SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Useful @NeonRevolt links' was posted in v/Shitlist by @Crensch and refers to this submission.

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Why Should We Trust Breadbox And PenSHITLORD To Mod v/QRV??' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @13994089:

I dont konw, ToN has a concrete solid case. Did you see what he posted? Why didnt Neon Revolve and Ronald step up to defend themselves? Neon could have brought it up in his article today but didnt. Why not? What are they afraid of if it is really bs? Those are serious allegations especially when the world is watching. Have you even read it?


Let know @Type-o-Negative know when these guys want to man up and address this accusation instead running away like little girls pretending like nothing happened...

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charlie1883 ago

I am glad you posted this. People need to be aware of these guys.

First met FoT in conspiracyundone, then GA, then SwampWatch, then TGA. The guy is a drama queen and continuosly splinters the community. After calling out mods in GA and trying to get people to come to TGA, he then started censoring TGA. The purpose of his many subs kept changing and no real traction could be made. Now it comes out he was doing shady shit on conspiracyundone. Basically every sub he is involved in has an enemy sub he tries to counter instead of actually seeking truth and talking about Q. It is all a big distraction.

Anyway, by focusing on theawakening, reddit drama, or this other horse shit sub they made pulls away from what is going on before the election. We need to focus on the dirty deeds.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'What If I Told You Q's Trip Code was Hacked - Check This Out' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @srayzie:

You should edit your post and add your 1st post link...

That way people can know the whole story.

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Speed_Bernicia ago Have you seen who 2 of the moderators for v/QRV are?

Type-o-Negative ago

Yes I did, so how did these mods get this board? Doesn't add up.

Type-o-Negative ago

I was under the impression that FoT was the only mod, but never really paid attention. I look at the pics and back you on it.

Since you said 2 I imagine you might know? If so, spill that fine mess.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'The Mods Here And Their Inner Circle Are A Bunch of Liars - Change My Mind' was posted in v/theawakening by @kneo24 and refers to this submission.

This notification (#287) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. You can suppress pings from these notifications on request.

divine_human ago

thank for filling in more bits and pieces, @ype-o-Negative. the picture becomes clearer.

i thought about filling in some of my conversations but decided to leave it. not interested in the petty details, they are very much of a distraction.

however, its important to understand that it was an illusion to be-lie-ve that this movement wouldnt be infiltrated from day one.

as i see it, all the named players in the game - i wont name most of them here again, you all know the mods of the reddit Q subs and the self-proclaimed 'leaders' who created a huge following through their articles - are part of the same chaos crew.

if i hadnt served on the mod team of r/T_GA during its past 2 weeks, until i got thrown off on the tuesday before rystalnacht and banned from the sub only hours before it got shut down, i may have continued supporting FoT.

glad i saw the true colors. my presence and my questions about bans and removals made them show quickly.

FoT changed from a nice guy to an asshole on a dime, the moment i told him that i sense controlled opposition on the mod crew and spent some time checking the mod logs.

mind you, i knew that GA was comped. frickin agencies in there, sigh. it was a bit of a surprise to find that T_GA was, too. at that point of time, i wasnt sure whether that was controlled opposition or ego flaws. the reactions to my inquiry were played right from the DS textbook, but they could have also been typical narcissist behavior.

on crystalnight, i nuked my reddit history. suprise today: when i checked reddit to post something to my profile (same nick), i found a few of my comments from when FoT split from GA and founded T_GA. strange nuking, grin. seems like these comments were worth being kept (god in the machine?)

i will leave it with this. not going to play //their// divide+conquer game.

not interested in the petty details. they are all comped, all playing on the same team that tries to manipulate the movement and prevent people from certain discoveries (i.e., everything i said about the puppet masters behind the puppet masters got removed, on all reddit boards. go figure.)

some former r/GA mods seemed to have moved on to 8chan /patriotsawaken. to play the same game?

there seems to exist another new 8chan board now, /patriotsawoken (or something like this). adds to the deliberately created confusion, doesnt it?

i rather stick to lurking on the original 8chan, lol, and hope that voat will survive the total crash of the social media giants thats written all over the wall. soon in this movie.

how to move on?

so lets take every input with a grain of salt, no matter where it comes from.

lets stop following external leaders - mods are no frickin leaders of a community but its stewards! - and start following inner resonance only.

voat is gorgeous! it has transparent mod logs and honors free speech so the fascist structures get disrupted. community is the supervisor of their mods and assures that they stay the course.

thank you, goats, for establishing this place, i bow to you guys <3

@PuttItOut implemented a feature that brings both Q subs together.

what a gorgeous idea, i love it! may the infighting between users be stopped by this move. let the mods and movement gurus play their game, we dont need to follow.

by now, i am tremendously grateful for the BigBan.

for many people, there are lots of emotions swirling around. grief over betrayel and lost trust, anger about the power trips of others, sadness about a 2nd home having been crashed and the need to relocate and get used to something new.

i get it. ... 1 week grieving and sorting period is over...

now, we need to put on our big boys/gals pants and grow the fuck up. be sovereign. think for ourselves. we know the drill, now lets implement it. voat provides a much better space for it than reddit and all the other social media.

enough of divide and conquer! I Do Not Consent!


Thoutzan ago

Type-o-Negative ago

Fartyface commented way down below, and gave the same URL you gave asking if he wanted to comment on it. Pretty sure it will be crickets though.

Thoutzan ago

In the end, I feel that RonSwansong is NeonRevolt and that FoT is actually on the same team as RS, all doing their best to splinter and divide us. There are just too many coincidences to just add up to think otherwise.

I've suspect the same since Neon pinpointed FOT too soon and accurately right after the ban. FOT led a group of ppl out of GA (which no doubt was comped) weeks before all Q subs were banned... We need to notify Q about this shit.

Type-o-Negative ago

I was a mod in FoT’s new reddit T_GA, that is how I was involved in this huge mess. I left because I didn't think FoT was even about Q. That is what made me suspicious about everything.

Thoutzan ago

Great post good read

jzerocoolj ago

Nice digging and research, and even more reason to cast off the shackles of the spooks running /v/theawakening

Oveass ago

Edits do not ping anyone. You need to tag during your first submission.

Steelerfish ago

I’m noticing the downVoat bitches are out in full force. Let the fuckery begin, I guess..

madhatter67 ago

oh, and BabylonNTing, great handle!

Type-o-Negative ago

I got that from a tune called Tower of Dub by The Orb.They were doing a prank call to a television station and found it there.

Also check out S.A.L.T. another tune by them that has a conspiracy theorist talking about the book of Revelation in the Bible.

I tracked that down too. it was from a British moved made in 1982 called Naked. The plot is about a conspiracy theorist, go figure. Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour did an album with them called Metallic Spheres, mostly all guitar, but one verse which actually goes hand-in-hand with our movement.

madhatter67 ago

Great work Type O!.... I think that pretty much confirms what many of us have been feeling since the redditfugees showed up....much fuckery and misinformation coming from that side (who would expect anything else from reddit mods)'s like they don't think many of us were already lurking the 8chan and see all the shit they are coming out with there too

I don't really care what sub we do the Q thing in, so I'll be keeping an eye on the /v/theawakening....after all, who cares where good research or analysis comes from, those of us here for the right reasons will take information wherever we find it.... but from the word go, there has been something about the newcomer's shepherds that hasn't sat right with me...and you've done a great job of laying out evidence of what they are up to

I can't help think this is some kind of last gasp shareblue effort to mess people around and make us lose our way just as the storm finally starts building up momentum.....the way it has all gone down is certainly retarded enough to smell of something like them


lol good job infiltrating the other side, but to connect NR and FoT as being on the same team just for using oldfag "moar" is incredibly flimsy. All that said, holy shit Swansong trying to imply he is working directly with Q team without outright saying it, even after we all know that Q said no outside comms. Even if he was in touch with BO on /qresearch/ it wouldn't mean jack shit towards any of their credentials.

All of these people are fucking stupid, does anyone here honestly think bona fide CIA deep cover operatives would be this bad at their jobs?

Occam's razor screams that this is just sad neets with no life getting drunk on power for the first time in their life, and letting it go to their head and make mistakes.

I don't think anyone had ill intentions towards dividing the movement but I remain open to being proven wrong in the future.

Type-o-Negative ago

Actually, I did not infiltrate them, I was a mod on FoT's T_GA's board and RonaldSwansong came out of no where and told me this stuff as I decided to quit as a mod because FoT doesn't seem like he even likes Q or wanted to discuss topics with the subscribers.

Quite a few mods left around the time I did. I would have to say at least six voluntarily quit.

SandHog ago

I thought so too but there is new info now. Fuckery is definitely afoot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

and people got banned for warning them lol

Clinker ago

This is so boring.

Are you guys interested in Q at all?

Type-o-Negative ago

Hey numbnuts, press Control and F at the same time, enter Q and press enter. Sounds like you have ADD and this will show you how times I mentioned him.

Your Welcome.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the eternal anglo

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

SerialBrain2 just needs to stop trying to organize upvoat farms from reddit and he'll be fine

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

also it's notable that he says @girlwonder is @high-valarian that means she was double modding with an alt account, wonder how much of that is going on, because I was surprised when you said it was 14 people considering they have way more than 14 accounts running around here

Type-o-Negative ago

I didnt even notice that until now. Nice catch Patriot!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it is curious I wonder why @high-valyrian is using an alt when she's also listed as a mod of v/theawakening considering that the alt is the account that created the subverse and is one of the three [O] for owner level accounts, again along with @high-valyrian the main account, I think this might be a pretty damning reveal

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'The Mods Here And Their Inner Circle Are A Bunch of Liars - Change My Mind' was posted in v/theawakening by @kneo24 and refers to this comment.

