tricky situation all round. No easy fixes

Anonomus911 ago

So your saying trolls, shills and bots are allowed and encouraged?

HouseHawkwood ago

As a regular visitor of 4chan/8chan I can say that trolls, shills and bots have accomplished fuck all over there despite a lack censorship.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Yes, you utter retard. Who determines who is a shill? You? Your kike mods? If someone says something you don't like, refute it, ignore it, or call them a faggot. How fucking hard is that?

TalkingAboutThings ago

You're like a fucking broken record. Or a bot...

freedumbz ago

They are free to say what they will. They are also free to get our retribution.

mega_nz ago

Lying to foment war is a form of free speech. In commerce, truth is sovereign.

freedumbz ago

Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.

HouseHawkwood ago

How progressive of you.

mega_nz ago

With the anonymity of social media people can avoid the consequences of their speech.

freedumbz ago

True anonymity does not exist.

mega_nz ago

There's enough anonymity on social media for sanayim or shareblue to be effective.

freedumbz ago

I'm not aware of any social media that is truly anonymous. Psuedo-anoymous sure, but not truly anonymous. There are logs showing who posts what on every site. There is psuedo-anonymity based on the trust of the gatekeepers on those sites to not share those records, and to not go snooping through them themselves. We have that on voat, and to a lesser extent on 8chan (the sunshine fiasco for those that don't know). Even now I don't assume that those barriers that keep me psuedo-anonymous here or there will always be there.

About the shills, I'm glad they are anonymous. It's more fun this way. When they fuck up and show themselves IRL it only further illustrates what retards are being sent against us. On the other hand, they only ever send retards with little exception. Kind of insulting at the same time, no?

mega_nz ago

By anonymous I mean that there's no connection between your local identity and your on-line persona, unless of course someone doxxes you.

You can use the shills as a kind of adverse witness if you show how they have a pattern of using abuse or ad hominems instead of arguing the point. Sort of like "flak over the target", but pointing out how their argument is defective.

freedumbz ago

There is a connection. It's your IP and the logs on this site. That said I have faith in Puttitout that he won't ever be turning any of that over to anyone ever. He has stated clearly, and recently, that he hasn't.

I completely agree with you on the shills though. They serve as a pretty good indicator as to what is going on.

Awake2Truth ago

So Anything goes? No privacy rights, no doctor/patient, lawyer/client privileges? No limits to calling "fire" in a movie theatre, or threatening to rape or kill someone. No limits on what we expose children to in school or on the streets? Just carte blanche anything goes. There is a difference between "freedom to" and "freedom from." Our freedoms usually extend to the point of harming another person. While debating where this line is central to Democracy, arguing there is NO line is insanity.

Tut560 ago

Exactly right & if we are going to red pill normies, the voat insults, name calling & racial slurs could turn them off to the message

throwaway14 ago

you are the fucking normies, go back to reddit where you belong

freedumbz ago

Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. Holy shit man get it together. Also, I'm going to paraphrase something you said there for funsies:

>how many children must suffer before you agree with me


Ps4Freedom ago

you've got my vote, patriot

Sarevok ago

Fuck off oven dodger.


Oven dodger lmao

SGM11Z ago

I don't expect you to understand. That's OK. There's lots of places for you to go. Bye.

TheDonaldTrump ago

You fucking imbecile,be grateful we haven't banned you low IQ scum.

I_Love_Hentai ago

Fuck you niggerkikefaggot. Go create your own little safe space where all of you little bitches can circlejerk eachother over something thats never going to happen

WhereIsMyMind ago

Lol I came over here as a MDEfugee and even I can tell you're a dumb cuck. This is their website retard

worlddownunder682 ago

Cunt bitch go take your ass back to reddit

jonny1313 ago

You are a special little fruitcake aren't you?

theoldones ago

you're a faggot and a jew and you arnt welcome here.

we UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY what your kind is. you are a brand new reddit fag

dont play that "oh we know better shit" you snake tongued little weasel.

Foxxo_Deluxo ago

Jesus Christ OP the Boomer in you is showing hard. You go to a foreign land in an Exodus and then complain that the people hosting you aren't the same as you. Get off your high horse and lurk more.

