SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'new fag redditors blatently conspiring to abuse vote manipulation all over the sire' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from @SGM11Z:

This is a post I have linked before.

The first comment is my previous link with an explanation.

Also notice anytime OP engaged in the comments, even though the comment was civil and reasonable (though easy to disagree with) it was met with 15 or so downvotes. This would be fine if everyone were on equal footing. But this person and many others are not. It's like being in a paintball fight with 2k balls of paint against someone with 10.

Now, because of the sheer audacity of OP to dare challenge old goat "culture" they are -94 and haven't been back. Was their free speech protected here?

This is the same tactic used by SJW's when Milo comes to speak at their college. This is what you're proud of?

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'Withi this you guys guys have condemn yourselves here. There are still good ones within you but the ones that control your sub are not' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @SGM11Z:

This is an example of what pisses me off

Maybe you agree with this post, maybe you don't. I don't care. But look at the downvotes. Why the fuck is this person now at -93? Free speech my ass. This person now has a muzzle, can only make 10 comments per day, cannot downvote and cannot send PM's. Probably won't be back. Maybe that's what you want on your "free speech" website but silencing someone you disagree with is the polar opposite of free speech.

Make your well informed, logical refutations all day long in comments, but shoving anyone, even a troll, below -10 CCP is not free speech. It's the same SJW bullshit that happens when Milo speaks. Shout them down till they leave.

The downvotes on the post don't matter. You can make your displeasure known in a cowardly way there, if you must. It's the comment downvotes that count. It's going through a persons past history and downvoting all those comments, too...just to make a point.

The only point I see to this is that bullies want to control speech on their free speech website. I fuckin hate bullies and hypocrite bullies are the fuckin worst.

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outside-the-box ago

Kike speak

NeedleStack ago

exercising their freedom to offend is damaging to the recruitment of those we need to fight for actual freedom

= the weak go running

mismacheta ago

Well, the censorship and the mindfuck PC bullshit is offensive. The hatred that the groups, who whine and cry the loudest, have for me is offensive. They have all the freedom to say whatever they want. They say that I need to be killed, silenced, marginalized, or enslaved by the chains of censorship and political correctness that they so brazenly rattle about. Cuck up to them if you choose to their slave.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Kek. Thread not going how you imagined?

Foxfire1028 ago

GTFO, niggerfaggot shillfuck!

xenoPsychologist ago

freedom means more than all freedom with no limits. it means only the freedom i like and nothing else.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

"you aren't allowed to disagree with me, or you're against freedom"

Gas yourself kike.

trucking_foal ago

actual freedom = freedom

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

We will censor for none. If you can't handle it, you do not deserve the enlightenment we offer. Now, fuck off faggot.

WanderingTaurus ago

You are free to not get offended. Being offended over everything is your way of coping, not necessarily ours. Toughen up, the ride is going to get worse if you already think the heat is bad.

HillarysTongueHole ago



Fibbideh ago

He calls it a front-hole, shitlord.

xenoPsychologist ago

did you just assume its gender??

Shizy ago

Hi @OpposableGums. Please see srayzie's recent post which discusses submissions and what is required. Opinions are great, but if they do not have any supporting content they may be better expressed in the comment section of another post.

DamnLiquor ago

Only nigger faggots get downvoted out of their own thread comments... go wipe your tears on Alice's pussy muff while she's still around.

BigFatDaddy ago

Go back to Faggotville.

Steelerfish ago

Why do you give a shit about what anyone else says. Opinions are like assholes. one may smell like Hillary’s morning scotch/Huma’s rotten pussy breath, and another may smell like napalm in the morning- both are equally protected. It is in the eye of the beholder how to react to it. Let people say nigger faggot pole-smoker Jew kike chink wetback wop pussy fatass gook mooncricket carpeteating dike retard midget blah blah blah and whatever the fuck else floats thier boat, you don’t have to say it, agree with it, or have it affect you in any way whatsoever. If it does, ITS YOUR CHOICE. If the rest of the shills wants to jump off of a bridge, it doesn’t mean you have to. (But you are perfectly welcome to follow.)

draaaak ago

As a (((new-comer)))

Nice try Sheckelstein.

bulrush ago

You are quite the selfish snowflake, and an intolerant bigot. You won't fit in well here.

Between the bone-headed establishment of 'theawakening' and the posts of waffling culturalists, we've driven away thousands.

Fake news. No evidence. The only evidence you have is the brown smear in your underwear.

ReAwakened ago

2.96 percent of the country served in George Washington's Army. The issue is not quantity, it's quality. Give us 5% of American white people that mean it, and we can take the country back.