This notification (#282) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. You can suppress pings from these notifications on request.

kneo24 ago

It's a Redditor doing power mod things.

high-valyrian ago

Well, I was using Voat with the girlwonder account for some time (lurking) but went ahead and created this account with my Reddit username. I'm not sure if removing the original sub creator will do something funky, so I haven't removed my older account. Tbh I just don't like that username. Been planning on making a post in v/askvoat but haven't had a chance yet. I occasionally log in to check my inbox on that username, but don't plan on participating with it. If anyone knows the answer, please let me know.

Type-o-Negative ago

That is the stupidest excuse for lurking I have ever heard...I been here 2 years while NEVER creating an account just to lurk. Okay I will say it, your a fucking lying faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nothing will happen if you remove it I've seen subverses that are now owned by an account besides the creation account, I might be a paranoid and conspiracy minded person but you have to admit a lot of this stuff seems sorta shady and if you have a discord to coordinate your actions there's a surprising amount of accidents

high-valyrian ago

oooo thank you for letting me know! I'm going to try to find something about this for sure - knowing how clumsy I am, I def don't want to take any chances lol. We are on Discord. There's a link in the sidebar if you want to join the wider community, we're all there under the same names :) Discord is primarily handy for situations like when Q drops, we can quickly notify someone to sticky them even if they're AFK, and also for backup comms. I understand, I think most of us are of a conspiracy bent, so I'd much rather engage someone with their concerns that way communication is facilitated. Have a good day, anon!

kneo24 ago

This just further proves my point that you guys fucked everything up from the start on purpose. If you lurked like you said, you'd know the troubles that would come just from the bannings alone.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

also don't ever use discord, use skype or the steam beta or something, I don't have any idea why but discord servers almost always end up being used for nefarious purposes. From doxxing servers to false flagging I've seen a lot of shit happen online and it's almost always a bad thing when discord is involved for whatever reason. The inner circle reddit mod discord server these people have just proves my point

Type-o-Negative ago

MS owns Skype so there goes that idea.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

steam beta?

SandHog ago

More people should heed this advice.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yeah idk what it is about discord but using it never ends well

SandHog ago

This video raises some pretty serious concerns about the platform. I won't use it, myself.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

try the steam beta, valve reaffired their belief in free expression recently by lifting bans on mature content

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

good looking out but use instead of imgur, imgur's administration team works with reddit to ban certain content

Type-o-Negative ago

I will redo the pics later on today. Total noobie mistake there, my apologies.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nah it's fine, switching from reddit is obvious but switching from imgur is more subtle. Derram also set up a bot to help with archives and rehosting

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Solid work lad.

Boban_Rajovic ago

Hey @Type-o-negative, I have complied many proofs of r/GA (or r/CBTS, whatever you call them, same shill mods) which I've posted here on voat just in case, check it under my submissions:

They are all in it together, FoT, Howi and all their alt accounts. They aren't such a big mod group at all. I'd say no more than 8-10 since r/CBTS.

I noticed that RonalSwansong has mentioned r/qpatterns by u/happeningliveIRL. That guy has contacted me months ago and we actually gathered quite a few proofs of the mods shilling.

So you see, plenty of people have actually knew the mods are shills for quite some time now. But they censored everyone around and buried their stuff with alts and vote manipulation bots.

Seriously go check my submissions for proofs, back when FoT was still a mod there.

I'd like to hear from you! Stay safe, cheers.

Blacksmith21 ago

BINGO @kevdude. I noticed the same thing. NR used Limeyspeak. Which sounds like a lot of chan vernacular - calling everyone "cunts" and the like. Growing more suspicious by the minute...

pj77777 ago

NR has been heavy on the chans for quite a while - he talks about it a lot in his blog

Q_Tip ago

Q says "they" want to divide us. When someone new comes here and immediately wants to "divide" the people by starting their own Sub. . . well, that's all anyone really needs to know. . . Coincidence?

nzmc ago

This post is still not actual q research but civil war continued whoever has better content wins I think that is best way to judge sub quality what who is right and moral and not troll means here look at the message not the messenger and ask questions and think when q said they want you divided what is happening here then it looks like by the book psychological operation happening at the moment how many paid agency workers are located within two hundred thousand accounts you think ?

Type-o-Negative ago

You are a fucking idiot, it has everything to do with Q as they have 3 groups divided.Did you even read it faggot? Q said they need us divided moron. Get with the fucking program.

nzmc ago

it really makes you wonder if calling people idiots is best tactic to grow movement, I mean what nature, history and everything teaches us about this topic?

Type-o-Negative ago

Being ignorant by choosing not to read the post isnt the best approach either. The whole post was about division, hence the idiot statement. Please try to catch up.

alcogiggles ago

What's limeyspeak? British? Is it possible that idiot with a child-like writing skilll is MI-SEX?

alcogiggles ago

Great post.

Of course they are on the same team. FartOnToast has a private board called "The_SwampWatch" where he has discussions about infiltrations, censorship, and more. I know for a fact that FOT has at least 3 usernames. Those people created fake divisions (greatawakening vs the_greatawakening) in order to fracture, yet create an illusion of difference. Meanwhile they are both the same evils of the same coin.

kneo24 ago

Just a couple things that weaken your argument.

Using "moar" is common internet slang. If it's the basis of your proof, you haven't shown very much.

Hiding your information on a whois is also common. Some webhosts offer this as a free service.

Type-o-Negative ago

I was not accusing FoT of anything, just interesting that I only seen 2 people use it, and possibly being on the same team. Had RS not used this fake projection against FoT and demonstrating it in chat to me, I would be none the wiser about all of this. I dont fault people too often because usually it was my mistake, but it is his fault for trying this ruse on me because it had a Streisand effect on me to investigate it further.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Still an imgur nigger

Rubieroo ago

Wait, FoT is STILL ON REDDIT running r/conspiracy? Hmm. I was banned from there just this evening for talking about......Q

Type-o-Negative ago

That was covered in the numbered division list in my post. Check out #1 first.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago




divine_human ago

you have a fucking asshole attitute, @dontdoxxmefaggots, when it comes to teaching new goats but thanks for the lesson anyway, signed up on imgoat.

Type-o-Negative ago

It was my first fucking post you dim witted faggot.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

so now that you know that you were a fucking nigger for using imgur, edit your post to have all images hosted on imgoat. Before they all get censored.

Type-o-Negative ago

Yeah, I spent almost 12 hours cropping, pasting, scrubbing the meta data, archiving, and uploading everything. Want the post to be better, feel free to pull some weight and assist me with it, otherwise STFU.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

@derram is a bot that auto archives imgur links

you can go ahead and replace all the imgur links with those.







Type-o-Negative ago

I fixed it the post!

WhiteDragonMage ago

first off we know each other. my name is different here. i too suspected that NR was apart of the mod team based on that article where he kept referring to himself and the mods of GA as us or our. i was definitely very suspicious of all this but made the assumption it was someone else. you have far more evidence than i did and i agree something is going on here. since all of this happened i have backed away from reddit as far as people in charge or who was in charge. i saw where you left and that was definitely concerning to me as i knew your heart was in the right place based on our encounters. i really don't know what to do about this because i really do feel like 8chan has been infiltrated now. our plan is in jeopardy and we have spies/shills/trolls on the inside allowing this to happen. i hope to god that this is just a canary trap set for these traitors and that Q will out them for who they are. after all they do have government tech at their disposal. just like the hacking event that happened i hope that they are prepared for what is happening. this is not a coincidence and you and i both understood that GA was comped. RS is for sure the one who deleted every one my posts from GA before they started hiding. he was even mod at TSW for a while. a friend told me some of his friends were military intelligence and they were looking for any leads. i compiled everything i had on a place in AZ including all publicly available financial info. it was a nonprofit and i had evidence that they were laundering money and had ties to child trafficking. the person hit me back and told me he never received it. i redid it then sent a PM and never heard back. come to find out a month later from FOT that RS had deleted my messages and that my friend never received the messages. WTF? non of that info was doxxing. All was publicly available and I am being censored from sharing that info with someone who can investigate it? People lives were at risk. RS is 100% a spy/divider I have always known and without a doubt the one who censored me the most. i am with you but i am not following anyones direction outside of Q. thanks for sharing its been very illuminating

pj77777 ago

RS is NR in my very HO. He is on a major ego trip and wants to be top dog - getting everyone to follow him and his Qisms like a wee god and then lead em wherever he might, right or wrong. I read everyone I can find to gain insight then make mt own assumptions - often based on gut instinct. I cannot say what is going on with FoT other than he's been fair to me since the start. I also very much like the OP here. I wondered why they left discord but didn't want to pry. I understand now that it is about trust and the lack thereof. That is NOT what people who are fighting together in a movement operate. Teams have to have trust. Teams may run parallel to one another - discord vs gab vs voat vs reddit vs chans but all with the same goal and at some point, with egos set aside, the whole turns into one large group under POTUS wherever he deems us to be. We have to work thru this stuff to figure out what the hell is going on. I am assuming that you all think FoT is comped. Can you please tell me why so I can watch my own six if need be???? I'm in this whole heartedly and I don't want to be duped by someone when others know the truth - or not.....

pj77777 ago

btw I use the same user name no matter - I want to be known for my integrity n have no alts

Nahkriin ago

Well that was an interesting read. Pieces are starting to fall into place now.

