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Ina_Pickle ago

This part of the conversation is complete bullshit. It is a straight up lie, unless confirmed by @puttitout.

Putt almost never discusses site financials even with the people here that he has known for years. There is almost no chance at all that he reached out to a complete stranger and newcomer to the site and discuss our financial situation.

Also Voat has been in the middle of recoding and porting the site for about a year now. These periodic downtimes happen whenever Putt has time to work on the site. The upswing in site traffic probably encouraged to get some maintenance in sooner rather than later, but it was always going to happen.

PuttItOut ago

Everything you said is completely accurate, even your judgment of my character.

I'd never conduct myself in such a naive way. Also I can prove it, which isn't a bad position to be in. ;)

GoodGodKirk ago

Prove it! :D

PuttItOut ago

That's exactly the response I'd expect from Voat.

I did think about how hard it would be to allow read only access to my entire inbox. That would be pretty transparent. People send me things that they probably wouldn't want shared though...

kneo24 ago

Hey Putt, those Reddit power mods are claiming that you won't help them and have been ignoring their pleas for help in fixing their ccp issues with their sub. I guess I should assume that's fake as well? If you were ignoring them, it wouldn't be out of malice, it would be because you're busy as fuck.

PuttItOut ago

I would have gladly fixed it if was messaged.

I do recall a comment or two mentioning it but they weren't mods so I didn't know what to think.

kneo24 ago

Well, due to their negative CCP, that they have rightly earned IMO, they can't send you direct messages.

PuttItOut ago

I really don't want to make an issue out of this. It's all unfortunate but I would have gladly helped. I have no interest in seeing something like this happen.

It should have never happened and I wish it didn't.

Podd ago

Well, you know, they made their bed they can lay in it.

How do voaters put it?

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.