Jimbo55 ago

Anyone have a starter guide for this place. Gotta help Q

Tallest_Skil ago

What if I told you that it your dude’s a proven jewish paid shill and traitor to America.

Type-o-Negative ago

What the fuck are you talking about now faggot?

Tallest_Skil ago

Ooh, the big bad seven day redditor thinks that his god will save him! Isn’t that adorable.

So why can’t you cowards answer my questions?

Type-o-Negative ago

I dont see your false idol taking charge, satan sucks big black nigger dicks and takes pineapples in the ass.

Tallest_Skil ago

I don’t have a false idol, unlike you. Why can’t you answer my questions, redditor?

Type-o-Negative ago

God, are you all fucking stupid when it comes to grammar? Your comment didnt have a question mark...go back to fucking school and get your GED.

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself. Reported for spam.

taIIest_skiI ago


Type-o-Negative ago

Oooooooooh, you are reporting me spam? F U C K ! ! i am done for now.

The more you talk the less I find you intelligent.

Oh yeah, here is another down vote for your collection.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that you were proven wrong and everything you believe is a lie. You are complicit in treason and white genocide.

Type-o-Negative ago

hahahahahahaa what a dick.

Tallest_Skil ago

Stop being wrong and you’ll stop being called out for it, then.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Why Should We Trust Breadbox And PenSHITLORD To Mod v/QRV??' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply from @13991615:



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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'NeonFaggot whining about getting destroyed on voat' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @kneo24:

Besides NR claiming they're the exact same people running v/TA in his article that's linked (something which you should read).

Here's the PenShitLord thing.

Here's the connection between Breadbox And RonaldSwanSong - https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2735644

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GoodGodKirk ago

It’s equivalent to high school cliques. QRV is full of “we’ve made it!” posts and TA is constantly censoring and attempting to bash GA for popularity.

Type-o-Negative ago

Yeah, they slide my post to page 3 within an hour, I am sure if it was a nothing burger, they just laugh it off.

Keneo77 ago

It's simple, too much infighting going on between boards. Centralize it with a trusted source (BO). That's not saying this board isn't legit, that's just how I see it.

RufusTFlywheel ago

Exactly. Ego very big? All these fools are mad BC it's anon. They love the voatFame

bulrush ago

Like in Star Wars, we all felt it in the force that this seemed like a different Q than we are used to

Bingo. It's time for us to listen to our intuition then confirm that intuition with facts and hard research. You be woke.

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

I wouldn't put too much faith in FOT. When he broke away and became a mod on r/swampwatch, or whatever it was called, he was pretty ban happy himself. I think ALL of these people are full of it and best ignored (if possible).

As to Q being compromised... if he was, wouldn't he have pointed it out by now? I admit the Q&A was strange, but I don't think it's enough to declare with any confidence that Q is comped.

MrDarkWater ago

The q&a sounded more like fbianon, or was it megaanon, or was it the Rothschild anon?

TrueSeeker777 ago

i feel the same

anarcheril ago

Counter theory, the reddit mods were strong armed and have since been Patriotized.

Type-o-Negative ago

That is a good theory.

WTFChuck ago

So NR's new article acknowledges that these are some of the same mods running QRV that were running v/TA (and by extension r/GA). But it also acknowledges that Q was trying to fix what went sideways. I'm still watching all this shaking my head a bit. Here's the article: https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/09/22/we-are-at-the-precipice-newq-qanon-greatawakening-neonrevolt/

Type-o-Negative ago

RonaldMcDonaldSwansong didnt addre....oops, I meant NeonRevolt only addressed the AJ / Corsi tactic they are using. The shitacular shilltard sure didnt address any of the other allegations. I should reach out to a patriot on twitler that has a large following to get the message out faster.