ExpertShitposter ago

Pete Steele's ghost for president 2020.

Type-o-Negative ago

It was sad when he died so soon.

Xenophobic ago

I'm 100% newfag af and not one thing I have said or posted has been nodded. I might have been called some names, but I haven't seen anything other than a simple request to try to be more on topic. I'm sure you all had this awesome slice of heaven to yourselves till reddit exodus, and I feel you guys have been more than kind. I haven't even bothered with theawakening even though my favorite YouTube blessed to teach shouts them out. Home is where your comfortable and I must say I feel pretty damn comfy here.

Cleanhobo ago

Neon is a nowfag... thats all you really need to know. Nowfags dont trust the plan.

WhiteDragonMage ago

Hey there. Good to see you here. my name is different here from reddit but we do know one another. this is great research and i would like to have all available info but am unable to read this photo. could you break it up and do a redo on this info just so i can follow along? btw i totally believe you and had similar suspensions myself i just want the story straight.

1Iron_Curtain ago

Coincidences and projections are usually because people are not thinking through things properly and are thinking with their guts and other passions such as this.

Paladin_Diver ago

Yes, but I only shared one single exchange with a Reddit monitor (and I agreed to edit my post by changing one word that time), I really don't know them at all. I assume that I'm like most of the Reddit castaways that always ignored shills and brigades and just want to focus on the restoration of our Republic (I'm very much a Constitutional Libertarian).

I do appreciate the respectful way a few of the Voat people reached out to me when I came here. I'll monitor the situation and make the appropriate decisions based on my own integrity and observations. I care more about content and the big picture than I do about admin long as they don't negatively influence my ability to be part of this movement.

It seems like both boards are settling down a bit and Q dropping bombs will likely result in at least a few group hugs. My hope is that we ALL get together.

My allegiance is not to any thread, forum, moderators, or politicians. I care for truth for its own sake and my fellow Patriots.


Type-o-Negative ago

Let me guess, was the word hang by any chance?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if you're "constitutional" shouldn't you care more about the 1st amendment?

Paladin_Diver ago

I absolutely care about the 1st amendment. I haven't had any of my freedoms infringed upon as far as I know, but I do appreciate where your question is coming from and I do respect the principal.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

The first amendment applies to more than just you. Defend the rights of your fellow citizen

Paladin_Diver ago

I'm more than happy to do so. The point I was trying to make is that I was unaware that there was any censorship going on there.

Because you're obviously passionate about something that I also care deeply about, allow me to share a bit of context. I'm a diehard Libertarian who lives in SoCal, and am therefore surrounded on a daily basis by those who have done the most harm to free speech. I've been fighting this fight in the real world, pretty much alone for a long time. I'm on your side on this and will very much keep my eye out for the infringement of freedom that has been pointed out to me now.


GoodGodKirk ago

Take my image off the boards unless you’re going to pay me... ;)

srayzie ago

Who is RonSwangsong anyway? He’s not really supposedly from that show right? It’s hard to make all the connections. Was he just an Reddit mod?

Type-o-Negative ago

No, his name is something else, he left 2 email tabs up in one of the screen shots, both with the same name. He is the mod in v/theawakening that came from Reddit.

Type-o-Negative ago

I initially took pictures with my iPad but they looked like crap, so I used my main PC and redid all the pics as I have come to find out iPad sucks for attemping research.

srayzie ago

I’m on an iPad somthe Screenshots are really blurry. Is it just me?

Shizy ago

They were blurry to me too

srayzie ago

Oh ok. You were on a computer? Your colored M will be fixed too Shizy

Shizy ago

No I was on my phone. Yaya!! Can't wait for my color!

GoodGodKirk ago

NeonRevolt is like Dr. Corsi, but without the Dr title. He’s only in it to stir the shit, ask for donations, and sell Q gear. We were warned about people like him.

I’ve been messaging SB2 on reddit and he’s aware of the division going on. He’s decided that he’ll just post messages on reddit, while also posting to theawakening and here on greatawakening. He’s a pretty chill dude and is really just here for the people, not the drama. While he didn’t mention greatawakening, notice that he didn’t state that theawakening was the new home. Division is not his thing. Another thing to consider...never has SB2 asked for donations or started a store to sell merch. He just presents the details that he sees and gives ways for you to solve it on your own, he doesn’t ask you to take things at face value.

Unlike NR, whose blog posts descend into a blabbering monkey trying to piece things together from multiple, sometimes random, online posts. Time is catching up to him and showing us a new humiliation porn actor in the making.

Boban_Rajovic ago

The smoking gun with SB2 is that he constantly ignored everything about r/GA mods being compromised. Even with that Q drop about it.

I asked him a couple of times so far on what's his stance on this. I've linked him threads with concrete proofs of r/GA mods fuckery, and he always basically ignored it.

A man who supposedly linked all kinds of stuff but can't see the r/GA mods fuckery? Even when blasted with proofs? Crystal clear smoking gun.

pj77777 ago

do you think he just wanted to stay out of all that?? It was/is pretty messy. Maybe he's a neutral dude who just wants to use his mind for things that truly interest him...

Boban_Rajovic ago

No, I don't buy that at all. Not giving shit about mods on the biggest Q platform being shills is definitely not a trait of a patriot. Sorry.

Le_Squish ago

There is also /u/FartsonToast as well. Not sure if same owners.

Type-o-Negative ago

It is most likely him as he uses that handle on Reddit.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

Another comment in this thread from @srayzie:

You’re my hero right now...

Thank you for being a good person and coming forward. I know these things happen. People talk about it. It sounds like a movie. Can’t imagine it. But, then I saw Corsi, then Alex Jones who red pilled me, then my favorite fricken blogger. Who the heck can we even trust?

Did you read where I said I was getting mean dm’s demanding to be a mod? From a few people. He must have been compromised for a long time. So now Qresearch has at least one bad apple right? How do we tell Q? The Q team may not know.

Your move could possibly change the whole course of where things were headed. I’m so glad there are still people who are honest. Now how do we spread the word

@Puttitout @Kevdude

This notification (#157) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

srayzie ago

You’re my hero right now...

Thank you for being a good person and coming forward. I know these things happen. People talk about it. It sounds like a movie. Can’t imagine it. But, then I saw Corsi, then Alex Jones who red pilled me, then my favorite fricken blogger. Who the heck can we even trust?

Did you read where I said I was getting mean dm’s demanding to be a mod? From a few people. He must have been compromised for a long time. So now Qresearch has at least one bad apple right? How do we tell Q? The Q team may not know.

Your move could possibly change the whole course of where things were headed. I’m so glad there are still people who are honest. Now how do we spread the word

@Puttitout @Kevdude

StormVet6 ago

Between this and the active infighting between us, I don’t know who to trust in this mess anymore.

srayzie ago

I think that’s part of the goal. To just drive people away and cause division. Hang in there. Truth will win in the end.

StormVet6 ago

No worries. I plan to anyway. There will be a time when those that have been causing the issues will have their reckoning.

srayzie ago

Thank you for keeping an eye on things!

SandHog ago

Woah, now there is some real evidence. Thanks for linking this. So many scumbag operators...

pj77777 ago

I'll bet the Q team know -

Type-o-Negative ago

As I mentioned it before, I was worried they were going to shut down this board and I had to post this ASAP. I am fearful they will upload illegal content and they cry wolf on their misgivings in order to destroy Voat before moving on to infect 8chan with their hate. Please checkout Q’s post 2170 with all the links.

Makes me feel good when I am hero, even if its for a day. Will upload other research I have done shortly.


Q - no outside comms..

Q may post with a link to social site referencing a specific comment, but that should not be construed as an endorsement of the poster/site.

We flock to the truth, wherever that may be.

A degree of sorting, censorship, and aggregation is expected from any source. Only those with unlimited time can truly get through the bullshit. Q helps wade through the bullshit on Q’s own schedule when necessary.

Sites are infiltrated and mod teams become corrupted. I’ve come to expect that.

For now, I’m watching both of the Voat sites for GA to see what’s up. I still Reddit for t_d to see some funny memes and whatnot, but I don’t expect a full picture of what’s going on...

Boban_Rajovic ago

Interesting, he's a hero and you're immediately on board, claiming he's honest and all. Yet you and your buddy Oh_Well_Ian, along with the other chick mod were being abusive towards me and dismissed all proofs that I provided because I was new on voat.

Now I'm not bashing @type-o-negative, on contrary, I wrote a comment here and I hope I'll hear from him some more. I'm just pointing out your double standards and your inexplicable love for O_W_I and his obvious shilling (false accusations, claims with no proofs and outright lies that he spammed over here) and censorship through alts.

srayzie ago

I seen all his screenshots. He obviously did a really good job. You need to stop taking things so personal. I talk to so many people. I dontt even know what I did to piss you off. Ian’s case was a very difficult situation. I’ve known him since the beginning. He’s got some mental problems. I felt his heart was in the right place. He went too far and now he’s gone. I’ve alwats said that different opinions don’t make you a shill. Plus, we aren’t banning many users. Sorry you have a grudge against me.

