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NoisyCricket ago

The Reddit mods created /v/theawakening. They appear to be compromised. Which includes Neon Revolt, who apparently was also one of the mods. In order to control the migration they screwed up real bad then they threw mud at the pre-existing /v/GreatAwakening sub - declaring them compromised for the thinnest of illogical excuse. Which in turn caused the newbs to doubt that sub. The result was an angry division of people. When the Reddit mods/NR learned that they would not be able to hold totalitarian control over their herded flock they then encouraged everyone to retreat to 8chan before they lost total control.

The result is that both /v/theawakening and /v/GreatAwakening was left injured in the minds of many on both sides of the camp. Most do not believe it was accidental. Additionally the mods from /v/theawakening kept fanning the flames and continuing to screw over the people there and lie about it. Which in turn created transparency reports of what was going on which the other side took as more fanning. The damage was done - to both. Repair seemed unlikely because of bad actors.

Q's fix is to use a trusted third party to come in a create a new sub. This sub. /v/QRV. This way everyone can heal and come together and it removes the corrupt Reddit mods + Neon Revolt from the control over the users and restores faith in the community here. Win-win.

Now everyone can find a home in a more comfortable, Reddit-like setting. Very large numbers of people were not comfortable at the chans. So this is a good home for the majority of people.

Crensch ago

Except the mods of the new sub are the same ones from the TA sub

NoisyCricket ago

No they are not. They are people from 8chan, not Reddit.

People keep pushing that but it's not true. Also, Q gave the blessing to these people whereas he never did for the corrupt mods of TA.

kneo24 ago

You are wrong about this. Two of the mods are the same people that ran v/TA. Breadbox is an alt of RonaldSwansong, and PenShitLord is some trusted member of their team. 8bit seems to be really the only new addition here, and it's suspect as fuck at the moment.

NoisyCricket ago

What evidence do you have to support that claim?

kneo24 ago

Besides NR claiming they're the exact same people running v/TA in his article that's linked (something which you should read).

Here's the PenShitLord thing.

Here's the connection between Breadbox And RonaldSwanSong -

NoisyCricket ago

Besides NR claiming they're the exact same people ru

Well, we already know that NR is dishonest. He is the #1 shit stir here which created most of the problems with the initial migration. He has no credibility here.

Your other connects are iffy and do not directly substantiate your position.

Look, if you check my comment history you can see where I stated the comment is, "at least some of the mods are compromised, according to Q." What we do know is that the number of corrupt mods coming from Reddit is > 0 and <= all. We also know that Q has acknowledged the creation of the sub and that he agrees that the mods are 8chan BOs. This combined with public logs means the risk remains very low. Especially since much of your position is based on that of a known liar.

Nothing wrong with trust but verify. But I personally do not find your argument moving. Especially in light of the momentum against it.

ESOTERICshade ago

An incredibly small number, a handfull, control the largest venus of the Q movement. They controlled the Reddit sub, youtube channels, sites like Neon's that sell merchandise, etc...The player list has changed over time but the intent is the same. That intent is to MAKE MONEY.

inb4..."prove it"

I learned this over a long period of time and dozens of hours. I can't give you one paragraph that will prove it.

NoisyCricket ago

I completely agree that there are many who are attempting to cash in on things. Including Neon Revolt. No demands to "prove it" will originate from me. It's rather obvious. If you check my comment history you'll find my attacking some for exactly this point. Selling pens and t-shirts to a captive audience isn't exactly pushing the movement.

Which is not to say I have issue with a bit of capitalism. But the attempts to create a captive audience and pressured sales annoys me greatly.

kneo24 ago

These are assumptions we've held since things kept popping up. Things we were able to deduce as lie, after lie, from that team crept up. A known liar like NR is going to tell some truths to look like a guy who is in the know. It's how people like him keep up their game. It also confirms out suspicions that we deduced from other sources.