WTFChuck ago

Or, we can just wait and see how this shakes out. I trust that Q won't let the fuckery get past a certain point. All this drama is reminding me of high school. Ughhh. If we all need to learn to watch a number of boards to hone our discernment abilities, that's not a bad thing. I don't need anybody making my decisions for me about what I read and how I think about it and I know that nobody here needs me making their decisions on this stuff for them. That was the mistake the v/theawakening mods made when they set up that subverse. On the other hand, a quick look at the "new" section of v/QRV makes it pretty clear that not being able to block users because of the anonymizing is maybe going to be a problem and that having someone deleting the gore and porn and over-the-top shit is actual nice. But, again, in a true capitalist environment, which most of us purport to support, the most valued of the subs should rise to the top. And because voat shows us how many are subscribed and how many are present on each sub, we'll be able to see what's happening in that regard without too much trouble.

Type-o-Negative ago

It doesnt hurt to have extra eyes to look this over right?

mintmachine ago

same here

Type-o-Negative ago

add this archive to your comment NR link and I will delete this one.


srayzie ago

You should edit your post and add your 1st post link...


That way people can know the whole story.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'See how they panic when they don't get an easy way in?' was posted in v/whatever by @NotHereForPizza and refers to this comment.

This notification (#548) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

Type-o-Negative ago

So I posted this on v/QRV and it didn't post under my name instead it posted under a number and won't allow me to edit it to insert link, check it out:


What the hell are they doing?

bulrush ago

Then that sub is anonymized. Usernames will not appear. Only numbers. I assume the numbers are the same for the same username but I'm not sure.

Type-o-Negative ago

I tested that, you know in case a number ‘binds’ to a user account, and they makes file notes on each person. It changes when you leave the board.

Type-o-Negative ago

I am thinking 8chan 2.0

srayzie ago

Look at the nice new CCP farming community


Board Owner @Breadbox

His assistant decided to send me a private message being “curious”.


SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'See how they panic when they don't get an easy way in?' was posted in v/whatever by @NotHereForPizza and refers to this comment.

This notification (#549) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

Type-o-Negative ago

Ha! being curious, what a coincidence at the timing.

Type-o-Negative ago

@Breadbox is also the "director" on the discord server. That bottom post pic is discussing operations, check it out again.

srayzie ago

Ohhh I was wondering about that.

@GoodGodKirk see parent

GoodGodKirk ago


SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Qanons, please make yourselves known here, to receive benefits.' was posted in v/QClearanceRefuge and includes this reply from @srayzie:


Why are you sending me private messages wanting my opinion on all this when it looks like you’ve already made yourself comfortable with your CCP farms...


Want to know more about the board owner @Breadbox


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Anamcara1 ago

Dat not looking good...😥

FatFreddiesCat ago

I agree, my senses tell me SOMETHING is wrong. 9/11, aliens, and the moon landing. Why? This hurts us 2 fold at least. 1. It distracts from the clear cut direction and subjects Q has been leading us. 2. It feeds in to the belief we are nothing but a bunch of conspiracy nuts. remember how they took the JFK jr. crap and ran with it? Why go there at all. That's not what this is about and it's not why I'm here at all personally. My only other thought is that it may be deliberate disinformation/distraction for some reason not yet understood.

Type-o-Negative ago

You might be right that it was disinfo or used to misdirect. One I didnt take into consideration is maybe that info wasnt for us.

Today, it looks like the normal Q is back, such a few strange days it has been.

TrueSeeker777 ago

disinformation like Q said necessary ,for what reason im sure we will find out.maybe for click bait and see what kind of response comes out of it or to expose certain people.

jbo5112 ago

In Pursuit of Truth suggested that it was a way to load test the board with a large number of users.

crab_blue ago

Did you notice the Q & A drops do not appear on 8ch? I believe they are not legit.

pairadocs ago

Many noticed it. This is what I posted yesterday

First there was all the drops yesterday, that were somewhat out of character in the Q&A. Q has posted since then without correction so I accept it. But then the drops over the last couple hours seems to reveal a lot more investigative information than is usual for him or would seem wise (esp regarding LL). This maybe may just be the pace of the Storm now or just my anxious cautiousness. But please, I welcome all comments.

