Hi, I am new to this server board. My mission is clear. We prayed with 10,000 indian Pastors and 100,000 etimated jewish rabbis for election inauguration of Donald J. Trump as president. Meanwhile, my Texas based, and later Indian hosted and then Ukraine suppoprted servers blockes my blocks. So i came here, How may i get credetnitial points so that i may commit and submit?- Could anyone pls lift me up?- I am not willing to pay bitcoins for voting into a one arms bundit game.

GoodGodKirk ago

Truthfully? The best and easiest way to make points is to do what you are now...commenting in other posts. The better the comment, the more votes you get, but asking for votes is highly frowned upon.

Check out other subverses, you may find something you like, or create your own sub for it.


Hi, GodGoodKirk- thanks for the good introduction. Ok i am not asking any more for votes. I have a lot to say and hope other may estimeate this as well. Cheers

GoodGodKirk ago

Good luck on the comments! We’ve all been there at one point.


Ok, thanks. let´s go ahead and make further steps-lol

GoodGodKirk ago

I'm guessing English is your second language? Seems like an automated Asian to English translation? whatever it is, it's getting better!

  • find a sub that you like and post original content to it.
  • make comments that are on topic and help contribute to the discussion, meaning no upvotes within this thread cause it was completely off topic.

But you asked so I felt obligated to help.

Sometimes, its best to lurk (view but dont comment or make yourself known) and get to know the culture. look at posts and their responses. Upvote the ones that you like, but you may not be able to downvote. This is ok, downvoting is a privilege you earn. Besides, it's better being positive than negative, right?

After awhile, minutes, hours, days, weeks... sometimes months, go by before you post again. everyone is different. I lurked for 2months before I made my first post... You may find another great sub after this post that you get along great in.

Feel free to message me if you have questions, but sometimes it's best to just ask the community.

good luck Roz!


Thanks again- GoodGodKirk !

divine_human ago

at this point of time, does it actually matter who mods QRV? their mod logs, all three of them, are totally empty. its full chan culture, no moderation whatsoever, full transparency.

as i see it, these three Q-subs are attractive to different audience.

/TA has the heavy reddit censor mode which subsided quite a bit after goats called them out. people who easily feel offended, dont want to stumble upon spam, and need a mod to protect them from what triggers them, will feel well there.

/QRV has the chan loseness. the anonymity on QRV annoyed me at first but within a day, i found some of its benefits. even without being mods, old goats can teach the mods and users how to use their votes to keep the spam in check.

/GA is a voat sub with a mild mod culture, it seems to remove only double posts and off-topics.

does it matter that some of the heavy censor reddit crew now manage a sub with chan culture?

mods are not leaders but stewards of a sub. servants, to be totally clear.

i find this a gorgeous social experiment. our job is to flex our discernment muscels, call out the BS, and let people choose themselves.

reddithole ago

You wrote so much text...

Can you condense it down to a few lines?

Type-o-Negative ago

Open up Word and copy and paste the OPs text and break it apart since this is too overwhelming for you.

The more you know.

reddithole ago

Was just inferring that you're a long-winded faggot.

Genius lies in simplification to something like E=MC^2.

Type-o-Negative ago

Was that the best you could do, or did you copy and paste that? Either way, it was a low iQ effort.

GoodGodKirk ago

Both mods have been caught with past subs being censor heavy on unliked comments, and host a “Hillary like” discord server for mod discussions off site. They are a “deep state” like entity infiltrating the Q movement.

reddithole ago

Great explanation (that doesn't waste 5 minutes of time to understand)

GoodGodKirk ago

Never trust a 5 minute explanation without proofs. Assume you’re being lead astray.

reddithole ago

True, but there should also be an abstract (quick explanation before all the tedious details).

No abstract, and people won't bother to read the paper.

GoodGodKirk ago

oh yeah! tl; dr

kneo24 ago

I don't know if others have, but I've sent a message to 8bit about the shadiness of his moderators days ago and there was no response. I'm not even sure how active the guy is or if he even cares. I'm sure they all convinced him they were the good goys, and dindu nuffin wrong, while we're all the shills. (Ever notice how they call everyone a shill that disagrees with them almost immediately?)

GoodGodKirk ago

Usually that’s a sign of Marxism.

kneo24 ago

I keep pointing it out to them that it's the same as, "Everyone who disagrees with me is a Russianbot." and they don't seem to be able to make the connection.

GoodGodKirk ago

I hear you

Type-o-Negative ago

Great Idea for inserting 2 mods on theawakening to ensure transparency. This will also be a win for theawakening because they can finally can prove to their subscribers that all these allegations are lies and put this shit to rest.

@RonaldSwansong, @BreadTwist and @ Drogeanon the ball is in your court now.

GoodGodKirk ago

No, @8bit- needs to address this as he’s the Q approved mod, no one else that I know is.

14029475? ago

Reddit drama is to be expected from these peeps. I'd almost say this doesn't belong here but Q has specifically ordered the creation of qvr so it's now part of the conversation.

GoodGodKirk ago

Unfortunately yes. We can’t let it go cause they fuck it up for everyone in the long run. I was more of a /the_greatawakening visitor than /greatawakening due to the censorship implemented. It was required at the time by reddit rules, but not here.

I wish they would realize that.

14030143? ago

They enjoy power to much. Users will move over here as things get worse.

GoodGodKirk ago

Especially when new mods and “features” are introduced.

P_4517z ago

helpful. Newbie here to this board. Noodling around to get familiar. thx.

GoodGodKirk ago

Maybe it’s nothing, I’m hoping 8bit chimes in or at least considers the recommendations to resolve this shitstorm.

DustinFromVancouver ago

What's the bottom line?? this site considered not good? is this site lame??

GoodGodKirk ago

Rooting out infiltrators, that is all.

Battlefat ago

Settle down, read the post again, you’ll figure it out. You’re in the place you’re supposed to be. Do you go into the forest for the first time and say, “Where are all the fucking bears?!” Or do you wait quietly for the Grizzly to sneak up on your ass? Neither. Respect the forest and you’ll see a bear up close if you get lucky, otherwise enjoy — you’re in the goddamned forest for Christ’s sake

GoodGodKirk ago

Brilliant. You should post more of these types of comparisons, I’m sure you have a bag of them to pull from and help explain from a different point of view.

ImPhilippe ago

Im more worried about all of you fucking faggots spaming useless and pointless bullshit

Type-o-Negative ago

Did you know SPAM was a very popular food staple in 1950s?

incey ago

you say that however posting useless shit is encouraged to maxmise involvement, at least it was in another subverse. i could link it but i cbf

GoodGodKirk ago

over target