13991847? ago

It would seem as though Q hates you and wants a completely new board. Wwg1wga. Instead we had 2 subs yelling at each other and no one was sure which one to use because they never used this site before. It was absurd and I imagine quite a few people just never came back.

13991748? ago

Because Q endorsed this board, and if there are any problems, I'm sure he will point them out. I firmly believe that the Israel redpill is supposed to happen here for many anons.

13991646? ago

It would seem as though Q hates you and wants a new sub. Patriots needed somewhere to meet last week and this place made it 10 times more confusing for everybody. Wwg1wga. Instead we had 2 boards yelling at each other and no one knew who to trust because they never used voat before. It was absurd and I imagine a lot of people have no desire to go back to voat.

13991508? ago

Because Q does. He specifically asked the Patriots Fight BO to start this verse. He endorsed it after it was started. Don't you read Q's posts?

13991641? ago

Q NEVER endorsed Breadbox or PenSHITLORD as mods. He only endorsed BO and v/QRV as an official Q subverse.

13992131? ago

BO told Q he brought his mods when he set up the verse. Q Endorsed v/QRV AFTER BO informed him that he brought his mods. Q endorsed BO to do this and BO endorsed his mods. That's good enough for me.

13991719? ago

Why does that matter?

13991914? ago

It matters because PenSHITLORD is the mod for /patriotswoken.

13992041? ago

If it is an issue, Q will point it out.

13991209? ago

Newsflash! It was the v/greatawakening mods and their cronies who were causing all the chaos and division.

13991377? ago

Yep, that mod @srayzie aligned with many lefty shills to attack v/theawakening just last week. He showed his cards.

Plus Q said to stay on one sub, this one. Anyone suggesting division is a shill.

13991439? ago

This ^ all the way.

14003596? ago

aww I wanted to do that!

14004901? ago

LOL! Next time. I promise.

13991253? ago

That is a lie.

13991403? ago

It is the truth, I bet the shill mod @srayzie regrets his gambit now.

13991321? ago

No, it's not. You're either with them, late to the show, or living under a rock. It was those mods and their friends who were screaming and crying about their sub pre-existing, so everyone should just comment there. v/greatawakening is all about compartmentalization.

13991426? ago

Yep, it's @kevdude and gang. Angry normal tactics are ineffective.

13991692? ago

Keep shilling faggot. Maybe invite them all into your discord server so you can dox them?

13991354? ago

Again, that is a lie. All of that "crying and scream" was about the lack of assimilation and the hug box created over at v/TA. Then the people running v/TA decided to attack an existing, established community, and then continued to lie about doing so.

13991400? ago

What you call an attack, I call a retaliation. I think you're either obfuscating or delusional.

13991464? ago

There was nothing to retaliate against. They were foreign invaders demanding gibs and for Voat to change. v/GA took no part in what happened on v/TA and tried welcoming them with open arms and reach out to them to see if they needed help. Had they not acted like smug pricks and purposely created a hug box, and purposely kept it that way for an extended time period, none of this would have happened.

Clearly, you're a Jew trying to rewrite history to suit a narrative, to attack Voat. Shame on you, Sanegoat/Grifter/whatever faggot name you run under now.

13991774? ago

Whatever the case, it's over now since the Q endorsement of this sub.

13991503? ago

There was nothing to retaliate against.

I'm not going to repeat myself. Calling me a Jew? Crensch, is that you?

13991594? ago

People who invade have no moral authority to retaliate. They deserve what is coming to them. They made many mistakes and really never owned up to most of them. They still claim they never changed any settings on their subverse and no one on their team would have improperly done so. They're not claiming it's a bug either, which means the only option left is that the administrator of the website did it. I know you'd like to believe that, but you're a giant faggot trying to destroy Voat. The reality is, they don't know how to Voat and someone on their team changed the settings incorrectly, most likely by accident, multiple times before they got it right.

I have been labeled as everyone else today and you all have always been wrong, yet anytime I call out Freshmeat or SangeGoat, there is never any denial.

13991657? ago

The story you're spinning is made of bullshit. Here, let me get you a tissue...

13991695? ago

And you lie yet again, SaneGoat. Go ahead and tell everyone how you tried to disrupt Voat with your multiple accounts and bot army?

13991764? ago

LOL We all know who's part of the bot army around here. No, I'm not SaneGoat.

13991816? ago

Freshmeat, Womb_Raider, it doesn't matter. You glow like JIDF niggers. How does the weather in Tel-Aviv look outside your window today?

13991861? ago

What you're saying has no weight here. Everyone sees through you and your agenda.

13991903? ago

Funny how you've derailed yourself. You lied from the start and continue to do so.

13991963? ago

How have I derailed myself? You're obfuscating some more, so this conversation is still on track with what I was talking about.

13992003? ago

You aren't even discussing how everyone you love isn't comped and how the other side is. You're too busy trying to defend yourself and your actions. You lost, I win. Deal with it. Or keep lying some more. Your lies are easy to debunk.

13992045? ago

Then try to debunk what I'm saying. Why have they "temporarily" shut down v/soapboxbanhammer? You know, the sub srayzie, heygeorge, and the other crybabies are all part of?