EDIT: added from below 4 hrs later after 2266-2271 posted by Q: "I still accept that I could be wrong but I would think that the Q I have come to know would know better, what the effects of a post like 2266-2271 would have. Have you read through the comments on the home board over the last 2 hours? It doesn't even seem like he knew what we had here or the conflict that assigning his own BO from somewhere else would cause (Q is not an amateur, I suspect it is not him). and on a high anxiety day no less. Well its not my circus and they are not my monkeys. However, I will stand up for this sub, it's members and it's mods. EDIT: added -2271 https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2734450

Type-o-Negative ago

Nice catch! I didnt go to 8chan to read the responses because well, we all been down this road before discussing this, and was shellshocked that Q would bring up this time. There is a time and place for everything

Allin4q ago

If Q&A was fake why hasn't Q addressed it?

pairadocs ago

I believe 8 chan itself is comp'd and someone else is in control of Qs tripcode and drop sub.

Type-o-Negative ago

You would have to ask crab blue about that, while you are at it, ask him for the link of where the q&a redirect went too if you dont mind. Thanks Patriot!

Type-o-Negative ago

Well we can get in front of this now. Great comment by the way Patriot!

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Use this for CCPs' was posted in v/QClearanceRefuge and includes this reply from @srayzie:

Look who the board owner is

Check out @Breadbox


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WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Are Breadbox and BreadTwists the same person?

Type-o-Negative ago

Yes they are,BreadTwists is a mod for v/theawakening now.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

TY. I noticed a post that thanked a mod named PENULITIMATE, is that the same person as penSHITLORD? This is all so confusing!

Type-o-Negative ago

Yeah, making confusion is a great way for someone new to say fuck this and never come back.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

I'm confused at all this confusion as being part of the plan. Good thing I'm stubborn and I lurk everywhere!

Type-o-Negative ago

There is some fuckery going on for sure.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Seems like the more I look, the more fuckery I'm finding...

Type-o-Negative ago

Nice creative username, you get a vote from me on it!

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

TY. Knute Rocks me! :)

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Use this for CCPs' was posted in v/QClearanceRefuge and includes this reply from @srayzie:

I’ll just drop this right here for @Breadbox


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mintmachine ago

Are you saying that the new Q board v/QRV is compromised ?

Type-o-Negative ago

The mods are compromised on that board.

mintmachine ago

who chose them?

Type-o-Negative ago

No idea, maybe they created the board and choose themselves.

LurkMaster ago

BO message about the new board: Top of the notables block.

QResearch_Voat created.


Official Q Research Voat mirror

-Same moderators (2 BVs and I)

-Board anonymized.

-NSFW content allowed.

-Global rules + US law applies (obviously)

Trying to make it feel like home (QResearch) as much as I can. Moderation is probably going to be weak on the subverse for a little while lol. We are noobs when it comes to Voat and still have much to learn, but we'll be fine. Mod team is proud to serve. Thank you all for the support. We will not let you down.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Why don't you mention u/SensibleStoner?

mintmachine ago

If that is directed to me - i know nothing about him and noone has said he is bad have they? but i am trying to read /understand what is going on

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Not you. Just holding Typo to account because he (presumption) should know who choose them... https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2735644/13973700

mintmachine ago

but the owner is Q trusted owner from 8chan ?? thats why i am confused

Type-o-Negative ago

Yeah, Q said that yesterday to trust him.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

yeah but how do we know that breadbox didn't simply see the same Q post we did and then run over here and create one? how do we know or have any proof that it's the BO? Did he make a comment on fullchan saying that was where to go?

For fucksake man I was so excited about this at first.... I'm so glad you made your post the other day because without it you would be looking pretty crazy right now, but with it you're looking like the most sane person in the room.

thank you for releasing it when you did and not waiting until you did even more research, because it would make you look nuts right now for it to come out right this second. Thank God you were far enough along with your research to release kraken even you did.

@srayzie I'm sorry that I even doubted you a little bit yesterday everything is just so fucking crazy. but when you look at the facts you have done absolutely nothing to show me you are comped and I invite anyone to show me differently. ToN have us plenty I've proof as to the comped nature of all of these other idiots

Type-o-Negative ago

"looking like the most sane person in the room."