I’m done with OWI.

Boban_Rajovic ago

You need to stop taking things so personal.

Please don't use the deep state tactics. Address the argument, not the person.

I said what you did, you dismissed the proofs I showed about r/GA mods and OWI's shilling. Posting unverified stuff with no proofs and outright lies is not a matter of a different opinion, lets get this clear for once, so I don't know in what world does that mean his heart was in the right place. Maybe care to elaborate how posting unverified stuff, lying and censoring people that expose him means his heart is in the right place?

I don't have a grudge against you. You're the one making it personal. I presented facts with your double standards (hypocrisy would be a better term given how you and your "crew" attacked me months ago just because I was new on voat).

OWI's situation should never even become a "very difficult situation".

Also you weren't talking to so many people before r/GA got killed. There were only dozens of regulars here before. So don't even that shit pls

Again, he is now your hero that did a really good job and all that while his account is 2 days old. While I was just a "one month old" fag. That's my entire point here. Maybe you took it personal for me pointing this out. Because you know it makes you look bad.

srayzie ago


Like I said, I deal with a lot of people and it's been a while. If I'm really want to settle this, then you should have shared screenshots or something. I've had many people complain about OWI.

You dismissed the proofs I showed about r/GA mods and OWI's shilling.

People have come here plenty of times making posts complaining about Reddit mods. We've always said to keep things Q related. So, people coming to Voat to complain about Reddit mods, would not be considered Q related. That could have been talked about in the comment section. Show me where you had a comment deleted.

Posting unverified stuff with no proofs and outright lies is not a matter of a different opinion, lets get this clear for once, so I don't know in what world does that mean his heart was in the right place.

OWI was eventually banned, which is rare. So you finally got what you wanted. What are you complaining about? That it didn’t happen in your timing?

Also you weren't talking to so many people before r/GA got killed.

These people lost their platform. There’s a big difference. You come over here butt hurt that you weren’t given the same treatment? I don’t go out of my way for someone that shows up here already complaining about other mods. They tend to be the ones that go around accusing everyone here too. There’s a big difference between that, and me welcoming these people, because that’s what this movement is about. They want us divided. I have tried to make people feel at home. For some of you, I’m damned if I do and I’m damned if I don’t.

Maybe you should stop and think about how things have unfolded, and how I ended up reaching the decision to ban OWI. Sorry it wasn’t because of YOUR proofs. But, in the end, both issues have been dealt with. I’ve also made changes to improve, less deletions and banning.

If you want to continue, and complain and make this all about yourself being butt hurt, and you feel the need to address every issue from the past in detail, then you need to provide some links, screenshots, etc...

Boban_Rajovic ago

Also right after I wrote the first comment in this thread as a reply to you, I got all my recent comments downvoted (about 15 downvotes).

So I'm being censored yet again because I exposed your hypocrisy and emotion-play instead of factual-based arguments. Every time I expose something like this I get brigaded in downvotes lol

Voat is absolute garbage. It's supposedly so opened and censor-free because mods work is transparent, yet they allow pretty much anyone to censor anybody based on downvotes under the guise of "reducing trolls".

srayzie ago

How do downvotes mean you are censored? Deleting your comments would be censoring you. Making an ass of yourself and getting downvotes just shows that just as you have the freedom to always bitch about something, they have the freedom to not like you.

That can be an annoyance huh? Well, so are people like you. There’s just some people that live their lives bitter, always feeling like the victim, and like causing drama. There is no way to make you happy so I’m done with this conversation,

Boban_Rajovic ago

By being unable to post or send messages and only having 10 comments per day.

Exposing your hypocrisy doesn't make me an ass, no matter how much you constantly go ad-hominem route.

Oh I bet I'm an annoyance to you when I expose your foul tactics that you exhibit in almost every comment. You're just projecting your emotional shit onto me. Nothing more and nothing less.

You didn't even had a conversation. You can't even have a proper conversation when you constantly avoid the other side's points and just go ad-hominem.

But I'll summarize this shit. You bashed the proofs that I've brought here as me being a month-old-account troll but you idolize this guy who's account was 2 days old.

Apparently the OP has bingedownvoted my comments here and didn't have the decency to reply to my comment to him regarding this topic. So I doubt his sincerity, especially with his padded CCPs.

Just keep up with the deep state/shill tactics, it will do you guys very well. Might end just like r/GA, there's definitely a pattern.

Boban_Rajovic ago

I didn't come here to complain about reddit mods. Stop labeling proofs as "complaining".

And saying that exposing mod shills on the biggest Q platform has nothing to do with Q is borderline shilling for more than 1 reason.

OWI was eventually banned, which is rare. So you finally got what you wanted. What are you complaining about? That it didn’t happen in your timing?

I didn't want him banned. See this is you making shit up, because you got caught being a hypocrite.

You teamed up with the obvious shill back earlier. The fact that you didn't do or said anything to his lies, unverified claims being tossed left and right, censoring people with his alts and/or shill buddies, etc.

The fact that you (and then your other chick mod followed like a puppy) turned on me for exposing that. With the same emotional shite that you're doing now, instead of dealing with the evidence provided.

It has nothing to do with timing. It has everything to do with your actions to clear shilling and to those who expose that.

They want us divided. I have tried to make people feel at home. For some of you, I’m damned if I do and I’m damned if I don’t.

Yet look at your behavior to new people on voat who dared to expose your (then) buddies. That's textbook division and totally not "making people feel at home" when you talk shit like "you're just a month old account lololo".

Rest of your bs about me being butthurt and just complaining isn't worth anyone's time. But I'll address this:

then you need to provide some links, screenshots, etc...

Exactly why would I waste my time doing that when you'll just go straight to ad-hominems as per usual and ignore the links, screenshots, etc...

I already did that on 2 separate cases, one on r/GA being shills and the other your former boy OWI being a shill as well. How you reacted to those means I should definitely not waste my time on giving you shit. Because you're very selective when it comes to proofs :)


srayzie ago

Okie dokie smokie. You have a good day too.

Boban_Rajovic ago

just keep on downvoting

Type-o-Negative ago

I am down voating them because you are brigading the sub by being a dick.

Boban_Rajovic ago

go pad your CCPs some more

Type-o-Negative ago

Wait until I pull out all the research you down voted to hell in order to silence me on Reddit r/GreatAwakening Mossad fag .

Boban_Rajovic ago

nice deep state tactics

Type-o-Negative ago

With that reply i have to say:

Think mirror -Q

Boban_Rajovic ago

Exactly, which is what you're doing.

Wait until I pull out all the research you down voted to hell with your bots in order to silence me on Reddit r/GreatAwakening Mossad fag.

And this is how you exposed yourself as a shill, most likely a mossad fag as all you fucks do is project.

We're all waiting for your "research". Any ETA?

What was your nickname on reddit btw?

Type-o-Negative ago

My nick name was BoBan_Rajovic.

srayzie ago

You know, I haven’t downvoted any of your comments. I didn’t even think about it. Get on some blood pressure dude. You need to chill out.

Shizy ago

If you had presented a case the way OP has, then you might have been taken seriously. Instead you showed up on voat and all you wanted to do was bitch about r/GA mods and how they wronged you. What's your bombshell proof? You didn't have any. It was evident that they had pissed you off and you just wanted to bitch! No one cares if you got your feelings hurt!l and that seemed to piss your fragile ego off even more. You didn't have proof, you had whining, hurt feelers and accusations without anything to back it up.

And what did you do when your shitty plot to stick it to those mean Reddit mods by complaining on voat didn't work? You start complaining about v/GreatAwakening mods 😂! Shocking!!! The only one surprised by your behavior is probably you! Even now you probably don't even understand what I mean!

Pointing your fingers while doing what you accuse others of is what is called being a Jew. Maybe you are, but I'd say you're just a really weak person who's probably a little too emotion driven to handle a platform like this. Stay in your safe space and have momma bring you cookies!

kneo24 ago

OWI and Srayzie aren't on good terms anymore.

Boban_Rajovic ago

neither are r/GA mods and FoT, that doesn't mean that what was going on before is now somehow irrelevant

Blacksmith21 ago

@Srayzie - Remember many of our past conversations about whom to trust?

srayzie ago

I know. I can’t trust anyone!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

won't be betrayed if you never do

Hopevoats ago

I like to think that the Q team has some sophisticated algorithms to keep track of all of us. They are NSA and MI, after all... I assume that they know what I selling on ebay and how much fun I have trolling certain ribbit subs, etc.

These players are probably flashing, like neon lights, on Q's fancy huge command central screen.

Rubieroo ago

Well, whatever it is that's going on, at least Q isn't relying on the new "patriotsawoken" board, so no matter what happens - will be the last stand, just like Q said it would be in Q2167.

Having said that, it's a bit irritating hearing that one person is still running so many subreddits that might have been used to talk about Q. The r/conspiracy board is pretty hostile toward Q. Got banned there myself tonight for Q talk, which didn't bother me because it seemed to be overrun with Maxine Waters fans!? (who knew such a thing existed?) Anyways, it's odd when you consider that r/conspiracy is ostensibly run by someone who claims to be a devotee of Q. Makes no sense to me. Follow and promote Q and then effectively oppose him somewhere else? We're kinda in a WAR here. So the two sides thing doesn't really work. I dunno, you guys can read there and the other subreddits "FoT" is running and see what YOU think. I might have just seen a rare slice of stupidity.