Beta_Ray_Bill ago

You haven't been around here long enough to understand how voat deals with waves of new people. Voat is rough in the beginning of the wave to ensure that the people who come won't try to change it. It distills the wave down to the few who have thick enough skin to be part of it. The community doesn't care about playing nice in order to grow. Voat is not on a recruitment drive. That's just not how it works around here. I get your point but this is like trying to spit into the wind.

AndrewBlazeIt ago


SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'Another day, another 3-day old Reddit faggot trying to re-define freedom while the native response leaves his poor fifi's as bloody as his vag-rag.' was posted in v/whatever by @obvious_throwaway1 and permalinks this submission.

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Tallest_Skil ago

You should die, bot.

betadynamique_ ago

You wouldn't happen to be deeply concerned, would you?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

His intro of "As a new-comer" might as well have been "Fellow white people".

AndrewBlazeIt ago

You seem pretty good at locating feggits

obvious_throwaway1 ago

It's relatively easy when you spend enough time to begin tracking trends.

JIDF, ShariaBlue, and the Chinese propaganda network are just the biggest and easiest to identify because they tend to all have their own copy-paste CNN talking points. Between the three there are a lot of overlap, but they all have readily identifiable points of view to either identify an account that either fell for the talking points and then continued to spread the virus of lies.. or even worse, believe it.

snortykat ago

You are exercising your freedom to feel offended. I am exercising my freedom to not give a shit. I think this line from Star Trek TNG says it pretty well, " You know, there are some words I've known since I was a schoolboy: "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." Those words were uttered by Judge Aaron Satie, as wisdom and warning. The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today... "

OpposableGums ago

You, nor I, am not that important. Who cares if you or I get offended? Please read my post again. We're alienating those who would happily join our fight for freedom.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

If they're alienated by hearing the word nigger a few times, they'd be completely fucking useless in a fight anyway.

Fuck off.

sexylarrytate ago

The only thing I dont like are the trolls that intentionally write nigger and fag over an over trying to just offend without adding any discussion. Those are obviously dummies wanting attention. They make no point whatsoever except to prove how childish human beings can be.

Tallest_Skil ago

Hey, nigger. Nonwhites are not the same species as whites. This is scientifically proven. Miscegenation is child abuse. It causes physical and mental defects in the children and makes it impossible to receive certain medical care. Miscegenation is viewed by the brain in the same way that bestiality is. This is scientifically tested. Whites and niggers (and whites and asians, and whites and australoids, and whites and inidoes) are not the same species and should not live together.

Hey, faggot. Queers are disease-riddled sacks of mentally defective shit. They have hundreds of incurable illnesses. The medical cost of AIDS care ALONE, IN THE UNITED STATES, is $100,000 PER QUEER, PER YEAR. This is the cost incurred by everyone else. FAGGOTS RAPE CHILDREN INSTITUTIONALLY. ALL OF THEM DO IT. We are going to exterminate every faggot on the face of the Earth and roast the diseased corpses into ash.

Accept truth or be killed with them.

sexylarrytate ago

I have read worse. Try harder, Fake Fakerson

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself. It’s objective truth. Cited and sourced. Go back to reddit and suck jewish cock and the brainwashing they gave you.

sexylarrytate ago

You are a terrible actor. Work on it. Meantime we are here to stay. Have fun.

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself immediately.

Nonwhites are not the same species as whites. This is scientifically proven. Miscegenation is child abuse. It causes physical and mental defects in the children and makes it impossible to receive certain medical care. Miscegenation is viewed by the brain in the same way that bestiality is. This is scientifically tested. Whites and niggers (and whites and asians, and whites and australoids, and whites and inidoes) are not the same species and should not live together.

Queers are disease-riddled sacks of mentally defective shit. They have hundreds of incurable illnesses. The medical cost of AIDS care ALONE, IN THE UNITED STATES, is $100,000 PER QUEER, PER YEAR. This is the cost incurred by everyone else. FAGGOTS RAPE CHILDREN INSTITUTIONALLY. ALL OF THEM DO IT. We are going to exterminate every faggot on the face of the Earth and roast the diseased corpses into ash.

Either LITERALLY commit suicide or accept these OBJECTIVE, SCIENTIFIC FACTS as truth and base your life on them. It’s that simple.

sexylarrytate ago

I think you said that already. Anything else, Zarathustra?