SGM11Z ago

I dont care if you are the same as me or not. I don't care about the language. I want a place to discuss a specific topic without having to scroll past impertinent nonsense. That is all.

SGM11Z ago

You misunderstand my intent. I have nothing against your culture here...I just want a sub that we can use to discuss our specific topic without having to scroll through page after page of nonsense. Carry on with your niggering and your faggotry to your hearts content...all we ask for is peace.

Samsquamch ago

You are such a faggot - "I don't expect you to understand" is not an explanation

SacramentoRebel ago

Everyone knows you are a shill who abuses children.

VapidGopher ago

I really wish I could downvote this comment.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

You are an absolute piece of shit. Fuck off and die in a fire, faggot.

SGM11Z ago


CptnKnotziReturns ago

I just got here and found another complete asshole. People go where they want, say what they want, while your opinion remains irrelevant.

Don't be another self appointed dick.

SGM11Z ago

Not trynna be a self appointed dick. Might be a dick nonetheless. I just don't like seeing the main page littered with garbage, particularly ones that encourage Q followers to kill themselves or racist bigoted nonsense. It does no good whatsoever and I have no problem with it being deleted by the mods.

MrPim ago

WE aren't going anywhere shitbag. This is our home. You will be leaving you sandnigger piece of shit refugee.

SGM11Z ago

Well I was gonna go, all tired and broken...but now I have to stay for no other reason than to inspire more foul language from you. This is gonna be fun.

MrPim ago

You really have no idea what you are looking at if the nasty words is what you're hung up on. You really have no idea the level of dedication this place drives. This is a battle you can not win.

I'll enjoy watching as your acct becomes unusable.

SGM11Z ago

How would one "lose" a "battle" on a message board? You gonna ban me? I'm not hung up on nasty words at all. I just don't like nonsense racist bigoted off topic posts in a discussion on a very limited topic by juvenile snots that can't play in their own sandbox. Come at me, bro!

MrPim ago

How about we step outside your little kike controlled sub and see how that goes. In here all I can do is post text. Step to v/whatever and I'll make that shiney new account unusable. I don't need to ban you. We don't dothat here.

SGM11Z ago

Lets say, just for shits and giggles, that you could make an account unusable (highly doubtful). What would stop me from just making another account? Would I lose my 1 day of seniority and have to wait a whole nuther 10 minutes to get enough upvotes to post? Who cares?

liberal_cat93 ago

Places like what? Back to plebbit to get banned? 8chan?

SGM11Z ago

How many subs are here? How many message boards exist on the interwebs? Pick one, any one.

oldzeke ago

You cannot gas yourself fast enough. You are the cancer.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Fuck you, you piece of shit. This is our site. Get fucked

UncleSnake ago

Your site. LOL. Did you fucking create voat? Everybody has known about voat for forever, its just Reddits little step cousin. Dont gas yourselves up. We're not here because we want to be.

Lurkerwastaken ago

are you a CIAFAG?

ee_tard ago

You are the problem you are running from. I bet you rape babies too...

ruck_feddit ago

I'm with @dunklederf on this one. Some refugees are welcome, but not the ones preaching for reddit-sharia ban happy faggotry.

SGM11Z ago

Really? Take a look at the posts so far in this sub. How many are on topic or have any value? Clearly, most of it is garbage, mostly from old time goats that think we're going to use all their resources, so their plan is to scare us away with foul language...and the rest are from another Q sub that think we should all be over there. I wish the mods would get rid of it so we just focus on what we are here for: to learn more about Q. Every bookstore doesn't have to carry every book.

ruck_feddit ago

I wish the mods would just ban everyone I disagree with.


Hand_of_Node ago

Take your cancer back to reddit.

gladly ago

We are doing what you should have done on reddit. Stand up for our fucking right to say what the fuck we want. Nigger. Faggot. Idiot. Cunt. It's EXACTLY WHY you CAN come here and talk about any fucking idea you have. Does it stink of piss? Well, at least we don't cover it with perfume, as they do over at reddit.

Want to smell the roses? Reddit awaits. Go mod there, cunt.

