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Qrusader ago

You’ve got the EXACT SAME PEOPLE who helped create v/TheAwakening now running v/QRV. And that’s good. Make no mistake. I still trust these people.

No comment.

Xorg ago

I see different mods on /v/QRV vs /v/TheAwakening.

Curious that NR shows a screenshot of the mods on QRV (which are different from the mods on TheAwakening) but neglects to show a screenshot for for the mods on TheAwakening.

GoodGodKirk ago

Check when accounts were created. Most likely just created a new account for a new look.

Xorg ago

Sorry man, that makes no sense. There is no link between them. Actually, I'm not sorry. Can't say "don't be sheep" then claim something only sheep would follow. Try harder.

GoodGodKirk ago

If you can't do your own research, then you're one of the sheep.

mods create accounts, start subs, get assblasted, start new accounts, new subs. No links between them (that's how they were outed) except those that know in discord chats.

Be a shepherd and think how the sheep will stray and how you can get them back on track without scaring them.

Xorg ago

Fuck off, NR tried to say the mods were the same without providing any proof. HE needs to provide proof to backup his claims. I asked for proof but none was not provided.

Nice attempt at disinfo and diversion, but FAIL.

GoodGodKirk ago

Xorg ago

One mod, but apparently not all of them. If you have proof thr rest are the same I'd like to see it.

GoodGodKirk ago

Look at the last time the other mod posted, they aren’t active even in their sub.

8bit seems trustworthy from what I’ve researched so far, I like what I read about him.

But what you don’t know is there is a hidden discord chat going on with more “potential mods” talking and influencing their way in. I don’t like it.

Xorg ago

Will keep an eye on it. But I'm not seeing all the same mods in both at this point.

GoodGodKirk ago

Made a post about it:

Breadbox and penshitlord run a Q discord chat with other mods. “Srayzie” found breadbox’s farming channel, and a new user “type-o-negative” has more details about the move from Reddit to Voat, collaborating with NR to discredit users against them.

GoodGodKirk ago

Get fucked niggerfaggot, do your own research.

You shouldn’t be here. You’re too naive and need to lurk more.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

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SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'NeonFaggot whining about getting destroyed on voat' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @Crensch:

@GoodGodKirk PROVING QRV mods are the same as TA mods archive mod archive

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