If my real life friends only thought that, I would be alright. Thank you that really made my day! I fixed the post links and added a bit more after self-reflecting letting everyone's comment absorb in my head. Oh yeah, I just bought a video game and haven't opened the plastic wrapping yet, thought this was a bit more important. I may try to play later on today.

NiggeroniFaggitoni ago

Do that, don't let this consume you. I'm sure you haven't been mentally stressed to the Max and not having many people to talk to about it in real life only makes that worse so take care of yourself. We're going to need you, and everyone like you, to weather the storm that has just arrived.

Lividdeplorable ago

So do we trust or not?

Type-o-Negative ago

I wouldn't.

Type-o-Negative ago

I wouldn't trust them. I would say since the start on the sudden alien talk they have been compromised.

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

There must be some way to get clarification one way or another. I don't post on 8chan, but is it possible to contact the BO there and clarify the legitimacy of the new board?

Lividdeplorable ago

Thanks so much. Do you think Q-map.pub is okay, or only 8 chan? Been trying for a long time to figure out 8 Chan with no success.

stens ago

https://qmap.pub/ directs people to /v/theawakening.

A better alternate IMO: https://qanonposts.com/

Lividdeplorable ago

Thank you

Type-o-Negative ago

I would say use at your own risk. If it was my choice I wouldnt bother with qpost.pub and qmap.pub and go to https://qposts.online instead.

Lividdeplorable ago


dunklederf ago

here's a little infomercial, 8chan is owned and ran by the CIA. there's plenty proof if you were to look for yourself, keyword: Sunshine

Mcdrogon ago

I think the anon usernames could be a ploy so we can’t call out the psyop actors that we already know. I will continue to check on the new /v/ but so far I don’t see anything of worth being posted.

stens ago

Who is u/SensibleStoner?

Type-o-Negative ago

I have no clue.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread, from @TruthIsMyReligion, refers to this:

Not you. Just holding Typo to account because he (presumption) should know who choose them... https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2735644/13973700

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stens ago

Seems like SensibleStoner created the sub and added 8bit- [O], PenSHITLORD [M], and Breadbox [M].

srayzie ago

One more thing. Think of this. This is Voat. Wouldn’t you think if they needed some mods, I would have been on that list? I know Voat. I run v/GreatAwakening. Shouldn’t those 2 things qualify me?

Trust me, I don’t want to be in the middle of whatever they have going on. But, I do find it strange that I wasnt asked. Wait until you see me share my screenshots, where Neon Revolt said he wanted to get me onto v/TheAwakening. Wtf.

It was all talk so he could look good in front of his fan base. A week after I told him he’s the next Jerome Corsi, he starts saying he’s doubting Q. This is straight out of the deep states hand book.

Aaronkin ago

srayzie I worry this got personal for you and that it maybe tough to rise above that. If I am right you got to try or it will drag you down. We have always been a small outpost in the Q fight. There is no reason to worry about this big redit BS as long as we stick to what is true and what is right. Q said we have everything, so if Q stops tomorrow we carry on the fight. If Q is compromised it won't take long to be exposed and we keep fighting. One man does not win a war, not even Q or Trump. No matter who falls we keep fighting. If down the road we get falsely discredited how would it be any different then when we were in this fight 2 years ago. Back then we were all discredited and we had less tools to work with. We now have targeting information, that's one improvement. We now know how to identify the enemy, another big improvement. So we take what we have learned and keep fighting, keep handing out Red Pills and let the truth show it's might. Remember Q said "In the coming weeks it will be important to have one central location (non 8ch)." We were never that central outpost nor do we heave to be now, But we were the refuge when the chips were down that is one of our roles in this fight that we should openly embrace and accept. We should continue to be the GreatAwakening Refuge if needed again and keep fighting.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Shouldn’t those 2 things qualify me?


The only person(s) to have the new board control should be those in control of HQ board on 8chan.

GoodGodKirk ago

And how do you verify that?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Q would, and has.

GoodGodKirk ago

Q has tripcodes, BO do not. They have ID’s, but those can be faked, just as Q’s tripcodes have been hacked and faked multiple times requiring tripcodes updates.

How long have you been following Q? Security is highly needed and users can be easily fooled.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Okay dumb nigger, if Q board is not compromised that would mean the endorsement of the voat board is not faked.