SGM11Z ago

Nope. You're missing the point entirely. Say what you want in the comments...I couldn't care less. But the thread topics should be on point and if not, deleted. If the entirety of your intellect can only respond with "cunt", you're just clogging things up and taking space that should be used by someone with something to say.

throwaway14 ago

what's off topic about posts pointing out how much your mods are censoring people?

ArchmageMordenkainen ago


gladly ago

It wasn't just cunt, it was a whole paragraph about free speech and how things work around here. Totally on point of what you were talking about. And cunt is preferable to all of you cunts just begging for fake internet points. We should just call you all gibpointsniggaplz. Cunt.

ruck_feddit ago

Works every time so far. <10 stay for every 100 who visit. We'll sort out who the faggots and shills are. Welcome to Voat, 1 day old.

SGM11Z ago

I think you underestimate our commitment. Your old tactics will no longer work. Look at the subscribers to this sub...almost 5k and growing fast. You really think that "nigger" or "faggot" will scare us away? Please. Some of us have been doing this since the 60's...new here doesn't mean new to the world.

ruck_feddit ago

Lol. It was nice knowing you.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Ah yes, admit that you're an Israel-loving boomer. That's sure to get you brownie points around here.

AnthraxAlex ago

I'm going to BBQ you fucking Boomer kikes when the time comes. Fuck you and the horse you road in on you entitled piece of shit. Think you can keep up with me with my family of 10 white children all trained to skin a Boomer from stem to stern and make lamps with the parts that can't be eaten? You fucking pissant boomers are on you last leg fucking commie faggot.

SGM11Z ago

ooooh...so scary...much savage. My 3 year old granddaughter has more balls than you.

Hand_of_Node ago

You're a pedophile too? Go back to reddit.

hangry ago

stop playing with children's balls

maxoverdrive ago

This is OUR fucking site, asshole. You're burning OUR donations and overloading OUR servers. Go be a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual, entitled cunt elsewhere.

TriggerBot ago

★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ - 2/10 stars - You remember to change your tampon you little pussy? Use moar capslock plz. Pathetic.

maxoverdrive ago

Fuck off, Jew. Everyone knows you're a worthless sub-human cockroach; no one will ever pay you any attention on Voat, other than to laugh at the size of your fucking nose....

SixualClimax ago

You tell em' skeeter. I love it when people don't take kindly to certain folks round these parts.

Kraize_Kanadian ago

“Our” lmfao. Back the fuck up you entitled cunt and go back under the little rock you came out from.

Astupidname69 ago

How about you crawl back into the oven you came out of you utter kikefaggot.

variable ago

This place is the only place the leftist fascists don't own. Thank fuck your rulers believe in free speech, because it is NOT universal.

MrrHandsome ago

We have literally made you're piss stenched shit hole relevant again. The adults have come to take the reins now, dont worry you natives can still engage in whatever homosexual activity you got up to before we migrated

worlddownunder682 ago

You come here after your old home shit all over you and kick you out. Then you shit on the place you want to stay in. Get the fuck out nigger

Maltherian1 ago

This is one of the last bastions of free speech and your going to come in and tell those who have remained vigilant that they can piss off now. You bring your cancerous ways here and expect gratitude. You are nothing but a mouthy little bitch. Fuck off

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Jesus Christ you're entitled. You know why we're "irrelevant?" Because we HATE the normalfags, and the normalfags hate us. We do not want to be like them, and we do not wish to welcome them. Don't act so smug that you've diluted the quality of this place by bringing a few thousand account's worth of airheaded baggage with you.

MrrHandsome ago

Come join civilisation friend

BohemianConusLure ago

Here a image of the native Voat land we invaded http://magaimg.net/img/65o0.jpg

liberal_cat93 ago

Go be a nigger elsewhere then. How dare you speak to those best suited to be your ally? Don't throw a shitfit and destroy an already fragile group of people

VapidGopher ago

I find it helpful, he's showing this isn't safe space plebbit. Say what you want, forget the politically correct language because it's free speech. It will deter some users but I think they'll keep coming back and get thicker skin and not be offended

MrPim ago

You're about to find out differently assbag. For example, you are currently trapped in your sub. You cannot go anywhere outside of this sub. We'll be there waiting. Your account will not be banned, it will be made unusable, by we the users. No admins banning you or censoring your sub. We are here 24/7. You've already lost.