Just so you guys are aware, since the r/the_greatawakening is erased and you cannot read what was posted there anymore, a fair amount of time was devoted inside that subreddit to complaining about GA. Like, every day. I completely stopped posting there a couple of months ago. Also now a lot of claims from that same group that "Q said GA was compromised". I have yet to see Q claim GA was "compromised" and no one that says so ever links to Q saying this? Maybe I missed it, but....did Q actually say that????

pj77777 ago

you are correct about MOAR on 8chan

pj77777 ago

my thought on r/conspiracy is that Q linked to them to get people flooding in there and talking about Q just so it would be shut down - much like he did with r/greatawakening - 5D chess

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Lmfao , the Q team may not know? They have the NSA surveillance apparatus at their disposal. They know everything that happens online.

WhiteRonin ago


IllumiNotMe ago

Doive awn eeen

Ina_Pickle ago

This part of the conversation is complete bullshit. It is a straight up lie, unless confirmed by @puttitout.

Putt almost never discusses site financials even with the people here that he has known for years. There is almost no chance at all that he reached out to a complete stranger and newcomer to the site and discuss our financial situation.

Also Voat has been in the middle of recoding and porting the site for about a year now. These periodic downtimes happen whenever Putt has time to work on the site. The upswing in site traffic probably encouraged to get some maintenance in sooner rather than later, but it was always going to happen.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'@neonrevolt is using his blog to brigade and target users on this site' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

Look at this little Voater beg anonymously. You even said please. I don't think I've ever heard someone say please on this site in the 3 and a half years I've been here.

Putt is on our side, BTW.

This notification (#1483) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'@neonrevolt is using his blog to brigade and target users on this site' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

You don't understand? Here, let me help:

@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.

He's a liar. He divided the Q movement to sell t-shirts. He has directly attacked Voat and the users since he's been here.

Don't worry though, cuck, no amount of you newfags can silence the old goats thanks to these calls to brigade.

This notification (#1478) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'@neonrevolt is using his blog to brigade and target users on this site' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:


@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.

But we're supposed to move on while he's still active and blogging about trying to upvote brigade him while hinting that others should be downvoted? Kek.

This isn't going away until almost every comment in these threads is against Neon. Why? Because Neon continues to double-down on attacking Voat and the goats here.

This notification (#1476) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'@neonrevolt is using his blog to brigade and target users on this site' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

If you find NR posting misrepresentations, lies, or shoddy research I will listen.

@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.

How's that for demonstrating his point?

I notice your post contains a lot of ad hominim.

You should see how Neon responds to us. Really, take a look. Everything he does is either appeal to emotion or attacking us directly. NEVER addresses our arguments.

This notification (#1473) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'@neonrevolt is using his blog to brigade and target users on this site' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

If you find NR posting misrepresentations, lies, or shoddy research I will listen.

@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.

Do you agree with the above?

This notification (#1469) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'@neonrevolt is using his blog to brigade and target users on this site' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

If you find NR posting misrepresentations, lies, or shoddy research I will listen.

@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.

There's a little bit of your drama condensed into interesting points. He's anti-Q and has been trying to divide the Q community since he got to Voat.

This notification (#1471) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'@neonrevolt is using his blog to brigade and target users on this site' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

If you find NR posting misrepresentations, lies, or shoddy research I will listen.

@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.

"reliable" kek.

This notification (#1467) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Neon Revolt is a sham.' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @Crensch:

If you find NR posting misrepresentations, lies, or shoddy research I will listen.

@Puttitout CONFIRMING that NR lied

Here @NeonRevolt tries to defend his promotion and use of upvote farms.

Lies. MIsrepresentations. Shoddy research.


This notification (#944) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Useful @NeonRevolt links' was posted in v/Shitlist by @Crensch and refers to this comment.

This notification (#825) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'The Mods Here And Their Inner Circle Are A Bunch of Liars - Change My Mind' was posted in v/theawakening by @kneo24 and refers to this comment.

This notification (#286) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. You can suppress pings from these notifications on request.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'/v/theawakening clearly being brigaded - We're better than this ( mostly )' was posted in v/whatever by @LostandFound and permalinks this comment.

This notification (#190) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'I posted the new NeonRevolt findings on Gab and he has responded. He wants me to trust him.' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @LostandFound:

Not sure if you spotted it yet but putt came in on that convo and confirmed more bullshit

This notification (#170) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

Derpfroot ago

They remember that from when everyone was saying VOAT's gonna be shut down (about a year ago, I think) and thought they'd use it as "proof." No way putt told those fags that.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Last time I googled voat that retarded article saying voat was defunct was the top of the list

PuttItOut ago

Everything you said is completely accurate, even your judgment of my character.

I'd never conduct myself in such a naive way. Also I can prove it, which isn't a bad position to be in. ;)

Type-o-Negative ago

Thank you very much Putt. I have been here since 2016 as a lurker and felt it was my duty to inform you all of their plans to try to shut down Voat. You guys run the board like a tight ship and that alone reflects integrity. I should have stayed here and just made an account, but I think it was better this way as God had a plan for me to expose this corruption and inform Patriots everywhere with their marxism attitude under the guise of free speech. I saw a meme once and it said this:

Socialism: Ideas so good, they are mandatory.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

remember to hit us up though, if you do ever need more money. Also I sent you a PM about all the upvoat farming going on

kneo24 ago

Now I'm going to play a different game. @RonaldSwansong @high-valryian, show your receipts. Use one of your allotted 10 messages. Take a screen shot, post it somewhere, and link it here.

The community is going to trust Putt here more than you guys.

Type-o-Negative ago

They aren’t going to do that, they already deleted my post, which is okay imo. It is still there under removed comments and goes to show they are corrupt. They aren’t the only show in town, as I will be dropping this on some other Q boards.

The reason was I was off topic, seems odd considering I mentioned Q a bunch of times. I will wear my removed post as a badge of honor.

kneo24 ago

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

remember that @girlwonder is also high-valyrian according to this ron swanson guy

kneo24 ago

I don't expect them to respond at all. They're bullshit artists, poor ones at that.

kestrel9 ago

I recall someone on the new board discussing money and it came off sounding very condescending, the jist of it implied 'maybe if you voat folk prove yourselves as deserving, we'll chuck you some wouldn't want that potential golden egg to roll out of here right?'

I've found it quite easy to tell the two boards apart

v/GreatAwakening @srayzie

new board with new mod

Vindicator ago

Upvote :-)

PuttItOut ago

Made me laugh!

kestrel9 ago


GoodGodKirk ago

Prove it! :D

PuttItOut ago

That's exactly the response I'd expect from Voat.

I did think about how hard it would be to allow read only access to my entire inbox. That would be pretty transparent. People send me things that they probably wouldn't want shared though...

kneo24 ago

Hey Putt, those Reddit power mods are claiming that you won't help them and have been ignoring their pleas for help in fixing their ccp issues with their sub. I guess I should assume that's fake as well? If you were ignoring them, it wouldn't be out of malice, it would be because you're busy as fuck.

PuttItOut ago

I would have gladly fixed it if was messaged.

I do recall a comment or two mentioning it but they weren't mods so I didn't know what to think.

kneo24 ago

Well, due to their negative CCP, that they have rightly earned IMO, they can't send you direct messages.

PuttItOut ago

I really don't want to make an issue out of this. It's all unfortunate but I would have gladly helped. I have no interest in seeing something like this happen.

It should have never happened and I wish it didn't.

Podd ago

Well, you know, they made their bed they can lay in it.

How do voaters put it?

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

GoodGodKirk ago

ok, ill stop my love letters.

PuttItOut ago

I'm sharing those. All 17GB of them. It will be the largest love letter dump ever. XXOOXx

3131847 ago


Type-o-Negative ago

The Ashley Madison hack is pale as compared to this. :p

GoodGodKirk ago

the trust is gone. :(

kneo24 ago

Look at it this way. We all might learn how to either write better love letters, or troll better with love letters. Win/Win?

sn00tyfr00T ago

Ah, never gets old.

Azurulia ago

...You really should get better at disguising your writing habits. Autist writerfags pick up on habits. ;D

That or I'm just being retarded. In which case, don't mind me. :p

Type-o-Negative ago

Since I was doxxing myself by showing my Reddit name, it didn't really matter to disguise my writing. Trust me, I had that thought in my mind the entire time.

WhiteRonin ago

I follow along a lot just because I’m bored. But I do know that our GA is pretty solid just because of @srayzie. She is solid and has been a good mod. Notice how even is goats might call Q and group larps we have never gone after them.

TA shows up and bingo, goats go into action and start going off on TA mods. @kevdude getting banned first is normally a good sign that shit is gonna pick up and drama will start. Oh yes, we have drama and yes, I’m part of it at times but it’s normally with regulars who are constipated.

Me getting banned normall is part of where I post. Lol, us SBBH goats are always a fun target because we are the wild card users that need to be negated. TA didn’t think of us. Their bad.

Now I wonder what TA could do that would get Voat in trouble. We hate pedos. Don’t like child porn on our site. Putt would really need a reason to kick you guys off so I doubt that would happen organically either. Most of us goats also know that the GA is sort of needed her. So another reason for most of us concern trolls or what ever you wanna call us who act like el watch dogs didn’t go into action besides enjoying calling Q a Larp which is just voicing opinions.

