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dunklederf ago

yes, ignore the people who made this the refuge that we all came to in our time of need. they are expected to just be welcoming to the massive influx of uninvited guests and THEY have to change THEIR ways, to suit OURS.

pretentious cunts.

SGM11Z ago

I don't expect you to understand. That's OK. There's lots of places for you to go. Bye.

maxoverdrive ago

This is OUR fucking site, asshole. You're burning OUR donations and overloading OUR servers. Go be a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual, entitled cunt elsewhere.

MrrHandsome ago

We have literally made you're piss stenched shit hole relevant again. The adults have come to take the reins now, dont worry you natives can still engage in whatever homosexual activity you got up to before we migrated

worlddownunder682 ago

You come here after your old home shit all over you and kick you out. Then you shit on the place you want to stay in. Get the fuck out nigger

Maltherian1 ago

This is one of the last bastions of free speech and your going to come in and tell those who have remained vigilant that they can piss off now. You bring your cancerous ways here and expect gratitude. You are nothing but a mouthy little bitch. Fuck off

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Jesus Christ you're entitled. You know why we're "irrelevant?" Because we HATE the normalfags, and the normalfags hate us. We do not want to be like them, and we do not wish to welcome them. Don't act so smug that you've diluted the quality of this place by bringing a few thousand account's worth of airheaded baggage with you.

MrrHandsome ago

Come join civilisation friend

BohemianConusLure ago

Here a image of the native Voat land we invaded

liberal_cat93 ago

Go be a nigger elsewhere then. How dare you speak to those best suited to be your ally? Don't throw a shitfit and destroy an already fragile group of people

VapidGopher ago

I find it helpful, he's showing this isn't safe space plebbit. Say what you want, forget the politically correct language because it's free speech. It will deter some users but I think they'll keep coming back and get thicker skin and not be offended

MrPim ago

You're about to find out differently assbag. For example, you are currently trapped in your sub. You cannot go anywhere outside of this sub. We'll be there waiting. Your account will not be banned, it will be made unusable, by we the users. No admins banning you or censoring your sub. We are here 24/7. You've already lost.

Bludgie ago

So basically, to all practical purposes, you're censoring him. What a fucking coward. You don't even have the balls to do it directly.

MrPim ago

I as a single user cannot. The community as a whole can. And that has been done because of his statements and attitude. Now fuck off back to Reddit Suzie.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Amen to that, friend. Entitled fucking pricks, the fact that it took em this long to leave reddit just shows they have Battered Housewife Syndrome.

Drunkenmoba ago

HHis safe space was taken away, he wants to make a new one. Fucking Jew thinks he’s handsome because his mother said so.

Too_thiQQ ago

I’m almost there BB don’t stop

VapidGopher ago

MrPim account age = 3.3years, sounds like he knows his shit. I'm really starting to appreciate this platform design, much better than plebbit's shill bot friendly crap

Kellygirl13 ago

I like your civil discourse in the midst of this poopy poop storm! Carry on good sir. 😆

Anonomus911 ago

Odds are this sub will be bigger then the whole place in just weeks. You had what less then 4k folks in your sub? This sub has added more new folks in ONE day.

You really think most folks coming here want to hear your David Hogg impersonations? Insults and name calling are the work of those with no debate skills. Coming and starting insulting threads isn't what the Q movement is about.

Hand_of_Node ago

Take your hatred of America and free speech back to reddit.

MrPim ago

That's funny, because Voat isn't about Q. It's about free speech. Something you have taken 24 hrs to shit all over. Go fuck off back to Reddit you sheep. You liked your pen so much you lugged the fucker all the way over here. But we don't like the pen, it shits up the living room. Well, You shit up the living room

repoman ago

Keep going I'm almost there

Emperor_Jack_Tunney ago

The pedes and every other fringe groups of faggots have said the same thing for the past 4 years. You've got a lot to learn boy.

MrrHandsome ago

No need to be a sensitive Suzie. I've been a member here for years, what happened to the infamous thick voater skin

MrPim ago

Your acct is two yrs old. You have 300ccp. In short, you Haven't been here for years.

Emperor_Jack_Tunney ago

You never know, a lot of the Voat originals create new accounts all the time. But somebody usually knows them. I'm on like my 6th account. But I don't think I've ever run across thatnigga before so you're probably right.

MrrHandsome ago

Just don't insult the newcomers for using the servers. It's being put to good use rather than creating traffic to engage in a sub which specialises in hating cats

MrPim ago

Read carefully. It isn't a cat hate sub. It's a cat People hate sub. It's not the cats, they're fine. It's their shitty owners. Also, if you look closely you'll find that it's humor.

And I haven't said a thing about the servers. Although that is a valid concern. We run on a shoestring here.

Lastly anything Q related is questionable as to its value over catpeoplehate. A Joke sub is easily as valuable as a Q sub. And CPH takes no resources as it's been there forever and no one, not even me uses it. It requires nothing. As opposed to sub filled w unappreciative niggers who eat bandwidth and DB space.

MinorLeakage ago

Your impassioned defense of Cat People Hate has made me want to post there and subscribe.

MrPim ago

Just remember, it's the shitty owners we hate. Cats are fine, they just go about doing cat stuff. Their owners can be cunts though.

MinorLeakage ago

I completely agree. I just thought it was funny in a silly sort of way. Seemed like a nice change of pace what with the migration going on and everything.

MrPim ago

It was always meant to be a silly place. I don't actually Hate cat owners. Although some of them piss me off. It started as a play on FPH, and went from there. All of my subs are things I think up after too much scotch and they amuse me for a day or a week, and then...

All of that shit is just silly

looking4truth ago

You sound like an invading rapefugee