Bludgie ago

So basically, to all practical purposes, you're censoring him. What a fucking coward. You don't even have the balls to do it directly.

MrPim ago

I as a single user cannot. The community as a whole can. And that has been done because of his statements and attitude. Now fuck off back to Reddit Suzie.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Amen to that, friend. Entitled fucking pricks, the fact that it took em this long to leave reddit just shows they have Battered Housewife Syndrome.

Drunkenmoba ago

HHis safe space was taken away, he wants to make a new one. Fucking Jew thinks he’s handsome because his mother said so.

Too_thiQQ ago

I’m almost there BB don’t stop

VapidGopher ago

MrPim account age = 3.3years, sounds like he knows his shit. I'm really starting to appreciate this platform design, much better than plebbit's shill bot friendly crap

Kellygirl13 ago

I like your civil discourse in the midst of this poopy poop storm! Carry on good sir. 😆

Anonomus911 ago

Odds are this sub will be bigger then the whole place in just weeks. You had what less then 4k folks in your sub? This sub has added more new folks in ONE day.

You really think most folks coming here want to hear your David Hogg impersonations? Insults and name calling are the work of those with no debate skills. Coming and starting insulting threads isn't what the Q movement is about.

Hand_of_Node ago

Take your hatred of America and free speech back to reddit.

MrPim ago

That's funny, because Voat isn't about Q. It's about free speech. Something you have taken 24 hrs to shit all over. Go fuck off back to Reddit you sheep. You liked your pen so much you lugged the fucker all the way over here. But we don't like the pen, it shits up the living room. Well, You shit up the living room

repoman ago

Keep going I'm almost there

Emperor_Jack_Tunney ago

The pedes and every other fringe groups of faggots have said the same thing for the past 4 years. You've got a lot to learn boy.

MrrHandsome ago

No need to be a sensitive Suzie. I've been a member here for years, what happened to the infamous thick voater skin

MrPim ago

Your acct is two yrs old. You have 300ccp. In short, you Haven't been here for years.

Emperor_Jack_Tunney ago

You never know, a lot of the Voat originals create new accounts all the time. But somebody usually knows them. I'm on like my 6th account. But I don't think I've ever run across thatnigga before so you're probably right.

MrrHandsome ago

Just don't insult the newcomers for using the servers. It's being put to good use rather than creating traffic to engage in a sub which specialises in hating cats

MrPim ago

Read carefully. It isn't a cat hate sub. It's a cat People hate sub. It's not the cats, they're fine. It's their shitty owners. Also, if you look closely you'll find that it's humor.

And I haven't said a thing about the servers. Although that is a valid concern. We run on a shoestring here.

Lastly anything Q related is questionable as to its value over catpeoplehate. A Joke sub is easily as valuable as a Q sub. And CPH takes no resources as it's been there forever and no one, not even me uses it. It requires nothing. As opposed to sub filled w unappreciative niggers who eat bandwidth and DB space.

MinorLeakage ago

Your impassioned defense of Cat People Hate has made me want to post there and subscribe.

MrPim ago

Just remember, it's the shitty owners we hate. Cats are fine, they just go about doing cat stuff. Their owners can be cunts though.

MinorLeakage ago

I completely agree. I just thought it was funny in a silly sort of way. Seemed like a nice change of pace what with the migration going on and everything.

MrPim ago

It was always meant to be a silly place. I don't actually Hate cat owners. Although some of them piss me off. It started as a play on FPH, and went from there. All of my subs are things I think up after too much scotch and they amuse me for a day or a week, and then...

All of that shit is just silly

looking4truth ago

You sound like an invading rapefugee

theguysmiley ago

you make an excellent point, ima look into making a donation ive been pretty pleased with this site.

VapidGopher ago

I agree with this, it's already showing some of its useful features in calling out subs that censor

MinorLeakage ago

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

My favorite part of Voat is that nothing gets deleted. It just gets moved to the /log/ area from the main /v/.