Your image of moving furniture is wrong. It’s the TA mod team bringing in sharia law. Nope, we don’t let that happen.

Yeah, we use cuss words and other colorful language and haze noobs. If you make it past initiation week, you earned your stay. One of the TA mods mentioned seniority. Well, it’s just a simple check if a noobs are legit. We also call out soeeer accounts and accuse some of being bought accounts too. We don’t like seeing 3 year old accounts all of a sudden going active and acting high and mighty.

@kevdude and @crensch are voat solids. You don’t have to like them but they are goats 100%.

I’m rambling but I hope you get an idea about some of the users here roll.

divine_human ago

enjoyed reading your post. love it here on voat each day a bit more, not difficult when meeting goats like you and kevdude.

Type-o-Negative ago

Thank Q Divine! I plan on dropping this post on a few other Q boards today including the one I just joined that Oyster invited me too.

WhiteRonin ago


GoodGodKirk ago

About sums it up.

Type-o-Negative ago

That is why I pinged Putt because what they did over on Reddit, was make offensive rule breaking posts, and they would report themselves for it, that is how they banned the subs. They are still over there at Reddit and made their group private, waiting to start "Phase 4" to commence, after listening to RS and his threats about having Voat shut down, I knew my mission was what Paul Revere had to do which was to warn that "The MSM is Coming!" "The MSM is Coming!" @Puttitout

WhiteRonin ago

Hmm. How do they plan to shut down Voat? Illegal content? We do pretty good about keeping that shit off the site. Report voat to its hosting provider? Then again on what grounds? Illegal content? DDOS attacks?

Most of us goats have been through lots of skirmishes with refugees and our own crazies.

The only group I worry about is the ADL/JIDF. Lol, I’m sure they like the fact that I’m a Rommel fan 😂

NeoGoat ago

Rommel..... RHHEEEE

Glad to run into you, Whitey. :-)

WhiteRonin ago

Hey buddy! Hope your rig is running smooth!

NeoGoat ago

Thanks :-) It's great out here. Going further into the bush tonight.

WhiteRonin ago

Bush ;-) good one!

GoodGodKirk ago

Imma nazi, he’s a nazi, she’s a nazi, we’re some nazis, wouldn’t you like to be a nazi too?

WhiteRonin ago

Grand mum got a Purple Heart for her efforts! So, I’m already one by birth!

Azurulia ago

This is sort of shit right here is why Q chose us faggots.

GranimalSnake ago

Best faggots around dammit.

Ina_Pickle ago

I am glad you finally got 10ccp so you could post. Pro tip. If you add the appropriate extensions to your links, they will open up in the post instead of sending us off site. For example, add .jpg to your imgur links. (Or better yet use imgoat. Imgur hates us.)

ApoliticalProle ago

Life is killing me. Wouldn't you agree TO-?

Too much drama around this shit. We were all drawn to Q due to it's clandestine nature and now we are all fighting each other in the wake of the exodus. The environment of mistrust and paranoia is being leveraged against us, a field that the C_A is very well versed in. Clowns are kicking our asses in their own favored terrain.

We need to stop. Let /v/TA and /v/GA go their own separate ways and allow the followers to come to their own conclusions. I don't believe that other subverse will have the stamina to persist in this fight. If from what I can see, /v/pedes cannot survive for long, then why worry about /v/TA?

Are they corrupt? Yes. Do they only care about the mission in relation to a paycheck? Yes. We can rail and argue all we like, but it is no good until these users are ready to make the change. Do not worry, the true colours of these false prophets will only become more blinding as time goes on.

But every day that we perpetuate this fight is another day that a reddit refugee or /v/TA user is less inclined to join this community, or to even try and bridge the gap. This is divisive, it hurts the movement and it is not what we were instructed to do. Fuck this drama, fuck these power plays, let's be leaders and lead by example and get back to the task of reading and decoding comms. Their has been a drought of drops lately, I will concede that. But now, more then ever we need to stick together and extend warm hands to our fellow anons. We need to be united.

Type-o-Negative ago

Sometimes I don't wanna be me no more AP :p

ApoliticalProle ago

RIP Peter

Type-o-Negative ago

We better not let the socialists demonrats know about that one tune "We Hate White People" or it would be quickly adopted as its anthem and/or battle cry.

Crensch ago

But every day that we perpetuate this fight is another day that a reddit refugee or /v/TA user is less inclined to join this community, or to even try and bridge the gap.

"Let the mods of the TA subverse continue splitting the community and don't call them out because THAT is somehow just as divisive and damaging as the TA mods manipulating a massive amount of unsuspecting users."

Get fucked.

@Paladin_Diver - you can get fucked, too.

We're attacking a few bad actors in positions of power over masses of normies. THEY are manipulating thousands. Fuck you, and the false-equivalence-fallacy you rode in on.

@Trigglypuff @kevdude @Rainy-Day-Dream @gabara @ExpertShitposter

ApoliticalProle ago

"Let the mods of the TA subverse continue splitting the community and don't call them out because THAT is somehow just as divisive and damaging as the TA mods manipulating a massive amount of unsuspecting users."

It's a good argument, but the old adage goes that their are none who are so blind as those who will not see. You are doing the right thing to call these mods out, TO- too with some good digging. Every counter that /v/TA has presented has been destroyed by this community. It's why I hang out here.

But the more we tell the zealots over their that they are wrong, the deeper they dig in their heels. My idea was to not fight, and rather outproduce the opposition. It's cool to disagree, and after your comment, I feel like your argument has merit. Someone should be in those trenches, reminding and informing those folks that they are being preyed upon for profit. It is a sinister opportunity to create an unassailable echo chamber. Someone should be there to point it out.

Crensch ago

Well, cheers to that then, faggot.

ApoliticalProle ago

You too nigger, keep fighting the good fight. I will leave strategy to others and keep my concernfagging to myself.

divine_human ago

We're attacking a few bad actors in positions of power over masses of normies.

we wouldnt know without you. i am so grateful to you guys <3

Crensch ago

Glad you made it out of the cage; enjoy your stay.

divine_human ago

not my cage, lol, i have always followed inner resonance, not external leaders. but i tend to take one for the team because i call bullshit when i see it. go figure ;)

Paladin_Diver ago

Well you quoted two other posters besides me, while linking me and telling me to f*ck off.

Are your comprehension skills having a bad day, did you overgeneralize and associate me with others, did I actually say something to "trigger" you (and I'm not calling you a snowflake...yet), or are you just rapid-firing at anyone?

My impression is that you are espousing, with questionable articulation, a couple of thoughts that I'd agree with. No censorship is something I can get behind. If that's your point, from this post alone, you'd be turning off someone who actually agrees with you on general principle?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

No censorship is something I can get behind.

then why don't you?

Crensch ago

Well you quoted two other posters besides me, while linking me and telling me to f*ck off.

I quoted one. The words between the quotation marks are my mockery of the user in the quote box.

Are your comprehension skills having a bad day, did you overgeneralize and associate me with others, did I actually say something to "trigger" you (and I'm not calling you a snowflake...yet), or are you just rapid-firing at anyone?

Remember when you said:

I'm one of the "invaders" from Reddit, and I've been echoing your sentiments all evening.


Kinda relevant, don't you think?

My impression is that you are espousing, with questionable articulation, a couple of thoughts that I'd agree with. No censorship is something I can get behind. If that's your point, from this post alone, you'd be turning off someone who actually agrees with you on general principle?

Let me find my care face on turning off someone that agrees with the comment above.

Can't find it.

If you're ECHOING his sentiment, then you are AGREEING with him, and my words AGAINST him apply to you, too.

I don't think you really understand how outclassed you are here.

Paladin_Diver ago

"I don't think you really understand how outclassed you are here."

I was going to write that I'm not interested in getting into a dick-measuring contest, but I re-read our exchange and recognize where I might have given off the wrong impression. I'll take the blame.

I appreciate your passionate responses and they've been a good learning experience about what this place is all about. I'm starting to like it here, so thank you and best wishes.


Crensch ago

Well, cheers to that. Enjoy your stay.

Paladin_Diver ago


I'm one of the "invaders" from Reddit, and I've been echoing your sentiments all evening.

Where We Go One, We Go All does NOT have a stipulation that says "only if you post on the correct thread".

Ya'll can work out your internet territoriality all you like. I'm freakin at war and I'm not in the mood to be distracted.

(Note: I'm in SoCal, and would like more links to be able to send "normies" to, and this entire thread-feud reduces my options).

southern_grammar ago

Am I the only one that doesn't give a shit? Both of these subs now are full of posts accusing the other of being shills and insinuation that theirs is the correct sub. Fuck off.

I don't believe everything I read, and neither should you. If you do, you're fucking retarded. I don't come here for that bullshit. I come here to see if any interesting tidbits from the Chans or Twitter that I may have missed have filtered through. That's about it. I feel like I'm caught in a squabble between a bunch of petulant children.

Paladin_Diver ago

You're not the only one, although I do care a wee bit more than you. I've almost never interacted with a mod nor had any need to. I never felt like there was any issue at r/greatawakening, as I certainly never had an issue. That said, your post was about thread moderation being a bit juvenile when the real reason we are here is to follow the greatest story ever told (maybe 2nd greatest in deference to my Christian brethren).