How long have you been following Q?

Clearly you are a fucking shill and a retarded one at that.

You can't say the voat boat is comped without also saying that the Q code is. So prove it.

GoodGodKirk ago

Wut, obviously I went waaay over your head with how security works on 8ch. You can’t seem to fathom how it can be faked?

Look up how many times the tripcodes have been altered, he even GAVE the deepstate the password one time to collect the IP’s attempting hacks on the account.

Which is why I asked how long you’ve been following. You’re details are severely lacking.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You can’t seem to fathom how it can be faked?

You dumb nigger im well aware of everything that has taken place.

Look up how many times the tripcodes have been altered, he even GAVE the deepstate the password one time to collect the IP’s attempting hacks on the account.

Yeah kike any fucking nitwit knows this

Stop being a nigger and say that you think Q trip code is comped instead of your fucking tranny ways. Obviously this is way over your head. Did your feelings get hurt because Q decided a new board was needed? Do you need your mother to make you tendies?

GoodGodKirk ago

Uh oh, someone got triggered. Go back to your safe space and drink your soy milk, I’ll be over to fuck your girl in front of you cuck.

13980781? ago

You sure you aren't just a huge fag?

srayzie ago

If I were, would you be interested? 😚😉

think- ago


Type-o-Negative ago

Maybe the Dr. Corsi he was talking about is more about you than me in his article today.

realnstuff ago

v/GreatAwakening and v/TheAwakening slowly but steadily leave a bad taste in my mouth. It's seems like a good cop, bad cop scheme with both of those forums beeing controlled opposition.  

Why do you think that you are privileged to be a mod on a 8CH based sub? I guarantee you that there are old goat mods with much more experience than you. There is something fishy going on.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'See how they panic when they don't get an easy way in?' was posted in v/whatever by @NotHereForPizza and refers to this comment.

This notification (#546) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

pipilongstockings ago

Wait...pick me. I should have been the "one". I've read every single word from every single post. I'm so disappointed that I wasn't chosen. Divide and conquer.

Steelerfish ago

The fact that there is a “blackout” of v/Greatawakening and a sustained effort to drive traffic to “other” boards with questionable foundations and roots is highly suspicious and all the evidence I -personally- need to know I’m in the right place with the right people with the right intentions. Seems like we are being isolated while subversive measures are used to discredit the whole of the “movement”. Something is a bit off in this whole situation.

SamAdamsGhost1 ago

I'm new here so cut me some slack if you already know this, but I found a link on an old Wikileak tweet and thought I'd follow it. Might explain (or not ) why we were sent here. My intuitive sense is registering in the red zone for beware. This is an alleged conversation/strategy meeting that took place during the campaign. What I found most interesting is that they discuss having access to NSA computers.

How were they able to get access? Who approved that and is the Deep State still using it?

Here is an excerpt from the strategy meeting with the link that was posted to the Wikileak tweet:


[6:10] okay. guys, this is 18-2381 stuff. Got it?

cshaw [6:10 AM] yes

ekim [6:10 AM] yes sir.

efink [6:11 AM] alright. we need to move beyond the disruption scripts and down-voting. we need to start hurting people and that's what this is about. This is about winning because we'll never get a chance at this again. everything is justified. David?

brock [6:11 AM] dramatic.

[6:13] fuck--okay. so the Trump team is an emergent order. thirty million little chan and reddit assholes that bump around and then congeal to vote in a poll or push a meme or make a hashtag trend or whatever. This is new. It isn't like fighting a centrally organized campaign.

[6:13] It's more like fighting a disease.

[6:14] So what we need to do is break the pattern. The usual means isn't working. Trump's too charismatic. Morale is too high. This is an army of chaos folks.

[6:14] so we have full clearance. Word of God.

[6:15] Fink--let's do this. I have a plane to catch.

efink [6:16 AM] uploaded and commented on an image: foxacid.jpg 1 Comment FOXACID

ekim [6:16 AM] Ew.

cshaw [6:16 AM] i like it! wtf is it??

efink [6:17 AM] This is manna from heaven, kids.