Tallest_Skil ago

Either LITERALLY commit suicide or accept these OBJECTIVE, SCIENTIFIC FACTS as truth and base your life on them. It’s that simple.

sexylarrytate ago

What's the name of this character? You might get some work at Second City, you know.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

The funny part is you don't even realize what's happening right now.

sexylarrytate ago

I did know and it has not yet affected the price of tea in China, surprisingly

Tallest_Skil ago

4 to go. Kill yourself, paid jewish shill.

sexylarrytate ago

What up homes?

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re already in the negatives. You’re done here. Go the fuck back to reddit, you kike-loving son of a bitch.

Fibbideh ago

y-you're lying! It's just an act!

Kill yourself.

sexylarrytate ago

tee hee

HomerChimpson ago

They do have a point. They do this to push people who would censor them away before they mass in numbers too large to fight.

It will all stop after a few days. It happens with every migration.

DanijelStark ago

There is either a freedom ... or there is not .

Limiting someone to say something freely , as long as its within Voat-wide rules , and sticking to Q as general theme of GA , is actually rejecting the freedom .

Offensive is a relative term - whats offensive to someone , to someone else , its perfectly OK .

I do understand that there would be those shills who would , on every possible occasion , seek conflict and confrontation . The funny thing is - many of them wouldnt have courage to post that same thing under their real name and surname .

Voat is not exemption , there are shills here ... but in much much lesser magnitude than it is with Reddit , where conflict is continous .

I have found this platform much better in overall .

HomerChimpson ago

'You should narrow your definition of freedom in order to prevent the narrowing of the definition of freedom.'

Well, my definition of freedom includes the freedom to offend. You are the one narrowing the definition.

OpposableGums ago

You're reacting to my title. Did you read my post? How do you justify alienating so many potential members if your motivation is freedom?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Nobody gives a shit about alienation because the people who care about freedom will stay while the dumb faggots like you who want to censor others to re-define freedom with JIDF propaganda will eventually get tired of being shit on by the very Freedom your vagina won't allow you to have, and you'll give up and leave.

HomerChimpson ago

They are free to stay. If people need to censor themselves so they do not flee then they do not believe in freedom and are free to leave.

Also, i was literally responding to a line from the post.

not limiting ourselves to narrow definition of freedom

Phantom42 ago

Truth is greater than any man's notion of freedom, because Truth will set you free.

Fuck YOUR Freedom. I couldn't care less about your Kikery.

I want Truth. And it WILL come out, like it or not.

Choose your side.

OpposableGums ago

Patriots practice self-control. They know freedom means more than just the 1st amendment.

Phantom42 ago


Patriots do what is necessary to secure a future for their people.

We crossed a river on Christmas to kill Hessians. I don't need your incessant preaching on "muh self-control" when that isn't what you mean at all.

Goodbye, Kike.

BigFatDaddy ago

Well said.

HomerChimpson ago

Curtailing your freedom of speech = more freedom.

This is stupid.

LakotaPride ago

I agree, curtailing freedom of speech does not bring more freedom, the Founding Fathers protected speech that was not popular also.

Xenophobic ago

I'll take Shill for 600 Alex.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

OP is a dumb faggot with an obvious Leftist agenda. Go ahead and put this one in the same bucket as JIDF.

OpposableGums ago

You're conflating self-control with censorship. Censorship is bad. Self-control is good.

HomerChimpson ago

It's not self control if you're doing it at the behest of others.Maybe people should have enough self control to not run away crying when they hear 'bad words'.

OpposableGums ago

So you agree. Thousands ran away who might otherwise have helped us. But you practice censorship. You want those who believe in a bigger picture of freedom to just shut up. sorry. can't do that.

Lordbananafist ago

anybody else notice all the appeals to popularity in Q posts?

we've lost thousands!!!!

HomerChimpson ago

You're the only one who has told others to limit their speech. Nobody told you to shut up. You told them.

snortykat ago

Who decides what is offensive or not? We must not censor others just because you personally feel offended by words. I think people can and should make their own choices. That is what our forefathers died for.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Mentally deranged faggots like this JIDF-wannabe think they can decide what's offensive for everyone. Their poor fifi's can't handle dealing with real conflict and instead needs to hide behind authoritarian censorship and control to live in their safe space.

OP is nothing more than the traditional product of American education - indoctrinated, propagandized, and low-testosterone who wants to force others to live by their state-sponsored programming. Fuck him.

OpposableGums ago

You're conflating self-control with censorship. Censorship is bad. Self-control is good. P.S. 'theawakening' practices censorship. Patriots practice self-control.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

When you demand everyone else must conform to your sense of self-control then it isn't "self" anymore, it's just control.