My response to that is that it seems that there are very sincere "Goats" who are concerned with the integrity of "their" home site. I can respect that, and I'll visit both of these Voat threads for now, as both have some good Q-comment......the reason I come in the first place.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I've almost never interacted with a mod nor had any need to

so what you're saying is you're perfectly fine with people getting banned for "calling out the mods" that's behavior you approve of and feel no need to address? Why did you people even leave reddit if you like censorship so much?

also don't put "their" home site in quotes. Voat is both funded and coded by the existing userbase here, we have a legitimate claim to the site as a whole.

Paladin_Diver ago

No, what I'm saying is that I haven't witnessed the behavior ya'll are describing. There's enough seemingly reasonable people here who have responded to me that I recognize that this actually is an issue, even if it hasn't directly affected me.

Please appreciate that this entire dilemma is new to me and was unasked for, but I'll stand on the right side of any censorship issue and I appreciate ya'll communicating the need to me and others.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

The problem with censorship is you don't hear from the censored pay attention watch the logs

Crensch ago

Let me add to what @kevdude said here:

For goats, every single thing your mods have done has been a burning affront to everything we stand for here. Our sense of justice has been run roughshod over, and we will DEUS VULT all over these faggots until they disappear for good from everything but a footnote in the history of Voat.

Shitting on the carpet in OUR HOUSE, and attacking OUR GOATS with such pathetic lies and deceit, leading sheep into our pen and trying to ANIMAL FARM those bitches RIGHT UNDER OUR GOAT NOSES.

I have NEVER seen the goats unify like this, in order to LIBERATE the brainwashed masses from their controlling mods instead of just repelling ALL of the users and I'm so goddamned proud of them.

DEUS VULT you glorious goat motherfuckers.

@Trigglypuff @Rainy-Day-Dream @ExpertShitposter @Gabara

srayzie ago

Me too! I’ve felt so much support from you all and it means a lot.

Crensch ago

You'll never have to wonder if the goats accept you from now on. Goats I haven't seen much of in ages have come back from their Capra Vision Quests stronger than ever in order to crusade against these mods who are attacking Voat and you directly.

It's as if someone sounded an alarm that hasn't been heard on this website in ages, and goats from all over converged and swarmed in front of you to wreck cancermods' shit. Both goats that agree and disagree with you and the incoming population have come to fight... it's beautiful. I've never seen, nor heard, anything like it. The whole place is energized as hell, and I can't shake the feeling that this will be the biggest hurrah in Voat's history. Ever. We are living in the best time to be here, and we are winning.

srayzie ago

We are living in the best time to be here, and we are winning.

You’ve got that right! 🇺🇸

Vindicator ago

This warms my heart. :-)

divine_human ago

I have NEVER seen the goats unify like this, in order to LIBERATE the brainwashed masses from their controlling mods instead of just repelling ALL of the users and I'm so goddamned proud of them.

DEUS VULT you glorious goat motherfuckers.

awwww... your sentiments are palpable, i can feel them, i can sense the voat unification this redditor invasion triggered. a blessing in disguise, isnt it? thank you for doing what you do, folks.

Crensch ago

You're welcome.

kneo24 ago

Paladin_Diver ago

For what it's worth:

I'm speaking on behalf of myself, and hopefully some of the r/greatwakening orphans, ya'll keep referencing "our mods".

I reiterate that I don't give a rat's patootie about any Reddit mod. I lurked there for a few months and joined on July 27th because the discussion there was compelling. If the mods contributed to that by providing a good forum, then they deserve a bit of credit.

That said, I come here with as much humility and knowledge as god has granted me, and this forum is a good substitute.

When I showed up at the r/greatawakening board, I was welcomed with open arms and a ton of love. Ya'll have fallen a bit short of that bar. But I'm here now, and it is YOUR board, so be a bit more cordial and demonstrate that you care more about saving the freaking world from a$$holes than saving your precious thread from invaders, and let's focus this energy on making the world a better place.

(FYI, I can handle profanity. I choose not to use it too often so please leave that lecture for others)

Shizy ago

I'm sorry if v/GreatAwakening didn't feel welcoming to you. I know @srayzie has tried hard to help out the refugees and make the environment as welcoming at possible. I have seen lots of regular users being welcoming and trying to help as well. I have tried to say hello and welcome to new people who are commenting about being new, or who have questions.

Of course there will always be jerks and shills anywhere who just want to disrupt and cause problems. I am hoping that if they are who you experienced, you will stick around and see most people on this forum aren't that bad! Most of the regulars are very passionate about Q and saving the country. If you feel that way as well, and approach the sub with the same good attitude you presented in your comment, I have no doubt you will become a respected part of this sub.

I hope you will stick around and participate im sure you will see it's a pretty good place to be!

I believe @crensch was speaking more about the voat community in general because he's not a mod or a regular contributor on v/GreatAwakening. He has graciously been helping srayzie handle the recent shill attacks, and with behind the scene mod stuff since this sub has grown exponentially in a very short time.

Paladin_Diver ago

Thanks for your response, and this thanks includes a few others who have responded to me on this thread.

After my first post, one of your peeps sent me a message warning me about the former Reddit mods/NeonRevolt/etc... It was probably a very well-intentioned post, but it lacked context so I had no information to make an informed decision about what was going on.

Since then, things seem to have settled down a bit and I've found v/GreatAwakening to be much more welcoming. I'm feeling comfortable on both threads.

I wasn't the cause of the disruption here, but certainly understand the angst all of us coming here and messing with your zen has caused. I think we'll all be fine, especially after FISA declassification.

Cheers my fellow Patriots.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I reiterate that I don't give a rat's patootie about any Reddit mod

you do realize this is how everyone else on reddit treats you lot about how the admin's banned you off the site, don't you?

OnyxDialectic ago

Freemasons really are morons

srayzie ago

I’m glad you’re here 🇺🇸

13896939? ago

Did you see my post on group dynamics? We're done storming, welcome to Voat and v/GreatAwakening.

Paladin_Diver ago

Dude (or dudette), that is awesome! Nice work and thanks for sharing.

Crensch ago

@srayzie @shizy @MolochHunter @plankO

One of y'all come here and welcome this limp-dick faggot, and help him understand the difference between me and and someone in the GA community.

13896910? ago

Mr. limp-dick welcomed, thanks for the notice. Yum kipper is almost here, I hope you're ready jew

Crensch ago

Don't see your welcome.

Are you attempting to call me a Jew? If so, do you know how badly that discredits you here?

13897022? ago

open your eyes & have a happy Day of Atonement

Crensch ago

We've had runins before, haven't we?

Your responses are those of someone that thinks I would remember you, or care about what happened.

13897218? ago

You're a major shit poster, it's hard to miss you. I have a life outside of voat so can't spend as much time here as you. No big deal No hard feelings :)

Crensch ago

You're a major shit poster,

Take a look at your submissions by subverse here, then take a look at mine.

What relevant subverses are missing from mine?

it's hard to miss you

I bet. It's not like I hide in some corner, and I tend to be very much near the center of any chaos happening on the website.

I have a life outside of voat so can't spend as much time here as you.

Implying that I have no life outside of Voat? Don't blame your inadequacies on your lack of time here - no matter the time spent, I'd still probably win whatever disagreement we had previously.

No big deal No hard feelings :)

Yet you seem to be calling me a Jew; square that circle.

13897386? ago

Ok? your dick is bigger than mine. You are a jew just not a happy one.

Crensch ago

Good to know you won't defend yourself against even the pointing out of internal inconsistencies.

I'll leave you to your modding.

13897531? ago

Are you saying you're not a jew? You would win even if I had more time? I didn't mention winning, sorry if you misunderstood that. I don't post as much as you because I have a life outside of voat. So it's ok if I recognize you but you don't recognize me. I may have been mistaken about you being Jewish

Crensch ago

Are you saying you're not a jew?


You would win even if I had more time? I didn't mention winning, sorry if you misunderstood that.

You seemed butthurt; why would you be butthurt if you'd won?

I don't post as much as you because I have a life outside of voat.

Video game logic.

Put another way:

Your statement implies that I do not; this is false.

So it's ok if I recognize you but you don't recognize me.

I'd be recognized over you anyway. If you had a personality worth remembering, I would have. I could be on here 1 hour a week and nearly everyone would recognize me.

I may have been mistaken about you being Jewish

You just might be mistaken.

13898456? ago

Negging you do it.

Crensch ago

Says the guy implying that I have no life outside of voat.

Rocks and glass houses.

13908461? ago

You thought that, I didn't write it. I even clarified. You need a hug.

Crensch ago

I don't shitpost almost at all. My activity is generally linked to the activity of shills and bad actors.

Are you sure you don't have me confused with someone else?

Crensch ago

open your eyes & have a happy Day of Atonement

Telling someone else what to do on the internet. Top notch.

13897203? ago


Crensch ago

I reiterate that I don't give a rat's patootie about any Reddit mod.

Check the subscriber count of both subverses.

SOME USERS DO and that's all that matters. You, personally, do not.

When I showed up at the r/greatawakening board, I was welcomed with open arms and a ton of love. Ya'll have fallen a bit short of that bar.

Don't mistake all the old goats here to destroy subversive faggots for /v/GA goats that will welcome you. I am NOT them.