[6:18] We have the use of an NSA intrusion package. We are going to find the thought leaders. the meme-generators. the shit-posters. I need a target analysis for reddit, twitter, and the chans by tomorrow 5 PM.

[6:18] You will monitor, identify, and using the FA software set we have, identify/dox.

cshaw [6:18 AM] that will dox them??

efink [6:20 AM] It will man-on-the-side for the anon boards and intercept traffic. We can use that for IP addresses and loading tracking software and magic lantern onto their devices. Once we have them compromised

[6:20] David? How many do we need?

brock [6:21 AM] I want 150 from 4chan, whatever you can get from 8. I want 1000 top reddit drivers exposed and I want content analysis for their posts. I want the people who are really driving their narrative.

[6:22] I need all that in a packet by tomorrow afternoon with lexical analysis, proof of compromise. I want clips of memes. I want to up-vote patterns. All this has to be inside the US too. We can't use externals.

cshaw [6:23 AM] It won't work outside the US?

efink [6:23 AM] It works fine outside the us you idiot. That's NSA stuff.

brock [6:24 AM] WE don't work outside the US. Do you think this is fucking bean-bag?

[6:24] We are going to disrupt them before this shit goes any further.

[6:24] if they don't have leaders, we're going to get their thought leaders.

AuthorUnknown ago

Very important. Should be a sticky in every subverse related to Q. Why is THIS^^^ comment not the lone subject of a post all by itself???

Type-o-Negative ago

Welcome to the Great Awakening Patriot!

I heard about this, but this is the first time seeing the chat and their comments. Looks like Q was right; 30 million faggots in the chans and reddit. That is a hell of an impressive number. Nice job on your first post, I look forward to more content from you.

SmokNcronic420 ago

what i do not understand , Q has alwayz said that 8chan was the only place for comms , but yet ppl believe Q sent us here i came 2 find out if that is the case or not ....wwg1wga

Crumbly ago

QAnon said 8chan was the only place he would communicate with us, QAnon didnt move from 8chan Post 2270: We will remain here. Q He endorsed setting up a board here on VOAT so the anons that follow him have somewhere to unite to discuss and research his posts because of Reddit's actions to silence QAnon followers. QAnon's communications will still be through 8chan.

kestrel9 ago

This is something I posted earlier that seems to address your comment

Q didn't say anything about this board. NR did. NR led a group of redditors to a chan board and said no one would be on voat. NR was wrong.



Q 2266: Q is Coming to VOAT!! by Qdini in theawakening

  • [–]Qdini [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

Q only posts on 8chan (for security reasons)

This site is just a meeting place for Q followers. We can decode and discuss relevant issues. Super Users and Mods will grab the Q posts from 8chan and post them on this sub as well.

Q wanted a non chan site and it's voat. QRV has a purpose to reunite the scattered redditors who were not on voat and have an anon subverse. Those who either don't like or trust mods on the existing boards have the new board to reside in but they still need ccp so they have to venture out. Most everyone else will likely utilize all three to some degree.

Steelerfish ago

Is it a coincidence that shortly after Srayzie extended the olive branch and combined the boards on a set for simplicity that a third anonymous board was thrown together?

Type-o-Negative ago

@srayzie is brilliant for coming up with the idea of combining the boards, it forced their hand even more because they were losing even more control and what little non-transparency they had left.

poomatter ago

This is what confuses me the most. No explanation given. Just here ya go. Yet another forum change.

Type-o-Negative ago

They need everyone divided and control the narrative.

poomatter ago

So if Q's tripcode has been hacked, then why has Q not said so and established another?

Type-o-Negative ago

Unfortunately, I do not know what is going through the Q teams mind, as there is only 10 of them.

Fateswebb ago

Actually it doesn't make any sense, if they wanted you to be a mod they would have just joined your sub and not created a new one. It seems clear to me the only reason they created a new one was so they could control it. Or maybe the entire things a psyop and it's not even the same people. Idk.