You talk a lot about "patriots" for a traitor and a wannabe Tyrant.

sic semper tyrannis

WanderingTaurus ago

Feel free to self-control yourself out of the sub if it isn't the place for you. Who the hell put you in charge of dictating what patriots practice anyway?

HomerChimpson ago

I think people can and should make their own choices.

So, people should.... be free.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Nobody gives a shit about your fuckin' fifi's.

Freedom is not free, and that means dealing with things that offend your pussy-assed posh faggot sensibilities. Deal with it, or you are part of the problem and thus an enemy combatant. Pick a side and make it clear you piece of shit.

kneo24 ago

A redditor will see a string of naughty words here. A goat will recognize the passion that you have.

OpposableGums ago

Patriots practice self-control. Enemy combatants practice division. Which are you?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Beautiful gaslight from a low-energy, low-information piece of shit that continues to demonstrate why they belong in Reddit's la-la land.

I could make up arbitrary self-defined descriptions for the word "patriot" and throw them at you, too. It wouldn't mean jack shit (so it would be as relevant as the nonsense you just spewed forth through text).

Go take your pandering self-narrative bullshit bubble and get bent. When you want to communicate like an adult, not a brain-addled Leftist faggot cuck who demands the world conform to their viewpoints we can continue this conversation - until then keep living your fairy tale, piece of shit.

OpposableGums ago

funny. You want me to conform. But we practice freedom here.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Dumb motherfucker has the balls to spew JIDF nonsense like conform when I just told his ass he has shown no evidence of wanting to have a conversation. If you aren't going to converse and are instead going to demand, ridicule, or in your case gaslight then you are nothing more than propaganda. Feel free to demonstrate otherwise and you'll get a different response.

You've done nothing but make demands on others since the creation of this thread. Do you need a helmet to leave the house so you don't hurt yourself and a drool bib, too?

Silverlining ago

Don't feed the Trolls... Keep Calm and carry On...

Fibbideh ago

Why? Every post is another set of downvotes for him.

dunklederf ago

this is why i go down every single comment chain, hoping to find another post.

jfaodc13 ago

The freedom to offened IS freedom, and so is the freedom to BE offended. If you really feel this way that you have been indoctrinated by modern culture (soft communism). Not your fault but we can help you understand more, if you wish it.

OpposableGums ago

You are reacting to my post's title. What about my post? Do you understand the difference between censorship and self-control?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Clear you fuckin' don't.

jfaodc13 ago

I read your post before typing. It’s not your job to control other people by suggesting they control themselves. You worry about governing you. THAT is freedom

OpposableGums ago

good. I'd say we agree, but there you go again directing me and telling me how to be. May I suggest a little self-control.

jfaodc13 ago

You are definitely here to stir up trouble. You ask for input then attack that input. You’ve had training. BTFO this sub. You are wasting people’s time.

lerker ago

In my opinion, the offend trolls are shills / share blue type folks who are on the other side (democrats), posting racial stuff just to try to make the real GA folks look bad.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

>go to a new website with an established userbase, bringing reddit faggotry with them

>when the native population doesn't conform to the reddit faggotry, call all the natives shills.



It's your job to assimilate to the local culture or get the fuck out.

lerker ago

You fuck right off. I've been here for over a year.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

1.5 year old account

29 SCP, 100 CCP

bitch you've been here for a couple of hours spread out over 1.5 years.

You have 9 month old comments on the first page of your comment history.

lerker ago

So the fuck what bitch? Fuck off now

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Don't pretend to be a real voat user just because you've sit on an inactive account for 1.5 years.

You don't post shit here so don't try and tell us how to act.

lerker ago

you sure are a mouthy cunt, fuck off now cunt faggot

Le_Squish ago

If you are dedicated to your cause, then you should be focused on finding truth and not obsessing over subjective topics such as racism.

You aren't here to look for pretty for the MSM, or are you?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Or faggots like the OP who are brainwashed into not only believing it, but outright attempting to gaslight others into his house of glass.

Time to throw some stones.. or better yet, 163 grain lead.

Phantom42 ago

How much you guys wanna bet lerker has mixed race children, or is a Jew?

lerker ago

You forgot nigger faggot, fag

Fibbideh ago

That was weak. Try harder.

MingDynasty ago

I agree, they do the same bullshit on the chans.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

>a bunch of retards get kicked off of reddit

>go to a new website with an established userbase, bringing reddit faggotry with them

>when the native population doesn't conform to the reddit faggotry, call all the natives shills.

Fuck off Jew.

MingDynasty ago

Arent you the little edgelord. At least i dont get butt hurt over a website on which I can choose which subs I view. Lick my hairy taint hook.