So, you're ignoring evidence now? Is this how you're going to play your game? I gave really direct evidence of PenSHITLORD. By all means, deny the reality that exists there.

Also ignore the fact that the screenshots are from their discord server. By all means, ignore actual proof definitive proof.


NoisyCricket ago

So, you're ignoring evidence now?

That's some bullshit.

One can only weigh the evidence on both sides and see the tilt of the scales. I already explained this. The bulk of the evidence simply contradicts your position. I'm not declaring you wrong. I legit see your caution. I'm simply stating it's not on a strong footing. Seems very weak, especially considering a liar is supporting your position; raising a serious red flag in its own right. To which I added, "Nothing wrong with trust but verify. But I personally do not find your argument moving. Especially in light of the momentum against it." That momentum was also explained.

Just because we reach different conclusions doesn't mean anyone is ignoring anything and your mischaracterization of my assessment is dishonest. As I already made clear I'm not ignoring it.

If you're right, I'm sure we'll know soon. Or most obviously, Q will step in again. If Q doesn't then we also have the answer. If you're wrong, nothing will change. In either case, it's a wait and see and a trust but verify.

kneo24 ago

That's some bullshit.

You are being pants on head dumb right now. How is, that you deny, the PenSHITLORD connection even when ignoring the screenshots from type-o? I gave a direct link of how a mod from v/TA vouches for PenSHITLORD, and now PenSHITLORD, as we can see, is a mod over on v/QRV. To say that the evidence at least for this isn't "moving" or convincing enough clearly shows you have some cognitive dissonance going on there. The evidence is irrefutable for this part.

Just because we reach different conclusions doesn't mean anyone is ignoring anything and your mischaracterization of my assessment is dishonest. As I already made clear I'm not ignoring it.

You're being a weasel about this, and using weasel words. The dishonesty is all on you.

If you're right, I'm sure we'll know soon. Or most obviously, Q will step in again. If Q doesn't then we also have the answer. If you're wrong, nothing will change. In either case, it's a wait and see and a trust but verify.

Q probably cares very little for the lower level minions here. Voat isn't meant to be a permanent home anyway. It's temporary. It's all in the drops.

NoisyCricket ago

Q does care that the information is controlled and limited. If this isn't done no one should care. That's the point.

You then go on ignoring an important point I made above. It's ironic that you choose to ignore information while falsely claiming I've done so.

kneo24 ago

Q does care that the information is controlled and limited. If this isn't done no one should care. That's the point.

I don't think those people would actually try to pull that stuff again. That doesn't mean they deserve to sit on those moderation spots. It taints things. I'm also not going to ignore the fact that Q probably has bigger plans ahead for herding everyone to Voat temporarily.

You then go on ignoring an important point I made above. It's ironic that you choose to ignore information while falsely claiming I've done so.

Oh, so it's only a problem when I do it, but not when you do it.

I didn't ignore your point, I just simply found it irrelevant, as the issue now is that you're characterizing irrefutable evidence as "unmoving" or "weak". You asked proof for a direct link, you got one solid one. Please, keep showing your cognitive dissonance here on the issue.

NoisyCricket ago

Look, I see you around a lot and I really don't understand why we're butting heads here. I acknowledged yours points and have now repeatedly stated I will "trust but verify." That's not rocket science to understand what that means or implies. There really isn't anything else to be done until something is done to justify more. By your own acknowledgement, that seems unlikely.

You can choose to claim, "cognitive dissonance", for me, but that's neither accurate nor honest. Especially since I've repeatedly acknowledged your comments. Which, if you're honest about it, does imply at least some cognitive dissonance on your own part.

We don't have to see the world identically. If you believe we do, then it you who are faultering. The insistance that we see the world identically appears to be where you've gone into the weeds.

kneo24 ago

You keep speaking out both sides of your mouth here. "I see your posts, but.." and then, "Well it's not strong evidence". Who the fuck do you think you're kidding here?

