Fellow Patriots, please ignore the loony locals (theawakening)
submitted 6.4 years ago by SGM11Z
It seems that several VOAT oldtimers are threatened by our presence. Please do not upvote or comment on their inane antics, it only encourages them. Maybe if we ignore them they will go home. Probably not, but trolls feed on your attention so at least let them starve. Thank you mods! Some of us citizens are behind you all the way!
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Lundynne 6.4 years ago
Maybe if we ignore them they will go home
Mate, we fucking are home. You're the ones invading our site. You don't like it here? Leave.
SGM11Z 6.4 years ago
Oh, I like it here. I think I'll stay. I'll put my feet up on the coffee table, grab a beer from the fridge, and mount your sister. Nice to meet you, bro.
theoldones 6.4 years ago
we remember names and know who you are.
goytoynamedtroy 6.4 years ago
Only a kike jumps to incest as an insult.
FIRE4EFFECT 6.4 years ago
Good one! When in Rome SGM,...lol when in Rome....You fag! lmao
ZeroFuggzGiven 6.4 years ago
Try that in my actual house. Get a broadhead to your skull.
I know Karate.
I know Kung fu
Some of my friends are policemen.
Some of my friends eat donuts, too.
My dad can beat up your dad.
And he could still kick your pappy's ass...
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Lundynne ago
Mate, we fucking are home. You're the ones invading our site. You don't like it here? Leave.
SGM11Z ago
Oh, I like it here. I think I'll stay. I'll put my feet up on the coffee table, grab a beer from the fridge, and mount your sister. Nice to meet you, bro.
theoldones ago
we remember names and know who you are.
goytoynamedtroy ago
Only a kike jumps to incest as an insult.
Good one! When in Rome SGM,...lol when in Rome....You fag! lmao
ZeroFuggzGiven ago
Try that in my actual house. Get a broadhead to your skull.
SGM11Z ago
I know Karate.
ZeroFuggzGiven ago
I know Kung fu
SGM11Z ago
Some of my friends are policemen.
ZeroFuggzGiven ago
Some of my friends eat donuts, too.
SGM11Z ago
My dad can beat up your dad.
ZeroFuggzGiven ago
And he could still kick your pappy's ass...