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ObamasPinkSock ago

OK, this isn't fair.

Full disclosure: I'm the CSS developer for TheAwakening.

I got nothing but fucked over by /r/GreatAwakening because of Reddit and GA's rules about not naming the Jew as our enemy.

I lost count of how many times I was banned at that shithole.

I was disgusted by the behavior of those old TheAwakening mods too.

From what I've seen, all of those censorship-addicted Reddit mods from TheAwakening fucked off to 8chan because their feelings were hurt... and they have all been removed as mods from TheAwakening.

Since then, the one active [O]wner from TheAwakening has, like Atko said, turned the corner and is heading in the right direction, which is why I chose to support the new Q sub... not because I have any allegiance to Reddit or any of those retarded mods, but because I want all Voat Q communities to thrive and I'll help where I can...

...which means creating new content and posting it both here and over at TheAwakening.

The midterms are less than 7 weeks away and I see no reason for President Trump loving patriots to be attacking other President Trump loving patriots.

Wouldn't all this rage be better spent on New World Order globalists who want white genocide?

GreyAlien ago

"the one active [O]wner from TheAwakening" see i was gonna believe this til i just went to check and the 4 mods jumped back up to 8-9, the one that personally banned me is now back. so now imma have to take that with a grain of salt that they are on right track.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Nah, there are only three [O]wners and one is taking the lead to sort this out.

We gained some janitors but I don't know anything about that and I've only briefly spoken to one of them.

I also accepted a CSS [D]eveloper role to help with designing a style for The Awakening.

As far as I can tell, they are all behaving themselves perfectly.

The moment they step out of line, I'll be the first to attack.

We should both pay close attention to The Awakening mod logs.

GreyAlien ago

yeah you i know are nothing more then a designer, i went from concerned to on the fence about them when they removed alot of the mods, seeing them put back into place makes the fence wobble is all.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Yeah, I'm watching them closely too.