NoisyCricket ago

I encourage you to re-read what I actually stated because you are now sounding a bit unhinged and delusional.

kneo24 ago

Here's what you've written so far with your goal post shifting double speak:

Your other connects are iffy and do not directly substantiate your position.

Nothing wrong with trust but verify. But I personally do not find your argument moving. Especially in light of the momentum against it.

The bulk of the evidence simply contradicts your position.

I acknowledged yours points and have now repeatedly stated I will "trust but verify."

Especially since I've repeatedly acknowledged your comments.

It's nothing but weasel words, maybes, I don't believe you's, and more maybes. At no point will you admit to be wrong about the direct link between v/TA and PenSHITLORD despite me having clearly laid it out. All because you want to hide behind the "well maybe, it's not strong, but I see your position and I'm not telling you're wrong"

Acknowledging one's comments is fucking irrelevant. I've acknowledged yours to, and have found severe fault with them. And how long does it take to "verify" the evidence I gave for the point above? How is a direct link "iffy"? How are screenshots from their discord "iffy"? You're extremely vague in your assessments, but absolutely refuse to go any further with explaining why they're not good enough. One would think after all of this criticism I've given you over these comments, you would go back and say, "well this is why I think they're not working well". Repeatedly saying, well "NR says the same thing" doesn't actually make it worse evidence because honestly it's easy to disregard what he says and let said evidence stand on its own and ultimately, a poor refutation on your part.

NoisyCricket ago

At some point you'll need to stop sticking your head up your own ass and claim everyone else is farting.

It's not like I'm a somebody. You should ask why you care so much what I think? Why do you care that someone wants facts and evidence AND a pragmatic understanding of the implications? To date, unlike me, you've refused to address the later. Interesting, isn't it. Dishonest much? It's interesting how you've refused to acknowledge anything but your own head up your ass.

If you care to extract your head from your ass long enough to answer a simple question, why are you purposely choosing to ignore everything I stated which agrees with what you've stated? You see, this is how I know you are unstable, dishonest, and certainly not interested in intellectual honesty.

At the end of the day, what is it you want? What do you expect me to do about it? Do you honestly expect me to stop thinking for myself and mindlessly repeat what you proclaim? Can you even answer this without your head exploding with more convoluted projection?

Yet, more simply, why are you attacking people who, according to you, are on the same side? Do you really understand who's side you're on?

kneo24 ago

Listen Cricket fuck face, it's more weasely shit from you. This is why I care. I don't care if you're a nobody, or a somebody. You keep claiming on one hand that the facts and evidence just aren't quite there, and now you're claiming you agree with me.

You wanted evidence that there was a link between the v/TA mods and v/QRV. While I can admit that the screenshots one might find a little tenuous, I do not understand why you would find the direct links to comments I have provided would somehow not be substantiative proof. It's only now that you're asking for a better explanation, agreeing with me, and now claiming I haven't done my part.

This whole fucking time, you've been running in circles around this, pinning everything you've been doing on me.

So you can fuck off with the

It's not substantive proof.

Your connects are iffy.

The bulk of the evidence contradicts your position.

And then the double speak

I acknowledged yours points and have now repeatedly stated I will "trust but verify."

....everything I stated which agrees with what you've stated?

This is why I fucking care. You foreskin breath kike rats infiltrate everywhere and blend in as best as you can and try to create doubt and sow division. This is exactly what you've done here. You've had ample opportunity to step back and adjust your position. You have refused to do so. Enjoy the gas chamber.

@Cresch, I guess the gassings must continue.

NoisyCricket ago

Listen Cricket fuck face,

I stopped right there. It's very clear you lack honesty and integrity. Again, I request that you re-read the entire exchange. Make an honest effort (I know that's asking a lot) to understand why I might be saying what I'm saying. If you really are unable to reach any other conclusion than, "weasel", then at least we can confirm that you're not nearly as intelligent as you believe yourself to be. That is a rational and inescapable conclusion.