But I'm here now, and it is YOUR board, so be a bit more cordial and demonstrate that you care more about saving the freaking world from a$$holes than saving your precious thread from invaders, and let's focus this energy on making the world a better place.

It's my WEBSITE. GA is a board on it that I will protect, and TA is a board on it that I will destroy.

ExpertShitposter ago

Time to paint the walls red.

stens ago

Some of these "petulant children" are satan's spawns.

rpn68 ago

Upvote for use of, petulant children.

SandHog ago

Honestly, I am not convinced @FartOnToast is complicit in all of this. I saw the drama on reddit and the evidence he and C_L_I_C_K presented on the GA mod over the split. They were absolutely on point about GA mods. Granted there are a lot of nebulous connections with FartOnToast but I haven't seen any that aren't reasonably explainable. People (NeonRevolt) point to account ages and sub ages and whatnot but if a sub sits inactive anyone can claim it over there and he did make a post explaining that on DraintheSwamp. I dunno. I'm not sold, at least based upon my current knowledge of the situation. Could be some stuff I'm that not aware of though. I'd rather not see someone get tossed to the wolves that didn't deserve it and I never had any issue with him on any subs over there. Just my two cents on the matter. Take it as you will.

FartOnToast ago

I only mod draintheswamp and mandela_effect. And I'm like rarely on Mandela_effect since there hasn't been any time line shifts. As far as I'm concerned it's still the Berenstain Bears! kek jk it's not a very active sub and I barely even have time for it.

ok I do have the_hannity and the_vlad as well but no one goes there.

I have confessed my sins.

Type-o-Negative ago

Why the fuck would RS would put me in this position about you having alts and subs? Who the hell cares!? In this day and age, if someone didnt have alts, I would think something is wrong with them.

That was a rhetorical question no need to answer, not like you answered anything else honestly anyways.

Type-o-Negative ago

Fart reminds me of the AJ / Corsi deal, they cant stand each (by acting), but are still on the same team at the end of the day.

FartOnToast ago


Type-o-Negative ago

You spelled ISIS wrong.

SandHog ago

Could be. I know some people have had issues with him but I never did and I haven't seen a smoking gun yet. Everyone is free to make up their own minds about it. I just felt it was important to point out that the evidence is not iron-clad and there is a lot of supposition/assumption being made.

betadynamique_ ago

Great. The trust issues are boundless. Let me say this, because a few moons back I made a comment on this sub about creeps from Reddit, and would it matter except all this is a huge drama queen distraction, what should be expected. But it's not like I'm well connected to this, this, this, whatever this thing is, but I can see from a point of view, and trusting my gut instincts about what I see, the entire phenomena is bigger than anything any mod cancer could ever own and control. (Find what I posted "Future Proves Past", as it would appear to me that Q is graceful enough to offer some respite before the next drop, that all these clowns might discover the fear of God before proceeding with the next round of shenanigans.) Could I be mistaken? Sure, that is within the realm of possibility, but who cares? Enjoy the show.

stens ago

NeonRevolt's website used to run a script that hijacks your computer to mine crypto.

WanderingTaurus ago

Source? I can not recall if I have ever visited his site since learning about him here so how do we know if we have such a script running it? Would up to date security programs capture it?

stens ago

His own admission.

The worst part he forgot to mention was that the miner auto runs unless turned off.

WanderingTaurus ago

So how does one remove the script? If I wanted to run my comp for crypto, why would I give that time to mine to someone other than myself? How is it legal to even do such a thing without someone's permission? What a fuckface.

Thanks for the info @stens

WhiteDragonMage ago

did not know this. thanks for the info.

Speed_Bernicia ago

You fucking nailed it to the wall with this post! Couldn't possibly have been laid out any clearer or any more concisely. Thanks for doing this patriot!

RussianBot_1776 ago

Gotta say, this is by far the most sensible explanation I've seen for all the recent accusations going back and forth. I found it hard even understanding some of the posts, so poorly written and non-sensical.

I think this is pretty simple. It makes zero sense to start another new Q board when v/GreatAwakening was here when /r/CBTS_stream was banned earlier this year.

All arguments to the contrary smell like corruption to me...

Occam's Razor.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

Another comment in this thread from @dontdoxxmefaggots:

@derram is a bot that auto archives imgur links

you can go ahead and replace all the imgur links with those.







This notification (#169) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

WanderingTaurus ago

good bot

FartOnToast ago

Cuz I don't fucking use this site maybe? Duhhh. Now drama is on the horizon so here I am. Get rekt.

MolochHunter ago

kudos, my man. Very forensic

Type-o-Negative ago

Thank you Moloch Hunter, I got more research those Reddit fucktards downvoted to hell so no one could see them. I will post them soon too.

BTW: i like all the hard work and research and comments you have done over the past 2 years too!

Type-o-Negative ago

Okay, I will remember that next time, ty for the advice.

everlastingphelps ago

I'm sure putt will get right on it.

petevoat ago

Seriously, this is nice work.

FartOnToast ago

You sir are RETARDED. MOAR is a common word among pedes. BUT U R NOT MAGA. So you woun't fucking know would you? lil newfag. eat shit.

Type-o-Negative ago

Triggered much?

everlastingphelps ago

See? This is the way to get CCP/SCP, not by begging.

Once, you were a nigger, and did nigger things. Now you are a faggot. Have an upvoat (where it counts.)

Type-o-Negative ago

I like your sense of humor and I wear your nicknames like a badge of honor.

DamnLiquor ago

Fuck RonSwangsong in his tranny pussy pouch

Paladin_Diver ago

I believe the correct term is now "front hole". Please make a note and be more inclusive in the future.

(Almost puked typing that sarcastic BS).

Blacksmith21 ago

LMAO - two upvoats for you!

SandHog ago

I don't think pings work when added in an edit btw. I'll re-ping for ya. @everlastingphelps @Crensch @KevDude @GoBackToReddit

everlastingphelps ago

Nah, it worked.

Type-o-Negative ago

Have an upvoat on me!

SandHog ago

Cool. I saw someone else say that it didn't the other day. Good to know.

FartOnToast ago

No u r

Type-o-Negative ago

Awesome comeback! Did you come up with that on your own?

FartOnToast ago

Mods can you KEBAB DEPORT this retard? What kinda noob doesn't know "mooooarr" is a common word.

divine_human ago

Mods can you KEBAB DEPORT this retard?

this is not how voat works. honoring free speech and providing public mod logs is a way to decrease opinion manipulation and disclose mod agendas.

FartOnToast ago

How many alien posts have you posted already?

divine_human ago

remember how we butt heads 10 days or so ago, over removing all ET-connectet posts on TGA - without giving a reason, that is - and i asked you guys whether you want a Q sub or a truth sub? you said that its all BS and Q hasnt mentioned it. fine with me, as long as you put this posting requirement (only Q) into the sub rules.

i also told you that you will be surprised how soon Q would reveal some ET relevance.

here it comes, enjoy the show ;)



Are we alone ?

Roswell ?

No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space. Q

FartOnToast ago

You missed the total point. You're so caught up in your own lil word you can't see past it.

divine_human ago

entertain yourself by searching for them ;)

Mumbleberry ago

Voat tip. That shit doesn't work here.

Type-o-Negative ago

Uh-oh, sounds like somebody is mad.

FartOnToast ago

thought that's how you lil faggots talk here

everlastingphelps ago

Q gave it to him over sooper sekrit comms.

Type-o-Negative ago

Hahaha, that was funny!

Shizy ago

I forgot to thank you for the ping 🙂

SandHog ago

You're welcome.

SandHog ago

Nice work! I've always thought that shitmods and NR were at the very least working together or one and the same. I also thought qmap might have been involved since they were directing everyone to follow those clowns as well but that seems like it's being run by a different person as it's a godaddy domain.

Glad to see these clowns getting outted. Bravo!

stens ago

Bodean1415 ago

Good now I dump qmap, don't need that. Qanonposts perfect.

Type-o-Negative ago

I ran an WHOIS on qpub, they wanted to keep their info on the down low. is one of their buddies I am sure collecting data on IP addresses, who knows, may have a secret cryptominer running in the background. I would recomment that Patriots stay away from them in the future.

GranimalSnake ago

Good advice.

GranimalSnake ago

This is some Colombo shit. Good on you for at least laying it all out without sounding insane or like fuckstick.

I guess we'll begin to see the wheat separate from the chaff soon.

Type-o-Negative ago

Tired of these faggots dividing the good Q patriots through their gay Saul Alinsky tactics.

ProofMR2 ago

can you give me a TLDR? and as a neutral party without any knowledge I just have both subbed I don't see the issue with both existing. its not like the communities 90% overlap. idk whats going on but ill just continue to check both

Type-o-Negative ago

Then the post title should serve you well.

ProofMR2 ago

Acktualllyyyy it doesn't.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Quit having people telling you what q is saying and read his posts yourself

ProofMR2 ago

wtf are you talking about Q for, im talking about the drama between these two subvoats

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

you asked for a TLDR, i gave you one

now stfu

ProofMR2 ago

yea maybe if that TLDR was related to the subject at hand it woulda helped dip shit

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Did you read the post? If no, how would you know if what I posted was related to the subject? If yes, why are you asking for a tldr

WanderingTaurus ago

In God we trust, all others must read

BurntBizkits ago

The TLDR is don't fucking trust anyone and read for yourself. YW

SandHog ago

You done good.

GranimalSnake ago