ChrisTheAngler ago

Something fishy going on but I'm here also. Time will tell.

larryhuston ago

Participating in a upvoat farm will get you spanked, Mr. -12

the_Green_Chain ago

When the code is cracked it is usually fixed rather quickly. What I want to know is, who is this "BO" suppose to be?

Patriots4Trump ago

“Board Owner”

the_Green_Chain ago


Northwestsue ago

Board owner

the_Green_Chain ago


srayzie ago

I think theee is definitely something shady going on. I do not trust that mod team and especially Neon Revolt. But, instead of Q’s Tripcodes being hacked, it could be that he’s unaware. I’m gonna go gather some screenshots of my own. Neon Revolt is nice and comfy with the board owners in 8chan. If these guys are corrupt. And Neon Revolt is corrupt. and he’s connected to the 8chan board, Q may have no clue. I think QResearch is compromised.

I think your screenshots are awesome and you have done so good at capturing all this as it’s unfolder. Now, how do we get the attention of Q?

Aaronkin ago

No outside comms, has be done on 8han.

Are_we_sure ago

Ah, history repeating itself.

If only the Czar knew how badly the landlords treated the serfs, he would change things.

If only the Fuhrer knew how the Gestapo treated Germans, he would change things.

If only Q knew, how the mods were treating the anons, he would change things.

Type-o-Negative ago

Someone on the thread said the Q link to 8chan went redirected somewhere else.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'See how they panic when they don't get an easy way in?' was posted in v/whatever by @NotHereForPizza and refers to this comment.

This notification (#547) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

So why have a share flair on this then? Looks like you are acknowledging this Q hacked tripcode theory.

TNLunatick ago

I’m almost positive that Q is aware of everything EVERYONE is doing. Use logic. I’m going to watch it play out and see what happens.

GranimalSnake ago

I agree... there's supercomputers sitting in the NSA. They monitor everything. Q clearly has access and a team.

If there's active deception afoot, it will be uncovered. All we need to do is follow the truth straight from Q and stop worrying about these distractions... outside those people exposing them for what they are that is.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Going by this post and the creation of QRV... My logical conclusion is that this sub-verse is also comped in some way. No choice but to trust Q.

Type-o-Negative ago

I have no idea how to contact Q. Everytime I respond to his post it is always capped at 750. It is worse than trying to call a radio station trying to win free tickets.

Any 8chan people here?

KKOH ago

Maybe tweeting POTUS will get you better results.

InsaneOrange ago

When that bread gets full follow the next bread link and keep going. Don't expect a reply from Q either. It's a hit or miss since there are so many on the board.

Type-o-Negative ago

Problem is I get lost from there.

bulrush ago

8chan threads are capped at 750 replies, that's it. You have to make a new thread to maybe contact him. He might also be too busy to reply.

Type-o-Negative ago

I will try that then.

Silverlining ago

You just did - I felt my algorithm change...

BlueDrache ago

capped at 750

That's by Sharia Blue design.

betadynamique_ ago

What are the functions of VOAT in terms of how many submissions and points you need to open a new subverse?

Type-o-Negative ago

10 ccp I think, dont quote me.

WTFChuck ago

Why would these guys with NR say everybody should use voat (via v/theawakening) just long enough to prep to head to 8chan, then turn around and send everybody back to voat to v/QRV? My take on this last night was that Q was taking control of that hinkey situation. Either Q didn't like how that whole thing went down and was fixing it or they figured out that there's no way 8chan would be able to handle all the traffic and needed to throw up a detour.

Type-o-Negative ago

That doesnt make sense because Q told us that the reddit mods were controlled (#1849 I believe). Why would Q steer us into a room with comped mods and suddenly talk about aliens?

WTFChuck ago

Okay, maybe I'm not following what you meant initially. Were you saying Q's tripcode was hacked when he steered everybody to voat last night? Or are you talking about when the alien stuff was being discussed?

Type-o-Negative ago

I think it has been compromised since all the alien crap started.

jbo5112 ago

It's quite odd, especially the aliens, which Q would have to know would draw a lot of unnecessary, negative attention from the masses. However, if something did happen with the tripcode and fake posts, wouldn't Q address it on patriotsfight?