At this point, you have lost all credibility in my eyes. Given your rapid and irrational position and ever growing anger (very child like), you likely don't care. That's fine. That said, your posts reek of projection. If you can accept for even a second that there are people who weigh and measure and evaluate with different criteria than your own, then one is left with the understanding you are projecting, what is the only possible conclusion I can walked with from this discussion? Considering the number one tactic used against us is projection...

Perhaps you should take some time to cool and and think... yes, think... If you like, browse my comment history. Because the only thing we conclude, at best, is that you're simply not honest.

kneo24 ago


Your post can entirely be summed up as "NO U".

NoisyCricket ago

Again, a child's mind.

I actually asked you to review the exchange and consider that not everyone is identical to you. But, of course, a child's mind, choosing to ignore everything else of significance, as can be observed in this entire exchange, sees only what it wants to see.

kneo24 ago

Yes, I must be a child because you keep shifting the goal posts and using weasel words, and ultimately end up speaking out both sides of your mouth. My mind is so child like that I easily pointed out your consistent dishonesty. What does it feel like to be defeated by a "childs" mind, Jew?

NoisyCricket ago

My position has been 100% conssistent. It is you who refuse to believe anything other than what you project upon others. You have been consistently dishonest with projection.

Nice projection there.

You wanted evidence that there was a link between the v/TA mods and v/QRV

And can you string together the various comments which address this? Can you prove that you actually understood what has been said? Thus far the only thing you've proved is that you are dishonest and project. Do you really not understand a simple phrase, "trust but verify?" Do you really not understand that we should watch for actions? Do you really expect people to accept that you know better than Q? Because ultimately that's what this hinges upon. You're childish projection only validates the point.

At the end of the day, what is it you want? What do you expect me to do about it? Do you honestly expect me to stop thinking for myself and mindlessly repeat what you proclaim? Can you even answer this without your head exploding with more convoluted projection?

Notice you refuse to answer this. Of course you noticed.

As can be clearly seen in this exchange, the only person sowing division here (unless, of course, you're claiming Neon Revolt has been entirely honest) is you and only you. Again with the projection...

kneo24 ago

Whoa foreskin breath, that's a lot of rewriting the history of events there.

For the record, you stated it wasn't good evidence, that the momentum was against it and then at the end said "trust but verify" and when I asked how it wasn't strong evidence, your response was, "well because NR", despite me having stated this is stuff we (as in the Voat community) put together before his article ever dropped.. When I kept pressuring you on the words you use, like "not strong evidence", "iffy" and other weasel words, of how something isn't strong evidence, you had zero to say except, "well I mostly agree with you, I guess, but maybe not". (Yeah, I paraphrase a whole lot here.)

So exactly which is it, kike breath?

Is it:

It's not substantive proof.

Your connects are iffy.

The bulk of the evidence contradicts your position.


"trust but verify."


....everything I stated which agrees with what you've stated?

But wait, now you're back to:

"trust but verify."

And then you pretend to wonder why you're getting what you're getting.

You can also stop with the "NO U" (again, paraphrasing). It's unbecoming of someone who wants to pretend they're being entirely civil.

kneo24 ago

It's funny, that first link you gave, goes to the same one I gave originally.

It's almost like @noisycricket likes to pretend the evidence showing direct links just isn't strong proof. Of course, this is what happens when you deal with kike rats.

Crensch ago

It's a bit of the post I'm putting together. Didn't have time to look through the previous stuff going on, just thought it'd be useful.

Apologies for not paying attention.

GoodGodKirk ago

There may be more qrv mods hidden away in a discord chat somewhere:

GoodGodKirk ago

I’ve got some things put together as well, just haven’t posted it yet. I can post them online and share my findings if that’s of interest.

At some kind of Buddhist event at the moment, where I found Obama’s new globalization efforts, with pics.

kneo24 ago


God how did I mess that ping up.