Blacksmith21 ago


MES - What do you make of this?

matheasysolutions ago

hahahah hmmm possibly they were made from the same test tube hahaha ;)

pj77777 ago


Blacksmith21 ago

It's pretty amazing almost no one else is paying this tidbit any notice.

Blacksmith21 ago

This is mildly interesting. Corsis first wife, Joy Marie Dugan, was 10 years older than Corsi, born in 1946. When they were married in 1970, Corsi would have been ~24 and Dugan ~34. A little unusual at the time. I'd be curious how they met and how long they were together...

She passed away, in Charlottesville, VA (think UVA ties to CIA) in 2013, of pancreatic cancer. A lot of these spooky people die of pancreatic cancer. Or gioblastoma (sp) - that's for the elite - Beau Biden, T. Kennedy, No Name. Strange.

GranimalSnake ago

Definitely interesting.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm sure the pre-Internet background has been thoroughly sheep-dipped and run through the dryer a couple times.

The similarities are striking to me. Like Bennington and Podesta. Like Chelsea and Webb. Heck, like Rosenstein and Himmler.

GranimalSnake ago

Face shape, jowls, chin, nose shape, brow structure, all very compelling.

I'd like to see some of Corsi at AJs age, and compare the two as young men if we could find any images.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm gonna work on this a bit more when I'm back from lunch. Feel free to add to it.