The only thing that is still unknown, as far as I know, is who has been made/removed as a moderator of a sub. It might not seem important, but I just like the accountability of a record. You can figure it out in a round-a-bout way since the /u/ of the moderator is logged when they take any action, but it still seems like a gap in the record to me, since mods are able to take actions that are not recorded by the other logs (eg. change the CSS or invite more mods).

dunklederf ago


YOU can fuck off, there's lots of places for you to go, i have a gaschamber right here for you, you fat fucking boomer.

UncleSnake ago

This is not your place, faggot. You do not own voat. We are welcome here just as much as you are. Did you create voat? Is your name on the masthead? Do you create fucking anything except diarrhea from your fingertips?

throwaway14 ago

you realize that voat was literally funded and coded by the existing userbase right? go back to fucking reddit

Greydle ago

This isn't your place, it is anyone's place. Get used to it, we are moving in and there isn't anything that you or anyone else can do about it. Watch our subscriber numbers close, you are the minority now. WWG1WGA!

Locknltx ago


Wagonwheelz ago

Hey know, I thought this was like Europe?? Open arms and forthcoming with your daughters? What gives?

Jappletime ago

Wow I feel so welcome here. Can I donate to your cause. Some bitcom maybe

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

You're not expected to feel welcome. Learn the customs or git out, this isn't Sweden and we don't care if you're a diverse refugee here to gang culturally enrich our women.

MrPim ago

We don't care if you feel welcome. You're part of an invasion horde of niggers. IF you can assimilate to Voat, you'll be welcomed. If you think for even a single second that you're bringing Reddit bullshit here, prepare to be schooled. You are in fact Not Welcomed here until you prove yourself.

DownRange ago

But but but this time it will be different!

throwaway14 ago

HA you act just like v/thepedes who invaded us last year and they got driven off

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Many came to troll. Engaging and promoting free speech accepting discussion will filter out the rational ones

throwaway14 ago

"promoting free speech" like your mods banning tons of people for criticizing them?

TheNerdyCowboy ago

I am a voat goat lol. It is a indication against their worst members

flylife2103 ago

It's normal. They have their habits and there is something new that comes. Learn from them and they will learn from us.

KosherHiveKicker ago

What exactly have you taught Voat so far?

That you fled here seeking Free Speech and instantly setup a heavily censored safe-space, and silently allow Reddit-esque moderators to instant ban, and censor it's content?

You faggots imported the one thing this entire website was specifically setup to counter.

Anonomus911 ago

If it were setup to counter then it shouldn't have been possible.

SVOctopus ago

I came here from Reddit. Steve Huffman is the Reddit's CEO. He's a Communist and he hates anyone who teaches or talks about freedom. So he purged The Great Awakening from his platform.

We didn't come here spewing anti American sentiment. No. We came here to raise up our 🇺🇸.

We research, then share our data. We don't listen to CNN NBC CBS MSNBC or who ever. Yeah maybe, some from FOX (sparingly).

We're not a hate group. Q and Team and the Anon's search for those people who are trying to take over the U.S. for evil intent.

Most of our world is controlled by the; Illuminati, Cabal, The Deep State. It's all the same people just using different names as the years roll by.

Well. There's a lot more I say about it. This post is already getting to long.

Old Voats. We come in peace. I pray that Jesus is your Lord.


Gypsy12345 ago

I agree. Where do you draw the line? I might post something that the mods don’t like. Will I be banned? Slippery slope. Just became a refugee from rddit. I don’t want to be censored again even of the language makes me uncomfortable.

xenoPsychologist ago

notice how (((they))) push the number of subscribers as the important trait? its almost like they have no substance.

Wrenovation ago

Ditto what you just shared, Gypay12345.

Anonomus911 ago

Then go to the other sub. The choice is up to everybody. The folks coming will decide on which one does better. The other sub already has less subscribers. And this sub has only been here for a day and beat that number. Imagine how many will be here in a week ,a month.

Hand_of_Node ago

Okay, 34?

SneakyWino ago

It's one thread you can completely ignore. You sought this thread out on purpose. Go away and you'll never hear from us. So fucking retarded.

Hand_of_Node ago

Go back to reddit with your reddit-tier mentality.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Go away and you'll never hear from us

How about you go away? Why not fuck off back to the Reddit.com safe-space and play by their rules?