13992078? ago

That's actually completely irrelevant, as it doesn't stop them from posting, or congregating elsewhere. What you're doing is throwing out a red herring, because you have nothing left. You're spent.

13992132? ago

No, it's totally relevant. All the toxic bitches with SBBH were and still are polluting this sub and others with their foul breath and diarrhea.

13992186? ago

You just proved how it wasn't relevant. If you believe them to be toxic, how does "banning" SBBH actually stop them? News flash, it doesn't. Wasting your time is delicious fun, because it means there's less time for you to do your dirty work elsewhere.

13992354? ago

Thanks for showing me how much you support SBBH. You obviously know who they are if you're trying like hell to stick up for them. You talk exactly like you're part of that sick cult. They're a bunch of disgusting freaks. I've seen them talking about pedo stuff and their disgusting anime posts with young boys participating in orgies. Not gonna quit talking about SBBH either until they're all hunted down and weeded out. They can't hide. Their tactics are so transparent.

13992464? ago

Please, tell us more of how banning SBBH is relevant, as in your mind, it clearly hasn't stopped them.

13992544? ago

Did I say it would stop them? No I didn't. Those of us who know who they are though are going to hound them at every turn.

13992680? ago

You were implying that the banning of SBBH was somehow important. It wasn't. It was a red herring on your part. A distraction. But go on, please tell everyone how it's important.

13992758? ago

Damn, you're stupid. Let me break it down for you. The shitposting pervs and pedos from SBBH were mods on the greatawakening, pizzagate, and politics subs. If you think this doesn't have any weight, you have no working brain cells.

13992879? ago

Damn, you're stupid. Let me break it down for you. If those shitposting "pervs" and "pedos" from SBBH were really a problem, banning their subverse is pointless. You ban the users or find ways to limit their account usage, not the subverse and allow them to keep posting; you have no working brain cells.

13992925? ago

I've been wondering myself why they all haven't been banned. But, I don't run the show. I'm just here to point out the obvious. Now, fuck off.

13992956? ago

Now you can only admit that the banning of SBBH was a red herring and has no basis on anything. So, tell us again how it's important. I enjoy wasting your time.

13991390? ago

Agreed. v/TA were the agitators and provokers on Voat.

13991201? ago

Trust no one absolutely, like Ronnie Raygun said trust but verify. If shiite begins the door is right over... Q did seem to think eventually this place would fall too.

Trust but verify, what do we care if some mod develops agenda? Don't invest anything you can't afford to lose.

WWG1WGA...even hither and yon huh. Are we stalking horses?

13991158? ago

Give the newfaq a cookie for finally noticing.

They also can't be arsed to at a minimum flair important post or make a sticky with useful information. Shows how much they care.

13991065? ago

  1. Cuz Q vouched for them.

  2. They've done nothing to earn any distrust

  3. They've done nothing: no deletions, no bans, no controlling anything

  4. We like to think for ourselves, anyway.

13991316? ago

  1. Q vouched for BO - 8bit - not the other two.
  2. The other two have, by lying multiple times. Breadbox, aka RonaldSwansong claims that his team has communicated directly with PuttItOut - the site administrator. That's not true. 3 They were ban and deletion happy over on v/ta.
  3. I'm glad that you do. With this new information I've provided, you can make a better informed choice.

13991607? ago

Ima go ahead and give them a shot and see what they do. If they are who you say they are, it will become evident soon enough.

13991547? ago

So Breadbox is RonaldSwansong?

13991727? ago

Meh. I already that post. The author is a former butthurt TGA mod who also claimed NeonRevolt was also RonSwansong. Not the most credible source.

13994089? ago

I dont konw, ToN has a concrete solid case. Did you see what he posted? Why didnt Neon Revolve and Ronald step up to defend themselves? Neon could have brought it up in his article today but didnt. Why not? What are they afraid of if it is really bs? Those are serious allegations especially when the world is watching. Have you even read it?

link: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2726770

Let know @Type-o-Negative know when these guys want to man up and address this accusation instead running away like little girls pretending like nothing happened...

13991782? ago

Just consider the evidence. It's directly from the v/ta discord. PenSHITLORD doesn't go by any other name, so the ShitLORD handle matches pretty closely there. The only option left is to match RSS with Breadbox. It's not exactly rocket surgery.

13991836? ago

Not enough sauce for me.

13991888? ago

This is in regards to PenSHITLORD being a trusted person in the v/TA inner circle - https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2719730/13829029

One can not deny that.

13991101? ago

Q vouched for BO, not Breadbox or PenSHITLORD.

13991739? ago

BO told Q he was bringing his mods with him. Q endorsed this verse fully informed. You're bringing the same divisiveness here that was rampant on v/GA which is the reason Q told BO to start a gathering place here that he would endorse in the first place. You have seen no evidence of any miscreant behavior thus far so hold your bitching until there's something to bitch about. We have more important things to focus on than more BS about who should be in charge of the verse.

13991214? ago

Because Q is waking us Up to How you Fucking Jews always try to Divide us.....we see you now.

13991176? ago

Pretty sure BO recruited Breadbox and Penshitlord, otherwise how did they get in? Is this another mossad double secret penetration trick to sit around and do nothing???