d00danon ago

Sray, I know I can trust you, Neon, not sure, rights well, and interesting, maybe he is trying to flush some shills out, I dunno, but you, I trust. :o)

JackBeowulf ago

an answer to your question. avoid the perception of racists and white power peeps. LOL.. so they wanted a control sub where they couldn't have been labeled. there was a reason GA/R had 300K people and you only had 4K to 5K.. even now you only have 6K, and that bump was from GA/R that decided to stay and swim the currents here. i think even Q endorsed the old GA/Red group, slightly remember a shout out. same with neon and sundance. So they wanted to keep it together and sorrta away from the clowns here. JMO.

Type-o-Negative ago

No, Q did not endorse them, quite the contrary, he said they were mods were controlled. Q Post #1489


Qdog ago

Ok that's a problem

Pickzilla ago

This is why I went straight to GA vs TA. Turned out to be a good choice. Always be suspect of someone looking to sell you stuff.

d-_-bored-_-b ago

After all the shit that he's pulled trying to divide the movement he can go fuck himself.

Sub-Urban-Monk ago

NR may be correct in his assumptions, his attitude toward "other groups", but so the dialogue runs here, the assumptions and attitude are the same, I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG, dilemma-CONDEMNATION. You wanna try looking at yer own shit first and stop wasting time on distractions, like gossiping about others shit, in its rawest form. Condemnation of others will keep this movie running eternally, so if yer cant stop condemning yer own how yer gonna stop condemning the crazies on the other side ? :)

realnstuff ago

Not at all it's a breakdown of his attitude and behavior. I'm sorry to disappoint you but it seems more selfish than selfless. You should look at the removed comment and submission history and judge it. Besides writing about something you think is wasted time, is an oxymoron.

Alice89 ago

Based on what he asks you to trust him? He didn’t even apologize for the accusations he did it in his blog. Asking someone to trust requires that you have no secrets or at least prove you are honest and admit it when you have made a mistake.

FractalizingIron ago

Most people here would not know FartonToast, either. If you think the slander against greatawakening was bad, just reflect for a minute the job that (NR) did on FoT. Spurious allusions, no real evidence, just innuendo, smear and sink.

What motivates a person to do this? Why attack someone you don't need to attack? Goats saw the kind of debacle that v/theawakening creation precipitated. This is what FoT stood up against, when he saw it in action over at Reddit. Which is why, to GA mods, the name of FoT is as sweet as the name D. J. Trump is to Dems.

Folks that think they are so special they should not be brought into disrepute (aka Lead Mods at r/ GA) seem to subscribe to wwg1ygf (where we go one, you guys follow).


Nothing will stop the truth. Hang in the srayzie. Don't need to be on greatawakening long to recognize class when one sees it. (absence of it in other quarters tends to highlight it, in fact!)


Type-o-Negative ago

Well Golly! v/RonaldSwansong has a serious beef with FoT too. It is probably just a coincidence, never mind.

FractalizingIron ago

'Tis nice to see you around, double neg.

Podd ago

@srayzie just ignore him. Keep on trucking down the path you're on. In a month all this BS will be like water off a ducks back and all the voaters will still be here and I'm sure a bunch of reddit people will move to your verse aswell because you'd have to be blissfully ignorant to not understand why us "gruff" voaters are so angsty about a bunch of censorship happy mods.

I thought Q followers were all about finding the truth, awakening from the slumber, and it's not hard to realize that censorship does not lead men to enlightenment.

OldRambler ago

Donations page T-shirt - $25 Q hat - $25 All you need to know.

Type-o-Negative ago

Don't forget the cryptominer running on his page, but we should provide our devices and resources for free to help make him money. Looks like someone is feels entitled.


vaavi ago

Exactly. Litmus test. The new celebrity. A point of control, with or without malice.

desertpatriot ago

How are you supposed to trust him when he still hasn't apologized for or retracted his article trying to insinuate that you're "infiltrated"? Not that it really proved anything, except maybe his lack of good judgment, basing an accusation like that on a nothingburger like someone with similar names to someone he thinks is a bad actor being on a ping list.

LostandFound ago

Not sure if you spotted it yet but putt came in on that convo and confirmed more bullshit


kneo24 ago

One other thing to point out, he doesn't apologize for attacking your subverse with bad information.

13897100? ago

Trust him like you'd trust a lawyer

Hoonsuit ago

The first question I would want an answer to is...

What is there that NR cannot accomplish in v/GA as a regular poster, that he can accomplish in a subverse he is in control of?

Knowing this should help clear up his motives and maybe help you draw some conclusions of your own.

Kekalicious ago

From my research he pulled a huge influx of people in here after the fall. But the Goat's were already here. We had the sub. If he had the sub on the broken site he either feels entitled to not wanting to share, well not share but start all over when he already feels privileged by running the sub that got broke. You need to take your licks here and prove your worth. Fucking new op/s here hold no status.

guitarchump ago

While I thoroughly enjoyed reading NR, hes shown he has alterior motives

squeakysquirrel ago

Complete agreement with you. If we are all on the same team then WHY are there TWO "teams" in the first instance?! Doesn't make any sense to me (well, it does but you know what I mean - there's obviously some underlying factor).

Nahkriin ago

My guess is money and control. If they are not shills then they are power hungry.