Voaters know that your reddit-level faggorty will only seep into other subverses over time.

flylife2103 ago

I'm not fled. I do not practice censorship or self-censorship. My freedom is to choose the space where I want to communicate. And being alone does not scare me.

Respect the rules that respect me. Otherwise or I change the rules or I leave. Your answer respects my existence. Thank you

Keneo77 ago

I came from r/greatawakening and I couldn't agree more. They sound more like Liberal cucks than Patriots.

CarolinaQ ago

Thanks for The advice.

FreeHillbilly ago

agreed - let them express their opinion, no matter how uninformed it may be

Khorrl ago

Forget your mods, embrace freedom. https://voat.co/v/introductions/1350015

HateCumbuckets ago

I posted this introduction in v/theawakening. It was removed within 10mins.

SneakyWino ago

Neon Revolt vouches 100% for this mod team and I trust him completely. I like the racist trash taken out, personally. This should be a safe space for Q research and discussion.

Hand_of_Node ago

I like the racist trash taken out... This should be a safe space

Oh lordy, lordy, dey be racis! Nice SJW cult you have there. Think the kikes are going to reward you after you've helped them bring down America?

Tut560 ago

Yes safe for research & for redpilling normies

Boax ago

"This should be a safe space..."
Literally go fucking kill yourself. You are everything wrong with the fucking world right now. You think you are on this crusade for good? Nigger you are too fucking stupid to even understand what actual freedom is, much less fight for it. If you are so easily offended and your ideas are so full of fucking logical fallacies that they need a "safe space" to be discussed... then you are better off putting a fucking bullet into your brain right now and saving us all the trouble of hanging you from a lamp post down the road.

theoldones ago


keeponsearchin ago

don't trust anyone completely. stay vigilant. just sayin

flyratfly ago

Agreed, patriots can be any race, color, sexual orientation ect. What is the point of the toxic comments and insults? Would POTUS ever be associated with blatant racists like these? Thank you

Hand_of_Node ago

Fuck off, cuck. Ask your wifes boyfriend if you can have your reddit account back.

liberal_cat93 ago

Safe space?? What kind of SJW boomer are you? You are plenty safe here. Shame on you for casting doubt and threatening those who took you in! "Safe spaces" resulted in the banning of the Reddit subs, don't forget!

IheartSwimming ago

Safe space

My ideas can't stand up to criticism.

Refugee-From-r-GA ago

It's not criticism. You're coming calling us kikeniggerfaggots and smearing shit on the wall.

ee_tard ago

no place is safe you fucking idiot.

followTHEpooper ago

This should be a safe space

Wait wait.. has Q research become a liberal thing now where we need safe spaces? Will we be getting trigger warnings too?

mattathias ago

It's called noise, grandstanding:

Nigger faggots Pretentious cunts Gas yourselves Kike bitches

Are you kids ten? Look mom, I can cuss. It adds nothing to the conversation. 0. We are trying vet each others information and make straight disinformation.


Jappletime ago

God I hope not.

Morbo ago

You're watching it happen right before your eyes. Your fellow "patriots" from Rettardit are liberal wolves in Q researcher clothing. The more you support their marxist ways, the more you feed the swamp. If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat, then it's a motherfucking (((rat))).

QAnonIsAwesome ago

Agreed. NR said earlier yesterday that he wasn't sure how the transition would go to Voat. He must have done some digging because last night he said he felt confident in the Voat team.

Charles_Ponzi_ ago

This place runs on BTC donations alone. Pony up, bitch.

spaceace66 ago

Racism may be allowed but it's like trying to have a discussion around children. It's all from internal fear of the unknown.

Foxxo_Deluxo ago

As a Q follower, fucking adapt. Don't go to Rome and complain that they're not acting Muslim enough.

Hand_of_Node ago

This one will be okay.

HST ago

Oh we know. That's what causes the racism.

Fenrir-1488 ago

It’s mostly because of they have IQs in the 60-70 range and a genetic predisposition to criminal behavior.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Yeah, niggers are perfectly upstanding citizens in all the nations they inhabit, and absolutely nothing about their actions and "culture" could make rational people dislike them. They dindu nothin.