TruthIsMyReligion ago

More likely that you are butthurt because the "alien crap" breaks down your world view.

Type-o-Negative ago

Hey nigger faggot, I do believe in life beyond our speck of a planet in this universe. What a shill.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

So why call it "alien crap"?

Type-o-Negative ago

oh, someone needs spoonfed...

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Try defending your position without an insult.

Type-o-Negative ago

Okay troll, what is the superficial question you want to ask?

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Your "alien crap" statement appears highly emotional and makes me doubt your stability on this hacked tripcode theory.

Type-o-Negative ago

Awwwww, isn't that swell, a concernfaggot. You are so boring, I am going have to block you now. Take care :)

MrDarkWater ago

Don't be a faggot

Azurenightsky ago

Are you fucking retarded? You were asked a straight question and you flake on it, turn around and censor like a cunt. Fucking faggotry is off the fucking charts here. Jesus fucking Christ.

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

It was more the way it was dropped so casually with no follow up.

To be precise: Q didn't say 'aliens exist'. He confirmed Roswell could only be accessed with the highest security and then said 'think of the vastness of space.'

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Casually dropped? It was a Q and A.

"Are we alone? No." - This is Q confirming aliens exist. The next logical question is have they visited Earth? Highest classification!

I can understand why people have trouble with this. It took me many years to even contemplate alien theory. But then you start applying your newly found critical thinking skills to this realm of info and begin to understand the tech they are hiding. The tech frees the planet.

WTFChuck ago

The alien stuff is a bridge too far for you? So you haven't read Bill Cooper?

Type-o-Negative ago

The alien part is a "Oh look, it's shiny!" just a distraction.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

As I remember Bill flipped his position on Aliens. Let me try find the source...

pixelkitteh ago

also he/they just asked 8ch to increase servers... why do that and then direct people somewhere else??

MolochHunter ago

what troubles me though is why hasnt Q posted again to say his feed was compromised

he did that before in pretty swift fashion

Blacksmith21 ago

What's the plain English version of the post for those over 30?

TrumpProphecy1 ago

So with you on that! Im like wth?

Lividdeplorable ago

Good thinking, we need Voat translate; perhaps the over 30 version and an over 60 version.

MolochHunter ago

the allegation is that Q's feed has been hacked /hijacked as purportedly evidenced by the stylechange of Q's language, and by virtue of the evidence that the mods on the new QVR board were reddit enemies of FoT - who was calling the rddit mods out on their controlling the narrative bullshit

is that a reasonable summary @Type-o-Negative ?

Blacksmith21 ago

Clear as mud ; )

Q was comp'd several times. Didn't Q then just go to a more tripcode?

Type-o-Negative ago

That would be spot on Hunter.

MolochHunter ago

do i remember rightly, FoT was an actuual moderator himself before he fell out with the compromised reddit mods ?

Type-o-Negative ago

I was a mod on the new board on the sub FoT for almost a month.

Type-o-Negative ago

I think they were playing good cop vs bad cop in order to divide the group. FoT played good cop.

Its the AJ vs Corsi tactic.

WTFChuck ago

Yes, he was.

Type-o-Negative ago

I think he was giving them rope to hang themselves with or maybe Q was testing us too.

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

It's a bit late in the game to be testing us. We're all still here despite the rest of the world thinking we're a bunch of nuts.

Type-o-Negative ago

Actually, I think it would be SOP. Think about it, how many times have you heard a US service talk about an incident and they thought it was just another routine drill?

MrDarkWater ago

That doesn't mean we don't need to stay vigilant against attacks that come our way. Lessons learned: don't trust anything without evidence.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I'd believe it. This seems more like a target ted campaign to get attention on Voat to get it de-platformed like all other free speech platforms.

That's the Jew Globalist/NWO/Cabal's MO.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

That was my fear.

Qrusader ago

Does it make sense when you always have 8ch as backup?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

After giving it some thought.. only if Voat was initially created by the same group responsible for Q in the first place, and this is just the end-game.

Playing devils advocate to oneself can be a bitch at times.

Type-o-Negative ago

Yeah, devils advocate is a bitch sometimes, and that may very well be a reason.