As the saying goes: Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Perhaps their ego simply got to big and they require it stroked daily by their army of 'fans'.

larryhuston ago

Seeing merch for sale on neons site told me everything I needed to know.

Type-o-Negative ago

HaHa, finally found my name as I saw you pinged me earlier.

Rapunzal ago

Let it go love, every1 has a role to play, dont feel victimised - chans are chans if you dont understand atlest absorb the lack of intent to bully, snot how it werx. We all faggots.

MolochHunter ago

It's not an issue of hurty feels. There's a movement that the enemy wants divided, and if neon isn't part of the enemy he sure is foolishly assisting them

kneo24 ago

So antifa (or angry goats) can't firebomb my house.

Yeah, like anyone of us goats are going to take the time to firebomb his house.

SandHog ago

Right? The guy literally reblogs shit off 8chan. An apology is such a simple thing that would take 2 minutes and a little bruise to the ego.

'I know I called you deep state and said you were in cahoots with fartontoast, napoleon, and the space mexicans. How dare you question me? There is a really good reason for it. Trust me goyim!'

Type-o-Negative ago

I noticed that plagiarism runs deep in his veins.

Blacksmith21 ago

Skip the "goyim" stuff. It makes you sound 12. Regardless, you are right - an apology an a simple reaction would have been easy. I was the first to publicly call out @NeonRevolt and he claimed I was spreading "disinfo" and then wouldn't respond to subsequent queries. Very, very suspicious IMO.

SandHog ago

I'll mock False Profits in any manner I see fit. I enjoyed your tone policing just as much as you enjoyed my joke. Now that we've gotten the dick waving out of the way I've found something interesting that may tie into what is going on. Outer limits has been threatened and then someone hacked into his accounts, deleted a bunch of stuff, and used his twitter to post Cicada shit. Lift the Veil did a video about it here the Outer Limits stuff starts at around 21:00. He also talks a lot about Bill Smith and some stuff surrounding his sudden disappearance which is the primary focus of the video. It's worth a watch although it is about an hour long. It's interesting that @srayzie was also threatened and attempts were made to get her to give up control of this sub. Then she was attacked via @NeonRevolt and the mods of r/GA pinned a post on 8chan literally calling her Deep State based on that article. Very similar tactics. Threaten, discredit, dox. I think this is what happened to Bill Smith.

There was a post about a week and a half ago on media matters: https://www.voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2707511 where strayzie and I started assembling a list of bad actors that is worth a look. There seems to be a cabal of clowns who are coordinating across several platforms to silence both Q and pizzagate and Defango (the cicada connection) seems to be right in the middle of it. The actions of this current batch of bad actors, who have caused all of therecent drama here, seems eerily similar.

Kekalicious ago

We have horns, He is an outsider until he proves himself. He will be dealt with if they gets out of hand. Freedom of speech does wonders here. (And the old goat's are really good at cutting off bullshit.)

Blacksmith21 ago

And I do a pretty good job of being an enforcer ; )

Kekalicious ago

I love how this site brings out the best in us goats. May the odds be forever in their favor.

Kekalicious ago

Haters gonna hate, trolls are gonna troll. We lurk under far too many bridges here. Unlike the broken site, we can call it how it is. If they start removing relevant shit then we know where they stand. We have horns for a reason.

Blacksmith21 ago

I am glad to see the board elders (Putt, Crensch, Kevdude) taking interest in our efforts and supporting it. I was skeptical of their motives initially, but no more.

Res_Publica ago

Does he have anything to do with neon nettle, the sketchy news site?

Blacksmith21 ago

I've often wondered the same. "Neon" isn't exactly the first word which comes to mind when naming a website or choosing a handle. The writing styles are different. NN is more or less plan English. NR seems, well, frantic? Scattered?

Res_Publica ago

Jim Jonesish?

Blacksmith21 ago

Don't be surprised if we see another "kool-aid" event. Jonestown had to have been a major psyop or some sort of operation. That, or I've really underestimated the stupidity of mankind.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Ha - you shouldn't trust anyone!

RufusTFlywheel ago

I don't even trust myself... which means I Should trust myself but that would mean I shouldn't trust myself. Yeah, definitely don't

ObamasPinkSock ago

Good man.

The only things I trust are my guns... and I have so many guns that I trust they'll let me know when something isn't right!

RufusTFlywheel ago

Ohhh, I trust my guns and my dogs for sure

ObamasPinkSock ago

This may earn me some down-votes... but I worry the concept of "trusting the plan" may be inadvertently keeping people from preparing for the worst.

I support Trump %1000000 and I'd take a bullet for him, but the truth is that no plan survives contact with the enemy and, when America and western civilization is at the front of the line and the end of the line, I see no reason not to prep for the worst.

Type-o-Negative ago

So says the brand new mod from v/theawakening...How did that voat farming work out btw?

ObamasPinkSock ago

Those mods were all removed from TheAwakening after they fucked off to 8chan after their fee-fees were hurt.

I was disgusted by their behavior and I attacked them for it, but they're gone and the current active mod is doing good works so I'm happy to support that.

Xenophobic ago

Damn why so serious. It's all highlander and there can be only one! v/greatawakening till I die

Crensch ago

You double-submitted i think https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2727130

srayzie ago

Thank you. I deleted that one

MolochHunter ago

I knew you were just in this thing to farm CCP